Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jul 1966, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, July 5, 1966 20--Real Estete for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 4 bedrooms. Brand new ! ! Ex- citingly different in design. 2 bathrooms. Completely dec- onaiad: $2,220. down. to 1 N.H.A, mortgage. On some of these homes a down payment of $1,110. will handle. In- terested? Coll 728-1656, 00 DOWN 2 bedroom bungolow on quiet north end street with except- tionally large lot and double garage. Close to public and separate schools, shopping and buses. This home will . Call Doug Trivett 728-1656. MAPLE--GROVE- $13,500. full price. Snow white frame home on large 80' x 200' lot. Back yard fully fenced. 3 bedrooms nice- ly decorated. Attached gor- age. Cell Bill Hubbell 728- 165 VACANT Brand new 3 bedroom cloy brick . bungalow on Oriole Court, a quiet residential street with little traffic. Large modern = kitchen Plastered walls throughout. High dry basement. $2,499. down to 1 6%4% N.H.A. mortgage Truly an excellent buy. Call 728-1656 LAND 10 acre lots on good level cleared lond. Poved road within 4 miles of Oshawa Excellent building lots reo- sonably priced. Call Doug Trivett 728-1656 NHA RESALE Looking for a lovely 3 bed room bungalow ? This is truly o delight. Immaculate throughout. Take a look with Charlie Rickson data 1656 Ww. LS Dougan REALTORS 725-1109 WHITBY Loeeated on Raglon Street, near St. John's Church and Scheel. This four bedroom popular split-level plan fea- tures the largest rooms. Holly- weed kitchen, 18' family room, 2 bathrooms plus full basement. Live like o Queen in Whitby, en Raglon Street. OSHAWA Wilson Rd. South of King Nine rooms in spotiess con- dition with lovely yard, gar- ege end private side drive. INCOME HOME Presently taking in ever $400 per month. Looking for an in- vestment? This is 6 money moker. OF Simcoe St. South, neer C.N_R AFTER 9 P.M 723-5467 725-0343 728-1109 R.A. Wells L. §. Lefey SAVE! $500 SAVE! Down payments from $1295 61%4% N.HA. Mortgages Last of the Winter Works 3-4 bedroom bungalows, 2 Storey Ranch and Split-Leve! homes in beautiful 'Rolling Hills Estates', featuring Pic ture Book bathrooms, Holly wood kitchens, built-in ronge ond ovens storms and screens, wolk-out basement family sliding PLUS! PLUS! PLUS! See and Save the Griffin Way. Phone John Kosteniuk today, Griffin Real Ltd, 155 Simcoe St 723- 8144. TRADE ! TRADE ! TRADE ! We specialize-in trading your present home. Toke the fuss and. worry out of buying a new home rooms, patio deors Estate South at J. B. McMullan REALTOR 725-3557 -- 668-6201 STONE HOUSE 40 MILE VIEW 100 rolling ocres 7 miles north of Oshawa, paved road. Magnificent view, see U.S.A and Toronto lights, Antique stone house, 4 pc. bath, furn ace, in excellent condition, good 38' x 110' barn. Beau tiful spring-fed pond with wild duck families, beautiful grounds, wild flowers, 10 acres hardwood bush. Long hundred would make excel lent 10 acre lots. Priced ot $60,000, terms Sohn Worsley, Cameron, tele phone 17 collect Contact Ont., PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR EXCHANGED Have waiting clients: Com mercial, Residential, Indus trial, apartment. buildings Cail CLARE McCULLOUGH 723-7843 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE HOWARD STREET, five - room bungalow, newly remodelled kitchen wiritg, Try here. F frame new offer SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 Over A Quarter Century Of Service OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M, SIX PLEX Good income aportment build- ing in excellent condition ond good location. No trouble getting tenonts here. Listed at $44,000.00. Give us a call now for further details. INVERNESS DRIVE Three bedroom side split with attached garage. Very lovely home in ideal north west lo- cation. Listed at $22,900.00. Call for details. $4,000.00 DOWN This older home has been completely remodelled Ideal location close to everything Very low taxes. Call tonight for further information EXECUTIVE HOME Three bedrooms, den, finish- ed rec room 26° x 29'--over 1800 sq. ft, of living area Three bathrooms, natural stone fireploce, wall to wall broodiloom. Make an appoint- ment to inspect $3,000.00 DOWN 2 bedrooms, living room and dining room, kitchen and a large area for a vegetoble garden. Call now and make an appointment to inspect. 4 BEDROOM HOME On a good sized lot. Full price $10,000.00. Owner anxious to sell. Call for further de- toils CAPE COD DESIGN Only years old--nicely landscaped 2 storey brick home with three bedrooms, separate dining room, call now and arrange to inspect. 4 BEDROOM HOME ot $22,900.00 this home has a to offer, 27 ft. living room, dining room, complete rec room, just to mention o few of the feotures. Let us tell you more, call now. ONE BEDROOM HOME $4,850.00 little home is situated the Shopping Centre Toxes only $125.00 yearly Yes, the full price ig only $4,850.00. $11,900.00 Good older brick bungalow in the South East. Only 4 rooms but right for a retired couple. Lovely garden and garage. Hot woter heating Call now and arrange to in- spect. six lot This neor just For full porticulars eall 723-2265 728-2349 723-1358 728-5205 725-8300 723-2859 725-3867 Wr. Yasmonicki Marg Hall Irwin Cruikshanks Mike Belmonte George Koornneet Irene Brown {20--Real Estate for Sele Mel Dole Ed Drumm Maible Boudreau Bill Johnston Allan Thompson Reg Aker Bill McFeeters 623-5638 725-9345 728-2233 728-1066 728-2870 725-0201 725-1726 the Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND M.L.S MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St. West Free, easy, safe parking GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 5 SIMCOE ST 723-8144 LIKE A FIR a beautifu c > EPLACE? Rec bor? Like large lot Like @ kitchen? Like o stove and oven? Like suburbs? | toke Like nutes into Like Room? Like o broadioom? sa complete Like o move about in? beouti ful Duilt-in to drive be neor coll Jack Sheriff and see what he has to ofter NEAR FOREST GLEN Rd. North aren. 7 year old brick home with pri- ote paved drive, oil heating, broadioom and hardwood secluded potio, $106.00 includes everything oll Margaret Lee to Like to schools? Then Hormony tloaring SELLING? WANT ACTION? CALL GRIFFIN ond start packing) LIVE FREE home hos Yes th 3 apart ments which will handle your nd put money into Phone ond see if poyments your por sultatior ke for con your dawn poyment for Ask wor vou for V WE Li nce Jarvis T AND M.L.S SELL pen Pam. to9 pm MEMBER OF O.D.R.E.B LARGE, three - years bedroom bungalow, three Courtice, close to schools and 2 200 1. x a5 NHA monthly. principal, ir $18,900. Phone 723-2474 INCOME, y ture plus five sonable price end Realtor, 723-2512 or feres! and taxes. $100 WEEKLY with five nice ments modern hed bachelor room brick for terms 48. |20-----Real Estate for Sale |20.--Real Estate for Sale GUID REALTY LTD. 16 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-5281 GOOD RESIDENTIAL AREA IN WHITBY 1 @ Only $4,000. down pay- ment will purchase this lovely ranch style brick bungalow with attached garage. Situated on o good sized lot. Completely fin-| ished recreation room. with bar,| three master sized bedrooms and) large kitchen. This home is only; 4 yeors ne and priced to sell! ot $16,7 HERE ir IS AT LAST Il @ A 3 bedroom brick bun- alow on a lovely lot. This im- maculate home has a nice big living room and a completely finished~-recrestion witht bar ond built-in speokers and! record changer. Best of all it's © bargain ot $15,500, and a) low down payment takes it. Be) first to call on this. terrific 2h with all its fine features |HOME WITH ONE ACRE OF LAND Suitable for V.L.A, Loc- ated on Rossland Road East. Three bedrooms, al! aluminum doors and windows with new @i-| veninun) siding, Call to-day to inspe "WALK TO SHOP | iV @ Withig walking distance of the Oshawe Shopping Centre, this lovely 3 bedroom home is one of the best buys we hove to offer. The 6% °'> N.H.A. mort gage carries for $86. a month including taxes. Substantial down payment required. Call now to inspect EXECUTIVE HOME V @ In Oshowa's preferred! North West area. Located on o quiet court with wall to wall broadioom in living room and bedroorns. Completely finished rec room with bar. One of Osh awa's nice backyards, hedged and lots of trees. For an ap pojntment to see coll us now EXPANSIVE NOT EXPENSIVE VI @ Lovely three bedroom brick bungalow with paved drive on quiet court. Large irregular shaped lot. Finished recreation room with extra bedroom and washroom in the basement. | Owner transferred. Try on offer on this immaculate home LUXURY LIVING VII @ Here is the kind of home you dream about but never seem to find. This home contains a modern and extremely attractive kitchen, large L-shaped living room and dining room, two til-| ed bathrooms, panelled family room with fireplace and walk out sliding glass doors to a pri vate patio, four very large bed rooms, and double garage Quality construction throughout $2,000 DOWN VIIL @ And owners will hold one mortgage for the, balance for this 2 storey income home in the North West oreo. This home is situated on a large lot and is room @ til presently occupied by two fam-| EXECUTIVE HOME, ferred north west area, located Immediate possession avail Call for further particu- lors EXCELLENT HOME IX @ A lovely three bedroom bungalow in a. prestige North East location. Large living room with neaturol fireplace, three large bedrooms and well ap pointed hollywood kitchen. Sit uated on good sized lot of 50 x 150 ft. Easily accessible to schools, churches and shopping Owner transferred out of town Call now for full particulars on this immaculote home ANOTHER TEMPTING BUY X @ Only $17,900 this beoutiful five room bungalow with hollywood kitchen, spacious living ond three master sized bedrooms. This one yeor old home has just been decorat ed and ready immediate occupancy. To inspect, call night HIDEAWAY RETREAT Xi @ west of Pontypool Compact three room cottage on land. Well, large picnic table, nicely wooded grounds and stream. Immediate possession. Priced to sell TWO FOR ONE XIl_ @ This large lot will take 0 double house and is priced at only $6,500. Locoted in a des irable residential area close to all conveniences. Act fost, it's special $1,750 PER ACRE X11! @ Asking price for a neat appealing 25 acre porcel of land east of Bowmanville This is a real set up for a Hobby Farm or for the Arm Chair Farm There are over 10 acres of opple orchard containing ap proximately 400: highly proauc tive The remoinder of the land is level and clear of all bush. Call us to-night and let present your offer of pur- chase to the owner N.H.A. RESALE XIV @ 6% mortgage. This seven yeor old brick bungalow is located one block from school in quiet residential area. Home in beautiful condition and taste tully decorated. Priced to sell oat $15,500. Call now for full particulars NORTH WEST XV @ Ranch bungalow situated on quiet street. Completely landscaped, fenced yard, asph drive. Spacious kitchen fin shed with Vikon copper tile broadloom 'iving 100m and hall. Recreation finished laundry ond extra bed room basement. Don't wait and be late, call to-night for on inspection CANAL LAKE @ Surely a stirring for 6 summer cottage. Large liv ing dining room, kitchen ond bedrooms. About hour's drive from Oshowa, sandy and clean bheoch down payment. Call now Coll 723-5281 for full particulars Onen Daily to? ilies able for room is tor to Just one acre of just er tree us alt ir room room XVI setting room four one safe, Low from pm GUIDE REALTY LIMITED REALTORS 9am court roam and bedrooms. recreation awa's trees Englert, TEN-ROOM spacious country home, acre, Stradeski, KING STREET EAST -- six-room home oF Call THREE NEW HOMES on Switzer $30,000 and up. By Michael Zygock! phone $1000 DOWN, $10,900. North section tor DRIVE BY Whitby; quarter tage, Estate. ELIZABETH CRESCENT, bedroom. low, built-in Estate OVER HALF ACRE development erty bungalow vestment 8123 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, brick bedrooms mortgage approval dred down NORTH WEST vacant Limited, Roy Yeo, 5 YEAR OLD bungalow located on High. transportation, $17,000.00 full price and terms pee este Call Mr Estate | LOW DOWNPAYMENT Storey brick dition tance with garage. terms 725-6297 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Brick home ghout chen fenced 728-0483 FOUR BEDROOM ho dition Close month. arranged. Contact Joseph $2,000 MOVES YoU Rancher the ideal there are no steps to climb. Please ask for Martin, BRAND NEW Spring built nearing completion is the best time to inspect own eyes what goes home cost Road 0. Martin, LOOKING with rage, leent now comfortable 668-5313 or 510: A FAMILY WITH ciate the spacious over bungalow Extra kept tails 7083 or TRIPLEX ies, fF fridges, 3 Good location 1049 $2,000 DOWN -- old 5 scaped broadloom. Many Plant the value by ca ASAD so DOWN homes | cated fact Realtor, $2,183 DOWN To Qualified Buyers 644% N.H.A. Were Ready Te Move! 2 Storey Armstrong Home Attached garoge 2 bathrooms large living room and dining room built-in range and oven, storms, screens and doors, mahogany trim. Its one beau- tiful home! See It Now At... ROLLING HILL Just West of Grandview south on Keewatin from Olive ave. GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. 723-6461 BAY RIDGES $2,800 DOWN Modern 3 Bedroom Bungalow living and dining room broad loomed Newly decorated throughout. _Walk-out patio leading to spacious backyard, Paved drive Ready To Move In! Coll Bill Millar 725-2557 or 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Ltd BOLAHOQOD BROTHERS LIMITED $8,500 $2,000. DOWN Clean, 4% room, 2 home on Olive Avenue. Mod ernized, electric heating, car ries for $80. month. Vocont Call Jock Appleby 723-3398 MUST SELL eaving city. Reduced $2,000. Spacious 6 Fr rancher with attached age. Choice North West tion, home must be seen Roy Yeo ot 725-2217 bedroom Owner om gor ioca Call Street North C.D.R.E.B 101 Simcoe Member In Oshawa's pre in @ quiet in tiving finished Osh some Steve broadioom completely room with bar, One of nicest back yards, hedged For appointment to see call Guide Realty Ltd, 723-528) Wall to wall one creek, trees, $12,500. Don Realtor, garage, 23-A65 speculator's buy 723-465 Dd: fot, 110 x 204 ft., Don Stradeski, Realtor, ° Tele 728-8882 five - room bungalow, Only W. McAuley Real 668-6765 six hundred Garden Street see the beautiful one and one acre iot with five room cot and make cash offer. Perry Real 723-8123 723-2512 or large three ranch bunga insulation Perry Real stone extra Call brick and attached garage. stove and oven. 723-8123, prop room your in 723 Five Points, with five Live here and watch grow. Perry Real Estate, at brand Hollywood kitchen bonus, no waiting Try twenty-five h Estate, 723-8123 new bungalow, three winter for Perry Real Five $2,000 . down room bungalow Bolahood Brothers 725-2217 with near yo garage Donevan Schools Street offers paid Poplar home This Gower 728-1005 imited 623-3393 W. Frank Rea -- 6 room in immaculate con Choice north area. Walking dis to hospital. Private enclosed jot Immediate possession. Good For details call Sally Wallace Joseph Bosco Realtor $1,500 down n excellent condition throt 3 good sized bedrooms. Large kit and diningroom. Bright livingroom yard with garage. Asking only Inspect by calling Bradey Bosco. home 900 Jin Joseph Realtor n excellent. co Large kitchen and livingroom. to downtown, Carr $72 per PIT Low downpayment. Can be arry Andely 725-4539 Bosco Realtor into this attached garage. Now is enjoy the beautiful patio for handicapped person as Spacious with time to home Elmer Realtor Fredin, 725-2753 728-5103 or WwW. 0 bungalows we suggest that now See with your into a quality built Many options, come at no extra Olive Ave. just east of Harmony Call Dolores' Ross, 728-1964 or W Realtor, 726-5103. FOR A nice clean hollywood kitchen? Then see this, large bedrooms, paved drive and ga close to Donevan Collegiate. 6 per nteres! rate. Please call me right to arrange you inspection of this home Marilyn Fitzgerald 0. Martin 728 bungalow w Realtor, children will appre 200 square toot Kennedy school large kitchen, 3 bedrooms, nicely vegetable garden. For further please phone Walter Mittler W. 0. Martin, Realto 3-2 bedroom unit stoves, washer, No agents, Telephone p.m close to J, F balcor dryer 28 atter § Lake Vista area. 8 year room brick bungalow, well land lot with large patio. Quality other features. Clos South General Motors this home to appreciate ling Gord Chariton, 728 Bosco, Realtor schools. and Inspect ieaeh propertie bedroom two olde ne 2 - bedroom good Good termi Joe Crawford 723 tondition. Centra can be arranged. ¢ 1021, Joseph Bosco 'large garage, |NEAT FIVE ROOM Close to schools. Finished rec room, well landscaped fenced Iot. Low downpayment \Carries for $115 per month, PIT Ideal | for young family. See this home by call jling Murray Boyle 723-4270. Joseph Bos |co Realtor. | NORTH WEST. six room two storey brick lwo Sth, fireplace, enclosed back porch, excellent condition. Large down 796.8197 treed int |1T'S SMALL and compact, ideal for re tirement. 20 miles from Oshawa, decorating: Only $6,300.00 and-move right - 1% acres of id' and Urilled well, Call Mr. Gower 728-1005 W. Frank Real | Estate 623-2393. OVERLOOKING Tithe fown of Bowman- | ville and Lake Ontario. Very large ravine lot, with a view, You have to see to ap- preciatz, Aeking $5,000,00 and terms can be arranged. Call Mr. Gower 728-1005 W. Frank Real Estate 623-3393. 68 ACRES between Oshawa - Bowman- ville. Two railway sidings, .access to Highway No. 2, 401, Excellent oye Pag 9466. Oshawa Realty, _Bond WHITBY -- Thre ment, TV. antenna, laundry parking, shared bath, Adults. monthly. Telephone 668-6543, PRIVATE -- no agents. Thi threetsedroonr trick "bongatowr We scaped, with a fehced yard. kitchen with built-in oven. Freshly deco- rated throughout. Asking $18,900. with a substantial down payment Telephone 728-4136, 20a--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent "PIGEON. near PETERBORO Cottage with Lot $2,995 $50 DOWN $47 Monthly PAYMENTS START AUGUST 1966 POSSESSION ! surveyed with cottage, 3 bed erected. $2,995 cash Plan, $50. down, $47 monthly, payments start August, 1966. Limited num- ber. Year round activities Practical for retirement. Good roads year round Hydro, telephone, swimming, fishing, woter ski boating, hunting, ete nearby. EN Fall, Winter IMME LOT family-size DIATE 7 5'x200' rooms Budaet or open excellent Ski-tow Summer @ MEET @ Toronto bank 7 on Beside Dominion Bonk in Omemee Hiahwoy the Peterboro to Lindsay Highway each day p.m. ond No appointment nec- only this week-end at 1 3 pm essary OR he to Fri day Monday or "evening, by Can seen fo spec Phone ial appointment only Pitts AND COTTAGES LTD. COBOURG, ONT. 372-9494 INSULATED Kasshabog swimming, fishing Telephone 723-5635 THREE BEDROOM cottace Lake, All conveniences, safe beach weekly. Bowmanville 623-5195 LAKEFRONT COTTAGE, Lake, furnished, hydro, $6,000. O. A. McKellar, borough THREE-BEDROOM cottage for rent at Stoney Lake, sandy beach, running water furnished. Telephone 942-3555 after 4 p.m FURNISHED COTTAGE for sale, on Trent system, SA miles from Oshawa Telephone after 6 p.m., Bowmanville 623 HOMES NEW Lake cottage for Clean water, privacy. $60 rent on good weekly Steenburg $50 Kashabog sand beach RR 4, Peter. WEST safe bass hydro 5758. CROW LAKE, beautiful sa Available July: 9 16 Telephone 472-5412 FOR RENT - Lakefront housekeeping cottages, on Sturgeon Lake, modern con veniences, san beach, reasonable. Bow manville 623-2262 SCENIC TWO ACRES with fast flowing stream, Ideal cottage site, only minutes from Oshawa. Full price of $2,900.00 restrictions of building, Call Mr. Gower /2B-1005 W. Frank Real Estate Limited 623-3393. HOUSEKEEPING cottages, electric, in side facilities, fishing, skiing and swim ming. Telephone 725-2909 or write Maljoc cottages, RR 3, Burk's Falls. $2,300 DOWN -- 4 bedroom rancher with attached garage, finished recreation room, has natural fireplace. Close to downtown. Call 728-9466. BARBER SHOP, LAKE -- Housekeeping cottages, sandy beach, good fishing (pickere!, and pike). Also trailer camping with Telephone Ray McKnight, 725 rent boat Sept. 3 armora beach. July cottage for hydro, 30 - Park Road South; for sale or rent, five-rcom furnished cot tage at Lakeside beach, with 3-piece bath, fireplace, boat, houseboat, 723-7088. BARGAIN -- Coftage and 7 acres on Rugged Lake near Coe Hill. Fully furnish ed, just move in, road to door. Inside con veniences, gas, stove, fridge, pressure system. Secluded and quiet, excellent fishing and hunting Beautiful view of lake. Cash winter price $4,500. Contact Mr. &. W Tout, RR 3, Coe Hill, phone 469W1. Bancroft. Gibson Willoughby Lim ted Realtor HOLIDAY housekeeping ming, fishing with count weeks -- Ist August. Book early ver Birches Resort, 526R2) A BEAUTIFUL park-like treed io!. Win terized electric heated cottage with Sauna and guest cabins, completely fur FOR RENT - n Haliburton Highlands cottages, good swim boat included. Dis July and last two ir Phone or write Si! Minden, Ont Mod ern Lakefront housekeeping cottages, on Sturgeon Lake, modern con- veniences, sandy beach, reasonable. Bow manville 623-2262 RIVER FRONTAGE for sale, north of Frankford, Ont. Ten 401 highway. Road, hydro, beach. $2,000. Telephone Toronto, 787- 3757, LAKESHORE LOT for sale, 100° x 150 on Pine Lake. Haliburton. Hydro, good beach, good rsad. Port Perry, 985-7496 BOBCAYGEON AREA -- nicely wooded on_river for sale. Road and hydro. easonable. Call 723-3772 LAKEFRONT COTTAGE, Lake, furnished, hydro, $6,000. O, A. McKellar, borough CROW BAY on tages, with hydro, beliford 653-1634 or 653 as Stapley, 16 ampbellford two miles miles off Price x Kashaboo sand beach RR 4, Peter Trent. 2 bedroom col for rent. Phone Cam 3773 write Mrs Bridge Street West 0 five minutes trom city 128-7248 3. bedrooms safe, sandy beach, spacious lawn with shade trees, riding, golfing, shopping, cocktall lounges within mile. $2,000 down $50 monthly. Full selling price $6,500 Apply 765 Chesterton Avenue. MORIA RIVER of Stoco Twenty Don Bolbrick TWO 10-acre BEAUTIFUL lots, terms. Call Stoco Lake, lots, with cottages or south five rooms bath from 40!. Reasonable RR 2, Stoce, A?R-6al4 ake. minutes HALIBURTON DISTRICT rent, inside conveniences, two bedrooms one fishing, $40 weekly. Avaliable for 'July, Telephone 728-0217 after §.30. "collage for brick bungalow. | needs | good terms |20e----Summer Properties For Sale or Rent "RETIREMENT COTTAGE" Pigeon River, within 1 mile of the town of Omemee, com- pleiely insuigied trame oun galow for the couple who wish to enjoy a "'fishing retire- ment', Living room, dining orea, kitchen, bathroom and 3 bedrooms are all lined and insulated; have tile ceilings, with tile and lino floors. Open front and enclosed rear porch- es. Garage for storage, etc. Extras include fridge, stove, hot and cold running water, duotherm oil space heater with fan and 250 gal. oil tork, T.V. and aerial, 12° fibregiass 'boat. Completely furnished, H,D. hydro, Situat- ed on a lovely grassed lot 90' frontage by 250° deep. Iliness "| forces owner to sell. Only $9,000 with $4,000 | down and vendor will hold mortgage for balance on very For further information, please call. Doug Wraight, Peterborough office. 742- 4234 10 ACRES WITH STREAM EASY TERMS PHONE Bill Millar 725-2557 or 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Ltd lover 25 years. BEL-AIR RESORT LAKE BAPTISTE FOR RENT New insulated housekeeping cottage. 2 bedrooms, fully equipped, city conveniences, screened porches, large clean lakefront, large dock. $65 weekly, Boats and motors available at extra cost, Call 728-0208 JUNE GOLF SPECIAL THE BALDWINS Windermere, Muskoka PICKEREL FISHING PRIVATE TROUT PONDS HEATED SWIMMING POOL FREE GOLF Monday to Friday if staying one week or more WRITE - or CALL 769-3371 RICE LAKE -- Cottages with boat, good swimming and fishing, modern conven jences, near Roseneath. One hour's drive Call through week, telephone 725-6064 WELLINGTON (West Lake) cottage for rent on lakefront, sleeps six, all conven- iences, hot and cold water, good fishing $45 weekly. Telephone 728-8105 LAKEFRONT LOT on Glamour Lake in the Highlands of Haliburton. Only 115 miles from Whitby or Oshawa area Phone Whitby 668-4404 COTTAGE, new, furnished, rooms, large living room, indoor plumb: ng. Ideal' Iocation beside small lake near Colbourne, one hour from Oshawa Safe beach for children or right for retired couple, Telephone Colbourne 355. 2447 Mrs. Ruth |, Paget COLLECT -- 705- three bed badd + on Veacre lakefront ne treed point, in Madoc area 105 0226. CAMPING GROUND for rent, by day or week on Lake Kushog, Haliburton coun Good swimming and fishing, Tele Siees 725-6070 BIRCH VILLA, ali tages for 4 or & persons Ideal sand beach, hydro, amusements excellent fishing Reduced rates, $47 week up, First two weeks July and after August 6. Folde: Wilberforce, Ont. lot with Phone lakefront H.K. cot Meals optional 21---Farms for Sale FOR SALE -- 41% acres of land with foun dation for building, in tourist village Mrs. Nelson. Westlake, Box 235, Beaver fon, Ontario LINDSAY DISTRICT. -- 100-acre farm, 75 workable clay loam, 20 acres pasture with spring, six-room brick house, large stee! barn, $13,000 terms. H. Keith Real Estate Ltd, Call Marvin Nesbitt, Nestle ton, 986-ARO4 22--Lots for Sale 10 ACRES WITH STREAM EASY . TERMS! PHONE Bill Millar 725-2557 or 725- W. T. LAMSON Real Ltd MAKE YOUR OWN LAKE 50 WOODED ACRES with stream and ravine run ning full length of property Frontage on three roads. Can be sub-divided. Excellent lo cation 12 miles from High 33, 28 miles from Osh owa. Must be seen to be o preciated, $15,000 with terms Call Clore McCullough 723-7843 or 623-3393 1186 also Estate woy W. FRANK REAL ESTATE private bath and entrance, available hae vate bathroom and entrance, | 12 LargeL ots 2 miles from city, in attrac- tive area. Some treed lots Paved street, Close by public school, new high school and bus lines PRICED TO SELL Phone 728-5579 Lots Lake Scugog, sandy beach, trees terms 40 miles north of Oshawa A. Mitchell RR4 Lindsay. Phone 324-3051 Two mits. 23--Real Estate Wanted lO-acre Terms lots, five minutes from city Cail. 728-7245 be Sell-ective and Sell Your Home thru GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd 723-8144 |23--Real Estate Wanted |26--Apa rtments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent SIBBY'S Real Estote Ltd. 46 King West 728-7576 Chorlie Rankine 728-3682 Tony Zakarow 725-4366 Nick Siblock 725-5701 Anthony Siblock 725-4362 Jerry Coady 723-6356 |WANTED -- - - Home "for wrecking, 9! jor small house, Telephone 728-1892. 24--Stores, Offices, s, Storage. |FOR SALE or lease, small restaurant, grocery and variety store on 2 acres land. Just outside Oshawa on Taunton Road West. Phone 72 420 SQUARE FEET of excel cond |floor office space, ideal Insurance office, Prestige | fon on Simcoe North. Best located store in Oshawa, downtown area, just south of four corners, approximately 420--square~ feet; plus™ stiow" Window," 7,000 Square feet of space to rent in factory type building, may be used for fight manufacturing or service business. $200 monthly, Call Guide Realty Ltd., at 723. | 5261, | STORE FOR RENT, in south end, ina |trial zone. Telephone 725-0150. |STORE | FOR RENT at 19 Bond Sivesi| West. Good location. Rent $100 per month. |Available now. Cali Mrs. Taylor 694-2945 | Torento, evenings. STORE FOR RENT -- downtown ticn. Suitable for any small business. $60 per month. Phone 726-8200. | Two- ROOM OFFICE located \ 'on King Str) West, unlimited parking, $75 per month. [Commercial zoning. Call Harold Segal at Hyman Real Estate 728 6286. L STORE or "office, "very central Prince Street. Real estate office! Phone 728-8175. STORE FOR RENT at 204 Brock Street South, Whitby, next to corner store. Good location. Reasonable rent, Whitby 668-2022 25--Houses for Rent WHITBY Two bedroom, modern apart- ment $125 Monthly Heat, hot woter stove. | minute shops, etc Telephone 942-6532 TWO BEDROOM house. $125 month, in cludes stove, fridge, and washing ma chine, hat, hydro, One small child wel come. Basement apartment occupied 728-2270, 728-2270 ALMOST NEW modern 3 bedroom bung alow,. large kitchen, wall-to-wall broad loom, $165 monthly. 2 months rent in advance and references required would consider selling later with small down payment 723-654) THREE-BEDROOM house, on Highway 2, near K-Mart, $125 monthly, Osborne Realty, 668-8826 or 728-5157 5 64 Includes trg., and to buses NINE-ROOM HOUSE for rent, 212 King Within Walking Distance Street East. Telephone 723-7711 between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! Six - room house on Simcoe South. Phone 728-5008. SIX ROOM house near schools. Centrally located. Telephone 725-9483 BAY RIDGES split level three bed rooms ideal location. Adults. $140 monthly. Telephone 839-2277 evenings. CENTRAL, 3 BEDROOM brick bunga- low. Available, July 25 $125 monthly Telephone 723-4756. FOUR - ROOM house monthly, Call anytime, BRIGHT, CLEAN apartment. including three-piece separate bath, elec tric range, fridge, cupboards, etc. 725 5216 after 6 THREE ROOM apartment, hospital, north General Motors. July 1, 16 Elgin Street E Cail ADELAIDE AVENUE EAST room house, large lot, garage stores, school." $100 monthly with year lease. Telephone 723-0729. FIVE-ROOM house for rent, $75 monthly Maple Grove area two children welcome. Clean abstainers. Telephone 623-7356, TWO ROOM OFFICE Street West. Unlimited parking, $75. per month. Commercial Zoning, call Haro Segal, at S. D. Hyman Real Estate, oN 6286 FOUR-ROOM home with garage, back yard, two bedrooms, includes stove $95 month; two-year lease. 122 Ade laide Street East. Phone 723-0729 JULY for $95 723-24: three-room _ rent, 22. furnishec close 723-1362 18 3 bedroom town house. Frio Stove. Dryer, Drapes Included $130 month 723-0487 McMILLAN 'DRIVE -- Nine-room income house for Central location monthly rent. One year lease Immediate possession, 723-9525 or 725-2767 26--Apartments for Rent FOUR-ROOM vate ent Stop at ont door, available. now water included. Telephone 725-7273 ONE- AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments $110 up. Everything paid but your tele. phone, Sibby's Real Estate. Phone 728 7576 apartment in duplex, pri heat rooms, small kitchen ette, stove and fridge, Available Saturday July 2. Mrs. Tanner, 305 Perry Street Telephone 668-4470 Whitby DREW STREET furnished apartment, central, adults or working couple or three individuals. Ab stainers, No children, Immediate posses TWO FURNISHED 74 two or TWO BEDROOM apartment, equipped. Available August Ist. Apply apartment at 390 Park Road. South SIMCOE NORTH close to four corners Four room apartment, Also bachelor ap artment. Private entrance be nah tk and stove. Reasonable rent. Cal! 725-1932. TWO BEDROOM apartment to sub - let May be seen ,Monday before 5 p.m Apply 190 Nenauen "Road apartment 603 TWO ROOM unfurnished apartment, Im mediate possession. Suit middie aged lady. Apply 252 Arthur Street 728-6540 BOWMANVILLE two bedroom apart rent, broadioom.in living room, refriger tor, stove hot water and heat included, {or $110 monthly. Apply Apt. 1. Bernard Street, Bowmanville. FOUR ROOM apartment, fridge and stove. Available immediately, Apply 212 Athol East. Telephone 725-2642 after 4 p.m. BACHELOR APARTMENT, in apartment building on Simcoe Stree North, Controlled access, electric stove refrigerator, drapes supplied. Telephone 728-4383 UPPER DUPLEX, three-bedroom apart ment, centrally located in Whitby. Apply 272 Ritson Road South or telephone 725 1Ral modern THREE ROOM basement apartment $70 monthly, adults only. Telephone R0B4. APARTMENT four rooms room, outside Oshawa, close and store. 263-2126. | TWO-ROOM apartment, |tral, parking and private Telephone 725-7915 SPECIAL bachelor apartment ment building unfurnished bed-sitting room, kitchen and bathroom, stove and fridge included, parking, ideal for couple, immediate possession, $85 monthly, Tele. Phone 728-9672 OSHAWA BLVD. South, 74 apartment consists of two bedrooms kitchen, private bath and entrance. Avail able now, suit couple. One child accepted Telephone 728-0852 TWO BEDROOM apartment broadioom throughout, Free cluded. Phone 728-5004 APARTMENT, three large rooms, pr vate bath, entrance and driveway. Avail able now. Apply at 113 Cabot Street FURNISHED basement apartment, room, private bath and entrance. able nows Telephone 725-6823 THREE ROOM apartment, private bath' and entrance. Immediate posses sion. Telephone after 5.30 p.m., 723-8470 [ATTRACTIVE one-bedroom apartment, in modern building. Near Oshawa Shop pina Center. Living room, dinnette, re frigerator and range Drapes and bal cony. Available Augus! 1. Adults. 72 2870 bath school and "furnished, cen entrance. in apart furnished wall-to-wall laundry in three Avail "Lansdowne parking stove, Call spacious Balcony, paved fac heating etc. Available now 723-4639, TWO-BEDROOM Drive triplex Free laundry it le | refrigerator 723-4670 or Couple only. All conveniences to Available Four Close to we Space heated. One or| large $155 ce, fenced in back yard, bus! NOW RENTING = COLBORNE APARTMENTS Corner of Colborne Street and Mary Street, Only 2 min- utes walk from Mary Street ond King Street. FEATURES: 1, Apartment controlled entrance Electric heating Private balconies. Refrigerator and stove in each apartment. Drapes ih each apartment Living room and bedroom TV pre wired | Living room and bedroom telephone pre wired, Inter com in each apartment Broadioom in halls. Hardwood and vinyl 'tile in apartment. 11. Vanity in bathrooms, 12. Sliding patio doors 3. Bachelor, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, Elevator service to each floor Next door to North General Motors Plant ond office Mail service to each Opartment. 10, 14 15. 16 NOW AVAILABLE Grenfell Square THE ULTIMATE IN APAKI> MENT LIVING IN CEN- TRAL OSHAWA. Two Buildings Immediate Possession FEATURES 1, room 'suites. Free Hydro Oshawo's largest suites French Provincial kitchens Double sinks 30 inch range, fully automatic Extra large Fridge with Freezer Linen Drapes Walk-in closets in bedrooms Extra Two Piece both In all bedroom suites All suites equipped with Large balconies Sauna Steam Room and Health Club Swimming Pool Indoor Parking Available Outdoor guest parking RENTAL INFORMATION PHONE 723-5111 2 ond 3 bed- BE SURE OF AN APPOINTMENT PHONE NOW 942-2401 Only bill you pay is your tele phone bill. All other costs- absorbed by owner SHELDIAN MANSIONS 885 OXFORD STREET South General Motors @ No damage deposit required Swimming Pool @ Two bathrooms in Exclusive Agent Oshawa Realty (Bond St.) Limited Presenting LA CONTESSA SOB Guen STE A distinctive apartment residence FEATURING all 2 bedroom suites Free Parking Free Hydro FM Music & Com. Oshawa's lowest rentals Special leasing 15 tenants. MODEL SUITE OPEN 1 -- 9 P.M. 723-8261 or 723-6255 AFTER HOURS located on King CEN TRALLY LOCATED } and 2. bedroom apart ments, in one of Oshawa' finest buildings. es a under CALL GUIDE Realty Ltd 723-5281 Inter arrangements for last | Balcony and intercom system. No children Prestige 1 & 2 bedroom suites Electric Heating. Individual room heat con- trol. Pressurized corridors. Free Hydro ond parking. Party room with kitchen facilities. Swimming pool. Saura bath. Mail delivery to every suite. Closed cir- cuit T.V. for your protee- | tion, Large breakfast area in all kitchens. Convenient to shopping, churches. Transportation at door, Landscaping or- chitecturally designed. Beautiful ceiling te floor drapes. schools and Suites Start at ' $120.00 per month MODEL SUITE OPEN DAILY Rental Information 725-1481 140 NONQUON RD. SUNSET GARDEN COURT SIMCOE STREET NORTH 2 bedroom apartment, quie building, free services, all con veniences, walk-out Available August 15, 725-9872 VERY CENTRAL, three room apariment three room with private bath, parking space, avail jable immediately. Telephone 723-5537 terrace, | Modern Apts. | Regency Towers 349 Marland Ave. Phone 725-2227 BACHELOR APARTMENT $80 - month, includes hospital Stove, fridge, hydri. Close Telephone 728-2270 TWO ONE-BEDROOM apartmenis avail-| two-bedroom apart.) Buckingham | able furnished, one ment unfurnished. Apply. Apts. 498 Simcoe St. North Apt WHITBY -- basement apartment, _ ette and fridge, rent $65. Telephone 723-8801 THREE CHILDREN may be accepied 2 bedroom apartment which this close to all facilities. lion. Garage avallabie monte business 723-226. 8300. THREE ROOM unfurnished _ with stove and fridge, 1. Telephone 723-3568 WHITBY -- Large nished apartment monthly. Available 668-6482 TWO-ROOM APARTMENT. in Professional | Call Mike Résidence, one-bedroom Infant welcome; July 15, Light, Available Whitby rated Central Telephone 668-2861 ONE-BEDROOM, available now 111 Euclid Street, Two balcony, broadloomed, anae. .Children welcome. $125 mont! Possession July 18. Phone 723-5738 ONE BEDROOM apartment Newly decorated Whitby refrigerator with partly nished, plus" laundry facilities 1098 Ronlea Avenue (southeast af Oi FOUR ROOM apartment cated, Suitable for adult family able August 15. Apply 50 Oshawa B North. | THREE apartment $20. weekly 4457, Two fridge hildren anytime. THREE - ROOM unfurnished apartm self-contained. Refrigerator, stove plied.) Adult home. Street level entrance.) Central. Adults only drinking, smoking. 725-5676 evenings. Two BEDROOM floor, heated recessed balcony, and laundry facilities. Available diately. $112.50 per month 668-6980 COMPLETELY ground floor apartment. 3 girls. Close to hospital Available Monday, July 4 728-1914 FOUR - ROOM fridge,- newly decorated [Telephone 723-3211 or 725-2539. $85 MONTHLY ment. Central. Telephone THREE ROOM apartment after 5 p.m. 723-5900. TWO BEDROOM = modern Stove, fridge, drapes etc. Newly de ated damace deposit Half rent down. available from July ply Park Plaza apartments 'Road South, ROOM furnished Reliable person. Phone apartment, facilities suppl $95 » monthly BEDROOM and laundry welcome 728-9711 apartment, im FURNISHED, and bu apartment, sh 773-1227, Ist rang. immediate possession, "apartment available August 'heat and running water supplied. Newly deco: immediately unfurnished apartment App! BEDROOM modern apartment centrally Avail | private bath and. entrance. | stove, Telephone lar Suitable for 2 or Telephone $70 =monthly.| 'three bedroom apart apartm mont 170 Park |stove and to Premier 321 Marland Ave. Phone 723-8859 One ond two bedroom. Now avoilable. Broadloom' corri- dors. Stove. Refrigerator. F.M. Controlled en- Elevator. Intercom. Balconies and Laundry facili- ties on each floor. is} loca Bel 725 Drapes. trance. unfur $75 ROYALE APARTMENTS A limited. number of care- fully planned one and two bedroom suites now availaple for immediate Occupancy or reservation FEATURING The utmost in modern living at moderate rental - rates Telephone and nly ~ pri fur App ve).| Wa OVERLOOKING GREEN PARK Located on South Side 119 Nenquon Road 728 | ied, Cal Available for viewing any- coll 728-5282, 725-7981 time, Please 728-1582, ent sup (Private | TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS In mew five plex with immediate and for Rents which No main parking} me buildings possession Auaust ie ge Is $119 walkout bal- refrigerators, broadloom and oll utilities. Children wel- come. Coll S. D. Hyman Reol Estate Ltd., 728-6286 some starting includes conies, stoves, 4) electric heat, ses. | Telephone Single, fur- abstainer CHURCH STREET, 174 -- nished -- bedroom. gentieman preferred. Apply above address GLADSTONE APARTMENTS, 3 rooms Ap- and bath, newly decorated, unfurnished 'frig. included, plus laundry 'facilities, Adults only, Telephone 728-6906: ent cor

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