Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Jul 1966, p. 18

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a 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, July 15, 1966 i Estate for Sale _ Keith Peters thousand nine Realty Lid., 725-4162. via OPPORTUNITY ~~ Modern three- bedroom home, with garage, 1% acres, near highway, Maple Greve. ivensierrea" io" Winnipeg. sowrmanviillé, 623-2172. 20a--Summer Properties For Saie or Kent PIGEON near PETERBORO Cottage with Lot a, oe $50 DOWN $47. Monthly PAYMENTS START AUGUST 1966 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! LOT 75' x 200' surveyed with family-size cottage, 3 bed- rooms; erected. $2,995 cash or Budget Plan, $50 down, $47 monthly, payments start September, 1966. Limited number. Year round activities. Practical for retirement. Good roads, open yeor round. Hydro, telephone, swimming, excellent fishing, water ski- ing, beating, hunting, etc. Winter Ski-tow nearby. EN- JOY Summer, Fall, Winter Spring. @ MEET @ Beside Toronto Dominion Bank, only bonk in Omemee. Highway 7 on the Peterboro to Lindsay Highway each day this week-end at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m, No appointment nec- essary. OR as Con be seen Monday to Fri- day, day or evening, by spec- ial appointment only. Phone PITTS HOMES AND COTTAGES LTD. COBOURG, ONT. 372-9494 "RETIREMENT COTTAGE" | Pigeon River, within | mile of | the town of Omemee, com- pletely insulated frame bun- galow for the couple who wish to enjoy a "fishing retire- ment'. Living room, dining area, kitchen, bathroom and 3 bedrooms are all lined and insuloted; have tile ceilings, with tile and lino floors. Open front and enclosed rear porch- es. Garage for storage, etc. Extras include fridge, stove, hot and cold running water, duotherm oil space heater with fan end 250 gal. oil tank, T.V. and cerial, 12' fibreglass boat. Completely furnished. H.D, hydro. Situat- ed on a lovely grassed lot 90' frontage by 250' deep. Illness forces owner to sell. Only $9,000 with $4,000 down and vendor will hold mortgage for balance on very good terms. For further' information, please call Doug Wraight, | Peterborough office. \ 742-4234 BEL-AIR RESORT LAKE BAPTISTE | FOR RENT New insulated housekeeping cottage. 2 bedrooms, fully equipped, city conveniences, screened porches, large clean Igkefront lo $45 weekly, 'Boats and motors available at extra cost. Call 728-0208 CROW BAY on Trent. 2 bedroom cot- tages, with hydro, for rent. beliford 653-1634 or 653-3773, or write Mrs. Conteniinen moe 161 Bridge Street West BARGAIN -- Cottage and 7¥2 acres Rugged Lake near Coe Hill. Fully furnish €d, just move in, road to door. Inside con- veniences, gas, stove, fridge, pressure system, Secluded and quiet, excellent fishing and hunting, Beautiful Yo of og Cash winter price $4,500. Contact E. W Tout, RR 3, Coe itt," ee Phone Cam- = 20e--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent FOR RENT -- Furnished cottages with, all city conveniences, at Jasper Park on |Baisam Lake, @ boat with each cottage and a@ wonderful sandy beach for swim- ming. Still some vacancies for the last half of season cr by two week periods. Apply to Jasper Forman, 45 Francis Street, Lindsay. FORNISHED lakefront cot cottage @ for sale, Scugog. Conveniences. 28 miles erat Snowe aoe 135: Yor rent at ler 4 three-piece ach, house- In Log 728-7788. Lakeside five-room bungalow Telephone 7 723-7088. Nights COTTAGE FOR RENT, $50., safe, sandy beach, boat, fishing, entertainment, golf- bas J nearby, Stoco Lake. Available anon -0563. corres je LOT, Wx 100" = only ore} left in excellent summer sub-division be side Port Perry. High dry land, lovely view, water facilities, $1350. Write C Coulter, SS 1, Keswick. Phone 476-4706. RICE LAKE -- Three - bedroom lake- front cottage for rent. Good fishing and swimming, «small row boat. Avaliable August 6 to September 10, $55. Tele phone 728-1208. COTTAGE, on '-acr kefront lot with pine treed point, in Madoc area, Phone 725-0226. LAKE FRONT COTTAGES for rent. Crowe Lake near Marmora. Safe beach, bape conveniences. a le imme- Telephone 725 atter 6 p.m. 70 Beautiful lot with sandy beach, 134' x 320'. Private road. Must be seen! Best offer, must sell. 728- 6302. COTTAGE for ri 'on Moore's Beach Lake Simcoe, three bedrooms, safe sandy beach. Telephone 725-3001. 21--Farms for Sale R SALE -- 44 acres of land with foun- dation for buliding, in teurist village Mrs. Nelson Westlake, Box 235, Beaver- ton, Ontario. LINDSAY DISTRICT -- 100-acre farm, 75 workable clay loam, 20 acres pasturc| with spring, six-room brick house, large) steel barn, $13,000 terms. H. Keith Real Estate Ltd. Call Marvin Nesbitt, Nestle- ton, 986-4894, 22--Lots for Sale 12 Large L ots 2 miles from city, in attrac- tive area. Some treed lots. Paved street, Close by public school, new high school and bus lines. PRICED TO. SELL _Phone 728-5579 limits, Terms, 728-724 mene |LOT FOR SALE. 50' by 140.' Byron St.| N. Whitby. Telephone 668-8847 evenings TWO 10-acre lots, five minutes trom city) limits, term 728. UXBRIDG! y 5 'ge je beav-| tifully treed tot, trout stream, buliding permit approved. Also material supplied for two-room cottage. $2,000. Will hold mortg: 452-3960, a cM 'CRE LOCATION on plan ey presently zoned R2, top garden investment. For details call os: 3663. COT FOR SALE, 102° x 164', $600. Tele- phone 623-7467. 23--Real Estate Wanted -- be Sell-ective and Sell Your Home thru GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. 723-8144 REAL ESTATE LTD 46 King West 728-7576 728-3682 725-4366 725-5701 725-4362 723-6356 | Charlie Rankine Tony Zakarow Nick Siblock Anthony Siblock Jerry Coady ' AM | LOOKING | for | another eI or r abed- | room bungalow, in the Dr. §. J. Phillips | School area, east or west of Simcoe. | Genuine buyer wishes to locate in time! for fall school term. Please call Walter Eady 728-7083 or 728-5103. W. O, Martin aitor. 24--Stores, | Offices, Storage LARGE STORE, for rent, cation, lo lease required. |any type of business, 200 Brock St. 668-2022 STORE FOR RENT, in 1 south end, indus- trial zone. Telephone 725-0150. STORE FOR RENT at 19 Bonds treet) West. Good location. Rent $100 per ae Available now. Call Mrs. Taylor 694- 2945) Torento. ave STORE FOR RENT -- -- "downtown loca- tien, Suitable for any small peetnere $60 per month, Phone 728-8200 TWO-ROOM OFFICE located on » King Sir West, unlimited parking, $75 per month. sorenerciet zoning. Call Harold Segal at -_ Hyman Real Estate 728- 6286. 3 STORE or office, very | Central.| 6¥2 Prince Street. Real estate office! over 25 years. Phone 728-8175 | | malTWO F ROOM OFFICE | located on ) King Street West.. Unlimited parking, $75. per month. Commercial Zoning, call Harold m=" at S. D. Hyman Real Estate, 728-! excetient Io-| Suitable for) Apply corner store STORE suitable for smail business. Ex cellent location, corner Bond and Church Apply 20 Church Street. Bancroft. Gibson awh, ited Realtor LAKESHORE LOT for sale, 100' x 150' on igs Lake, Haliburton, Hyero. a b road. Port Perry, 98: soucaveuoi AREA -- nicely lots on river for sale. Road and hydro, reasonable. Call 723- ne terized electric tases cottage | Sauna and guest cabins, completely fur- NEW RESORT AREA at Stoco -- 23 miles north of 401, off Highway 37 on Stoco Lake. One- and two-bedroom, fully furnished housekeeping cottages for rent Hydro, inside toliets, boats and blankets supplied. One-quarter mile to nine-hole golf course and general store. Available July 9-16; Aug. 6Sept. 478-6517. WELLINGTON (West Lake) cottage for rent on lakefront, sleeps six, all conven- jences, hot and cold water, good fishing. $45 b weekly. Telephone 728-8105. COTTAGE, new, furnish three bed rooms, large living room, indoor plumb- ing. deal location beside smail lake near Colbourne, one hour from Oshawa. Sefe beach for children or right for --_e couple. Telephone Colbourne 355- 244) RIVER FRONTAGE for sale, two miles north of Frankford, Ont. Ten miles off 401 highway. Road, hydro, beach. Price $2,000. Telephone Toronto, 787-3757. CROW LAKE, Marmora, cottage for rent, beeutiful sandy beach, hydro, boat. Available July 9 - 16. July 30 - Sept Telephone 472-5412. FOR RENT -- Lakefront housekeeping cottages, on Sturgeon Lake, modern con- veniences, ik beach, reasonable. Bow- m in| Rental 5. Phone Tweed \25--Houses for Rent EXECUTIVE TYPE two - bedroom house with attached garage, all modern cor | veniences. Close to shopping area, Avail able Sept. 1. Apply 76 Harris Avenue WESTMORELAND AVENUE -- six-room brick, two-storey home with garage. $125.00 monthly. Call Charlie oe at 728-7576. Sibby's Real Estate id. Fou DROOM split-level_ house, with Available August 15. $150. month garage. ly. For inspection call 728-2256 ve "0 FOUR BEDROOM house | Street, close to school and shopping |eentre Available immediately. House vt for large tamily. Telephone 728. 6. Centre 26--Apartments for Rent GIRL'S Are. you looking for a nice place to stay? We are 2 girls in a furnished apartment which we would like to share with 2 more girls. If you are interested at $12.50 weekly phone 668-8276 or 728- 0951 and ask for June ~~ REGENT ARMS GRENFELL STREET Immediate occupancy | & 2 bedroom apts. Starting ot $105 per month. Quiet build ing, adult living 723-6944 {26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent 29---Wanted To Rent NOW AVAILABLE Grenfell Square THE ULTIMATE IN APART- MENT LIVING IN. CEN- TRAL OSHAWA, Two Buildings Immediate Possession FEATURES 1, 2 and 3 bed- room suites. Free Hydro Oshawa's largest suites French Provincial kitchens Double sinks 30 inch range, fully automatic Extra large Fridge with Freezer Linen Drapes Walk-in closets in bedrooms Extra Two Piece bath in all 3 bedroom suites All suites equipped with Large balconies Sauna Steam Room and Health Club Swimming Pool Indoor Parking Available Outdoor guest parking RENTAL INFORMATION PHONE 723-5111 Exclusive Agent Oshawa Realty (Bond. St.) Limited NOW RENTING COLBORNE APARTMENTS Corner of Colborne Street and Mary Street, Only 2 min- utes walk from? Mary Street and King Street. FEATURES: | 1. Apartment controlled | entrance Electric heating | Private balconies. Refrigerator and stove in | each apartment. Drapes in each apartment Living room and bedroom TV pre wired Living room and bedroom telephone pre wired. Inter com in each apartment. Broadloom in halls Hardwood and vinyl tile in apartment. 11. Vanity in bathrooms. 12. Stiding patio doors 13. Bachelor, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Elevator service to euch _ floor. Next door to North General Motors Plont ond office. Mail service to each apartment. 14. 15 16 BE SURE OF AN APPOINTMENT PHONE NOW 942-2401 Only bill you pay is your tele- phone bill. All other costs-@ absorbed by owner Presenting LA CONTESSA Seen eee norte A distinctive apartment residence FEATURING Prestige | & 2 bedroom suites Electric Heating Individual room heat con- trol. Pressurized corridors. Free Hydro and parking. Party room with kitchen facilities. Swimming pool. Soura bath. Mail delivery to every suite. Closed cir cuit T.V. for your protec Large breokfast area in all kitchens. Convenient to shopping, schools and churches Transportation at door. Landscaping ar- chitecturally designed Beoutiful ceiling to floor drapes tion Start at $120.00 per month « Suites MODEL SUITE OPEN DAILY Rental Information 725-1481 140 NONQUON RD SHELDON MANSIONS 885 OXFORD STREET Walking Distance South General Motors No damage deposit required Swimming Pool Two bathroom in all 2 bedroom suites Free Parking Free Hydro FM Music & Inter Com. Oshawa's lowest rentals Special leasing tat a 15 tenants. MODEL SUITE OPEN ] P.M, 723-8261 or 723-6255 AFTER HOURS PRINCESS. ANNE Apartments Oversize suites Olde English decor Twin elevators Heated indoor pool Sauna facilities Carpeted sun deck Bus stop at door Controlled entrance Plenty of parking Laundry room each floor Plastic lined kitchen cupboards Free hydro Model Suite Open 2 -- 9 P.M. 1221 SIMCOE NORTH 725-9934 Modern Apts. | Regency Towers | 349 Marland Ave. Phone 725-2227 Premier 321 Marland Ave. Phone 728-6722 One and two bedroom. Now available. Broadloom corri- dors. Stove. Refrigerator. Drapes. F.M. Controlled en- trance. Elevator, Intercom. Balconies and Laundry facili- ties on each floor, Free Hydro. ROYALE APARTMENTS A limited number of care- fully planned one and two bedroom suites now availaple for immediate occupancy or reservation FEATURING The utmost in modern living at moderate rentol rates OVERLOOKING GREEN PARK Located on South Side 119 Nenquon Road Available for time. Please 728-1582, CAVALIER NM" INT VUINI DIPLOMAT One and two bedroom aport- ments Stove, refrigerator, drapes, broadloom corridors, intercom, FM. Immediate oc- cupancy viewing any- call 728-5282, 725-7981 VAS Apt, 111 340 Marland 728-4283 CENTRALLY LOCATED 1 and 2 ments, in finest buildings. intercom system under 12 bedroom apart one of .Oshawa"s Balcony and No children CALL GUIDE Realty Ltd 723-528) ~ THUNDERBIRD TERRACE 2 and 3 Bedroom apartments Stove, Starting large modern suites refrigerator, drapes $115 per month 723-8422 @ FOR RENT @ Apts., Rooms, Room & Board Office Hours: Tues. to Fri 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat tl3 pm arrangements for last|§ THR ROOM apartment on other facilities, Phone 723-3266 or 728-3344. $105 MONTHLY, two bedrooms, private bath, private entrance, large kitchen and living rocm, frig. and stove, free washer tand dryer, parking, Simcoe and Ross- jland area, possession August 1. Tele- | Phone 728-1903 after six. _|Two - | . BEDROOM apartment, refriger- 'ator, broadioom, free laundry tacit, S115. Apply Apt. 1, 30 Colborne Eas! THREE - | ROOM 1 unfurnished 1 a ws monthly. Located on" 345 Oshawa Bivd. South. Apply at address. THREE-ROOM apartment in Oshawa. Cen- traily located. Available June 1. One jchild weilcom: ._Telephone 668-8189. | BACHELOR, room apartments, one or iwo persons, $80 monthly, stove and |fridge, four-piece . Electric heat |and hydro inciuded. 723-5325 after 4. FURNISHED self contained 2 room apart- ment, fridge, stove, TV antenna, heat, tn off street pene Telephone 723- FURNISHED, 3 room ) apartment, | 'private bath and entrance. immediate posses- sion, couple } only, Telephone 728-6108. |WHITBY -- For rent, three-room, self- contained apartment. Very central. Eld- erly couple or one adult only. Telephone 168-2398, two: r MODERN THREE-BEDROOM apartment, centrally located, near secondary and pri- mary schools. Electric heating, baicony. From Sept. 1, $125. 668-3023. THREE-BEDROOM town house with stove, refrigerator and dryer included. Finished recreation room. Call 728-9835 |between 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. __|GENTLEMAN + to fo share fully furnished |house with three other young men. Pref- bly office worker. Located north of | shopping centre. 723-1840. THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, {private pe Telephone 723-5900 after 5/ p.m. % WHITBY -- - Two bedroom apartment jor rent 231 Brock St. South above Hiquer store, Possession July 1. Owner on premises. Tuesday evening 7.30 - 9.30 |p.m ltWO" ROOM apariment, with kitchen, | private bathroom, in private home. Avail | able July Ist. Apply 152 Elgin Street East.) 68 WAYNE STREET, Apariment 9, fcur- room apartment for rent. Telephone 725- 3938. | AVAILABLE JULY 19, three - jper duplex, private entrance, all Iveniences, heavy wiring, heated, parking, TV. aerial, 725-1113, 8 a.m. Pm evenings 725-1569 THREE ROOM apartment (large rooms) Near K-Mart. $85.00 monthly. Osborne! | Realty 668-8826. TWO-ROOM apartment with kitchen, able for three men. Separate entrance. Private bedroom. Telephone 723-8364. FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT, parking fa cilities, laundry rocm. Apply 29 Elena or telephone 725-7257. NEWLY DECORATED three- and four |room apartment. Fridge and stove, Pri vate entrance, Beautiful surroundings a large back yard. Utilities paid. ee immediately. Best location in Whit' 406 Dundas Street West. Telephone " 668. 6207. WHITBY two-bedroom, unfurnished j apartment with own basement. Heat, |hydro, water included. Reliable middle-| aged tenants preferred. $105. monthly.| nena Possession. Also smaiier hree-room apartment $60 monthly. | 668-2900. |SUB-LET MODERN two-bedroom apart- ment, all amenities, ee deposit pre: paid. Available jj diat T for me floor. Electric stove and retrigersior. Ail .|TWO - BEDROOM apartment room Up-| »-'bath in private home. Apply 645 eee, On. paved! ~ "| FOUR-ROOM apartment, , suit-| ind |AJAX -- Two-bedroom apartments near schools and shopping. July 1. Telephone 942-0130. ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments, some furnished. 1,000 for light in- dustry on storage. housekeeping rooms. Apply Landiord's Association, 55 Bruce Street In small building. Centrally located. Telephone 728-1525 a apartment van Vesesctossuaed 4p. saat one + i. rete wnil $110 mosthiv. .heat. and _fiah Pos. on end of ft July. Telephone 72 72-1786. LARGE FURNISHED bedroom in @ clean T and quiet home, for one or two yentle- men, close to north General Motors. Telephone 728-7283. 'one|ONE-ROOM furnished hed apartment. Apply] ¢ 446 Simcoe Street South WHITBY, Dundas East. Two-room, un- furnished apartment, $70, shared bath; also basement rcom, gsc optional, shared kitchenette, $35. 668-32) Two BEDROOM a; rie ground Hloor,-with-use-of basement, at 69 King Street, Bowmanville. $66 | Phone 623-3434, E SO eRe NO DAMAGE DEPOSIT to pay wi you rent at Sheidian Mansions, 885 Ox- T T Two" OR 1 FHREBDedroom house + req ed by teacher and wife (no children), Columbus area preterred, ornérs considered. Reasonabie Write Box 29940 Oshawa Times. August rent, quired with TWO BEDROOM, _ SELF CONTAINED APARTMENT IN WHITBY Would consider renting a house on long term lease. Apply wi & Fox 35769, Oshawa nitby 1, 15, Kedron, wanted to rent. Will lease with opticn to buy. Telephone Mr. Sweet at 723-4693. like one or two bedroom house in Oshawa or vicinity. ETIRED COUPLE would | @lephone 263-2994. HREE- OR FOUR-1 wire inside facilities and wired for 220, within gery miles of Oshawa. Telephone 839-32 30--Automobiles for Sale Cars Bought t and sold MORLEY STALKER MOTOR SALES 137 KING STREET W. OSHAWA 723-6322 -- 723-8311 On the spot financing. Weo BUICK LeSabre tor midnight blu immaculate Best offer. foriner particulars, 1965 FORD Fairiane, 2-door hardiop 289 V-8, 3 speed standard transmission. Many ext $1,900, Telephone 723-6376 or 110 Conant. 1957 FORD tudor, radio, windshield wash- ers, signals, etc. Lady driven. Good con- dition. $225, 60 McLaughlin Bivd. '99 CHEVROLET, in good | condition. Telephone 723-5805, 1964 FORD, hardtop, two-door, A , . 2-door condition. fou: payment. UIET | camiLy desire house to no parties. rent, wilt-fake-speciat care" of house" and" prop- erty. Abstainers, 725-6511, Don Webb. 30--Automobiles for Sale Telephone ford Street, near south Gen Motors. One- and two bedroom apartments, available for immediate occupancy. Tele- phone 723-8261, 1-9 p.m. or 723-6255. after hours. FOUR ROOM basement apartment, close to schools and buses, heavy duty wiring, one child welcome. 303 Baldwin Street or telephone 723-6393. COMPLETELY FURNISHED, large ground floor apartment for two or three girls. Close to hospital and buses. Tele- phone 728-1914, TWO-BEDROOM apartment, unfurnished, one or two children welcome, close to hospital and North General Motors. Tele- phone 728-3643. |THREE-ROOM heated apartment. Cen- ie located, partly furnished. Between 9-6 p.m., telephone 725-1912. |FURNISHED three-room apartment, $90 |monthly, utilities included, near town and |hospital. Suitable for one or two quiet) |ladies. Telephone 725-3093. | | LARGE two - | bedrcom apartment in new modern. duplex. Stove, refrigerator,| washer and dryer, Parking, private en trance. Near south General Motors.) Available immediately, 723-0725. | TWO large room apartment with private| Street or 728-5289. partly" furnish. immediate | possession, Call 725- 377. | ed. 27--Rooms for | Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | LARGE furnishea bedroom for gentie- | man. Kitchen and laundry privileges. Parking space. Apply 574 Crerar Avenue | | LARGE "furnished rooms, all brand new, |suitable for clean ladies. Close to hospi- tal and downtown. Everything supplied. | Apply 137 Church Street. |ONE "LARGE room with | big | closet, "for | gentleman, close north General Motors, jParking. Apply 5 Patricia Avenue. /ELGIN STREET EAST, a Furnished | | 728-1319 after 4 p.m. ONE-ROOM bachelor apartment bath, furnished or unfurnished, | Simcoe Street North. Call 728-5125 THREE ROOM apartment, private bath room and garage. Telephone 723-6865 for further particulars. 417 BYRON STREET NORTH, V Hibbs -room apartment with bath. Available| June 1 One and two bedroom apartments javailable for immediate occupancy. Tele-/ [phone 723-8261, 1 p.m. or 723-6255 |after hours. |FOUR ROOM apariment for rent, jat apartment 9, 68 Wayne Street. |phone 725-3938. | TWO-BEDROOM ap 'apartment: in new bulld-| jing, intercom, elevator, oullt-in stove, | fridge, washer, dryer free, broadloom in jliving room, wall to wall. Many extras, | Telephone 725-9328 or 728-0123. | FOR RENT -- Two - bedroom apartment | in new building. All conveniences. Broad-| jloom and drapes. Parking, Available im- mec leroy Adults only. Telephone 668- with at ; call Tele-| p= BEDROOM | East, August 1. er, dryer, television outlet, ing, $110 monthly. Adults, 5034 or 725- 1310, FURNISHED, one-bedroom apartment. One two-bedroom apartment with refrig- erator and steve only. Also double ga-| |rage. Apply 478 Park Road South. |TWO ROOMS, compietely furnished bed- sitting room and kitchen. Refrigerator,| stove, television supplied. Utilities paid Private entrance. 231 Palace Street, Whitby THREE - ROOM apartment, private en- vue and bath, available now. Between 5 and? om,, telephone 7 725-2849. FURNISHED bachelor apartment, wali to wall broadloom, modern utilities. Tele- phone after 5 p.m. 728-5004 TWO - BEDROOM apartment, wall to jwall broadioom throughout, free laundry | included. Call after 5 p.m, 728-5004 ONE- or TWO - BEDROOM apartments for rent. Apply 291 Marland Avenue, Apartment 104 or call 728-9094. WALK-OUT BASEMENT apartment, two| pearrans piers window, separate bath, place, garag big yard, automatic| wachae dryer, Iridge and stove. Scenic. 655-4832, KLIMA APARTMENTS, one bedrooms. Heated and water ly, £48.2900 POUR EXTRA LARGE rooms; private bath, ground floor, large lawn and park- ng lot Street East. | apartment,' Rossland Stove, refrigerator, wash- paved park- Telephone 728- and two Telephone 725- 3353. | WHITBY Bachelor apartment, fur nished, clean. Central. Private bath andj entrance. Suit lady, abstainer, Telephone! 668-3795 after 5 TWO, TWO-BEDROOM "apartments, ~Ade- laide Avenue West. One baby welcome. Refrigerator, steve and broadioom. Avail: a" August 1 and August 10. Call 725- 685 GLADSTONE and bath, newly decorated, refrigerator, also basement apartment on Gibb Street, three rooms, bath, stove and refrigerator, hydro included, will furnish both apartments if necessary.| Adults only. 728-6906 or 728-3344 "three rooms stove and apartment, LARGE one bedropm apartment on Car-| tier Avenue, (opposite shopping centre), fridge and stove included. Available Aug ust Ist. Adults preferrred. Telephone 723 4932. THREE-ROOM unfurnished self-contained. (Refrigerator, piled.) Adult home. Street level entrance.) Central. Adults oniy. drinking, smoking. 725-5676 evenings ONE-, TWO- AND THREE-BEDROOM apartments, refrigerator and stove, com, controlled entrances, elevator serv. ice, swimming pool, fenced-in playground. | 822 Glen Street or call 723-2347 TWO-BEGROOM modern Broadioom throughout, stove, TV outlet, hot water Available now. Adults only Adelaide West, Apartment 2. ALMA STREET -- two, three-room apart- ments, each self-contained, or the whole} house, two garages, available now. Tele- phone 723-2578 after five o'clock ONE-BEDROOM apartment, private home. Refrigerator and Pickering Village, Phone 942-2696, THREE-ROOM apartment, apace bait, heat and water. Abstainers. Ap 6 McMillen Drive, no later than 7 oem. BASEMENT apartment, furnished com pletely, near south.GM. Apply 1515 Lake side Avenue, Oshawa. Near south GM. UNFURNISHED, one-bedroom apartme private bath and entrance, laundry fa ties, stove, frig, garage optional. Rea: abie rent. Sult working coupie, 375 Wind sor Street FIVE - ROOM apartment. Private en trance, hot water and heat supplied. Apply 82 Simcoe Street North WHITBY -- One aparimeni, no appliances, apartment, | stove sup- (Private No 'apartment. refrigerator, included. Apply 329 stove. bedroom ground "floor adults prefer- $85 month-| Very nice for adults only. King! inter-| "upstairs, | Brock Street East jroom for gi priv' jleges, close to downtown. Apply after 4 p.m. | "SINGLE ROOM, centrally located, park-| ing area. Telephone 723-9589. | ROOMS FOR RENT, weekly rates, , Apply Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street North. | CHURCH "STREET, |nished bedroom, gentieman, preferred. Apply above address. | LARGE housekeeping 'room also a ftur- Inished bedroom for two or three gentle jmen, Close to north General Motors. | Telephone 728-7283. | BRIGHT front room, furnished, bath| floor, Apply 255 Athol Street _ East | FURNISHED -- ROOM for "gentleman. |Clean and central, Telephone 723-3211 A ROOM 'Yor gentiemen. Apply 323 Athol Street East. | LARGE BED-SITTING room, in good jhorne in Whitby. Central location. Busi- }ness lady preferred. Call after $ p.m | 668-5065. ROOMS oF room and board, downtown lo- | cation, central, single or to share, single jbeds, parking space. Apply 48 Albert | Street, 728-9643. | MODERN new mahogany "finished rooms. oe entrance with three-piece bath room, Close to bus service and shopping plaza. Apply 507 Wilson Road South or call 723-1644, |ONE FURNISHED room, would suit one | gentleman Telephone 725-0536, at 323 | Athol Street. lNice" ROOM for | young. "lady, | private « inl parking. Near hospital. Telephone 728-967 | oe |LARGE, | housekeeping room Suitable for married couple. 045) | HOUSEKEEPING ROOM suitable married couple. Phone 725- 0451. |TWO HOUSEKEEPING rooms, partly| furnished if desired. South end, available} {now. Apply 375 Windsor Street. GIRL TO SHARE two furnished room| with fridge, stove and television, single | beds Apply 496 Mary Street at Hillcroft.| | Telephone 726-3109, | |BED- "SITTING ROOM, furnished with] kitchen. Abstainers only. Telephone after) |6 p.m., 728-1742. | COMPLETELY FURNISHED - housekeep- jing apartment, kitchen, two bedrooms |and bathroom, all private, suitable for |two adults. Also one-bedroom apartment, same as above. Telephone 728-0852 or 74 Oshawa Blvd. South. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room,| near north-west gate of General Motors. Parking facilities. Apply 160 Agnes Street. |A LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, with running water, close to hospital, sultable| for lady, Telephone 725-7091. LARGE, furnished room. Close to Shop| | 174 -- Single, fur-| abstainer, | | | "Yor rent. Phone 725- ~~ for] |ping Centre, Apply 368 Pine Avenue, Cor-/Qpnosite Steinberg's Super Market! |43 FORD, 300 Custom sedan, 6 ner of Pine and Grenfell ies TWO PRIVATE housekeeping rooms in home, for two men or two ladies |share, very central, near Fittings. 728-723) ore |LARGE, furnished room in pleasant | home. Single person preferred. $11. week- |ly. Telephone 728-4439. BED-SITTING ROOM with light house- lkeeping, tady preferred. Close to hospi- tal. Telephone 728-7713 for any further particulars | TWO single housekeeping - rooms, ) park-| ling, steve and refrigerator. Apply sid pollve Avenue or telephone 723-1832. _ |ROOM in pleasant home, near hospital, | kitchen privileges. Telephone 723- 3584. ROOM for rent, double bed. Suit girl or | gentleman, 82 Nassau Street Telephone) | 725-2198. SINGLE, quiet home 'in clean, furnished, bedroom | Gentlemen preferred. Elgin Street East. Telephone 725-6146. ROOM or room and breakfast, lunches| packed, two clean quiet men. Close to} [foutn General Motors, shopping plaza,| parking. 81 Park Road South. 28--Room and Board = | YOUNG MEN, abstatners, lunches pack-/ jed, laundry done, Call 725-8045. - | |FOR GENTLEMAN, home cooked ed meals, quiet, clean home, parking. 43 Garrard Road (by K-Mart). 723-278 ROOM AND "BOARD for } youn ng | y. *Igle room, laundry done, centrally feneh jed. Sevensday week 728-3577 ROOM AND BOARD for aathinen ) will ing to share, single beds, lunches packed \7-day week. Apply 237 Nassau Street. SINGLE ROOMS and board. Apply 25 Division Street |ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, very]. central. Telephone 725-2938 or apply 14/ ROOM AND BOARD -- - For gentieman, Good hearty meals, 6 days. Very central Across from Speedy Muffler King. Apply }205 King West. ROOM AND BOARD for one gentieman, |willing to share room. King West and | Park Road area Call 728-5455. call|-- CLEARANCE SALE 1963 OLDSMOBILE four door hardtop "88", automaitc, po- wer steering, power brakes, radio, new white walls, speed- ometer 23,000. 'Just Like New". Lic, J8944. Listed $2295.00 Reduced to $1995.00 1964 CHEVROLET Impala 2 door hardtop, V-8, radio, au- tomatic, power steering, power brakes, "Lovely Condition" Lic. 484256 Reduced Price $2195.00 1963 CHEVROLET 2 door --~ 6 cylinder standard transmis- sion. Transistor radio. "Im- maculate, Lic. J8934 Reduced Price $1145.00 1961 CHEVROLET. station wagon, automatic, 6 cylinder. "Excellent One Owner". Lic X9410. Reduced $1095.00 1964 PONTIAC Parisienne two door hardtop, V-8, auto- matic, radio, new oversize white wall tires. "A Dream Cor'. Lic. H93166. $2195.00 1961 PONTIAC Laurentian four door hard top, V-8, au- tomatic, power steering, FM radio. "Exceptional Condi- tion". Lic, J8957. Reduced $1295.00 1961 CHEVROLET two door hardtop, 6 cylinder, Bel-Air, standard transmission, radio, "Beautiful Condition'. Lic. 92058K. Price $1095.00 1960 CHEVROLET Bel-Air coach, V-8, automatic, radio, "A Real Dandy" Lic. H82529. Price $925.00 1959 METEOR coach, 6 cy- linder, standard transmission, Rodio, upholstery and paint "Like New'. Lic. J4066. Price $765.00 1964 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe coach, radio, Lic. J6554. Reduced Price $1095.00 1964 VOLKSWAGEN stan- dard coach. Lic H87197, Reduced Price $995.00 1960 VAUXHALL | station wagon, motor and body good. Lic. X10428 Reduced Price $575.00 1961 COMET sedan, automa- tic transmission. Lic J2617, Priced to sell $635.00 Prices effective July 15th to July 20th inclusive. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 King St. East Res. 725-5574 Other Cars To Choose From MAKE OFFER SALE 2 jeeps with snow plows, | ton tow trucks (fully equip- ped), '61 MG. convert., '62 Pontiac V-8 auto., '57 Con- vert, customized show car also auto access. and chrome goodies. DOC's Speed and Custom 728-778) "MORE CASH. | poid for Good Clean Cars, Trade up or down. Liens paid DODD MOTORS SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 oA. MM. ® "Your RAMBLER Dealer' NICOLS Motors Limited On Highway No. 2 Just West of Thickson Rd Whitby 668-3331 ir 0. No down Telephone 725-2756. 1962 MERCURY Meteor good Condition, $900. Call 716-9796 otter p.m, excellent V-8 tic Min work "required, $275. 18-0558. 1957 CHEVROLET BEL AIR four-door hardtop, power 'apie and brakes, V-8 automatic, ondition. Best offer. 1958 Ford, excellent condition. 237 Nas: sau Street. GRILLS, radiotors, all car parts. Late |prodels our specialty. Courtice Auto Wreckers, 723-5238. MUST SELL -- 1963 Pontiac station- wagon, 6 cylinder standard, 49,000 miles, $1,200 or best offer. Telephone 668-8388. LIENS PAID OFF. We trade up, down, Choose from over 60 cars. No downpay- ments! Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. USED CAR PARTS, sp spindles Hh make trailers, also used tires. 509 Bloor Street 4 723-2281, 1959 METEOR, six cylinder, ane . door, standard, recent paint and |Very good condition, teashene. ey "6060 jafier 7 p.m 11957 FORD, 6, automatic, good "trans- |portation, Body fair, $90. Phone 728-2608. |1959 CHEVROLET, excellent running condition. $300. Bowmanville, 623-7392 after 6 or 623-2921 before 6. 6) CHEVROLET, 6 Cylinder: 'automatic. |Good condition. $7 30 |1962 CHRYSLER ing, |power rakes, custom vcd very. good |condition. Telephone 723-8639. |1966 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS, 7 two-door |hardtop, 4000. miles, V-8 automatic. |Power steering, power brakes, positrac- |tion, bucket seats, console, radio, | other options. Aztec bronze with white in- |terlor. Excelient condition selling because ; Moving to N.W.T. Call 725-3080. \'59 CHEVROLET convertible, V-8 avto- matic, body, top, interior good. Over 2,000 miles to quart of oll. Power brakes, steer- ji ing. 7 8418, | 1955 FORD, automatic transmission, whole car or r parts. . Telephone 7 725-7128. MUST SELL. 1964 Acadian Beaumont |sedan, low mileage, automatic, under- coating, 6 cylinder, good condition. Make jotfer. Telephone 725-5179, 1956 BUICK, four-door hardtop, 322 cubic inch, no rust. Telephone 728-3440. Best | offer, |1955 DODGE, low mileage, radio, good tires, $80 or best offer. Telephone 725- 9689 | atter 5 p.m. 1962 $995 or best offer 723-2619 evenings. -- jradio. Telephone 723-6836 after 4 p.m. 1959 PONTIAC Parisienne sedan, Telephone 723-7047. 1965 CHEVROLET ir iu Sports convertible. 327 motor, 4-speed, shape. Telephone 728-7341 anytime. 1964 BUICK Wildcat, 4 4-door hardtop. power steering, brakes, windows, |!nfermation call John Barlow 530 |coe North, 725-2010 after 6 p.m. 725-6812 for any! r speed! 1964 MGB radio seai bell: two-< ha ee Auto- 1965 MERCURY Monterey. Top Shape | 1956 ~ CHEVROLET, ¢ Good < condition with auto matic transmission, power brakes, radio, low mileage, good condition. Best offer per positraction, radio, white walls, excellent aerial Sim- 31--Compact Cars for Sale SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. Volkswagen Sales and Service New and Used Cars 334 ey RD. S. -3461 Open Evenings PRIVATE SALE _ 1965 EPIC COACH 15,000 miles, radio, A-1 con- dition. $300 down, terms. PHONE 723-7843 1964 ACADIAN Beaumont, six cylinder, automatic, four docr, good condition, low mile: Must sell. Tel 5-5179, washers. Will jaccept trade-in, Telephon 7 R | 1946 CORVAIR--700, --seden,-eutomatic radio, etc, New fires, geod condition. $595, Ajax 942-0105. | se | PR 3, $400. Telephone 668-3691 after Pp. AGEN 1500, white with red interior, 9,000 miles. A-1 condition, 723 8602 after 5.30 p.m. 1965 SUNBEAM im $1175 or yh '. Telephone 725411 15. between 5.30 and. p.m. 1957 Pe PORSCHE, Telephone 728-8287. 1964 CHEVY 1 station engi 6, auto- matic, Tel x 942- 6096. 2? ENVOY special good condition ex- tra snow fires, radio. Whitby 668-3017. 1966 MUSTANG, hardtop, Sliver ¢ gre black leather upholstery, V-8, standard. Telephone 725-6823 between 5 1960 VOLKSWAGEN biack, radio, seat lg Good condition. $550. Whitby 668- 900d condition. $700. 1960 RENAULT, four-door, two-tone car, good motor, new brakes, mincr body re- pair needed, economical as second car. Telephone 728-5604, 1962 CHEVY 11 convertible with radio. Buyer take over remaining aor Telephone after 5 p.m., 668-3580. me AUSTIN Healey Sprite, 30d condi- tion, 25,000 miles. $650 o1 rest offer, Metallic blue. Telephone a8 1 196) LARK, reasonable, Telephone 655. 3963, Brooklin. . 32--Trucks for Sale 1963 HALF-TON Fleetside Chevrolet, Phone 725-0539. is 959 DODGE one-ton, to duty suspension, in very good tf $1000. Phone 725-8493 after 6 p.m. '51 MERCURY '2 ton truck $250, Excel- lent shape, many extras, good body and mechanically radio, good rubber, should be seen. 728-2204, '9 INTERNATIONAL, 14 ton state, stick shift, good condition. Telephone 7 728-9168. four-speed, heavy 1960 CHEVROLET dump truck tendum., Reasonable Apply 116 Cromwell Avenue or 728-9746, Ask for Helmut. : 1964 FORD 'a-ton truck. in excell dition. Telephone 728-3619. 33--Automobiles Wanted Buying A New Car ? Sell your used car to "Ted", Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and 'Save'. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid, 200 Wentworth East. 725-1181 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars bought, parts for sale. tron and metais bought. 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars for wrecking. Tires and parts for sale, 1175 Nelson Street. Telephone 725-2162. |1960 OLDSMOBILE, 4door sedan, auto- 34-«-Automobile Repair matic, power steering, brakes, low mile- Ti 17a: Private. Asking: $895. 728-7831 after 5. 1961 PONTIAC Parisienne, jic) other extras. | 728-1489. PRIVATE - Vv deluxe sedan, fully equipped plus AM 40 radio, cornering lights, 9,000 miles. Factory list price $5,200. Sell for $3,650. |Telephone 728-1916. 1961 CHEVROLET, Bei air, sec }> p.m, |1963 CHEVROLET Super Sport, tw seats, console shift, many extras. $1,600, pea e eee 07: LET two-door, good condi- |thon. $85. PMs 668-3200. automat- Asking $850. Telephone - 1966 Oldsmobile Delta, . Bank accountant transferred to Germany, Must sell! Telephone 728-9436 or 723-1295 after wo-door jbardtop, one owner, 28,000 miles, bucket Brooklin Phone 655-3653 @ Motor Rebuilding Cylinder Reboring Pinfitting @ Resleeving Automatic Transmission Crankshaft and Vaive Service TRANSMISION speciaisists, Transmis sions are our only digg 1038 Simcoe North, Phone 728-7339. 35--Lost and Found lost --) Monday y and ite female cat, answering to Millie, in vicin- ity of Orange Crescent - Oshawa Blvd. |i962 1 LAURENTIAN two-door hardtop | Pontiac, automatic, power steering. ae |ing $1,200 cash. Come and see it at 832 | Mirlam Road, Bay Ridges, 839-3077. THUNDERBIRD 1961, hardtop. Will sell for cash or will take convertible for | trade. Apply 130 Warren Avenue. ted CHEVROLET Impala, two - door ardtop, V-8, automatic, radio, white vals tinted windshield, power brakes, 6,000 miles. This car must be sold, no reasonable offer refused. Trade consider- ed. Telephone 728-4803. |1962 CHEVROLET, two - door, 6 cylin der, automatic, radio and heater, 37,000 origins miles. $1,150 cash. Telephone 6052 after 4.30. STATION WAGON, 1963 Biscayne, 6 cyi- inder, standard, 23,000 miles, record kept, some extras. Telephone 725-8229. 1961 PONTIAC, coach, 6 cylinder, stand- ard, $600. Telephone 728-1796 anytime. 1963 AUTSIN 1850. Good body, good en- gine, runs good. $395, Phone 'Alex 942- 6086. "R LER Ambassador. Excellent Bed and motor. Telephone after 4 p.m. | 728- 41; 38, 1957 CHRYSLER, automati dio, in jgood condition. 1959 Pontiac automatic. Telephone 725- 8602. @ cylinder Very good condition through- (no rust). Private. Telephone 723- | automatic, jout. Two-toned paint $850 or best cash offer. ~ | 3622 | 1963 CORVAIR 700, two-tone four - « jautomatic. Excellent condition. | 623-3716, 1959 PONTIAC, in in good 1 condition. pa best offer, Telephone 1955 CHEVROLET V-8 soar trans- | mission, re-built motor, body and} Itires, Apply at 124 Ligh 's Street East. | Best cash offer. $50. 1953 CHEVROLET sedan delivery, |Apply 558 Oshawa Boulevard North. MUST SELL. 1960 Impala, automatic, whitewall tires, radio, white with red in- terior, new muffler and taillight. Tele- phone 728-5710 after 5.30. 1960 PONTIAC two - door hardtop, me- | chanically A-1, new motor. Private sale, feo offer. Telephone 723-3675. 1957 CHEVROLET, four - door, 6 cylin- |der, standard shift, good condition. Tele- | phone 725-5740. jHOT | ROD -- 1934 Ford, three-window coupe, % race 1948 Merc, engine. Best | offer over $500. 723-3828. |1939 DODGE tastback, in mint condition, joriginal radio, collector's item, $675 or | best cash offer. Must s Can be seen at | Kingsway College, Ra '56 CHEVROLET convertible, custom- ized, floor shift; standard transmission, excellent body, motor and tires. New nylon vinyl top last fall. Radio, discs, | Continental and spotlight. Many extras. Lady owned and driven. Telephone 723. 5387. Prone 1. $500 __|31--Cor ct Cars for Sale KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY --. 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quality | "ZOLTAN AND NICK'S -- Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 DOWN--$30 MO.) y VOLVO & PEUGOT North. May be injured. Reward for in- formation. 728-6301. FOUND -- | Lady's white gold wristwatch on Sunday, Colborne vad Whitby, ini- tialed. Telephone 668-4379. 36--Legal CAMPELLFORD-SEYMOUR AGRICULTURAL COMMUNITY CENTRE TENDERS FOR ARENA CONTRACT 6157 SEALED Tenders, _ plainly marked as to contents will be received by the Town Clerk until: MONDAY, peony 8, AT 5:00 P. 1966 for construction fo an artifi- for the construction of on ar- tificial ice arena and auditor+ ium located on Front Street, in the Town of Campellford. The general contract includes the site work as well as me- chanical electrical, and re- frigeration trades. Plans, specifications and ten- der forms may be obtained from the Consulting Engineers on and after Wednesday, July 20, 1966. A deposit of Twenty-Five dol- lars is required and will be refunded upon receipt of the plans and specifications in good condition. A Certified Cheque for 10% of the tender price shall ac- company each tender. A 100% Performance Bond will also be required. Lowest or any tender not nec- cessarily accepted. To Eldon M. Ibey, Clerk- A icaydial Box M Campbellford, Ontario. TOTTEN, SIMS, HUBICKI, ASSOC.: LTD., CONSULTING ENGINEERS, 1A King Street East, COBOURG, Ontario. 1, JOHN JULIUS HORACK, JR., of 1010 Dundas Street East, Whitby, will not be respensible for any debts contracted in ies, fishing, skling and swim- ming. Telephone 725-2909 or write. Majoc cottages, RRD Burk' 's Falls. FOR RENT -- Loketront housekeeping} cottages, on Sturgeon Lake, modern con- veniences, sandy beach, reasonabie. Bow. manvilie 623-2262. LAKEFRONT COTTAGE, | hydro, McKellar, LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce 728-1070 WHITBY 1-and 2 bedroom apartments all modern conveniénces swimming pool, elevator built in stove, fabric drapes Free parking. Near schools Telephone 668-5347 Telephone 668 |COLBORNE STREET EAST, S87: F Room| and board for gentlemen to share, cen 6) 1 NEWLY DECORATED 3. room apart.|'"@! lunched packed your choice | | ment, self contained, private, central.) MALE TEACHER seeks room. 1 and board BILL BENNETT $75 per month, Telenhone 723-3211 _ MOTORS red. Available August } 727 for any further particulars Between 6 - 9:30 p.m Adults Only APARTMENT 2 bedroom Kashabeo| SIMCOE at ABERDE $120. ADULTS RR 4, Peter-/ Avo August | 59 my name by anyone, on or after this date, July 14, 1966, without my written consent. - (signed) John Julius Horack models | te MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshowo 728-0921 "sé VOLKSWAGEN and '65 Volkswagen 1500 station wagon, with T.S. engine, icw mileage, A-1 condition both vehicles. Quick sale, owner leaving Ontario. Bay| Ridges, 839-3992. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY electric heating, stove, refri- gerator, hot and cold woter, all at 'one price of only $110.00 monthly SIBBY'S REAL ESTATE 728-7576 TO BUY PROPERTY « check "the estate marketplace, Classified son | For RESULTS TIMES Classified ACTION ADS 723-3492 | particulars including 'elanhan lady. 7] TWO-BEDROOM second floor of home in. older treed section of city. Close tp|'°_\@_ Arkell Avenue, Hamilton. _ 484 King W bus, Private entrance. Nice backyard.|GOOD HOME for neat young Services pald. Abstainers preferred. $110|day week. Central, Good meals. Laundry | 723-0371 monthly. Phone' 725-9103 [done 728-3577 tas ant aN lable | THREE ROOM apartment, no pets ROOM AND BOARD for = gentiemen,|WANT ADS reach thousands. of interest . children, adults only. Parking included.|near south General Motors, Parkingled prospects every day. Take advantag 725-3302 | Reasonable rent. Apply 31 Ritson Road/space. Apply 863 Ritson Road South orjot the vast audience by telephoning 723 South, 'call 723-8364. 3492. 7O MEET THAT MAN or woman who wants to rent your vacency, plece Rent now. Ads. Dial 723-3492 due i

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