14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 15, 1966 BRIDGE By B. SAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Mesters' Individuel Championship Play) BIDDING QUIZ Partner bids One Diamond, next player passes, heither side vuinerable. What would you bid now with each of the following four hands? AFTER DAYLIGHT, TLL SEND A DETAIL BACK TO CARRY HIM TO OUR CAMP PO ig » THEN HOW ARE WE TO GET. HIM OUT? HE'S A VERY SICK BOY, 7 NOT WERE, NURSE, BEFORE YOU SHOVE 1. @Q72 WKQI6 $6 4KQT54 2. HAIG YKI2Z $Q05 HAQTA 3. 19543 YB @K3 HAKIS2 4. @AKT4 YAKS2 @-- 4QI843 1, Two clubs. This follows the usual policy of bidding the long- er suit first. The intention is to bid two hearts over the expect- ed two diamond rebid by part- ner: inthis way the hearts, hav- ing been bid secondarily, be- come identified as a four-card suit. At the same time the clubs become marked as being at least five cards long. If the first response were one heart, and the clubs were then named over any rebid by the opener, it would be next to im- possible for partner to guess that the longer suit was clubs. 2. Three notrump, This is far jand away the most enlightening 'bid possible. The direct response of three notrump denotes a hand containing 16 or 17 high- card points, strength in the un- bid suits, and notrump distribu- tion (usually 4-3-3-3-). As a result, the opening bid- ' A a mel a - der is in prime position to de- | \ ; TN i ra) T- termine the best final contract. nd We * ' a With a minimum opening and Q '4 -- ~ facility to play notrump, he 7 DID YOU WAKE ME UP JUST TO TELL ME I DIDN'T ii IWANT TO Nill KNOW THAT)! YOU WERE DAGWOoD:- ( SNORING WAKE UP! WAKE UP! THIS LETTER YOUR AGENT IN BUENOS AIRES PICKPOCKETED... ITS ADORE: TO THE GERMAN LETTER PRE! TO URGE & SET UP A SEPARATE CENTRAI THE BUC. YOUR AGENTS To --""@ |INTELLIGENCE BODY FOR THE U.S. I KNOW JUST DID AN EXCELLENT JOB. THAT'S RIGHT, AND IT OUTLINES NAZI PLANS TO OVERTHROW THE PRO-AMERICAN BOLIVIAN GOVERNMENT - NEXT DAY +e AH LET SALOMEY "WHAT COULD TWIST HISSELF INTO ANY SHAPE.--JRREGARDLESS/! acct BUFFALO ' AUNTERS/ f THE HUNTERS FIND THE HERD IN THAT BOX CANYON THERE'S NO ESCAPE FOR THE ALBINO! COULD BE IN THIS HERDS THERE MEDICINE BUFFALO/ pesos LI'L ABNER passes, With values in excess of \a minimum, he can contract \for a slam, knowing the exact jnature of responder's hand. | A three club response should be regarded as incorrect. It |would suggest distributional ad- vantages which do not exist and | would not pinpoint the 16 or 17 \high-card points guaranteed by ja three notrump response. 3. One spade, The fact that the clubs are of better quality jthan the spades does not con- |stitute an adequate reason for jnaming them first. The usual goal in suit contracts is to land in the longest trump suit, not necessarily the strongest. | Spades can be played as trumps if partner has any three \of them. If the clubs were bid TELEVISION : HUBERT patthal aaa atin I DON'T See HOW YOU FIGURE, .) MIS TWINK / FOR AN EXECUTIVE IN YOUR POSITION, YOU CAN pO THE STUPIDEST THINGS / WE WANT A TAIL ON HIM FROM THE MINUTE 7 '] He RETURNG ; TO SEB THIS IMPREGNABLE FORTRESS GARDAY THINKS HE CAN CRACK / i Se oe SECRET AGENT X9 II. OS AnDER: -- SOFT AN' LOW.... IN SPANISH, -- AIN'T A SOUL R Channel 11--Hamilten Channel 9%-Teronte Channe! &--Rochester Channel 7--Buffale Channel 6--Toronte Channel 4--Buffale Channel 3~Barrie Channs! 2----Buttalo musaroranemanene canines wcrteen, FRIDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M. 11--Family Theatre 8--Superman 7--Laramie 6--Forest Rangers 2--Mike Douglas 3--Canadian Open Golf 5:30 P.M, 8--Dobie Gillis 4--Outlook 3--Science Fiction Theatre 6:00 P.M. nt §-4--News, Sports with) 11--Movie Chuck Healy 7--Movie 6--Mr. Magoo 3--Adventure Theatre 6:30 PLM, 2-3-9---News, Weather Sperts @--Huntley-Brinkley News 4--News é--Let's Talk Music 7:00 P.M, 11--Mike Douglas The Flintstones &--Mr. Roberts 6--Movie | 4--Gomer Pyle | The Wild | 9:30 P.M. N--Petticoat Junction | 2--Mr. Roberts 7--The Farmer's Daughter 4--The Smothers \l--Merv_ Griffin 18-2--U.N.C.L.E | 3--Sentimental Agent | 7--Court Martial 4--Wayne and Shuster 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2---News Weather, Sports | 2--Johnny Carson 6--Viewpoint 4--Movie 6--Night Metro 8--Johnny Carson | 7~--Movie | }-Movie | 6--Premiere Theatre Movie 9 8&--Davey and Goliath |!1--Outdoors Unlimited | 2--Cartoons 4--Captain Kangaroo 1 Wild Weet | 4--Tom and Jerry FRED IS NOT A BAD HUSBANP, REALLY--- 1:30 A.M, 1}--Mark Saber 8--Skipper Sam Bros. 7--Magilla Goritla 10:00 P.M. |: 9---Summer Fun 2--Fury 4--Quick Draw McGraw 3--Ed Allen Time 12 NOON Your Home and Garden 9%--Cartoon Playhouse &~Gumby 7--Bugs Bunny | 6--King Leonardo 4--Sky King 3--~Ernie Lindel 2--Bachelor Father 11:08 PLM, 1:18 PLM, oe Syndicate, bec. 1966 Workd dighte mmarved 11:20 PLM, 12:30 P.M. 11--Movie 8--Movie | 2--Milton The | 4--Linus | 6--Tennessee Tuxedo 3---Canadian Open 2--Wells Fargo 1:00 P.M, 25 PM, Monster 1:38 PLM, 9--Thunderbirds Lp 7--Hoppity Hooper | - | 4--My Friend Flicka | + | 63--Championship Series 11:40 PLM, Snooker 2--Sting Ray 1:30 P.M, 9--Rescue 8 | 7~American Bandstand 4--Rural Review SATURDAY 8:00 A.M, o BUT IF YOU THINK OF HIM AS A "LIFE COMPANION," HES FOR THE BIRDS! i only a four-card spade suit, and | would probably not raise spades with three-card support. 4. Two clubs. Every effort |should be made to identify the 4-4-0-5 distribution, so that the best trump suit can be found. By bidding clubs first, intend- ing to show the spades and hearts later, you identify the greater club length. If the clubs were equal in length to the spades and hearts, the higher ranking suits would be named first. Note that it would be wrong to respond with a jump shift, despite the 17 high-card points, There are so many messages you'd. like to deliver that you should not crowd the bidding unnecessarily. SALLY'S SALLIES 2--Sea Hunt 2:00 P.M. BUT YOU 46--News, Weather, 4 Sports HAVEN'T! 4--People Are Funny 3--Combat 3--Huntley-Brinkiey 8:30 A.M, 8--Fantasy Island | 7--Rocketship 7 11--Sennitie! House | 2--Funny Company 9:00 A.M, | 8--Three Stooges | 4--Field Trip Fantasy Island oer? | PA Ls tes wee] tte | ae at a? ni 9--International Bowling | = aye et le Se: alt, WOW! CAMERAS 9 HAVE REALLY 6-3--Wrestling 4--Forest Rangers at YOUR HEALTH > " ie 1 7:30 P.M, %--Smothers Brothers 7--Flintstones 4--Addams Family 4--Wild Wild West 2-8--Camp Runamuck =| 2- 8:00 P.M. 11--Candid Camera 1 9--Patty Duke Show | 4 & Movie 7--Tammy 6-3--Chorus, 2--Hank 2. P.M, | | Silent Heart Attacks | Escape Discovery 3:00 PLM, By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, M.D. 9:30 A.M, -The Sonins Paper Capers --Hercules 6-3--Life and the Land 9--Wrestling 3:30 P.M, 11--Outdoors Limited 10:00 A.M, | 3-6--Bugs Bunny §-2--Secret Squirrel 2--Miniature Golf 330 P.M. 7--Popeye 4:00 P.M, V--Man From UNCLE | 4-Mighty. Mouse 1--Professional %A GoGo Playhouse Wrestling 7--Addams Family 10:30 A.M, 9---After Four | 2--London Palladium 1=Hobby Time 7--Championship | 6-3-Get Smart 9--Cartoon Playhouse Bowling Hogen's reroes ¥-4--Under Dog 73-6-6=Basepall 9:00 P.M, | 7--Beaties | 4:30 P.M. 9--Movie | @--Cousin Bill | 9--Wide World of Sports T--Honey West | 4--Lassie | 4--Bat Masterson CROSSWORD ACROSS 1, Supreme "Oh, it fits all right, but when I said blue chips I wasn't talking about diamonds." Gentlemen MICKEY MOUSE WATCH FOR GUNMAN SHOREHAM, England (CP)-- |Police were waiting to question Alan Williams, 26, when he got off a train in his Sussex home a ~~ °o5 = kOe GEE, SUREA ff 3 LUCKY KID? 3" ' i Is S AND ITS UP TO ME TO KEEP ALL 4 THE STUFF SHE BAKED FOR 'EM FROM GOING STALE/ dence of change or damage in the heart muscle, evaluation et such reserve strength as the heart may have retained or re-|*OW". 3 egret pomigg 2 yy gained, and other factors. In|/Teported he had a gun a short, no treatment may be re-|Shoulder - holster be id quired--or, if the residual dam-|Jacket. i cary vs age is considerable and the/C@use of the ulge--a heart has little reserve, consid-|W@S taking home for the cat. GRANDMA, FORGOT MOST OF THE BOYS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOPARE AWAY AT CAMP 3 Ne WEEK. Jy ° | By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: Is_ there {such a thing as a silent heart \attack? What are the symp- |toms, and is the treatment the same as in other heart attacks? --M. §. S. There can be a heart. attack Feb- ruary 44, Tarzan's 18, foster 71S 0 OF, ° yy f c 6 CHAS. KUHN- HUA INSIDE To] (7) TE vets! >2? mame SKEETER! pr. 2 JUNIOR! COME BACK HERE! oected YEAN! IMAGING WHAT } WED DO IF HE WAS 4 WN FOR ANYTHING WORSE THAN A BATH! Court name 5. Wheaten flour of India . Played down 10, Nonpaying occupation 12, Behaves 13, Blackboard adjunct 14, Greek letter relatives DOWN 20, .Card game . Garret . Legal action suit . Member of the nobility: abbr. . 43,560 sq. ft. in . Interchange .Contraction 26. Sprinting, . Reparation jewels Hawai- jan birds 24. Moc- casin 25, Winner ofa with no symptoms of which the patient is aware. In actual prac- |tice when such a heart attack is discovered later (usually by means of an electrocardiogram) careful questioning by the doc- tor can often elicit a history of some type of discomfort. erable treatment may be re- quired, This might involve medica- tion. It might, if the patient is Subjected to more strenuous work than he can tolerate, re- quire changes in his work or NOW OPEN Pleasant Grove duel Yesterday's Answer 1804 33. Shut This may have been passed off by the patient as indigestion ;or muscle strain or any of a living habits to reduce strain. Or, finally, it might consist chiefly of periodic examination to see how the heart is behav- TRAILER PARK South Shore West Loke close to Famous Send- trotting, 36. Chair variety of other explanations. ing, and if further difficulty de-| bonks, | The discomfort may, indeed, |have been so mild that the pa- tient disregarded it or actually forgot about it. Thus these are not really. "si- lent' heart attacks, but have been mistaken for something jelse 'I wouldn't say that treatment would be. the same as in other heart attacks. They simply aren't discovered at the same time, and that makes a lot of difference When a heart attack is severe enough to be instantly recog- nized, the immediate and vital measure is bed rest, to relieve the damaged heart of strain until it begins to recover With discovery of a '"'silent" heart attack, the patient al- ready has passed that stage. Doubtless he would have been better off if he had rested, but he didn't, and he survived any- way. Thus treatment for a "silent" heart attack would correspond) to that which might be suitable] later on for a recognized attack.! It would devend on the evi-| 39. Mother of Irish gods 40. Bobby's cousin 42. Music note --CAMPSITES e icity and water @ Mod- ern plumbing @ Wood available e@ Fine sand beach @ Sefe and good fishing. . Parrot-like bird Irregular 3. Level Norse god of war pacing, etc, 27. Trial 28. Observes 29. Gapes 30. Big name in Hollywood Oe. a 15. Range part . Negative . Loggia . Covers with earth Editorial "I" Part of | 2 6 8 an hr, Posture . Indite Genus of cattle . Ibex, for one velops, to detect it at once. 1964 Wari sige Now the only way to buy WRIGLEY'S SPEARMINT .. popular, modern dime pack SPECIAL RATES FOR LONG SEASON (FREE Treiler Storege for Off-Season). Within 100 Miles of Oshewe Telephone: Code 613 No. 393-5263 M. J_ Kleinsteuber, RR. No. 1, Picton, Onteric MUGGS AND SKEETER © ing Fosecous Byudinntn JULIE -- WHAT'S i } - Pigs SY HAPPENING : , , » Thus '4 D . y . Chief i : \ / fi . Builds . Fish . French river 7, Substance in shellac Plagues . Girl's name , Be- whiskered pretender Member of a Las Vegas majority 43. Final I 6O FOR THE I'M CHICKENING SIMPLE THINGS ~ OUT, EVE. I ADMIT IT. I'M NOT BUILT FOR THE KIND OF / 1 GAMES PEOPLE PLAY 'Mi \ IN THIS BiG-cITY iS LEAGUE! LIKE HONESTY... RESPECT-- AND A REVERENCE FOR THE} INSTITUTION OF MARRIAGE! }!| j JULIET JONES You get more to enjoy in the convenient Dime Pack of Wrigley's Spearmint... more of that fresh flavour and lively taste!