22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 11, 1966 TRON This suit of armor, a 90- pound, head-to-toe contrap- tion dubbed 'Iron Man", is a part of the Detroit, Mich. police department arsenal, ready for use in time of disaster. 'Iron Man" has MAN lights where a person's ears might be, a rectangular box | of metal from neck to | knees with two gun portals | and metal leg guards. So | far, it has not been used, | --AP Wirephoto Wilson Set For Soviet Trip LONDON (CP) -- "Bonjour, Monsieur Kosygin," says the little man in the oversized uni- form, puffing at a familiar pipe. The little man is Prime Minister Wilson, dressed in President de Gaulle's clothes, preparing for his latest peace pilgrimage to Moscow. "Keep calm, boys, there is going to be peace in our time," says Wilson talking to left- wingers from one side of a Tro- jan-sized dove on wheels while from the other side he reas- sures President Johnson: "Keep calm, LBJ. You know this thing hasn't an engine." These are samples of wide- spread British editorial com- ment, in brush and pen, follow- ing Wilson's announcement that he will try to talk about Viet Nam peace when he goes to Moscow July 16-18. The Com- munist press immediately pre- dicted his efforts would be just| cal gimmick. "If Mr. Wilson gave his arm to a blind old woman trying to cross Whitehall in the rush hour, there would still be peo- BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE A man who assaulted his wife causing two stitches to be put in her head was fined $50 or! 30 days and ordered to keep the peace for one year in Osh- awa-court Friday Mrs. Ann Oleksiuk, the wife of Michael Oleksiuk, 47, 172 Mitchell Ave., Oshawa, who pleaded guilty to assault caus- ing bodily harm, testified he struck her after he'd been drinking. She said he had assaulted her. "a._ good. many. times" be- fore but. that she had never taken him to 'court before. "He's a good provider, It's just the drinking,' she said. DUAL CHARGE A Peterborough youth was fined a total of $50 or 20 days on a dual charge of theft and consuming liquor as a minor, John Groombridge, 17, who U.S. Buys -- War Planes WASHINGTON (CP)--An ini-/ tial purchase of about 50 F-5 Freedom Fighter planes for use, in Viet Nam has been author-| ized by the United States de-| fence department, informants here say. | The total is classified and sub-; ject to change, depending on the} pattern of need that develops. The decision to buy the small, ground-support fighter, known as the CF-5 in Canada where Canadair of Montreal is build- ing 125 for the RCAF, means that money will have to be switched from other defence) programs. No budget allocation! was made last winter when De-| fence Secretary Robert Mc-| Namara said he had no plans/ to buy the F-5. y Hubby "Good Provider" But Assaults His Wife appeared before Magistrate F. §. Ebbs with his father, nleaded ouiltv to stealing the hub caps off a car sitting on the lot of Wellman Motors, Oshawa. UNDER SUSPENSION A Newcastle man who drove a car while under suspension was sent to jail for 30 days. Arthur Wright, 28, pleaded guilty. _ Defence Counsel Joseph Vic- tor said Wright was taking his wife -- who was too sick to drive -- to the doctor. Wright was convicted four months ago for dangerous driv- ing. The court ordered his car impounded, SHOPLIFTING A 17-year-old Oshawa girl impaired driving, Milton Hobbs, 33, 74 King St. W., Oshawa, and John Herget, 23, Pickering Beach, were each fined $150 or 15 days and Paul McCaw, 35, 240 Roxborough Ave., Oshawa, was fined $100 or 10 days. All three pleaded guilty. Hobbs and Herget, who were both involved in accidents, were barred from driving for six months. McCaw was sus- pended for three months. | Hobbs and McCaw were orig- jinally charged with drunk driv- Ling by but t= crown allowed the | charges to be reduced, | DRINKING In four unrelated cases of {being drunk in a public place, | Joseph Powers, 34, of 49 Drew jSt., Oshawa, was fined $10 or five days; Hans Fijellhein, 60, of no fixed abode, was fined $10 or-three days:.Stanley-Clay,-59, King St. W., Oshawa, was fined $50 or 30 days and Ray- mond Ling, 34, Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, was fined $10 or five |days. They pleaded guilty, | Fjelthein, who told the court he was iust passing through, was fined $50 or 10 days for|was given a backdated sentence shoplifting goods worth $30.92/ on condition he "get going"' out from Eaton's, Oshawa. Shop- of town, ping Centre. James Henry, 47, 74 King St. Anne Lis, 118 Ave.,|W., Oshawa, was fined $50 or pleaded guilty. 130 days after pleading guilty DRIVING CHARGES to having wine in a_ public On three separate charges of' place. Olive ATTENTION Boys 8 - 14 DAY CAMP REGISTRATIONS Are still being accepted ot ROTARY HALL until FRIDAY, JULY 15th for boys 8-14 who wish to attend the O.R.C, DAY CAMPS. 3 Day Camps -- Camp No. 1 -- boys 11-14, July 18-22nd, Camp No, 2 -- boys 8-10, July 25-29th. Camp No, 3 -- boys 8-10 Aug, 2-5th (short 4 day camp). COST -- Camp No. 1 and No, 2 -- $5.00 per week. Camp No, 3 -- $4.00 per week (short week). REGISTER -- Rotary Hall (Centre Street) 9:00-12:00, Noon 1:00-5:00 P.M, Registrations Accepted until July 15th. 5:00 P.M. )nicur. N A FREE ON THE TOWN ple ready to cry 'gimmick,'" says the Tory-supporting Daily Mail. | Wilson had initiated the idea) of a Commonwealth peace mis- sion, He had endorsed the trip} of a junior minister, Harold Davies, on an_ unsuccessful peace mission to Hanoi. These and other projects were accom- panied by a great flood of gov- ernment publicity. But all his! devices and all his projects failed. Even if they did, said Wilson SCUGOG CLEANERS 524 Cromwell Ave. Oshowe 723-1159 "Branch Stores" 64 King St. W. OSHAWA 898 Simcoe St. N. OSHAWA 181 Bond St. W. OSHAWA PORT PERRY 985-2332 130 Brock St. N. WHITBY 68-4341 KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. 4 q a) Exclusive HAIR STYLING GUARANTEED USED CARS FOR MEN EMIL HAHN "Wa are never satisfied until you ore.' 364 Wilson Rood South 728-6007 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST 668-5891 WHITBY ONTARIO during the Commons Viet Nam| debate Thursday, this doesn't} mean they weren't worth try-| ing. | "Twenty may fail and another| 20 may fail but we shall still go) on trying." And the cartoonists probably) SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE @s futile as before--that Pre-|will continue to have their field| tier Alexei Kosygin won't/day, including the independent| listen to his appeal for a joint/Sun, which showed Wilson car- effort to revive the Geneva con-|rying '"'the Bible according to ference on Viet Nam LBJ" to Moscow, and the la- On both sides of the British|bor - supporting Daily Mirror| political fence, while political|which showed Wilson fretting as leaders and editorial writers|he tried to knit a "new express hope he may suceed,|Nam peace attempt" there is a strong undercurrent/out of balls of wool, marked} of political view that this trip,|Johnson, Kosygin and the Hanoi 'government. | like others, is merely a_politi- Viet | sweater) WILL You BE THE NEXT Bic BRIGHAM BRIAR PIPES * Guns * Ammunition * 100 Kinds of Pipe Tobacco Hours: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m, daily 121 Brock N. 668-8361 COMPLETE NURSERY CENTER * Highest Quality Nursery Stock * Open 7 Days A Week * For Free Estimates Call John Brouwer Garden Centre & Landscaping 668-3396 Located West of Whitby On Hwy. 2 Neer Red Wing Orchards MERCURY TAXI 24 HOUR SERVICE os near as your Oshawe "Radio cabs, telephone!"' 14 Albert St. 725-4771 WILSON BATTERY SALES & SERVICE * Batteries For All Types Of Powered Equipment * Boot Batteries *® Tarpaulin Repairs * Complete Battery Needs 641 Cromwell Ave. Oshawa | "Featuring This Year" 14 Ft. Aluminum LAPSTRAKE RUNABOUT Sleeper Seats, Flat Vinyl, Long Sheft, Padded Dash $ Best Value In Town i] OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN Harbour 723-1901 Floor, Evcxe Bi] PELESHOK & MOTORS For The Finest In NEW & USED CARS! Harwood Ave. Ajox eg | WINNER IN OUR EXCITING - CONTEST ? see cemus in cacrons oF: CCG » Fanta Sprite "Coca-Cola", "Sprite" and "Fanta" are registered trade marks which identity the p Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola, Sprite and Fanta under contract with Coca-Cola Lid. HAMBLY'S BEVERAGES LTD. OSHAWA, ONT | ' a "Night on the Town", 723-3512 namie Gnd. cedress. t6 each week will town, HOW TO WIN Each week for 26 weeks you can win compliments of the participating businesses on this advertisement. Ali you are required to do is read through each advertisement carefully, There will appear in a num- oer of the advertisements each week the letters forming the name of one pating businesses. Cor- e business each week your answer along with your "Night on the Town', Contest Editor ¢/o The Oshawa Times, The first correct answer drawn win a night on the Entries must be received no later than Friday noon of each week Oshaowa's Finest Hair Styling Shoppe THE HOUSE OF WOMAN 27 King St. E 725-4321 YOU RECEIVE + Hair Style for the lady et the GLIDE'S A The House of Woman. . Hair Style for the mon et Rudy's ODY SH P Hairstyling for Men Formerly Cook's Body Shop + One Casual Dress and one man's| ,, suit dry cleaned at Scugog Cleaners Complete Collision, Body and | Fender Repoirs" . Transportation for the evening by Mereury Taxi | @ FREE ESTIMATES @ the Genoshe Hotel J | . Win Two Guest Tickets to 28-8542 | Regent Theatre Entertainment in the Stortlite Room j of the Genoshe Hotel | "MY ANSWER" + Dinner for two in the Rib Room et the 175 King St. W. Genosha Hotel ENJOY OUR CONTINENTAL BUFFET THE RIB ROOM Address Town P.M 5-8P.M Mon & to Fri, Mrs. M. Hodgson at, 5 to 8 124 Cadillac S. 70 King E. 723-4641 ARMSTRONG COMFORT LIVING HOMES AVAILABLE IN TWO CHOICE LOCATIONS ROLLING HILLS ESTATES Grandview St. at Olive OSHAWA MODEL HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION WEEK-ENDS SOUTHWOOD PARK HARWOOD AVE, SOUTH AJAX Ave GOLDEN ORANGE products of Coca-Cola Ltd. MEMORIALS Priced To Suit Every Budget Cemetery Lettering, Statues, ete, 728-3111 OSHAWA J. NM. MARTIN, PROP. Located 14 Mile East Of City Limits in Highwey 2 MARIAN AUTO LTD. Bert Budoin, PAVING Presiden e esident @ Good Fi ing Available. Low as $2 per week. @ All work guaranteed for 2 yeors Telephone 723-0381 BONDED ASPHALT PAVING CO, @ Collision Specialists @ General Repairs @ Wheel Bolencing -- Alignment @ We Sell Used Cors 728-5179 M 25 Grenfell Oshowe Wash and spin-dry up to sue 24-1bs. of clothes in just 30 minutes with this Hoover Washer Spin-Dryer The unique design of this Hoover washer-spin-dryer enables you to wash a 6-lb, load in just 4 minutes, spin- dry it in one minute! It uses only 834 gallons of water per load, and you can save it to use on the second load, Separate motors allow you to wash and spin-dry differ- ent loads at the same time; your wash comes out spark- ling clean. Needs only a tap for filling, a sink or tub for draining and a_ standard electrical outlet. Easy-to- move and very compact... measures about 30. x 16 x 32" high, with easy-rolling casters and 12-ft. cord. Mo- del 0610. Check these features: A. Approx, 24 Ib. wash. B. Sturdy agitator. C. Spin basket, 2300 r.p.m. D. Attaches easily to kitchen faucets. EACH 199.95 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 25> PHONE 725-7373 Repaint your home or cottage now ! -- Save on Glidden 888 White House Paint A sparkling white alkyd finish to give your home, cottage or garage a well- cared-for-look. 4 - drying, non- chalking, designed to give lasting protection from the weather. SPECIAL, Gallon 6.25 Redecorate now and save! Clearance of Sunworthy PRE-PASTED WALLPAPERS | Happy up your home! Add that special freshness to your surroundings that only pleasing wallpaper patterns can provide. Put inspiration on your walls -- choose it from the big, beau- tiful selection of papers, all at the same low price. You'll find all sorts of designs and colours for living areas, colonial patterns for special settings, florals for bedrooms, and.even attrac- tive motifs for bathrooms and kitchens. The new spice that your guests will notice in your home will add up to good PHONE 725-7373 taste from this special on washable, semi-trimmed and pre- pasted paper. SPECIAL, single roll ...... EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 274 EATON'S Welcomes Visitors To Oshawa + + and may we suggest that when you're shopping for souvenirs, : you visit our "Canadian Gift Shop" Here's where you'll find a wealth of original Canadian craftsmanship beautiful hand-carved items in wood from Canadian trees, Indian and Eskimos crafts; plus fine Canadian wool blankets; in fact whatever your taste, the Gift Shop offers fascintaing and rewarding shopping EATON'S MALL LEVEL STORE HOURS: 9:30 A.M. TO 6 P.M. MONDAY TO . SATURDAY. OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9