Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Jul 1966, p. 5

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WHITBY -- AJAX WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Water Consumption Sets All-time Record WHITBY (Staff) -- The vol- ame of water pumped by the Whitby Public Utility Commis- sion during the past week has set an all-time record. Con- sumption, compared with last spring, has increased by 50 per sent n« C. Simpson, commission manager, said Thursday the Cumping station at the lake is supplying a shade under $,000,000 gallons of filtered 'water a day. In addition about 2,000,000 gallons of unfiltered water was supplied to indus- tries, He said there has been no dif- ficulty in keeping up with the increased demand brought about fpy the prolonged heat wave. "Difficulties experienced he io cCOncumere were ra he said, to small pipes. Gy commission. is doing all in its power to rectify this situation. The members of the commis- sion will not meet again until September. Harbor Traffic Average WHITBY (Staff) -- Harbor- master David Ross said this week the volume of traffic in and out of Whitby Harbor this summer has been 'about aver- age. The largest volume of ship- ping is during the fall months when tankers bring in supplies of gasoline and fuel oil to fill the tanks at the Texaco depot n preparation for the winter. Fall is also the period when cargoes of sand and salt for use by the Department of High- ways on district roads arrive. Mr. Ross said five tankers loaded with gasoline have \visited the harbor since the opening of navigation in April. In addition 18 scows and dredgs, owned by the marine division of the McNamara Construction Co., have passed in and out of the harbor A spokesman for Namara Co. said the Whitby operation deals mainly with overhaul and rebuilding. The firm has dredges at work this summer mainly in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. During peak periods: the firm employs about 100 men. At other times the work force averages about 40 men. the Mc- firm's WHITBY PERSONALS Dr. P. D. Chubb arrived over the weekend after spending a year in Vancouver, B.C., at Shaughnessy Hospital. Dr. Chubb won the graduate fellow- ship and will continue his studies for the next three years at the University of Toronto in Ophthalmology. He will also be on the staff of Toronto Genera! Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mce- Lean, 217 Euclid St., and their daughter, Mrs. Betty Harris, are spending a week with their son, Jim McLean, at Manitoy- wadge, Ont. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Yvon Chiasson, 111 Craydon Rd., were: Mr and Mrs. Richard Laberge and their son, Luc, of Montreal. Mary Cassady, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Cassady, is spending few weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. George Kendrick, of Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Carr, Brenda and Terry Hollings, last Sunday visited Mrs. Carr's mother, Mrs. Janie Grills, who is in Campbellford Memorial Hospital, Gordon Campbell, 408 Byron St. S., is spending few weeks on a motor trip to Calgary. Mrs. George Burt and her son Walter, have returned from a week's visit in London, Ont., where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dawes. Mrs. Ralph Taylor, Montreal, is spending the week visiting at the home of her sister and brother-in-law,' Mr, and Mrs. Norville Buck, 410 Dundas St. Ww. Shelley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bradley, is cele- brating her eighth birthday to- day. To celebrate the occasion Shelley will entertain some of her school companions. Motorcycle Scramble Big Carnival Event Elderly Hold Annual Picnic | COBOURG -- More than 600 \elderly persons from East Cen- | tral Ontaria attended an annual \pienic at Victoria Park, Wed-| nestlay, } The group arrived by bus} from centres in Bowmanville, Oshawa, Simcoe, Peterborough, Campbellford, Brighton, Tren- ton and Cobourg to 'kick up their heels." They literally took over the | park, having a picnic lunch and in the afternoon providing their own entertainment in a variety show. The two-hour program fea- | |tured singers, musicians and {readers from the participating | | clubs. | The picnic was organized by | John Thorsen and his Cobourg} committee. It was sponsored | the Fast Central Ontario zone of the recreation directors As- sociation, Master of ceremonies for the program was William Workman of the Trenton recreation de- partment. One of the major pro- Plan Curb jects in connection with the reconstruction of Dundas St. E., Whitby, into a four- lane highway was the exca- vation work and laying of On Rowdyism prrore THE MAGISTRATE | PORT HOPE -- The Ganar-! aska Region Conservation |Authority instructed its field officer, Alex Ansell, to prepare a draft of park regutations to be enforced at the Sylvan Glen Park area. The authority is planning tO jandscaper was ordered to pay| put teeth into the regulations with fines up to $100 for viola- tion of park rules. The new| year-old Ajax regulations were sparked as a Magistrate's Court Thursday result of reports of rowdyism| Melvin Mills, 70 Burcher Rd in the park area. q said A. Pfundt owed him $113.16 William Austin, past in back wages for work per- man. of the authority, told formed at an oul, ae Aibtitinns Wat thava wae $1.25 between May 21 and June was more . 24. He said he started work rowdyism in Syly ( an| 4 : n Sylvan Glen than the accused at $1.15- hourly * for ; See a | ris piccostie gos Pete on but that Pfundt's wife had told : trolli th eas a him he would receive $1.25. a rolling the area twice &@) prundt said he had never told Mills that he would receive a salary increase and said he POLISH OLD BRASS had attempted to pay the youth VEGREVILLE, Alta. (CP)-- several times at the rate of $1| Old Bessie, the first fire truck! hourly. bought by this community 60; Magistrate H miles east of Edmonton, |been renovated and displayed) wages at $1.15 hourly before | by the amateur fire depart-|Jeaving court. He gave the |ment. The 1927 vehicle, in serv-| accused a suspended sentence, ice until 1950, will feature in pa-! lrades, $109.25 in back wages to a 16-) youth in Ajax chair- W. CHARGES DISMISSED Two separate charges of | impaired driving were dismiss- jen by Magistrate H. W. Jermyn. | A charge against Harry J. missed after Ajax Police Con- Stables said the accused had been driving very slowly north on Harwood Ave. and had when the police cruiser flashed | almost struck the centre median! |Beacham, of Toronto, was dis-|| Court Orders Landscaper Pay Worker Back Wages lc ' AJAX (Staff) -- A Toronto; missed striking Pickering 'Town-| attendance, at Darlington Pro-| ourtice. | William | checking ship Police Constable Kolebniak who was cars on Valley Farm Rd. Edwards and J the accused swayed in the seat when rounding the corner from Concession 2 on to Valley Farm Rd. One empty and one part drainage tile along the sides of the highway. Seen here is a view of traffic, through Yellowlees Clan Meets At Park Members of the family held their annual Yellowlees vincial Park A short business meeting was! president, | Township Constables Ken| Norma Hockaday. She and Iso-| Reaston said) hel Davis agreed to look after! conducted by the the graves of the family pio- neers A program of sports and |tary-treasurers, Bud and Marie = = Moses; sports committee, Grant and Jane Wright, DRAINAGE TILE VISTA OF HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION one of the tile in the vicin- ity of Anderson St. --Oshawa Times Photo jand Harold Yellowlees. bottle of aicohol were found in|"aces was conducted by Lois | the vehicle. Defence Counsel J, A. Mac- donald said all the evidence} contributed to her impaired and Harvey Yellowlees, and Ross and Pat Kossatz. The win- ners of special events were: most buttons on clothing, Bev- condition could be explained by|¢"ley Wright; nearest to birth- her upset condition. She pleaded guilty to the day date, Susanne Graham; red socks, Luther Short; guessing charge of having liquor in a/ Contest, Walter Short. place other than her residence Jermyn|and was ordered to pay a $25|tive are: presidents has| ordered Pfundt to pay the back' fine Members of the 1967 execu Ralph and Isobel Davis; vice-presidents, pic-|on the lawn at nic last weekend, with a good|Mr. and Mrs. A picnic supper was served the home Walter Lois Elliott Short, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 15, 1966 5 Oshawa Bowles acts es é , , wu awa Ww er the previous pth of $654,247,- Wins Singles 982 established in 1965. PORT HOPE (Staff) -- Gor-, don MacMillan, of Oshawa, WHITBY sannaiglapst Sony gran 4 Fry July ae in the singles competition at the ONE DAY ONLY SOUTH PEEL STREET Eastern Ontario Zone playdowns of the Provincial Lawn Bowl- SHOWS AT 2 AND 8 P.M. Sponsor: Police Ass'n. Ine. ing Association Saturday at) UN FOR THE FAMILY! Peterborough. MacMillan was | EL the runner-up for the Dominion Singles title several years ago. To win the district title, the Oshawa bowler defeated Merv. Brock, Bowmanville, 23 to 6; Harry--Livingstone,-Cobourg; 21} to 10 and John Regan, Bowman-| ville, 22 to 5. | Dick Adams, Whitby and W. Guppy, Peterborough, also took : part in the playdowns here. -- | In the zone final at Peter- borough Sam MacMillan and} RING George Constable, Oshawa, will represent the district in the doubles event. A Whitby rink, | composed of Lloyd Sabins, Tom} Henstock, Harry Lott and Earl) Judge, will play in the rinks event and a Whitby trio will play in the colts trebles. | DIVIDEND PAYMENTS UP Dividend payments by Cana- dian companies in the first) seven months of this year will be the highest seven-month fig- ure ever, J. R. Timmins and Co., Toronto - based investment dealer, reports. Cumulative to- AMERICA'S GREATES|I WILD ANIMAL SHOW Adult, Gen. Adm. Seat $2.00 Adult, Grandstand $3.00 CHILDREN 1% PRICE BROCK WHITBY Evening Programs Start At 7: 8:55 Saturday Matinee At 1:30 He's the eligible of She's the One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wollpeper end Murals @ Custom Draperies @ Broadioom @ C.I.L. Points end Vernishes @ Benjamin Moore Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whithy PHONE 668-5862 She's the cool Walt Disney THAT DARN Car. most hilarious comedy } with a smooth WHITBY -- One of the most|scope of the events has grown|ing in Europe and Britain as its red AGnie Mant. exciting events to be held dur | ing the Whitby County Carnival, July 30, 31 and Aug. 1, will be a _ motorcycle scramble, The event will be held July 30 at d'Hillier Park, iocated at the corer of d@Hillier St. and Highway 2. A practice will be held at 10 a.m. to familiarize the riders with the tough course which runs up and down hill, through fields and woods and crosses Lynd's Creek three times. The races proper start at 2 p.m. and will last several hours. jeach : Town\events almost every weekend year. Today there are|a Canadian representative. Nacontasio, COURSES ROUGH Because scrambles courses CLOSED COURSE are rough, the machines buck | Scrambling or moto-cross as and kick, and on some parts it is sometimes called is cross|Of the course, they even fly,| country motorcycle racing on a|taking to the air and seeming closed course. The machines |as if they will never come back| way home in Constable Fred Gallavan and Sergeant Donald Robson both agreed the accused had a mod- erate smell of alcohol on his breath, swayed when walking, and had a slurred speech, Beacham said he was on his North 'Toronto, are specially prepared compe-|to earth. There is great tech-|from Richmond Hill, when he jtetion models with lugs for traction The riders are divided into|the front wheel straight ahead,/er, classifications accord-|but the back wheel must come different | organized for various 'knobbly' |nique tires, that is ones with large| motorcycle, ing to their skill and races arejdown first, otherwise a engine | Will in. handling a_ flying and riders soon learn that you must land with} | | spill, | result. Handling a motor- became lost and ended up in Ajax looking for a gas station Defence Counsel Vernon Sing MPP for North Toronto, conviction Jermyn for a H. insufficient Magistrate Ww. Competitions will be stages for capacities. So if you see anjcycle under these tough con-| agreed. both light and heavy machines with cash awards to the win- ners, The feature race is for the Dunlop Challenge Trophy. Dunlop Canada Limited has long been a supporter of all types of. race activities in Can- ada and around the world. Empire Motor tee Batts dk ne pris listed as junior, for instance, this mean that it is for machines j with engines up to 300 c.c. and for riders in the junior, or beginner bracket This year, a Toronto Jack Hunt over in racing in international event rider, cross evenis. One rider you wilii|givves and Europe | moto-|leather pants, strong shoes and some of the riders who com: | regularly are among the | strongest and fittest men on the Canadian scene. Riders must tective clothing, pete wear full pro- helmets, iheir moiorcycies Club introduced scrambling to! most likely see racing at Whit-|are carefully inspected before | Canadian riders and fans in 1950. Since then the number of|onto who spent two years rac-/in good mechanical condition. Five Leave Farm Drive LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Five Oxford County members of the Ontario Farmers Union, under- taking a protest march of trac- tors on the highways, drove over backroads into London late Thursday after breaking away from the main body of protestors The main line of tractors, 20 strong, returned to Thamesford which they had left earlier in the day in a resumed protest by the farmers union against what they claim are low prices and provincial agricultural policies The OFU has called for major tractor demonstrations across Ontario July 25 The five who left the main body went to the Hotel London There. OFU Area Director Bill Langdon, one of the five, dis cussed with the hotel manager arrangements for the union's annual convention in 1967 ms 4 Alcan Siding @ Permanent, Decor, Finish ® Maintenance Free © Lifetime Guorantee DISCOUNT ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Registered Denier Alcan Siding of Canada Call 668-8606 Anytime by is Gunter Sauren of AJAX (Staff) -- Steven Fitz- patrick, 11, son of Mr. and Mrs J, Fitzpatrick, 681 Victoria Dr., Fairport Beach, returned home Thursday. Pickering Township Police alerted police departments across the province Wednesday night when the boy disappeared |from his home carrying a shop- ping bag No reason for his disappear- jance was .given by police this morning Build A "NEST-EGG" WITH 4% SAVINGS at VICTORIA and GREY TRUST WHITBY Fairport Beach 'Boy Returns Tor-|an event to make sure they are Farm Rd., was with impaired driving on May 29 after her vehicle narrowly DIAPER SERVICE Pick-up and Delivery Twice Weekly Ph. 668-4671 T ETHICS TOO Some in large fleecing ected in dealers, have been This is te mperfect world automobile cities the public have made ff And normally honest token bribes policem though, the percentage of unse prospective car BUYERS turn otherwise hide the true facts o and actual trade-in, tires removed back. Any experienced dealer mileage foirly accurately. He customer, sets the trade-in value. Brand new Yet seat covers ore upholstery out on a buying tour Your best guorantee of fo is to pick out a dealer who h he can; At Northside you can tion and service after delivery, the SAFESIDE DEAL WITH N NORTHSIDE CH WH 918 BROCK ST. N 2 BE ON CUSTOMERS NEED guilt with the bank's Lawyers have been caught in shady deals There are o few block sheep in every Hock, Fortunately You can beileve me, though, when | tell you that some hove It is pointless for a prospective buyer to set his mileage He merely estimates the true mileage when he some buyers still Be honest with him and he'll probably be so pleasantly sur- prised he'll do his darndest to give you the best possible deal ALKS GARS notably $5 f bw. a! > be ex Bankers mone en have rupulous dealers is very small, bock their speedometers and f thelr car, Between approisal been switched and radios is able to judge @ car's true' usually says nothing to the a dead giveway. for damaged install them before starting ir dealing on o used cor buy as a reputation for integrity. be sure of this! plus atten- which is why we say to be on ORTHSIDE CHRYSLER. new bottle anda celebrated taste... that's how gin should be! said the driving evidence was|| lightweight {ditions requires that the riders} Mrs. Virginia Grey, 49 of Val willjare in top physical shape and|ley charged || That's how White Satin is. Still made to Sir Robert Burnett's original 1770 London Dry formula; still exactly as dry and satin-smooth as. After all, when great keep a gin famous for generations sides of tl we wouldn't ying it. What we have done, ange the White Satin bottle. today as it ever v taste can | e ocean ha It's the best way we know to salute a celebrated qin. Have a look. Have a buy. White Satin! That's how a gin should be. "white satin The Premium Gin WHITE SATIN ESTD.1770 ---- -- ) V xo hate fu m the O, ginal: G Sir Robert Burnett & Co: ©. LONDON, ENGLAND DISTILLERS CORPORATION LIMITED, MONTREAL,CANADA OTH ao Bi ats

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