ohm i i ee ANN LANDERS Her, Guiliy Conscience Misinterprets Message Dear Ann Landers: 1 work|up my head. My friends tell me for a large organization and all| that my former fiance loves me DR, KATHERINE Mac LAGGAN --CP Wirephoto telephone calls go through the) but he is afraid of the responsi- switchboard, with the exception|bility of marriage. They say I of the executives' private lines,| should be patient and wait, and which,-of-course,-I-cannot use, that he naw rom ak husband telephoned me. at I need to know is how 0 sittin and I sg at once| ong should I wait? It has been he was bombed and calling eight months and I have not from a bar. It is Jack's habit! heard one word from him. to. telephone and pick a fight|, Am I being a silly romantic when he knows he's in the dog- to believe that true love can hou overcome any obstacle?--Leigh jouse--which he certainly was, , use he didn't come home Dear Leigh: You are right. last night |True love can overcome any . d usea Obstacle, but from your account I lost my temper e used of the way the young man has some rather salty language. | treated you, 1 would doubt that! Jack said some things he ini, is true love 't have said and it was) > oe | shouldn't , "4 {| 1 suspect your friends are) not a conversation you'd want): ing to be kind, but I don't ap, outsider to hear. think it's an act of kidness to As I was leaving the office give you false hope. If you have for, lunch, I encountered one of| not heard one word from your the telephone operators. She/ex-jove in eight months I-sug- gave me a wise-apple smirk) gest you write him off and| and asked, "And how are things! make new friends. at your house?'"' I felt like . i . . strangling her. 'pear Ann Landers: Please Ganadian Nurses Association Should I write an anonymous give us an answer to a hg letter to the personnel manager that is bothering us, Our daugh-| . ne about this snoop? If she listens ter is 17. At first we thought! ects ew DIuNswIc resiaen in, on my conversations she) she was just putting on weight. undoubtedly listens in on others. Now we know she is pregnant. By LINDA CRAWFORD lreport on the quality of nursing Your advise is wanted.-- * Last week she told us she and MONTREAL (CP)--Dr, Kath-|Service. The association will Invaded Privacy her boy friend want to S61 ine MacLaggan, director of|ask the federal and provincial Dear I. P.: Most telephone; married because he may be ursing at the University of{hospital insurance authorities i -|called into the service soon, He "Ursing ited } gt ppg gh AlgPeeageotois operators have very little inter-| ca j "|New Brunswick, Friday was/for financial support for nurse est and even less time to tune|is 21. What kind of a wedding stented president of the 80,000-|training at the bachelor's and in on family fights. The wom-|should a pregnant girl have?-- member Canadian Nurses' As-|master's level ' adian } j j an's greeting was probably an No Name Frenne +k sociation at the close of the or-/ Dr. MacLaggan, who received unfortunate coincidence. In the' Dear No Name: A quick one ; ' ¢ . ; ig hee , S ; ' st ../ganization's five-day annualjher bachelor of nursing from future make it a rule never to|--with as little hoopla as pos meeting McGill University, is author of discuss private business on _ sible. The séanelution passed a res-|the book Portrait of Nursing, a phone and then you won't nee ' ; , lution to assist its members in|Plan for the education of nurses to. worry about eaves droppers. Confidential to -- " pind eel ot sa collective bar-|in New Brunswick Head than Mine: There's noth-|!mpieme g collective bar- x : Dear Ann Landers: Please, ing wrong with your head, my gaining to obtain better salaries) In an interview, she outlined} please, please -- let me know|dear. Your letter was an ex- and working conditions. three main goals the association how a man can tell a womanitremely good one. Those The resolution said the col-| Would strive for during her two- that he is in love with her, ask "friends" are giving you a bum|lective bargaining process ap-|year term. her to marry him, let her clue/steer, I've never heard of such|pears to be "the only known! ne ALS WITH SCHOOLS in family and friends, make all 'biblical advice." It may be a/method of correcting the situa-| pings was the transfer of con-| sorts of plans, and then change| little late for you to 'go forth| tion," trol of diploma schools of nurs: his mind? If he was only in-/and multiply" but a marriage It maintained that the salac-ji., trom hospitals to educa- fatuated why would he propose! that offers companionship in ies and working conditions with-|)i¢1.4) institutions and the in marriage? the evening of your lives makes in the nursing profession do not! plementation of other reforms This happened to me and Ija great deal of sense. Good permit members "to maintain|;, nuraing education am so humiliated I can't hold! luck, and God bless you. a standard of living equivalent ' : sad : ---- --------'t> that available' to other com-|. Secone "concern: was' nute- ar " g service where more bursar- parable professions. Hq service Ww CHILD GUIDANCE ies and better salaries ere | SEEK CHANGE needed to produce qualified é é ® |. The Ontario Reg istered teaching staff. Action was also Children Need Basic Belief jNurses' Association's resolution|to be taken to provide better . ithat Canadian nurses exert}economic and social welfare for , Pressure to bring about a nurses. To Become Tolerant Of Others' sii2",'"siMepstascmnt'ny She aud se hopes the asa policy Bc be guorh ergy of na-/ation will work toward. estab- tional defence' which does notilishing uniform examinations By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD joffer you and your children, /allow male nurses to be com-/for nursing candidates ackeuit Over the years in this. column |your procedure would seem to missioned as nursing officers in\Canada, bringing a national I have entreated parents to|Mmake some sense, \the Canadian forces was als0!standard to provincial schools. | cultivate in their growing chil-| App CONFLICTS |passed Each proyince now is respon-| dren wide knowledge and deep) Whether your way "would The nurses also passed Sonad sible for the administration of appreciation of the religion Of| yroyve harmful" to your children | lution calling for action basec lits own examinations for nurses. | other children and their parents] o> not 1 don't know. In addition|°" Tecommendations of a CNA)", : aes af pa - -- The new president said nurses however different from theit/to the conflicts they may have, | WN) he it 4 ' ed. even oes St De ; - ann,| Will have to learn more abou own. I have assumed, they might miss something injdren in our own religious con-|»echanical devices if automa- said, that we and our own chil-|terms of values. Persons with|victions, or philosopy of life,liion in hospitals increases as dren can practise this gracious} strong religious convictions willjand still encourage them 0}"the nurse must he educated feeling and attitude toward) fee) sure they would in the light\learn about and appreciate|;, pandie the instruments of her! other religions without losing |of the growing trend to meas-|various other religious Ways. I\j,aqe." : loyalty to our own. But notlure values by material things.|believe, moreover, that when| cy, ; : vatit ' ; She said automation would everybody believes this is 80! You are assuming that young|parents have strong convictiOns| yrovide nurses with more time and I sometimes have glim-|chiidren can think through| about their own religion or phil-ifoy the human relations of nurs- mers of doubts myself. moral and spiritual values as|osphy of life they may be able|ing me parents try so hard to|well as can persons of mature/to win their. children to their aoe prévent religious bigotry in)minds. Won't they tend to lean|belief and ways and thus pro AINTING TIP their growing children as to de-|heavily on the beliens and prac-/mate greater family solidarity T Pk agin Rios a paint sist purposely from exposing|tices of other children and RRM EE EE REN ERS Te : tham to their own religious be-|adults they know best and like| ANSWERING QUESTIONS brush which you plan to use liefs. For example, a mother|best? Won't they be less likely|, @ When a child says, "I amj)again the following day, idles wiltes: to choose any religion at all for|9 going on 10," what does he/it tightly in a polythene aR. "I, as the parent of small|themselves? If that's your pur- "eve: This will Saha the brush moist children, do believe there is no|pose you seem to have a good, ": His wish to be growing up. and flexible religion which is more right! way. than another and would like my) On this point I wouldn't argue children to visit different/with you, but {t's my humble churches, temples, etc,, if they|opinion that any religion is have the chance. In later years) better than none, All the major they could then decide for them-'religions ,emphasize what isn't setves which road to follow to'made with hands or bought Gdd, unless they chose to be|with mon All seem to em- atheist. Rut would these con-) nhasize . flitting views plus my non- immediat seem to commitment to any one religion'encourage self - sacrifice and be harmful to a child?" giving up something now for y reply in part: supposedly greater values later M ! t dl lues | if you really believe there is| Therefore, it seems to me nq religion which is more right| that there is virtue in informing than another or has no more to'and encouraging our young chil-| \ | | | | DANCEY'S SUMMER CLEARANCE Famous Makers' GIRLS' DRESSES Up to % Price Savings OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE vw vey By ROBERTA ROESCH One of the theme songs 1 hear most when people discuss their jobs is ine inuri expression "It makes me so mad" applied to the action co-workers do or do not take, A teacher, for example, said only a few days ago, 'It makes me so mad when people fail to comment on good work. "I do my utmost to excel in things,' stie said, "but no one ever notices it or says so in so many words. But as soon as I make a single mistake, criti- "l\eism rings in my ears." Because I hear so many tales that begin with 'It makes me so mad' I have started a col- lection of them. Here are 10 1 hear most: 1. It makes me so mad when people never bother to thank me for the things that I do. 2. It. makes me so mad when co-workc:s pass me in our building and act too busy to say "good morning" even when I speak first, 3. It makes me so mad when | the girls at work kéep on asking to borrow things that they could supply for themselves. 4. It makes me so mad when officious employees, with no right to supervise anyone, try jto make my plans for me and tell me what to do. 5. It makes me so mad when moody people take out their own bad humor on everyone else in the office. 6. It makes me so mad when men and women who would jrather kill time than work try |to monopolize my hours when I want to get something done. 7. It makes me so mad when certain employees talk in whis- pers behind my back and leave }me with the feeling that they are discussing me. Analyzing Others' Beefs Helps Overcome Our Own 8. If makes me so mad when people create a_ disturbance when I am trying to work. 9. it makes me so mad when co-workers act conceited when they have done nothing to brag about. 10, It makes me so mad when people at work ask personal questions that are none of their business, We all made these comments | ourselves, and with some justi- fication. Certainly these are 10 good reasons for anyone to re- act angrily. FOUND EVERYWHERE However, these conditions and, people are working together on |jobs, because they are signs of |human weakness that we can't |do much about, | So since we can't do much | about avoiding them, it is fool-| ish to waste precious energy | letting them make us mad, In-! stead it makes better business | sense to use the energy we save | for getting ahead in our jobs. | It makes even better sense to | refrain from spoiling others by jties and alienating others by jnot causing our co-workers to lmake those same remarks about us. | EARN UP TO~$100 | A WEK OR MORE | BIG PAY JOBS WAITING for MARVEL GRADUATES Marvel Hairdressing Schools in principal cities offer ex- clusive '""MARVEL' TOUCH" training Complete course DAY or EVENINGS. For free brochure, write or visit MARVEL BEAUTY SCHOOLS Established over 40 years | Dept. 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S. situations are found wherever ) SELECTED FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK up to 1/9 OFF NOW 7.44 NOW 10.00 NOW 12.00 Shopping Is Convenient On A Walker's Plan Account GROUP | Reg. 10.98 GROUP Il Reg. 16.98 GROUP Ill Reg. 19.98 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 40 STORES SERVING ONTARIO