| Czechs Likely First To Buy jet Airliners Built In West By ANTHONY GREY only Russian Uyushin and. TU- PRAGUE (Reuters)--Czecho-|104 and TU-124 jets have been slovakia appears likely to be the|resident, except for a few Brit- first of the Fast Kuranean coun. nv sae to buy Western jet air- ners, British and American aircraft ® ' ' salesmen hope this may he thel coms ts have been widened by Misses' and Women's spearhead of a sales break-|the likelihood of the nearest through in the region. contender from the Soviet Un- y Representatives of the British|ion, the Ilyushin-62, being about Aircraft Corp., Douglas and twp years behind schedule. Boeing have all made recent) gales to Czechoslovakia could sy visits to Prague, and the British 3 have high hopes of selling theltres' such as Poland: and, Aus super. VC-10 to Czechaslovak|iria since one of the problenis : Abe sleek new airliner with [ Daeg reg oma ont bard its four rear-mounted engines is betel nd pd Bath Ba @ believed to be particularly sult-| sonvicing centre. This could be Much Below Usual P rice ! able for the Czechoslovak long-| ore economic 'serving two 'or . distance routes to Havana and more aitlines Peking. There has been talk of pack-|, gga sng already gy a & tish - built Britannia on fis 4 vies ; Sree, wire aircralt for £11~-/ Havana route but this is'renied| This cool Summer style is lightweight baie on contract from Cuba. NOW HAVE SOVIETS The government is in the} 9d comfortable... styled with elas- Whichever of the planemukers|throes of experimenting with de- er ; : wins the contract, the Western|centralization and profitmotive| ticized waist hidden by a self belt. jets will be flying in and out ofjeconomic reforms more far- East European airports wherelreaching than any yet intro- duced by a Communist country. Because it's made of Acetate jersey Bottl Of B Efforts to get the economy mov-| it requires a minimum of core... ing again after a long period of Z ' P e Cr ine atl may be a contribu- washes like a charm, dries quickly , "yy i itary reason for Czechos)vakia's p : ; oe ee " Free If Shaken 'esdiness to step into the West-| and needs little ironing; also it's a ' jern jet aircraft market. j NEWLYWEDS TOASTED TOKYO (Reuters) -- A hotel} good traveller. Choose from a wide |proprietor in central Japan is} " WIT " TE ; : Comedian Danny: Kaye, and Gunther Sachs at his nese dinner in their honor Vegas, Nev., where they ledvortisine 4 free bottle of Saar EAVES janare WATER range of floral prints on white right, proposes a toast to home in Hollywood last shortly after they arrived were married, lfor each of his guests whenever WHITEHORS - Rg id Be newlyweds Brigitte Bardot night, Kaye cooked a Chi. in Hollywood from Los (AP Wirephoto) | the hotel is rocked by an earth- cis Valawe aged rw grounds. Predominant vivid Summer | a ~~ |quake recording three on the lized the rescue of a workman | Richter scale. sate dete. piel "ihe. wall shades.. Sizes 12 to 20; half-sizes 5 ® | {pinned under a 22-ton bulldozer, He hopes in this way to tide ae uta ' ! New Prison | Bulldozer Johnny In Line | Since turning over the busi-| over tae bacinies Hint caused| Nencan yp erty is og 14% to 24/2 in the group. | jness to his sons, he has con-|by the 'Matsushiro. earth- |well failed to produce enough | " . jcentrated on public relations! quakes," which have been | watey and Indian agency offi- ue 0 ost or ta 1an nl t 00 jand fund-raising for charity, in-|rocking the hot-spring area in|ciais are studying the possibil- | icluding eo fund drives -- central Japan since last sum- ity of connecting the village | an annual Christmas party for ¥ ; j ' ic' 7 594 000 | TORONTO (CP) -- Bulldozer) resentment. Johnny lost his job./orphaned children. of tania: Oaths violerit quakes bring in- Mowd og Whitehorse municipal SPECIAL, each ' ' |Johnny gets an Italian knight-| He protested and was rein-|tion workers. creased benefits to the guests. |. ' jhood July 8, having first re-)stated, but the insults from) He makes his headquarters in| For scale 4 shocks, for instance, : MONTREAL (CP) -- A sod-|ceived assurance that accepting | other workers continued and he|g broadloomed, panelled' office| the proprietor promises a 50- MANY VISIT PARKS turning ceremony Saturday|the title won't force him to give! resigned. jon Toro Road (named after|per-cent discount on the hotel} About 130,000,000. Americans marked the beginning of con-|¥P his Canadian citizenship His first paving contract as|him by the township of North|bill. A scale § shock wouldjare expected to visit U.S. na- struction of a modern, spacious) Bulldozer Johnny is nen eat-lan inde pendent businessman| York. cancel the bill altogether. 'tional parks in 1966. maximum security institution} ¢ e ' or &/was for $1.25 to fill one crack 2 that will somaee' the . aging, |"Toup of paving companies that/in a sidewalk. Today the owns & overcrowded St. Vincent de|€™mploy 140 workers and gross|Adyance Paving, Toro Asphait, Paul penitentiary north of Mont- | $4,000,000 a year. Metro Asphalt Building Prod- | WIN A FREE : real, A native of Italy who came/ycts and Fasco Realty. They're ba Officiating at the ceremony at|!® Canada in 1920, spent twolrun by his two sons, Edward, | N I H T 0 N T H E T oO WwW N ol a casneneeanee? EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 247 \ Ste. Anne des Plaines, 30 miles a in Fang = __ ee 36, and Tom, 25. north of Montreal, were George |/0" 45 @ 92-a-week delivery boy.) 4 fosmer amateur wrestler : Mcliraith, federal minister of|Mr. De Toro has been honored) 11) sii has the flat-stomached| PHONE 725-7373 ; ; "adi ac.| several times fér personal hero- public works, Leo Cadieux, as-|S?vera : look of an athlete, Bulldozer sociate minister of national de-|'5™ Johnny has been honored four| $¢ U GOG KELLY DISNEY fence, and A, J. MacLeod, com- Now, 'chiefly because of his times by police for heroism He | >) missioner of penitentiaries. ds for ag goo -- the saved girl from an: attacker iH L E A N E R $ USED CARS LTD. The institution, to be built at|}C@mpaign for relief for flood. oe pare ia ae i an estimated cost of $7,594,000, Stricken Longarones, Italy, the|iiiet In downtown Toronto, ac] 24 Cromwell Ave, Oshewe will be situated on 530 acres of penan government will make |tempted unsuccessfully to save 723-1159 Exclusive HAIR STYLING land used as a munitions depot|him a cavaliere ufficiale| A : FOR MEN GUARANTEED USED CARS cell a 7 ra» (dell'Ordine al Merito knight|@ drowning infant, and organ- "Branch Stores" : during the Second World War. | erito--a_ knight Eh seni onaceati8| SE ORO OuIAWA wn "We are never satisfied until It will accommodate 450 prise] the Magara ooo - 398 Sates St. N. OSHAWA ; ey OEMIL HAHN iat ere! 6 onets and will be guarded by|tion will be made in Rome 18) Bond St. W. OSHAWA ht, 364 Wilson ' approximately 250 officers with) It took more than two years as in newer FORY FERRY 905-2932 |) ae Rood Seuth 1200 mes EAST an annual payroll of about/for Johnny to get Canadian ap 130 Brock gt. N. WHITBY $1,400,000 proval after the title was: first 668-4341 ym ©6728-6007 WHITBY ONTARIO Bach of the cells in the nine |offered. He has been a Cana In Vancouver be 70\dian citizen since 1933 and two-storey blocks will t . square feet ea and will be/didn't want to run the risk of) VANCOUVER (CP) -- A 250-| 5 ; sped pha ld MERCURY TAXI equipped with a sink and toilet, |!osing it by accepting a foreign| block section of South Vancou | SHORTY ) WMA ca NURSERY CENTER : : Six courtyards. will be con- | title. ver was threatened with' disas- CIGAR structed to provide exercise and) Ralph Cowan, Liberal MP for|ter early Saturday when more recreation space, and a main|York - Humber, sponsored the/than 1,000 gailons of gasoline STORE Ky * Highest Quality Nursery Steck exercise field 23 acres in area application for permission and! spilled into the sewer system Ssyeett Be ag ye ---- A : will also be built. jit has come through, in writing,} Gasoline fumes seeped into Neha ey abl es ee IO | 24 HOUR A double chain-link fence will/from the citizenship department) houses through Saseehent Nga Magee one John Brouwer Garden : SERVICE surround the 10-inch-thick cell- at Ottawa. The two men are sumps and caused an explosion + von Ki ctype! x _-- Centre & Landscaping "Radio cabs, os near as your blocks, Four towers will provide|Colleagues on the board of|in one home, minor fires in two nds of Pipe Tobacce 668-3396 telephone!' enards with an excellent view|'orthwestern General Hospital) others and forced police to] Hours: 8 ¢.m. to 10 p.m, daily undated: Wonk of Whitby on Hwy. 2 || 14 Albert St. of the grounds and fence. in Toronto evacuate another 500 homes 121 Brock N. 668-8361 Near Red Wing Orbarda 725-4771 ~ | SPURNED IN W AR The gasoline was spilled when | truck . j . It was getting the cold shoul-|# loaded tractor-trailer 1ots la der in the Second World War uppes ile ae ete t The WILSON BATTERY HOW T0 WIN vecause of his Italian ancestry|€? Shorlly after midnight. the | driver suffered only a cut hand SALES & SERVICE Each week for 26 weeks you can win LJ that started Mr. De Toro in OW ine r business: for himself \ city engineer said the gas- a "Night on the Town", compliments Batteries For All Ty pes Of | of the participating businesses on this In 1939 he volunteered for the, lime poured down the street advertisement. All ew " Z b t ! a is A you are required to NEW DELHI (AP)--A rail-\poap but, being 28. married} @ainage system, connected to Jo is read through each advertisement way engineer in eastern India! ang 4 father, he was told to go|'@ Sanitary sewer system Boot Batteries carefully, There will appesr In a num hawa's Finest pulled his passenger cars onto , . : . ' a Tarpaulin Repairs er oF ine advertuements Gocr Nevrs i ome and await call-up, He was The main danger was from por the letters forming the name of one Styling Shoppe 1 side track to let the Bombay |, : lete B ; f the participating businesses. Cor- : a : 1en working for Ontar gas fumes seeping onto homes Complete Battery Neéds WP a F 9 Dusingsses. "Lor Mail Express go by, What fol-| ario Hydro I rectly identify the business each" week THE HOUSE ; following year Italy en-| through basement sumps . and send your answer along with your > »ty 7 "9 pte! Bie dy "Nia "9 ~ lowed was preiictable. _ttered the war on Germany's} Residents evacuated homes in 723-3512 ame and address to 'Night on the OF WOMAN . Shouting passengers, &M8TY| cide and Italian-born people in| t} Firemen hosed d 641 Cromwell A Osh Hts Tee Ts cites mer eae 27 K 21 ' ' _ P . oF q nf " ~~ | Syste pean eopie in i area remen hosed down ve. shawe | Times. The first correct answer drawn ing St. E. 725-43 i * : 7 es at the delay, attacked the loco-\Canada encountered a tide oflthe road each weak will win a night on the . a OX T AUTOMATIC motive and put the engineer town, Entries must be received no > later than Friday noon of each week. 8 BAS ' Bi and crew to flight, They next ai : : dispatched a station-master to a Featuring This Year" ssaaniiag G L H 5 E 4 $ 14 Ft, Aburinum YOU RECEIVE hospital with bone fractures ; ' and beat his wife. : Battling police all the while t S & U (S LAPSTRAKE . Mair Style for the lady et the BODY p the pe ers then spent The House of Women, he die : . ng i a ' . RUNABOU + Hair Style for the men et Rudy's three busy hours ripping up Sleeper Seats, Flat Vinyl, Floor, Holrstyling for Men. Formerly Cook's Body Shop tracks, tearing down signal Long Shaft, Padded Desh $ . One Cesucl Dress and one men's . ck 8 $ Best Value In Town 820, sult dry cleaned et leaden Cleenete "Complete Collision, Body end " and cutting telephone lines. Six eu \ ' g \ . ort the t) » pe express trains (including the Extra money just in time OSHAWA Mercury "Tex, stg : aps cenaires e ( + Dinner for twe in the oom et Bombay Mail) and three locals were delayed for hours, to supplement your YACHTHAVEN a pg ag i an 728-8542 A This is a not uncommon ex { "> Har r : Regent Theotre, 175 Kine St. W. ample of the fine art of rioting : ) vacation budget. bou . 723-1901 |y. Enterteinmant. In ithe Stertiite Room 9 in India Some riot connoisseurs, who i / " a have watched howling mobs in eel MY: ANSWER Genosha Hotel many parts of the world, main- . | j ENJOY OUR tain Indian riots are as thor ough and damaging as any ( PELESHOK : CONTINENTAL BUFFET they've seen. Certainly, Indian riots spring! / . from a variety of causes : : MOTORS THE RIB ROOM TRAIN CREWS MOBBED 2 z Aside from being attacked for E For Ewe In Hrs. 11:30 - 2PM & 5-8 PM. arriving late, train crews are , USED CARS! --__--_ Mon, to Fri, . ; : MRS. VERONA JENKINS aes RXXSSSSSS AAA mobbed if accidents occur as they hurry to meet schedules. | Harwood Ave. & Ajex 49 Church St. $. 70 King &. 723-4641 They also can get stoned if not Pickering, Ont. F enough seats are available Now In Canada! India's multiplicity of lan guages, customs and religions COMFORT F bi EI e Cl h D is a regular source of trouble It ARMSTR ON G LIVING orta e€ ectric ot es ryer A riot erupted in Punjab state t's no secret -- lots of people have been doing it : : i because sqmeone threw a ciga- tor years; when you're short or need extra dollars AVAILABLE IN TWO CHOICE LOCATIONS Exclusive with EATON'S rette package at a procession for vacation, look around the house, pick out the segs whose religion 'forbids tale 3 eas 42 dich gs have any use i and 'call ge gi SOUTHWOOD PARK Just great for apartment dwellers, bachelors and smaller loads. Measures only pesue a ees anee gled to hel sen tak Oe -- ae i be H PEP snl HARWOOD AVE. SOUTH about 16% x 7/2 x 1234" deep weighs just 11-lbs. Throw in up to 2-Ibs. of 1ObR Gueating , Sata es hWAWA - AJAX damp clothing and set to one of 3-heats -- the revolving drum circulates warm Two Arrested % air until the 60 minute timer shuts it off at the pre-selected time. Sturdy beige- MODEL HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION WEEK-ENDS enamelled metal with wood-tone trim and rubber In Auto Theft ( || N F Th Tj feet. Operates on_any standard 110/120-volt A oar q OW ror € rimes Cieit: BAGH ss ois sco 0a es cee enaeecesa TORONTO (CP)--Police said MEMORIALS MARIAN . @ inday two youths have been 3 . wl '< arrested 90 miles. ft AUTO LTD. : EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 277 PHONE 725-7373 arrested 50 miles east of Quebex me ball | City with a convertible stole ~ Priced To Suit rom Rey. Norman Henry Tay [ 2 i i Y, : ery Budget Bert Budoin, President e Goed Financing Avail lor, 68, retired Toronto Anglican 3 or 3 Cemetery @ Collision Specialists Low as $2 per week. clergyman CLASSIFIED | oon Lettering @ Genera! Repeirs @ All work guoranteed for 2 Police. said Mr Taylor 9a . sf Ries ike @ Wheel Belencing -- years, WATCH FOR IT! beaten up at his apartment Fr ? i p p 1 728-311) Alignment Telephone 723-0381 nT, ben wih. 123-3492 OSHAWA || * = Sut vet cen |! BONDED ASPHALT | | EATON'S GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL SALE OF J. N. MARTIN, PROP, 728-5179 v ae gag Pe See NMS Seg! Sven's || 2 ewvit cone || PAVING CO. * | HOMEFURNISHINGS . . , COMING SOON! had not been released, i Powered Equipment TERE whe U