16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, July 9, 1966 'Its July For Hot Weather.. Want Ads For Hot R esults' Cali The Direct Ciassified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles f for Sale SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Gardening end Suppl Accountants |Building Trades ' Sales and Service YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO. Chartered Accountants, Licensed Tru' fees in Bankruptcy, 524 Simcoe Str North, Oshawa. 728-737! ADLE AND C0. "Charter be gfe Financial Trade Build ing, 167 King Street East, Oshawa, On- tario, 725-2509; $. T. Hookins, CA; 4 Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, CA iano bs R. DAY, Certified General Suite 20SW, Oshewe Shop- ping Centre, 725-9953. ao '| BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Serv 180.) CALL corel, Oa ea amas"" "| JAMES ALLEN & SONS 725-6126 JOSEPH GUTMANN, N, Chartered ~Reeoun- fant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Sree | " pee QUALITY CARPENTRY & GENERAL REPAIRS East. Telephone 723-4833. For all your home improve- Complete Sales and Service On Gardening Equipment Residential Commercial Industrial Repairs -- Alteratioris Additions --~ Remodelling For ai! your Construction Needs -- , Lawn Boy and Yardman Lawnmowers Wheel Horse «garden troctors, RUNDLE Garden Centre Ltd. 1015 King St. E. 725-6551 Toro, ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Accoun: ment problems, call us first, tant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa 725-8576 Ontario. Telephone 723-122! po cael tks. ae a bara Barristers with | | | aeons pgm i FRED R. JONES, LLB. | Solicitor; temporarily 130 723-8137, Residence 725-035) ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, BA BCL, Barrister and Solicitor, 73 Centre Street. Office hours: 9 a.m $30 p.m Evening appointment. Dial 723 1661 TAM NALD, BA, SPRING CLEAN-UP @ Planting @ Sodding @ @ Top Soil @ Seeding @ @ Evergreens @ Grading @ @ Marion and Kentucky Blue- grass @ Complete landscap- ing @ Fertilizers, 723-9020 HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING Bloor St, East SMITH'S TREE FARM Cedars for Hedges Cu flowers and plants Manure (cow, sheep o: Rough lumber (cut to suit) Posts and poles "and e Berrister King St Then have o talk our customers Chim-| nstalied 723-2997. | Your LOCAL chimney, cleaner tt, repaired, gas linings repair ed Free estimates. | ROOFING, chimneys work. Sidewalks, stabs, Peay Frank McCann, RR 3, Oshawa 306 CARPENTRY -- New and "repairs, block and cement work. Free estimates 728-7680 | |ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, shingles. LL repairs, large and smal! jobs. L and H 4 t 937 M4 King Street| Roofing and Construction, 725-6 Humphrey, QC; ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS ec BA, LLB. Officelroofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, Residence: 725-4404; Whitby, places, masonry. Gord at, whit 668-2774 728-4326; 725-8133. NHA and] other first mortgage funds avel! lable _| SPECIALIZING ceramics room renovations. Cal! GREER AND KELLY, raBarristers, Solid tors, etc. 114 King Street East. Dia! ew PLASTERING and repairs, stucco bo jig ho ellogger ora jand factory, mechanical repairs to equip 7oe-sa32; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB,|™ment. Call Pickering 942-611 725-266: |NEW PLAS RING | and pes ES --| sidewalks, re-modeling, Building Trades stimates. A. C. Wood j4717 EXPERT es ge 2 cents square too! A FINISHING CARPENTER, does kitch-| includes grading and fill, two-year 9U@r-!en cabinets, vanities, bar cabinets in rec antee. Eleven years In business. Terrano|reation room and trimmings. Telephone) Paving, 723-5841 | 723-1991, Joe Koerk. FOR ALL YOUR heme genera! construction and workmanship. Call 68-2179 CLASSIFIED RATES wore. aa Saatonal words, secutive msertions ef 24 additional words 2c, secutive insertions of 24 additional words 21¢, each. $ DONALD, LLB.) Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub-| fic, The Commercial Building, 286 King} West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking available. 725-4716 or 725-47 Josern P.M Money to loan. Office East, Oshawa, 728-8232 all types a cement} QC, Solicitor. | _e King Street n No. |. Field Sod Under 200 sq. yds. 22¢ de- livered. 200 sq. yds. and up 20c delivered. Sod laid 35c¢ sq. yd. Free Estimates BETHANY LANDSCAPING 623-7594 ALROY Lawn Specialists rec-rooms 728-3420 or improvemen querantoed Carpentry 1 ¢ 'and repairs, house renovations, earports and so ferth | Telephone 725-3842. |REMODELLING, TRIM WORK, cup-| f , $1.08; | boards, rec-rooms, and stairs. Free esti-) ee aa ac Phone 725-7066 Sprays for dandelions, clover, Call for 728-9293 LAWNS CUT, cellars and yards cleaned ~Beniai|Also small moving jobs. 723-4030 or 728 Oshawa jae 5. =~ TREE TO TRIM? Cail Slim. Or {i'll --|them down, Free estimates. | 728-0610. =| | free estimates. orn '| Dentistry CAREFOOT, DR Surgeon, 172 King Street Charge -- 10 "er cent additional charge) For appointment, 728-517) ff not paid witnin @ days. Methed of Counting JOHN M., East, bal Less than ,,|Dressmaking words counts @s 24 words) each word,| EXPERIENCED ALTERATIONS on initial, figure or abbreviation counts as|dies' and girls' wear. Also men's pants retire 942.2085 ene werd: phone number counts two|draped and shortened. Reasonable prices. 'elephone 94 i words. {Fast service, Telephone 723-245. IGARDEN AND LAWN maintenance Roto tilling, landscaping, patios, plough BIRTHS--DEATHS-- |REASSMAKING | AKD ALTRRATIONS. ing and cultivating. Call 685-4936 after 6 soar be hgh ien adh with 28 cents addi- jwomen's clothing. Telephone 728-3426 |NURSERY | sop. Now cutting, id within 8 days.) DRESSMAKING | unit usc au oe slip covers, drapes. Fitting a|07 @ny amount. Phone after 6. 668-4965 N eens spaciaity. Mrs, Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. $2.25 the first 38 werds and each PPI beter hd ent ca fter. plus 12c. per Hne of EXPERIENCED Dressmaking of iadies| verse; oe charge if not paid|Wweer girls wear and alterations. Also within a Bridal wear 723-1729 CARD OF THANKS lStreet, Now Open! for the first 25 words and Se ich} measure sults, dresses, 2.5 act thereefter with 25c. additional charge 'fltomers materials, expert not paid within 8 days. onable prices, 728-531) COMING EVENTS .24 per inch (displey); $1.78 fer the first 20 words and Sc. each thereafter (Werd Ads). jed. Church Street North, Pickering | Instruction | Ladies' ma skirts, ne services, IN SPARE. TIME Low monthly payments In- clude text books and instruc- tions. Prepares you to achieve Ontario Diploma by means of Provincial examination cus reas | Gardening and Supplies nes Roe | : es KING BUG KILLERS Atox Rose Dust Garden Dust Diazinon D.D.T. Spray Pomogreen Dust-- Fruit 'Sprays Gardena Ant and Grub Killer Slug Bait Cygon 2E Fungicide Spray Weed Killers Tonk Sproyers Hond. Sproyers Dust Guns AUCTION SALES $2.4 PER INCH PER INSERTION. DEADLINES WORD ADS 5. p.m. BDAY PREV OUS he ee a FOUND AY OF PUBLICATION For FREE information--write, American School, Dept. 8, Box 784, Oshawa, Ontario Name Address Age BIRTHS AND DEATHS a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION ae wee Janitor Service JANITOR SERVICE -- Ci basements. Also scrap taken away WILL TAKE AWAY discardabies such as old appliances, furniture, jglass, efc. 623-7276. IN MEMORIAMS and CARDS OF THANKS S-p.m, DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous; 9 col umns er larger -- 10 a.m. day previous spray 723 |? metal |Mortgage Moneys available ond second mortgages. Open mortgages. No bonus. First mortgages, second mortgages and agreements for sale pur- chased M. F. SWARTZ 26 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 FIRST and SECOND MORTGAGES All Classes Rural, Vacation "SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED Member Ontario Mortgage CANCELLATIONS. AND CORRECTIONS 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION Any advertisement cancelled before pub lication will be eharged on day's insert ton. BOX NUMI & L $1.08 While every endeaver will be made forward lies to Bex numbers to the advertisers as seon as possible, we ac cept no flability in respect of loss or damage alleged te arise through eithe failure or delay In forwarding such re piles, hewever caused whether by nec gence or otherwise, The es will not be responsible for replies uncalled in 20 days. BER RENTA NTA! Garden Hose and Tools Lawn Soakers Melinor RX15 Ferti Sprinklers ts or firs izers Calcium Chlorides Peot Moss OPEN ALI MONDAY SATURDAY DAILY for DAY FRIDAY 12:30 DELIVERY REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors in advertisements submitted otherwise than In writing not for more than one Insertion of any advertisement nor beyond the price charge for a single Insertion In which error occurs The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its Proper elassification. In the cases of display advertisements " The Times will not be held responsibie| for more space than. that which the actua error occupies, The publishers endeavor | to reproduce all advertising matter cor-/ rectly, bul assume no liability of adver-) tisement if any inaccuracies In any form ere contained therein. rs IT'S EASY TO PLACE A \.~725-3568 TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 sate Hennick King Street For soil T Potios INDEX tO CLASSIFICATIONS 1--Women's Column 2--Persona! Sportsman's Column 4--Motorcycies Sodding, Seeding Cedor Hedges Plantings and Complete Land scoping Service /25-0611 CENTENNIAL LANDSCAPING Moke Your A Centennial Equipment --Swap and Barter B~Articles for Sale 9--Market Basket 10--Farmer's Column 1}--Pets and Livestock 12--Articles Wanted Wd--Articles for Rent 14--Business Opportunities 1S--Employment wanted 16--Agents Wanted built ho 16 Celina St | B [LANDSCAPING &|_")28" ments of sale purchased, Creighton FIRST AND SECOND morigages, East, 723 7232. |Street North, Whitby 668-3338 RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Establish furniture refinished Oshawa Up tyled. Free estimate. See our material 723-2312 723-1139 9 | MAPLE LEAF | | | | PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for GARDEN SF all mortgages. Mortgages and agree | RVICE! an, Murdoch and Victor. (See "Bar "3 risters agreements purchased and sold jand Hennick, Barristers, 31 |FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avail jable. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock | " [Rug, Upholstery _ Service years Workmanship guaranteed Free estimates. Credit terms Mattresses re stering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311 | CHESTERFIELDS re upholstered and re. ecovering Slip covers made to Dalton Uphoistering, 7§ Charles on | order Stree! 18--Male Help Wanted 19--Male or Famale Help Wanted 20--Real Estate For. Sale ®Ma--Summer Properties Z--Farms for Sale Home |Optometrist iF. RICHARD BLACK, oD, Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa 36 Simcoe Telephone] Home |Painting and Decorating JOUTSIDE PAINTING wanted. Free eat mates given, or will work by the hour | Very reasonable. Telephone 725-8748, 25---Houses tor %--Apartments 27---Rooms for Rent %--Room and Board 29--Wanted to Rent %--Automobiies for 31---Compact Cars for 32--Trucks for Sale 33--Automnbies Wanted js--Automodile Repair 15--Lost and Found 36--L.ega! 37--Auctions Coming Events Nations PHONE 263-8853 Sale Sale \Plumbing and Heating ALL new TYPES of repairs and remodelling and sed = materials FoR compl ETE niena LANDSCAPING sidentie reasonable ephone 263. pu om 726-6082. ae ime sup PLUMBING AND HEATING elephone 725-35 Ha c Stark Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engin n leering, 255 Simeee Sireet South. ma sor and Py dustria Te Ex + rates collect Newtonville 786 2283 725-5118 or --~jz.| NURSERY SOD sold in fields or deliver- Choice Suits, coats, dresses, |qality Kentucky Blue. Prompt delivery APPLIANCE REPAIRS Expert repairs to all mokes of washers, dryers, ranges, etc. @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ ALCAN FURNITURE and APPLIANCES ~--- Oshawa 723-0011 Rent A Piano SEE HEINTZMAN & Company Ltd. 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Telephone 728-2921 452 Simcoe S. Telephone Arc and ACETYLENE wetiding and c |r | "MODERN DRESSMAKING" a . Prince| HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME} back yards.| | iree,| Reasonabl e| h |cITY TV TOWERS, | | pairs. lAvenue. Street West, ting, Reasonable rates. 509 Bloor Ea | Phone 723-228) | SEWING MACHINES, nakes, work guaranteed ice phone 725-3286 repairs to GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all wringer|ot four corners) washers and ranges. Free estimates. C 728-1742 or 723-0011. Septic Service r horse) |SePric TANKS cleaned. Prompt service! Ward, 204 Chestnut Street calls. Walter West, Whitby, 668-2563 Surveyors DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Onia' Land Surveyor, Commercial blue prin 1] Ontario Street, 725-5632 H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land] Phone | Surveyers, Street 725-688) TV--Radio Repairs BUY NOW AND SAVE FAST SERVICE SURVEY NO OBLIGATION MISTER T.V, TOWERS 378 KING ST. WEST 723-9525 T.V. TOWERS "BUILT. IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you o better tower for Less Money OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. TAUNTON RD. E Just East of Ritson 723-8131 723-813 TELEVISION--RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE HOLMES ELECTRONICS FOR PROMPT CALL 12 Eigin East. SERVICE Whitby-668-5679 | HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS ARE BEST LESS! TELEVISION Corner Bond and Division 728-5143 COLOR TY, Block dad White All work quoranteed T.R.1.O. Television Telephone 728-5143 T. V. TOWERS" Rust Proof COLOURED T. Y. or Black & White -- 24-Hour Servi 723-0065 or 668-5830 Rae's Radio & T.V Service Call Only $2.50 FAST T.V. SERVICE DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9 am. to 9 TV. SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS p.m antennas, guaranteed, $1 725-0500. also. r All work Telephone | NEED GUY WIRES replaced? CALL Joe's Antenna 728-9924. nstallation and two-way rad Well Drilling, Digging |WELL DIGGING by machine specializ ng in 30-inch file. W. Ward, 204 Whitby, 668-2563 or 668. 380% 2--Personal Removal of superfluous hoir Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa 11th, 12th and 13th Genosha | days fo July Phone Hote n these Ippoint ELECTROL 723-4641 For home ser Dean "ISLAND MANE CARIBBEAN SEA MEAR FAXAMA,IS AWOMANS ISLAND, AME MEM WORK Ox THE MAIMLAND Most oF THE YEAR LEAVING WOMEN AND CH)LDREN THE ONLY INHABITANTS OF THE ISLAND. © me Femreres tpmtiente, low. Tobe. By R. $0,000 E445 TACK WEEK on ASCENSION. ISLAND, J, SCOTT SULTAN BARMOU oF 18S WHAT FAMOUS KEWSPAPER COLUMNIST WAS ONCE A YAUDEVILLE DANCER 2 WALTER WiNCWELL sate SAWA HAD 100 CAPRICAY 3000 YEARS AGO, THEY WERE JUNGLE FOWL IN 6.W. ASIA. HOLIDAY _ SPECIAL 50' 14%4"" HEAVY DUTY TOWER STRUCTURE DOUBLE STACKED (2. HEADS) ALLCHANNEL ANTENNA $70.00 LIMITED TIME ONLY TRIO ANTENNA LTD. ul a |3--Sportsman's Column ail ee jall \ner IRS to fishing rods and reels and man products. Sportsman's Cor 3 Byron Whitby (block west 1 South, | WANTED $125 for season E Millbrook, Ont |4--Motorcycles 1 . Members tor trout Write D, Muller, RR club DUE @ BSA Accessories ATI @ TRIUMPH Pirelli tires goagles, jackets, gloves, Buco helmets. Repairs and service AB's Motorcycle SHOP 114 STEVENSON RD, SOUTH 728- 7780 _ rio SUZUK MOTORCYCLES modls on display NEW -- USED ONTARIO CYCLE 140 King W., 728-1422 OPEN EVENINGS | 1968 HONDA, 305 CC, $5 1 condition. $600. Telephone | 1965 HONDA, 90 Cub, |dition, $295. Telephone | |'65 BSA LIGHTNING, immaculate cond } 450 ¢ high performance. Tele jphone 723-640 All Hawk. Motor 728-0196 Al | | | | motor in con tion |5--Trailers GOLDEN FALCON ORBIT CORSAIR TRAVEL TRAILERS SUBWAY TRAILER PARK AND: SALES DUNDAS ST WHITBY 1010 Parts and. Accessories RAMSDEN TAG-A-LONG TENT CAMPING TRAILERS @ Rental Bookings Now Being Token JACKSON TRAILER SALES AND RENTALS 1487 Simcoe S 728-0261 728 RAMBLER TRAILERS SALE -- RENT Open Sundoys 2-4 P.M BUDDY TRAILERS PORT HOPE at 401 and 28 TRAILER RENTALS SALES e : 3748 or Lot Authorized ser Domestic, Astro, Bower Duo Therm International etc Coleman, Primus Camping Equipment MILLER St., Ajax - 942-3491 leman, 9 Tudor ENJOY your all aluminium trailer and boat trailer, low small monthly payments No, 2 Highway, 6 miles east TRAILER HITCHES made and install @d, also all types of welding done, por- table equipment tor rent. 723-6840 HOME-MADE BOAT trailer, $25., trailer $25., lady's bike $15., Isetta $50, Telephone 728-3096 MOBILE HOME 37x8. piece bath. Completely furnished. Exce lent condition, Suitable for summer cot-| tage or permanent living. Will sell rea-| sonable, Apply Sun Valley Park, Farm Road, Pickering 24° TRAILER for Telephone 985-7644 15' GLENDETTE trajler, sleeps five, gas stove and ice Dox included Call 728: aats. 6--Marine Equipment 2 WEEKS VACATION ? Why not moke it the whote summer? Forget that 2 weeks ond invest in lasting fun . A BOAT from your Evinrude & Crestliner Dealer OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD Harbor Rd. off Simcoe St. $ 723-8186 CEDARSTRIP boat, steering wheel controls, § HP Scott Atwater with reverse, and bail-o-matic, $195 or best of fer, Call 728-4037 A REAL BARGAIN wood boat with 18 tilt trailer, controls 668-2870 apply 405 Whitby Gooe auy! 15% -|son motor, explorer trailer Telephone after 4 p.rr 123-846. 14 CUSTOM built racing craft. Ev remote controls and speedomete quire: 17 Stone St. East 12 HP ELGIN motor wocd boal, powe and two bicycles Avenue, Oshawa 4'x8 PUNT for 1233 16' FIBREGLASS electric Lar Wi in top condition vacation with Snyder Hi-Lo Also a boat motor down payment Solina Road Oshawa box car sale. Seif contained. | costly " an -- 14 ft, mahogany HP Johnson motor extras. $600. Phone} Anderson Street,| ft. Grenneli,. 75 Quick John sale.| ° nrude be | 60" beam ply electric quitar| 476 -Cromwel mower Apply sale, Telephone $30. 128 ° HP Ev tee-nee trailer $975, Call 668-538 16' INBOARD, outboard, Shepherd oral trailer, 100 HP, excellent condition, Tele-| phone 728:9443, or 725-871 16 FT boat, 40 rude |} A Johnson cedar hast strip boat, Can be 30 HP | rope 4 16 FOOT cru 4 HP E tric start. Can be seen af Bowmanville 623-5579, Rice Lake. | | | | | | | Two bedrooms, 4ition dump box with holst. 11966 model, | WESTINGHOUSE | good condition |brushes, Fleming Vacuum Service, I |46--Marine Equipment lie SHEPHERD with | condition, many extras |FOR SALE with two boat 3 'e stalis, inder Highway 48. f guar rite |CANOE -- itt | mation call 725-5029 "STARCRAFT" Evinrude motors weekend na iLtd Brooklir n, |JOIN jboard Sales onditional most powerful an Katine, Grew Open Stora 655-3641 the Chrysler and Servic warranty 3 105 HP |SKILL SAW 7' slightly |for a sabre or lig saw, |right. Telephone 725-1687. } bath flushomat boats H Chinn 723-708! Laundry tubs, | sure .systems pipe and fittings garden tractors, and Park South, 8--Articles for HOW MUCH DID YOU FOR YOUR MEAT 49c |b. PAY THIS WEEK? Shop the Kleer-Pak 'way and you can Roasts hops, Bacor Sausage, Wieners, ties, Cooked Meat Jo Money No Membersh BUDGET TE Steak, N T T motor Three-bedroom 289 Elizabeth cedar plank crew. 555 King Street tubs Chic ts, 94 Rowe Stree' cota: ectric On doors, Peffer! OR. BOND & DIVISION 728-5143 DELAY excellent a! DON'T CALL TODAY for aw Call Petferiaw Street, 0: infec For boa a Traveller evenings ge and 0 t Chrysler Two-year HP to United Rent East. * 7 ~|7--Swap and Barter used, will Ofeawlll sell sw. or CABINETS with sinx or vanity basin $39. pres. toilets ics, septic tan motors, traile n, corner Hillst 8, Sale Pork Pork Pat- Loir kens Beef etc Down p Fee RMS call our office KLEER-PAK FOODS LTD. Oshawa it tt 4I! items guar KAMPING UN TOWNLINE RD RENTALS & omplete 725-8863 anteed LIMITED NORTH SALES line of vacationing & camping supplies for sum mer outings. Tent Tents -- Stoves ---- Dining Shelters etc trailers --- Coolers -- - Boats -- Trailer Rentals still avoil- able for August and Septem- 3 new 1966 models for sale, fre Frank King 728-99 Kirk 728-9760 ber north of King St. E. line Road tent trailer m $319.00 42 -- Tom One mile on Town- We have just bought a large bonkrupt stock of name brand tractor tires, All guoranteed for a coll 728-9432 please Ser St Tire oronto Attersiey 227 at., CRETORS POP CORN warming cabinet, six-oun pact, all electric unit. Cal GIRL'S BICYCLE, good well broken saddle pony phone 728-8916. JOHN DEERE 440 crawier 1952 International truck washers dump-box, good tires | Bond Street East, Valley Creek GM diesel motor; with 7 ft MW ft. rono 30" KENMORE electric $130. Telephone particulars timer further FINLAY STOVE, Frigidaire refrigerator, corg, budgie breeding cage 150 pocket books, Telephone 723-9432 for a ficulars ADMIRAL 23" floor phone 728-4159 PORTABLE air compres lon storage tank, '4 hose and spray gun, $75 000. CIPHER tape recorder four track, records and plays in twin table. Telephone afternoon GIBSON amplitier, rev timolo, $150. Telephone TV TOWERS SPECIAL structure, all-channel st sizes model used only one month. horsepower 723-5818 antenna Fully good price (No deolers vice Ltd Oshawa machine ice popper, 1 668-2886. condition, for sale. "Als Tei joader wi }and good motor; 1954 GMC truck with 15 stock rack. Also one Edbro combina Phone 267-W, | 709.514 range for sal Valley/ with removable door, rotisserie and oven ' rts, 723-053) pica for ny further pa televisio Tele sor with sh Supp world's any 10- gal motor, NOW! SIX SERVICE BAYS For Auto e or Service nd WHEEL Chev mouth, wheel correct align correct @ Parts @ Torsion extra, ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Dodge, Ford, Ply- Pontiac. We correct alignment inspect and costor and camber, toe-iri and toe-out to condition 6.88 extra if required bar adjustment rn) un All 28 | ap! wt} e BRAKE SPECIAL most popular cors), Quality Royaline 4(-wheels First ks, 14.88 es WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wheel each 1.95 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS FRONT-END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES DOMINION TIRE STORE 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH TELEPHONE 725-6511 | COCKTAIL BAR with three stools, pe |fibregiass drapes for picture wind Like new. Telephone 723-5956, BABY BARGAINS. strollers $7.88, mattresses $9.88, play pens $9.88, chrome high chair $10.68.) Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. | BUYING OR SELLING furniture or "ap | jpliances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2794 or 263-2695. GUARANTEED used wringer washers, television, refrigerator, ete., $34.50 and up Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 Sim coe South, 723-0011 REFRIGERATORS, new smooth Stoves, $24.95; cribs, |space savers, $54.95; Carriages $29.95, $24.95; agg top mattresses $10.95; TV dressers. ig Hu * chrome se | Creek, 16 Bond Street West, 728-4 )USED AUTO PARTS, batteries, motors. We buy scrap radiaotrs, starters, 6V, 50 ¢ 2V 90c; batteries 1.50, 725-2162, 1175 Nelson Street WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni ture or anything you have. The Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671 TYPEWRITER, standard, $35., adding machine $25., typewriter, $55., electric register, $75.. 723-4434 FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free | Guaranteed trouble-free winter If you pur- chase from Western oil Co, 725-1212 PETERBORO cedar skiffs 14 foo! used| 100.00 each, Oil space heaters, good shape 15.00 each. Oj! heated hot water tanks like new 50.00 each. International sail boat Best offer will be considered Apply P.O. Box 1, Peterborough, telephone Simmonds Buckhorn 657-8513 after 4:00 jP.m. | MATTRESS BARGAINS. All types of mat tresses, all reduced, Smooth-top mat tresses, $29.; crib mattresses, $9.88; mat tresses for bunk beds, $16.88; roll-away cots complete, $19.88. Wilson's Furn tires City $20.; electric itemizer Portable 1BM cash and| ture, 20 Church Street Com-| BIKETIME! SPRINGTIME! New, useo | Repairs all makes. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond jso| Street East, 725.63 * COTTAGE SPECIALS -- beds fridges $30., table and chair sets th dressers $10., cribs $10, stoves $15, 16 Bond Street West 728-440) TV TOWERS Special -- 40-ff, structure all rt antenna, $50, TRIO Televisior "$6, $19. $9, FISH EXPERTLY MOUNTED, He |able prices. Cash for used guns 589 Albert Street, 725-5798. MOVIE OUTFIT 'Bell and Howell' cam -'era and light bar projector, screen and Two 39' continental headboards three knotty pine: coffee tables (new), three photo cameras with flash attachments. Phone 728-5806. | FURNITURE -- three rooms, new qual ity furniture, only $299, inc., complete bedroom, living room, kitchen ensem bles. Pay only $3 weekly. Unbeatable value! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 n Paul's (new), r Telephone 728-| Simcoe S Also du: in ereo. erberation, 723-9919 40-foot tow stereo, 4 Quarter the GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. and Closing installed, Encyclopedia, ONE RECONDITIONED 40-foot, Inch and tower structure with double 'a! | B-2-1-3 aerial, $39.95. Telephone 723-8131 Bargains, appliances 424 furniture, Cal's Limited, big savings on soon, Honest King Street Wes COMPLETE SET of World Reference er ' set medical encyclopedia, $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton|also set World Natures Library. Phone Road East, just east of Ritson Road "MOFFAT" Gas stove, Available August Ist. Telephone 728-2243 fully automatic In good condition 723-7265. CHESTERFIELD BARGAINS ciearance of floor models, 2 pc. suites with foam cushions from $138, Modern 4 seater sets rom $158. 3 pc. sectionals from $188 3 hed STRONG kitchen table 4nd chalks we Ison's Furniture, 20 Church Street jate iri ple two drawers. 33. Quebec Street REFERENCE LIBRARY ate students. Complete tured volume stand. Phone leg table juncheon and chai fables 5 20 books, $125 Science e Valu 723-0558 ad year only | TO. MEET THAT MAN wants to rent your vacancy, place Rent! stoves, Dia 3492 now RACING GO-KART fo {plete outfit. Telephone 72. Phone 721 repairs, all etc, Pick-up, VACUUM n Picker BUY AND SELL e, 444 NEW, USED -- vacuums airs to all makes. Jack Lees, 728-6956, meoe So No calls on Monday. Encyclopedia, "sale RANGE, delivery Main Street Good New hoses. irs mall Filter-que table wi App. for two ncyclopedia e $350, askir yea or woman 3-5863 24", vel B-5097 makes, hose 942-021 polishers » Intermedi 15 volurne Comp two whe|GOOD USED FURNITURE, with com ssed furniture y Phone} August GARDEN TRACTOR and Roto-tiller th ; good condition, After five, telephone 725: 7008 ly Bowman eal! Dur lephone Elsie FULLER BRUSH Products ville, Newcastle, Oreno ham County resi Willits, daytime ng NEW HEAVY DUTY counter top range Excellent for cottage. Telephone 668-4211. frigs and MacNeil's Fur 668-548 $30 etc, Reasonable. niture, 215 Dundas East, Whitby VACUUM CLEANER, canister type heavy duty sto 30 suitable for tage, $30. Telephone 263-2569. BICYCLE -- CCM Sports like new Broadioom wool rug 9x10 clean, good condition. Clean furnished summer, cot. 1e¢s Bowmanville west beach. 723-2560 5 $35 % 3 brown 28 "suite iA PIECE bedroom condition $a5. T CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS s % 5. Open Wednesday only dur {ing this period, BIll Hamilton, Raglan, __|8---Articles for Sale » radios. Guns, new and agp Valley | BEAUTIFUL $4; gens..| TWO saddle mares four years old, quiel | _|13--Articles for Rent poenerin CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, reducing machines, sick room suppl ele | aid Rentals, 105 725-1644, sa BABY CARRIAGE, brand new, beige, CHAIRS, card and benquet tables, church dark blue hood. Steel body. Converts to [heal runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Car bed. Telephone 725-9216. Simcoe Street North. Call LL ode CONTINENTAL BEDS, ali sizes. Finest ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred quality posturpedic. Factory outlet.| people?' Oshawa Tennis Club for ban. Headboards half pr' 723-3089. 9--Market | Basket STRAWBERRIES Pick vour own. Apply RR No. 2 Whitby. TELEPHONE 668-3845 STRAWBERRIES | Small or large orders for freezing or preserving ,also pick your own. ¥% mile east of Manchester, 5th concession, PARKINSON'S PORT PERRY Phone 985-2415 FRESH STRAWBERRIES fake orders for freezers. Dyke, Ashburn, 655-4753. FENDER 6 quitar, 6 string ngs 809 | condition with 3 pick Ups. ibrator bar and case. $300. or best er T phone BL 2845. 14--Businen } Opportunities \we HAVE Just "LISTED a wi & weil estab- |lished lunch counter business. owner wishes to retire. We welcome en- jauiries from interested principals. with" j about $10,000 $15,000 for investment. | Elmer Fredin 725-2763 or W. 0, Martin, lor 74-5103 ir |own A Chicken | Delight "New Look" | Franchise (home delivery take jout not food). Over 700 privately gird |franchises operating in Canada and U.S, | Several Canadian cities still available, | Protected areas, exclusive equipment -- |training proviged. Cash Investment $13 {000.00 High profit return. Eastern office, locas Bayview Street Toronto, Phone 48l« ra) | BUSINESS tor tale, "Beauty, Saion f fully equipped. Cail Jean Hum at Don Stra- deski Real Estate 723-465) for any turther particulars. We LEARN professional mest cutting and Van Merchandising. Day and evening classes. Special rate for out of towners, 'Call now collect 534-8451 or write about APPLES 2nd grade, Mcintosh, con | our home study courses. 1166 Dundes trolled atmosphere, $1.50 per bus. Also! west, Toronte 3, Ontario. Ist grade Mac's. Bring own containers ma Orchards Thickson Road Whitby. Fresh strawberries daily pound. GRADE for sele. Martin Ltd., 15--Emplovment Wanted | 13 girl requires summer em- 5 ver on ployment. Store experlence, presentable, Phone 728 adaptable and honest, anything world help, Telephone collect Jennifer 985-2565 PICK YOUR OWN strawberries, Mondays ae SHAQ 17--Female Help Wanted | FRESH jlarge capons 10 or more 40c De! roasting chickens, 50¢ per pound Thursdays at Chomko's Farm, {ror fo 4 p.m., Wednesdays after 6 a containers chiidrer 668-4606 19.30 a. Br 14 under 35 INSURANCE OFFICE Experienced girl for general insurance office, 5 day week 9-5. Stenoaraphy not neces- sary, but in an office handling fire ond auto is © requirement, | 1 0--Farmers" Column |WOULD any farmer come and cu! hey | and bale it with his machine? Apply A. F Bradford, 59 Garrard Road, or call 723 4 24 ACRES of orner of Tt for and sale. North west Rossland hay ckso: experience | |FRESH CUT baled hay, (mixed grass) {Pick up in field. 25¢ a bale. Will deliver Jat additional charge. Telephone 728-522 |CUSTOM WORK Hay cut baled. Telephone 668-2102 or 942 insuronce Salary commensurate with ex- perience. Apply in person, BOB STROUD LTD. 73 KING STREET EAST r aked and 1593 : |11--Pets and Livestock -- SHEEP 38 White foced 47 Black faced Graded strong Proven Ewes Suffolk Rams REQUIRED By a firm of Chartered Accountants CLERK TYPIST Permanent position, Electric typewriter, 5 2 Cedar Knoll Farms R. R. NORTH ORONO POODLE PUPPIES, white toy males also black or brown miniatures, male and female, registered $65 and up. Telephone! | 728-9122, 668-6105. | REGISTERED Jersey, 4 years old. Fresh in December. Claremont 649-5432, }GARDEN and lawn maintenance. Roto FULL TIME JOB [cunivaring. cal wear anion s ™*) Apply MR. CAMPBELL |REGISTERED German Shepherd sip. GENOSHA HOTEL | pies, black and tan, 8 weeks old. May be! een at 734 Cortez Avenue, Bay Ridges | Telephone 839-3793 | [POODLE PUPS. White miniature. Regis-| tered. Excellent breeding t sell | Whitby 668-2490. | |COSY J Ranch Kennels Reg. German {Shepherd pups, female 2 yrs., males mos., shots, stud servs. Ashburn 655. seen, SAMOYED PUPPIES (pure white), eight} |weeks old, male and female. Telephone | 655-3071 for any further particulars | | | Apply in writing to Box M-36231 Oshawa Times | WAITRESSES REQUIRED HELP REQUIRED Right away for fish and chip restaurant. Apply in person, FISHETERIA _231 King St TWO LADIES 25 - 40 For light delivery work. Must have car ond be tamiliar with Oshawa Streets. Paid daily commissions, TELEPHONE 668-8893 W., Oshawa | CANARY singing, cage and chrome stana| |for sale, Also pekinese, long hair. Very| jfriendiy with People. Telephone 723-6306 L "baby budgies, ready talking strain, Apply hare 114 Elgin» East . | training , | Broad | One horse saddle, one pony saddle, New-| |castle 987-4918 CHESTNUT Gelding 72 hands Western, well broken 623-3846 GERMAN SHORT- al dtd Puppies, reg istered. Telephone 723-2 GELDING RIDING horse and saddle for sale, Telephone 728-1097. Excellent op- |LABRADOR" RETRIEVERS registered| portunity. Full or part time, 723-9349, 725- 9 three months old, black, All pups retriev-| 9442. Ing well. X-rayed stock. Boarding and /7¢ Ee iTORS and d 7 | Obedience training. Call Claremont. 649 label slaelligieel tb bal pr Pye he work. $1 per hour. Telephone 723-1163. ae RELIABLE LADY to live in with one 12-- Articles 'Wanted adult. Good home. Time off. Light duties. outboard moter and| Weekly cleaner. Write Box | USED power 'mower, M36070 Osh- Running or not. Will pay up to awa Times. | Bicycles phone. 668-223), 5 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted. No WANTED -- Freezer, In good condifion,|Sundays or holidays. Apply Rose Bow! - willing to pay $100. Preferably Beatty,| Grill, 24 Bond Street West Telephone 720-8636 HOUSEKEEPER required to commence GOOD USED FURNITURE. What have duties in August, Approx. age 30-40 years, you? Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West, Pleasant, intelligent, and neatness are | 728 440 essential. One eight-year-old girl, sepa- rate quarters, modern home. Salary $150. GOOD USED furniture wanted, "ete. High- monthly, Write Box No. 35698, Oshawa est prices, Call anytime. MacNeils' Fur-| Times. niture, 668-5481, 668-6526, |HELP WANTED Sales person wanted for larger furniture store. "lair for color and design an asset. Repl, giving exper- lence If any to: Box 29949, Oshawa Times, BEAUTY COUNSELORS has organizat- jonal and sales openings. '2 | | WOMEN REQUIRE ple ture framing, paintings and art supplies Some experience in art beneficial but not --\|necessary. Must provide own transpor'a- {tion while selling out of town. Commis- 'sion plus expenses. For appointment call _ |Clark's Frames, etc., 325 Brock Street North, Whitby, 668-4497 after 1 p.m. FREE -- Nice, large, apartment to share with one lady, in return for 1 or 2 hours housekeeping; small wage! Ideal for 'woman and one child. Imi oceu- pancy. Phone 668-6207 EXPERIENCED GIRL toro coffee bar and variety store, 5 to 11 p.m. shift. |Apply 317 Simcoe Street South or phone | 725-3932 '18--Male 'Help Wanted _ LARGE METRO | NEWSPAPER | REQUIRES | A YOUNG MAN ifor CIRCULATION Qualifications: * Age 20 -- 30. Married Aggressive Good driving habits Must be able to meet the public. 13--Articles" For Rent RENTALS. OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES Oscillating sanders, disc sand- ers, belt sanders, floor sand- ers PLUMBER'S TOOLS Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripod, wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger. PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT Stepladders, aluminum ex- tension ladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding, compres sors, spray guns, wallpaper steamers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propane torches WELDING EQUIPMENT Acetylene welding outfits, 200 amp. electric welders UILDER'S EQUIPMENT Cement mixers, finishing trowels, wheel barrows, elec= tric virator, air compressor, jack hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset ers, electric hammers, mason- ary saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saws elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, 14' band saw, 4" joiner, sand blaster, power tamper; power post hole auger STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD 233 King St West, Oshawa PHONE 723 3224 ables Chairs, Linens, es, Cutlery, Glasses, i Punch Bowls Ww Mer pipe power roll- * * * * Benefits * Car supplied * Expenses * * Pension Plan Hospiltalization * Salary depending on qualifications Apply giving full background details to: BOX 36261 Times SIMPLE MONEY TALK: Classified Ads ell things you don't need for SPOT CASH, Dia! 723-3492 for an ad-writer inow!l Dish- Coffee Bridal White rns al Oshawa SARGEANT'S RENTALS }6 Ritson Rd. §, .725-3338