12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, July 7, 1966 ANN LANDERS Being A Good Listener Helps Older Worker 'In' Control Of Children Starts Dear Ann Landers: In this age of going steady, teen-age drinking and sexual promis- cuity, parents don't know how to cope with their children. Our 16-year-old daughter is dating a boy who controls her every move. He has a car and nlenty of enending money. There is no limit to where they can go and what they can do. I've told Bonnie that we don't like this fellow and to stop go- ing with him, or at least go with some others as well. Bonnie says if we tell her she can't see this boy she'll sneak out and see him anyway. This is not her first steady, but the other boys had parents who set limits, so at least we knew when Bonnie would be home. Please tell us how a girl can reject her parents for a 17-year- old smart aleck.--Outside the Circle Dear Outside: Bonnie has re-| jected you for a' 17-year-old smart aleck. You lost control ef her long before he got into the act. I've had thousands of letters smillar to yours and I wish I By ROBERTA ROESCH "It may be 'in' for house- wiend te petaen 46 ee ' ? : ' +4 \feel 'out'? when it comes to be- In The Cradle bee ae ; es . ing accepted by the people in ions , ; "gee 4 ; my office," a mature secretary ' i|said this week. "Most of them are still so young, they act as though they could produce a magic for-| @ Bike i ' have never seen a woman of 54. mula to help distraught par- 4 ef : I think they labelled me ents get through to their unruly} © og es @& 'Grandma' and retired me to children. See 8 " , : the shelf the first day I waiked The time to have reached for ' me ly : into work, help was when those kids were 4 4 "T would certainly like to be two years old, Now I can Only ||one of them in the hours I am suggest professional counselling on the job. But I can't break ~and I hope it isn't too late. down the wall that's between Dear Ann Landers: I'm a Yo Aaa ae we j ; _ ps." | bachelor who has been going : : 4 --) Yhave heard this propiem ex- with a divorced woman for two i|pressed before by many years. May has four wonderful woman who has gone back to children, Her ex-husband was a work, and found herself the old- miserable, mean lush and they est employee in an office where! haven't heard from him since : _ =| youth seemed to reign. the divorce. May is supporting ' ° : ; -+| But the problem is not a herself and the kids. : : ' : » 4 }roadblock that cannot be shoved) Everyone I've talked to says I'd be crazy to marry a woman ~ | }aside if you are in this situa-) « 4 tion and you specialize in being with four kids. I'm pretty sure 3 interesting, looking interesting, I'd enjoy it but so many peo- being interested and acting in- ple have told me I'd be @ fool! IT'S IN THE B terested. | } to take on a ready-made fam- | To break through the road-| ily that I'm confused. | JERRY TERRENCE OF Terrence, is an interesting | block or wall by being interest-| I don't promise to follow) California has designed this crackproof fabric of water- ling, prove you are not obsolete your advice, but I'd like to hear) Commodious tote for sum- proof linen and fish net jat 40 or 50. Rival youthful co- lit--Pop -- It gery shop- ye i ayerrsegl making | workers by being attractive in | ' > 4 ping, as it will hold innum- it ideal for both sports or | appearance and having a color- Ped 7. ihe A earth erable items, even a fair- beachwear. Colors are soft rf gemaononadlg . Y, Ae fo . ine tid Hs cp '| sized shoe box as the model - pink, lemon yellow, mint ou do love those kids and you! j, demonstrating here. The green, sky blue and sand | DEVELOP INTERESTS think of yourself as their f@-| wnusual fabric, 'Neptune beige. If your personality isn't inter- ther. Marry the woman. I'm) Cioth", also created by Mr. --By Tracy Adrian jesting and colorful, develop betting you'll make a great lit-/--_-___- - -- - |}some new interests, become an CHILD GUIDANCE Summer Is The Time To Catch Up On Reading tle group. | ------ ; | ----| KEEP IN TRIM Jexcel in at least one thing tha |will bring you the respect of | * * |younger people. | New Regulations Restrict Look interesting; show you | are by your face and voice. Look happy instead of grim as Use of Terms of Calorie Content you work your way through the day. React to office situations By IDA JEAN KAIN "reduced in calories.' One- With joy, sympathy, understand- It's good news for the weight- fourth cup of dry roasted nuts ing and excitement. And let a By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD read. He needs to enjoy success conscious public in the United|furnishes 173 calories. If not smile and friendly attitude help It's heartening to hear from some parents who tell of what their school, local library, ra- dio, TV and newspapers and various clubs have been doing) to stimulate children to read during the summer. It's amaz-' ing how many books some chil-| dren read. But with our eyes on these few children we may lose sight of the millions of children who won't read any book this sum-) mer or the many libraries! throughout our nation where | few children on any day may be seen. Let me entreat you, my read- ers, to consider the reading by; your own child, seven 12 or 14.) How much will he read this| summer with all the time on| his hands? Will he read even as much as he read during the) school year? Will you continue| reading to your child two, four] or six? | Of course, your child needs| to have ample books and maga- zines at home from which to} read, which you have pur-| chased er subscribed to for him} or induced him to borrow from| the library. It is a sad fact that| many children are not living near a library. Yet so many} more of them could be taken) by car or bus to libraries) within 25, 50 or~100 miles from} home or to meet™hookmobiles, if thelr parents really cared. STIMULATE CHILD It is not enough that your child has ample reading mate- rials this summer. He needs to. be stimulated, even required, to read. The better he can read, of course, the more likely he will be to choose to read for pleasure. He needs to have in- jbooks too difficult. Some other|regard to fortified foods and 999/ You wear down the resistance of people who mistake maturity for senility. In order to be interested in as he reads in order to keep On states that the terms "low cal-|4ry roasted, they furnish wanting to read. orie' and "reduced in calo-| calories. Even if you decide to require|ries" can soon be taken at face CAN EXTRACT OIL your child to read for half anjvalue. The U.S. Food and Drug! Nonetheless, exciting things' your co-workers, consign the hour or an hour every day this Administration has issued tight re taki fan vith aig 8 Pia see i hi y not gai hinew regulations defining the|2{° , 'kins place with nuts.| word "I" to a secondary role in summer, he may not gain muc te I + etundards: witt Food technologists have suc-| your conversation. Use "you" pleasure or skill from reading|'erms, also new standards with) ..odeq in extracting 60 to 80/and ask them what they are c ; é per cent of the oil from pea- doing, how they are feeling and ' i 7 § ; y ; Te ed ic gd _ or mpd apaneriganel ___|nuts, thus lowering the calories) what they think. Listen as they g001 shag oe tage pee - On the calorie score, the reg- delightfully, To extract the oil, | tell you. This quality of listen- pane i ecause ne? are sojulations which will go into ef- such peanuts are subjected: to ing may break down the wall oy = _-- = -- fect in six months are these: | hydraulic pressure. The pressed| more than anything else, since footl ours bia ogee or just) If a food is labelled "low calo-| peanuts are then restored to|even young people--or particu- ooling around at doing any-irie," it must contain no more|their original size and shape larly young people--need a good thing which allures them for than 15 calories serving : BALE He ana TR TET Y ig : . o calories per serving.\/and roasted in the usual man-|listener now and then. If you i. ere we guaranteed | to be. "re-/ner. These less fatty peanuts|are a woman who is more ma _ Figuring they are on vaca-duced in calories must COn-| now are available in some mar-| ture, being the confidante of tion now, ehildren may choose|tain at least 50-per-cent fewer|kets and soon will be available to keep away from books. These|Calories than their counter- in all markets. JUNIOR COOKS i .| parts. ei 4 3 I D s children need parents who re-| parts Heer Experiments are being made) 'Train your children to cook quire them to spend a regular, Prior to this ruling there has with other type of nuts, nota- Paes P mee period daily at reading. These | been no standard to define ei-/phiy pecans and English wal-|Simple meals, Start with des- parents will find such a pro-|ther "low calorie" or "reduced)pyts, Results are most promis-| Serts. Puddings: and gelatin des- |gram easiest if they also read|in calories." The food manufac-|ing At this writing. such par-|serts of all kinds, or cake and cage gg. eh gage ta ve 7 a vigor on the | tially defatted nuts are not/cookie mixes are.easy and fun iiis ue bs 'A sanilas tently. tated fi decades poet hans available on the market. It is|to prepare and the children will 9 apr ; nga S*|hoped they will be shortly, for|delight in the praise they re-) -- Pag wis oo alge calories in nie way. they will be appreciably jawer ceive for their 'good cooking".| schools an a ew public) A case in point is dry roasted |in calories. Both boys and girls will jump} schools have a list of books as-|nuts, Since no additional fat is} Readers, repeatedly ask your at the chance 'o make ereak-| signed to them to read thisjused for the roasting process,|dietitian for the calorie con- fast. Scrambled eggs is a good summer which they will be ex-|to that extent calories are les-|tent of various food products on|idea, Give them a choice of fill- mined on next fall. These/sened. However, nuts are in the|the market. The quickest way|jings and breads and they'll youths usually have a way of high-calorie bracket, so even|to find the exact calorie count| take over a Sunday night sand-! leaving the reading of them till|dry roasted ones may still bejon any product would be to|wich supper. You reap divi- a few weeks before school be- out of bounds for dieters. Un-| write to the manufacturer for} dends by being able to sleep in gins. Think of all _the futile der the new law, such nuts can-|this information. The address|Sunday mornings, or read the dermqpina ig reminders by! not be labelled "low calorie' or/will be given on the label. evening papers leisurely eir- parents, - = er jbut especially during the first younger people can be an ad- vantage. Finsszact- interested inthe world young people inhabit. As long as your office is a young people's world, be a part of it as much as you can and know what is going on, even though you may think the movies they rave about aren't work the price of admission, and the books they love may bore you by the middie of Chapter 1. You may have no wish to trade in your taste for theirs, but you will be more "'in" than you are "'out," if you are so in tune with their world that you act as interested in it as you doin -veur own. By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW i i An excellent planetary 'day. Constructive steps taken ih' the pursuit of worth-while aims should prove unusually profit- able in the long run, and there is also a strong possibility that you will receive an assist from someone genuinely concerned with your welfare. | FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, | your horoscope indicates that.) while the next 12 months should} be most gratifying on the finan-| cial score, it would be advisable} to avoid extravagance and spec- ulation throughout the year-- two weeks of September and the latter half of December. You should net some. small gains during the first two weeks of August and some really solid ones between mid - September and mid-November but, after) that, your chances of increasing the size of your bankroll will come but intermittently--nota- bly in early December, next! February, April and June--and then'only through conservative operations. | Late September will also bring some excellent opportuni-| ties to advance on the job front, and further upward strides are indicated in early December, next January, March and May. Professionals in the artistic and intellectual fields can add next June to the above list of pro- ductive months and, for them, all of September and December should be outstanding. Domestie interests will be governed by, beneficent aspects for most of the year--especially if you are careful to avoid fric- tion in close circles in mid-De- cember and next April -- and] stars promise stimulating ex-| periences along social and ro- mantic lines between now and} Sept. 15; also, between Nov, 15) and Jan, 1, next April, May and} June. Except for short. trips,| the balance of 1966 does not in- dicate much in the way of tra- vel, but January, May and June of next year will be highly aus- picious to take off on longer journeys A child -born on this day will be endowed with a fine intellect and great imagination--almost too much of the latter at times, since it often leads to "black'"' moods based on unfounded jealousy. Some families must hurry home from vacation so the son {or daughter can get the read- ing done. In order to avoid thiese annoyances, set time lim- a \its during the summer when leach assigned book must be read. PARENTS' QUESTIONS a | Q. What do you consider the jchief contribution to the in- ' the swing, ist SINGER summer teresting reading material easy crease of juvenile delinquency enough for him to read with and crime? OVERCASTS IN SECONDS...SEMI- AUTOMATIC ZIG-ZAG SEWING MACHINE SAVE $20! (Head only) « Outstanding bargain for a modest budget light, sturdy aluminum construction «(Model 337) weighs only 26 Ibs «famous SINGER* guare antee! « reg. $140 © as low as 1.258 week, / TRANSISTORIZED PORTABLE STEREO 59" ¢ 8 transistors e 8-foot speaker spread for true stereo e Ceramic turnover-stylus e battery operated play it anywhere e weighs only 8 Ibs. ¢ Singer Model HE2202, AUTOMATIC ZIG-ZAG SEWING MACHINE BY SINGER +4 T9 save $50 + WITH RICH WALNUT CARRYING CASE e sews plain or fancy stitches beautifully « reg. value 229.95 «as low as 1.75 a week » 8 addi- success. A. The prevailing philosophy Many a child doesn't choose|of excessive permissiveness in tional interchangeable zig-zag FASHION® e @ with Custom Built KITCHENS to read for pleasure because) rearing children, especially dur- discs, 3 sewing lessons free! @ Model 338. the books he is supposed to/ing their earlier years; and the hi ' ' : Over read, those about at his school|epidemic of palsied palms in 13. different designs in ; rie | DELUXE ZIG-ZAG SEWING MACHINE level, are too hard for him to/ young parents. Custom - Built Kitchens to : . : : tom Provin cl i ia Pre aut : 3 as low as 3.25 a week cnotty pit "Mode a The first machine to sew straight ... zig-zag... _-- Ke, esis ™ and now chainstitch too! + fabulous Touch & Sew* deluxe zig-zag sewing machine by SINGER (Model 600-11), with exclusive push-button bobbin « "easy-in, easy-out"' basting chain stitch « fingertip switch to countless zig-zag stitches « SINGER Slant-Needle lets you see better, sew better! choice of cabinet or deluxe carrying case. In different patterns, colors, marble and woodgrain tops, with a choice th of Arborite or Formica Post Form -- € ; (rolled counter tops) There is also 5 different designs in Brilliant : | Bathroom Vanities cut PRICES TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET WIN A MUSTANG Nothing to buy to wint Just come in or call SINGER for a free demonstration of the fabulous Touch & Sew* Deluxe Zig-Zag sewing machine by SINGER (Model 600-11)... any- time up to July 30, 1966, Then fill out an entry form. (If your name is drawn, you'll have to answer a skill-testing question.) ENTER NOW! DEALERS OF MOFFAT BUILT-IN OVEN Beloved by more than three AND SURFACE UNITS generations of brides, its pop- ularity Is untouched by time. In simple or graceful swirled mountings, its vivid fire evokes the song of love forever. Also Suppliers of general contractors throughout the area. Complete facilities for on-the-spot credit... every product backed by at VINYL COVERED KITCHENS oop poem =) & X_R.H. CABINET In 4 Different Colors yoak! rye mited time only...shop now! Phone ain "oe. oor visit us today! THE SINGER CENTER ( ee tl Re A ee x Re 2 T | 16 SIMCOE ST. N. eae rete eomeny CO. LTD. 725-5443 1614 CHARLES ST., WHITBY PHONE 668-6911 Open Mon. to Thurs., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. -- Sat., 9 a.m. till Noon Open Fri. Till 9 P.M, SEE...Our NEW!! 37.50 to $5000 Pe Terms . Arranged. - ° 7 --_--_ | BROCK ST. $ 7 Victoria W- BURNS JEWELLERS 20 SIMCOE NORTH OPEN FRI. TILL 9