18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, July 11, 1966 'It's July For Hot Weather.. Want Ads For Hot Results" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles for Sale 11--Pets and Livestock |17--Female Help Wented hy RI SCON ' POODLE PUPPIES, white Sey melas, ceo SERVICE Bays [isnt piteee 6 one on' Teesnoe| INSURANCE OFFICE BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | sa RN | "fg sen eT er a GARDEN and i int R WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL |tiling, landscaping, patios, ploughing sna| 9-5. Stenography not neces- Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- {cultivating Call 655-4936 after 6. sory, but experience, in an mouth, Pontiac. We correct |REGISTERED German Shepherd pup- ; wheel alignment inspect and pies, black and fan, § weeks gis. May be ee ses ond or Accountants Building Trades Gardening and Suppli Plumbing and Heating a) ' 'i f correct castor and camber, Telephone na ee ae Reem prided ad SR aNB 2B. Aid VORA af pease ane ranean uous 7 align toe-in and tpe-out to POODLE PUPS. White miniature R Solary commensurate with ex- AL RIBDLAN! ie a ri ial c let hae ahd" weed tretaeint, Raseaaets OF WEW ORLEANS , correct condition . . . 6,88 fered. Excellent breeding. Mus! sell.| 'perience. Apply i bo in eenkroptcy, Sa" Simcoe Street Residentia : ' Op sare rates, Estimates tree, 728-1191, J, Foley. pada Lapeily peng gen ee p 3 @ Parts, extra if required : ¥ In person, "OPRINE, BEADLE ANE", SMUT Ane Charter Commercial Sales and. Service 1 "PLUMBING AND HEATING "sup. ACH "UE FIRST HOME PAVEMENT : peur ee Shepherd pups, Peg ~ ---- ; BOB STROUD . j j Hi ' H, . a f tea ar King 'treet "Eva ee Industrial |On Gardening Equipment jai, Lia. Plumbing, Heating and Ringin-| "AY "AIP 180 ry . eee eet ee ae LTD. , ir' G Hi i ering, 255 Simcoe Stre h, ] (pure ite), ht tarto, 72s T. Hopkins, CA; H. E. Repairs --- Alterations Toro, Lawn Boy and shana can - See ; BRAKE SPECIAL : weeks old, male and female. Telephone 73 KING STREET EAST 1 CA: a idm, CA. Additions --- Remodelling L Soles and Service h "a most popular cars). First 655-3071 for any further _Particylars | GORDON. DAY, Cerlified General] oP ait aur Construction Yardmnan Lawnmowers : ; ' Quality Royaline BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready tor Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawe Shop-| Resds == Wheel. Horse garden troctors, y 4(-wheels training, talking strain, Apply Mrs. T./ Sas ELANGPY escorting Servis. CALL APPLIANCE 7 <i ok WHE! , . GERAAN sHORTAIRED Puppies, - a WAITRESSES con't. Few, Ress 7x75." "| JAMES ALLEN & SONS RUNDLE REPAIRS ; Including "weights per what | |r: Telene 29a REQUIRED SREP GOTHAM, Choclered Aceon: 725-6126 ys h 195 GELDING "RIDING horse and saddie for! FULL TIME JOB enc tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street) PAE Garden Centre Ltd. Expert repairs to all mokes @ : Wy pr SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, LASMADOR-RuTRIEVERI 7 Fed | Apply MR. CAMPBELL Fe Te ara acams| QUALITY CARPENTRY | "T0185 King st. & | swowem dyer rome, || et EONT-END WORK AT five deus. spate' GENOSHA HOTEL wr ing well. X-rayed stock, Boarding and fant, 47 Prince Street, a 4 Oshewe,! & GENERAL REPAIRS HAN MAKE Music COMPARABLE PRICES Obedience training. Call Claremont. 649-| Ontario. Telephone 723-122 fee' all ess tecnie Waebock 725-6551 @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ ? U / Joe sanity GIRLS oF MEXICO el, Barristers : ment problems, coll us first. SPRING CLEAN-UP A L @ A N YES - WH A DOUBLE \\ fuss YOUNG LAP WEARS A SCARP 14 - DOMINION a ee el ae ep ARE FOXD oF SCARFS. i HAIR, ONE OVER, HER SHOULDER AND * Right for fish hi % 7 J = é USED y ght away for fish and ¢ Salon room Be "na i € 129 8976 ; Tone, 4 per 4 FURNITURE ond APPLIANCES eka CNRS? OnE. ' bs ee | Rersae team ee ig mala a restaurant. Apply in pip 774-8137, Residence 725-0351. Then have a talk with our @ Top doi eeding 452 Simcoe $. -- Oshawa OF Fee aes ta el tn mn | $5. Telephone 668-2231, : . ANTHONY | @ Evergreens @ Grading @ THONY BOWARD LASKOWSKY, BA, customers Telephone 723- 0011 Z WANTED -- Freezer, in good conditlon,| set "ile hare Van. 0 pml¥A UR LOCAL chi "cleaner, Chim . tig dh Pg onl sae : 17, PARK ROAD SOUTH willing to pay $100, Preferably Beatty.| 231 igang Street, Office hours: 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m./YOUR L chimney cleaner. Chim grass @ Complete landscap- | TELEP 725- Telephone 726-6436, ing St. W., Oshowa Evening appointment. Dial 723-166) oki built, red. Free "estimates, 'Ta3097, | ing @ Fertilizers Rent he Piano | - EPHONE 725-6511 GOOD USED FURNITURE. What have a repair ri H H ia me "MACOONALD, , (a ce. roots repaired. Fi ee 3-9020 SEE 2--Personal |6--Marine Equipment piggeraotalg eal rae tor sale, seven yon gagr ty Creek, '6 Bond Street West, BXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted, |. Ne arrister a otic: ROOFING, chimneys, ail types of cemen - 0 choos 1 and up. Telephone $i holid. ae i takin One ion client nial work. Sidewalks, slabs, stoops. Frank ie feu HEINTZMAN Removal of superfluous hair ed PUNT for sale, $30, Telephone 728-| 263-2549 GOOD USED furniture wanted, elc. Hioh- Gril aa 'Bond street 1 West. -- ped Angie ng Sy galeg McCann, RR in 306) loor St. East Marie Murduff will be in epracierye ; i ' : a - - J 8 H c + , r ae | ELRPRMERY cH ; oe & Compony Ltd. Oshawa, July 11th, 12th and lie FIGREGLASS boat, 4 HP Evinrude) win ge selon heater ang] ifure. 66st), cobaste, CNS' FU" FREE -- Nice, large, apartment to share JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor.) oe coment work. Fre 7 FARM 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa ie uly " a! jelectric Lark Il1, tee-nee tilt trailer. ANliight, Four culverter se Menon _____ |with one lady, in return for 1 or 2 hours Money to loan. Office, 14% King Street) 470 Cement work. Fy a ------| SMITH'S TREE 13th. Phone Genosha Hotel in top condition. $975, Call 668.538 inchs. fabons a x 13-- Ai ic € ~~ |housekeeping, small wages, ideal for East, Oshawa, 728-8252. |ROOFING, hot ter and eg | ee | Telephone 728-2921 on these days for appoint- ' . | 13---Artic es or Rent woman and one child Immediate oceu- ge on | DONCY, one 6! nnn a lreppirs, large and small jobs. @ Cedars for Hedges | |16' SHEPHERD with motor, excellent BOR e TS, ay Cy an ao nnapt|Rooting and Construction, 738-6937 @ Cut flowers and plants ARC and ACETYLENE ment jcondition, many extras. 94 Rowe Street Sresiat conmiien Ganverts 0 car beg RE era - ai = wad tient tiineoaneeatneteeitiin anipastioansiastecarersemnineeans | wetlding and cut- - | excellent condition, very reasonable, bive R. D. Humphrey, QC;|ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS --| @ \Agnure (cow, sheep or horse) ting Soon rates, 509 Bloor East ELECTROLYSIS |FOR SALE -- 'Three-bedroom coitage | with white hood, 'Telephone. 728-3339 OF AL |18--Male Help Wanted hone 723-2281 | is, a ~ Prbnatetlibathiasenc eis. e Rough liner (cut to suit) tt one 23-2 J pe 723-464] pay two boat stalls, electric po badtbol COCKTAIL BAR with sien stools, A L KINDS e i" Barristers, Solicitors, 36' King Street BA, LLB. Of ficelroofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire. {3 ft. cruiser (under) On pair 725- ; Whitby, /places, masonry. Gord May, Whitby, 25-4604 y Posts and poles |SEWING | MACHINES, repairs to all | River, near Highway 48, Call Pefferiaw, //bregiass drapes for picture window, SANDING MACHINES | We have 725-5133. NHA and) 668-2774 Rte psiascopancelioias i y ' ir other first mortgage ) funds available. SPECIALIZING in ceramics and bath Ico! collect Newtonville 786 2283) (ce phone, 7285086. For home serv OSHAWA FOLK FESTIVAL 136-4 or write 209 Elizabeth Street, Oot | Like. new, Telephone. 72 my Scien 6 RAIN hai \ . ; ' -- ; AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici-|room renovations. Call 72 oy Sh RPI RN OS SEE IEE WINNING PROGRAM NUMBERS othe [BABY BARGAINS. Carriages } ers, belt sanders, floor sand- openings for. tors, ete, 114 King Street East. Dial] Wew-piasTeRIN : : N ] Field Sod _ | GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all. wringer , Ist Prize $50 --- No. 1245 |CANOE -- ist. cedar plank. For infor-|stroliers $7.88 mattresses $9.88, an 72>2278. Residence Phones: J. M. me'land factory, mechanical repairs to O. |washers and ranges. Free estimates. Cal! 2nd. Prize -- Gift of jmation call 725-5029. pens $9.88, chrome high chair $10.88, r QC, 725-9368; Terence V + QClment. Call Pickering 942-6117. Under 200 sq. yds. 22c de- | 728-1742 or 723-0011 T, Eaton Co. ---- No. 837, |"8TARCRAFT" Grew Traveller "boats, | Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Stre PLUMBER'S TOOLS S K. | |. [. F D H. ) BA. LLB, SP ach Anak Sn PETE T e 5 Ls rei sagem srigaly NEW PLASTERING and reairs, stucco livered. 200 sq. yds. ond up \Septic Service Will holders of these programs |Evinrude motors. Open evenings and) BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise : weekends. Marine Storage and . Supply ree-rooms, Free} 20c¢ delivered. Sod laid 35¢ c collect prizes before July 15 Ltd., Brooklin, 655-3641. ya Oa Elmer, Hampton 263-294) tripod, pipe wrenches,- pipe estimates. A. C. Wood, 728-3420 or 728 cutt threadi di Building Trades sq. yd. Free Estimates, |SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt service| From. Secial Departinent a Jie hs ers, pipe threading dies, J A een Ti HANY LANDSCAPING __ |00.calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street The Osh Tit ing liotte the Chrysler crew. "Chrysler Out-| GUARANTEED used wringer weshen,| toilet auger @ TURRET LATHE EXPERT PAVING, 22 cents 341 A FINISHING CARPENTER, does kitch BETHAN | West, Whitby, 668-2563 ad awa limes : ji yeavrla's| television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and u PAINTER'S EQUIP, Includes grading and fll, Two-year gU8r-len 'cahinets. vanities, ber cabinets In rec 623-7594 a _ = ceneltanal: warren a He Revi ai {Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 482 Sim: 5 QUIPMENT OPERATORS antee, Eleven years in business. Terrano|reation room and tr T ' A eae acini ; Surveyors 3--Sportsman' 8 Column ines | poweriit spiih United Rent-all) coe" South, 723-011, tepladders, aluminum ex- Paving, 723-5841 | 728-1991, Jn Kone. ALROY dade nese ~ wa | 5585 Ls r REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, ai2,| teMsion ladders, ladder jacks, e MACHINISTS FOR ALL YOUR home improvements, |- , - DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario REPAIRS to. Hishing, rods and reel and -- ---------|new_ smooth 'top mattresses, 'si9.9s;| steel scaffolding, compres- ral construction and guaran Land Surveyor. Commercial bive prints. F ead Stoves, $24.95; cribs, $10.95; TV's, $29.95; $0) ' Workmanship. Call 668-2179. eS Lawn Specialists TT Ontario Sireet, 725965, ner, 103 Byron South, Whitby (block west |7--Swap ond Barter Space seiecra: Fett, $10.95: TV's: $29.95:) sors, spray guns, wallpoper | @® BRAZERS 2 , new and repairs ot four corners). steamers, tarpaulins, blow house renovations, carports and 80 forth |. FLIM AND TROLLOPE. Ontarle Lond ame | SKILL SAW 7" Slightly used, will swap) sets, radios. Guns, new and used. Valley $ CLASSIFIED RATES Telephone 725-3842. Sprays for dandelions, clover, |cinvevors, 112 Elgin Streeh Coat Prenc|WANTED -- Members tor trout club,|for a sabre or lig saw, or will sell out-| Creek, 16 Bond street West, 728-440) torches, propane torches. ANDREW ae REMODELLING, TRIM WORK, cur] ete Coll for free estimates 725-6881 rae aio D. Muller, RR No, (Tight. Telephone 725-1687. USED AUTO PARTS, batteries, tires, WELDING EQUIPMENT : - , Millbroo WORD ADS boards, ree-rooms, and stairs. Free esti - ~ ----__--_ | CABINETS with sink or vanity basin $39.| motors. We me scrap radiaotrs, $4; gens.,, Acetylene welding outfits, Cash -- 1 Insertion of 24 words, $1.08 ; ' . : eee 2 3 ip to er ™| Laundry tubs, bath tubs, toilets, pres-|starters, 6V, C3 12V 90c; batteries, x mates Phone 725 ab AOR MOE Le 728-9293 ' TV. Radio Repairs 4--Motorcycles ier systems, flushomatics, septic tanks,/ $1.50. 725 262, "78 Nelson Street. SUL bine URE ANTENNA , srilideteeitnateinsisbian uae Spey. ee a pipe and fittings. boats motors, trailers, of 24 OF is * hii , ae AER esa TREE TO TRIM? Sere mea eu BUY NOW [garden tractors, H Chinn, corner Hillside Pla BUY, 'sell and exchenge ed" feral Cement mixers, finishing p11 ged i ee CAREFOOT, ~ JOHN Deniai|them down. Free estimates. 725- or DUCATI land Park South. 723-7088 * Trading Tore, dig lincoe' sivers| . trowale, Wheel borrows" alec R , iti eis paahallbiaai Surgeon, 172 King Street Bast, Oshawa, |728-0610. ita aie ae AND @ BSA @ TRIUMPH 8--Articles for Sale South, 67) tric virator, air compressor, Company Ltd. Charge z= 10 or aartt, saatttenel erento Seperimen AIT) - - bb ie "lie sete hike Accessories, Pirelli. tires Pesca a + VFaWRIEE: standard, $20,; portable! jack hammers, hand trowels, Net' paid wimin ey telephone 942-2085 goggles, jackets, gloves, Buco $35, mn "2 tric 18M! Water pumps, portable heat- 606 Beech $t. sc tetnecnesoastnceneiesaroemenisiinhenesiseettr inten helmets. Repairs and service HOW MUCH DID YOU typewriter, : Itemizer ' cash ; Method of Counting Pik Lose then, Fe SATIONS "on Ta,|NURSERY §0D. Now cutting, Choice AB's Mot c le "SHOP | register, $75, 723-4434 ers, steel scaffolding, electric HITB ords ord, it s | A te W: Y {nivel figure or. abbrevietion 'counts. as wear, Also men's. pants|/S0#0), Nmount,' Phone atten t. sabes _ ICE PAG fe PAY FOR YOUR MEAT |eree: Furnace cieaned, adiusied free,| generator, ramset, power roll- ene word: phone number counts two|draped and shortened. Reasonable prices, 0" sn #mo a FAST SERVIC 114 STEVENSON BB SOUTH | THIS WEEK? A9c Ib. | Guaranteed trouble-free winter if -| ers, electric hammers, mason- 723-248. 7 eS : ds fete oe SURVEY NO OBLIGATION 728-77 chase from Western Oil Co. 725-1212. | ary saw, building jacks, Interesting work and good Instruc ion i A IEE IRE IE LT Sat Seaman = Suits, 5 ee ae sdfscintite tian ce . ap rT d SJRTHS-DEATHS-- alterations, ne =i Bs am era Shop. the Kleer-Pak way |TETE Matt Ol thn heaters, goed shies} mortar mixers, mortor boxes, rotes of pay. SOCIAL NOTICES site addie/ specially. Mrs, Toms, Whitby, 668-2372 MISTER T.V SUZUKI and you can. 15.00 each, Ol) heated hot water tanks| chain relate hs crys ~~ Apply. by phone peal Kee not paid within 8 days. EXPERIENCED ~ Dressmaking of ladies FINISH MOTORCYCLES like new 50.00 each. International sail oe torpou ins, BN 0 Stool " boat, Best offer will be considered. Apply 4 oiner, n See Ce, See ae a irarione, 8 All_modis on display Steck, "Rocsts, Goin Pork (ma sax |, Paternermuok ieleohon' oy ep ggeslen nH selheg sp ardba 668-33 HY arte Mirah as and nobE AR AKING" 12 Prince HIGH SCHOOL NEW -- USED Chops, Bacon, Chickens, Pork | Simmonds Buckhorn 657-8513 after 6:06) Dlaster, power tamper, power ~ words 7 7 post hol MODERN SMAKING" 12 Prince 0 e, Wieners, Beef Pot- | p.m. st hole auger, each thereafter plus 2c. per Sireat,. No Legion' "Wade + fer Sousag iener . ere i hes Rs eles Varaei 28c, adione! hares 0! Pel essing aus, "areases, skirt, eft. US| Home study prepares you te 378 KING ST. WEST Pade ph ae ties, Cooked Meats, etc. | MATTRESS BARGAINS. Ail types of mat. . MR. J. @. CAIGER within lomere mmajeriole, expert Servicws, 90/1." Ontario provincial ex- 723- 9525 OPEN EVENINGS No Money Down |tresses, $29.1 crib mattresses, $9.88; mal- S TA N 3 : 1. \ 5 : |tresses for bunk beds, $16.88) roll- Seas tea ao wath ond de aminations for recognized No Membership Fee cots complete, $1968, Witen'e: ray | SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. ch "ree i rin Al ¢ Y i thereafter with 25c. additional charge if Gardening and Supplies certificate, Grades 6-13. All Se V. TOWERS - «| TMS HONDA, 90 Cub, motor in AT ton BUDGET TERMS fire, choreh st 1 233 King St. West, Oshowa Superintendant Ber pare within: 8 devs. Ca eo OOemn ONG SURES, Lo 14S BSA LIGHTNING, immaculate condi eall our oftios BIKETIME! SPRINGTIME! New, usec. PHONE 723-3224 monthly payments, income tox tion, C.C., "high perfor Tel | Repairs all makes. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond ie S24 per Tne ela) $1.78 for the \ / deductable. For full informa- "BUILT IN OSHAWA" phone 72 Seeker pie 50 | Fv weve ka ioen wr % god stg chia EXPERIENCED ich th r norte einen |TV TOWERS Special -- a0F es, ery, lasses, Coffee CU CC ee wile CADEMY AT OUR OWN PLANT 5--Trailers KLEER-PAK all channel antenna, $80, TRIO Ebeetoh Urns, para Bowls, Bridal CANADIAN ACA We give you a better ~ . FO D LT: bandos ace --.| Wear, Men's Formals, White 1ON SALES y i , H 20 PER INCH PER INSERTION. 40 Main Street West tower for Less Money GOLDEN FALCON ODS D Bble' prices Cen fon enraey, 'eaten! Fox. Furs, "Mink Stoles. @ New building EADLINES KING BUG KILLERS Oshawa 725-8863 | Sports, s89 Albert Street, 7259798, EANT' ENTALS @ Good wages DI Atox Hamilton Ontario OSHAWA T V ORBIT (all items guaranteed) | MOVIE OUTFIT "Bell and Howell" cam. SARGEANT'S R WORD ADS d light bi tor, 436 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 PHONE i'gim. BAY PREVIOUS pie ee CORSAIR re tat ee eee tome Ho dhe MEE abso SUPPLY LTD. | KAMPING UNLIMITED |inew), three knotty pine coffee tables| WHEEL. CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, Toronto Collect 7°tim Day' OF PuaLICATION DDT Spray ae ee hy weit "Ginias Go * TRAVEL TRAILERS TOWNLINE RD. NORTH --|nmtl_ three photo. cameras: with fan] revere, mechs, ck room supple | attachments. Phone 728-5806. es a a p Pa. ; RENTALS & SALES [FURNITURE -- three rooms, new qual-| CHAIRS, card and ie 922-| 109 BIRTHS AND DEATHS lomogreen pray (Just East of Ritson) SUBWAY TRAILER PARK ity furniture, only $299, inc, complete) eisie runners. Cleve Fox. Rentals, Fruit Sprays Low monthly payments In- c A -omplete line of vacationin bedroom, living room, kitchen ensem- i Annlin se IN _MEMORIAMS and Gardena! Glude text books end instrue- |723-813]1 --- 723-8132 AND SALES & ices qisniles fo Le bles. Pay only $3 weekly. Unbeatable| ENTERTAINING? Fifly to one hundred | CARDS OF THANKS Ant and Grub Killer tions. Prepares you to achieve A neem me PUPPles Tors value! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424|people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- Spm. DAY PREVIOUS Slug Bait re) ie 5 | b 1010 DUNDAS ST. E mer outings, Tent trailers -- Simcoe § quets, parties, weddings, Bar, kitchen, . Guta oF EA ERP Rati dle k Cte sla TELEVISION--RADIO 010 DUNDAS ST. Tents -- Stoves --- Coolers -- | ONE RECONDITIONED ab-foot, Inch ang|P@rking. 723-2140 mornings S F CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ygon 2E of Provincial examination. 24 HOUR SERVICE WHITBY Dining Shelters --- Boats -- a quarter tower structure with double 1 eolumn -- 4 p.m, day previous) 2 col Fungicide Spray tc. Trailer Rentals still avoil. | 8:21:3_aerial, $39.95. Telephone 723-8131. 14--Business Opportunities umns or larger -- 10 a.m, day previous Weed Killers For FREE intormation--write etc ratier Kentals still avoil- g Ports and Accessories bag GOING" OUT OF BUSINESS. Baroair required oble for A t terri- NESS. Bargains,|FOR RENT -- Concession booth st Scu CANCELLATIONS AND Tank Sprayers American School, Dept. 8, HOLMES pi OL Huguet and Saptert= «ii savins on furnitee: « abelinece ace Pane tics me ear Nestleton >I ' . ber. 3 new 1966 tent trailer i ' i i For fast growing volume with cme bay OF PUBLICATION Seg la ae ~ bee ene -- RAMSDEN TAG-A-LONG models for sale, from $319.00 King 'Street Wi inal et Aa iy wa WAVE JUST LISTED oreairenee 9 reol potential to be in @ Ty caaianieccal 'cumcatiad 'uslele: oa ena te Pea Nome osc iiscses AGO css LE T NI TENT CAMPING TRAILERS Fronk King 728-9942 --- Tom |COMPLETE World Reference|lished lunch counter business, Present] high income bracket. All Teahes will be charged on day's insert- sarden rose ary ols @ Rental Bookings. Now Kirk 728-9760. One mile Encyclopedia, set medical encyclopedia,|owner wishes to retire. We welcome en fringe benefits. Apply in per- ng Lawn Soakers Addon ..., ae Retna Taken orth of King St. E T eae VOrld Natures Library. Phone/quirles. from interested principals with) gon to Melnor Sprinklers FOR PROMPT SERVICE : north of King of, E. on Town- - | 793.7265, about $10,000 -- $15,000 for investment. | : BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 RX15 : A Da reseed alt se : JACKSON TRAILER _line Road CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS clearance| Elmer Tesi OF We QO. Martin, MR. RON HEWAT hl endeavor will be made to ' i SALES AND RENTALS : of floor models, 2 pc. suites with foam| Nealtor 726-5103, Were rennes, to "pox numbers to the Fertilizers Janitor Service _ 1S ENS, Whitb 668 5679 ' We have just bought a large | cushions from $138. Modern 4 seater sets|BUSINESS for sale. Beauly Salon fully Soles Manoger advertisers as soon as possible. wa ac Calcium Chlorides WILL TAKE AWAY discardables free, ITDy-- es 148 meoe St. N bankrupt stock of name brand |from $158. 3 pe, sectionals from $188.lequipped. Call Jean: Hum at Don. Stra NORTH SIDE cept no liability In respect of loss of Peot Moss such as old appliances, furniture, metal, | ---------------------- i : 728-( or 728-3748 tractor tires. All sizes, Fully Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. deski Real Estate 723-4651 for any further damage alleged to arise through either glass, etc 623-7276 cs . a WES ' GARDEN TRACTOR and Roto-tilier, | Particulars. lure or -deley_tn_terwarding such _re- OPEN-ALE DAY currence ss 5; HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED RAMBLER TRAILERS quoranteed. for a_good price good 'condition. "Atfer five, telephone 725-/CEARN professional meat culting and Cheysler_Dedoa thd wes roweve ihea tee Tivos will pol MONDAY -- FRIDAY Mortgage TV TOWERS SALE -- RENT ps fy oo Wassene soectel. rae lee ON ah women" bois cles gence er erw _ =~ --_---- LE -- N please Ler 8 "Products. Bowman.| classes. Special rate for out of towners ible for replies uncalled for eS FULLER BRUSH Products. Bowman-|°!4 * . be respons rr " SATURDAY-- 12:30 ARE BEST Open Sundae 324 PM. Attersley Tire Service Ltd. |ville, Newcastle, Orono, Courti¢e all Dur.|©@!! now collect 534-8451 or write about in 2 days. . DAILY DELIVERY AGE 227 T Pi ham. County residents. Telephone Elsle/OUr home study courses, 1166 Dundas i 2 h , f REGULATIONS MORTG WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! BUDDY TRAILERS |.¢047; PoE woes anal ae sett te West, Toronto 3, Ontarlo, oe GERBER BABY Osh: 7 i not b thle Pp AV' TY counter top | range. E. L ted Pg eere aa apcursinanents "Submitted COOPER- SMITH LOANS T R | 0 : ght gas ce Se Tn coer naly SOND: pore Com-| Excellent for cottage. T 66-4211. 17--Fe I » Help | Wa q FOODS otherwise than in writing not for more Lot at GOOD USED FURNITURE, frig Be oe Gains & om sivertecran! ~|GIRL'S. BICYCLE, 'good condition. Also' stoves, ete, Reasonable, pn yn PERSONNEL Requires nor beyond the price charge for a single M Lit TRAILER RENTALS well brosen saddle pony for, sale. Tele-|niture, 21§ Dundas East, Whi 68-5481 Insertion in which error occurs | 16 i ina St. Moneys available for first TELEVISION SALES phone 78-8916 Bee = sd eld K ad and second mortgages. Open JOHN DEERE 4a crawlar losder wilh, ae LAL perce suite Frown, CLER SALESMAN Rind shag Ab on re pecord vi . "te| 723-2312 723-1139 mortgages. No bonus. First Corner Bond and Division Authorized service. Domestic GM diesel motor; 1952 International truck jen), Pe Mae Teena Ae di | : ; conlty oi me. 6 | _Est. 1909 mortgages, second mortgages | 728-5143 Astra, Bowen, Coleman, Duo {with 7 ft. x 11 ft. dump-box, good tires | ---- ee $4 She) $4 785 Experienced in grocery selling . : and agreements for sale pur- |------> SEG | Therm, International.' etc, [34,2000 motor: 1954 GMC truck with 15/CLOSED "FOR HOLIDAYS July 15 tol post' OFFICE DEPARTMENT handi 22-30. In the cases of display advertisements e . COLOR i V r t YC. ft. stock rack. Also one Edbro combina-| August. 15. Open Wednesday only dur- or merchandising, age The Times will not be held fesponsible chosed Vv. Coleman, Primus Camping [tion dump box with hoist. Phone 267-W,'ing this period. Bill Hamilton, Raglan, OSHAWA, Ontario 4 Salary, expenses, company fer more space than that which the actus M. F. SWARTZ or Equipr:nt Abbi ------| For full particulars of this car, usual company benefits, error occupies. The publishers endeavor f #3 30 KENMORE electric range for sale 9--Market t Basket - i to reproduce all advertising matter. cor- 26Y% King St. East Black and White MILLER with removable door, rotisserie and oven) ------------ Position, please refer to pos Apply in writing stating ex- rectly, but assume no Habiiity ot oaver. LAN DSCAPING & Oihhwe; Ontaris AN work guaranteed 9 Tudor St Aiax - 942-3491 timer. $130. Telephone 723-0531 for any ST WN dle hedge the al di perience, Prgerisicst maritel tisement if any inaccuracies in any w i further particulars, | RAWBERRIES mploymen rvice and Pos status and telephone number ENJOY i ith § H Beet ; ve rc olnae esnil 723- 4697 T.R.I. 0. _Television alt HOY your vacation | kiss "Snyser Hive PORTABLE air compressor with 10 gal Office, where application to Box 36317, The Oshawa elephone and boat trailer, low down payment, |lon storage tank, Va horsepower motor, Pick vour own. Apply RR No forms are available or con- Times, Oshawa, Ontario. 11'S EASY TO.PLACE A | r i 1ON WANT AD GARDEN SERVICE| small monthly payments. Solina Road} hose and spray gun, $75. Telephone 728-| ine tact the Postmaster, Oshawa TIMES ACT FIRST and SECOND 728- 5 ] 43 No. 2 Highway, 6 miles east Oshawa 0003 | 2 Whitby. - , ~ ~ af | Ontario. ona Call Classified Direct ~|TRAILER HITCHES made and insiail| CIPHER iape recorder four track, stereo, TELEPHONE A ae V. TOWERS _ i wor-(records and plays in stereo, Also dual Applications should be sent 723-3492 for Sock, Seoste,, Tom toy pad Ae Tilt! Fakes Peel" Liem "ENG el G6B-3BAK tte Gil Secs Commas | COMPOSITOR : : a fe i 5 es : eke 4 sion, t. Cloi venue Plantings and Complete Land- -- City, Rural, Vacation -- COLOURED T. V. ener won sata Bede box lev TOWERS SPECIAL = ao tool tower |-------- ------------ | Egst. TORONTO 7, Onterio; LUDLOW OPERATOR INDEX TO scoping Service SUMMERLAND or Black & White -- 24-Hour | $50. Telephone 728-3096 structure, a "lice ae oaten| STRA BEFORE July 22, 1966. R ay CLASSIFICATIONS SECURITIES LIMITED Service 2 TRAILER" for sale, Self contained. | Wong Facts un' con ey ieuted, Taunton | WBERRIES : equired immediately. Apply just east of Ritson Road Please quote Competition 66- r 5 \ if 1--Wemen's Column ake 0611 Member Ontario Mortgage 723-0065 or 668-5830 | Telephone 985.7644 ----|"MOFFAT" Gas stove, fully automatic | Small or large orders for T-1066 (1 Person to 2--Personal nett ' 18' GLENDETTE trailer, sleeps five, gas! availabl t Ist. In good conditi - - i -- 3~Spertsman's Column Brokers Rae's Rodio & T.V. Stove and ice box included. Call 728-2265 Telephone Daten. (8 ped condition.|" freezing or preserving _,also 3---Sparternen's 112 Simeve St. N.--725-3568 é lends TEM pick your own: VA illo eéat TWO LADIES Atlas Tag Co. Trailers Service Call Only: $2.50 TO MEET THAT. MAN or woman who! of Manchester, 5th concession 6--Marine Equipment nema esr --_---- 6--Morine 'Equipment wants to rent your vacancy, place Rent : . 25 - 40 For light delivery OF CANAD 7--Swap and Barter PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for FAST Vv SERVI - ------------| Ads, Dial 723-3492 now PARKINSON'S PORT PERRY rf i y A LTD. for all mortgages. Mortgages and agree- TY, E E 2 WEEKS VACATION ? VACUUM -~ ON'S work. Must have car and be ments | of tale" purchased. Creighton, Whi nok sake ik the whole [BnMWR ince PREGR: suivants sauis" Phone 985-2415 tomiliar with Oshawa Streets. AJAX, ONT. Sena prdech and Vitter, (300 "Bap DOMINION ibe Bee For ee har NA Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street,|APPLES -- 2nd grade, Mcintosh, con-| Paid daily commissions. Pes - é BEAD sumrr rge costly | Pickering trolled atmosphere, $1.50 per bus. Also : AL ESTATE SELLING ; offers a chal- --Articies for Rent LANDSCAPING FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, safe TELEVISION 2 weeks and invest in lasting |guy AND SELL -- Good used furniture| St 9rade Mac's. Bring own containers TELEPHONE: 668-8893 lenging opportunity to make a better 14--Business Opporturiities Agreements purchased and sold. Hennick| 7. 128 5154.9 9; fun A BOAT from your |and appliances. One location only, Pretty ay ee ig HEL Gash epee te thar ot neleeat income. We offer the .re- 1S--Employment wanted ; East, ee Barristers, 31 King Street a.m, to Ae m Evinrude & Crestliner Dealer | Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271 wal Yo Ehesh Strawberries osily:|EXPERIENCED SEWING lady required vaningen Of he well een arnitec és J " ye Ore eee . ! ' Bape 'wate Wonted Make Your Home : - T C - OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD |NEW: USED -- vacuums, polianera. me: FRESH rotsting chickens. 4c pound/1o do. general repairs. and 'atierations ventaee,o,8,,Nell organized. smaller 18--Male Help Wented FIRST. AND SECOND. "mortgages avail V SERVI E- Harbor Rd. off Simcoe St. § pairs to all makes. New hoses. Phone! i) or che" phone' 708.5291, UM. yanssis at 728-5103 or after hours, 728-7083. All 19--Male or Femaie Help Wanted A Centennial Home able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock Pie be . Jack Lees, 728-6956 raves wd ----.-_--__________ | enquiries treated in strictest confidence. 20---Reai Estate For Sale a as Street North, Whitby 668-3338 DAY: OR EVENING 723-8186 RWG es Pontiac Savas tee VN PICK YOUR OWN strawberries, Mondays|HELP WANTED -- Sales person wanted|W. O. Martin Realtor 2a--Summer Properties 728-5286 A REAL BARGAIN -- 14 ft. mahogany|rolet doors, $7 each Beatty Ironer, $50,(0%¢ Thursdays at Chomko's Farm, from|for larger furniture store. Flair for coior EXPERIENCED waiter na f ass n + we =f 2 9.30 a.m, to 4 p.m., Wednesdays after é6land design an asset Reply giving exp. wanted Apply a Gly Mage Saga PHONE Rug, Upholstery Service wood boat with 18 HP Johnéon motor,|Teleohone 725-4980 for any further' par p.m, Bring containers. No children ience if any to: Box 29949, Oshawa. Times,| Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street North. tilt trailer, controls, extras. $600. Phone |-ticulars , %--Real Estate Wanted |RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts, Establish OSHAWA 668-2870; epply 405 Anderson Streets! eetnER 4g gullan a aiving Gane eo ----|BEAUTY COUNSELORS has organizal./LICENSED MECHANIC required. Good Whitby Suilar, 6 string bass, goo ional and sates openings. Excellent: op-! working, conditions, 6Vs 24--Stores Offices and Storage \y Workmanship giaranteed. Free i m z condition with - ups, Vibrator BP ane bay al pak . day week. Apply 25--Houses for Rent 263 8853 t s. Credit terms. Mattresses re ELECTRONICS GOOD BUY ISG Hy Grannell" 78 Jolnlbar ane cone oS ee chee fare 10--Farmers' "Column | portunity, Full or part time. 723-9349, 725-|995 Simcoe Street North, 2--Apartments for Rent niture refinished. Oshawa Up x 9442, ne eS itis . Son motor, explorer trailer, Quick sale.| phone 728-2845 BOARD WANTED for year-old gelding ee oe oe cclsterine Br Daan Avenve 76311. lciry: ty TOWSNG, ailehan dive tal Teleurons alter gece eke - on farm, Write Box 36637, Oshawa|RELIABLE LADY to live in with one|ROUTE MAN for local vending tirm. No @--Room and Boar nh to = leas Fe.jpairs. All work guaranteed, $11 Dean BABY CARRIAGE, brand new, beige,|Ti 0? adult. Good home. Time off. Light duties. ¢xPerience necessary. Apply at 800 Fare- 23--Wanted to Rent op Quality, field and nursery. |CHESTERFIELDS reupholstered and re. Avenue. Telephone 725-0500 14° CUSTOM built racing craft. Evinrudeldark blue hood. Steel body. Converts to| | '™ ~ Weekly cleaner. Write Box M36070 Osh-|e!! Avenue or telephone 728 7305. %--Automobiles for Sale Free estimates. Prompt delivery. 725-|styied. Free estimate. See our material remote controls and - speedometer. in-|Car bed. Telephone 725.9216 FRESH CUT baled hay, (mixed grass).|awe Times : : 31--Compact Cars for Sale 3225 or 723 9910 a | for recovering Slip covers made to|NEED GUY WIRES repiaced? CALL. "Joe's quire: 17 Stone St. East CONTINENTAL BEDS, ali F j}Pick up in field, 25¢ a pale. Will deliver i _. |WAITER REQUIRED, apply Genosha } He. 32--Trucks for Sale FOR COMPLETE LANDSCAPING order Da ton" Upholstering, 75 Charles|Antenna installation and two-way radio. > ~ " actos Einestl at additional charge. T hone 728-5221.| WOMEN REQUIRED to sell custom pic tel, men's beverage root 33--Automobies Wanted va ond Street, 723-7212 728-9924 12 HP ELGIN motor, 12' 60" beam ply-jquality Posturpedic Factory outlet : 1 id ture framing, paintings and art supplie eit M--Automobile Repair = We jenance, rset se MERI TF SE SEI He a il --~--.|woed boat, power mower, electric guitar} Headboards half price. 723-3889 [CUSTOM WORK -- Hay cut, raked and Some experience in art beneficial but wind ONE SALESMAN -- 1¢ intereated | in mak- 3S--Lost and Found lTeuemane 'uo yee "Optometrist Well Drilling, D ging and two bicycles, Apply 476 Cromwell corrage -- SpECIALE beda gia, | baled." Telephone 668-2102 or 942-1593 necessary. Must provide own tran ing $25 per day, and being paid daily | D , venue, Oshawa ' . ' ~ ally, %--Lege! LAWNS CUT, cellars > - a | --_ lfritges 5 table and chair sets |Ser A JOB with work "wanted" ads in|tio e selling out of wn. COmmis: i reply immediately Telephone sales ex --Auctions : ellars and yards cleaned |F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simeor ELL DIGGING by meghine specializ-|16° INBOARD. outboard Shepherd andidressers $10., cribs $10. stoves $19 lassified. Dial 723-3492 now -and havejsion plus expenses. For appoinimen a Coming Events og Hall moving obs. 723-4030 or 728-/Street North, Suite & Oshawa. Teiephone|ing in 30-inch tile. W. Werd, 204 Chestnut| trailer 100 HP, excellent condition, Tele-|washers $15. 16 Bond Street West, 25|an ad-writer help you phrase your job-|Clark's Frames, etc, 325. Brock Street|Perience nelpful or will train, Box 27858, 2--Netions mana, 1723-4191, Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3807, Iphone 728-7443, or 725-8217. Bond Stree} East, Valley Creek, 728-4401. |getting ad. North, Whitby, 668-4497 after 1 p.m. | Oshawa Times. \ »