"THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 13, 1966" 'A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE | -Pembroke Mediation Offered By Wishart TORONTO (CP) -- Attorney- General Arthur Wishart of On- tario offered Tuesday to serve as mediator in a wage dispute between Pembroke, Ont., police and the town council. Mr. Wishart said he will meet today with Irving Himel, coun- sel for the Ontario Police As- sociation, which represents the Pembroke police, to discuss a -voluntary--solution-to- the prob lem. Pembroke police reached an agreement with the Pembroke Police Commission in July 1965, calling for salary increases in line with those received by On- tario Provincial Police officers. However, the town council took the contract to the Onta- rio Supreme Court, saying it could not afford such increases, Teachers Fear EDMONTON (CP)--Canadian Parades Resume WOODSTOCK (CP) -- Tractor demonstrations against low farm produce prices will resume |}Thursday in the Woodstock-Lon- don area, Bill Langdon, area di- rector of the Ontario Farmers' Union, said Tuesday. The parades were called off about two weeks ago to allow farmers to harvest their hay. This time, Mr, Langdon said, the OFU local in Oxford, Perth and Middlesex Counties will at- tempt to hit every highway in the area with the exception of Highway 401, and will converge jon London and other centres. | Monday, OFU President John |Dolmer announced that tractor |demonstrations would resume 'across the province July 25. SHORT TRIP OTTAWA (CP) -- Opposition MPs complained that they were being prevented from discuss- ing agricuiiurai probiems as the Commons agriculture com- mittee voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to wind up its wide- ranging study of the 1966-67) spending estimates. |that The committee then went be- hind closed doors to write a re- port to be submitted to the Commons before the summer adjournment of Parliament, ex- pect@d this week. | th Harold Danforth (PC--Kent) Monts. recent unless said that concluding the com-) sumption of Parliament pre- Committee Action 22ers G2 | He said that he also wanted , \some discussion of the Carib- _|mittee's work hefore the fall re. 'bean sugar agreenient, reached at last week's Commonwealth dredwetght duty on sugar in sonly free entry for sugar into \the Canadian market, Gets MP's Protest :wxnm,,.. jbeet industry had expressed vents him and other MPs from| concern about the government's discussing such subjects as thelaction. His Commonwealth bean-Canada trade agreement and its effects om Canadian' su- gar beet producers. Committee Chairman Eugene ~ Whelan (L--Essex South) said the winds up the study of spending it will be unable to submit al report to the Commons before, the fall and thus will be unable to make proposals for govern- ment action in the intervening impression after Carib-| making inquiries was that this would not mean lower con- sumer. sugar prices.. However, .. lthere would have to be further 'examination of the question. committee | CALL OR SEE DIXON'S OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE | 313 ALBERT ST. Ships Blaze After Crash LISBON, Portugal |A Greek and a about 300 miles east (Reuters) Norwegian tanker collided and caught fire here. Caribbean - Canada conference Canada has agreed to drop, 723-4663 hun- of the ATTENTION Boys 8 - 14 Azores early today and a ship} in the area reported one ablaze DAY CAMP REGISTRATIONS from stem to stern. MD Hits Medicare OTTAWA (CP)--A_ universal) medical care program would result in wasteful and uncon- trollable cost and a deteriora-| tion in Canadian medical! ser-| vices, says L. D. Wilcox, asso- ciate professor of the University of Western Ontario's medical school. HON. ARTHUR WISHART Nuns Sue GM « CHICAGO (AP) -- Sev - Dr. Gerald Nason of Ottawa,|.. re ag ) sac ~ secretary-treasurer of the Ca-\™ atholic nuns sued Gen- | nadian Teachers Federation, | ral Motors and a Chevrolet told of the teachers' fear in bre for damages Tuesday, address to 200 delegates to t €| charging that a station wagon| jt would mean little less than eee ee eg " aoe rang were injured was |g 'national calamity, Dr. Wilcox > sters a A. in "'defective and unsafe condi-| says in a brief mailed to all destroys the concept of & Part tion. members of Parliament ee ie Wk TE lg ne ee ee Re Ss, - os» "was filed in circuit court by : phe hacia A ghee omit bey ar St. Charles sou es Satellite Use Urged TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts|Lake Ontario: Variable cloudi- ne, ree ; one--8iparish in suburban Melrose; opfaAWA (CP)--Improved in-|issued by the weather office at|ness with scattered showers. or body where re See Park. It names General Motors | ereontinental pest 5:30 a.m.: |thundershowers today. Mostly Forecast temperatures are made wi ve "Peet b ON) and Tom Edwards Chevrolet, a . : Synopsis: Cooler air will move|sunny and cooler Thursday.|Low overnight, high Thursday with people in uca' hot Y 4/suburban auto agency, as de-| voice communications by satel-|pelow the lower lakes this after-| Winds becoming northwest 15 to| Windsor <M group of men who are nol €GU- fendants, |lite has been suggested by D. F./noon with lowering humidities 25 this afternoon. St. Thomas ....... 60 cators. It alleges that a 1964 Chev-) Bowie, president and generaljlater today. A few isolated) Northern Georgian Bay, Al-|London .... . rolet station wagon, driven by|manager of Canadian Overseas|Showers or thundershowers may goma, Sault Ste. Marie, Tima-|Kitchener ... Moses Fired one of the nuns, "severely and|Telecommunication Corp., in|develop ahead of the advancing|gami, southern White River, |Mount Forest .... NEW YORK (AP) -- Mayor |¢Tratically" swayed from side| the Crown company's annual re-|cooler air. : North Bay, Sudbury: Sunny |Wingham .....+++ John V. Lindsay has fired Rob- to side, went out of control and| port to Transport Minister Pick-| Lake St. ( lair, Lake Erie,| with a few cloudy intervals and|Hamilton ....... ert Moses from his post as|Tolled off a highway near | ersgill, tabled in the Commons|Lake Huron, Niagara, western|cooler today and Thursday. A/St. Catharines .... arterial highways co - ordina-|Bloomington, Ill., Oct. 18, 1964. | Tuesday. Lake Ontario, southern Geor- few isolated showers with | Toronto tor, the only city position the! The suit charges that General Mr. Bowie said transmission|gian Bay, Windsor, London, | chance of a brief thundershower | Peterborough controveysial Moses held. |Motors designed the 1964 Chev-jof television and record-type|Hamilton, Toronto: Clear-|this afternoon. Northerly winds |Kingston . Lindsay has been embroiled rolet station wagon "with ajcommunications by the Farly|ing and becoming less humid|15 to 25 today becoming light/Trenton .. in a number of disputes with dangerous and improper design} Bird satellite system, in which/this afternoon: Sunny with sea-'tonight. Killaloe .... Moses, principally over the with regard to the side-sway|COTC participates, has been| sonable temperatures Thursday.| Northern White River, Coch-|Muskoka ...+. mayor's plan to consolidate the control system' and manufac-| satisfactory, but higher quality) Winds becoming northwest 15 to rane: Variable cloudiness and|North Bay . Triborough Bridge and Tunnel tured the vehicle with a defec-|could be achieved in voice|25 this afternoon. cooler with scattered showers|Sudbury .. Authority, which Moses heads, tive swaybar. ' transmissions, Haliburton, Killaloe, easterniand chance of a thundershower!Earlton ........ ». and the city's transit authority. PM ee gran ais atan pipes Gordon Get Blast | WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Don- ald Gordon, Canadian National |, Railways president, received a send-off when he left here Tues- day night in his private railway Are still being accepted at ROTARY HALL until FRIDAY, JULY 15th for boys 8-14 who wish to attend the O.R.C. DAY CAMPS, 3 Day Comps --- Camp No. 1 -- boys 11-14y July 18-22nd. Camp No. 2 -- boys 8-10, July 25-29th. Camp No, 3 -- boys 8-10 Aug. 2-5th (short 4 day comp). COST -- Camp No. 1 and No, 2 -- $5.00 per week. Camp No. 3 -- $4.00 per week (short week), REGISTER ---- Rotary Hall (Centre Street) 9:00-12:00, Noon 1:00-5:00 P.M, Registrations Accepted until July 15th. 5:00 P.M. teachers say they are fearful of| a new shape on the political) scene--the interprovincial com-| mittee of ministers of educa-) tion. The alarm was raised shortly lafter the 11,577 - ton Greek CP Wireph tanker Marietta Nomikos--! AGE Witepnei) bound from Kharg Island to Rotterdam -- radioed that she was on fire, day when its rider came down to earth the hard way. Bull riding takes place daily in the Stampede in- field, This Brahma bull was barely out of the chute at the Calgary Stampede Tues- today. Mostly sunny Thursday. Winds northerly 15 to 25 - . : fan gt tonight. 0 25 becom-| " 'Aimost immediately the 34,- WEATHER FORECAST Ottawa region: Some clouai- |895-ton Parsi of Segoe cea iti reported s s als : Cooler Weather On Way vcr. sie zesty or rat pote ite \this afternoon. Clearing this eve- oe tanker was badly s ning and turning cooler. Thurs- ea red t d ; ' fi . The fire on board the Piraeus- | Some Showers Pre IC e rt Blips del ne hE. |registered Marietta Nomi-! able temperatures. Winds shift- ' J ing by early afternoon to north. | Kos baie ye gga to west 15. - transmission of steeee seeee car. The 20 off-duty railway work- | ers, members of Local. 185 of the Canadian Brotherhood of Railway, Transport and Gen- eral Workers Union (CLC), were rot in a cheering mood, however. They were protesting "excessive delays in contract negotiations" on a new 1966-67 contract. Mr. Gordon, who spent Tues- || day in Detroit meeting with|| United States railway officials, climbed into his car through a group of the men without com- ment. with a smooth new bottle and a celebrated taste... that's how id 'SIRROBERT | BURNETTS | BY THE "KING" OF MEATS (Bridgeland) NIAGARA STEAKS 59° Ib. Red end Blue Brand ROUND STEAK 65° Ib. Minced Chuck STEAK CANADA PACKER'S RINDLESS BACON 39° Ib. PEAMEAL BACK BACON 89: WIENER and HAMBURG HAMBURG WIENERS BOLOGNA 3 lbs. 1.00 PORK STEAK 99° Ib. RED & BLUE BRAND SHORT RIB ROAST 49 lb. wv, | AQ° BUTTER 59: BROWN'S BREAD 24-0z. Looves 5 loaves 1.00 B.B.Q. STEAK PATTIES Box 1 69 HERE AND THERE OXFORD PARK TOWERS The Oxford Park Towers in Oshawa has been owned and operated by F. E. A. Griffiths Corporation Ltd. since March 1, 1965. The Oshawa Times erroneously stated in a news story June 30 that the apart- ment building was operated by Ben Freedman and Sam Laza- rof, the former owners-opera-| tors. | SWIMMING EXAMS Two hundred and thirty-eight passed Simcoe Hall Boys' Club swimming examinations for the April-June course, Six received tie Royai Lite Saving Star; 18, Bronze Medallion; 10, Senior Red Cross; 32, Intermediate Red Cross; 58, Junior Red Cross; 64, Beginner Red Cross! and 50, Boys' Club Tadpole. MAPLE LEAF CHEESE SLICES 1 Ib. pkg. 59° SHOPSY STEAK PIES $4.00 3 pkg. @ LARD AND MARGARINE BUNS 49° 4 Ibs. *1,00 2 pkgs. ICE CREAM York Salisbury Steak Paities FROZE 1.59 , FREEZER SPECIALS RED BLUE BRAND BRAND SIDES .. tb. 56° SIDES .. Ib. 55° HINDS .. tb. 69° HINDS .. Ib. 67° 43: Ib FRONTS Ib, 45° FRONTS fb. 43° 't BRIDGELAN oF Terms THE KING of MEAT-O-RAMA Available 1 909 SIMCOE ST. N. AT THE CROSSWALK MEATS PHONE 728-3361 Still made to orginal 1770 London Dry ly as dry and satin-smooth was. After all, when great taste can keep a gin famous for generations on both sides of the ocean--we wouldn't dream of changing it. What we have done, n nange the Wh VAN Cus : Vnite satin is Sir Robert B i formula; still a today a GAL, SPICED MEAT PATTIES 1.49 ™ Commercial Brand SIDES ... tb. 48° HINDS ... tb. 61° FRONTS . Ib. 39° though, is ite Satin bottle . It's the best way we know to salute a yaa Age Ox celebrated gin. Have a look. Have a buy. White Satin! That's how a gin should be. THE HEINTZMAN PIANO RENTAL PLAN | | | } Vo | Here's a novel plan for parents | | ti BR <O c g.°. KR } LA LONDON ~_GIS SE ( MOOTH AS awn «= <> SAI CHUCK OF BEEF who wish to test their children's muiical ability before purchas- ing a pianoy Heintzman will rent you an attractive, new small piano for 6 months--if you de- cide to purchase ft, the six month's rent and ¢artage will he allowed on the -purchase price. The balance on Heintzman's Own Budget Terms, 79 SIMCOE ST. N. 728-2921 emiOW. bea aet Convenient RotT Ma Ute D. MONTREAL a ) -- "white satin The Premium Gin