Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Jul 1966, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 18, 1966 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Carter Taxes Report | Expected In Autumn OTTAWA (CP)--The govern- mt mumnmia tm tenwe tha wnmawt Msie SAPSCis tO HAVES tne Fepory of the Carter royal commission on- taxation before Parliament reconvenes Oct. 3 after its sum- mer recess, Finance Minister Sharp said Thursday. The re- port by the commission, headed by Kenneth Carter of Toronto, is expected to form the basis for federal - provincial negotia- tions on a@ new tax - sharing agreement. Plan Byelections Wall Was Foreseen TORONTO (CP)--Erection of the Berlin wall was predicted months in advance at North- western University near Chi- cago, says the Canadian Peace Research Institute. The idea was rejected as pre- posterous by umpires in a "po- litical simulation" exercise, The research institute's July news report says that during the exercise a participant sug- jgested thé Russians build a wall to divide East and West Ber- lin, Although the game's um-) pires ruled the idea out as pre-| posterous, the wall actually was} OTTAWA (CPJ)--Byélections to fill two House of Commons vacancies will be held "before long," Prime Minister Pearson told the Commons Thursday. The Quebec riding of Niclet- Yamaska became vacant when Conservative Clement Vincent resigned to run for the Union Nationale in the Quebec prov- incial election. The Newfound- Jand riding of Burin-Burgeo be- came vacant last week when C, W. Carter was appointed to the Senate. Appoint Three OTTAWA (CP) -- State Sec- retary Judy LaMarsh an- nounced Thursday the appoint- ment of three new CBC direc- tors and the re-appointment of a fourth. The new board mem- bers are Prof. Maxwell Cohen of Montreal, Dr, Leonard Rous- se] of Ottawa and Miss Mar- garet Paton Hyndman of Tor- onto. David M. MacAuley, dean of men at Mount Allison Uni- versity in Sackville, N.B., has been re-appointed to a further term. Kills Brother MANILA, P.I. (Reuters)--Aj| 17-year-old boy shot and killed his elder brother Thursday after an argument over a game of checkers. Ban Kissing BUENOS AIRES (Reuters)-- Police here are out to stop kiss- ing in Argentine parks. A new decree orders arrests and fines for couples making a "public display of intimacy at variance with the most elementary sense of modesty." Role Switched OXFORD, England (Reuters) The world's oldest chocolate) makers, J. S. Fry and Sons, once Jaunched a campaign to} 'promote bigger candy bars.| Thursday, the company was fined £300 ($900) for selling) bars that were too small Remove Shares The common and preferred shares of Atlantic Acceptance Corp. Ltd. suspended from trading July 13, 1965, have been removed from the Toronto Stock Exchange trading list. The company went into receiv- ership in June, 1965, and its af- fairs now are the subject of an investigation by a royal com- mission, Shipments Decline Factory shipments of Cana- dian - made motor vehicles fell 4.8 per cent in May to 8,929 units, second consecutive monthly decline, the bureau of statistics reported today, In- creases in the first three months of the year more than offset the decreases and total shipments for the January-May period rose 10.7 per cent to 430,- 625 units from 388,959 in the same period of 1965. HERE AND THERE IRISH COMEDIAN "Pat Doyle, the Irish come- dian from Toronio, wiii be one of the featured stars in the Mc- Laughlin Bandshell next Tues- day night at the regular week- ly concert of Bernard Tierney and his orchestra. The pro- gram is co-sponsored by Gen eral Motors of Canada and the Toronto Musicians' Union -- the latter group consented to allow a grant from its royalties fund to help finance the concert. WINS CAR William Blair, 448 Loring Ave., Oshawa, held the winning ticket in the draw for a new automobile at the Kinsmen Club Carnival at Bowmanville., PARK OPENS The Kiwanis Park, Jackman Rd., Bowmanville, opens Friday of this week. Facilities include a refreshment -booth, super- vised swimming and _ picnic tables. BOAT STRANDED The alertness of Constable lan Smith of the Bowmanville police department resulted in the rescue, early Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. field, Grand Island, N.Y officer spotted § the | lights of the boat, which was stranded on a reef in Lake On- tario. Assisted by William Kirkpatrick, the officer towed the boat to shore NINE PRIZES Mrs. S. D. Holmes, of Les- kard, won nine prizes on her|}| lilies at the show in Worchester, || Mass., sponsored by the Wor- cester Horticultural Society and the New England Regional Lily Group. Allan Blank-|/ The) flashing |} begun only a few months later, jin August, 1961, The exercise, a serious game in which people play the roles of top government officials and make the decisions they think best for the countries they rep-| resent, was described by Dr. Plan State Visit Harold Guetzkow, co-director of the international relations pro- PHNOM PENH (Reuters) --|gram at Northwestern Univer President de Gaulle of France sity and his wife will pay a state! visit to Cambodia from Aug, 31} Roll Call Forced to Sept, 2, it was announced Thursday. OTTAWA (CP) -- Conserva- i tive senators forced a roll call vote in the upper house Thurs- Ship Launched day opposing an amendment to TOKYO (Reuters) A 144... the Income Tax Act, but they \000 - ton combination carrier,;were defeated 33 to 3 jsaid to be the largest ship of Senator Wallace McCutcheon |this type in the world, was|(PC--Ontario) led the Opposi- jlaunched Friday at Kure inition protest by moving that an| jwestern Japan, Ordered by the) amendment imposing higher [Rea Tankers Inc., a Liberian|taxes on stock options for cor- jowner, the carrier is expected!poration employees be deleted ites completed by the end of from the income tax amend ctober at a cost of about!/ments bill, The bill was later 4,680,000,000 yen (about. $14,-/given third reading without 000,000), amendment. Mid - West Bakes The stock option provision of the bill puts a limit on the ben- aa mete efit provided under a_ special ) ° KANSAS CITY (AP)--A slow- arrangement for taxing benefits moving cold front offered a under stock-option plans. Its im glimmer of hope today to areas pact is expected by finance de- blistering under a lengthy heat|Pattment officials to be felt pri- marily by high-salaried petson- nel who are granted stock op southern tions, % Cr MITCHELL SHARP | HON, wave, especially in the parched midwestern ° and United States, In St. Louis and the surround- Players Charged ing area, where 124 deaths at- MONTREAL (CP) -- Sixteen hoy to hog have been re-|men--aged from 30 through 80 corded since last Friday, the ore to stand trial July 21 on weather bureau has predicted charges of playing cards in the seventh straight day of tem- midtown Taleinine: Park y DS eHiTes, OE THe, HERROER: OC "We were treated like crim more, Is." { f th | ae i -: In@is, Said one of the men, an There was a slight chance, 80-year-old pensioner however, that a mass of cool, ,; y : air about 150 miles north of st,|, After all we were just pass- ing the time away by playing) Louis might drop into the area. i New England slipped out of bridge on tables provided for the grip of a two-day heat wave | tii , purpose by the author Thursday, with the temperature Itles. dropping into the 80s and 70s.| The card players, arrested The forecast is for continued| Wednesday, all pleaded not relatively cool weather. guilty and were freed on $25) New York'sacting governor, ; Pail Thursday. Malcolm Wilson, has asked the) A local bylaw prohibits play- agriculture department to de-|ing cards in-a city park, clare Jefferson and Lewis coun- a ties, in the northern part of the Firm Suspended state, drought disaster areas. It TORONTO (CP) Starratt Nickel Mines Ltd. was. sus- ws 95 degrees in New York City Thursday. The 100-degree heat covered|Pended from trading at the the southern half of the U.S, opening of the Toronto Stock Thursday from the desert south-| Exchange today for failure to west to the Atlantic seaboard, |meet requirements for con- But a large mass of cold air|tinued listing privileges. The over the Great Lakes region is | Stock's last price was 3% cents. t drifting slowly southward and eastward Fall Kills Two Team Withdrawn LUSAKA, Zambia (AP) Zambia today withdrew its 15- PROVO, Utah (AP)--A. ski-;man team from the Common- lift chair tangled with a sup-| wealth Games in Kingston, Ja- port brace in a Wasatch Moun-|Maica, in August in protest over tain Canyon Thursday and|Britain's handling of the Rho- |threw seven. persons 30 feet to|desian situation the ground. Two were killed. President Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia has threatened to pull MH his country out of the Common- Fine Funston wealth because of Britain's fail- The Toronto Stock Exchange ure to topple Ian Smith's white has fined R. C, Funston, mem- |Supremacist government in ber for Wood, Gundy and Co., Rhodesia $100 for failure of the firm to obtain approval for the election of new directors of an affiliated Name C Name company. LONDON (AP)--British Insti- tute of Sewage Purification an- nounced Thursday it is chang- More Insurance ing its name to the Institute of Canadians bought $832,200,000 Water Pollution Control. worth of life insurance in May, 2 = compared with $740,500,000 in the same month last year, the | Life Insurance Agency Manage- ment Association reports. ac saweey ve hana 3 CALL OR SEE DIXON'S FOR OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 700 DOES DEALS WINNIPEG (CP)--The Assin iboine Park zoo made $13,789 on | the animal bartering market in 1965, shipping 93 animals and 41 birds to other zoos, Leipzig 700, for instance, owes $900 for three cougars but Assiniboine wants to complete the deal in | goods--it hopes to get a pair of |Chinese leopards THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING! 'eh - ~ Adult Building Centra! Location Prestige Address Distinction Beyond Compare Underground and Level Parking By Appointment Only 723-1712 -- 728-2911 G@ORGIAGN mansions | 124 PARK ROAD NORTH OSHAWA | 7} : HELPING HAND makes her rounds Thurs- day following the official opening of London's resi- dential treatment centre for emotionally disturbed chil- WEATHER FORECAST Clear, Warm Weather Continues For Weekend Muskoka .... North Bay . Sudbury ... Karlton . ault Ste. Marie... oe 45 oe » 50 » 45 dren. Madame Vanier came from Stratford where she and the Governor - General are attending the Shake- spearean Festival, Madame Georges P. Vanier, wife of Canada's governor - general, makes sure she doesn't bite the hand that feeds her as she Man Dies When Blast Wrecks Car MONTREAL, (CP) -- A man was killed Thursday night when an explosion blew him 40 feet away from a car parked near a Dominion Textile plant in the west end of the city The explosion, which sent deb ris flying 200 feet, occurred in a car parked in a service alley next to the plant. Det.-It. Leo Plouffe, Montreal police bomb expert, said Tt's quite possibly dynamite although. we can't be positive.' The explosion shattered four TORONTO (CP) -- Forecast issued by the weather office at 5:30 a.m Synopsis sunny day It will be pleasant with temperatures generally in the comfortable)» mid-70s, Little change is ex-|Kapuskasing .. pected during the next 48 hours | White River .. Jake St, Clair, Lake Erie, Moosonee coe Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake On Timmins ... tario, Haliburton, Killaloe, Geor gian Ba Algoma, Sault Ste Marie, southern White River Timagami, Windsor, London Toronto, Hamilton, Sudbury, ' F: 5 | storevs of windows at the tex North Bay: Sunny with little in temperature today tile plant and also some win change dows at the nearby Steel Co. 0 and Saturday. Winds northeast ( sind plant 15 'becoming light tonight Northern White River, Coch No injuries '@-\ rane: Mostly sunny today and Some 250 employees were in the) gaturday A little warmer.| plant at the time p d Winds light Dominion Textile plants in the » Ottawa region; Mainly sunny Quebec communities of Sher jand cool today and Saturday brooke, Drummondville, Magog 'i " Seiki raeiae A and Montmorency have been oe shut down for the last four : months by a strike of 5,000 em Forecast temperatures ployees for higher pay, but the) Lew overnight, high Saturday walkout has not spread to the windsor 2 west-end Montreal plant St. Thomas . London . Kitchener. Mount Forest . Wingham Hamilton . St. Catharines ..... 57 Toronto Peterborough . Kingston .... Trenton . Killaloe HLECTROHOME SET GARDEN RULES ants in municipally houses in this picturesque York shire community have been seni an ultimatum. They will be evicted if they do not keep thei! gardens tidy. were reported TV COUNTRIES UNITE LONDON (CP)--The BBC is co operating with 15 other broadcasting corporations in Europe's first international TV play. Each country will film a segment of a story about a ref- ugee girl's. search for her mother for the two-hour produc ion Watch Color Television th the new Electrohome Centurian Color Chassis, color TV has achieved perfection, Colors are 50% brighter . ... and surpassingly realistic, Moreover, black and white are as crisp and detailed as the finest Electrohome black ond white sets. with this superb performance, you will enjoy unequalled paliability Ww toc Deilcraft cabinets protected by exclusive Duradeil finish, bring you flawless 'styling and meticulous craftsmanship and will speak with quiet eloquence of your good taste TRADE-IN! Choose From 5 Models IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. €C'herney's siete ee te a the armed forces. signing or about to be fired be- cause of differences with the minister over the way integra- tion is proceeding. early today he has asked to be retired early, He would not comment further on the reasons for the request, Rear-Admiral H. C, Burchell, 54, of Ottawa confirmed Thurs- day night he asked to have his retirement moved ahead, but has received. no decision from Reports Thursday night said the four rear-admirals are re- Rear-Admiral Robert P, Wel- land, 48, deputy chief of opera- tions at Canadian Forces Head-|i quarters, said: in an interview should anyone ve mread or re- tired early. Informants said the admirals clashed with Mr. Hellyer about his feelings that officers with | | mand. They said ihe rift was in no way connected with the double promotion to vice-admiral from commodore of Ralph Hennessy, 147, which was announced last Burchell said s the policy of said. he held n how it should be implemented. SEEK INFORMATION The possibility of Canade-tos- jing its only, admirals reached Parliament Hill shortly before the Commons adjourned for its summer holidays, Consérvative MPs were unsuccessful in at-| SETTLE, England (CP)--Ten- | owned tempts to round up enough in- formation to bring the matter on the fluor of the Commons, his superiors. OTHERS MENTIONED The other admirals. reported to be on the way out are: ear - Admirals Wellan? ani --Rear - Admiral William|5urchell want to be retired as Landymore, 50, of Halifax,|800n as possible, They said chief of the Maritime Com-|Rear-Admiral Stirling refused mand and the Atlantic Fleet, another posting and will be re- ing, 51, of Esquimali, B.C., Accoaiing to Ottawa sources, | --Rear-Admiral M, G. Stirl-|tired. Rear-Admiral Landymore! Forces Merger Dispute Blamed For Resignations OTTAWA (CP)--Two of Can-, ada's four rear-admirals have) confirmed they have asked to be retired early, adding weight to reports of .a dispute between es " sjihe oiticers and Defence Minis-|any- doubts whatsoever aboutlofficers who reti ter Hellyer over integration of|integration should not hold com- | | has refused to resign, f Mr. Hellyer to fire fin te: sources say. The four admirals are being' rod-te- three: other senior, red last week jbefore normal retirement. . Mr, Hellyer,-anscuneiag: thelr: retirements, said they left ea "mutual understand- ing." ' The three are Lt.-Gen. Frank' J. Fleury, 52, comptroller-gem; eral of the armed forces; Lt.» Gen. Robert W. Moncel, , vice-chief of the defence staff, Kenneth L.. personnel. and Vice-Admiral Dyer, 50, chief of es ' sca Good Nemes Te Remember |. When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker --- President Bill McFeeters ~~ Vice Pres. SCHOFIELD-AKER| LTD. 723-2265 | a deputy commander of the Maritime Command and com- mander of the Pacific Fleet. In London, Ont., Mr, Hellyer| \said he has received no resig-) nations, But recent discussions | with officials at Canadian Forces headquarters here indi- cated 'certain personnel" were} willing to retire if given pension advantages, This involved no loss or reduction in pensions Service ? have their own st cated technicians Home Economics Leader Installed MONTREAL (CP) -- Wanda Young of Regina was installed Thursday as president of the Canadian Home Economics As sociation Miss Young, a home econom- ics teacher at Sheldon Williams Collegiate in Regina, will hold office for two years Other officers inclu@® Sally Henry, Toronto, president elect; Mrs. W. L, Oddie, Tregarva.| Sask., vice - president; Isabel Bailey, Regina, secretary, and Lois Hurst, Ottawa, treasurer 725-3581 call SRR TIRRRERE HERES WANTED TO RENT or 4 Bedroom Mouse; lease with notion to buy. CALL MR. STREET 723-4693 | _ SR RRR RRR will 725- do so many people in Oshawa and Whitby prefer Lander-Stark Heating It's because Lander - Stark Lander-Stark are always in control of your job, they know what has to be done and what is being done... and that it is being done well. Every instal- lation or repair job is guaranteed to their, and to your satisfaction, care- fully, competently and quickly. Just and become a com- pletely satisfied Lander-Stark custom- 43 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA aff of fully certifi- This means thot 3581 "if Wad ANann' 908 fastest growing ale!

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