Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jul 1966, p. 16

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CONFIDENTIALLY, WHAT KIND OF EMPLOYEE /S SHE'S ALWAYS LATE FOR WORK AN! 6HE READS MAGAZINES AFTER SHE FINALLY cee Here! 1 id | 5 | ». {| va ~ =*WHO COULD TWIST HISSELF INTO ANY WHO'D WAKE MB UP AT QUITTIN' TIME ? AEH Cm | MD) YP | | THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X93 WE WAS A HIGH FEVER... HEAT EXHAUSTION BEATNIK BBHIND IT WiLL. BEE Mme, f i lieFamily Theatre Superman 65 C $0 1 CAN SAY 1 HELPED! 'amp JooLaramie TBA. BMike Douglas 5:0 PLM, 6--Mad Movies 3--Laredo @--Dobie Glills 100 FM, GEric Sykes Chuck Healy 4:30 PM. 7:00 PLM, HieMike Douglas 9--Batman 8--Ripcord 6--News, Weather, 4--A.I!"lest Hobo 3--Honey West 2--News P.M. 2 f al A, Derr) ar] -_ ARB YOU LEAVING, PRINCESS? Fowl O'clock Mi 6:00 P.M, 9--Bewltched VieeLitties? Hobo 63--The Fugitive 2-4--John Forsythe 6:30 P.M, ll--My Three Sons BAndy Griffitn James 24----Dr, Kildare 9:00 P.M, andoeh 4--Andy Griffith +6--Jonn Davidson 26--John Davidson 9:30 PLM, 9-Big Vaile ce ACROSS 1. "Good King" 4. Spread grasa to dry 7. Misplace 8. Foray 10, Saturate 11, System 38. French river 14, Double it for candy 15. Sun god 16, Equestrian footrest 18, Morsel 19. Trifle 20. Bee house 21, Frolic 24, Like a CIA m 25. Poke 26. Holy Land city 27. Tennis term 33. Spigot 34, Layer of tris 35. Draws closer 37, Cheese or sauce 38, Cut 39. Pointer 40. American poet 41, Pack ' A, F--Twilight Theatre 48--News, Sports with 9-3-2----News, Weather Sports @--Huntley-Brinkley jews 6--Vagabond Honeymoon 4---News mse ®-The Lucy Shoe -Hullabal Lied 4--To Tell The Truth 63--Nature of Things 2--Death Valiey Days 4-I've Got A Secret 7--The Legend of Jesse 4--Vacation Playhouse Country Musie Mel CROSSWORD 4--Law and Mr. Jones TmAVeNgers &3--Singsliong Jubliee 4--Talent Scouts 6-2----Run for Your Lite 10:30 PLM, ¥---People in Conflict é--Mr, Roberts 3--Tightrope Rerercets m ee MONDAY EVENING 1:00 P.M, PM. 11-9-6-7-6-4-3-2---Newa) Weather snd Sports 1:18 PM, | $---Viewpoint | 2--Tonight Show 1:20 PLM, | 4~Late Show | Night Metre 1:28 PM, Ve The Vise 10 PLM, é--Johnny Carson d--Altred Hitchcock 7--Movie 1:48 PL, %--Movie é--Movie 12,00 A.M l---Combat TUESDAY £00 A.M, | 4--Captain Kangaroe 6:3 AM, Sports | %-TV University 0:55 AM. Girl Talk 9:00 A.M, lleMorning Musicale 4--Mike's Carnival %--Romper Room Make Sure, Make Shore 3~--Boro's Big Top 9:90 AM %--Uncle Bobby Smile Time 4--Love of Life a--Jack Lalande 10:00 AM llfid Allen Time |0-2--Bye Guess 4 Love Lucy | 10:30 AM, 1i--Hawkeve 9--Summer Fun 63--Concentretion T--Donne Reed 4. The 3-Time Out 1:00 A.M lieAlbert J. Steed Mr, Mra, |8-2--Chain Letter 7--Supermarket Sweep 3--Ed Allen Time DOWN 1, Mosiem nymph 2. Affirmed 3, American general 4. Walk 5. Merit 6. Per formed 7.Oar 9. Deduce 10, French pronoun 12. Valued 14, Purchase 17. Eggs 18. Offer 10:00 PLM, VieThe Merv Griffith Sho 7--Dialing Por Dollars, TELEVISION LOG Channet 11--Hamittes Channel %~Torente Channel &--Rochester Channel J--Buttale Channel 6--~Toronte Channel 4--Buffale Channel 3---Barrie Channe: 9--Buttele 10 AM ®--Abrecedeore 7--Dating Game $-2---Showdown »| 4-Dick Van Dyke Show 3--Ernie Lindel! 12:08 NOON 11--=Bonnie Prudden §--Toronto Summertime 4-2-- Jeopardy J--haonay Mevie 3-6--Luncheon Date 4--News and Weather 12:18 PM, er of the House 12:90 PM, lieNoon Time News, Weather, 4---Spe Sports #-2--Swingin' Country +4--Search For Tomerree 3--Noonday Report 12.40 PLM, 9--Movie 12:48 PLM, +4--Quiding Light 1:00 PLM, New Theatre @-Dialing for Dollars Girl Talk 7--Ben Casey 1:00 AM ll--News, Weather, Sports| 96--Luncheon Date 4--Meet the Millers 2---Topper 1:08 PM, 6--Fiim Short 4--As The World Turns 2-6---All Star Game 3--T.BA, 2:00 PLM, J----Newlywed Game 4--Password 2:90 PLM, %--People In Confilet tA Time Por Us 4--Lbakletter's Party 3:00 PLA, Fractured Phrases 8-2--Another World General Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth 3:28 PLM, |4--News | $198 PM, j}i--Funny Company It's Your Move | Superman Show | Hage of Night 4.00 P.M, 91 Love Lucy 4--Secret Storm | 4:3 PLM, 111-Flipper 9---Movie 4--Movie 2--Merv Griftin 3-6--Vacation Time &--Skipper Sam @e INI CUITIRIOIN MEF AICI BOOS GAO Bea ea Sau Sau OH, HIM? I WRAPPED THE GARBAGE IN YOUR HEALTH Baby Girl Balks At Solid Foods By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, M.D. Dear Dr. Molner; We have aj Just give it to her and let nature /2\%-year-old girl who is still on/take its course. baby food and will not attempt to eat solids. No amount of| Sometimes a small piece of coaxing or bribing helps. All toast with jelly or peanut butter she has taken is chips. ve gM a hoe elon ~~ How can I get her to eat solid}800n the toast as well as the foods? I becnmne so nervous at|spread is being chewed and feeding time that I shake badly,| eaten. We never have peace at meal] Your technique will have to time.--Mrs, C, B. be god ata Cag gage | the ' ychological factor] Sir! will take the hint in time. Pg gh ony Ne peace at| If she will eat chips (I presume meal time" is enough to upset|/you mean potato chips) she ob- anyone, 'The baby undoubtedly] Viously can and eventually will senses your tension and she is eat other solid foods if no fuss successfully "pulling your leg."|!8 made at the time. Don't think infants don't do such} Another thought: Maybe she things! takes the chips because she Very small children also arejlikes the salt. Maybe a plece wary about changes in the con-jof a pretzel would appeal for sistency of food, and often take|the same reason--leading her their own sweet time about try-|~ ing anything different. I recall a youngster who was still refus- ing to eat solids at the age of five, Then for some minor prob- lem he had to be hospitalized. A solicitious (and experienced) dietician took him in hand, and he was eating meat within three days. | I dare say you will get your youngster straightened out, but here are some suggestions to help: ADD MEATS Now the only way to buy WRIGLEY'S | SPEARMINT .- popular, modern Add ground or scraped meat dime pack to the baby food gradually making it thicker. wi Let the baby chew on a bone that still has some fragments of meat--a chop bone or a chicken bone (not too small a chicken bone, but one that will not! break or splinter too easily). | Most kids put things in their) mouths quite readily. They| can't chew a plastic or metal/ toy, but a tasty meat fragment is something else. Don't try to} force her to chew on the bone,' RIGLEY's You get more to enjoy in the convenient Dime Pack of Wrigley's Spearmint... more of that fresh flavour and lively taste! THE OSHAWA TIMES, yg July 11, 1966 BRIDGE Oy ©. JAY BECKER aan FAMOUS HANDS Wast Aesian Auction bridge (circa 1925), _ NORTH 1095 ; Q985 AQIE EAST AK10042 $7ts7 2 AKI8 1062 Ad 983 Opening lead--two of hearts, One of the most interesting persons in bridge history was the late and great Sidney Lenz, who died several years ago. His name became well known to the sayrag when he participated in the famous Lenz-Culbertson match of 1931, but for many years before this he had been known in bridge circles as the leading authority of the game, Lenz authored many books, mostly on auction bridge, his style of writing being such that it combined interesting mate- rial with good prose, Here is an excerpt from one of his books on auction bridge, but remem- ber that in those days you got credit for making a game or slam whether you had bid it or not. 'West had the deal and bid a spade which North doubled and East redoubled, South called two hearts, West two spades, and North went to three hearts. East doubled and North then re-doubled. "Aside from North's redouble the bidding appears to be along conventional lines. Even the knave of hearts would go a long way towards making the North-South hands good for nine tricks, conceding @ club, e diamond and two hearts to the enemy. "West opened the singleton trump on the reasoning 'that North's redouble must be based on the ability to trump spades and every trump extracted from his hand would save a trick, South played the nine of hearts from dummy so that the eight might become an entry for the club finesse, East play- ed four rounds of the suit, South being thrown in the lead, as: he had continued unblocking in the dummy. "When South finessed the ten of clubs, East took the king and West gathered in six tricks in spades. On the eleventh trick South had the unhappiness of deciding whether it was best to discard the ace of clubs or the queen of diamonds, The per- fect squeeze position was in- vulnerable and South made only one trick." SALLY'S SALLIES to munching on some solid breadstuff. Dear Dr. Molwer; Can exces- sive washing of a teen-aged boy's hair cause baldness or other damage--two or three washings a week?--G, M, No. Two or three washings a week is not excessive, @ BUYING! @ SELLING! @ RENTING! . « « Get FAST RESULTS with TIMES CLASSIFIED ACTION ADS | DIAL 723-3492

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