Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Jul 1966, p. 19

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26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent ee PRINCESS ANNE | twelve Apartment Suitoble for business people. Apartments TELEPHONE | Oversize suites | | LARGE | \Two Bedroom Suite, In well kept building. inter- com! No children under TELEPHONE Olde English decor 725-8876 725-3294 HOLY CROSS Twin elevators Heated indoor pool After 4:30 P.M. BINGO FRIDAY AT 7:45 P.M. ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 King St. Eost at Farewell | FREE ADMISSION FREE | } 20 Reg. Games--Total $300. | @ SNOWBALL--$110. in 56 | nos. @ Plus $10 each hor- Sauna facilities Carpeted sun deck Bus stop at door Controlled entrance Plenty of parking Laundry roém each floor Plastic lined kitchen cupboards Free hydro Model Suite Open -- 9 P.M. 1221 SIMCOE NORTH 725-9934 CENTRALLY LOCATED 1 and 2 bedroom apart- ments, in one of Oshawa's finest buildings. Balcony and intercom 'system. No children under 12. APARTMENT TO RENT couple with one child. Telephone 728-5026. 27--Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM | Available 'in private home, | Call between. 5 ond 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 BED SITTING reom.with--light----hovse- keeping, lady preferred. Close to hospital. Telephone 728-7713 for further particulars. CENTRALLY LOCATED Nicely fur- nished room and fully equipped kitchen. | All conveniences. TV outiet. Single per-| son only. $13. weekly. Telephone 725-! 8560. FURNISHED ROOM parking space, gen tleman, Telephone 723-1830 or 109 Park Read South NASSAU STREET. large room. Telehone p.m. THREE SEPARATE room with 2 single beds. Near South General Motors. Close to bus. Telephone 725-6070. TWO ROOMS, completely furnished bed-| sitting room and kitchen. Refrigerator, stove, television supplied. Utilities paid $80 monthly.| Private entrance. 23! Palace Street, 1137: Brock Whitt ATTRACTIVELY furnished, private room for gentlemen, in adult, home; in Cadil lac Avenue area. Telephone 725-1777 ener > p.m, Mhadatalbiithged BACHELOR apartment tleman only, 315. weekly, Simcoe apartment, share North district. Telephone 723-7460. free heat, large back yard, one or . children welcome. $110 monthly. BEO-SITTING rcom for ni friendly 728-4226 evenings girl. All the comforts of home, Close to 2p . South G.M. Telephone 723-449) | TWO apartments Simcoe North for rent, |singie ROOM tor gentleman. Cookinc mediate possession, drapes, --heal.| tacitities. Apply between 8 a.m. and 4 hydro, water, stove, refrigerator and t as 7 Whit ' p.m. et 859 Dundas Street West, Whitby laundry facilities supplied. Ccmpletely 668-6365. new. Adults preferred. Telephone 725- 839. ELGIN STREET EAST, 23 -- Furnished = room for gentleman, housekeeping priv TWO BEDROOM apartment, unfurnished, leges, close to downtown. Apply after 4 private bath, centrally located, couple|p.m only, or with one school age chiid. Tele- Two FURNISHED phone 725-1829 e od i ngie girl couple, THREE large room apartment. Private Telephone 728-6387 and entrance, tmmediate posses- : FURNISHED ROOM for rent, business sion. Telephone 6319 before 2:30 birt or elderly widow preferred, Must be FURNISHED two-room upstairs flat,|/refined. Abstainer. Non smoker. Tele sp Philp completely private, centrally !o- phone 725-0556. ed, in private home. Suit single per. SINGLE ROOM for py lady preferred. 725-7972 after 6 P.M.!--s104 close to: bus Ping TWO-ROOM APARTMENT. "Light, heat gentleman, abstainer 723-4190 and running water supplied. Newly deco-l' «Ge furnished bedroom for gentle ated. Central. Available immediately ; ivileges Telephone + 668-2861, Whitby man, kitchen. and laundry. privileg 574 Crerar Avenue, Oshawa ee ~ Apply One and two bedroom apartments LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms, available for mere occupancy, Tele- phone 723-8261, 1 p.m. of 723-6255|furnished. Apply 290 Albert Street, after hours. ONE large furnished housekeeping room, 1, 2. AND 3 BEDROOM apartments re. "efrigerator, washing facilities, parking frigerator and stove, 'intercom controlled | $12 week. Telephone 723-7800 entrances, elevator service, swimming ROOMS or room and board, downtown |o pool, fenced in playground. 822 Glen! cation, central, single or to share, single Street or call 723-2347 beds, parking space. Apply 48 Albert FOUR ROOM apartment for rent, call Street, 728-9643. at apartment 9, 68 Wayne Street. Tele. 417 BYRON STREET NORTH, itby. | Phone 725-3938. Five-room apartment with bath, Available THREE-ROOM basement apartment, June ne stove, refrigerator, heat, hydro, water,|ROOMS FOR RENT weekly rates. App! three-piece bath, parking included, $80.|Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street North Ti a 1 * es monthly. Telephone 728-294 _afler_4 P.™-|AODERN new mahogany finished rooms. | THREE ROOM apartment, no pets, no|Private entrance with three-piece bath children, adults only, parking included.|room. Close to bus service and shopping| Reasonable rent. Apply 31 Ritson Road piaza. Apply 507 Wilson Road South o South. call 723-1644, | WILSON-SHAKESPEARE 0 bed-|ONE FURNISHED room, would sult one| recom apartment in duplex to sub-let. gentleman. Telephone 725-0534, at 323 balcony, $125 monthly. Available meet Athol j1 |1. Heat and hydro included. 723-4163. __ | Ro@M AND BOARD for young lady, sin $85. FURNISHED 3 room self-contained gle room, laundry done, jell locat- apartmen, in apartment house. Close tojed, Seven- -day week. 728-3577. bet Two bedroom soba MEA St sh 231 Brock St. South" above | FOUR ROOM apartment, on liquor store, Possession July |. Owner | immediate. possession, Teaphone nae on premises. Tuesday evening 7.30 - 9.30) latter 5 p.m. |p.m | -- 3 LARGE ROOMS, private entrance, ail| ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman will- conveniences, bus stop at door. Immed- ling to share, single beds, lunches packed late possession. Apply 262 Conant Street. | 7-day week. Apply 237 Nassau Street. THREE ROOM apartment, no ) pets, no|CLEAN, furnished, light housekeeping children, adults only, parking included.'room, in quiet home, suit gentiema' Reasonable rent. Apply 31 Ritson Road/ central. Phone 723-9225 a. _________|€LEAN, FURNISHED room for two gen- DREW STREET 74 two or three room 'tiemen. Board optional. Abstainers only furnished apartment, central, adults or) Southend, Phone 723-5722 working couple er three individuals. Ab- Pe ae pio i i NICE ROOM for young lady, private en- stainers. No children, Immediate posses: ance, parking. Near hospital. Telephone 7 - | 728-9671 SIMCOE NORTH close to four corners. " Four room apartment. Also bachelor ap ae ROOMS, h artment. Private entrance _retrigerator Partially furnished: and stove, Reasonable rent. Cal! 725-1932. ™en_only._Telephen APARTMENT four rooms and bath- stele Phacgd ose oh i room, outside Oshawa, close to school pt wble for married | Couple and store. 263-2126 SPECIAL bachelor apartment ment building unfurnished room, kitchen and bathroom, fridge included, parking, ideal for immediate possession, $85 monthly. - phone 728-9672. TWO BEDROOM apartment broadioom throughout. Free cluded, Phone 728-5004 APARTMENT, three large rooms, pri vate bath, entrance and driveway, Avail- able now. Apply at } 3 Cabot Street THREE - ROOM apartment, va bath and entrance Immediate izontal line @ Regular jack- pot_.$200.in-59-nos Con. @ Share the Wealth @ Good Parking @ Extro Bus Service @ No children please. | PLEASE NOTE OUR ___NEW LOCATION $20 "NOW RENTING WENTWORTH APARTMENTS One of Oshawa's best apart- ment buildings at very rea- sonable rent. 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites include every- thing -- the only bill will be your phone. Children wel- come. Model suite open April 30th. Rental represent- ative on duty daily at apart- ment on 275 Wentworth St. from 1-9 p.m 723-8701 after hours 723-0362 ~ CAVALIER VISCOUNT AMBASSADOR One and two bedroom apart- ments. Stove, refrigerator, drapes, broadloom corridors, intercom, FM. Immediate oc- cupancy. $97 ond up. Apt. 111 340 Marland _ 728-4283 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY AND AUGUST Ist Large 2 bedroom suite, stove, refrigerator, drapes, wall-to- wall, closets bedrooms Walkout balconies. Grenfell $t., Adults Only 723-6944 Between 6-9:30 p.m @ FOR RENT @ " Apts., Rooms, Room & Board Office Hours: Tues. to Fri. 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 'til 3 p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 Two * BEDROOM modern apartment balcony, broadioomed, refrigerator and range, Children welcome. $125 monthly. Possession July 15, Phone 723- 5738. ONE - BEDROOM 'apartment with pri vate bathroom and entrance, partly fur- nished, plus laundry facilities. Appiy 1098 Ronlea Avenue (southeast of Olive) FOUR - ROOM apartment, centrally lo cated. Suitable for adult family. Avaii- able August 15. Apply 50 Oshawa Bivd North. Two DROOM apartment, -- fridge and laundry facilities children welcome. $95 anytime. 728-9711, THREE - ROOM unfurnished apartment self-contained. (Refrigerator, stove sup: plied.) Adult home. Street level. (Private entrance.) Central. Adults only. No drinking, smoking. 725-5676 evenings TWO - BEDROOM apartment, _ floor, heated recessed baiccny and laundry facilities. Available diately. $112.50 per month 668-6980, FOUR - ROOM apartment, fridge, newly decorated. $70 Telephone 723-3211 or 725-2539. THREE ROOM apariment after 5 p.m. 723-5900 AJAX -- Two-bedroom | apartments r near | schools and shopping. July 1. Telephone 942-0130. 4 ROOM, entrance and bath, 723-3211 or 725-5494 COMFORTABLE room in private home, suit one gentlernan. Centrally located. Ap- ply 136 Elgin Street East NEWLY DECORATED 3 - room ment, self contained, private, $75 per month _Teleahone 723-3211 Two ROOM unfurnished Private entrance, ground 345 Oshawa Bivd. South TWO-BEDROOM second floor of home 'Available July 9, CALL 725-2198 after 4| | GUIDE | Realty Ltd. 723-5281 ONE BEDROOM apartment, Available August Ist. Apply Street South or call 668-8016 FOUR-ROOM ate entrance stop at frent waier included rooms, one apartment in duplex, priv- fenced in back yard, bus door, available now; heat, Telephone 725-727 LARGE bath two Telephone two bedroom for tath rooms suitable Vacant July centrally !o suitabl rent, stop, Telephone partly in apartment kitchen, gentie- bedroom and $15 _ weekly, 728-8353, room for rent Phone 725 in apart-| bed-sitting stove and couple. Tele. 28--Room and Board YOUNG MEN, abstainers, lunches pack ed, laundry done. Call 725-8045 FOR GENTLEMAN, home cooked meals, quiet, clean home, parking. 43 Garrard! Road (by K-Mart), 723-2786. ONE-ROOM furnished -|446 Simcce Street South TWO ROOM apartment, with kitchen, private bathroom, in private home. Avail-| private | #bl€ July Ist. Apply 152 Elgin Street East. posses- 68 WAYNE STREET, Apartment | % four- sion. Telephone after 5.30 P.M. 723-8470. room apartment for rent. Telephone 725. 'ATTRACTIVE one-bedroom apartment, °° a aa eee in modern building. Near Oshawa Shop- ROOM "AND BOARD in clean, quiet, ping Center. Living room, dinnette, re-/home for gentiemen, to share, ljunches frigerator and. range. Drapes and bal-|packed. 5 day week Telephone 728 ety cony. Available August |. Adults. 723- po9m, BOARD, to hk 2570, _'Central. Lunches Apply ONE BEDROOM apartment in -|Colborne East ment building at 787 King Street East GOOD HOME for Private entrance, refrigerator, stove. gay week. Centra washer and dryer. For appointment done. 728-2577 phone 725-1551 or 723-7011 APARTMENT -- two bedroom, spacious| SINGLE (ROOMS and board living room, dinette and kitchen, includ 29--Wanted To Rent ing frig and stove. Ample closet space. Reasonable rent. Hydro extra. Write Box 36287 Oshawa Times. WANTED three bedroom home vicinity available' K-Mart preferred. Adult family. Reasor Corners. able rent. Available August 15th to Sep ONE BEDROOM immediately, located at the 4 ay suited for nurse or single|tember Ist. Write Box M36242, Oshawa Millen, Times. Espe Call Harry WANTED -- Room and board for father woman." $80 monthly Stove and two school age children, G.M, er Real Estate, 728-1678 3 ROOM apartment, no children Apply ployee. Oshawa or vicinity. Write Box 36149 Oshawa Times. sto supplied, monthly al wall-to-wall laundry in. apartment. Apply main) parking imme Telephone siove and monthly ~ gentlemen packed, i Apart lady. RE Laundry neat young Good meals Telephone | Apply 25} ~ private Phone furnished apartment, good area apartment, apart central and refrigerator included. Central 22) Arthur Street THREE ROOM apartment, stove, fridge, SMALL two or three bedroom house wan etc, Private bath, all furnished. No chil- ted for couple with one child. Telephone in older treed section of city. Close to d7en. Immediate possession. 291 Monarch| 728-3024 bus. Private entrance. Nice backyard. AV@, 725-2389 THREE - BEDROOM house wanted Services paid. Abstainers preferred. $110 ONE-BEDROOM apariment io sublet Telephone 723-5293 'between 9 a.m. and menthly, Phone 725-9103 oe Stove, fridge, controlled entrance, free 5 p.m NO DAMAGE DEPOSIT to pay, when hydro, swimming pool, hardwood floors. two - BEDROOM you rent at Sheidian Mansions, 885 Ox- Close to south plant, $120 per month. none wanted maine ford Street, near south General Motors, 723-6431 o by August 1 or before ONE AND TWO bedroom apariments, ONE TWO-BEDROOM electrically heal- 5772 some furnished. 1,000 sq. ft. for light in-/@d Stove and refrigerator supplied, close 3 z in 4 " dustry on storage. Also housekeeping 10 hospital and down town, $133 includes ata gat child, tawnealane rooms. Apply Landlord's Association, $5 heat, lights, etc. Call 728-9686 possession. Telephone 728-1115. ruce Street FOUR-ROOM Clee ek ea partment Close R TH hi TWO > BEDROOM aparimeniinamall schools ana' buses, Heavy duty' wiring | TWO, OR THREEDedroom house requir: apartment building. Centrally located. Fenced yard. immediate possession. One August 1, 15, Kedron, Columbus area Very reasonable. Telephone 728-1525 after Child welcome. Telephone 723-6393 preferred, 2h, See Rae __... LARGE STUDIO type apartment. Cent-|rent, Write Box ONE AND TWO-bedroom apartments for|rally located. All conveniences. Furnish- \3 rn \ rent. Apply 291 Marland Avenue, Apt. ed or unfurnished, immediate eeger Hh aS t 107 or call 723-6134 on. Prefer married couple. Whitby utomobiles for Sale a er 8031 1960 PONTIAC two - door hardtop, me-| UNFURNISHED, one-bedroom apartment, chanically A-1, new motor. Private sale. private bath and entrance, laundry facili Best offer. Telephone 723-3675 ties, stove, frig, garage optional. Reason- 1959 PONTIAC four - door, 6 cylin able rent. Suit working couple. 375 Wind. sor Street Street, Apt. 4 or telephone 723-3295 standard transmission. Telephone ir. | 6 for any further particulars LARGE FURNISHED bedroom in a clean|MODERN 2 bedroom apartment. Avail and quiet home, for one or two gentie-| able August Ist. Stove, refrigerator, heat, \'60 CHEVROLET impala convertibie, V-8 men, close to north General Motors. water, laundry facilities. TV outlet, pav-|automatic, new top. Telephone 725-9528. | Telephone 728-7283 d king | F hone 2 re ie: abated ee '6 PONTIAC Laurentian 4door station- TWO - BEDROOM walk-out wagon, V-8 automatic radio Licence apartment, large lawn, BACHELOR APARTMENT $80 month,|X7912, $1,895. Robson Motors, Bowmen heavy wire, $65 plus ncludes stove, fridge, hydri. Close to) ville, 623-3396 728-0137, h ! . ospital. Telephone 728-2270. 44 CHEVROLET impaia «door His TWO - BEDROOM apartment in modern THREE CHILDREN may be accepted|Fully power equipped. - License J11528 five-plex Stove and refrigerator n this 2 bedroom apartment which is|$2,295. Robson Motors Bowmanville cluded. Adults only, Telephone 728-5581. close to ail facilities. Professional loca-| 623-2396. TWO - BEDROOM apartment, availabie| 10, Garage available. Call Mike . Bel-| 744 veikswagen deluxe. Regal red, malch. now. Heat, water, stove, tefrigerator andigion'® Dusiness 723-2265. Residence, 725-ling interior 90906. $1,195. Robson Mo- laundry facilities included. $118 month | °° tors. Bowmanville 623-3396. ly. Tele one 725-2747 y phi "65 PONTIAC Parisienne, convertible auto- THREE - ROOM APARTMENT and pr matic power steering and brakes. vate bath. Abstainers, no children. Apoly ense 14925. $2,895, Robson Motors Bow- 468 McMillan Drive, Oshawa, between 5-7 Single, ¢ fur-|manville. 623-3396. nished bedroom, gentleman, abstainer, "door | 165 OLDSMOBILE delta 88 4 door hard-| fer preferred. Apply above address. ling, Wily, bowed. saulpnes p.in. GENTLEMAN to share fully furnished VERY CENTRAL, three room apartment| 29219. $2.95. Robson Motors with private bath, parking space, avail-|ville 623-3396 house with three other young men. Pret erably office worker. Located north of i 10 shopping centre. 723-184 able immediately, Telephone 723-5537 1964 MGB seat THREE-ROOM = apariment, unfurnished. ONE-BEDROOM, Unfurnished apartmentidash, excellent condition private bath. Telephone 723-5900 atter slavailable now Newly decorated: Apply|First reasonable offer. Telephone p.m. 723-1282. 11) Euclid Street, Whitby, 9567. i apartment, floor Apply unfurnished apart Pickering area Telephone 723- 29940 Oshawa Times. TWO BEDROOM apariment for rent, electrically heated with refrigerator and Stove, centrally located. Apply 25 Mill vk baseme trees, parking lot, hydro. Telephone THREE ROOM Unfurnished apartment with stove and fridge, available August Telephone 723-3568. CHURCH STREET, 174 -- belts, radio, Street. | ~ 4) CHEV. |26--Apartments for Rent 30--Automobiles for Sale | VACATION TIME! Tia Aeor imc DCO! VACATIONS START WITH A PELESHOK USED CAR EXECUTIVE DRIVEN '66 CORVAIR MONZA,' 4 door hardtop:--bic: H84569- '66 CUTLASS SUPREME, 2 door hardtop, power brakes. '66 CAPRICE, large motor, power seat, head rest, power brakes, power steering. 1964 FORD custom, 8 cylinder, matic. License 426215 Ay ONTIAC or white sedan. License 1186981 1964 COMET 2 déor, beige. License 29741 1964 VOLKSWAGEN. Blue, coach, License J10557 1964 CHEVROLET V-8, 2 door hardtop. License H95009 SPECIAL 1966 PONTIAC, 427 engine, 4 mission, radio, ing. Grey with black black interior, fender Very very low mileage ense H88964 auto- convertible, speed power trans steer- top, skirts Lic- Nant good cheap transportation? We have the following to offer '59 Oldsmobile. Lic. H90841 59 Oldsmobile. Lic. J8307 '62 Acadian 2 'door. Lic H95946 '59 Hillman. Lic. H77765 58 Volkswagen, Lic. 318552 many others SPECIAL '64 OLDSMOBILE, 2 door, hardtop. Very low mileage, full power. Lic, 322610. WHEN WE PUT OUR a ON A CAR, WE BACK IT UP WITH A NEW 25 MONTH WARRANTY WE'RE GENERAL MOTORS DEALERS -* Lease '66 cars and trucks PELESHOK STATION ROAD, AJAX 942-6300 eA MM, © "Your RAMBLER Dealer' NICOLS Motors Limited On Highway No. 2 Just West of Thickson Whitby 668-3331 Rd, two - matic, radio, cluding snows. whitewalls, Telephone | 668-2084 1959 FORD, one owner, tion, body and mechanically only $525 for quick sale. Call 715. 3119. "35 FORD, three-window coupe, engine; also Gotha 6 two manifold type with carbs, 723-7585 MUST SELL -- 1963 Pontiac $1,200 or best offer. 1956 Buick ENGINE, 322 HP complete- 3396. with three two-bar carburetors, manifold fuel-line block|'5 CHEVROLET standard Buick bell Phone 723- excellent body, ly re-built, rel and linkage, also housing, $150 or best offer. 633 after 5. equipped 9 1956 | CHEV., | Pontiac V-8 motor, new|Lady owned and driven brakes, $300 or best 14) transmission, and shocks, etc. Call 7% 6537 after ¢ 6 p.m. engine, springs offer tires, |LIENS PAID OFF. We trade up, down No downpay- 728-7375. USED CAR PARTS, spindies to make! trailers, also used tires. 509 Bloor Street Choose from over _60 cars. ments! _ Gus | Brown Motors {td., East, after 4 773- 2281, | $600 or best offer. | 1989 METEOR, | six cylinder, two - ao standard, recent paint Very good condition. after 7 p.m '538 PONTIAC V-¢ Very good average | Phone 123-3622 and body automatic, car, Clean! '5? METEOR, 6 cylinder, standard, motor 332 Arthur Street. two-tone ra Interior IDEAL 2nd CAR -- and body in good condition, black-white, with green, white radio $375 or best offer. 725. 7483, 1962 MERCURY Meteor, V8 good condition, $900. Call é pm STRETCH DOLLARS. R. B. Motor Saies. Several good used cars, arranged, trades accepted. 509 "42 CHEVROLET Bei Air, blue, der, standard, radio, white walls, Condition, Phone 728-4265 after 5 _P.m. 1966 CHEVELLE, Malibu, «door sed automatic, power brakes etc., miles. Telephone 723-9123 bode four extras, ipped, 'Phone 725-0311 (Dynamic door hardtop, excellent ~-- days, 723-0654 saan CHEVROLET two-door Excellent condition, Best over Nipigon Street, Oshawa, 728-0145, \'S9 PONTIAC Parisienne 4-door i matic transmission. $600 or best offer, 1988 CHEVROLET, Telephone 723-6943, Standard, 4 Byron St, _South, Whitby 1964 FORD, hardtop, two-door, four 8 transmission, 390. No down Telephone 725-2756. '57 OLDSMOBILE 98, {push button radio, all |motor, Reasonable price "|Nonquon Rd., Apt. 207 4-door power, 1987 BUICK $65. Running Condition. Tele {phone Bowmanville 623-2202. Lic-|1959 WINDIW VAN Volkswagen for sale|fer camping.|phone 723-3291 " 128 Barrie Avenue or i4s-k6RD Galaxie 500 XL, 3. excellent Mondition. ideal for Price $ telepho TIAC 'wagon, , mechanically "good, bucket seats, radio, low mileage. Driven Bowman- body needs work, $150. Call 728-0436 after) as .second car \p.m 30 p.m padded 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian V-8 automatic |1961 FORD convertible, throughout.| Power steering deluxe radio, new tires,| 728-|spotiess condition. Motor A-1. One owner | walls, car, Phone 623-3869. door hardtop, six, auto- six wheels in. excellent condi. Asking '56 Buick log | «, Station- wagon, 6 cylinder standard, 49,000 miles, "61 PONTIAC Laurentis: _Telephone_ -668- 8388. Telephone 8 "6060 hardtop evenings after 5 p.m. 723-0550. $450 "standard, V-8 motor, good condition. Telephone 723 728-9796 after 6673. '53's up, terms | $1,875 cash. 207 High St., Bloor E.| after 6 cylin.|464¢ CHEVROLET door, 327 motor, 300| 2,500 1956 PONTIAC for sa automatic, | Particulars $900. 464) 1959 BUICK for sale, hard. lop, power steering, power brakes, auto- In good condition fully po equipped, canoe Telepnoggh 723-7184 Reasonably priced 668-4710 or apply 1441 |GRILLY, radiators, all car parts payment. | 1959 FORD 6 cylinder, "hardtop, | 1960 "PONTIAC convertible $800 P hone rebuilt 70-9308 OF 140/157 PONTIAC six - QUALITY OK. USED CARS CHEVROLET BISCAYNE sedan, 6 cylinder, stan- dord with radio, clock, white walls. Licence H98737. RAMBLER AMERICAN, sedan, 6 cylinder, stand- ard with reclining seots. Low actual mileage. Li- cence J 15110, CHEVY Il NOVA station wagon, standard trons- mission,.. radio, padded dash, white walls, discs. Sharp ! 'Licence X10076. PONTIAC, station wagon standard transmission, in excellent condition throughout. Licence X10391. CHEVROLET,. sedan, 6 cylinder standard, with ro- dio, white 'wolls etc. Black with red trim. Li- cence J12747 BUICK LE SABRE, sedan, automatic transmission, radio, power brakes, steer- ing. In nice condition, Li- cence H87469 CHEVROLET BIS coach, 6 cylinder, ard, with radio 66136 OLDSMOBILE SUPER 88 sedan fully powered, ra- ard etc. Licence 316240 VAUXHALL CRESTA, se- don, 6 cylinder standard Runs perfectly, good rub- ber. Licence 305981 1961 CAYNE, stand License 1961 CHEVROLET Ya ton pick up in A-1 con dition. Has utility box Li- cence B11198 ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LTD. ACE: RICHARDS or LOUIS PHILLIPS at COURTICE 728-6206 OR HAROLD MICHELSON or TED MILLER at BOWMANVILLE 623-2556 SEE Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. MARIJAN'S GARAGE | 1960 CHEVROLET, Impala, | 2 door hardtop. Lic. J2964 A-1| condition. Black with red and white interior 1959 METEOR 6 cylinder ou- tomatic, Lic. H88389 new paint job, good body motor and tires. A 1958 FARGO, 4 ton truck Lic. 14915B. A-1 condition 1959 CHEVROLET, 2 door automatic, Lic H80794. 290 Cordova Rd, 725-5101 KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY 68-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quality ONE 1965 Rambler Embassy Ambassa. as 990, 327 V-8, bucket seats, four door | edan, automatic, radio, stereotape| Bava, whitewalls, two-tone, excellent) Shape. Telephone 655-4575. | "Fdoor hardtop, | automatic and radio. Licence J15816 $1,095. Robson Motors Bowmanville 623-: convertible, custom- standard transmission, motor, and tires. New top put on last fall, radio, discs, continental spot light, many extras. Telephone 723 ized, floor shift, nylon vinyl 5387. COMET Station wagon, 2 door, de luxe, one owner, good tires and snow, tires. New paint. Good mechanically.) Telephone 728-1902 | 1957 CHEVROLET, station wagon, 6 cy/ Standard. $250 cash. Telephone new. Low mileage. Phone 623-7140 Bow- '59 PONTIAC like manville. PRIVATELY OWNED, one owner, 1964 convertible. Ford Galaxie 500 XL fully Powered, equipped like new. Telephone 1961 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible. A-| condition. $1,000 orgbest offer, Apply '56 Ford Ranci Wagon V-8 standard, radio. Asking $125; also '55 Chevrolet with good body, 263 "64 BELAIR Tautomatic power steering, radio, discs, 21,500 actual. Top condition. Whitby, 668-3153 HP, end, 2534. 4 speed on floor, reverberation radio. Positraction rear Telephone 725: | Your door, 0 new | tires, radio, body in good condition. Apply | others considered. Reasonable '62 OLDSMOBILE, one owner, private, £23 Olive Avenue for eny further par-| power condition. PRIVATE even- door sedan, 25,000 miles, ticulars -- 1963 Galaxie for sale, 4 like new. Apply [242 Elgin. Street West for four door hardtop, |power brakes, power steering, radio, $395 Telephone 725-9252 for further particu |lars CONVERTIBLE: 1963 Ford Galaxi full price $1, 395 'Laie models Courtice Auto -- | Wreckers | our specialty. 723-5238 "automatic, A-1 condition. Call 723-7159 after 6 p.m. 1 725- -2085 between 3 and 7 p.m < cylinder standard one owner two-tone very gooo condition. $450 Telephone 723-0133. 1956 CHEVROLET with "radio, make. ot-| Also standard kitchen door. Tele 'convertible, automatic, |power steering and brakes, 5:30] as | ,. V-8, automatic power brakes and steering, radio, white wheel discs, good condition, Call | 733-6242 Call 728-8822 after any further}, SALE: BUY AT JUST 65c ON THE DOLLAR SPECIAL FEATURE! @ SALES MANAGERS CAR MUST BE SOLD @ Make Your Own Offer YOUR PRESENT CAR AS DOWN PAYMENT Balance On Ford Motc 5.5, Financing UP TO 36 MONTHS 1964 FORD GALAXIE 500 CONVERTIBLE Finished. in Candy Apple Red, Black trim and top. V-8 engine with automatic, power brakes, power steering, radio, whitewalls and discs. Lic. No. H84299. 1965 FORD L.T.D, 4 DOOR HARDTOP Lic. No. 83744 -- Are you thinking of the future? Here is your symbol of superb service. Finished in souterne gold with ntatching flawless fashion interior. Features V-8 automatic, power brakes, steering and windows, * $2495 radio, whitewalls and discs. NOW ONLY ...... 1965 FORD CUSTOM 4 DOOR SEDAN -- Lic. No. H90650. Take chance out of your choice by choosing this one. Finished in sahara beige with matching interior. Features V-8 engine with automatic, radio and whitewalls. Yours to en- $7995 joy by acting to-day. NOW ONLY 1964 MERCURY 2 DOOR HARDTOP Lic. No. 82592. Excitement and sporty driving in this luxurious model finished in soft desert tan, with matching interior, Features V-8, power brakes and steering, floor mounted 4 speed transmission, radio, white walls, discs. Enjoy this smart sleek beauty a acting $2095 to-day. NOW ONLY 1961 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR SEDAN Here's a model that caters to good taste. Finished in sparkling polar white with matching trim and features the economical slant 6 engine with push button eg matic, custom radio and whitewalls. Lic. - $1065 44869. NOW ONLY 1961 FALCON STATIONWAGON Lic, No. 15958X, space, convenience and economy are yours in this smart wagon. Features glistening Royal Blue finish and matching interior; 6 ipod with easy $995 shifting. Standard transmission. 1964 FORD CUSTOM 4 DOOR SEDAN -- Lic. No. H90650. Eager, alert, and alive! Finished in sparkling royal blue with matching trim It features, Big 6 cylinder, with standard trans- $1495 mission for easy gas saving handling. NOW ONLY 1964 MERCURY PARK LANE CONVERTIBLE -- Lic. No. H75326. Relax in luxury amid flaw- lessly fashioned lines and smart custom elegance Finished in ermine white with block top ond equip- ped with V-8 engine, automatic, power brakes, steering and windows, radio, whitewalls, discs $2295 NOW ONLY 1964 Volkswagon Lic. No. H88149. $1295 1963 Volkswagon Lic. No, 73905A $1095 1963 Corvair Monza Lic. No, 324153. $1295 1962 Volkswagon Lic. No. J7913 $895 1961 Willys Stat. Wagon Lic. No. 22Y55X, : $195 1963 Triumph $995 Hardtop. Lic. 14948E FORD FINANCING 36 MONTHS TO PAY SEAWAY MOTORS (1965) LTD. "Your authorized dealer for LINCOLN, MERCURY, METEOR, COMET, FORD and MERCURY -TRUCKS" Six Courteous Salesmen to Serve You. 1120 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY (Hwy. 2. and Anderson PHONE 668-5893 Street) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 7, 1966 79 30--Automobiles for Sale 33--Automobiles Wanted MAKE OFFER SALE 2 jeeps with snow plows, 1! ton tow trucks (fully equip- ped), '61 M.G. convert., '62 Pontiac V-8 auto., '57 Con- vert. customized show car also auto access. ond chrome goodies: ANAL le --~~~ y Speed and Custom 728-7781 Cars Bougnt and Sold MORLEY STALKER MOTOR SALES 137 KING STREET W. OSHAWA 723-6322 -- 723-8311 On the spot financing. ~ MORE CASH paid for Good Clean Cars, Trade up or down. Liens paid DODD MOTORS SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH, 723-9421 ~DOWN--$30 MO. 6! your choice BILL. BENNETT MOTORS 484 King W. 723-0371 CONVERTIBLE 1959 Buick Invicta. Ex celent moter, tires body and top. M's be sold by weekend. Make offer. 725-0204. 1960 BUICK LeSabre for sale. 2-door midnight blue, immaculate condition Best offer, Telephone 725-6812 for any | furtner particulars [1940 FORD one owner. 30,000 original | miles. A-1 cendition, new tires and paint anid ed 725-6857 jie CHEVY 1! \6 ylinder, radio | | Sos. 093 after 5 |1959 METEOR coach, 6 cylinder, |dard. Phone Port Perry 985-7136 1962 CADILLAC hardtop. Clean, fully equipped. $2,200. Phone 723-3398 evenings |1966 VOLVO station wagon. Private. Eve- nings telephone. 668-8262. '59 CHEVROLET, Telephone 723-5805, models t convertible, automatic, low mileage. Telephone stén in good condition 5i--Cimpent Gorn lor Bale ZOLTAN AND NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repoir and Service 160 Simcoe South | 728- 0051 . } VOLVO & PEUGOT | * MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449. Ritson Rd. South | _ Oshawa 728-0921 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. Volkswagen Sales and Service New and Used Cars 334 RITSON RD. §, 723-3461 Open Evenings | | | | | 1963 VOLKSWAGEN 1500, mileage, 19,000 -- as new. Owner deceased. Call 728- sacnivia 1963 Corvair Monza coupe, 28,600 miles, exceptionally clean car, mechanically A-1, interior white, bucket Seats, radio, automatic, exterior metalic pe Telephone 723-1938 anytime. 1964 TRIUMPH Spitfire. British offer. 728-0960, 3.30 to 6,30. '99 AUSTIN HEALEY, | very good condi tion, new paint job, tires almost new, convertible and hardtop. Call 5-6 p.m. 728-9524 '64 ACADIAN two-door hardtop, 6 cy! inder, automatic, radio, good tires, excel lent condition. Must sell, Best offer Tele phone 725-0253 1958 METROPOLITAN "good - running con: righ offers! m | | '62 " SUSTINCRRALEY sports, red with red, 2] thousand original miles, exccelient con dition, overdrive. Cash around $1,600. 723-0879. 1964 ACADIAN. Beaumont, mileage. Must sell Telephone 725-5179. '64 CORVAIR Spyder coupe > turbo-char-| ger four on the floor. Excellent condi-| tion with only 19,000 miles. Best offer. Phone 725-7547. . '89 WOLSELEY for sale, $150. Made by 15 Austin. Runs good. Can be seen at Keewatin street or phone 723- 9908. 1959 MG sports sedan, good condition. Bucket seats, 4-speed, twin carburetors. Whitby 668-8904 1962 CHEVY II, four - door, automatic, deluxe model radio, back lights, new motor, joffer. Telephone 728-5674 1956 AUSTIN A90-6, motor, body, tires, brakes and interior, excellent transmis- sion. Needs minor repair. $300 or best cash offer. '51 Heny J. tion. Best cash offer. North 1961 ENVOY, sell rasonable. Grandview South 1964 MGB radio seat belts, washers. Will accept trade-in. Telephone 728-9567 | 1965 SUNBEAM Imp, $1175 or best offer. | Telephone 725-4115 between 5,30 and 8 1pm. Apply 616 Simcoe "will 54 needs some repairs Phone 725-3296 or |1963 HALF-TON Fleetside Phone 725-0539. 1957 PORSCHE, good condition. Telephone 728-8287. 1964 CHEVY II matic, excellent Ajax 942-6096. 1962 ENVOY special good condition ex |tra snow tires, radio, Whitby 668-3017 | 1966 MUSTANG, hardtop, silver grey, lblack leather upholstery, V-8, standard | Telephone 725-6823 between 5 and 7 p.m 32----Thiicks for Sale 1957 CHEVROLET half ton pickup $475 | Licence 31480; $650 1958 half ton |pickup. Real grod condition, licence No |71696B; 1960 Chevrolet half ton pickup, rebuilt motor $850, licence 7200-3B; 1940 Mercury, half ton pick up. Fleet side with stock rack $850, licence 17841B; 1961 lonc sleet side, 6 wheels, good condition $950) Licence 71469B; 1960 Willis jeep, closed body, $575 licence X38913. Telephone Hos- kin's at Blackstock 986-4971 | 1958 CHEVROLET, 1 fon panel. 4 speed |transmission, $350. Telephone 723-4928 1951 MERCURY 12 A-| body fair. Telephone 723-9093 after 4 1953 MERCURY for sale, half ton pick-up. $225. Days telephone 668-2721 or evenings 728-6034 for any further particulars. TWO 1962 GMC % ton pick-up trucks Telephone 728-7308. Ask for Mr. Kent }'1958 GMC .half ton pick-up for sale, in gocd condition. Should be seen at 690 Osler Street, Oshawa for any further particulars. 1964 GMC '9 18,000 miles. Phone 668-4577 FORD | $700. station wagon, condition, 6, auto- Telephone condition, truck, Reasonable. | owner, ton One if 2 ton. Best offer. Phone 942- "4 0327. 1959 DODGE | one-ton, , toursspeed, fh heavy duty suspension, in very good condition. | $1000. Phone 725-8493 after 6 p.m, 'S) MERCURY '2 ton truck $250. Excel-j lent shape, many extras, good body and mechanically radio, good rubber, should be seen, 728-2204. '99 INTERNATIONAL, 11 ton state, stick shift, good condition. Telephone 728-9188 {1960 CHEVROLET dump truck tandum |Reasonable Apply 116 Cromwell Avenu Jor 728-9746. Ask for Helmut w49 MERCURY Y2-ton pick-up. Motor A-1, Can be seen at BP Station, Taun ton East - town line, Telephone 728-2264 'racing green. Good shape. New tires, radio. Best between Telephone 668-5039 after summer driven only, Wire wheels six cylinder, automatic, four door, good condition, low windshield washer, like new. Best! running condi- ton pick-up motor, i] | CARS WANTED Buying A New Car ? | Sell your used cor to "Ted". | Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 |LAKESHORE AUTO WR CKERS want ti" wawwerir ee |WANTED -- Cars for wrecki No charge for towing. Robert Nichols, 7- 4549. SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals | bought 89 | Bloor Street East. 725-2311, |OSHAWA A AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars |for wrecking. Tires and parts for sale, 1175 _ Ne Nelson Street. Telephone 725-2162. 34--Automobile Repai FRED STONE Brooktin Phone 655-3653 @«.Motor----Rebuilding @ Cylinder Reboring @ Pinfitting @ Resleeving Automatic Transmission Crankshaft and Valve Service | TRANSMISION speciaisists, Transmie- sions are our only business. 1038 Simcoe North. Phone 728-7339. 35--Lost and Found REWARD offered for information leading to recovery of a Dunelt 3-speed bicycle | taken from the Oshawa Shoppin: entre Mall on Wednesday July 6 (a! Telephone 723- 2968; noon) LOST -- for boat, zippered side panel of convertible top, white. Reward. Please telephone 728-6586. LosT -- "Hound, with blue tick ma awa (Simcoe to "Blackie" Villa, 728-9449. (Continued on Page | 20) "female, black and ten rkings, North end Osh- Robert area). Answers Telephone Foster's Chicken ZELLER'S SHOPPING CENTRE ONLY Just Say Charge-It | LELLER'S SUN-SATIONAL RESORT ROUND-UPS Ladies' Swim Suits from 738.17 See two nur wide variety of one and piece suits ot our sportswear department ZELLER'S swim

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