2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 11, 1966 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE 'Emphasis On In Cabinet Shu TORONTO (CP)--The Globe and Mail says Labor Minister Leslie Rowntree will probably get the new cabinet portfolio of minister of financial and com- mercial affairs created during the last session of the Ontario Mill Ready. For Centennial KILLALOE, Ont. (CP) -- A water-powered mill which has been grinding out flour and dressed lumber for over a cen- tury in this town 20 miles south- fet west of Pembroke is being re- furbished as one of Hagarty rile Township's centennial projects. A century of weather has mellowed the exterior of the Leo Hart of Beaverton, Ont.,| puyildine while the 36 - foot his sons Douglas, 12, Ronald, 8,| squared timbers in the walls William, 5, and daughter Judy, | jj; bear the marks of the 2, are in hospital. : broadaxes used to shape them. The second car was driven 'The three-storey building was by Charles Lepore of Belleville. | originally a flour and feed mill. Mr. Lepore and his wife Vivian, puyring the Second World War Youth " : legislature. The newspaper says the change will likely lead to three or four other cabinet' appoint- ments to make use of some of the younger back-benchers in the. Progressive Conservative government of Premier Ro- barts. The government created the new department fo take control of Joan and trust companies and securities and consumer protec- tion away from the attorney- general's department. ; Mr. Rowntree, 52, was elected to the legislature in York West and their sons Ralph and David} are in hospital but their injur- ies were not believed serious. Eldorado is 30 miles north of > Belleville. | 5 in 1956 and has also served as F minister of transport. The Globe quotes spokesmen HON. ROWNTREE inside the provincial Conserva-! tive party as acknowledging the concern felt about younger men on the government benches who may be lost if they are not soon given some hope of promotion. Child Found TORONTO (CP)--Dion Kris- ko"s mother had so many chil- dren--nine--that she miscounted when-she came home after visit- ing a friend Saturday night. She made a closer check Sun- day, Dion was missing. In fact, he had been missing since Saturday afternoon and been picked up by a policeman and taken to the Children's Aid Society, thence to a foster home. So when police received Mrs Krisko's frantic call about 2 p.m. Sunday they put two and two together and'delivered Dion to his home. 'Two Men Held BRANTFORD. (CP) --Two Brantford men were arrested in connection with the beating of a 62-year-old scrap dealer Sat- urday. Archie Treverton of Brantford) was admitted to the intensive! care ward of Brantford Gen- eral Hospital with multiple cuts and bruises. The men will appear in court today. Vultures Rejected NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) About 40 members of the Vul- tures motorcycle gang from Buffalo and Tonawanda, N.Y., who claim association with the infamous Hell's Angels of Cali- fornia, were refused entry to Canada late Saturday night. Police watched the group, mend the appointment of a con- ciliation board. He said in a statement the negotiations foundered after the CBC proposed different salary scales for guild members in Toronto and Montreal from members in the other cities. White Man Slain ATHENS, Ga. (AP) -- Police said a white man was shot to death during a rock-throwing in- cident Saturday night after his truck broke down in a Negro section Assistant Police Chief Thomas McGahee identified the dead man as Willie Junior Self, 38, of Athens. He said Seif was shot through the head after Negroes gathered around an old pickup truck that had stopped running in a Ne- gro section of town Woman Strangled VANCOUVER (CP) -- Police said Sunday night "a number" of suspects "had been questioned during an investigation into the| strangulation of a 28-year-old) housewife in suburban Coquit- lam. No arrests had been made The nude body of Anna Whitby of nearby Port Moody was discovered Friday morning in a lover's lane area where she had gone the previous after- noon with her son on an appar- ent picnic. The son, Murray, 6, was found wandering on a nearby road Friday morning. In Ottawa OTTAWA (CP) -- The Com- mons this week takes another. crack at winding up its press- many of whom wore bicycle|!"& business and adjourning for chains around their waists, as they roamed about the customs offices. They were seen pour- ing soft drinks on the floor and on each others heads. Obsolete Plan STRATFORD (CP) -- Rapid changes in living habits and lack of research may make some urban renewal schemes and eivic centres obsolete within 20 years, C. J assistant treasurer of the Do- minion Life Assurance Co. 0 Waterloo, said Sunday. Speaking as chairman of a seminar on civic design, Mr. Watkiss said that huge sums spent in downtown areas may be completely wasted and to- tally uneconomic, Unity Move ST, JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)--Pre- mier Smallwood said on the eve of today's opening cere- monies for Newfoundland's completed Trans-Canada High- way section that the road across the province has united. resi- dents of hundreds of tiny com- munities as nothing else could "More than anything, it has made our people one people. It has. pressed them together," Mr. Smallwood said. "For me, personally, it is a matter of inexpressable satisfaction." Impasse Reached OTTAWA (CP) -- The CBC and the Canadian Wire Service Guild reached an impasse Sat- urday in their negotiations for a new contract to cover 230 news- men in the news, talks and pub- lic affairs department Loyd Bulmer, executive sec- retary of the Guild, said the guild asked J. S. Gunn, the federal conciliator, to recom- NOW OPEN Pleasant Grove TRAILER PARK South Shore West Leke close te Fameus Send- banks, ---CAMPSITES @ Electricity end water @ Mod- ern plumbing @ Wood evailable @ Fine sand beach @ Sefe ond goed fishing. SPECIAL RATES, FOR LONG SEASON (FREE Trailer Storage for Off-Season). Within 100 Miles ef Oshewe Telephone: Code 613 No. 393-5263 M. J_ Kleinsteuber, RR. Ne. 1, Picton, Onterie Watkiss, ° a summer recess Two tentative adjournment dates--June 30 and then July 8 --went by when the New Demo- cratic Party pressed its de- mand for an increase in the old age pension Last Friday the Canada As- Sistance Plan was approved after Health Minister Mac- Eachen promised a statement on pensions before the recess Strike Feared TORONTO (CP) -- A strike that could tie up mail delivery} in Metropolitan Toronto may be called early in August. Drivers for H. W. Bacon Ltd. voted Sunday to strike un- less a contract is reached by Aug. 1, The drivers, members of Local 419 of the International |Brotherhood of Teamsters (Ind.), want higher wages and reduction to 40 from 42 hours a week. The 170 Bacon drivers. carry all mail between post offices and clear street mail boxes. Boy, 14, Killed ELDORADO, Ont. (CP)--Rob- ert Cole, 14, of Eldorado was killed Sunday in a two - car crash that injured nine other persons THIS IS A DO IT YOURSELF AGE With skilled mechanics and repairmen not so freely available, mote people ar own minor repairs, Some are becoming amateur carpen- ters and painters; even making their own furniture, This is one of the chief many more accidents, cuts, before. And if not properly cared for immediately sometimes a serious infection can develop. Have you @ well stocked emergency kit in your home or automobile? We have them in vorious sizes and their cost is low. You would be wise to check your first-aid supplies to moke certain emergency. YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need o medicine. Pick up your prescription if shopping nearby, or we will deliver promptly without extra cherge. A great many people entrust May we compound yours? EASTVIEW PHARMACY 57 \ P. B. Francis, Phm, B. -- PHONE 725-3594 Fost --- Free Motorized Delivery Viet Cong Aid LONDON (Reéiiters) -- Gar- den parties are being held in a quiet London suburb to raise money for arms for the Viet Cong in Viet Nam. The first was held during the; weekend, It raised nearly £33) ($99) which will be sent to the Viet Cong's representative in Prague. The party was organized b Malcolm Caldwell, a senior le turer on Asian Economic tory at the School of Oriental and African Studies here. CNTU Plans Emergency Meet Today MONTREAL (CP)--The exec- utive committee of the Quebec- based Confederation of National Trade Unions (CNTU) is sched- uled to meet in emergency ses- sion today to study the conse-| quences of'a possible strike by 32,000 non-professional hospital workers in the province The employees notified Labor Minister Maurice Bellemare of Quebec that they would strike July 14 if salary negotiations were not successful. The work- er's representatives lave said they would postpone the strike action on a day-to-day basis if negotiations are promising. The workers, members of the National Federation of Services (CNTU), make up virtually all the non-medical staff of the hos- pitals. The CNTU and _ representa- tives of the federation have called a press conference for to- day, at which they said they would announce the progress of negotiations to date. The negotiations, carried on sporadically in the last few days, were expected to be re- sumed today in Montreal. NURSES DISSATISFIED An unaffiliated organization of nurses called la Federation des Syndicats Profession- els d'Infirmieres Catholiques, which has been negotiating its| own separate contract with the hospitals, said it is not satisfied with the latest offers made by the hospitals. The amount involved in the management offer was not dis closed The federation has gotiating with the since last November an expired contract. It represents 3,200 nurses in 46 hospitals at points outside Montreal The employees in the federa- tion of services have been try- ing for more than two years to obtain their first province-wide agreement with hospitals. Union spokesmen satd the hospitals have offered pay increases ranging from $2.10 to $3.30. The union is asking for $8 Hospitals throughout the prov- ince were reported Sunday to be making gradual reductions in the number of patients and to be making other preparations for a possible strike been ne- hospitals to renew Helps You Overcome FALSE TEETH Looseness and Worry No longer be annoyed or fee] il!-at- ease deca of loose, wobbly false teeth. FASTEETH, an improved alka- line (non-acid) powder, sprinkled on your plates holds them firmer so they feel more comfortable, Avotd embar- rassment caused by loose plates. Get FASTRETH at any drug counter bik rt reasons why we now have brusies and burns than ever you are prepared for an us With their prescriptions, 3 King Street East Oshawa Povo Dvit so Phm, ft b J, R. Steffen, B.Sc. & A oh | went the mill ground government regulation flour and dressed thousands of feet of lumber for the military camp at Peta- wawa, 10 miles northwest of Pembroke. Sydney Bay, owner, .now.usesthe-.mill for making chairs. "At my age I consider myself practieally re- tired,"' he says, "but making something at the mill is my only hobby." Today the water wheels turn .only when -- the owner feels like working. The mill is the only survivor of four mills built on the shores lof Brennan Creek in the 19th entury, The machinery was so expensive that the third owner bankrupt. Michael Har- rington purchased the mort- gage and advertised in a Mont- real paper in 1907 for a miller Mr. Bay and his wife, both re- cently arrived from England, answered -the advertisement Mr. Bay has agreed to allow the township to make improve- ments to the mill, but has no plans to donate the property. 'After all, I want to be able to potter around it when I feel like it,"" he says WEATHER FORECAST the 85-year-old! Police Hit At Negroes GRENADA, Miss. (AP) --)struck near a federal official Steel - helmeted fighway pa- and two others as they were trolmen, wielding billy clubs /ahout to go into a Negro church and gun butts, drove off some late Saturday night. 300 Negroes demonstrating out-- A column of patrolmen, side the Grenada county jail|armed with shotguns, carbines | Sunday as sheriff's deputies'and tear gas grenades, scattered 100 jeering whites. (marched into one group of | But civil rights |e aders|about 200 Negroes standing near planned new demonstrations to-|the jail at dusk Sunday. They day--a swim-in and a read-in-- were ordered to disperse the in their test of public accom- crowd after about 50 Negroes modations in this town of 7,914, |first refused to move from the halfway between Jackson, the| jail house lawn, then shifted to Mississippi capital, and Mem-'a nearby spot where 159 Ne- phis, Tenn. groes were gathered, The trials of some of the 43 ONE MAN CLUBBED Patrolmen- ctu b bed to the civil--rights--workers~jailed for tion on a Grenada street come|man who fought back when the up in city court; Many of the troopers moved in, Negroes dispersed Sunday from' When the first group had been the jail area had come on a scattered, the riot squad turned sympathy march for the 43. (on another group of some 100 Also scheduled today was a Negroes who were watching | hearing for two from a courthouse parking lot rrested after shots' across the street. OR SCENE Ltd., preliminary {white men a | LAB By THE CANADIAN PRESS | mos --- lew! alk Yarmouth Newloundland--A mairout of taskee sisike of 006 1,100 miners at Iron Ore Co. of civil servants seeking a raise Canada, Labrador City, showed entered its third month; talks signs of ending Sunday when were reported progressing favor- | workers allowed 50 men to en- ably between 139 hospital rep- ter the plant to prepare pellet- resentatives and 32,000 non-pro- izing equipment for production. fessional employees who have Nova Scotia~--More than 450 decided to put off a Thursday textile workers seeking higher strike deadline on a day-to-day pay remained off the job at Cos- basis; about 5,000 Dominion Textile Co. workers at plants continue to strike. for higher pay; Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. Ltd. workers to return to Mills a A Some Thundershowers May Strike TORONTO (CP) Official forecast issued at 5:30 a.m Synopsis: Today will be an- other warm day but not quite as warm as Sunday. Numerous thunderstorms occurring around Lake Michigan are spreading slowly eastward. Some may reach southwestern Ontario lateeterborough this afternoon. Regiona! forecasts valid until midnight Tuesday: Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Windsor, London: Sunny with cloudy periods and quite warm today with scat- tered thunderstorms late this afternoon, Continued warm and humid with scattered showers or thunderstorms tonight and Tuesday. Winds light except in brief thundersqualls. Niagara, Lake Ontario, Geor- gian Bay, Haliburton, Toronto, Hamilton, North Bay, Sudbury, Killaloe; Mainly sunny Tuesday sunny with cloudy periods and scattered thunder- showers. Not quile so warm Winds light. Timagami, River, Cochrane, western James Bay, Sault Ste. Marie: Sunny with a few cloudy periods and scattered showers or thun-|| dershowers today and Tuesday. Not much change in tempera- ture, Winds light Ottawa region: Mainly sunny today and Tuesday. Chance of afternoon and evening thunder- showers both days. Warm Winds light. : Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Tuesday Windsor 93 today.|| Algoma, White) | work today after five-day walk- out; The second of three groups of unions representing Can- ada's 92,700 non-operating rail- way employees decided Friday to take a' cross-country strike vole; about 225 Quebecair em- ployees, serving points in Que- bec, voted to strike in support of a new contract with the air- lines; no developments in a strike of 400 men against Que- bec North Shore and Labrador Railways. On Tuesday St. Thomas London Kitchener Mount Forest | Wingham Hamilton St. Catharines .... Toronto Ontario -- Attorney - general Arthur Wishart is expected to announce early this week whether he will appoint an ar- bitrator in a wage dispute be- tween Pembroke police and town council; 200 employees of Sterling Drug Co. at Aurora continue on strike; talks stalled between Koering - Watrous Lid of Brantford and 220 employ- ees; about 400 employees of Do- minion Magnesium Co. Ltd. threaten strike action Thursday in contract dispute Kingston ... Trenton .. Killaloe .. Muskoka ... North Bay Sudbury . Earlton .... oe Sault Ste. Marie .. Kapuskasing White River , Moosonee .. Timmins . Adult Building Central Location Prestige Address Distinction Beyond Compare Underground and Level Parking By Appointment Only 723-1712 -- 728-2911 G@GORGIQN Mansions 124 PARK ROAD NORTH OSHAWA TUES Featuring BERN under the stars, You'll Recording Industry. MC McLaughlin Bandshell, Memorial Park Come and bring the whole family to a Free Concert of Modern Music, as played in "Big Band' Concerts sponsored jointly by General Motors of Canada Ltd. and the Toronto Musicians Association with a grant from the Trust Fund of the Feature artist the well Accordionist EDITH EATON COME AND ENJOY THE MUSIC 8:30 P.M. DAY, JULY 12 ARD TIERNEY and his ORCHESTRA hear the best of Broadway and popular Hit Songs ' arrangements, GARY PRICE of CKQS known staging a sitdown demonstra- ground and arrested one Negro | four: King Pushes Demands On Civil Rights CHICAGO (AP\--Dy Mortis Luther King Jr. Sunday brushed past signs calling for 'black power" to post the demands of his Chicago civil rights move- ment on the front door of. city. hall. q The posting came after a heat-defying anti-slum rally in Chicago's Soldier Field and a traffic - halting march through the Loop. Better housing, more jobs and better schools were among the demands, 'Earlier, King linked arms with civil rights leaders, includ- ing Floyd. McKissick, national director of the Congress of Ra- cial Equality, to. form. a com- mon front in the struggle for Negro equality. Ran ts McKissick, who had at first | said he might not be able to at- tend the rally, told the crowd of some 35,000 that the céncept of black power had been misin- terpreted, that it meant only that Negroes "have a right to determine their own futures," PLEDGES AID He called for a "united black consumer bloc that would be able to strike at any concern," and ended his speech with a gang on the south side. |Negro against Injustice. King told the crowd: "The Negro needs the white "Within the white community man to free him from his fears. there exists a substantial group|The white man needs the Negro of white Americans who cherish 'to free him from his guilt. democratic principles above pri-| 'I must reaffirm that I do not vilege and who have demon- seek the answer to our prob- strated a will to fight with the! lems in violence." \ | . ™ semen | JUST A FEW OF THE FINE LISTINGS OFFERED BY CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST REAL ESTATE DEPT. NEAR HOSPITAL Down $2,800, Full price $13,900, Excellent condition, new furnace, beautiful bock yerd, 2 bedroom, spacious bright kifche: . pledge to come to Dr. . King's} aid at any time. King has recently been in dis- agreement with McKissick and other advocates of black power. James Meredith, first known Negro graduate of the Univer- wounded during a recent march sity of Mississippi, who was to Jackson, Miss., told Sunday's rally that all civil rights groups must join to fight "the system of white supremacy." But the slogan '"'black power" was seen in crudely - painted signs, and heard in the chants of clutches of young Negroes and in the words of some of the many speakers at the rally. RALLY DELAYED Before King spoke, 150 per- sons delayed the rally several minutes when they paraded about the centre of the field crying 'black power" and wav- ing signs, one of which read "we shall overcome" and car- ried a picture of a machine-gun. Some of the group identified themselves as members of the Blackstone Rangers, a teen-age INCOME HOME -- $1,900. DOWN 4 Beroom with garage, good lot, nice district, neor hospitel, schools and transportation, upper rooms with separate entrance, bring income, leaving only $20.00 month for you to poy. ONLY $2,800. DOWN This centrally locoted, very well kept property will cost you only $30.00 per month becouse the upstairs suite will rent for $65.00 per month and you will have 5 lovely large rooms on main floor, reasonable offers considered FOR DETAILS -- CALL Charlies Chaytor 723-7996 Tom Houston ... 668-4416 Ralph Schofield .. 728-3376 Good Names To Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker -- President Bill McFeeters -- Vice Pres, SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST RALPH SCHOFIELD Supervisor -- Real Estate Dept. 19 Simcoe N. Oshawa 723-5221 GOUNTAINHEAD OF teers 723-2265 REAL are MLS LISTING SALESM LEN BISSEL YES SIR! Reap the best price The O 172 KING ST.E. The Oshawa & District Top M. For The Mont Guide Realty Ltd. call the people who are in the business. Call a member of the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board and ask to list your house on Photo M.L.S. Then watch the team work of listing brok- ers and selling brokers go to work for you. service from competent personnel. Get the REAL ESTATE BOARD ESTATE BOARD pleased to present L.S. Salesman h of May MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE MLS SELLING SALESMAN MIKE BELMONTE Schofield-Aker Ltd, -- For -- RESULT AN When you mean business then benefits of qualified professional for your home. shawa and District 725-6914