Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jul 1966, p. 15

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17--Female Help Wanted |18--Male Help Wanted OFFICE CLERK. A neat efficient clerk to handle the fallawing ditioa Bookkeepina. _typina cashier. Age 18-25, single preferred. 51% day 40 hr. week, compony paid benefits ond vacation. For appoint- ment coll E. N. HARRIS B: F, Goodrich Store 88 King St. West 725-4543 RED CROSS HOMEMAKERS NEEDED and The homemaker service is or- ganized to send competent women into the home each day, to care for the family while the mother is ill. More staff is required. Apply now. If you are a capable woman who can manage a home well; if you ore interested in be- coming a Red Cross: Home- maker, phone 668-4864 or Come te 1008 Byron St. S$ Whitby Bookkeeper Secretary Medium size = construction compony requires @ woman capable of keeping « com- plete set of books to a trial balance. Some typing requir- ed. This job will be extreme- ly challenging and highly Interesting. Person who is a self-storter and can give their best effort during peak activity times end slack periods required. Pleose reply stating experi- ence ond approximate sol- ery expected te Box 35001. EXPERIENCED | Legal Secretary for summer work. Full or pert time. Must be experi- | enced. Also full time experi- | enced receptionist typist ond | full time. secretary. WRITE BOX 35495 OSHAWA TIMES } KITCHEN HELP | WANTED 8 A.M. - 2 P.M. 6 DAY WEEK | pply MR. CAMPBELL | GENOSHA HOTEL Must spenk English ~~ SALESLADIES Full and part time Experienced only apply. ' $ Fox's Ladies Wear 7 Simcoe St., WE WEED severai men, between 21-40 years for national manufacturer of main tenance equipment. Must have own car -- company car after trial period, ga allowance. Good pay and working con- ditions, plus fringe benefits. Call for in ferview. 723-8174. MATURE Ci K-TYPIST Insurance office. Apply in writing Box 35650, Oshawa Times. RELIABLE WOMAN to care for two children, live in or out. Telephone 723- 0239. WOMEN REQUIRED fo sell custom pic ture framing, paintings and art supplies Some experience in art beneficial but not necessary. Must provide own transpor'a tion while selling on the road, Commis sion plus expenses. For appointment cali Clark's Frames, etc., 15 Brock Street North, Whitby, 668-4497 after | p.m. GENERAL OFFICE WORK, mid-March to mid-December each year. Older ex perienced woman preferred. Telephone 728-1633 for appointment HOMEMAKER or competent student needed. Four days weekly, Monday to Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., $20. Mother working, youngest efeven, Phone after 6 728-6537. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS for night shift, $50 weekly, 6 days. person at Rainbow Restaurant, Street North, Whitby. ie HELP WANTED -- Sales person wanted for jarger furniture store. Flair for color and design an asset. Reply giving exper lence If any to 299. Oshawa Times. WANTED -- Rellabie | lady ¢ or y gir | to he help with housework. Vicinity Whitby. Ne children. Write Oshawa Times, Whitby, Box No. 2464) BEAUTY COUNSELORS has organizat. lonal and sales openings. Excellent portunity, Full or part time. 723-9349, 725- vequired for te: day or Apply in 163 Brock bar shift ED GIRL for coffee and variety store, S$ te 11 p.m. Apply 317 Simese Street 725-3932 TELEPHONE SOLICITORS and door tc door canvassers wanted for part - time work. $1 per hour, Te! ephene 773-1163. 18--Male | Help \ Wanted Superintendent Manager FULL TIME For large brand new apart- ment building. Must be cap- able of dealing with tenonts. making minor réBeirs etc. and have wife who. is interested Seuth or phone! GRADE 13 GRADUATES We have an immediate re- quirement for three mature grade 13 graduates in the fol- lowing positions; 1, WASTE AND QUALITY CONTROL: To ossist the Department Su- pervisor to accumulate data for this program and to act as a Quolity and Waste In- spector on a 2 shift basis. The selected applicant will be given training leading to a position in Production Super- vision. 2. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING: To assist the Piani' ihausiriar Engineer with clerical duties and routine time studies as- sociated with our incentive system. The selected appli- cont will be given the M.T.M, Course prior to be- coming @ qualified M.T.M. Analyst. 3. ACCOUNTING TRAINEE: To perform routine office ad- ministration and accounting duties reporting to the Of- fice Supervisor. It is expected thot the selected applicant will take the Registered Industrial Accountants Course in pre paration for increasing re- sponsibilities in office man- agement These positions offer an ex- cellent opportunity for career developement to the right yong men. Excellent working conditions. Attractive start ing salaries ond the usual range of employee benefits. For further details please con- BATHURST CONTAINERS Whitby, 'SALESMAN NATIONAL CHEMSEARCH OF CANADA IS SEEKING A REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE Chemical Background Unnecessary Ont. UP TO $175 PER WEEK ADVANCE AGAINST COMMISSIONS NATIONAL CHEMSEARCH OF CANADA, a 47 year old, AAA-1 corporation manufocturing over 250 speciaity chemical products, has on opening for representative to cover an estoblished territory in this area. Some travel required. to of This is a realistic opportunity earn commissions in excess $15,000 per year. Thorough training, national odver- tising, new product development ond advonced research provide an excellent climate for success. Fringe benefits include insurance and profit shoring For personol interview, send your reply, which will be treated con- fidentially, telling us something of your business background and, most importently, why you. feel you con sell, Address your to National Chemsearch of Canada, Ltd. Box 280, Rexdale Teronto Ontorio letter necessary poper Foney, resumes not We hire people not CLASS "A" MECHANIC for FORD DEALERSHIP to work Bowmany company benefits in le, All Apply Stu MacIntosh or Tony Streng MacDONALD FORD SALES 219 King East Bowmanville 623-2534 INDUSTRIAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE WE sentative Department office, Soles Repre Industrial Oshawa require o for the of our to call manufac on turing plants, architects, con- sulting engineers, APPLICANTS must have ex perience ir ndustrial pro cessing or heoting fields and have a late model car THIS is o etc si tion | | | | | | |18-----Male Help Wanted TRAINING SCHOOL SUPERVISORS To provide residential super- vision, counsel. and guidance to wards 14-16 years of age. Quéiifications: Minimum Grade 10, preferably Grade 12, good health and moral character, self-control, abil- ity to instruct and supervise adolescents. Some previous youth work on asset Salary: $4,050. per annum to start, rising rapidly to $5,- 000. with experience and training. All Ontario Civil Service benefits including vacation, sick leave, pension plan. group insurance, etc. Apply in person or write for application to: The Superintendent or Office Manager, Ontario Training School for Boys | ployment. till October Bowmanville, Ontario. EXPERIENCED DRIVER, over 18, soft drink delivery | Telephone 728-5022 for appointment | CHRISTMAS TREE PRUNERS, men, 15 and 16, Apply Don. Stainton white cottage, 2'4 Poo! OUTBOARD MOTOR mechanic, enced in repairs fo outboards, mowers, chain saws, must be 21 years or. over, time. 728-5565. Mr. Davis, after 6. REAL ESTATE sales personnel. ments: Good character; reasonably model car; previous etc For . confidential interview call Gravelle, days 623-3341; evenings 7304. P. E. Gravalle Real Estate, manville 19--Male and Female Help Wanted TWO LIFEGUARDS REQUIRED (MALE OR FEMALE) City of Osh- immedi- Lokeview Park awa, to commence otel Must be o Red Cross Water Safety Leader or have Bronze Medoll Y.M.C.A, Life guord Award, on or 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to Shift work -- 6:00 p.m. -- 9:00 p.m Must .be 17 over yeors of oge or Apply in person to: The Personnel City Holl, Oshowo Officer, SUPERINTENDENT HOME FOR THE AGED Applications will be received by the undersigned until Thursday, July 21st, 1966 for the position of Superin- tendent of the new 154-bed Home the Aged being erected by the County of On- tario at Beaverton, Ontario Apply writing stating all particulars to: Wm. G. Manning, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Ontario, for in 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. CLERK 2 ond Augusf*to ossist in general office work. Must have minimum of Grade 10 education and two yeors general office experience, preferably nN accounting Typing o def not essentio per week for July nite .osset but $69.50 salary Apply in person to the office monoger ONTARIO TRAINING SCHOOL for BOYS _BOWMANVILLE _ ~ AMBITIOUS Prestige soles position open men and woren on full time bosis. Excellent remun eration and training provided To porents how funds can be created for their children's versity educa tion through "U niversit hols of Canada write for interview -- counsel on "Plan personal orships Phone or University Scholarships of Canada Box 27, Postal Station J, Toronto _Phone 466-4875 (Collect) _ SCHEDULER A metal working menufoe- turer in the Whitby oreo @&- quires an experienced Shop Scheduler Previon 48 production planning shop expediting experience on osset This is a salaried position with a progressive manufac turer in established and exponding plant. Excellent sclary'and benefits an Must be bondabie. miles west of high-| way 35 on Manvers Sth line, near Ponty experi- power Applicants preferably full Require laie selling experience preferred but not an absolute necessity Peter 623 Bow |19---Male and Female Help Wanted TAXI DRIVERS | Minimum age 25. MERCURY TAX! 725-4771 | | Part or full time. lRanbauvene w lished, rate $3. 30 per Albert Street, Oshawa. hour "Apa y |20--Real Estate for Sale | 25 STUDENTS for pleasant telephone circu-| jlation sales work. Morning, afternoon evening shift, salary. Call 723-5051, ing or evening, Miss Blake. or} morn | WAITER for beverage room. |Ployment. Must have good jreferences. Apply Manager, jcaster, 2 King» Street West, Hotel Steady em- character Lan- Oshawa | |WoRM PICKERS, rieeded immediately, | iImust be over 17 years, piece work $5} per thousand. Ail summer employment. | Bait, 659 Apply Oshawa Live East. |Street_and Wolfe St. | WANTED immediately Nelson -- Man or woman |to supply consumers in Oshawa and On | }tario county. Can earn $50 weekly part time; up full time. Write Rawleigh, | F-310-336, 4005 Richelieu, St. Henry, | | real [WORM _ PICKERS | men and women, needed 859 Nelson from Ritson. Oshawa Live Bait, east of Wolfe Street, with Rawleigh Products. S100 enc Dept Mont mmediately,| piece work, full em-| Apply personal y. Street, 20--Real Estate for Sale ¢ young |~ CARL OLSEN | REALTOR 723-¥133 GET READY School will be back before y this beautifu | Drive. Only minutes ollegiate and Two bath yarage u know it Split-level all public schoo rooms, attached Large George 723 Call Twaites 2008 -1133 for appointment lot with or to see BEVERLY. STREET 2 bed- room home that dares to be compared, and listed ot only $12,900. Cupboards and immoacuiote nsioe out George Twaites tment to see 723-2008 1133 EAST END SPECIAL - This bungalow with slore and Call for oppo or 723 ultra-modern basement meets all the requirements 0 growing family. Tastefully decorated bedroom 2 walk out throughoyt, 3 bathrooms Lorge modern k fam tchen lovely room storage space with ample Fully landscaped $18.900. For see call Ernie 1133 3 YEARS OLLI See spacious, 3 bedroom bungalow, in east area, taste- decorated t ighout Large living room with broad loom. Modern savin Hollywood kitchen with Tap pon Range and oven included attached garage. Close to schools. Early possession. Call Ernie Holmes 723-1133 DIVISION STREET leaving the country and on offer on this 2 bedroom brick home with private drive and garage. Finished base- ment with additional bed- room and an extra pe washroom. Livy and dining room w chen. Call George 723-2008 or 723 3 WATCH YOUR CHILDREN GO TO SCHOOL -- 3 bedroom brie situated Ave Dwnke: and has reduced the price t $15,900. Coll George Twoites ot 723-1133 20 RAY STREET AFTER HOURS CALL George Twoites ed at appointment to Holmes 723- this brick f ully step Owner wonts an ng room from this bungalow ea 2008 Ernie:Holmes 0387 John Kerr 3-2926 Metcal REAL ESTATE LTD 40 King bat double garage and sted inquire now! NEARLY 3 hedroor NEW Immaculate alow with attached ravine lot OR HOUSE 7 and 9 room b three UPLEX to choose from, pr 5,500 from $ TWO BEDROOMS vacant 5 room, brick bunga- low on quiet east end street. Excellent condit only $13,900 on, asking NEAR ROSSLAND RD. Older 114 quiet north end street storey home, on Deep lot, etc fireplace 500 garage Listed at $12 OPEN EVENINGS TILL Dial 728. 4678 Bob ack 125-9365 728-5836 Osborne | FISHERMAN'S | IN | L. S.. Snelgrove Co. Ltd. 43 Park Rd. S. WESTMORELAND AVE. Clean and cosy 2 bedroom bungalow with many extros, including broadioom, open for inspection by appointment, call Glen Donzey 723-8432. $2,500 DOWN Centrally located 4 bedroom family home, 2 bedrooms and both on main floors, private drive and garage, full asking price $11,900. and one open mortgage for balance, call Glenn Darzey 723-8432. FOR COUNTRY RETIREMENT | 6 yeor old 3 bedroom alum- inum siding bungalow, clean and modern, full size high basement, new oil furnace, good -vater upply, low tax orea, well, worth inspecting, call Office 723-9810 COTTAGE Pigeon Lake, east side, 2 bed- room, fully furnished cottage, kitchen cup rds heavy located dn: neck of wiring, water at 5 ywhere $5,900., Hice 723-9819 pare SUMMER LODGE AND CABINS use, 4 'cabins n and shower ond cabin, large' lot llage, 900 rea with pay Glenn n quiet se e at $9 00. down ond balance 123-8432 SERVICED BUILDING LOTS ots 4 easy call ments or Danzey Large plete prices Glenn ne ravine } various call oreo mable term 723 8432 ist MLS Ltd «the time tol L. S. Snelgrove Co. 723-9810 H. MILLEN Real Estate Ltd. 728-1678 NORTH: WEST listed this ngo- ot 'Oak is home yard with room We have spacious ranch low located in awa's better areas hos an. oversized ale patios with tir age, built A mest rous J. Kitchen 728-1678 BRAEMOR GARDENS Stevenson Road N. at Annapolis Ave.) 6% rwood Plar his Boosts 1,320 be amazed at arrangement this one has large rec Attached gar- 1 stove and oven Call eplace home he F model You'll room forgot -- Pt HAWA BLYD me h N n excel- brood- nd din- garage, Ask price me tion. New ving room heated coll 728 6 nspect 723-3240, LTD REALTOR WHITBY ty to buy @ old, beou bedroom Rare better built, 6 tiful. mo th ever opportun year dary 4 appointment ving. This is best buys on to- ENUE family home Ww for gracious one of the dai ineee S| \/ WARREN AV nating ake pride in the aquisi- modern, 7 home s market. ome discrim of this sem rick 1% storey eating with oil, situoted on treed corner lot Call Doug Carmichael at 723-7463 PRESTIGE HOMES FOR THE @ Executive @ Professional @ Businessman Just One Look W onvince you these aré in Oshawa in located on Harmony Vil the best values luxury homes, Walnut Court, lage FEATURES e 2100 vine @ 4 floor 2,500 ft. @ with stream @ 400 square ft £ plans deep ro lots famil with replace @ separate dining room with t in dishwasher broadioom in jining room, ooms inter 20--Real Estate for Sale Echo's New '66 Models ® in The Meart 'Of Oshawa' 9,334 FULL PRICE N.H.A, MORTGAGES AVAILABLE Down payments from ». 555 VIEW sce WILSON AVE. 2 BLOCKS NORTH OF BLOOR. ® LARGER HOMES MORE FEATURES SUPERIOR STYLING LOWER PRICES TOTAL VALUE PRICES -- IN QUALITY IN TERMS FLOODLIT | OPEN DAILY AND WEEK-ENDS BIRD Real 723-0321 -'IN Estate ONTARIO TRUST RALPH SCHOFIELD SUPERVISOR REAL ESTATE DEPT. PATIENCE REWARDED Sorry we had no Johansen built homes ready, but here, suddenly, a beauty becomes available. Owner just moved but suddenly. transferred making this choice north end gem a timely opportunity. Call now for immediate in- spection and details in 7 ROOM CENTRE HALL PLAN In a location, nedr schools and bus, a lovely four bedroom. executive's home You'll like the large living room with fireplace and the large rec room and large mas ter bedroom, Only $4,500 down and low taxes, too ASKING $17,900 Modern 6 year old brick bun- galow. Steps away from St, Gertrude's Separate School in North Eost Oshawa, This home has above average size rooms and is situated on ao landscaped lot in a quiet residential oreo. Priced to sell as owner moving away from Oshawa NAR HOSPITAL price $13,900 -- excel- buy exceptionally clean 1% older home in excellent condition situ- beautifully landscap: gorden and opple in back yard large living room and dining room area bright spacious kitchen one extra large bedroom and one bedroom average size. This home must be seen to be appreciated -- att quickly, MAGNIFICENT HOME, SITE 18 acres with fresh flowing stream, pond for swimming or trout, portly high land for lo- cation of your new home and 0 beautiful valley with Wild Life Sanctuary and clean wooded bridal path. This is truly a lovely location for a private estate. Only « 10 minute drive from Oshawa As words cannot describe it's beauty we ask you to let us show you the property. You'll agree the cost is reasonable THE FINANCIAL OF ( WILL perfect nicely quickly is Full lent storey oted on ed lot with rock tree LIST WITH |20--Real Estate for Sale cQuay Realtor Brock St. South WHITBY 668-5868 COTTAGE-SCUGOG ISLAND Everything is included in this 5 room frame cottage with 86' frontage on Lake Scugog. Lot beoutifully landscaped, cottage ond boathouse com- pletely finished. 1962 fibre- hoot, .with motor. and trailer, and all furniture and appliances to go. Just drive in and relax, everything is there for your summer enjoy- ment. Full asking price $8,- 500. with terms. Owner re- turning to the United States is reason for selling, Call now 3iy gles gies LARGER LOTS | and ask for Don Forder. HIDE-A-WAY 100 acres of bush with Non- quon. river running through property, only 4 miles from Port Perry. Excellent for hunting, fishing, or a hide-a way in the country. Offered for sale for only $6,900. with terms. Call to-day and. ask for Don Forder SUB-DIVISION SITE 95 acres in Whitby Town- ship, only 5 minutes from downtown Whitby. Beautiful ravine setting with full flow- ng stream running tarough the middle. This is an excel- lent site, ideal for executive type homes overlooking the stream and natural country landscape. Asking $95,000. with terms. For inspection ask for Don Forder STORE-POST OFFICE- RESIDENCE Grocery ond meat business in G growing residential area neor Port Perry. Turnover for 1964 was in excess of $126,- 000. Store has 2,000 sq. ft. All equipment 5 years old. Post office in store draws well over 100 people to shop- ping area daily. Property. in- cludes a 5 room 1% storey home with all conveniences. This property must be seen to be oppreciated. Owner wishes to retire, call Don Forder. 668-5868 Open Caren TQUSES CHOICE AREAS GRANDVIEW and WILLOWDALE King St. E. to Grandview $. on Grandview to Willowdale SAVE $500 WINTER WORKS BONUS HARMONY VILLA Rd block 5. "on Harmony W. on Olive, 1 ridge. to Olive to Elm- ASSISTANCE CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST HELP YOU SELL OR BUY 9 64% NHA MORTGAGES DOWN PAYMENTS FROM $1,796 MONTHLY PAYMENTS FROM $114, PER MO. P.L.T. OPEN DAILY 'TIL DARK JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR | Recreation room and fire- place: 3 pleasant size bed- | rooms. Extra 4th bedroom. Paved drive. $4,000 down. CALL BILL MILLAR 725-1186 or 725-2557 | | | | COLLEGE AVE., OSHAWA | | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, July 3, 1966 18 20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale GORDON OSBORNE REALTOR TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 48 SIMCOE ST. S. Opposite Oshawa Post Ofice Dial 728-5157 218 DUNDAS ST. E. 2 Doors East of Post Office WHITBY Dial 668-8826 REDUCED $17,500. 1% stérey home with part stone front. Deep garden lot, trim landscaping. Taxes are low here and economy n.ind- ed owner has tight fitting al- uminum doors ond windows extra saving. Awnings keep heat away in summer too. Must see this to-night ACREAGE WITH CREEK NEAR WHITBY Out of town owner must sell this 28 acre bush ond creek property lan to build your retreat home on this fine par- real estate and com- to Whitby or Oshawa Make offer for cel of mute daily $3,000 DOWN -- BALANCE LIKE RENT On this 3 bedroom brick home in Whitby with finished rec- reation room, family size kit- chen. Extras included 'n price of $13,900. Make offer with cash payment cr your building lot or what have you for down payment BEAVERTON FARM -- 50 ACRES AND HOME $14,900. 4 bedroom brick home with clean | decoration, ~ built-in stove and oven in kitchen, hydro in barn. 2 good wells, 4-piece bath, schoo! bus at door for Public and High Schools CROCUS CRESCENT IN WHITBY Can be your address if you will take time to see this brick ond stone 3 bedroom bungolow with separate din- ing room. Hollywood kitchen, brand new broadioom in tastefully decorated -- living room. Watch the femily swoon when they see the huge recreation room with built-in features and the completely private 6° fenced-in play yard, Naturally there is an attached garage here too and the price is only $20,500. | 300 ACRES -- 2 HOUSES | $50,000 ' With good milk quote. High- way frontage on No. 7 could be potential for future build- ing lots. Modernized four bedroom home and three bed- room home. Main barn 60' by 42', new cement silo and other equipment. Don't pass this one up. 109 ACRE DAIRY FARM -- 9 ROOM STUCCO -- | $25,000, Stucco home, 53' by 55' barn, creek, bush and pasture. Milk contract. Township of Thorah. $13,000. down, bal- ance at 512% BUILDING LOT IN WHITBY 67' frontage lot on close in Town street with all services only $4,000. Build your home ond save money here. We have other locations too OSHAWA FRENCH ST. -- $9500. Three bedroom sohns Mon- ville home in central Osh- awa location with neat and- scoping and fenced yard Forced air oil heating, tour piece bath, nearly new roof. Inspect to-day and make your offer JOHN F. DEWIT Realtor BOWMANVILLE 14 Frank Street Phone. 623-3950 ORONO, MAINSTREET 8 Roomed brick home. Oil heated with 3-pe. bathroom, Hardwood floors throughout. Good size lot. Only $3,000 down. ORONO, MAINSTREET 3 Rodmed hore" in excellent state of repairs. All new plumbing. Modern kitchen, Colored bathroom. Beautiful -- trees, Very anxious to sell. OSHAWA, NEAR GMC 5 Roomed, almost new, brick and stone bungalow, situated in lovely location. Very mo- dern. Very anxious to sell, Balance in convenient 6% % -- 6 ROOMS ON mortgage with low payments, LARGE RANCH STYLE 3UNGALOW New, brick with attached double garoge. Over 4 acre, Partly wooded lot. Mahogany cupboards, doors etc. Under- ground -- wiring. Broadioom floor covering. Many more extras NEAT AS A PIN 5 Roomed, almost new, brick bungalow on nicely treed lot, Aluminum -- storms, screens, doors Asking $14,500. Terms. FAMILY HOME Partly new, brick, with ell new plumbing and wiring ete. Centrally located. Very close to school, stores, hospital etc. Priced to sell, 6% N.H.A. MORTGAGE Being the bolance on this 5 roomed, brick bungalow with complete finished recreation room. Lovely location. Priced to sell COURTICE AREA 6 Roomed brick home with double garage on almost 2 acre lot. Oil heated with 4- pc. bathroom. Has to be sold soon, 150 ACRE FARM Blackstock area with lovely trout stream, 9 roomed home Good barn. Excellent soil. Has to be sold soon ONLY $500 DOWN For « 5 toomed bungslow, located at Bewdley, near Rice Lake. Paved road. Anx- ious to sell List With Us Exclusive or Photo M.L.S. | BEFORE YOU BUY SEE SARICK HOMES 8,995 FULL PRICE 29S DOWN TO ONE N.H.A, MORTGAGE .a0 Our own trained personnel are on the site to assist you. Browse in comfort -- no obligation -- no soles Pressure | MODELS ON ADELAIDE AVE, €. ----AT CENTRAL PARK BLVD, BUILT @ BACKED ond SOLD -- DIRECT -- To You By | | | | | | -p. |SARICK HYMAN HOMES REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King Street West 728-6286 NORTH WEST Ranch bungalow with attach- ed gorage, 3 bedrooms large Hollywood kitchen with extra kitchen cupboards large recreation room. plus laundry room -- all this ona beautiful landscaped lot and very close to schools and shopping. Phone 728-6286 for on appointment to in- spect OWNER MUST SELL 6 room split level 3 bed rooms --~ built in stove and oven --~ rec. room -- walk- out bosement. Phone - 728- 6286 for further information. LOT IN NORTH END Vacant lot with trees in the north end of Oshawa, 60' by 125' with services to be in- cluded. Phone now for fur- ther details Open 9:00 a.m ---- 9:00 p.m, | 723-8201 SIBBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD 728-7576 5 BEDROOM 2% storey brick héme in ex- cellent condition with garage, | | | | central location. Let us show you this fine home. ONLY $1,500 DOWN 4 room home with $90 per month payments, rec. room, forced air oil furnace ond fenced yard, move right in. GROCERY BUSINESS Living quarters included, ex- cellent location and good bus- iness. 2 storey: brick home, illness forces sale, full asking price only $23,200 Selling? Call SIBBY'S for fast action on your home, lot or farm 10 ACRES with 60 ft. well, overlooking Lake Ontario. Small creek; ideal for salaried p 3 ond 'bedr ry CENTRAL TRUST PHONE 723-522] HOURS PLEASE CALL Houston 668-4416 723-7996 building home with walk-out basement; 2,000 trees and small gravel pit. Must be seen. Only § miles from Oshawa. Cail . D. Gower, W. Frank Real Estate Limited, 728-1005 or 623-3393 FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOWN, Only four- teen nine, Act wisely, invest In your future, Call Stan McCormack, 655-3066, Keith Peters Realty Ltd. Reattor $1,000 DOWN, direct from builder. Almos) new, three-bedreom brick bungalow, oli heat. close to separate, public. and. high schools. Immediate Possession. 723-6541 NORTH WEST: 2 storey brick, vary goed condition and very central priced at $16,500, Sibby's Real state (Lta., 728-7570, FOUR BEDROOM 1¥2 STOREY 22,750 frame and stone patio, shrubs, large separate garage, owner built, Gibbons and Annapolis area, in Osh- awa. Home and grounds with car mileage and depreci- poid. Full in helping. Please reply stat- ng expenence to BOX 35002 OSHAWA TIMES RHYTHM GUITAR player would like to pi dap gr Interested in forming rock a roll group, in Oshawa. Telephy | atier 6 p.m. 62-3893, phere The Employment. Supervisor RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now doen in Osh awe and Ontario county. Trade weil as pr thagag Exeelient opportunity. full ime. Write Rewieigh, Dept. G-316-189. 4005 Richolieu, &t. Henry, AMentresi, 1 tem throug ation allowance W. T. LAMSON REAL -ESTATE LTD. 728-3376 | rw BEDROOM apartment in new build-| Phone 668-3348 te oles MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE, no children seat ; ot & Down ove AFTER Tom Charles Chaytor Ralph Schofield employee benefits : ndard features on todays w ame be ac phone ONE SALESMAN -- ng $25 per day. and 9 paid daily reply immediately. Telephone | per! ence helpful er will train, Os ja Times, The Consumer's Gas Co : ated in mak 19 Toronto Street, Toronto A, Ontario Pleose hort "his id for part-time caretakin n o ng full particulars as to age, apartment building Taleohene ye ata OSHAW " $5,500 @ Y pres uildh 6 35-2562 $5,5 our eicanes: experience and (after 7 p.m A REAL TY me new or old could aK ------ " nvestm erties t salary requirements to: sINOLE MAN for feed making operation estment Pror erties epted os a down pay- $17,900 -- TOWNLINE SOUTH, four-bed-| ntercom, elevater, built-in stove,| ee of wor 1 "be relies Free Resales -- New Homes room, 1% storey. home, with extra to. | fri idge, washer. dryer free, broadioom in Free Valuations Ses eng em SEFTIT: Monk Reel Heing, roar Gal, fe Wah, Men Stree! rmuet'bp seen to be oppreciot- 799.0 - . , ed. Owner transferred 72 466 K R BELL SEMMl-delached dupiex, three bedrooms,| PARKLIKE LAND, 10 to a0 acres with Coll Cl MeCull HAWA REALTY 7S : Jand two bathrobms each. Ready for In-|trout stream. Near Hampton. Ask fo oll Clare McCullough iBond LTD j : |spection. No agents, Loceted west of|free illustrated folder. J. J. Van Herwer 723-7843 or 623-3393 > c F ve | Shopping Centre, 229 and 231 Cabot Street,|den Realtor, 741 King East, Oshawa,' 723 723-6541 Etately 5h. iW. FRANK REAL ESTATE! St.)

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