Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Jul 1966, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, July 15, 1966 'Its July For Hot Weather.. Want Ads For Hot Results' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a:m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. . { j is 8--Articles for Sale 10----Farmers' Column 17--Female Help Wanted rT RIVER, standard, $20.) porlable|CUSTOM WORK -- Hay cut, raked an | WAITRESS wanted, enced, RJ SCOTT. $35.; adding machine $25., electric 1B). baled. ' hone 668-2102 or 942-1593. appearance. steady PP oscars 'etsy ene eaaed at : a , By a ; typewriter, Th -- Wemizer cash) ay Fc FO! ALE a Grill, 50 Simcoe Street North. Per , ton stooke Bp rrr orc sev i Sates ft + rere 'Ouateness trouble tres winter if you ed 11--Pets and pean for 'orewe Nirninety store, Pisir tor -- chase from Western Oil Co. 725-1212. and Pepi an asset, fcaely giving exper- pe hkereperg PETERBORO cedar skiffs 14 foot used cosy 3 Ranch Mt: ne Reg. Sern |e jenc any to: Box 29949, Oshawa 8 Times. 100.00 each. Oil space heaters, shay rd pups, female 2 yrs., males pe | wo REQUI BIGGEST. 15.00 each. Oil heated hot water tanks|!M0S-, shots, stud servs, Ashburn 655-4667 | ire framing, ree ar pala 1 but not ol Set 7 herngitl bist bralse yl nel BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready mady fo Some experience in art benefic! 4 a est r wil consi pply|training, talking yProrrg Apply Mrs. T | \ecessary. Must. provide - Accountants Building Trades Gardening and Supplies {Plumbing and Heating Pi. Box 1, "Peterborough, elephone. J.|Broad, 114 lg Eas jo eee own transor' YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO. ALL TYPES ot, repairs Sas remeeling: pm Bnet SN |HORSE SADDLE "and bridle clarks Eeamens ete ser phen net Chartered Accountants, Licensed Tru R id | new and used materials. Reasonable| : --- ae ¢ | (hast_querter horse). Teieph "| North, Whitby, ig sole eal che esidentia ITAL ---|ratesEstimates--tree:- 728-1191; J, Folev.| : MATTRESS BARGAINS, Ail types of mat-| oor ebony, also c ¥._ 46-407 aiter_1 pum. Worth; Oshawe:" 728-737). ae ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING g oe tl: eee. Sees er 1 alee other Merete er, RELIABLE HOUSEKEEPER required To a 5 sup- tresses, $29.; crib mattresses, $9.88; mat-|S@ddles for sale, and to rent, Telephone! care ¢ schoo! HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter Commercia plies. Telephone 725-2571, Harold H. tresses. for bunk beds, $16.88; roli-away|720-0916. ao os ol-age children, do Ce et kad, Conewe, Or- Industrial , coring, 28 Simege Shoot Sout . cots complete, $19.88. Wilson's Furni-|REGISTERED | Da puppies.| Tel between 6 and 7 p.m. 942 2608 ing Vo) King ) Sirest Raa, Ouews,, Co in Desi 'Alaaatio LAN DSCAPI NG ng, te ture, 20 Church Street. sol stendard.\ smooth hair. Reasen-) MICE large apartment to share with one tario, a H. E. epairs -- erations . f ES) h be bel Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, CA. Z Aaanions -- Remodelling Rug, Upholstery Service ' 5 eminent teen inn, "ae cane 264 Bond| REGISTERED Ge ig selaribt "shared. | Nosaoading steak Sor olen peri tod oo geoys core ee "For all your Construction RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts, Establish ¢ EN FER LONG, Street East, 725-6344 four year old. Telephone 723-9976. child, immediate occupancy. Telephone sw, ; Oshawa Shop- Needs -- Make Your Home years. Workmenship guaranteed. Free 2 ' FURNITURE -- three rooms, new qual-|POODLE PUPPIES, while joy males, bo Centre, 725-9953. eed Credit terms. -- fia ® ee ity furniture, only $299, inc., complete alo black or brawh niaiooris. ep: nd megane BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. CALL Your Centennial Project. built, furniture refinished. | Oshawa Up- bedroom, living room, kitchen ensem- , registered $65 and up, Telephone 8--Male | Help | Wanted _ ich cna acme WOM lete bookkeeping service. 178 - JAMES ALLEN & SONS holstering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311, f y Wy vs bles. Pay only $3 weekly. Unbeatable pny +122, 668-6105. coe Street 'North, 725-0397. ; CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and re-| 17 ; si valuel Barons Home. Furnishings 44) eeGistERED. German' Shephard pup oe Breet North Tere Noe Simcoe 5S. WN, Chartered > 725-6126 styled. Free estimate. See our material ; ; a Tiesntes * Troskes, 17 Bond ree 5 win PHONE for recovering. Slip covers made to % : sheen COMPLETE TE SET cf World Reference Le pag Rell aig hae, ony pny Telephone 720-08 | QUALITY CARPENTRY ihe fedy all Upholstering, 75 Charles) agays "-- i i ; ia, set_medical encyclopedia,| Telephone 839-3793 ALBERT HOSMAR, SMAR, Chartered Accoun- ree 4 ! ~ Lar 16 1f correct SHAt sie" World Natures Library. Phonel sai ino -- saadie" area Brrr Prince Street, ied 4, Oshawa, & GENERAL REPAIRS 263-8853 A ae por 97% OR MORE OF 7 Scent ERE Meneetraceen, i | th old colt. Tel 725-157 ee ane Teil Sales and Service Cotte | KE CAFFEINE HAS CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS "clanrance |e re errors ee ter OFFICE Ontario. Telephone i \ For all your home improve monet | BEEX REMOVED FROM | lof floor models, 2 pc. suites with foam POODLE PUPS. White miniature. Regis ment problems, call us first oR cushions from $138. Modern 4 seater sets|tered. Excellent breeding. Must sell Barristers oe SPRING CLEAN-UP APPLIANCE AM els OF PAPER | ee from $158.3 pc. sectionals from $188.| Whitby 668-2490 i 3 FRED R. JONES, LLB, Barrister er and 725-8576 @ Planting @ Sodding @ HAVE THE FLUFFIEST + LONG EARS, ee Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street, PRIRIVAD saver yoni Patong geid- MANA Solicitor; temporarily jae King St . ; : HAIRDRE nagwene. ¥, GOOD USED FURNITURE, {rigs anc|'N9- $275. Telephone 655-2032 Then have o talk with our @ Top Soil @ Seeding @ REPAIRS 55 ES, = stoves, etc. Reasonable. MacNell's Fur-|RARE, BEAUTIFUL Whippel puppies 723-8137, Residence 725-03: - ANTHONY EDWARD SAO, BA,| customers @ Evergreens @ Grading @ niture, 215 Dundas East, Whitby. 668-5481. |Call Port Perry, 965-2688 after 6,30 p.m. BCL, Barrister and Solicitor, 73 Centre| SouR LOCAL chimney cleaner. Chim. | @ Marion and Kentucky Blue- Expert repairs to all makes |CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS July 15 tolFOR SALE -- Sorrel gelding, three We require an experienced Street. Office hours 5:30 P.M! neys built, repaired, gas linings Installed.) grass @ Complete landscap- of washers, dryers, ranges, August 15. Open Wednesday only dur-!years, suitable lady's horse. Telephone) financial and cost. account- Evenin ph Piven Soa 1 1661. roofs repaired. Free estimates. 2997, jing this pericd. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. 623-5706 in Bowmanville | : 9 ing @ Fertilizers. etc. | ont who is looking for a chal- JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB.) ROOEING, chimneys, all 1 Types of cement TA haat wan H i; |ANTIQUE and old clocks for sale or re -- Barrister and Solicitor and Notary PUP-| ork Sidewalks, "eb stoops. Frank ania eeeane @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ |Well Drilling, Digging -- |6--Marine Equipment --_--_| ANTIQUE 'and old clocks fo 15 Acises Wasead | Ioana bas wie lic, The Commercial Building, RR 3, Osha' WELL DIGGING by machine specializ- | eee sasbees| Bloor St. E A LC A N ing in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut BIG DISCOUNT |CRETORS POP CORN machine and|USED power mower, oulboard molor and| cept responsibility and become M ntario. Client parking)" West, fan 7asarie or 725-4717. CARPENTRY -- New ano repairs, block ee ee and cement work. Free estimates. 728-7680 5 Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809. pact, all electric unit, Call 668-2686. $5. Telephone 668-2231 an important part of our ex- NGA' QC, Solicitor./" Joseri P He. MANGAN {a King Street|SPECIALIZING in ceramics and bath- ~ SMITH' S TREE FARM FURNITURE and APPLIANCES |9_pereonay BOAT and | cipHEN tape recorder four Wek aielen|GOO0 USED" FURNITURES Wimichave| panding chemical "and. tod East, Oshawa, 728-8252. La Ml bade et Wine Phae be @ Cedars for Hedges 452 Simcoe $. -- Oshawa er HBA coh ck: Bs EE |records and plays in stereo. Also dual|you? Valley Creek, \6 Bond Street West, | me : 4 a ic : HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN, NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, © Cut flowers and plonts Telephone 723-0011 Remova! of superfluous hair MOTOR SALE lifer" Telephone 723-5818 in the| 728-4401 a products operators in Ajax. artisans). Spices: 26s King Airestiend factory, smechanical repairs. to eqvip- ( sh horse) Marie Murduff will be in oe GOOD USED furniture wanted, etc. High-| Applicants should have C.G.A. Best Oshawa; R. D. Humphrey, QC; t Pickering 942-6117. @ Manure (cow, sheep or P Osh July 11th, 32th end lw TOWERS SPECIAL -- d-foot towerlest prices, Call anytime. MecNells' Fur ota " Boychyn, QC; BA, LLB. pita NEW PLASTERING and reairs, stucco.) @ Rough lumber (cut to suit) Rent A Piano 13 SS Hina. Garcah hice A huge special purchase of RUN- | structure, all-channel antenna installed, niture. 666-5481, 668-6526, Or : degree. Excellent Sistizn Residence: 725-4604; | sidewalks, re-modeling, rec-rooms. Free @ Posts and poles t ne nosna Mote ABOUT BOATS -- selling below |$50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Tauntor Rt | salary ond fringe benefit 668-2761; 725-5133, NHA and] octimates. A. C. Wood, 728-3420 or SEE 9 its, ' on these days for appoint- dealers usual cost, All brand name | Road East, just east of Ritson Road. icles. 'for Rent other first mortgage funds available. | (717 Call collect collect Newtonville 786-2283 HEINTZMAN ent merchandise | vacuum repairs, all makes, hoses, ; ; Solidi-|- Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213.| T REER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soli') 7 EiNisHiNG CARPENTER, does kitch- See_the exciting new CHRYSLER brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, Tables, | Chairs, Linens, Dish- urner at ny etc, 114 King, Street ' Men cabinets, vanities, bar cabinets In rec- ee ] ~ Field Sod & Company Ltd. a, OUTBOARD MOTORS in Canada's | Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street) 6. Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee ; , elt - ' ickering. , A ; Ber yasaiaas Terence ne LLB, Ha3-1991 Soe Koazk. Trimmings: Telephone! Under 200 sq. yds. 22¢ de- 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa as 7 _ ad . eiettion or ima Te ELE. ater. SGRTRENERC BEGET Wee Pike Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal 942-0150 : H. Jermyn, BA. I 200 sq. yds. and up : ee m i ; ner' _---- FOR ALL YOUR home improvements, ger F area had oid 35¢ Telephone 728-2921 Removal of superfluous 'holr very reasonable [quality posturpedic practory outlet loa! Men's Formals, White oh airite general construction and guaranteed uehnal : ARC and ACETYLENE wellding and cur] Marie Murduff will be in PADDLES ond LIFE JACKETS -- | cee eo ox Furs, Mink Stoles, workmanship. Call 668-2179. sq. yd. Free Estimates, tn buy one -- get one free. COTTAGE SPECIALS -- beds $16. et Foc het tt eer ceet g. Reasonable rates, 509 Bloor East t 4 . i and 241EXPERT PAVING, 22 cents square foot! BETHANY LANDSCAPING Phone 723-228) Oshawa, August 2, 3 and 800 -- 20" WINDSHIELDS, suit. |'Tid9@8 $30, table and chair sets $19 SARGEANT'S RENTALS |\DREW CHEMICAL fo switch jobs six or sevenlinciudes grading and fill, two-year. guar- Phone Genosha Hotel on these aia \ R dressers $10., cribs $10. stoves $19./ 4a, p R 72 | he. hare will Be) anjee. Eleven years in business. Terrano 623-7594 SEWING MACHINES, repairs sto alll days for appointment eg $8500 Clearing $29°05 each 9: |washers $15, 16 Bond Street West, 25 itson Rd. S._ 725-3338 sssacapiusns ts asia cmeant se makes, work guarantee or home serv hg |Bond Street East, Valley Creek, 728-4401. WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital bec ikers, ly new Paving, 723-5841. % a osp la ds, walkers, And the place to "ook "or the =) os | ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete. Get ALROY ia a ete Nicer ELECTROLYS!S MARINE PAINT at ¥ pri | REFRIGERATORS propane reconditioned|réducing machines, sick room supplies, ain 'an: is the "Help Wanted" column In GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all wringer 1966 scratched camper TRAILERS |6 and @ cu. ft. size $142-$165. Superior |Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. rel your driveway paved by experts, 22 cents ' : Times lassie ection, Wnetnes oi Square foot. All Work guaranteed. 723-0281 Lawn Specialists washers and ranges. Free estimates, Call 723-464) tom S550 $e Cie, als carta: PM ME a 728-1742 or 723-0011 i - ----- r cl Fox Rentals, 412| r "ey Serr es | PONTOON and houseboat, Hi-Lo sieep-|aisie runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 check "Help Wan ALL | TYPES BUILDS REPAIE RS for dandaliong: clover, |Sapsie Serei |3---Sportsman's Column ALL WEATHER jing boat trailer, lawn mower, Roto-Tiller,| Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2614. | CANADA - pig monn 6 " ord May, Whitby,| Sprays for dandelions, ¢ ' eptic ervice ioe garden tractor, Flush-O-Matic septic ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred CLASSIFIED RATES 668-2774. etc. Call for free estimates. {SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt service| REPAIRS to fishing rods and reels and |tank, plumbing supplies, fittings and| people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- ADs OPING. hot Tar and gravel, hinge on calls, walter Ward, 204 Chestout Street|0, COB Pann, whitey place west MARINE jetping. Chinn, 725-7088. __|quels, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, requires | sl gl 1 insertion of 24 words, $1.08; i repairs Ay and small jobs. L. and H 728-9293 West, Whitby, 668-2563. yg corners). stale \TaPE-- RECORDER, four track stereo,| Parking, 723-2140 mornings. a A vt 733 Birchmount still under guarantee. T Telephone 725- 9394, words, 4'ac. each; 3 fing and Construction, 725-6937. iene elBatis ENN : "s aa asaitional words, of 24 words, 8.88 "| Roofing FREE TO TRIM? Call Slim. Or 11i cot Surveyors WANTED -- Members tor trout club, 14--Business Opportunities i, {LARGE SIZE crib; ; Cottageaire ~ tent, lac, exch 6 F timates. 725-5118 or) ----__---- on enn | $125 for season. Write D. Muller, RR No ARBOR H rage : CE 'tau gg 24 words, $5.04;| Carpentry er eee H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land|2, Millbrook, Ont. " 3 a pity ar [FX #3 large tricycles all in good cond A rT nee Pepa lS | am Surveyors, 112 Elgin Street East. Phone --------____---- ocks south of Eglinton I. oF +4067, WI ao oo fause rarovetion arbors M3 oo mORSaRY Sep, hey gutting. Ful 725-6881. 4--Motorcycles 751-7766 "6 SCHUBERT PIANO and bench, apart-IBUSINESS OPPORTUNITY LI rge -- 10 "er cent additional charge) recone 725-2847 ey tant Pron DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Oniari - ° ment size. Like new. Best offer. Phone CENSED a unt. Phone after 6, 668-4965. a L D tario . b ae e 'of paid wimin © aay. REMODELLING, TRIM WORK, eo 2d Quality, field and nursery.|1; Ontario Street; 7255652, SUZUKI Open 9---- 9 p.m. Sat. till 6 \ Faw non pies were aoa Vee? eeee nh eae Method of Counting -- Less than 24Iboards, rec-rooms, and stalrs. Free esti-|$OD -- Top Quay: aot delivery, 725:| 1) Ontario Street, 725-5632 MOTORCYCLES ' seni, ere Clearance -- New! town location with excellent MECHANIC 4 words; eac' 'ord, | mates. one 'a * . i -- . H ' ; = iat, igure, o, abbreviation Sot 5 -- | oa COMPLETE LANDSCAPING anal "¥--Radio Repeirs All models on display i TNBGARD, cottard, Shepherd "andl 90M OTS, Sone'tirest west, Tier 7| Potential --~ offices and 4 mber counts two FOR trailer, 100 HP, excellent condition, Tele- ' : os oe phone nui Cartage igarden maintenance, resicontial, 6nd in NEW -- USED phone 728-9443, or 725-8217. MR. AND MRS. DRESSER set. Excel warehouse now on property: must have DEATHS-- |EARTAGE AND DELIVERY, work Eo Telephone 268-2934 or 728-6082. BUY NOW ONTARIO CYCLE CABIN CRUISER 26 foot fibre giass|'ent condition, $60, Telephone 723-9465. Just listed and won't last CAR & TRUCK Sierds-. {Pag with good V-8 inboard motor. $900 or/SEWING MACHINE, Singer, for sa f furt! : SOCIAL NOTICES. oe conts acai} none 725-50H. TREES REMOVED. Telephone AND 140 King W 728-1422 |best offer. Telephone 728-3286 Two antique settees. Telephone pvies| 10nd. Call for further particu EXPERIENCE see acon if not paid within & days. D. tist GARDEN ¢ and ~Tawn maintenance. . Roto OPEN EVENINGS 16-FOOT MOLDED MAHOGANY boat,|between 5 p.m. - 6 p.m lars entistry tilling, landscaping, patios, ploughing 3 49 Johnson electramatic, 2,000 1b. capa-|COCKTAIL BAR with three siools, pair | khewlidiak oe IN MEMORIAMS CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M,, Denfalland cultivating. Call 655-4936 after 6 1966, 100 TWIN YAMAHA, 1,200 miles,| ity tilt trailer, $950, 728-2333. fibreglass drapes for picture window.|| | OYD MAETCALF BULLDOZING & W $2.25 for the first ag igh _ er Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa. - . haat oflek Telephone 723-5527 {fibre new. Telephone 723-5956 ELDING Cc. er 7 il aie i ome Heaters a _ - pee thereafter Boal charge if not paid Ee ON ae eae Instruction FAST SERVICE 1965 DUCATI, 160 CC. Like new, 3,500 7- Swap and 'Barter jeer AND SELL. -- Good used furniture REAL ESTATE LIMITED EQUIPMENT ; a 1 i 942 and appilances. ne loc inure cme Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawe SURVEY NO nL GAT ONT Ti Beeed | Oey ee Ca Menke man peas | Furnivore, 46s Shnaoe Soumh, TEA. | 40 ving GE 728-4678 also preferable SARD OF THANKS Soe eclil HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME hew, 8978 or best offer. Apply 127 Park|sure systems, flushomatics, septic tanks,|BEAUTY SALON hair dryer and chair, AGE LIMIT 35 [2.25 for the first 35 words and Sc. noage MISTER ak V Road South pipe and fittings. boats motors, trailers,|$75.00. European baby carriage, white se : iad Renae Seats hereafter with 25c, additional charge | Dressmaking © IN SPARE TIME Ve a WE Goals Gani aH garden tractors, H Chinn, corner Hillside) wicker, $35. Telephone 668-8554 ATTENTION: Please Apply in Person ot + exc ; ' For interview please call Mrs. in 8 days. i Park South. 723-7088, paid within 8 DRESSMAKING -- sole 5, coats, dresses SecHinea, Gea) chee Ch Caan Sead, "Tale an ark Sou! i eanY "CARRIAGE, good condition, $20 EMPLOYMENT OFFICE COMING EVEN pe © oe Se foms, Whitby, 6 6a-237. Low monthly payments In- phone 723-3179 after 6.30 p.m. 8--Articles for 'Sele Telephone 725-5960. HOTELS, DRIVE-INS $2.24 per inch Taisplay)s_ uA Dd [ald d : clude text books and instruc- 1965 ELSTATE 65 c.c. motorbicycle, 300 sd ida ein ___|FULLER BRUSH Products, South Dur ' first Bad and Sc. each thereafter | ;aopeRN RN DRESSMAKING" 12 2 Prince fiona: Prasersayou'to achieve 378 KING ST. WEST _ |miles. Telephone 723-6035 ham, 723-0444 or 668-6583, and RESTAURANTS 64 King E s. Ni en adies' + x . : - ae. neta ae vies nich a peat voresses, skirts, et Ontario Diploma by means 723 9525 1965 AMDA 9 c.c., good running condi NOW SIX honing SAE al ope ay Hove you seen or tasted the ta PER SNCH PER INSERTION. Leifer Ae Let ree ot Provincial examination. tion, red. Telephone 728-5917 Be SERVICE BAYS Seis AneR aoe Giancaich 'iveet, '| fabulous new JULY 11th and 12th For FREE information--write, CAREY ~|5--Trailers For Auto Service TWO CB RADIOS, beam, antenna, rota SUPER-FRIES _. 9-12--1-4 r) | -- DEADLINES Gardening and Supplies ? SRR te salasetiencicalowiiacivten jtor, plus CLR antenna and whip. Low hool, Dept. 8, {pri i . ' WORD ADS peevous See Tat, Octane, Oriorle T.V. TOWERS RAMSDEN TAG-A-LONG | WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL [Prise or cam, Telephone 724251 Bt! 4 trench fry that's made from 5 p.m. DAY PRE ' D TENT CAMPING TRAILERS Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- |yrtity TRAILER, specially it a special mix. No freezer or MECHANIC ! "BUILT IN OSHAWA" to! t bi | LOST AND FOUND \ Name ....- ie has @ Renta! Bookings Now mouth, Pontiac. We correct |camping equipment. One year old, $150.) Storage problems, plus many 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION AT OUR OWN PLANT Being Taken, wheel alignment inspect and | Telephone 726-9736. D other practical advantages, L 5 % : Address .... tresses We give you o better correct castor and camber, |BOY'S CCM RACER bicycle. Excellent 20 you wish to improve your BIRTHS. AND "DEA give JACKSON TRAILER Led call 723-6267 now earnings? Be your own boss? 1 989 9 a.m. DAY OF at icaTion - | tower for Less Money A c align .toe-in and. toe-out to |Ccondition. Telephone 723-7 SALES AND RENTALS correct condition . . , 6.88 |TENT -- sleeps four. Apply 26 Warren] for an appointment for your Average up to $150 weekly AN ENON wKs KING BUG KILLERS Janitor Service Bs 1487 Simcoe St. N @ Parts, extra if required |Avenve 'for any further particulars. -- convenience for good class "A" license WILL TAKE AWAY discardables free, 728 728-3748 T be d |TV TOWERS SPECIAL--40-f1, structure, | -- - -------- mechanic to specialize in 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS Atox : . one icra ee. @ Torsion r adjustment Rose Dust oe ee en ee pea ht | all channel antenna, $50, TRIO Television FRANCHISES front end. ond brake service, CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Cotten Dust ee SUPPLY LTD. RAMBLER TRAILERS e Tests." eras 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous; 2 coky, lA ct CLEAN UP SERVICE, Yards. base SALE --_ RENT BRAKE SPECIAL STOVE, Frigidaire, good condition. Tele AVAILABLE Must be oble to organize own ~ si y attics, etc. ing, a -- 9780, vie 2 ae ey BDT. Spray fea Moasonabias "Aevrione tall 723-7867 TAUNTON RD. E Goan Sondave 04 BM , ne etl dhe EES wher In OSHAWA and | time and meet customers. . ad . ° st : CANCELLATIONS AND Pomogreen Dust--spray OFFICES OR STORES CLEANED ater (ust East of Ritson) ID Y TRAI ERS hige Poel cars), First |Top. $8.00." Phone 720-1992, after 5:30 ae ONTARIO COUNTY -- were conditions in CORRECTIONS uality Roy modern shop, 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION Fruit Sprays ree a Eee Buy' Telonen|2 2970191 -- 723-8132 BU he HOPE t. 4(-wheels .... 14.88 |USED FURNITURE and electric appl-] for MAINI-PREP Any advertisement cancelled before pub Gardenall Port Perry, 985-2200. anne Geamcae meen: ances, in good Condition, Ideal for cot Pi range of employee bene- e ns Aa i -- ft Telephi r Any advertiser charged on day's wer] Ant'ond Grub Killer wail WAGHING by Wants mechs | TELEVISION---RADIO Lot at 401 and 28 WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL [ind oa | ee on | tit ion Slug' Bait No mess, no dripping. Telephone 728-7736 ¢ | ENT Including weights per wheel {vacuum all makes, hoses, BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 Syeen Money to Loon oe TRAILER RENTALS ach a Bice (Gav, 92 Tee tent Your eres sighed Wrted busta x "nbers ots] Weed Killers L LOAN you up to HOLMES RONT END WORK A cs esha OAs ted call 723-6267 BOX 36691 forward replies to box numbers to the Weed Killers { WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at a for August and September FRONT-END WORK AT erik vo sé ie advertisers as soon as possible, we ac: reasonable rate of interest to consolidate Special Fall Rates COMPARABLE prices USED BUILDING materials, doors, pic OSHAWA TiMES cept no liability in respect of loss or Tank Sprayers your bills or for any other worthwhile a o SRABLE PRICES |ture windows, etc. 45 Connaught from|BU NESS for sai sale re. Beauty Salon' fully lean Hum Don Stra damage alleged to arise through either Hand Sprayers purpose providing you are steadily em nr ~ Primers coming Equipment is om, saulsead. Gat faliure or delay in forwarding suci re- Dust Guns ployed and have good credit. Telephone MILLER | - oe Sieciric | Teski Real Estate 723-4651 for any further} giving details of experience hether by neg! ' ; CASH REGISTER. $75. Berkel electric ce, fans however aise The 'Times. will. not Garden Hose and Tools Ten oe Pert Perry In! _ sain 9 TUDOR ST., AJAX DOMINION |meat slicer $100, Two. pop coolers $25 peers = saaaieaat Wet ca | age, etc, rT called for FOR PROMPT 'SERVI si each. Potato peeler and chipper professional meat cu ing and SG > gd ag tng ly Lawn Soakers Mortgage " 942-349) _ : | Stainless steel fryer $500. Telephone 668-|merchandising. Day and ee All replies strictly confidential 6 Melnor Sprinklers CALL MOBILE HOME, 4i' x 10, two bed. TIRE STORE | Slestas, areal ae fer out of towners. | ~ ' : 3 » 4 + tw {Call now Collect 534-8451 or write about REGULATIONS RX15 Whetb --668-5679 rooms, furnished. "Maple Leaf'. Tele- our home study courses, 1166 Dundas EXPERIEN The Oshawa Times will not be responsible oe al 4 MORTGAGE y DERN TOO 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH 9--Market 'Basket West, Toronto 3, Ontario. CED for errors in advertisements submitte aicium jorides ENJOY your vacation with Snyder Hi-Lo SERVICE STATION -- thr er otherwise than In writing not for more Bas Was HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED [all aluminium trailer, Also a boat motor TELEPHONE 725-6511 ; STRAWBERRIES . Tease, good location in Oshawa, low rent, SENIOR 1.B.M. than one insertion of any advertisemen and beat trailer, !ow down payment a well established business, low invest: t be 1d the price charge for a single LOANS Sinail TeathiV:. peymeniac Solita -Rebd ; . to eatmen Insertion in which error occurs OPEN ALL DAY TV STOVES: ee eae ce eis ALUMINUM : WV RR No, | tultenone OTM ne OPERATOR MONDAY ---- FRIDAY ARE BEST Be ph bates ick vour own. Apply 0. The cubensis marae Ys] SATURDAY 12:30 i place be Hog gg gE SIDING sii Un or hac for -- oe eee DAILY DELIVERY and second mortgages. Open WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! -- |table equipment for rent. 723-6840 TELEPHONE LAWNS CUT, cellars and yards cleaned. morfgaues, 16. Bonus. Fist HOME-MADE BOAT trailer, $25., box 2882. by Also smail moving jobs. 723-6030 or 728-|1.B.M. 360 INSTALLATION In the cases of display advertisements mortgages, second mortgages trailer $25., lady's bike $15., Isetta car , iN i: ESCHER Sa The Times will not be held responsible COOPER-SMITH and agreements for sale pur- $50, Telephone 720-3096. KAISER | YOUNG WOMAN will baby sit one cr INI. , / . for more space than that which the actua' & "perma : | " sans -- ~ wo children in her own home, week Excellent opportunity for ae error occupies. The publishers endeavor chasea PICKERING -- 41' x 10' house trailer APPLES -- 2nd grade, Mcintosh, con days only, any hours, Vicinity Roy y op: all advertising matter cor- Two bedrooms. Fully furnished. Excel Gables and Dormers. End the | trolled atmosphere, $1.50 per bus. Also! nj, : " we tet enue no liability of adver- ' ped . M. F. SWARTZ TELEVISION lent condition. Can be seen anytime. Ap painting worries. Free esti- |!8t grade Mac's. Bring own containers. nore Soret. Courtice. Phone 723-3828, erator with 3-4 years exper cies In any form 16 Celina St y 0 ply Paulynne Park 28 Algoma Orchards Ltd., Thickson Road "desires housecleaning, H tisement if any inaccuracies in any 262 King St. East Corner Band and Division . -- ~ mates. All material and work |North, Whitby. Fresh strawberries dally.|Simeoe North area, Write Box 37005,| 'nce ON 1.B.M. Computer are contained therein. 3 1 2% MAHOGANY planked inboard = run- 723-2312 723-1139 Oshawa, Ontario 728-5143 about, completely refinished with trail-| 9uaranteed. FRESH roasting chickens, 4c pound. |s"2wa Times Installations, Write or contact IT'S EASY TO PLACE A Est 1909 sgepapciese we egy ge astra 50 Horse Marine engine. Will sacrifice Large capons, 50¢ pe ind. Deliver on _--e : . 723-4697 COLOR 'T.V. i80 Phone Port Hope, 885-2359 after § HOME ALUMINUM 10 of more. Phone 728-529 17--Female Help 'Waal TIMES ACTION WANT AD m PRODUCTS ice a Personnel Department Call Classified Direct % 723-3492 MAPLE LEAF FIRST and SECOND Black and White APACHE TEN once, 'Telephone 75-816} 160 Wilson Rd. § eect Columh STENOGRAPHER meta ea bie several "Charolais" MORTGAGES All work guaranteed 18' GLENDETTE trailer. Propane stove, 723-2619 jcattle and calves, white and tan. police BILINGUAL OF CANADA LTD. INDEX TO LANDSCAPING &| cx Atcie-- _ |T-R-LO. Television |ticscarmnt th Brae oC _| Ses an pe set uke. 68 : -- City, Rural, Vacation -- Telephone as We have just bought a large |10 ACRES standing hay. Folsphens 668 Domestic ond worldowide ex: eterborough, Ontario, Ss : : 3805 fi furth ticul CLASSIFICATIONS SUMMERLAND 728-5143 6--Marine Equipment bankrupt stock of name brand | pastune FoR" Noueee "ai ~, porting compony requires a SE emer 4 y " es - ay, spray oo GARDEN SERVICE) securrries Cinireo |__728-5143__" Weeks vacaTion?" | actress Foy RANMY T98 ERE 2] engin peas | ' * juara ir i 3--Sportsman's Column Member Ontario Mortgage Service Call Only $2.50 | Why not make it the whole all JSROERe Ne doen grapher. Must be fully quali- ALESMEN Pe se Brokers summer? Forget that costly 5 ) TRACTOR -- McCormick 10-20, two-tur fied ALESL $--Trailers ; : ; : : ease lough and three-f Hough. Al: ' 6--Marine Equipment For Sodding, Seeding, Top 112 Simcoe St. N.--725-3568 FAST J.V..: SERVICE 2 weeks and invest in lasting P fear spear old "atelier: dae gules, Tele. Apply SLADIES 7--Swap and Barter soil, Cedar Hedges, Patios, : fon A.BOAT from vour Attersley Tire Service Ltd, phone 725-9674. Oshiawa's) Woosk. ore S--Articles for, Sale Plantings and Complete Land- | pivATE AND CORPORATE monies Tor DOMINION Evinrude & Crestliner Dealer | _227 Toronto St. Oshawa |e ACRES of good hay Tor sale. Tele PEEL'S POULTRY Rest tags Ft ees ce Ps vi scaping Service all mortgages. Mortgages and agree OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD. [SADDLES AND BRIDLES for sale, se phone 725-4972. cane Vopets and Livestock ments of sele purchased. Creighton, TELEVISION Harbor Rd. off Simcoe St. S. |e, choose from, $65. and vp. Telephone | 3 560° BALES of good quality hay. Avail digress Gistcive, STP UGHE, Deraeret 12-Articies Wanted Drynan, Murdoch and Victor. (See "Bar ? of +} 263-2569 ale Hea" Yelwehon % ty y. Raha PORT PERRY, ONTARIO for our expanding Real Estate 13-Articles for Rent a 0611 Sol RR er Bae 728-5154 9 am, to 9 p.m, 723-8186 SAaY BARGAINS -- Carriages awa, now. Telephone "daytime or eve Genornent. Extetence aay 14--Business Opportunities FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avali CRUISER, 16-foot plywood, fibreglass|strollers $7.88, mattresses $9.88, play -- essential, We will supply full n , F : s 88, 3 a e s u 1S-Employment wanted Ne aocak ge i able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock AV "SERVICE bottom, mahogany decking, electric 75|pens $9.88, chrome high chair $10.88. AL PALRR GALAD: HAY, Soe a chant 985-7331 training to the + "dig | 16--Agents Wanted Street North, Whitby 668-3338 HP, with controls, gas tanks, heavy duty|Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Stre Goes. meseiin $55- nn lie - - ' ight people 17--Femaie Help Wanted | FOR SALE maa That 31,900. Tei DAY. OR EVENING Tee-Nee trailer, 723-0776. ma vhs eeerey: | who desire an income in ex- 18--Male Help Wanted Comp ete second mortgage $1, ele BUYING OR SELLING furniture or TWO HOLSTEIN HEIFERS to freshen f $12.00 19-Maie or Female Help Wanted phone Bowmanville 623-2395 . 728-5286 12 HP _ELGIN motor, 12° 60" beam ply-lpliances. Call Elmer, tMampton nw on ee McLee tron ee WAITRESSES cess 0 000 annually. 20--Real Estate For Sale Sales and Service FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, safe woed boat, power mower, electric guitar |or 263-2695 : Wr W. AeueG, Ashburn RR. 6S Over 500 new N.H.A. homes Per On Gardening Equipment |rrsmenmgam, sa tarnst] = OSHAWA ters ilgare "aan, Cote GuamanreRt aang yam | rule HES aor fer ogid 7." and mennick, Oarristers, Ing Street het Bebe television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and up. FOR SALE -- Baled hay, mi FULL JOB sal ; = ied hay, mixed, sweet ale listings. Leads supplied. D iad East, 723-7232 13-FOOT MOLDED piywood boat, with all|Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 Sim . f - Estate 'Wanted : ELECTRONICS extras. 18 HP Evinrude, 'Otaco'"' traller| coe South, 723-0011 fie thakG eee Apply MR. CAMPBELL Top commissions. For ¢onfie 'ores Offices and Storage Toro, Lawn Boy and Opt. erigt br 2 ni - ; db tel 2 SL fe ' m i vin d rollers, $625, 723-6025, { 2 . oa dential interview, call Mr. 25---Houses for Rent 5 ptometris with winch ani REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, $12; G O H A Hy l ¢ t , . ui Yardman Lawnmowers ' V. OWERS MODEL 800 A Tee Nee tilt boat trailerinew smooth top mattresses, $19.95; Aouad TeART eR Tees saa ased EN SI " O el | Sheriff, General Manager, 26--Apartments for Rent F, RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe : 27---Rooms for Rent Wheel Hors: 'orth, it shev - Rust Proo: with roller, cradles, winch and channel-| stoves, $24.95; cribs, $10.95; TV's) $29.95; iss cyeili Griffin Real ks e rse garden tractors. Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone ust Proof Woe Wak. Gab) Phone Heane! apata s4Viee, LSS; Ueaieds, Grae R tstate Ltd, re iC pt 723-4191 COLOURED 7 x . StkECRART®, Giaw Traveller" boats. | 20'%, radios. Guns, new and used. Valley] FRESH CUT BALED hay (mixed grass). CASH | ER 723-8 ] 44 30--Autor e t Creek, 16 Bond Street West, 728-440). Pick up in field, 25c. a bale. Will deliver | or Black & White -- 24-Hour |Evinrude motors. Open evenings and ~ Seca pooeaetleeesscciomaan cen Sale RUNDLE |Painting and Decorating -- hawlew weekends. Marine Storage and Supply|USED AUTO PARTS, batteries, tires,|°' ®dditional charge. Telephone 728-5221 ion ct a OO ROUTE MAN for local vending firm. 'No wt | PAINTING, inter ior or exterior. Lowest ' Ltd., Brooklin, 655-3647 motors. We wy scrap radiaotrs, $4; gens., RIDING HORSES boarded on farm, west NI Ri ' ry. Apply ai are- saute si Wantea Gorden Centre Lid prices. Clean work. Best materials. Jacki 723-0065 or 668-5830 Inthe Cheysler crown Chiveler Bur: |starters, 6V, 50 ¢.; 12V. 9c; batteries, |of Orono, near Taunton Road. Telephone |well_Avenue or telephone 728-7305, 34--Automodile arde entre L [Bradley can do it now. 725-7584 after | Rae' '. Radio & TV eater wa had Pd ok yh bl wh 11.50. 725-2162, 98 Nelson Street Ofono SR4W. Reply stoting 'age, marital |8OY, 15 or over, to help on farm for 1015 King St. E = | ---- conditional warranty. 3'2 HP to world's|WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni-|OEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock picc| Status ond experience. to |balance of summer. Apply Fred Taber, | BARON PAINTING and Decorating. lerry TV TOWERS, antennas, also reimost powerful 105 HP. United Rent-Alliture or anything you have. The Cityled up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, BOX 36544 | Brooktin 655-4715 725-6551 Jand Papering. Estimates free. Phoneypairs. Ali work guaranteed, $11 Deaniand Marine, 555 King Street East, 728-|Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street|Tyrone. Telephone Collect Hampton 263 - / [EXPERIENCED waiter wanted. Apply P23-5376. Avenue, Teleghane 725-0000. 5565. South, 723-1671, 2721. Licence 4C-66. OSHAWA TIMES Queen's Hotel, 47 Simcoe St. N. S i 39--Noticns

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