celebrated thelr 60th wedding anniversary. They have 12 chil- dren, 49 grandchildren and 31 looked for a job in the Indus- try. "As it turned out," Lore said, 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 11, 1966 Caring About Job ANN LANDERS A Mysterious Situation 5 Has Simple Explanation Dear Ann Landers: I havejhandwritten letter to 'my dear Is Half The Battle By ROBERTA ROESCH "Unless you care about your job, you can't make it mean very much," says career girl Lore Moser, who is deeply de- voted to hers. : As @ iady banquet manager of a tavern, Lore has been re- sponsible for arranging for over 4,000 weddings and more than 25,000 parties, dinners, lunch- "I needed that shorthand and great-grandchildren. typing, because my first work after college was a job as sec- retary to a buyer in one of New Varble hie katate Tf Ff had a skill, 1 wouldn't have landed the job." That job was invaluable to Lore, because as she worked hard at it she made many con- tacts in the industry. Later she heard of the job opportunity at the tavern when the banquet OSHAWA TiMEe Sse eee Of PICTURE RE-PRINTS Available At NU-WAY PHOTO eons, and banquets. In managing these affairs, she has cared so much about her job that some of the girls who had her arrange their par- ties at "Sweet Sixteen" have also come back for their wed- dings and, later, named daugh- 'Tters after her and asked her to be a godmother. "Once you are in this field, you have to care about. it,"!7 Lore said. "'You have to care so much that people sometimes ask you if you are the owner's daughter. "But if you like people and large scale planning, a job as a banquet manager is a won- derful career for a woman," Lore said. 'Mainly, it is doing on a large scale many of the things most women plan in a small way. "If that kind of work appeals manager's spot opened up. In the 14 years that she has worked there she has never] 251 King St. E., Oshewe stopped caring about her job. | 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each | 5x7 -- 1.25 each 20% Discount on Orders 9-3 er Mare Viehaies enrreninte a SERVICE been married to Lee (made-up| Unkle and Ant' thanking us for name) for nine years. We have|the "beautiful presunt." The four children and a nice home|stationery was folded in a in the suburbs. Lee is a goodisloppy, haphazard manner and husband and father and we/the envelope looked as if he had have a happy. marriage. carried it in his pocket for a Tonight, by accident, I ran|week. across some cigarette paper for} 1 showed the letter to my rolling your.own, It-was tucked! husband and he said-he-thought in the back of Lee's deskjit was "fine" that the kid took drawer along with an envelope|the time and trouble to write a that had been taped andjthank you letter. I said it was stapled. I opened the envelope/the very least the boy could do. and found some dried particles|I also said I thought his mother of what appeared to be a plant./should have looked at the letter It is dark brown in color and|before he sent it, and corrected has some tiny seeds miced in./his spelling and instructed him Can this be marijuana? to write it over. Do you agree I have not told my husband/with me? -- Old World Thinker that I found the envelope and| Dear Thinker: No, I do not I don't know if I should, Please|agree with you. The child's note tell me what you know about|was an expression of apprecia- marijuana and what I ought to|tion. He thanked you in his own do about it.--Frightened words--in his own way. For a Dear itened: Obviously,|10-year-old, 'Unkle and Ant" I could not attempt to analyzejisn't too bad. You should see any substance without first see-jthe letters I get from high ing it, and in this instance, even|school kids c laing about} FOUNDED A CLAN _ WINNIPEG (CP) -- Mr. andj. Mrs. Alfred C. Lamoureux of Transcona, a Winnipeg suburb, FRECKLES ARE COVETED BEAUTY MARKS right, have long been sport- trade publication, freckles to be considered as coveted |to you and if you have well- ing their specks with pride. once despised by almost beauty marks. }rounded training. I feel the Now, according to a fashion any woman over 12, are (AP. Wirephoto) pore sng management field is e : onion seep te --ee wide open for women," if I saw it I wouldn't be of|"kerfew'" and not enough "free-| | ----o | THE STARS SAY life will be highlighted between | wow SHE STARTED | | now and Sept. 15; also, between) | ore prepared herself for her much help. I don't know what/dum." | N s ; | marijuana looks like | otions Departments By ESTRELLITA Ree 15 ge Dec. ig next ApH | career by working as a wait- | May an une. hese wi 0! wae ; tani Hold Many Useful Items [FOR TOMORROW wlsSall cardi' me ee | Planetary influences for Tues If you take the contents of 'xcellent periods in which to| switchboard operator and din- | By ELEANOR ROSS Many glamor girls such as actresses Samantha Eg- gar, left, and Doris Day, Dear Ann Landers: I am a 15-year-old girl who is heart- broken. I went with Bart for six months. I knew the minute I laid eyes on him that he was very mixed up. I was his psy- BURN JEWELLERS 20 SIMCOE STREET NORTH when removed and so can be OPEN FRIDAYS TILL 9 P.M. STOREWIDE MIDSUMMER CLEARANCE CONTINUES | rn. 0% Lane ee] Swim In Your Own Back Yod | at the New GRENFELL ~ SQUARE APARTMENTS 385 Gibb St. at Grenfell CONVENIENT TO OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Aopsoupam, AOQ It Pasi) 24015 AIVS SOHS S,AJDONVG du0uS "W'V 00:01 -- AVOSYNHL Sue ICEBERG SOUP Gentoy fold bite-size chunks Enjoy Your Private SUANA AND HEALTH CLUB SWIMMING POOL and SUNNING PATIO Wilson's THE PERFECT SOLUTION TO TEENAGE SKIN PROBLEMS @ ONE BEDROOM SUITES @ TWO BEDROOM SUITES @ FAMILY SUITES @ 3 FLOORS RESERVED FOR ADULTS ONLY! Ot Clean Swinging Quantet YDuB A complete treatment assortment for problem skin at this low "'get-acquainted" price. ONLY $ 20° REGULAR $3.00 VALUE the envelo; to an organic chemist for 'analysis and if it : rionéel , turns out to be marijuana, pre- ; ;| make nev' friendships, meet in-|ing room hostess in restaurants pare yourself for questioning pond ig the os, ©) teresting ---- of the pote a J hotels part-time and sum- by legal authorities. Possession as , ipplied to another area conflict in personal relation: | site sex and form contacts with) mers while in high school and of marijuana is against the law.|chiatrist, his mother figure, his|_ "84in acting as your ciceront | }PP vo. (ships. Be especially careful i'| sersons of influence who could|coliege, She was graduated It seems unlikely to me that|sweetheart and his parole offi-|°" guide, we've been taking ou:| A clean sweep is now at hand dealings with superiors, elders | .yentually prove invaluable in P Cornell Hotel School your husband could be on pot|cer. I was also his banker. He|{#Vrite ramble through the no-|for those quickie tidy-up jobs. anyone in a position of author |. material way. Stars don't|while in college. she taught and you would not know it, This|still owes me $9 * ""|tions departments of our grea'||t's a tiny sweeper with rubber|ity. The same 'aspects coulc| ,romise much in the way of! herself shorthard 'and typing' a : ._ | stores. protectors. It adjusts for low|aiso bring disappointment in ro l t for short tripe) (ee ee weed produces exhilaration} After 1 gave him everything 'land Meh tak nape and'ta gered 'i PI i _'0') ravel (except for short trips)| night so she would have a prac- which you would surely recog-/he wanted he told me that I was| AS our readers know, we're) / ON UK ocotiae ths thcatoal gag social communica: | for the balance of 1966, but Jan-|tical skill to add to her broad nize as unusual behavior. Dis-|too bossy and then he dropped eee ae Fe wine h vary, May and June of 1907 willl general training when she family doctor and. evept melme but he dosent Eeow it nicely" priced and designed to|i8 Useful and easy on the walle, FOR THE BIRTHDAY | |","chid porn on this day Will -- C NS ° bs . +s R omorrow 1s your birthday.), a counsel. Please tell me how to get the|/make life easier and more Finally, we came away from ss Py dhe be noted for loyalty, -- ebyancoat riggpetivact i hi oleae pleasant indoors, outdoors or en|the notions counter tour with|YUr horoscope indicates that.| ism and musical ability. r4 m la As ; : 1.4) where joo and financial matters)" ee Dear Ann Landers: Who is} Dear Linda: Never mind|Toute. jsomething we have been looking) 56 concerned, your pattern will right? My. husband's sister has|about getting the message| Recently, we did two surveys sea age item designed specifi-|) 0, somewhat ¢aried one dur-| WELCOME MOD FASHION two children who are in gram-|across to him. Concentrate' on|@"d here's a report on the first.ically for out drip-dry way Of|i,. the next 12 months. Despite) MONTREAL (CP)--Bless the mar school. Her son had a 10th|the message he got across to It turned up a host of good life, It is an extension rack that some small gains promised dur- 3 : birthday several days ago andlyou, You need this fellow like|household notions, such as a/fits snugly over the shower fix-|/)) "the first two weeks of| en see, or introducing Mod, my husband and I sent the|Custer needed: more Indians.|Silver polishing glove. Slip the/ture and can be rotated to any ebust it will be imperative says Paris-born Claude Fourot. youngster a very nice gift. Consider yourself lucky to be|slove 4 get hand ons se gies perie : jgerrodls Pg that you be -conservative in|"But if you want the best of it, Yesterday we received ajrid of the guy. | Sway 10 Give Shyer & ene ene gers on the nickel-fin-| monetary affairs until Sept. 15jlook to the woman over 30," supe oy Pe be Pa ging for Pare 'Jew- ee a ogg this indoor! (and especially during the first)said the makeup expert. '"They KEEP IN TRIM It te ; re ith x aineaicc| eee ye tere j /two- weeks of that month). Im-|are tempering it and therefore pipregames Wi S Seeee | mediately after that date, how-|getting the best out of it." | polish that lasts until the fabric! W ' Pl ever, you will enter an excel- se eset Post- Operative Weight Gain | sents ve im tum) 5 °° py oy |k ant amar er - ie ; 2 . . bring many opporunities for in- g and forefinger tree, never needs) Lies In Education |creasing assets. Other good pe . * ; ' : ; ...\riods on the fiscal front will} Controlled By Diet, Exercise ctu ys sents cragam, ToRoNT CP) = Pawel occur In ary December, next i§ ut ° February and June but, here} Bi : slacken friction from drawers,| the world, delegates to the pro-|goain it's important to empha- By IDA JEAN KAIN --_,_ "The important point I want/doors, cabinets, window sashes|vincial branch meeting of the i the cscandley of na Borin a-| It is easy to understand a to bring out is not the fact that/and such, all of which get stuck} Catholic Women's League were intervening months, or you post-operative weight gain. Due|| was successful in reducing|S® often durinf-the warm told Wednesday. : could offset gains. : to enforced rest following SUr-\anq restoring my confidence, We#ther when wood expans, Mrs. Lilah Lymburner, ¢ hair-| your chart indicates that you j lt gery, the body's calorie require- ' : 'any " |man of the Ontario economics hould hay li a| ? ! ments drop about 1214 calories | Ut the manner in which I exer-;-READY TO WORK A aoe ;*|should have a generally good! d i Pinte jod,{cised to bring about this) The 'ubricant comes in a|2%4 development department's) year where occupational inter- a pound in a 24-hour period. n ° d When you compare this to the/Change. Here are the two easy| handy self-storing 'container, all per aie ia ie ------. ests are concerned, with splen-| 15 to 16 calories a pound used| &xercises I took to get back my|ready to go to work to eliminate ib : i ge $ ae ie nteys did chances of advancement! Bananas can be refrigerated in normal activity, you can see figure: all that frustrating pulling and site ing Torce in today 's/promised in late September, /if put in a tightly 'sealed glass | how the pounds accumulate. | "For the hips--sit on the floor, (ugging. airs ss : early December, next January, | jar. } f lean slightly back, with legs| With the popularity of Danish| '.hat we learn at high school| MaroW and May. Creative work-| ---- nt Also, a widespread notion that | stretched out, held together. In|style furniture in mind, one|2%4 college is not good enough) ers should find the entire eating more than your share of), rocking motion, roll from side|firm has put out a series of for today and if we are to take} months of September. Decem- nourishing food will help you t0\t» side as tar as possible--50|replacement covers for the|Ur, Place as women of thelber, January and June out- get well faster, is a fallacy. The|counts, I lost 4 inches off my| cushions. When old upholstery|¥!d we must continue our ed-| standing for accomplishment. per yg ae neg actually' hips. "| becomes frayed and worn, these| "Cation." = | In your personal life, you| ki "be hi dig © conya-| "For waist and hips--lie out- covers will fit the most popular gi Ly a said women/have some happy prospects in| escent' period. -- stretched on floor, arms out at|sizes. Decorator colors have|s!", + fon Pr ecdagaan. im-| store. Both romance and social| Plenty of protein is needed.| shoulder level. Raise right Iegjbeen chosen to blend with al- Pata lle eg gh meting thal a This replenishing nutrient helps and, without strain, swing it|most any chair, loveseat, sofa idea that ee if spd ng : speed repair processes. But n0j across left, touching floor with|or bench cushions. ip saunand Mi Tears dnack y fattening snacks 'and delightful] toes. Swing back and touch on| Furniture scratches made by|° oe ree eee desserts. A little forethought] right side, Repeat 10 times and|cases, ash trays or lamp bases|PUt pegged you ete pt er will pay dividends in the years} go through routine with other|can be prevented with an ad: man' an arene genet ahead. : leg. : hesive-backed material, which,| ..oonized that ah Stat be PB eg - -- ni, This routine takes about five|when applied to the bottom of ohn op intelligent manner." _-- Teinehs coactedon? Fg ors Po = og not/these things, protects surfaces} Satna alte ceteris * NO.\ tiring. Besides doing my figure|from ugly abrasions. It also Although an authority in the!a world of good, the suarcioe cuts down breakage caused by field expressed it this way: | was helpful in stimulating cir-|slipping and sliding. : 'This operation usually 9¢-| culation and. making me feel; Within one pack are two four-|of western iceberg lettuce into curs at the time of life when the | peppier."" __|by-eight-inch sheets that, when|chilled consomme Madrilene for energetic demands of raising a Talk with your own doctor) cut to dimension, stick to the|a sprightly summer appetizer. family are lessened. There. 18\regarding measures to control/bottom surface. The material] Sprinkle chopped fresh chives or| ae social activi-lyour weight. retains its adhesive power even|grated lemon rind on top. rich eating: At the same time ear calorie requirements are taper-' ing off." So be on guard. If this warn- ing comes too late for you, take hope from this heartening let- ter: TOOK BELATED ACTION "After major surgery the pounds crept on. At the time I took belated action I wore a size 20. Now, almost two years Jater and 50 pounds lighter, I easily fit into a size 14 dress. STYLISH FOR BREAD Pony tails may be out of fashion as hairdos, but they are the very latest style as far as bread wrapping is con-| cerned. The pony tail is created by slipping an extra long poly- thene bag over the loaf of bread, giving it a twist and securing it with a clip. The result is an air-tight plastic! container that can be opened and reclosed easily. This keeps the bread fresh longer and, when finished, the bag is re- usable, which should appeal to the thrifty-minded. SAVE ! USE ! Sunrise EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO; CLEANSE eee CONTROL EXCESS OILS .0. =i AND COVER WHILE HEALING FOR RENTAL INFORMATION PHONE 723-5111 11 A.M. TO 9 P.M, DAILY Exclusive Agents Oshawa Realty (Bond St.) Ltd. PHONE 728-9466 "A NEW WORLD of APARTMENT LIVING" Medicated Face Wash Cleansing Grains Medicated Astringent GRENFELL SQUARE features: Free Hydro High Speed Elevators Softly Carpeted Corridor Floors @ Night Drapes Throughout e Beautifully Landscaped Entrance e e * One or Two-Balcony Suites Available Second Washroom Suites Available Oshawo's Largest Suites Rental Includes TV Antenna Service, Parking Space and Additional Locker Space Private Sauna and Health Club Facilities; Swimming Pool and Sunning Patio. ADDED BONUS: THE SWINGER clutch purse regular value $1.50 for only 50¢ plus proof of purchase from an ALL CLEAR SWINGe~ ING QUARTET ALL CLEAR COSMETICS ARE HYPO- ALLERGENIC. Ultra-modern Kitchens include 30 inch Electric Range ond New Refrigerator. Intercom Connected to Lobby Bothrooms Equipped with Large * Mirrors and Built-in Vanities @ Double Sinks RESERVE YOUR SUITE NOW Rentals Start At $125.00 Crystalized MILK We will deliver « 60 Quart | Carton containing --- 60 In- :| dividual Quert Packages for $6.75. To be ploced on eur de list write. . Sunrise Industries Ltd. 1574 The Queenswoy Toronto 18. Medicated _Maks-wp Open Every Evening Till 9 P.M. very i" *DpRUGaS 28 KING ST. EAST PHONE 723-4621 AN SE"