aa seri min iter nln 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, July 9, 1¥ee A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE board Report Reject Voted By Rail Union MONTREAL (CP)--The sec- ond of three groups of unions representing Canada's 92,700 non-operating railway employ- ees decided Friday to turn down | Farmers Resolute WOODSTOCK (CP) -- The © Oxford County section of the y\ Ontario Federation of Agricul- a conciliation board report and ture has become the first.OFA to take a strike vote across the! z section to join the Ontario Far- OM) oe 4 i | Union-i g--publ C. W. Reed, chairman of. the demonstrations to back up far- negotiating team for some 28,-/7 mers' demands for better prod- 000 shop-craft employees, said uce prices. representatives of the seven.un- An emergency: meeting of al: fons in the group voted unani-|f rectors Thursday night unani- mously to turn down a report mously passed a resolution de- handed flown Wednesday _ by claring that petitions and nego- suatice F. Craig Munroe of Van: tiations with the government pig dank | have had "little desired effect." Thursday, the general confer- ; Q | ence committee of the. Associ- j * . ated Non-operating Railway Un- Warming Given ions, representing 52,000 rail- TORONTO (CP 3 : , i | ) -- Toronto's way workers belonging to 15 dif- |juvenile detention home may explode in physical violence, Stephen Lewis (NDP--Scarbor- ferent unions, voted to reject n a oe similar report by Justice Mun- cell '. siete MR. JUSTICE McRUER ! ough West) told the legislature hi Thursday. roe and authorized the taking! of a strike vote. Justice Resigns The "stark, oppressive, hos-|_ tile and lonely'? building wa TORONTO (CP) -- J. C The grievances of a ird group of railway employees,| Setonnas hein. ol Mc-| home for one child for 131 day port and General Workers Ruer, former chief justice of the!Mr. Lewis said. (CLC), are still under consider-|OMtario Supreme Court, has re- We are hazarding a frighten-|-- ation by federal mediator J, C.| Signed as chairman of the On- ing explosion in that detention A. Cameron of Ottawa. |tario Law Reform Commission. home which could occur any| ' : Attorney - General Arthur time," . Wishart told the legislature Mr. Choice Eviction |MeRuer resigned because the Celebration Ahead CHICAGO (AP) -- A deputy | Toyal commission on civil rights | sheriff went to Ellen Borden|® Which he is also chairman, MIDLAND, Ont. (CP)--Mar-| Stevenson's house Friday to|Teduires all his time, tyr's Shrine this year marks the evict her Allan Leal, dean at Os- 40th anniversary of the building} She demurred at first, but fi-| $90de Hall Law School, will suc-| and opening of its church with! nally consented to leave. ceed him. ja series of pilgrimages and! The 55-year-old Mrs. Steven-| ceremonies. | gon is the former wife of Adlai Flee To West | The building was blessed June Stevenson, twice the Demo- | ' 25, 1926, by Cardinal O'Connell| cratic candidate for president of _ VIENNA (Reuters) -- Four) of Boston. The next 'day thel the United States and ambas- | Czechoslovak | citizens escaped) shrine was formally opened by| sador to the United Nations at|/nto Austria in a small sports the Jate Archbishop Neil Mc- the time of his death last sum-/Plane Friday and asked for! Nejj, Toronto mer. political asylum, police said. he opening: was attended by| The episode began when 13,0: rsons w rave 4 Plans Second Test 000 persons who travelled bj Judge Walker Butler of the cir- cuit court issued a writ empow-/ ip Distal PARIS (Reuters)--The second © few motor vehicles, to attend. In subsequent years additional ering the sheriff to evict Mrs. seuiites oh : } v authorizing the|€XPlosion in the current series cow suban 4 ty Wetiding, Ar-|of French nuclear tests in the|/ Property was acquired, includ- thur F. Erickson, to take pos-/South Pacific will take place on !"8 the Ste. Marie location. session. or after July 14, it was an- The anniversary will be cele- A circuit court jury ruled,nounced Friday night. France/brated July $1 with special Mrs. Stevenson incompetent to|/¢xploded a nuclear bomb, first Masses handle . h fi ial affairs|in the present series of Pacific : andie her financial affairs Sea Has Seek Stronger Icc March 10. tests, on Mururoa atoll July 2. Mrs. Stevenson's mother and|The tests are expected to con- : : oe PERTH AMBOY, N.J. (AP)--| LONDON (Reuters) -- Britain Flames leaping from a blazing has taker up with the Soviet three sons had asked the court/tinue until the onset of unfavor- to appoint a conservator for her able weather in November. i petroleum storage area Friday| ' nion a Cambodian proposal turned a New York Harbor) for increased supervision by the holdings. They testified their I d a R n onesla eques Strait into a sea of fire for the|International Control Commis- mother's assets had dwindled from $400,000 to $100,000. s n ' Or : WASHINGTON (Reuters)--In- Second time in three weeks re of ¢ gern sPreriiga 4 and PRINCETON. N.J. (AP) A s donesia has applied to be re- Five persons injured, {rontiers, officials here said Fri-) ¢ S's -" 0s es ARE Publisher Shot admitted as a member of the one critically, in Friday's a a Britain and Hie soviet, Atomic Anergy ndgloicecons GIESSEN, West Germany International Monetary 'Fund|plosion ang fire on the New|Union are co-chairmen of the sion staff report contends the (AP)--A newspaper publisher|and the World Bank, which it! Jersey waterfront |1954 Genev conference which) tyited States is falling behind was shot and seriously wounded | anit last August, informed pout 600 petroleum storage pcg Soa vali ore nd " bee the Soviet Union and the rest in a busy downtown street Fri-/sources reported Friday. They/ drums blew up in a series of en po enn Indochina states of| of the world in the quest to day by a former employee, po- said that IMF is in Indonesia at| explosions. Some of the S5gal:| oo Nam, Laos and Cambodia) harness peacefully the power of lice reported. the moment to discuss the jon drums rocketed across the 2% Set UP, the commission,|the hydrogen bomb, it was Hans Rempel, publisher andj terms for such a step, which) mile-wide channel, known ae Meo at Canada, India and jearned today editor of the local newspaper|would reverse President Su-\the Arthur Kill, to Staten Is. .0.8"4: The report, prepared by AE( Giessener Allgemeine, collapsed | karno's decision to withdraw his jand. s ' fe scientists, terms the situation on the sidewalk while passersby|country from the two interna- PRAISED MEXICO "alarming"? and urges the fed- ravi psa ea aly and Sera cent after it left the The German traveller Alexan-|eral government to boost re- turned him over to police. nited Nations. across th der Humboldt called Mexico) search spending by 15 per cent Ss e 5 " A Rempel was taken to hospital navigation Png Sage Mr gute treasure - house of the! annually over the next five where doctors said two bullets Salmon Tagged for about two hours aris the| World" because of its fertile soil! years. hit his head and one penetrated fire 8 and many resources. The scientists say his shoulder. They said he is COPENHAGEN (Reuters)--A The scene of Friday's blaze eas expected to survive. |team of scientists from Canada, ,, mye , The attacker was identified) Denmark and Britain will put the Pte a ee south of WEATHER FORECAST by police as Ludwig Kreiling,|identifying marks on as many|}oy chauviel oars et satil i A ; . . ; nkers 42, recently dismissed from a/salmon as possible off Green collided June 16 with the loss| s book-keeping job with the news-/land this year, in a drive to dis-| asa i | h L k ] paper. jcover whether the srowing| caching eee = pe! un ers: owers 1 e y : Greenland salmon-fishing indus-| : Floods Hit Japan try is damaging salmon fisher- Hien. ies elsewhere. A joint working ae 2 TOKYO (Reuters) -- Floods committee of the international JUdgment Reserved As Humidity, Heat Rise and Jandslides killed 10 persons|Council for the Exploration of; WINDSOR. 0 He and injured 46 after torrential|the Sea and the International .n1 wan cp Ont 4 P)--Judg rain lashed the southern Japa-\Commission for the Northwest) Charoee iar sen _Friday on nese island of Kyushu Friday Atlantic Fisheries meeting in Hewidahed hat two Windsor po- fore su ¢ night, police reported Saturday,|May noted that salmon marked ace, constables used unneces- Synopsis: The circulation over cloudiness warm and humid Five persons were missing.|in Canada, Ireland, Britain, the sary violence in arresting a/Ontario is shifting from north-)with scattered thundershowers. More than 1,500 houses were|United States, Sweden and Nor. wer! May 17. : west to southwest and this| Winds southerly 15. flooded, railroad: tracks and! way have been caught off _Magistrate F. K Jasperson, should bring somewhat higher Cochrane, western James bridges washed away and com- Greenland conducting the hearing. said temperatures. However. lake pay fe cloudi- munications disrupted. Friday he would give his judg-'breezes are likely to keep tem-\ness with a few scattered thun- ar peed! ae : eee prlangae big weer a Great dershowers tonight and Sunday table Imothy 'opland Lakes ence today wi be a Winds s rly 15 i) Hurt In Clash Critics Approve and Frederick Trewin were al- little warmer than: Friday' in- Votan ain, eee sunny QUITO, Ecuador (Reuters)-- ot to have used unnecessary land but little change in tem-|today. Sunday sunny with Police battled with swords and St tt d 0 orce in the arrest for drunken- perature is expected near the/cloudy periods and scattered tear gas against a crowd which/ Tratior pera rs ng Daniel McKenzie, 49. |lakes. Sunday will be warmer |thundershowers in the afternoon Friday tried to block a high- .,. : : ike : : ype i were laid against and more humid with thunder: and evening. Warmer Sunday way at Chasqui, some 28 miles ST RATFORD (CP)--Mozart's Hal wo officers after a num- showers in some localities. south of here. Fifteen persons Peta Don Giovanni, directed| Der Of witnesses complained to were injured. The demonstra- PY Jean Gascon, opened Friday # local alderman ; jnight at the Stratford Festival tors were protesting against re-| "8 0 rder Bestowed wioval of a banana tax which Avon Theatre with critics pro- had troueht important revenie claiming it splendid, tasteful, : g' Pi ROME (CP)--Aurele Gratton vice-president and general man to the province of Cotopaxi: exciting and understandable Sung in English, the musical s jadaption of the life and loves|@ger of Ottawa Le Droit, was this evening. Clear with somejKitchener. .. . 60 85 Famine Threatens of Don Juan stars Cornelis|honored Friday by the Sover cloudy intervals and _ isolated|Mouni rurest 60 80 - sant dies _r¢ Ag. OPthof of Rotterdam as Don @ign and Military Order of thundershowers late tonight and Wingham ... - 60 80 en x Br de ae ao Giovanni and Sylvia Saurette as Malta Sunday. Warm Sunday. Winds/Hamilton ... ee R5 Freeman said Saturday the Domna Anna and Jan Rubes as' The order bestowed its Cross light. ; é jSt. Catharines ..... 85 world may face a famine in 18| -¢Dorello of Merit with rank of com-| Lake Erie, Niagara, Lake) Toronto a 85 years unless underdeveloped, 1% opera also opened the mander on Mr. Gratton for Ontario, Toronto, Hamilton: Peterborough ...... 5! 85 countries increase their agricul- festival's music season which' Services rendered in many Mainly clear with seasonable Kingston 85 tural production. He indicated|{eatures a series of Sunday public charities, education and temperatures today and this/Trenton .. doa 85 the United States would find it- afternoon concerts continuing to SOc ial developments . evening. Clear with some cloudy | Killaloe 88 85 self in. @ position where it would| Aug. 28. ' rhe order, founded in the 11th/intervals and isolated thunder-|Muskokw@rr..... 55 85 he Bnable to help famine John Kraglund of The Globe century, is: an international or-|showers late tonight and Sun-|North Bay ......... 6: 82 giricken nations. The U.S. is and Mail said: 'Visually, it is Sanization of Catholics whose day. Warmer Sunday. Winds!Sudbury .. oes 82 aiding more than 100 countries 'Me most splendid opera the fes- ain aim Is the care of the sick light. ; Earlton ... th its fodd:ald program. tival has mounted to date, Mu- 4nd needy. Algoma, Timagami, White/Sault Stic. Marie... AUGER WES Ste AB Sically, with one or two im- River, Sault Ste. Marie: Sunny | Kapuskasing : RE AND THERE oo exceptions, last night's GO IT ALONE with a few cloudy periods and|White River .. HE performance had a comparable' qonTRE +5 'onara) 2 little warmer today. Scat-|Moosonee .. splendor." Pepe er ge spel tered showers or thundershow-!Timmins NO JULY MEETING ' 1 a ee The Ontario County 'Council Eric McLean of 'the Montreal own departments of physical on -- will not hold a meeting in July Star praised the teamwork 'and medicine and _rehabilit delicate balance "established| tion thinks Dr. Gustave Cin The next regular meeting will between the visual and musical gras, director of the Rehabilita- be held at Whitby, Aug. 16 on a org! get gl ition. Institute of 'Montreal. He , rardi, he said, "was|saic speciali " TO SHOW FILM able to maintain an expert ine-lordinete ail relckines eee A film, released by Canadian 5!0M on the lines of the music|ices pees : National Railways. will 'be 5° that the performance seemed shown at the Monday meeting '© Pass like the wind." of the Rotary Club of Oshawa Mollie Graham of the Strat ford Beacon Herald -said FORESTRY. CLUB "There was an excitement mu- Members of the Forestry sically in much of this opening | Club met at the old Durham | performance which, has been! Forestry Station. A tree identi-| lacking in other productions we | fication test was given while|/have seen by much more ex- members hiked through the! perienced and widely acclaimed woods. Laie in the day the' companies members reassembled at the forestry station for a leaf iden test, seems oversized . for her age. She plays piano at the Grade 9 level and also studies violin, recorder, singing, and ballet. In com- petition she has won enough A BIG HAND -- Seven- year - old Angela' Hewitt seems to develop -- giant- sized hands as she reaches toward the camera. And, like the hand, her talent were Others fell into the water, spreading a carpet of flame that since TORONTO (CP) -- = Officialjers late this afternoon and forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m.:|tonight. Sunday Warma» ¥ Jala a et € Winds light today, southerly 15 Regional forecasts valid until Sunday, midnight Sunday: : Take St. Clair, Lake Huron Forecast Temperatures Georgian Bay, Haliburton, Kil- Low tonight, high Sunday laloe, North Bay, Sudbury, Windsor 5 85 Windsor, London: Mainly clear)St. Thomas ee 85 and a little warmer today and!}ondon ... .. 60 85 H IGHLY RECOMMENDED Che KRih Room Will Be Closed Sundays For The Summer Continental French Buffet Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m; -- 5 to 8 p.m. GENOSHA HOTEL THIS IS FOR YOU! Fast Service Good Food Reasonable Prices Convenient Location HOTEL LANCASTER 27 KING ST OSHAWA WEST. rhe opera continues in re per with other Avon Theatre productions typll Sept. 2. tory boat, rail, horse and buggy and A BIG HAND FOR THE LITTLE LADY [bat a problem arising from the lacks sufficient staff: Americans Losing Nuclear Standing variable} Former Speaker Among Six Appointed To Senate OTLAWA (CP) -- Alan Mac-| Mr, Carter's appointment|rector of adult and visual edu- naughton, Montreal lawyer andjchanges House standings to:|cation for the province when he former Commons Speaker, and|Liberals 130, Conservatives 96,/entered the Commons in 1949. five other men were appointedj)NDP 2i, Creditiste 9, Social! Mr. Desruisseaux, $1, retired to the Senate Friday by Prime ;Credit 5, Independents 2, vacant/senior member of a Sherbrooke. Minister Pearson. 12, law firm, is president of La> The others: 'SERVED AS SPEAKER Tribune Inc., publisher of Sher-: --C. W. Carter, MP for Burin-| Mr. Macnaughton, who will be| brooke La Tribune and operator Burgeo riding in Newfound-|63 on July 30, was Liberal MPlof CHLT, CHLT-FM and CKPS land, a St. John's education- for Mount Royal from 1949 un-jradio stations, and CHLT-TV,: ist. til he ended his term as Speaker| Sherbrooke. He is a director of deca Desruisseaux, a Sher-jof the House in 1965 and did/The Canadian Press. rooke lawyer and publisher, |not seek re-election. After his) --James Duggan of St. John's,/speakership, he was appointed | WORKED FOR RAILWAY : ormer railway telegraph'a member of the Privy Counci!.-Mt--Duggan, 63, started_rail- lgiving him the title of honorable |W&Y Work as a telegraph oper- --Thomas Kickham 'of Souris, |for life. ator at the age of 17 with the P.E.I., a former Liberal MP.| Mr. Carter, 64, now in Ky-|Reid Newfoundland Co, and --Leopold Langlois of Quebec, rope on a tour with the Com-|since the age of 20 has been another former Liberal MP.|mons veferans affairs commit-|@5s0ciated with the trade union Standing in 'the 102-seat Sen-|tee, has been an MP since New-|movement in Newfoundland, He ate following Friday's appoint-|foundland's union with Canada, |W@S prominent in the Newfound- ments: Liberals 63; Conserva-|He served with Newfoundland|!and Confederate Association tives 31; Independent 2; Inde-|regiments in both 'the First and|Which promoted union with Can- pendent-Liberal 1; vacant 5. (Second World Wars and was di-|44a. legislature of Prince Edward Is- land before entering the Com- mons in 1947 as MP for Kings, serving three terms. Mr." Langlois, 53, represented BALTIMORE, Md. (AP)--Ex- Was fired by the expanded to the postmaster-general and traordinary tight security regu-| guard force or scores of Balti- | subsequently to the transport |lations are in effect at the Mary-.more city policemen. No _seri-| minister. land penitentiary following a US Injuries were reported. destructive riot Friday by in-| Warden Roger B. Copinger oners roamed through the|i& the riot Friday night. yards of the diveahoun insti-|. At the three-hour meeting, 19} ltution for two hours, setting fire 'nates complained of ous h| |to buildings, throwing rocks 'ings as the food, low pay, the| land looting the commissary. |C°™Missary, the hospital, al- fire hoses were used to keep |state parole system. rampaging inmates out of the) prison OVERCROWDED e si Vernon L. Pepersack, the state commissioner of correc-| tion, contended many of the | Mr. Kickham, 65, a livestock ae jand produce dealer and farmer, j U S P ° e |was a member of the provincial 7 U.S. Penitentiary Priso Run Ri 'Prisoners un 10t Gaspe in the Commons from 1945 to 1957. A navy veteran, By GORDON BEARD |power house. But not a shot he was*parliamentary assistant mates that caused damages es-|Jr. and other prison officials, | timated at $200,000. including three chaplains,| About 1.000 of the 1,461 pris-|talked with the prisoners dur- | : : leged favouritism in assigning | Authorities fired tear gas 0 inmates to work, release pro-| jhelp quell the disturbance and| crams, and the operation of the LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Doct- complaints were not Valid. But ors at St. Joseph's Hospital |he agreed the prison, built for | lhere have found a way to com-/2990 inmates, is overcrowded and | _ Problem Solved introduction of the Ontario, * the out-| Medical Services Insurance|? T €&k was spontaneous, con-| Plan. tending that any reprisa 18| The problem is that welfare |#8ainst so - called ringleaders patients who used to receive ee ae pew Poasgeenesrs ie free treatment at hospital clin- ibe whl coletaaiged: 5 ics now are going to thee per-|Pepersack replied. "We are JOHN O'DRISCOLL sonal physicians and having the |4Uty bound to report any crim- os visits paid by OMSIP. .. act to the state's attorney. The welfare cases were tra-_ Pepersack, a veteran of 29) ditionally used in teaching clin-|Ye@s in the Marytand penal) LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. 728-4678 scholarships to pay for all her music lessons. Her favorite composer is Mo- zart and she doesn't like the Beatles. --CP Photo ies at the hospital to provide|S¥stem, termed the riot "the medical students, interns and|WOrst in terms of destruction Ij resident doctors with practical |ave ever seen."" He said dam- lexperience in handling and di-|#8° Was roughly estimated at agnosing cases more than $200,000. invest-, But- the emigration left the) , The licence tag and print; hospital with a shortage of Sp was heavily damaged by : teaching material. fire, while flames also burned | in the development of a ther-| '9 overcome the problem,|i" the wood shop, the commis- monuclear fusion reactor has doctors formed a poo] system|S@"y and the power plant. dropped to one-fifth from one-|under which members agree (0 7 half of the total world output. refer patients with conditions | This type of research, the sci- Userut sa Searnisie amc ' P the hospital's teaching clinics. entists say, could provide man-| Members also agree to join a kind with a new source of en-|rotation service leaving one ergy that can last for some 20,-'doctor on call 24 hours a day ; 000,000,000 years. They warnjat the hospital. This service is | that if the world's power needs|designed to make treatment at |multiply by a thousandfold injthe hospital more attractive the next century--as some re-|with a qualified physician. ports predict -- present fuel oe | sources would be burned out '| within decades. LIST TODAY WILL FORWARD REPORT It was learned the report will 4 @ PROMPT ATTENTION Your real estate problema will get courteous, professionel service at our office. Buying, selling, plan- ning to build or paige aly @ mort- gage, we would be glad to assist Phone or drop in, we offer a complete real estate service. 1962 the United States' ment of money and manpower DRUG STORES __ OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. JAMIESON DRUGS 241 KING ST. EAST 725-1169 MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 723-3431 TAMBLYN DRUG STORE SHOPPING CENTRE 728-5101 be forwarded to the joint con- @ STEADY ADVERTISING gressional atomic energy com-| @ SOLID EFFORT mittee. : @ FREE EVALUATION "~ The report says the Soviet Union now is carrying on 37 per cent of the world's peace- ful thermo nuclear research, compared with 20 per cent for j the United States and 43 per jcent among the rest of the world. DIXON'S OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER ¥ : 50 YEARS | 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. e 723-4663 | $. D. Hyman Real Estate Ltd. The 4 C's of Saving CONFIDENCE ! CONVENIENCE ! COMFORT ! CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 1. CONFIDENCE -- knowing that you are receiving the best rate of interest -- paid more often. 2. CONVENIENCE -- longer saving hours daily and all day Saturday. 3. COMFORT -- dealing with friendly people -- with a community Trust Com- pany. 4. SAVE WITH... OPEN THIS SUNDAY _|f 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. CALL KEN HANN Your Listing Man' R. J. TUMEY'S SHELL STATION 962 SIMCOE STREET NORTH ALEX NATHAN'S SUNOCO STATION 215 KING STREET WEST COOPER'S TEXACO STATION 56 BRUCE STREET WHITE ROSE STATION 38 PRINCE STREET T. GOCH SUPERTEST STATION 437 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH WINDER'S ESSO STATION KING and RITSON ROAD SOUTH ROY ALLAN'S ESSO STATION 288 BLOOR STREET WEST BROWN'S SUPERTEST STATION 340 PARK ROAD. SOUTH Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation 19 Simeee St N. Oshewe, 723-5221 23 King St. W. Bowmanville, 623-2527 CLINT'S TEXACO STATION WENTWORTH and CEDAR "anna DOVE'S FINA STATION 160 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH