Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Jul 1966, p. 11

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ET Ny eg eer wa Os ee RT a dh ie lien i in Fi Min i Hie Mi i ie Die ik Hien Lit Be Mien Hi fin ite in i tlt Hin hin Til dln Minn inline Hie india Carol; Dewey, combe, Eric; Griffith, . Nancy; Jane; Graper, Peter; Farn- Houghton, DY SELLS Np i ta DY PS $n THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 14, 1966 1] GRADE 10 GRADE 12 ey Exam Results Announced For O'Neill CVI Students Brian; Johnson, Thomas; Keys, Terence; Kitchen, _ Ronald; Koss, Jean; Mcliveen, Gail; Maidiow, Lance; Mark, Mary; Pallant, Patricia; Parfitt, Jan- Business and| Four - Year, Business and Commerce: Brown, Patricia; Cubbage, Bonnie; Cub! Connie; Dalziel, Ronald; Fa ner, Rosanne; Puhach, Nadia. Four - Year, Joan; The results ot recent June examinations at the O'Neill Col- legiate and Vocational Institute have been announced. om ing students head. ed their respective grades: Aris ang Science--F' ive Year: i Grade 9--Richard Hamley, 90.1 per cent; Grade 10--Sally Mac- donald 92.8 per cent; Grade 1i-- Virginia Macevicius, 86.1 per cent; Grade 12--Douglas Yon- son, 91.9 per cent. Arts and Science--Four Year: Grade 9 --. Carol Blohm, 77.9 per cent; Grade 10 -- Richard Bino, 80.2 per cent; Grade 11 -- Bonnie Ranstead. 80.6 per cent; .|shire. Suzanne: Lorne; Shaw, Michael; Sinclair, D: Robert; Smith, Nancy; Stevens, Joan; Thompson, Janice; Tooley, Margaret; Tresise, Kathy; ; Vipond, Duncan; Vorste- veld, Ei Bei ie, Waisgiass, B Rhonda; Warren, Robert; Wilt- Woodcock, Douglas; Young, Ruth. GRADE 9 Four-Year, Arts and Science: Blohm, Carol; Godfrey, Mar- jorie; Humphries, Anne; Lloyst, Linda; Porter, Nancy. GRADE 10 Five-Year, Arts and Science: Allan, Susan; Anderson, Philip; Andrews, David;- Bassett, Rob- Cc rill; ice; James; er, Hryscyshyn, Janet; Keys, bara;~Kuchnia; rummond; Wolfe, Melanie. GRADE 10 Four-Year, Arts Richard: Bryan; McKinlay, Phillip. GRADE it Five-Year, Arts Alker, Mary; Blair, Marlene; Clarke, Cheryl; Denby, Gail; Philip; Fiess, Goulding, Carole; Jones, atharine; Sheila; Wilson, Demeter, Sher- Howard, Robert; Betty; Donald; Kauffman, Koblack, jice; Reed, Paul; |Barry; |Robert; Storie, jton, Paul; |Warren, Douglas; and Science: Calhourne. ca {Hanlon, Allan. ana science: Faint, Jan- Gough, Rene; , Hook- Jarvie, Kane, ed =I Donna;---Lan- Smith, Linda; Barbara; Vipond, Dorothy; Sampson, Stone, Sut- Yonson, GRADE lt Four - Year, Business and Connie Cox, Irene; Devine, Irene; Heffernan, Shirley; iat MeClannen, wick Ceral Year, Arts and Science: |Saiec, Carolyn; Wood, ole + a Nenaing in a rattle. HORWICH CREDIT JEWELLERS Annual Storewide KNOW THAT SNAKE The simplest way of recogniz- ine the Maccacanoa rattiacnaka ty te calpedy 'ear tae, Grade 12 -- Allan Hanlon, 78.7 per cent. Business and Commerce -- Four-Year: Grade 10 -- Nadia Puhach, 81.7 per cent; Grade 11 -- Christena Wood, 81.8 per cent; Grade 12 Lorraine Stovin, 83.6 per cent. Anne; Leaming, Dar- Lescisin, Larry; Lott, MacLeod, Donald; Barbara; McNicol, Patricia; McWilliams, Gail; Macevicius, Virginia; Maxy- muik, Patricia; Menard, Gisele; Mooney, Richard; Rice, Eleanor; Ryan, Michael; Scar- lett, Lynne; Sinclair, Donald; Smyth, Laurie; Stapleton, Joan; Stephens, Brenda; Tre- sise, Dianne; Vice, Kenneth; Vodden, Catherine; Vodden, Richard; Wherry, Douglas; Wilson, Louise; Winder, Susan; | Webster, Jane. GRADE il Four-Year, Arts and Science: Ranstead, Bonnie, GRADE 12 Five-Year, caster, lene; Sharmon; McLean, ert; Bishop, Anne; Broadbent, Elizabeth; Charlwood, Gerald; Collier, John; Crawford, Doug- las; Cryderman, Glen; Desaul- niers, Patricia; Drumm, Michael; Engel, Richard; Fekete, Judith; Ferguson, San- : jdra; Field, Mary; Fry, Robert; heen, oaiteeceal: Judy) Goulding, William; Grahan, opkins, per cen' anice: Griffith Kathryn; Ham- The following students obtain-| ier Pater: Heard, Douglas; ed first-class honor standing in| Hurren, "Larry; Jamieson, June: |David; Lacroix, Bernard; Lan- \caster, Michael; Lewis, Gor- Oe Yur, Arts and Science: |don; MacKenzie, Ann; McCune, Adam, Arlene; Baron, Patricia; ese hli rag be PP ico Bastedo, Anne; Bind, Carol; |Mclaughlin, Peter; Macdona | Black, Mary Ann; Carson, Eliz-|52lly; Maidlow, Gregory; Mor- |abeth; Chambers, David; Ewles,|'!s. Catherine; Morris, | John: |Lee: Fiess, Norwynne; Fitches, Osbourne, Bette - Lynne; |Louise; Guy, Archer; Hager- Pearce, Jonathan; Pearse, 1 \man, Hilary; Hamley, Richard; |Bryan; Powell, Stephen; Power, many ways to man. Because) Hicks, Brian; Hircock, Brian; |FTances; Robson, Marjorie; they eat almost anything, as| Hoggard, Marilynne; Hopkins,|Sleeman, Lynda; Taggart, |man does, their gastro-intestinal|Brenda; Howard, John; Inch, \Brian; white cain wa tracts are about the same as) Cheryl; ier Yo. aren cuca se : eenan, ; ; | man's. 60 18 their dental struc- |Andrew; Lancaster, Kenneth; |Lander, John; Lawrence, Bar- Also, there are great similar- ai mage" BE soags --_ athleen; MacDonald, Janet; ities in bone and body, as well |McDuff, Margaret: Maiboroda, as in the skin department. | Alexander; Mazurek, David; The trouble in the past has|Morris, Vickie; Neill, John; b t si ' {O'Brien, Robert; Popham, been that pigs eventually get too! Linda: Prest. Barbara: Pym, big--far beyond the weight of} Barbara; Rimar, Richard; an average man. 'Rodenburgh, _ Cornelia; Ross,|} RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH $8.00 PER DAY = witace cr MILEAGE CHARGE 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST, Oshawa Sale-- CONTINUES at BOTH STORES ENTIRE sTOCK-- @ WATCHES @ DIAMONDS @ SILVERWARE e DISHES JEWELLERY @ LUGGAGE @ RINGS GIFTWARE AND MANY, MANY MORE ITEMS EXCHANGE AGREEMENT DOCUMENTS External Affairs Minister documents during the sign- island nation with prefabri- Martin (right) and Donald ing of a $600,000 loan agree- cated schools. The cere- Sangster, acting prime min- ment under which Canada mony took place in Ottawa ister of Jamaica, exchange will provide the Caribbean Wednesday. Pigs Experimental Uses Include Brace Modelling WASHINGTON (AP)--A new, A new booklet by the AEC breed of miniature: pigs is pro-|which tells about the pigs de- viding valuable aid to radiation|scribes various other non-nu- and other research affecting|clear, technological advances man, the U.S. Atomic Energy/resulting from basic atomic Commission reported Wednes- lresearch and development dur- day. ing the last 20 years. The pigs, similar to man in rs on many physiological ways, are) PROVIDES PAYOFFS even: being used in an effort to} The AEC said fundamental develop new and improved den- jatomic research--originally de- tal braces for humans. voted exclusively to fabricating Developed by the AEC's Han- |bigger and more powerftil weap- ford Laboratories at Richland,|onS -- has provided indirect Wash. -- and named "Hanford bonuses to man in such fields miniatures" -- the pigs never! 4S: grow heftier than 160 to 180; Improved color television re- pounds, the weight of an aver-|ception; better water purifica-| age man. tion and steam pollution con-| man. trol; new well-drilling techni-| This compares with weights ques, and even the development of 600 pounds or more for the/of, the modern electronic com- usual run « of - the - pigpen hog. | puter. Thus, the smaller models are! Describing the pig ideal animals for various kinds|ment, the AEC said: of médical research, the AEC; 'One interesting thing about) contends. pigs is that they are similar in| ra" MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. 1279 SIMCOE ST. NORTH -- OSHAWA 728-6291 -- YOUR ONE-STOP BUILDING SUPPLY CENTRE CASH & CARRY CORNER} COTTAGE SPECIAL! Arts and Science: | Adams, Wayne; Conway,| Michael; Cook, Sandra; Crotin; | Marshall; Curley, Bron; Daniel, WIS, as PLUS SAVE Macdonald Ford offers you the best new cor in town plus a pocket full of Savings . we offer instant fi- nancing, instant delivery ond we ore equipped to service what we sell. STORE HOURS: WEDNESDAY All Dey 'til 6 p.m. THURSDAY FRIDAY 9 am, to 9 p.m. SATURDAY 'til 6 Take advantage of our well known LAYAWAY PLAN ... Choose your dishes . , . silver- ware . . . Glassware, etc. A small deposit will hold your selection at these Great Sav- ings. 24-HOUR EXPERT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS HORWICH CREDIT ey 20 SIMCOE ST. aie one WwA worry CENTRE ALL SALES FINAL See Your Ford Fever Man To-Day ! MacDONALD FORD SALES Oshawa 520 King St. West @ Bowmanville East develop- il YOUR PLYWOOD @ HEADQUARTERS OPEN DAILY 7 TO 6 P.M. FRI. TILL 9 P.M. CANADIAN SHOWER STALL NADI Finished in becutiful white and black porcelain enamel. Size 30" FILIGREE PANELS PRECIOUS-LOOKING B.P. CEILING TILE Gi fi etone, carton lot woo while they 'en, only 8,59 GARBAGE PAILS No. 0037-- 9 gal. capacity No, 0047-- 13% gal. copacity ..... No, 0057-- 3.35 3.90 ROOFING (4 colors) 210 Ib. 3 in 1 asphalt shingles. Per 100 sq. ft. CASH AND CARRY ; 5.95 TOILET SEATS 4 colors, Each only . 4,99 TILE BOARD Enamelied x 30" x 72". Shower curtain, soap dish, taps and shower head includ- ed. ONLY 48.50 PERE AAEM RECT EOE wooD LADDERS 4' STEP. Reguler 5.25. 16" 16" 10 24" 24" » 2 ae AB cecsss GEE T20cccivivg TOE 48"... 6.75 Te is cisies 1 ig fade ban og GIVES YOU LIFE LASTING BEAUTY Fast and easy to install. The arbor- ite you select for your kitchen, bathroom or den will remain just as fresh, just os easy to clean yeors and years' from now. See our com- plete range of colors and potterns. 2 x 4 sheet. 5.45 2x 8 sheet...... 10.90 oeeeee WOODGRAIN PATTERNS= ALL AT ONE LOW PRICE} 16 gal. ity .. bak on oc 4x8 sheet..,... 19.85 Self edging....... 1.75 ec Oia ROR: LAMINATED PLASTIC Ideal for countertops, end tables, oar etc. Regular 60c axeu . 15,68 4x8 a. only . Ed RE PANELING Over 60 varieties in Stock. te Four burner electric surface units. Brush- ed Chrome finish. Ideal for the home, family room, hunt or skeet club, rec, room or recreation hall Regular 109.00. SPECIAL Now 5' STEP. Srp 6.25, Now 7' STEP. Regular 8.95. Now 8' STEP. wiih 11.95. Now LAWN MOWERS 60.75 4x 8 sheet, variety of a 25 . colors, Per sheet only POPLAR UNDERLAY V4 x 4x 4 sheets. Reg. 1.49 each. 20 or more sheet. 1 29 ' Cash and Carry only . MEDICINE CABINETS HARDBOARD di 3.99 No, 444 Glidden Exterior White HOUSE PAINT. Reg. 6.76 gol. SPECIAL 5.07 VINYL FOLDING DOORS. For opening up to 32' x 78". "J @E | Recessed type, size 14 19, oc Each only BsVV | x 18. Each only SR SAE Me RS AL MRNA URN OCR A BE I OC. RS TANS FIR HALLREIN TELESCOPIC TYPE STEEL BASEMENT PLYWOOD JACK POST WATERPROOF BOND GOOD ON ONE' SIDE @ Sagging roots @ Cracking " plaster @ Sticking doors and win- dows @ Squeaking -- uneven floors @ Slanting furniture. All easily corrected by this 8 85 fy ONLY Southern Pecan WALL PANELING. Light, and dork. 4x 8 sheet only Electrie 20 cut Model A-18 E.G. .... summer home, Red Top LOOSE INSULATION. Model E.J.W. 20 ... 4 cycle gas Model R.J. 20 i SESS AREA 2" CLEAR PINE 4" only per lin. 6" only per tin. 8" only per lin. 10" only per tin. Sia SC RSROA ECONOMY GRADE PINE 06% 8c 09%4e 22' EXTENSION. geste 23.50. Now 24' EXTENSION, Reguler 22.38 New cs ASPENITE V4 x 4x 8 sheets per sheet only Reg. 1.25. Cash and cory, per bag 2,99 | 98° BE A DO-IT-YOURSELF BRICK LAYER WITH BRIK KIT 6.75 The complete brick focing kit, for application over eny. wall surface. 7 colors to choose from. Carton covers $ sq. ft. All adhesives included JAVA TEAK CLUB WALNUT SCANDIA RANCH PINE CWB-128 4x7 only........ 410 each 4x8 only........ 4.70 each Nails to match .... eee SY CAULKING GUN -- cartridge type, only.. \ j 26' EXTENSON. Reguiler 33.00, Now HARDBOARDS Ya x4x8standerd. = 4 QD 3.60 2.95 Mal 4x 8 peg board. 4.80 ARBORS, TRELLISES, eic. Hoel Arber aa 1.95 %4 x 4x 8 standard. MOUNTAIN ASH Prefinished 3/16 x 4 x 7 ¥ grooved 3/16 x4 x8 Vv grooved MOUNTAIN ASH Prefinished with walnut inlay 3/i6 x 4x7 v grooved B/16 x 4x 8 v grooved SOUTHERN PECAN Hardboard, light, medium or dark. 4 x & sheet only MAHOGANY Prefinished, v grooved 4x7 silky 4x8 1 x 4 economy pine lin, ft. .... 1 x 5 economy pine lin. fr. 1 x 6 economy pine lin. ft. 1 x 7 economy pine lin, ft, 1 x 8 economy pine lin. ft. 1 x 10 economy pine lin, ft. 1 x 12 economy pine lin. ft. ALUMINUM DOORS ss ROOFING 210 tb. 3 m1 Asphalt Shingles ., 8.40 9.30 4 4 Ys RA hoe | board. 4x Each ca 4 1Y%e x inexpensive post. x 6 8" x x 2' 10" x 6' 10" Regular 24.95 x 1% Self Sealing 1,20 12.80 3.99 x4x prehung, al! hordware included. An excellent door at this price. tech 23.70 Each CASH & CARRY Reguier, x per sq. CASH, AND CARRY 4 COLOURS , Fen Trellis .T, 84" Wall Panels W.P Trellis W.P. 186 Wall Panels W.P. Trellis W.P. 246 FACTORY GRADE OFF CAR SPECIAL classic ANTIQUE BIRCH Prefinished, v. grooved 3/16 x 4x7 Cedar Picnic Tables With Tubuler Freme ... FENCING 11 gauge green plastic 2" mesh, 36" per 50' roll ... 42", Per 50' roll ........ 18", Per 50' roll .. 4.2.05. Fan Trellis *.T. 72" BEAUTIFUL EXTERIORS... BEAUTIFULLY PROTECTED SOLIGNUM gives natural wood beauty and ovt- standing protection from woter and weather, 12 colours. Fost opplication. No peeling. Anchor-Weld Panel Adhe- sive is designed to make the installation of wall pa nelling neater and easier; and the finished job more beautiful. No more need for setting finishing nails, fill- ing holes and marring the panel faces, Gan also be used for ottice in cautke | ANTIQUE ELM Prefinished, v grooved Bi6x4x7 ere CHAIN LINK GALVANIZED 13 gauge, 2" mesh, 36". Per 50' roll 42", Per 50° roll ........ 9.30 48", Per 50' Roll ...,... 10.60 36" STEEL GATES Complete with fittings for wood post 7' Steel T Post. a 42" height. 10,05 Only cau "8.90 6.45 1.35 . 1.15 4x8 8.90 BRAZILIAN ROSEWOOD Prefinished, sequence 19. 20 iT book matched 4 x 4x 8 a/16x 4x8 CAVALIER TEAK Prefinished v grooved 4x7 : 6 Driftwood Straw Bungalow White 8.25 Gallon Grass Green Brunswick Green Walnut Black Redwood Mahogony 5.85 Gallon Light Brown a, x 4x8 ThG6 Dark Brown Medium Brown 4.35 Gallon 11.75 13.50 1/16 x 4x 8 form Ply 'om 15.35 1 side Sprace Plywood With waterproof Bonding, % x 4x8 sheets. Regular 3.84, SPECIAL CMHC ACCEPTED 4x8. CAVALIER ELM rrernes v coh x7 eee 6.90 to 34.90 Regular SPECIAL 25% DISCOUNT THIS WEEK. CREOSOTE STAIN CREOSOTE STAIN per quart 90c per gallon 2.00 WITH CLIPS Only $1.5 98 per carttdee 2

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