Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Jul 1966, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 15, 1966 Favored Brazil Plays Hungary In 'Classic' LONDON (CP) -- Brazil, fa-/Four with Chile and North Ko- vored to retain the Worid Soc- cer Cup for the third time, meets Hungary today in a game a -many-are-rating.as-s- potential classic. Brazil is out to prove it is still the team to hold the cham- pionship it last took in 1962 in Chile. Hungary is Olympic champion and striving to prove itself equal to the great Hungarian team that beat England and narrowly missed the cup in 1954. The sly British bookies still figure Brazil a 7-to-4 favorite, with England, Italy and West s Germany..the second. choices--at 6-to-1. There also is some underlying tension in the Brazil-Hungary meeting. During the 1954 quar- ter-finals in Switzerland they had a monumental donnybrook that started on the field and ended with bottles thrown off the field. Chile and Italy were involved in a similar incident in 1962. In the eight games played so far this week, there has been no real incident to offend the} sporting purists. No players have been banished from the field. Two players on each team have been tested for dope and none found. Today's Schedule Uruguay vs. France Switzerland vs. Spain Brazil vs. Hungary North Korea vs. Chile The 16 teams are divided into four groups in the tournament that ends July 30. England, France, Mexico and Uruguay have a point each in Group One. West Germany and Argen- tina lead Group Two with two jpoints. Spain and Switzerland jhave no points. Brazil and Portugal lead "UPS AND DOWNS England this month. Greaves' sentiments might, of course be: "No matter how you look at it, we're going to win the Cup," England's hopes took a dip in the first game, however, when it was held to a score- less tie by Uruguay, a 40-1 shot. (CP Wirephoto from British Information Services) Appearances to the con- trary, England's_ sharp- shooting Jimmy Greaves is not getting a closer look at the playing terrain of Lon- don's Wembley Stadium. Greaves and team-mate Ron Flowers engage in some extra training for the World Cup soccer play- downs, being played in Bookies Change Ratings Following Cup Openers where the world - champions have set up their training camp. The Brazilians have auto- Hungary and Bulgaria have no jpoints. The Soviet Union and! + kX LONDON (CP) -- Italy and West Germany have joined England as second favorites for soccers World Cup. graphed a special football Bookie William Hill 'an-| which will be the first prize in| nounced these odds: Brazil 7 to|a raffle to raise money for the 4; England, West Germany, |fund. Italy 6 to.1; Argentina 7 to 1; | Russia 14 to 1; Portugal 16 to 1; | France and Mexico, 200 to 1. HAMBURG" (CP)--Die Welt, the West German daily, says that Brazil might reach the fi- LYMM, England (CP)--Bra-jnals of the World Cup but its | zilian soccer players are help- | star Pele probably would not. ing the boys and girls of Lymm| Referring to the rough going | to raise money to build a youth|/Pele had in Brazil's 2-0 win club in the English village|over Bulgaria, the newspaper . 8 ae man (Gulgaria's Zetchev Three Wins For i sent out to" handcuff a 'Slaght - Cook' Softball Gals superman (Pele) of this tourna- ment, to hit him where he is lalways vulnerable, in his lustre, in the legend that surrounds BOWMANVILLE -- Bowman- ville Recreation Department Minor Girls Softball League games last week saw Slaght-} him, in his physical strength. - The order of the day to all Cook defeat Nichols 27 to 3; Coronation 12, Slaght-Cook 7; Zetchevs of this tournament is: | 'Sto le Coronation 9, Muttons 8 and p Pe € now.' Slaght-Cook 20 Robsons 17. The Nichols - Slaght - Cook game saw the Slaght - Cook powerhouse in action as Dar- lene Rowe, Evangeline Merk- ley, Karen Conelly, Darla Nicholson, Julia Pearson, Jayne Marshall, Marg Hemistra and Patsy Snowden were standouts at the nlate. For the losers Jane Cowle, Lee Ann Milner, Mary Davey and Gloria Staple- ton were standouts. The Slaght - Cook + Corona- tion game saw Joan Perfect, Janet Large, Sue Jones, Jeanne Thertell lead the Coronation team to victory, while Darlene Rowe, Eve Merkley and Caro- lyn Heydens were the best for the losers The Coronation-Mutton game was a real spine-tingler with Shirley Morris, Janet Large, Joye Ross and Joanne Thertell leading the way for the cafe girls. Christine Wright, Kathy Milner, Nancy Hooper and Kim Burgess played well for the losers, Robson - Slaght - Cook was a tight and high scoring game with the power bats of Slaght- Cook working well, led by Darlene Rowe, Evangeline Merkley, Karen Conelly, Darla Nicholson, Julia Pearson, Gloria Chisholm, Carolyn Hey- dens, Janye Marshall. For the Motor crew, Carrie Pearson, Cathy Macintosh, Coleen Cook, Nellie Hemistra and Lynett Holroyd were standouts. Slaght-Cook defeated. Rotary 20 to 17 in an exciting game played at Ontario Street Play- ground The big guns for Slaght-Cook were Darlene Rowe who hit two triples and a single: -Evan geline Merkley 2 MERV MARSHALL Oshawa Green Gaels SUNDAY, Game Time 7 P.M. 77. FREE! DRINK (cca TRADE MARK AE with § every 30 FINA Ai A & T MOTORS 701 Dundas St, E. WHITBY NICK & ZOLTANS 160 Simcoe St. S. OSHAWA HARRY DOVE 792 Simcoe St. S. ; HAW Nicholson -- three a . Karen Conely: two singles winning pitcher was Darlene Rowe For the losers, Karen Davis hit a home run, triple and two singles; Joy Wright, Debbie Mutton and Debbie Bromme each had two singles. HAROLD WEBBER MAPLE GROVE Group Three with two points.jover ONTARIO LACROSSE ASSOCIATION Annual Jr, "A" All-Star Game | OSHAWA GREEN GAELS 1966 O.L.A, JR. "A" ALL-STARS * WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA rea havifig none. Brazil listed Pele as a starter despite a knee injury suffered in--Tuesday's..2-0 victory..over Bulgaria, which he scored the first goal. But there was a chance they would rest him instead, saving the acknowledged master of the game for more crucial matches. Four-Goal Boys Novice Stars Three _ youngsters, David Goguen,....Robert....Small__.and Tommy Wriggett, emerged as the stars of the Oshawa Minor Lacrosse Association's Novice League _triple-header Wednes- day evening, at the Children's Arena. | Each paced his jgam to vic-| tory with a contribution of four goals. David Goguen got his four, plus three assists, to lead Tony's Refreshments to their 8-3 triumph over Union Rod- Gun, with teammates B. H. Robinson, Mike Nadeau, Steve) Zaporozan and Ian Cullen each) potting one. Jim Duignan| scored a pair and David Jobb the other one, for the losers.| Robert Small scored four! times for the Auto Workers Credit Union team's 10-3 ~vic- tory over Houdaille's Industries. Glen Kirkham was next in line for scoring honors, with three} goals, Bobby Simpson netted a} couple and Jeff Legere one, for the winners. Jeff Rorabeck, Monty Harman and _ Dave} Yuzwa shared Houdaille's three} tallies. Tommy Wriggett's four goals was the major contribution to |Nu-Way Photo's 5-0 shutout Eastview Pharmacy. Randy Bonello scored the other goal while goalie Bobby Flin-) \Italy have two points in Group'toff earned the shutout. k ke DOUG .FAVELLE St. Catharines Supertests * | (Ontario and Canadion > | Champions 1965) «| JULY 17th -- Admission $1.00 K Proceeds in aid of Injured Players Fund ond National Finals na x ty St J 1 BOTTLE OF FAMILY SIZE Cola Se REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT REQUIRED Purchase of Gasoline BE A WINNER EVERY TIME! Service Stations FOR A LIMITED TIME HACKNEY Motors 1180 Simcoe St. N. OSHAWA BILL & JAKES 449 Ritson Rd. S. OSHAWA Pele--his real name, Edson Arantes Do WNasciemenio, is;* never used--played only one full game in the last World Cup in 1982 hefore being sidelined with an injury. Hungary held off naming its lineup after its disappointing 3-1 loss to Portugal Wednesday, in which it playea well but suf- fered costly goaltending mis- takes, CHEER FOR URUGUAY British fans when France managed only a} 1-1 draw with Mexico. Most} Britons will be rooting for Uru- it will put more pressure on France and Mexico, the other| Group One teams. lorganization sponsoring the were cheered|They are being televised and re- |ported in newspapers through- having trouble keeping night guay today, with the idea that| shifts away from television sets. |with a battery of TV sets. The - closing well before the kick- "e Italy, a magazine polled |married couples in 11 cities World Cup Fever Strikes | peace. said they would watch other programs. Some husbands said they bought extra sets to keep | asking their television plans! during the World Cup games. | | Fifty-five per cent of the hus-| bands said they would watch the games at home even if their | |wives objected; 14 per cent of| suet ace gullartie: Peon: 2 ithe wives said they planned tof] 142 King St. East e B equivalent) watch, too. FIFA fever. of bitter pth serene Fifteen per cent of the wives |! 723-2721 4 'West German Production : By EDDY GILMORE LONDON (AP)--Half a billion soccer fans throughout the A. E. JOHNSON, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST bartenders serve a_ special) World Cup cocktail, If Germany} loses, they add a _drop of ver-| mouth--the Gor eute acute Its cause is the World Cup|PRINCE FOOTS BILL " OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIANCE! take advantoge of it! 24 hour ser- peng and radio dispatched trucks ol- dy to serve you. International de Football Asso-|the game at the competitions. on the nie "ee Oil Budget Plan available, ciation, the French name of the| His case of FIFA fever is cost- ing the prince about $28,000. | The government TV stations | |in the Soviet Union are devoting | ;more time to the World Cup} |games than to any other event in recent memory. In Madrid and other Spanish | cities, evening strolling has} \dropped off sharply as Spani- ards rush home to watch the games or listen. to them on their tournament in which the world's| Prince Abdullah Al Faisal, a E U E . NOW IS THE TIME top teams are vying for soc: | son of Saudi Arabia's King Fai- TO CONVERT AND CALL cer's' most coveted international/sal, brought 25 players from the prizes. {Al Ahli soecer club in Jiddah 723-3481 i games under way in British cit- ies until the end of this month. out the world, West German factories are COAL & FIFA comes from Federation to London so they could study A big hotel in Frankfurt set up a World Cup cocktail room 'radios. Most Spanish factories See the beautiful «88S wits tit) See Pontiacs... GENERAL MOTORS VALUES on new Car deals You can have all the luxury, the comfort, the extra features of a new Pontiac from this summer's day on. The dealin' season is now wide open at your Pontiac dealer's ... while all the fun and adventure of summer driving still stretch ahead. So go ahead! Track down your big, beautiful, brand-new Pontiac today. The choice of models and colors is as wide as it is handsome and a really generous trade-in allowance is waiting for you. Hit the value trail. It's OPEN SEASON and buying a new Pontiac was never easier! your PONTIAC dealer P.1466R THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED H. DICK PONTIAC - BUICK LIMITED 266 KING ST. W., OSHAWA, ONT. PHONE 723-4364 103 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY, ONT. PHONE 668-5846 Be sure to see "The Fugitive' Mondays at 8:00 P.M, -- 'The Red Skelton Show' Tuesdays at 8:00 P.M, -- and 'Telescope' Thursdays at 9:30 P.M. on Channel 6 ep

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