Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jul 1966, p. 12

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DONALD DUCK LI'L ABNER MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER YO BETTER FRESHEN UP PT-JOLLY OLD ST. NICKS VANISHED/" ae IN THE WORLD! 2? P= ANOTHER HARTICLE HADDRESSED TO" THE MOST HONEST MAN WHERE DOES THE MOST HONEST MAN IN THE. WORLD LIVE' P=FRANCE? AND DON'T WASTE TIME. LOOKING UNDER "CUBA" ves FELLOW MENBERS ses HONORED GUESTS 1.6 22s AN' ANYONE BLSE WHO SHOULDA SHOWED? UP! Hi! ERE! ss Distetocied ty King Peataree Byadicetn.- HOW MANY Pir } ee Bers CAN'T PUT ANY FIRE O Tar ei tere) maw FOR A CHANGE I DON'T HAVE ANY ACHES OR THERE MUST BE SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME/ YOU DECIDE... THE PAST TWO DAYS HAVE BEEN WARM AND ONLY I WANT TO GET CONNECTED WITHA © ine Fee Syed nS Waid ee ree BECAUSE YOU'RE VERY IMPORTANT TO ME,AND WHAT'S IMPORTANT TO HARDY TEAGUE, HE GETS, THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X93 SINCE 1 COULDN'T COD FLIGHT TO MY CARRIER FOR SEVERAL DAYS, I GET A ; i' off "ad ad q a '/' 8 £ - Vy AN Ye wh U ps ¥ Y, y 5 WS, THERE ARE THE MEDDLERS! HORSES/ THIS TUME THEY LL. AWAY / Channel 11--Hamilten Channel 9--~-Toronte Channel 8--Rochester Chasse! 7--Buffale Channel 6--Toronte Channel 4--Buffale Channel 3--Barrie Channet 3--Buttale scone ernest cs TUESDAY EVs. Ni--The ho %--The 4B 9--Spot' 4--The 5:00 P.M, li--Family Theatre 7--Cheyenne 8--Superman 4--Passport To Adventure 3--Armchair Traveller 2--Mike oe 5:30 PM, $--Doble Glilis eMusic Hop 3--Wrestling 6:00 P.M |11--The |The 6--Generation @-4--News, Sports with Check Healy 4:30 PLM. 44-3-2--News; Weather; Sports @-Huniley-Brinkiey $~Across Canada | --Unt 7:08. P.M, 1l---Mike Douglas 9--My Mother The Car @--Men In Crisis 6--News; Weather; Sports 4--Car 54, Where Are You? 3-Gilligan's Isiand 2--Huntley - Brinkley Report 9--T.V. }11--Mor 7--Dial 7.20 P.M. 7--News, Weather, Sports 7.30 PLM, %--Muslcal Showcase | 8 3-My oiler The Car | 7--Combat 6--Beatles +--Daktari 3--Hogan's Heroes 4:00 P.M, Ni-- Movie 9--News Ppecial b3--Please Don? Bet Tha| 2--Jack Daisies @3--Red Skelton Hour 0:30 PLM. | 0--F-Troop { . Kildare | T--AAcHeie's Nevy 4--Red Skelton 9:00 PLM. 4--The 9--Movie $3--Movie 6-3--Dick Van ¥--F Troop 9:30 PLM. Dyke 4--Andy 13--Ed Al 3--Peyton Pisce @3--Gideon's Way 4--Patticoat Junction 3--Ernle ACROSS 1.Goddess of 3. harvests 4. Constella- The best. cure for insomnia 4. Sandarac tree 5. Meed 6. Subside 7. Support BA 10. Silkworm 11, Zodiac sign. 17. Stains 19, Check 20. Metallic rock 22. Ahead §. Insurgent 12.Run away and marry 18. Conscious 14, Canadian peninsula, 15. Proportion 16. Old World lizard 18, Music note 19. Trip 21, Seed veazel | %-Dave Gerraway Show) | 11:00 A.M, | €-2--Morning Star |11--Albert Steed | | %--Mr. And Mrs. 2. Condiment 10:00 P.M, Merv Griffin Fugitive S News Special 10:30 P.M. |6-3--News Magazine light Mayor Reports 11:00 P.M. 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News Weather and Sports | 12:1 1:18 P.M, 2--Tonight Show 6--Viewpoint 11:20 PLM. 4--Late Show 6--Night Metro 11,.25P.M. Vise Tr. PLM, Saint &--Tonight Show 7--Movie 7--Movie 3--Movie 1:46 PLA, 91 Spy 6--Nightcap 12:00 A.M, ouchabies News Weather sports WEDNESDAY $:00 A.M, 4--Captain Kangaroo $.% A.M, . University 9:00 A.M. ning Musicale Dolters 9--Romper Room Ing For With Girl Telk 4--Mike's Carnivel | @--Ladies' Day | 2--Bozo's Big Top 9:38 A.M, |?---Uncle Bobby &Smile Time | 4--Love of Life LaLanne | 10:00 A.M. 11--People 8-2--Eye Guess 4-1 Love Lucy 10:30 A.M. | 1l--Mawkeye 9--Summer Fun &-2--Concentration | 7--Donna Reed McCoys | | Griffiths len Time | | 7--Supermarket Sweep | 11:30 ALM, | *Abracadabr: Linde! 23, Greek island 24, Little child 26. Half an em 27. Ad Avenue ENTER Mon IS! 31, Male du 33. Tibetan, priests | 2--Merv Griffin TELEVISION LOG 7--Dating Game 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 2-4--Paredise Bay 12:08 NOON |l1--Bonnie Prudden | %--Toronto Summertime |+-2--Jeopardy |_7--Money Movie |3-6Luncheon Date | 4--News and Weather | 2:18 Pa | 4--Speaker of the House | 12:30 PLM, 9--News; Weather; Sports |11--Noontime 8-2--Post Office 6-4--Search for Tomorrow 3--Noon-day Report 12:40 PLM, 9--Movie | 12:46 PLM, | $4--Guiding Light } 1:00 P.M. \l--Theatre &--Dialing ---Girl talk 7--Ben Casey 3-6--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers For Dollars *| 2--Topper 1:30 P.M. | 6&4--As The World Turns | 28--Let's Make a Deal | 2:00 P.M, | 7--Contidential for Women 6-4---Password | 82--Days of Our Lives |3--Movle | 2:30 P.M, | ®--Peopie in Confit? | $8 --The Doctors %--A Time For Us &--Zane Grey Theatre 4--Linkiefter's Party 3:08 PLA, 9--Fractured Phrases 8-2--Another World | 7~General_ Hospital | 643--To Tell The | 3.25PM, |3-6--Bonnle Prudden are Truth 3:30 PLM, {Vi--Punny Company | 9--It's Your Move 2-6--You Don't Say 7--$uperman Show 4--Edge of Night 4:00 PLM, 9--1 Love Lucy &--The Match Game 43--Worlds in Contrast 4--Secret Storm 4:30 PLM, N--Secret Squirrel 9--Movie 8--Woody Woodpecker 6-3--Razzi 34, Girl's name 35, Ostrich-like bird 36, Furnish 38, Summer: Fr, 39, French river ck 23. Pronoun ' 25. Branch 77, > ( ZL 26. Age 27. Low 4 9 10 28, Exist 29, Pismire WY V/ Y 6 30, Speecy 31, Metrio Y q Y ai f2 L 2 LY, 24 40. Astonish 41, Moldy 42, Alaskan river 43. Drug 44. Ci d 45.---- Fernando iY Individus! Championship Play) 12 'THE OSHAWA Times, Tuesday, July 5, 1966 BRIDGE Oy B. JAY BECKER record-holder im Mesters' (Top Mast J2.-ta- apps tan Gwe Both sides vulnerable. Noms a2 @AKI74 oA 4 A109843 WEST EAST 4KQ85 51074 995 986 @KQ1072 39843 417 &62 'i SOUTH @A963 921032 65 #KQ5 Pass Pass Pass Opening lead -- king of dia- monds, It is a basic principal that the player who initiates Blackwood automatically assumes the role of captain in deciding whether or not to stop at a game, a small slam, or a grand slam. However, the principle does not apply in every case and there are times when the re- sponder can override his cap- tain and make the final deci- sion. The responder should be ex- tremely careful about exercis- ing this prerogative, and, in fact, about the only times he can properly use his own judg- ment is after the four notrump inquiry for aces has been fol- lowed by five notrump for kings. At this point, if he has im- portant values not previously disclosed, the responder is per- mitted to disregard the inquiry for kings and jump directly to seven. The reasn is that five notrump guarantees that all aces are accounted for and in- dicates an interest in a grand slam. Here is a typical case, Let's say that North decides to use Blackwood after South responds to the club bid with a heart. There is some question about North's best bid over one heart, but-let's assume he bids four notrump. South dutifully shows one ace by responding five diamonds. When North now bids five no- trump, South shows one king by responding six diamonds, But when North then bids six hearts, South should not tamely Pass on the assumption that his partner is captain and cannot be overruled. It should be clear to South by now that North has a huge supporting hand which includes four or five hearts to the A-K, and that North must be greatly concerned about the weakness of his clubs, Since South has a surprise holding of the K-Q-x te fill out the clubs, and the Q-10 of hearts as well, he should bid seven hearts with absolute con- fidence in the result. If by any chance the grand slam fails, he should get himself a new part- ner. SALLY'S SALLIES 'youn HEALTH | Child Frightened By Store Elevator By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, M.D. Dear Dr. Molner: My 16- month-old son is deathy afraid of store elevators. When I take him shopping with me, the min- ute I get near an elevator he starts screaming, and I have to _| walk upstairs with him. Should I make an issue of the problem and force him?--Mrs. H. J. He's too young to tell you what frightens him. He may not even know. When he was very small he may have been fright- ened by being put in a small room, and the elevator reminds him of it. Or my guess may be far wide of the mark. The fact remains that he is terrified, and I most decidedly would.not force him to face such terror. I would guess that per- haps someone has argued: a special diet. I am 69 and like a glass of beer before I go to bed. Is that harmful? -- Mrs. E. D. ) Unless you happen to be. sen- sitive to beer, or it causes cer- tain symptoms such as bloating or diarrhea, then a glass at night shouldn't harm either you or your diverticulosis. Dear Dr. Molner; A doctor on TV talking about menopause said the best thing for women to do is to exercise and cut down on smoking. What exer- cises are most beneficial?--Mrs. A. It happens that I saw the same program, and I think you missed three little words. The doctor said "keep active and "After he rides in an elevator a few times and discovers that over being afraid.' argument. First, he isn't old enough to indulge in such calm logic. Second, and _ perhaps much more important, he prob- ably has no notion of what it is that he fears. He's just scared, period, It's an emo- tional matter. He may have some vague thought that the elevator is a dragon's mouth, about to swallow you both. I'd just stay away from ele- vators with him, and see whether this fear doesn't wither away spontaneously in time. If it doesn't hurt him, he'll get} Don't put any stock in that Now the only way to buy WRIGLEY'S SPEARMINT popular, modern dime pack WRIGLEY's it doesn't, you may need the help of a child psychologist, but | I doubt that anything needs to} be done now except to keep) from accentuating the fear by| CHEWING GUM g fide | "He wants a sample to make. ure he likes it." Se exercise,"' and I think it is very good advice--if women will just realize its importance. Medication can alleviate the more annoying physical aspects of menopause if they occur, but the mental attitude is very im- portant, too; At menopause a woman has reached an age at which she slows down a bit physically, Her family usually is grown, She isn't a go-go girl anymore. Many times she finds herself with time on her hands and she sits and worries, and the more she worries the worse she feels. The answer is to keep. busy: physically active and intellectu- ally devoted to new things. Sheer exercise is just part of it, you see. There aren't any special exercises. Just remain active. Walk. Dig in the garden. Bowl. Ride a bike. Reasonable and regular exercise keeps your whole body in trim. Such activ- ity also keeps your emotions in ltrim as well as your weight | down, | Note to M. H. P.: Yes, some |people are allergic to printer's ink, and some to paper dust. In fact, it is rather difficult to find anything that somebody isn't sensitive to You get more to enjoy in the convenient Valley DoW? * ania ¥/ forcing the little fellow. | Dear Dr. Molmer: X - rays) showed that I have diverticu-| losis and my doctor put me on Dime Pack of Wrigley's Spearmint... more of that fresh flavour and lively taste! $0....BE ON YOUR GUARD. U FIGHT HARDL/

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