ships or aireraft. operated by Communist countries. The notice also applies to 500,000 Workers Get Waming a LONDON (Reuters) -- Nearly j:empt + » ified in. 500,000 civilian workers in Brit- forieation -- Bisco yg bf ish dockyards, air bases and/iiherately or involuntarily--was Held At Blackstock Park jarmament depots havetsbeenlthought to be the most wide- BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- Seven-jcock, Lindsay; oldest man --) e ty-five members of the Bea-|J. Robertson, Dunsford; most |Warsed not to visit Cemmbaiat spread security ruling ever cook family atiended the o8thjrecenlly tiaivied coupie -- Mr.) mads in peacetime Bitten. annual reunion at «the park.jand Mrs. William Ferguson; eg Bg ony foceone in all "ee Meals were served in the rec-|longest distance travelled -- N.|pritish ministry of defence es-| NOT TO BY DROPPED reation hall and the sports and|Wilkinson, Kitchener; longest tablishments, also advised em-| The moon weighs 81,000,000,- ager meeting were held at)married couple -- Mr. and Mrs "|ployees against travelling in 1000,000,000,000 tons. e park, Tennyson Samells; family quiz Officers for 1967 are: Os-|-- Miss Olive Beacock. borne Taylor, Bobcaygeon,| Friends attended from Kitch- president; Mrs. Harold Beatty,jener, Oakville, Toronto, Willow- Dunsford, secretary; Mrs. Vel-jdale, Don Mills, Oshawa, Lind- mar Robertson, Dunsford,|say, Dunsford, Bobcaygeon, treasurer, Peterborough, Cobourg, Prince The winners of special events) Albert and Nestleton. 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, July 11, 1966 Beacock Family Reunion ene Go now! Vacation worry-free! University of Toronto Go with an HFC Traveloan. _ vice A B.A. Degree by Extension | far sown tavwar rane) Go wth money fr Guessing clock time -- John, INDIANS FACE FIRES | past |asasle | dads every need. An HFC Robertson; youngest baby =| More tian $66 Ontario Indians An arts degree "featuring" generat--study--of social sind am : _Traveloan gives you Richard Morton, Oshawa; old-|have been trained as forest fire | j.mmonities, sciences, and languages, with concentration in @' ' cash to enjoy a sans ssebeSieor hash ea lace If chosen subject. A populor subject in the humanities is: relaxed vacation. -- uisa| BURL. .| Then you repay Continental French Buffet | HISTORY HFC conveniently, History seeks to describe activities of men and societies in the post, providing in the process an understanding of today's problems by showing their historical background. History ot university differs from history at school in extent and approach, Ask about credit life insurance on loans at low group rates H IGHLY RECOMMENDED Che Rih Room Will Be Closed Sundays For The Summer Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m, -- 5 to 8 p.m. GENOSHA HOTEL It involves wide reading and the crite! discussion of historical questions rather than adherence to a specified text. It stresses the coreful evaluation of sources, precise reporting, and clear and effective communication, Proctical use is in teaching, politics, government service, journalism, and business. Inform. ation from the Division of Extension, Scarborough College, 284-3131. Application deadline for new students is August 5. SCARBOROUGH COLLEGE HOUSEHOLD Fi Ask about our evening hours 2 OSHAWA OFFICES Suite 208, Oshawa Shopping Ctr.--Ph. 725-1138 (northwest corner, over Fairweather's) 64 King Street East--Telephone 725-6526 (next to the Genoshe Hotel) AJAX: 66 Herwood Avenve South... oeeeeseesones Telephone 942-6320 (over The Advertiser vertiser) 'STRAWBERRIES MAKE FESTIVAL WORTHWHILE The Centennial Fashion Show, 'Portraits of the Past," was given full attention by those who . attended the Strawberry Festival, Saturday after- noon, at the Pickering Township Museum, in Brougham. However, for the younger generation per- haps the main attraction were the dishes of straw- berries served by the com- mittee. Seen here is Lorne . Chapman, 4% years, son of + Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chap- os man, Piekering Township, who is devoting his entire attention to the bowl of summer delicacies. --Oshawa Times Photo Waistlong Hairdos Proposed. By JEAN SPRAINWILSON NEW YORK (AP)--To be ab- solutely sure there is no con- fusion in separating the men from the women, Kenneth is advocating waistlong hairdos. Since Kenneth Battelle as Jacquelin Kennedy's hairdres- ser once influenced a world of women into teasing their tres- ses into a huge head of hair, he may get his point across. But if you can't grow that much, can't wash it, or flip a dise trying to comb it, you can buy it and tuck the root of it into the crown of your hair. | Called falls, these spare hair| parts have been gaining in pop- | ularity and in length during the} year. But Kenneth probably has the record for the longest, 36 inches of silky stuff that costs] WBE oe s ee < about $750. ; Boas " ' I. <S ; More hair than no one dares " ' . : yank sells by the foot. These] ee ais 7 HE ia } é Rae are braids that dangle the ae a ee : j . ae : r 6} : | | oh a ; AJAY \ DAILY length of the body, or pull through hair loops, or form 9 to 9 FRIDAY masses of intricate ins and outs "TIL 5 P.M, at the nape of the neck. In his crowded salon, Ken- SATURDAY 'TIL NOON AND SAVE with your MILLS MAN neth explained to fashion writ- ers here for fall style previews that: H Eyelashes should be prop- | erly enhanced with two coats of mascara to give a woman appear ance.| brushed to- an enigmatic i False eyelashes, i gether with natural ones,|i) should be worn for evenings. jf} -- Hair should shine withif healthy highlights and: fall toll! shoulders or the waiste al-|f} most like Lady Godiva, if|f}) you are young enough --Lips should be soft andi! moist - looking, neither too! dark, nor too light, with | tantalizing sheen. The Millinery Institute -- duced a group of small hats that managed to squeeze a | the fine artistry of the hair-| dresser without wrecking it. Recognizing that a woman's|}} hair is not always at its best, the hatmakers also included a group of wraparounds, or cover- ups -- turbans, scarves and baggy berets that keep women in curlers without detracing |f) from the' their chic. Your Mills Man "Pick-of-the-Week" == $2760 "Laurentian" PROV. TAX EXTRA SEE your MILLS MAN DON GAVAS RAY McLAUGHLIN FRANK WHITE LEN BURTON ROSS SHEYAN MIKE JACULA ¢ e @ DAVE BATHE @ Murray FRANKLIN e & eS Five Cent Meters Being Installed WHITBY -- Whitby residents | > seat belts; should from now on pay more attention to parking meters. Al- H ready starting at the four corn- H | = 4-DOOR SEDAN 8-Cylinder model No. 75669 equipped with: ---- automatic transmission; windshield washers; padded dash} outside mirror; licence. ceetuttly Tow iver BILL HAYNES RON SILVER BADE CRANFIELD BERT AMEY ONLY 6-cylinder $100.00 less. Your Mills Man FRANK WHITE ers Brock St., to Byron St., on Dundas St. W.,. five cent meters are installed on _-- sides of the street | Meter Inspector Eric al fs progressingly making the if! changes. A_ sticker on each | meter indicates the changing |] rate H | One more thing cannot be | bought in Whitby (one cent par- | king) | A. E. JOHNSON, 0.D. |} ; he | i] OPTOMETRIST 14 King St. East |i! 266 King. Street West '3 = _-- one am ee Sores = a = --_ at NS eT CES = ' -- - = se " mee nF: = SE --_ = = a of Your PONTIAC ¢ BUICK © VAUXHALL ¢ VIVA ¢ ACADIAN ° GMC ¢ BEDFORD Dealer CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. Phone 723-4634 | 799.9721 Downtown Oshawa