| Wa OH Ot 6 A ee Ea MARKET TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS Distributed by CP '4 Steck == wy Ss Quotations in cents uniess marked $. %--Odd fot, xd--Ex-dividend, xt--Ex- rights, xw--€x-warrants, Net change Is from previous board-iot Fao 4 sale. 240 Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge TRIALS $il% 1% ll%+ % $54 54h Sut $32% 32% 32% $92... 805 805 16 27% 382 MVa V\ MBM 3 200 150 ms 125 600 124 9 92 305. ---20 % a4 % 59 692 29% 301% Benk NS Bathurst Beaver L Bell Phne Bow Valy Brazilian 125 1109 350 642 335 51% 16 10Ve 32% $10% $3250 $9 wv $172 172 $6234 62% 25 $1041 104¥2 104V2 15350 $26 26 214 $414 41% 25 $84 210 $84 20 675 500 300 m45 150 185 750 263 BCPh 5% p Cai Pow Can Cem © Packrs A C Packrs B Can Perm Cdn Brew CG Invest Cc imp Bnk Cc ind Gas ciL CPR CPR pr C Petrofin $67% $572 $63\% $12% | Ang Ruyn TODAY 415 $73%6 73% 73's x40 811% 11) «11% 3 Stat 680 680 «680 30 0 0 ~S $29% 29% 297%/-- Ve $16% 16% 16% $12%e 12% 12% 05 MS 405 +8 $23% 23% 23% $102 10% A+ % 6% 16% 62% + Ve 2 --26 54% Royal Bnk Salada Sheti Cen Shell Inv w 1200 150 226 5 + $s q Simpsons Simpson $ Siater Sti Tor Star p Trdrs Gr A 'Trars Gr B Trd Gr AP Tr Can PL Tr Can Pip TrCanP W Trans Mt Trans PPL. Un Carbid Un. Gas UGas A' pr U Corp B Vic G Tr Vulcan Wainw Walk GW Webb Knp West ind West ind A Westc'st W 'Pacific Weston B 0% 10% sive WA Va 0 $25. 25 25 3 3 33 $484 ABY4 48% 930 925 9300 $16% 16% 16% $10%e 10% 10% $25 25 25 $11% 11% 11%-- Ve $50 50 50 $12% 1244 12% 915% 15% 15% 325 325 325 --5 15 M5 25 +5 $3234 32% 32% -- Ve 1 10 10 255 255 255 445 445-445 $29%4 294 29% 00 $19%4 19 9 750 $21% 21% 21% MINES 2100 «Sia 2000.15 2600° 192 +5 Acad Uran Accra BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT EDMONTON (CP) -- When stocky Hans Faass was travel- ling across Canada as @ sales- man, -he-feund-what-he-believed for Canadian-made handicrafts. He couldn't convince his em- ployers that they should move into this field, so he and his wife started their own business, Interprovincial Supplies. Four years later, he has a world + wide trading company $500,000 and he's still expand- ing. "I started in Edmonton be- ing,"' -he said in an interview. "I didn't know whether I could make a go of it or not. It all started with nothing--just an Ang U Dev Ans Area AArmore Arcadia Argosy Bankfieid Barnat $00 1700 1000 15" 15% 1 1500 4 a= Va 64 64 | ,| idea." Mr. Faass, a native of Ger- Columbia to be a great unfilled demand with an annual sales volume of government-backed centre for handicapped persons. The Okanagan firm's goods are-sold on™ their ~merits="99 per cent of the people who buy them don't know they are made by handicapped persons"--and| business in this line is so good that 28 employees work for the Okanagan company now on reg- ular wages. Another product Mr. . Faass handles is the Ookpik Arctic owl doll for which he is the sole wholesaler in Western Canada. He is one of two or three | kimo carvings. his business is in Eastern Can-| | ada and is handled from a Tor- jonto office. He also sells items | in Germany, Switzerland and Japan He is in the process of setting |many, confined his operations)up a United States subsidiary +1 |at first to Alberta and British|and anticipates, that within a couple of years most of his busi-| wholesalers in Canada for Es-| Firm Builds World Trade On Canadian Handicrafts take Sim an average of 150,000 miles a year, he has run into a number of firms wanting to ex- port io Catiada: To handie their goods, he has set up East-West Trading Co. Ltd. Mr. Faass believes in entering exhibits in trade shows, but he doesn't look for early returns from this kind of activity. 'J think every exhibitor makes one big mistake. The first time he expects to' come home with a bag full of orders. It never happens and never "It takes two to five years of jcause this is where I was liv-| 'Today about 70 per cent of| consistent entries to pay off." The first show Interprovincial entered was the Toronto gift show. "We lost money and I came home disgusted. I almost quit. But we persevered and all of a sudden we arrived. Since then we have doubled our or- ders every year." In January, the company en- | | TORONTO INDEXES MAKE LITTLE HEADWAY Toronto stocks moved in the indexes making little year won't be much better. Writ Filed For Delivery TORONTO (CP) -- Frederick H. Jowsey, president of R. J. - Jowsey. Mining Cs.-IAd:, iene |filed a write in the Ontazis Sue preme Court against seven per- sons and three companies. He seeks deli of 100,000 shares of Leitch id Mines, which he claims to have on behalf of R. J. Jowsey ing Co., and the return of 4,200 shares of Denison Mines Ltd, he alleges were sold without au- thorization from the company's holdings. 'Named in the writ are N. M. Sinclair, Cyrus Eaton Jr., R. G. Crompton, D. M. Lorimer, P. B. Bell, D. G. C. Menzel, Nor- man Short, Midland, Osler Se- curities Ltd., Davisonson and Co. and R. J. Jowsey Mining. Saying artisans and artisans' co-operatives as well as shop- keepers and their families will be evacuated at once, The evacuation program alse provides for industrial enter- prises, transport enterprises, state shops, administrative workers and those of the serv- ices to leave the city. Only those persons whose work will be considered essen- tial by the authorities and those defending the city will be al- at ag to remain there, CTK Said, tered the California gift show! f¢jts and starts in the first six months of this year with PRODUCE TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale to retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the agriculture department as of .&. °°) Wheat Farmers Maintain (04 'siace8s'S' orion $11% %+%| By THE CANADIAN PRESS , "The world demand for food| Eggs: Wholesale price to 1 | Most Prairie grain farmers/is going to tax the agricultural;country stations fibre cases believe they will realize little) community to provide it." |quoted by the Toronto Board of limmediate benefit from the| Farmers are confident they|/Trade from wholesale egg deal- |$800,000,000 sale of wheat by!can provide what's needed--and| ers: Extra-large 47-49; large 45- a |Canada to Russia more if necessary, Wheat pool|47; medium 36-38; small 27; B % & +1/| "We'll be on the short end agents reported during the Do-|37-38; C 33-34. : ue jagain," said one gloomy resi-|minion Day weekend that pros- Butter prices: Agricultural + {dent of southern Alberta, "If pects appear bright for the next stabilization board tenderable Buying 40 score 59; "4 4 24 Bee He us. wheat prices go up, it won't be| Prairie grain crop. |carlots: F r ve bi oth v%|by much and the railwaymen,| Dr. Baldur Kristjanson, chair-| buying 39 score 58; selling 59. 19% 192 192--z|dockers and machinery boys| man of the Manitoba Economic ee ge kT j will finish up with the money.|Consultative Board, said the 135 «135 «(135 | The sale, a three-year con-| sale will "underwrite a substan- s} 4 6. --~2 \tract for 336,000,000 bushels of} tial part of the farm income for wheat and flour, was announced some time" and allow farmers 310 305 310 +5 June 20. The largest grain|to plan ahead, headway. And many ana- lysts think the rest of the Vote To Strike Seen For CETO TORONTO (CP)--John Jack- son, president of the Customs and Excise Tax Officers As- sociation, says he wouldn't pe surprised if the association's October convention holds a strike vote. Members of the association, representing some 6,600 Cana- dian civil servants, are con- cerned by government job re- classification they say will freeze some wages for a few lyears. Speaking Sunday at a- news conference after a closed as- sociation meeting, Mr. Jackson said some members will need 10 years to catch up on salary increases lost through recent job reclassifications. +%| The company acts as whole-| ness will be in the U.S., where : (CP Newsmap) , |Saler for handicrafts manufac-/he plans a coast-to-coast chain|for the third time. Mr. Faass| |turers such as Okanagan Cabin | of gift shops. came home with more than $40,- Crafts Ltd., a British Columbia| In his travels abroad, which! 000 in orders. | Baska Belletere Bethim Big Nama BL Hawk Bralorne Brunswk Cable Cam Mine Camp Chib Cdn Keely. Can-fer Captain | Cassiar Coch Will Combb Met 5000 z100 125 1000 500 100 125 1000 1050 300 C Refract 100 CWN Gas 72125 Capit Bidg 5000 Chemcell 155 Chrysler 305 Clairtone ub Codville A 150 Cominco Columbia Con Bidg Con Paper Cons Gas Coronstn Crain R L Crush inti Disti Seag D Bridge Dofasco Dosco Domtar Dupont Emp Life Exquisite Falcon Ford USA Ford Cnde Freiman G St Ware Goodyear Greb_ ind GL Paper Hard Carp Hawker §& Hayes Sti Holden B 6 675 + 38 90 285 285 285 $134 13% 13% their jobs downgraded at $1,200 a year less than they now make. At least 380 members will find ea jobs downgraded in Oc- tober, VOTE TO JOIN CLC Delegates at the meeting de- cided to affiliate with the Cana- dian Labor Congress for sup- port and technical advice in case of a strike. Mr. Jackson said the move was made because the govern- ment had agreed to collective bargaining for the civil service and a strike could occur. The meeting of 50 branch presidents drew up nine recom- mendations in connection with the reclassification. --3 36000 11709 9650 1000 400 500 700 500 n0 100 307 1000 500 146 260 160 1000 2 2 12 2100 1000 26 25 254 -- 153 24 === *") Russ Deal Profit Small 4% 402 40% -- Va 605 600 600 --10 | $10% 10% 10% +4 vo! 325 325 325 | 7 Nisto Norbea Norgold Norlex Normetal Northcal Northgat Opemska Orchan Pamour Patino Pax Inf Pick Crow Pine Point Placer Preston Purdex Que Chib Que Man Radiore Rio Algom Rio 5.80 Pr Rix Athab Rekwn Romar Ryanor San Ant Satellite Sherritt Sii Eureka 1550 1365 73 7 3. +3 2000 16a 16% 164-- V2 180 $15% 15% 15% + 720 395 395 395 2166 21 21 2 18 $1S% 15% $144 Mis $214 21% $23% 23% 200 $10'4 10% 625 $18%e 18 25 $43 4 720 $17 7 100 $10% 10% 236 $9414 94% Zl $48%2 48/2 90 $150 150 405 «(485 25 $10 10 159170 170 - 1 si" 1% 1% $28% 286% 28% $46 a 46 465 465 465 sil4 11% nh $54 5% 5M 25 275 275 $19 19% 19Ve-- $10% 10% 10% $13% 13% 134+ % 30 50 + 4] $562 S62 56\4 WS bar] | .Conigo 1000 rat | € Beliek 1000 ¢ Halll 6700 C Mogul 100 Con Nichol 9500 C Rambier 100 Cc RedP 12600 Conwest 200 7 Coprcorp 2300 Cop Fields 1366 1000 1300 500 2200 408 100 600 3500 1000 7367 2200 500 250 17% 18 11% 30 | 16% 16" --1% 62 42 fa 24v2 UVvat Va eey' x» 16% 1233 125 800 23650 2440 500 2000 1000 105 D'Eldona Denison Dicknsn Dome Donaida Dunraine Dunrain rt Duvan East Sull F Mar Frobex Genex Beverage Firms Get More Help TORONTO (CP)--Thirsty Ca- Hanoi Evacuation On. Partial Basis MEL KRUGER Representative iron Husky Ol! Husky B pr 11200 2000 4 3% 34-- $16% 16% 164-- $18¥2 18¥2 182 + %/ 300 «300 --75 4 54 0+ $44 14% 14h | Acc 5% pr Ind Wire Inglis Inland Gas inland G w Mc Int Nickel Int Util int Util pr intpr Dise Inter Pipe Intpr_ Steel Inv Grp A Jefferson Jetfersn w Jockey © Jockey A p Jockey B p Labatt LO Cem w Laura Sec 18% 18% + Ve} 104 10% 26M 400 is a: 1S | $3544 354 354+ VA! 6% 6h bh-- 317:=«27~=O17 9 19 OW $514 51¥4 5115 $84 8% Ba -- 4) $77 97 2 +N $12Ve 12Ve~42\4 + 14! 2918 18 18 $52% 52% 52% -- % $13 3 3 | 2 $25 25 25 | 1285 $12% 11% 124+ 7§ $114 11% 14m uu! 1000 $14% 14% 14% 850 $144 14a 14a | 1420 $5\a Sa Sh $$ 20 0 --% 175 160 178 425 7 0 +% -- %! Net Trust Noranda Nor Ctl @ Oshawa A 25 $27 (acne NEWS IN BRIEF | MINISTER DIES CAMPBELLTON, N.B. (CP) Dr. Georges L. Dumont, health minister_in Premier Louis J. Robichaud's Liberal govern- ment, died at his home Mon- day night. He was 68. He had Glacier Goldrim Gradore Granduc Green Pnt Guif L Gunnar Hastings Heath High-BI Hollinger Huds Bay Hydra Ex Irish Cop Iron Bay 180 Jaye Jelex Joutel Jowsey Kam Kotia Kerr Add K Anacon Kirk Twns Kopan L Dufavit te Luz LL Lac Lorado Louvicrt Macdon Marchant Martin Match Mattgm! Me Intyre Mentor Merrill Meta Metal Min Midrim Moneta Multl-MI New Ath New Cal Noonex w 500 2000 1400 200 2000 11000 325 200 2100 300 100 Cu 225 1000 150 200 188600 23000 2100 2 500 405 405 405 | 6111 $10% 10% 104--~-- % 299 230 230 230 | 1000 14 14 14 mh 500 «(12 12 2 250 $1) VW VW x50 $22% 22% 22% 400 $784 78% 78% 18a 18¥a 18% 25¥a 252 25%e 240 240 240 9 314% 14% 14% -- Ve s38--ik + 2 2. 70 7 +1 110 110 10 +2 W%4 1"% Vi 150 150 150 +1 48 2) 500 4000 2100 370 1000 4000 100 525 3} 1000 8300 5500 200 6280 7100 1000 N Hosco N Kelore Newlund N Mylame N Que Ragl N Senator New Taku Nick Rim 94+ 1 25\a -- Va +20 } --T] super-carriers in Great Lakes | service, .completed her first} round-trip through Lake Supe- rior Monday when she arrived from Port Arthur bound for Montreal with a cargo of 28,282 tons of wheat. Canada Steam-| Teck Corp Texmont Texore Tormont Tribag U_ Buffad Un Cmstk Un Upp Can Vespar West Mine Wilco wr Yale Keno Ns) 1S 19% 19% 250 128 a" Lead Yk Bear Yukon © Zenmac 15 19% 250 1390 +2 » +h 130 " OILS, GAS Am Leduc 1000 Banff 1450 200 626 1145 4000 4000 1 +1 3W%4-- % +1 no 27. = $13% 13% 251 251 251 $19% 19 ' 65 65 65 400 395 400 $11% 114 1% 236 236 Cc Dehi Cdn Sup © C East Cr Dynamic Gt COllsds Int Helium Mill City N Davies Numac Permo Place @ Provo Gas Scurry Rn Spooner Triad Oil U_ Canso Un Reef P --2 Vandco z100 «8 Sales to 11 a.m.: 730,000, Add Toronto 10:40 a.m, stocks: FOREIGN TRADING 1200 189 189 189 1000 2 400 600 300 Agnico -! Deerhorn Lake Duf Teche Upp Can 600 600 --10 195 195 600 195 *| transaction 25 23 --2 $12% 12% V2 Ve in history, it in- creased Russian _ purchases| from Canada to $1,800,000,000 since 1963:- Most farmers said their pro-| posed increase in cash is al- ready committed. For some, it will mean a new car and perhaps something for the house. But few expected' luxuries. | Grain farmer Elden Seney,)| who operates a 1,120-acre farm almost singlehanded at Blackie, | Alta., 35 miles southwest of Cal- gary, proposes to purchase new equipment with his windfall. | "Your farm has to come first.| You just can't get labor these days, so you have to get into equipment to take off some of the load | "Whatever money you get,| you have to think of most of it) as going straight into machin+| jery. If there's any over, maybe } you start thinking about buying) 2\fertilizer or getting better-qual-| ity seed grain." Mr. Seney said the farmer seldom sees much of the actual cash involved in transactions of this size, "but it benefits the en-| | tire economy." Jim Traynor, who farms 980 Daimler - Benz Sales Jump STUTTGART (AP) -- West Germany's Daimler-Benz auto- tacres at Tregarva, Sask., 15) miles north of Regina, said the! sale will reflect in increased) |automobile and machinery pro-| | duction in Eastern Canada, but |several farmers were unhappy. | | With cash prospects looking) | bright, machinery manufactur-| Some farmers said they would increase their wheat acreage others said they would leave things as they are; some said wheat doesn't pay. enough and they will switch to other crops, Alberta Wheat Pool econo- mists forecast a minor increase in. Prairie wheat acreage of "perhaps 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 acres." There were about 27,- 700,000 acres in wheat last year, 18,500,0 in Saskatchewan. Mr, Traynor echoed a com- mon approach: "I farm on strict rotation basis and I won't disturb this pattern for a short- term thing . . we have to keep the long-range view." Most farmers use a similar system, growing grain on a per- centage of their land and allow- ing other parts to rest by grow- ing forage crops or letting them lie unused in summer fallow. Some farmers said increasing wheat acreage would interfere with raising cattle or growing feed. As one said: stock market is too good right now to be messing around with. You might wreck it." Some, like Harry Dwelle of the Nanion, Alta., district, 6 miles south of Calgary, say it is more lucrative to go into *'cash crops" such as flax, rapeseed or mustard seed. Major complaint of . many farmers was equipment costs, Aubry Laycraft, who farms 400 acres near High River, 35 miles mobile firm, makers of Mer-| ers will boost prices, some said.|south of Calgary, complained: cedes-Benz cars and trucks, re-|'There were complaints that la-|"You're always in debt because ported today its sales for 1965 hor will receive the biggest cut! of it. The sale won't help." amounted to 4,470,000,000 marks ($1,230,000,000), or 5.9 per cent more than the previous year. of the increased income, Many forecast the increased} revenue will lead to a costly set- Retorted equipment dealer R. V. Hitchner .of High River: "I'm not listening to their "The live-| nadians will force the beverage He said 97 members have had industry to .increase employ- ment by 67.5 per cent over the next fhree months, a survey taken by a local employment agency shows. In its quarterly employment survey, Manpower Services Ltd., supplier of temporary tor, said the firm "doesn't know anything" about the leaflet. cents and closed at 24 cents on volume of 129,200 shares Mon- day on the Toronto Stock Ex- change. Norgold sold at a high of 2714 from capital today. PRAGUE (AP) -- A partial evacuation of Hanoi has been ordered with only essential per- sons remaining, the Czechoslo- vak news agency CTK reported the North Vietnamese CTK quoted the North Viet- namese paper Thudo Hanoi as SUN LIFE Assurance Compan of tan ' HOME: BUSINESS: 723-7900 725-4563 help, says Carfadian companies will face increased ecruiting difficulties this month and in August and September. Of 933 firms questioned, 34.5 said they would need more help, 58 per cent said there wouldn't be any change and only 2.5 said they would reduce staff. Kingston forecast the greatest increase with 68 per cent of the firms surveyed in the Ontario city predicting increased man- power needs. Other cities expecting an in- crease above the national aver- age of 34.5 per cent included Niagara Falls and Windsor, Ont. Gimmick Seen As "Illegal" TORONTO (CP)--A new gim- mick is being used on Bay street, heart of Toronto's finan- cial district, in an effort to run up the price of a speculative mining stock. Toronto stockbrokerage firms found yellow-colored leaflets in their mail Monday advising them to buy shares of Norgold Mines. The leaflet said the stock would open Monday at 51 cents, up from Thursday's close of 27 cents. J. R. Kimber, chairman of the RESUMPTION OF CANADIAN PACIFIC WHITE EMPRESS SAILINGS ship Lines, owners of the Sim- coe, have eight of the 730-foot MONKS IMPRISONED vessels, largest fleet on the| PERUGIA, Italy (Reuters)! jaxes. | Two Sicilian monks were sen- an dakeee | tenced Monday to eight years JSE ONTO STONES | onto stock market went through in prison and fined 120,000 lire) TORONTO (CP) -- Cobble-/another dull day of trading (about $200) for extortion. The) stones being replaced by paving/ Monday despite rising prices in| Perugia Appeal Court found|materials in Toronto streetcar) industrial and base - metal them willing accomplices of the) track peck are being "used in! groups. | ; hort f railroad They're always moaning about Matis criminal secret society in| Me courtyard of a new Sault! Volume reached one of itsitouve", Soa tic years shine| money but they make enough to blackmailing rich Sicilian land-|Ste. Marie library, the city's|jowest points for the year with] ment-stalling a ae a live pretty well." owners for large sums of money/centennial project, it was an-|9 346 000 shares changin | j | a . | 4,940,000 s ' ging hands Key mi tre f deat, [etn doer or sae smeared wi LAG. thu "Pera agrctiel ade) BOWT). MARKET TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana- |thousands of stones for sale at cas ) . day. Brokers say that summer! itici . GAD " r . MOSC vight ere brought here as ballast in| for the low turnover. A few kay| had oa Neg a ci sla bond wiarkat ff % on 4 dian bond market was 0! should--or as much, some said,!the day in quiet trading Mon- jas the public thinks they do. lday. earthquakes, including a strong] ships from Scotland in the 1920s ighli | one, fied the a | ee others were quarried atlirading. -- aged Soviet central Asian city) Gananoque lenis ; | enison added 1% at 5514. It| of Tashkent Monday. Nearly | reached a 1966 high of 55% be-| Bob Lawson, who runs an! Short-term government of tlement of a threatened CNR howling. Costs may be twice strike. Precedents were set in| what they were a few years the disputes involving Quebec|back, but remember they're |longshoremen and employees of| making three times as much j the St. Lawrence Seaway. hmoney. BOXCARS WERE SHORT "Go over to Vulcan (30 miles Underlying many complaints)southwest of High River) and was the memory of last year's|see the big cars. See who goes |grain handlers' strike at Van-|down to Florida for vacations. been ill for several months. Ontario Securities Commission, said the leaflet is illegal and the OSC is investigating the matter. Jack Gilbert solicitor and wondering about the best way to go to Europe, wonder no more. Go White Empress. Regular sailings will be resumed commencing with scheduled departure of "Empress of Canada" from Montreal at noon (local time) Tuesday, July 12. MONTREAL-GREENOCK-LIVERPOOL Tourist fare from $260 Thrift Season fare, starting August 9th, from $228 Information and reservations from your Ticket Agent or any Canadian Pacific office. tan Dif TRAINS / TRUCKS /8HIPS /PLANES / HOTELS /TELECOMMUNICATIONS WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM The British Seamen's strike is over.and that makes the people at Canadian Pacific very happy. Once again they can offer you the "good life" to Europe --aboard a White Empress. Nothing has changed. A White Empress is still the perfect setting for active, fun-filled days and starry, ro- mantic evenings. The officers and staff will do their utmost to prove that an ocean voyage is something really worth waiting for. If you're among those. who have been faithfully holding on to reserva- tions, we'd like to thank you for your vote of confidence. And if you're still STOCKS TORONTO (CP) -- The Tor- Norgold Mines company direc- 6,000 persons, more th FORMS LINK Pe : pasion Ta dss Gupalaton! OTTAWA (CP)--Canada has| fore falling back. Roman Kotin| cee aan head -- farm Canada bonds closed with the of 1,100,000, have been left/established diplomatic, trade|Which holds a large block of southwest oF Soanine suming ee April 15, 1967 ng : homeless, by more than §25/and travel relations with Bul-| rg/son stocks, gained 1% t0/,., farmers' complaints: "We're| acted' | i i aria for the firs i i | 44.7% Sage quakes since April 26. _ xc t wae pees yao Among other' metal issues, | Setting less than we did 10 or Long-term Canada and pro- SAY MAO LEADS lcountry in' 1945. A formal ex:| Falconbridge climbed 1% to| ae Gane | vincial issues were off % with TOKYO (AP) -- China as-|change of notes between the/94% and Pine Point 1 to 62. | wpa. pilbings, Saskatchowan|the Government of Canada 4%4- serted Monday that Mao: Tse-/two countries was tabled in the| Industrials gained steadily| 'age fy president, said the|ner-cent Sept. 1, 1083 issue tung is giving direct leadership|Commons Monday by External| throughout the session. erie ie be lanes tg 25-per-cent in-/ quoted at 86% bid and 86% to China's current purge of| Affairs Minister Martin. | Golds were the only major ina in wheat prices. Roy|asked. In provincials, the On- anti-party and anti-socialist ele-| |group to suffer losses. Campbell | Atkinson, Saskatchewan Farm-|tario Hydro 6-per-cent issue due ments, and that the dissidents| DIRECTS BRANCH | Red Lake was off % to 24, G ers 'Union head, said interna-| Jyly 5, 1988 closed at $99% and iant} .. } had rejected his criticism. The| OTTAWA (CP)--Roy H. Mac-| Yellowknife % to 12% and Kerr-| tional, control should be over) $100% siked. ae s ay-to-day money close a first public statement that Mao|Culsh was named Monday to/ Addison % to 105. , was personally participating) Succeed Dr. C. Ross Ford as) On index, base metals were|, Despite complaints that it's! 43; per cent. came in Red Flag, the organ|director of the federal technical! up .61 to 93.95, western oils .02|/0@tdly_ worth growing wheat) of the central committee of the|@Nd vocational training branch.|to 102.97 and the TSE .41 to| fr $1.50 or $2 a bushel, farm- Chinese C D jers expressed pleasure that the hinese Communist party BACKS GROUP PLANS Bay Golds were down 3.27 to sale provides a guaranteed GOES TO WORK _ OTTAWA (CP)--Better med-|-- {market and "'adds an air of se- LONDON (AP) -- A member ical care for the public and bet- curity to the insecurity. of farm-| of the Royal Family went to|ter practice of medicine for| work as an apprentice archi-|doctors could flow from devel-| For Reservations and Information Call DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN 104 BROCK ST. E., WHITBY PHONE 668-8867 WALLY GALES presenting R AMERICAN GROWTH FUND LTD. FINANCIAL PLANNING THROUGH MUTUAL FUNDS . featuring . AMERICAN GROWTH FUND 67 King St. E. OSHAWA, ONTARIO PHONE 723-8801 "We will be happy to serve you" BOWMANVILLE LEE GALES -- WALLY GALES P Travel A and Travel information Cell or See FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BOWMANVILLE -- BROOKLIN 57 KING ST. E., OSHAWA -- 728-6201, 728-6202, 728-6203 SURE CURE FOR FORD ein GROW MORE F EVER ___ DIVIDENDS tect Monday: Prince Richard of; 9Pment of group medical prac-| By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Gloucester, 10th in line for the|tice, says a study for the royal) throne, will earn £12 ($36) a|Commission on health services| Conwest Exploration Co. Ltd. week in his work on a govern-| issued Monday. The study by|® cents, Aug. 10, record Jul ment redevelopment scheme. by oe Boan of the University) **- of Sas ic COMPLETES TRIP | nations aan Proposes that) Federal G : )@ national advisory board com- SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich.| prising medical and lay persons Cente: Oe (CP) -- The 730-foot Simcoe,|be established to encourage and newest of the modern Canadian|supervise this development, Said Saskatchewan Premier| |Ross Thatcher: "Farmers will] *| be assured they can grow every | ¥| possible bushel of wheat and be| j assured .. . Ottawa will be able| rain Ltd., class A 5/0 Sell the grain." 1, record July 15.|_W- J. Parker, Manitoba Wheat Pool president, said no Crown Trust Co., 5f wheat surpluses can occur for| |Oct, 1, record Sept. 16. the next three or four years. -- Prescription -- An Affordable -- FORD -- MACDONALD FORD SALES LTD. OSHAWA Call Now for Complete Travel Arrangements MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 25 KING ST. E. OSHAWA PHONE 723-7001 --