Open Houses 20----Real Estate for Sele QUALITY IS SYNONOMOUS ALT Ld re '" uiiatiteass cali ATER ARMSTRONG We invite you to browse |20---Real Estate for Sale GUIDE REALTY LTD. 20--Real Estate for Sale JOHN F. DeWith REALTOR y Bowmanville ae epee Pam See 4 Trann Street 623-3950 BUY OF THE WEEK 1. @ This 1% vear old home is INCOME HOME in the South East areo of the 18--Male Help Wanted THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, July 2, 1966° 15 SALESAAN -- for large music school, enroll students. Car required, tep com- inttan. Telephone 723-0101. Ale ig agro STUDENT with car, ends only, year-round job. Apply Pickin Chicken, 522 Ritson Road South. MATURE gyi a Bogs tii bar serv. GUARDS ONTARIO ind chedule te be 2 ed, App! {All with references to: Post Office Box Pa, vive Usitawe: THE SELLING of Real Estate sffords a Scarboro, Ont. ak soni challenging epportunity for the ambitious Guords Gre requ 'OF \man io mexe @ belier ifen average the Ontorio County. Jail |sem ete cnt, at Whitby, Ontario. iow tal Se ore al eons te offer. Salary Range $4,650 - 17--Female Help Wanted OFFICE OVERLOAD Co, Ltd. 1543 Victoria Ave. 18--Male Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sole GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 155 SIMCOE ST. S., 723-8144 DOMINION DAY SPECIAL BAY RIDGES $1,370. down to one N.H.A. mortgage, 3 bedroom bungo- 20---Real Estate for Sale TRADE ! TRADE ! TRADE ! We specialize in trading your present tome. Take the fuss ond worry out of buying @ new home, LONER TY weWVwIVi require ot Top TORONTO RATES CHOICE AREAS et... ganized smaller office. lease phone our sales manager af 728-5103 or after hours 728-7083 ali inquiries treated in strictest Realtor. @ STENOS @ DICTAS @ TYPISTS fon_ electric machines) Also @ BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATORS @ KEYPUNCH and @ COMPS Avoilable immediately in. + $5,650 Annual Increment $250.00. Excellent Fringe Benefits. Apply in writing stating all particulars to: Wh, G. Manning, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Ontario, confidence, W. O. Martin, valk RIENCED REAL ESTATE saies- man and sales supervisor wanted imme- diately, for a downtown office, where every dea! would not just be # num- ber, but where every deal would get a parvices All interviews a9 Perry Real "Estate, 723-4122. 19--Mgle and Female Help Wanted. TWO LIFEGUARDS Brick, partly newly built. Al modern conveniences. 2 both rooms, 2 kitchens. Suitable for 2. families. Centrally lo- cated, Priced to sell. LARGE RANCH STYLE BUNGALOW brick 'with attoched Well. built of material. Only New double garage, with the best Many, many extras. $5,000 down. MAIN STREET ORONO city, Consisting of 3 bedrooms, large kitchen and living room Good 'financing for the con- scientipus buver with flow monthly payments, irspectiory TANTALIZING Il. @ safe sandy beach for the whole family te enjoy the hot summer: days. A splendid loca- tion with sparkling clean water for swimming, water skiing, inside facilities. Cash or easy. terms with. low down payment Phone for 7 through YOUR future home at. SOUTHWOOD PARK -- AJAX aluminum -- siding, built-in 'range and oven. Storms. ond screens. Lot sodded front and rear. Clay brick construction. A model to suit you ! Carefree GRANDVIEW and WILLOWDALE King--St:-.~to Grandview to Willowdale, to Grandview.-&,.en SAVE $500 low, hollyweod kitchen, large living room, private drive, full basement, immediate posses- sion. Ask for Shirley Moskal, JUST-LISTES Near all schools, N.H.A, Re- sale, 5 room brick bungalow, broadioom in, living room. Most desirable crea, Vendor soys sell. Give us an offer. Call Pouline Beal, J. B. McMullan REALTOR 725-3557 --- 668-6201 STONE HOUSE 40 MILE VIEW 100 rolling acres 7 miles north of Oshawe, paved road, Magnificent view, see U.S.A; ond Toronte lights. Antique stone house, 4 pc, bath, furne oce, in excellent condition, 605 Rossland Road East, WHITBY, _ Ontario. SELLING? WANT ACTION? CALL GRIFFIN (ond start packing) good 38' x- 110' barn. Beau- tiful spring-fed pond with wild duck fomilies, beautiful grounds, wild flowers, 10 acres hardwood bush, Lo hundred. would make excel. lent 10 acre lots, Priced ot $60,000, terms. Contact John Worsley, Cameron, Ont., tele- phone 17 collect. -- Scarboro --- West Hill -- Agincourt WINTER WORKS BONUS HARMONY VILLA 5. on Harmony Rd. to Olive W, on Olive. 1 block to Elm- ridge. REQUIRED & roomed home with new TREMENDOUS (MALE OR FEMALE) modern kitchen. Oil heated, 4 pc. coloured bathroom, All OPPORTUNITY e Lokeview Park, City of Osh- Saw chard: ioe (ot ll. @ For the mechanically INDUSTRIAL awa, to commence immedi- Price reduced: to ($13,250. minded person to get into a ately. SALES Terms good profit -ming business of Must 'be a Red Cross Water Call for appointment. Soles and Service of lawn COURTICE AREA Safety Leader or have Bronze Oshawa 728-9431 WE require a Soles Repre- mowers, outboard motors, Brick home on olmost 2 acre Medallion or Y.M.C.A. Life- OR sentative for the Industrial scooter and other closely con- lot. AH modern conveniences. guord Award. Scarboro 751-4020 Deportment of our Oshawa Prices to please you! Won't you be.our guest ? GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. 942-3310 7 ! | fe) IT'S HOT! | 64% and so are the... " NHA MORTGAGES DOWN PAYMENTS Armstrong At least 1 year experience mecessory. $789.00 FULL DOWN pe only left. One cpen N.H.A, mortgage carries $93. monthly. Extra large 3 oedroom brick bungalow, complete with 'storms and screens, built-in range ond oven, telescopic stocking ] driers plus many more extras. MONTHLY PAYMENTS | ite phone: Morgere' Lee' to | PARKLIKE LAND, 10 to 80 acres with® trout stream. Near Hampton, Ask for j free illustrated folder. J. J. Van Herwer- jden Realtor, 741 King East, Oshawa, 723-* |44r1 | $17,900 -- TOWNLINE SOUTH, four-bed-" room, 1a storey home; with extra lot, Call Andy. Keyes, 623-3393, W.: Frank ea Estate Ltd. 10:00 a.m, to 1:00 p.m Shift work -- 6:00 p.m. -- 9:00 p.m FROM Must be 17 yeors of age or over IV. @ nected lines, Lock, stock ond Double garoge. Small barn. borrel including garage build-| Price reduced to $16,900. office, to call on manufac- ings, workshop, home and a Terms Electrenie monufecturer re- turing plants, architects, con sulting engineers, etc APPLICANTS must hove ex- perience in industrial pro- cessing or heating fields and have a late mode! car THIS is a salaried position with car mileage and depreci- ation allowance paid. Full employee benefits Apply in person to: The Personnel City Holl, Oshawa CLERK 2 for July and August to assist Officer, Very: anxious to sell. Con- venient 6% mortgage for balance | | NEW BRICK BUNGALOW With carport, Very well con structed, In the best location of town. Oil heated. Asking $17,300. Terms arranged for a small family or couple Close to separate and schools, fomily sized Naw Brixite siding that requires no painting CLOSE TO THE SHOPPING CENTRE V. @ We have | kitchen listed a two retired] Nice sized lot 55 x 135.) public Homes In ROLLING HILLS OSHAWA They have everything you de- FROM $114. PER MO. OPEN DAILY 'TIL DARK JOSEPH BOSCO day $88.00 MONTHLY $13,900. full price on this 3 bedroom brick. home, feotur- ing extro large rooms, situa- ted close to all shopping, transportation, and schools. Call. Vince Jorvis for full de- tails QUIET --six-room home in. "raitaoamtl: area, near hospital, park and school, Bath and half, garage, excepfionally large cultivated lot, close to downtown facilities, $15,700 cash. Private. 725-4678. » SEMI-detached duplex, three badrooms, and two bathrooms each. Ready for in-: spection. No agents. Located west of Shopping Centre, 229 and 23) Cabot Street, A cea with 60 ft, w well, overlooking" Lake Ontario, Small creek} ideal for building home with walk-out basement;* large vacant lot, everything to | that quires « number of oddition- is required to operate this CHOICE LOCATION business is here, including ma ol employees for night shift, 4:30 p.m. -- 11:30 p.m. Almost new brick bungalow chines, tools and service parts. | with extra plumbing. Com- IDEAL HOME | Light work, steady employ- ment. Apply In person to: pletely finished rec room in the North West area| CROVEN LTD. 500 BEECH STREET, WHITBY 2,000 proc and small gravel. pit. Must be seen. Only § miles from Oshawa. Cail MEMBER OF O.D.R.E.B. Mr. D. Gower, W. Frank Real Estate- Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Limited, 728-1005 or 623-3393. WE LIST AND SELL gage FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOWN, Only four M.L.S. EVANGELINE DRIVE OSHAWA Brick and stone bungalow, al- REALTOR GRIFFIN storey home near centre in general office work. Must have minimum of Grade 10 education and two years general office experience, | preferably in gecounting [The Employment Supervisor] Tying © definite asset but , t tia! | 0 The Consumer's Gas Co., fi nord ies, Salery $6%,5 19 Mal dg Street, | 3 Toronto _ , Ontario Apply in person to the office EM delist Pie cat A RS manager FIBREGLASS ONTARIO the shopping bedrooms om pact dining most new Very modern. room and new attached garage | Storms and screens all around, | Located on a landscaped Any offer considered lot, Priced to sell at $14,500 FAMILY HOME DUPLEX teen nine. Act wisely, invest. In your REAL ESTATE LTD, VI. @ Close to the shopping Open 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. roomed ger" - -- nd Two large three bed $1,300 down to qualified conveniences. On Main street oes . Call Stan McCormack, 658-3066, 155 SIMCOE ST. 5. Member of 0.D,R.E.B in Orono, Neat and clea POEM. SPREE Ready to puyars : es $2,000 -- MOVES YOU n r n 's Realty Ltd. Realtor. re | { 'ancher with attached gi Fi | move in. Excellent mahogany 723-8] 44 If 1 fy it tiful pat Hct, Ad $12,900. Terms finishing, 614% mortgage. jtime to enjoy the beautiful 'pote bcddiaks Many extras such os two baths, | electric heating, all aluminum) 9 sire for comfortable living. Lifetime aluminum -- built-in range .end oven. Columbia kitchens, meohogany _ trim, storms, screens and doors and many extras. Some 614% available and ravine l6co- tions. All NHA detached from Please apply in writing giv- ing full particulars as to age, education, experience and salary requirements to: Three living room, -full large $1,000 DOWN, direct from bulider. Almost new, three-bedroom brick bungalow, oll heat close to separate, public and high schools. Immediate possession, 723-4541. yy CALL TY |home for handicapped person as there GRIFFIN TRAFFIC egal EAST END BEAU lee ne gens Te cline "lea pon en EXPERIENCED Realtor, 726-5103. Legal Secretary for summer work. Full or part time. Must be experi- enced. Also full time experi- enced receptionist typist and full time secretary. WRITE BOX 35495 OSHAWA TIMES LAY-UP MEN Vacancies exist for interest- ing. work in the manufocture of fibreglass products @ Some experience preferred, Apply MR. CAIGER TRAINING SCHOOL for BOYS BOWMANVILLE SCHEDULER RICE LAKE AREA 5 roomed home on paved street, Close to Lake. Asking only $500. down PORT PERRY 5 roomed bungalow on paved street. Oil heated with 4 pc, bathroom, Alum. storms and screens, Close to school and church, Asking $12,000. doors and screens. Located on| a large 'ot, 150 feet deep REASONABLE Vii. @ Full price is only $1) 900. for this two bedroom home © private driy sized gorage. Key to shopping and General Motors Insul-brick outside with south plant in spotless condition inside, We! e and good) ocation, close REAL ESTATE LIMITED 723-646] Or coll at Sales Office, South on Olive at Keewatin Echo's New Thinking of retiring? this cozy bungalow is for you. Completely modernized home finely finished inside ond out Taxes $288.00. Full $15,900, Be sure to see Call Margaret Lee SELLING ? WANT ACTION ? price Attached garoge or sunken living room, come and see for yourself what goes into quality built, electrically heoted home. Immediate pos- session, Olive Avenue, east of Harmony Road. For information after hours phone BRAND NEW SPRING BUILT punge- lows, nearing completion. We it thet now Is the best time fo Inspect, See with * your own eyes what goes Into @ quality built home, Many options, some at no extra cost. Olive Avenue just east of |Harmony Road, Call Dolores Ross, Rael 1964 or W. 0. Martin, Rei 78-5103. WHAT A HOMEI rt 'oom with aluminum siding. Split level, wiles place in living room, ample cupboards in* kitchen off dining room. Twe- proce cal off den. Balcony, walk-out base! Ter CALL GRIFFIN (and start packing) MOTHER'S FIRST CHOICE Cozy, clean, attractive three bedroom detached bungalow, featuring extra large modern kitchen, new styled bathroom, ponelled living room with broadloom. 293 foot deep lot inciudes a smoll orchard, de- tached . garage with privote drive and excellent garden. Call Dick Pocock for appoint- ment to inspect. WE LIST AND SELL Mites rific view! Only $21,900, Call Don's Tirade: ski, Realtor, 723-4651. EXECUTIVE HOME, In Oshawa's pren ferred north west area, located in @ eunet court. Wall fo wall broadioom 'In tiv! room and bedrooms, completely finis recreation room with bar. One of Oshe awa's nicest back yards, hedged, some trees, For appointment to seg call Steve Englert, Guide Realty Lid. 723-5981. NORTH WEST: 2 storey good condition and very at $16,500, Sibby's 728-7570, TEN-ROOM 3; acre, creek Stradeski, KING $7 it -- area heme lot, 110 + speculator's bey. « eal Don siradeakle R an 723-465), . | NEW HOMES on Switzer Drive. b and p. By Miche! ite: Tele > phone 728-8882 Prams ire Properties For Sale or Rent "RETIREMENT. COTTAGE" Pigeon River, within 1 mile of the town of Omemee, com- pletely insulated frame bun- galow for the couple who wish to enjoy a "fishing. retire. ment', Living room, dining orea, kitchen, bathroom and 3 bedrooms are all lined and insuloted; have tile ceilings, with tile and lino floors. Open front and enclosed rear porche es. Garage for storage, ete, Extras include fridge, stove, hot and cold running water, duotherm oil space heater with fan and 250 gal. oil tank, T.V. and aerial, 12' fibreglass boat. Completely furnished. H.D. hydro. Situat. ed ono lovely grassed lot 90' frontage by 250' deep. Illness forces owner to sell. Only $9,000 with $4,000 Terms GENTLEMEN FARM 196 acres with stocked trout pond, 2 streams. Good build ings. Painted barns, Rolling land Overflowing cement dom. Priced to sell. invite your inspection of this home | COULD BE USED FOR | '66. A metal working monufoe- turer in the Whitby oreo re- quires an experienced Shop Scheduler ANDREW ANTENNA 606 Beech Street Whitby 668-3348 KITCHEN HELP WANTED 8 AM. - 2 P.M. 6 DAY WEEK pply MR. CAMPBELL GENOSHA HOTEL Must speak English LAW OFFICE « SECRETARY REQUIRED Please reply stating ege, ex- perience, moaritel status and references to BOX 24686 OSHAWA TIMES WHITBY W. OQ. MARTIN REALTOR 728-5103 Marilyn Fitzgerald 668-5313 Dolores Ross 728-1964 Elmer Fredin 725-2753 Wolter Mittler 728-7083 VIII. @ a Duplex all on one floor) on Centre Street. Has two kit- Models chens. Priced at only $12,700 with low down payment and one "In The Heart easy monthly payment for the balance | Of Oshawa" Previous production planning er shop expediting experience ~ @n osset. This is a soloried position with @ progressive monufac turer in an established ond expending plont. Excellent solary ond benefits, _Phone 668-3348. AMBITIOUS Prestige soles position open to men ond women on full time bosis. Excellent remun eration and training provided To counsel porents on how funds eon be created for their children's university educa- tion through University Schel- arships of Canado Plan Phone or write for personal interview -- Bi priced Real Estete Ltd, untry Rome, one trees, garay 4 $12,500, bon R altor, 723- " SAVE! $500 SAVE! Down payments from $1295. 6%4% N.H.A.. Mortgages. Last of the Winter Works. 3-4 bedroom bungalows, 2 Storey Ranch and Split-Level homes in beautiful "Rolling Hills Estates", featuring Pic- ture Book bathrooms, Holly- wood kitchens, built-in range ond ovens, storms. and screens, walk-out bosement, family rooms, sliding patio ; doors. PLUS! PLUS! PLUS! new 4 bedrooms. See ond Save the Griffin 2 bathrooms. Tuder design Way. Phone John Kosteniuk Completely decorated, Sodded today, Griffin Real Estate front and rear. Huge kitchen Ltd, 155 Simcoe St. South. with Columbia cabinets. Cop- 723-B144, perhood fan. Vanity bath- << ______ room. Call 728-1656. OSHAWA REALTY $13,500 FULL PRICE Investment Properties Snow white frame, 2 bedroom Resales -- New Homes bungalow on large lot 80' x Free Valuations 200', midway between Osh- awa ond Bowmanville. Nicely we decorated. Attached garage. ye ae al Call Bill Hubbell, 728-1656. 25. Bond Waar INCOME HOME en East end, close to King St jwith Kitchen, living room, dining room, and 3 bedrooms for PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT of LOCAL INDUSTRY requires YOUNG MAN Grode 13 This is o per- position with usual benefits Reply in confidence to P.O. BOX 278, OSHAWA, ONT. Open 9 a.m. to9 p _MEMBER OF O.D.R H. MILLEN Reol Estote Ltd. $1,257 DOWN Brand manent position in rere condition. Phone Oshawa HOUSEK and room maid want.) ed for hotel service. No experience neces. sary. Apply in writing to: Box 35385 | EXPERIENCED WAITRESS for day or night shift, $50 weekly, 6 days. Apply in person at Rainbow Restaurant, 163 Brock Sree! Whitby HELP W ED -- Sales person wanted| for larger furniture store, Flair for color and design an asset, Reply giving exper lence if any to: Box 29949, Oshawa Times WANTED -- Reliable lady or girl to help with housework. Vicinity Whitby No children, Write Oshawa Times, Whitby, Box No. 2464) BEAUTY COUNSELORS has organizat lenal and sales openings. Excellent op- portunity, Full or part time. 723-9349, ns | 9442. BABY SITTER -- fo look atier 2 children | In the ehildren's heme. Mother works| shit work at telephone office. Five-day week. Near south plant. Telephone 723 8902. | 18--Male le Help Wanted | CLASS "A" MECHANIC TAX! DRIVERS " fo | ' ----- for clerical duties Down payments from . . or equivalent monent List with us Photo M.L.S. or Exclusive $1,000 DOWN 9 3 3 asking price is only $10,000.} Hurry and call on this home to fully landscapec fot gives. you the feeling of ptivacy. Stone ond} compony ; y Before You Buy See . and many others, Call now tol hoi SARICK HOMES a ie war University Scholarships of Canada Box 27, Postal Station J, Toronto Phone 466-4875 (Collect) Superintendent Manager FULL TIME For large brand new apert- ment building, Must be cap- able of dealing with tenants, making minor repairs etc. and No other Oshawa Builder con duplicate our PART TIME HELP Men or women with car or small truck for 2 or 3 hours each day. Collection runs and have wife who is interested some. deliveries to carrier | in helping. Please reply stat- boys. Evening work alse avail- | ing experience to able. Telephone 728-4161 } | fantastic 993 | TO ONE N.H.A. @ nice clean bungalow Hollywood kitchen? Then see this 3. large bedrooms, paved drive and ga lrage close to Donevan Collegiate 6 per }cent interest rate, Please call me right now to arrange your inspection cf this extras not stove BOX 35002 Meare 5, 10 a.m. to OSHAWA TIMES screens ENERGETIC Port or full time. YOUNG MAN | Mercury 1) MERCURY TAXI For Sales In 725-477] Men's Clothing Store | @ Here is an opportunity for @ young man over 18 to get ahead © Must be willing to work or and accept responsibility in return for attroctive salary and commission. Apply Box 29872 Our own trained personnel ore 'on assist you. Browse in comfort No odiigation LABRADOR DRIVE OPEN HOUSE Commencing Wed. 2 to 9 p.m Weekends | to 6 pm @ Individually Designed @ Financed Under N.H.A. 6% % Year Round Comfort With FORD DEALERSHIP to work in Bowmanville. All company benefits. the site to - no sales ONE SALESMAN -- {f interested in mak jing $25 per day,, and being paid daily |reply immediately. Telephone sales ex | perience helpful. er will train, Box 21858, | Oshawa Times. MODELS ON ADELAIDE AVE. E AT CENTRAL PARK BLVD Apply Stu Maelntosh WAITER for beverage room. Sieady em ployment. Must have good characte references. Apply Manager, Hotel Lan The amount of the N.H.A e mortgage is proof of our Tony Streng $ BEDROOM, 2 bathroom, Hampton. See by appointment, Billett, 263-2228. BRICK, newly decorated, 2 sitting, dining, kitchen, full large lot, excellent Ajax full, $2,000 down. $87.45 principal and interest. Taxes approximately $200 per year, 942-0953 or 668-6715 HAVING LIVING PROBLEMS because of children etc. Bungalow. 3-4 bedrooms, sitting room, large kitchen, hall, 3 piece room, Lovely landscaped bathroom, newly decorate, Ajax area yerd, asking only $15,500. $2,000 down, carries for $88.92 principa ; and interest. Low taxes, 942-0953 or Telephone 728-9466, 668-6715 5 YEAR OLD bungalow with garage, $2,500 DOWN located on Popiar Street, near Donevan 4 bedroom rancher with at- High. This home offers you, schools, teched garage, finished rec- transportation, all paid services, . only $17,000.00 full price and terms arranged reation room, has natural 7? fireplace. Close to downtown Call Mr. Gower 728-1005 W. Frank Rea Call 728-9466 Estate Limited 623-3393 NEAR CIVIC 723-032] 2 iT'S*SMALL and compact, ideal for re AUDITORIUM tirement. 20 miles from Oshawa, needs PRIVATE 3 bedroom, brick bungalow, decorating. Only $6,300.00 and move rion | Builder's Clearance rec, room with natural fire- Real Estate Ltd n, Ya acres of land and drilled well.| place, exceptional landscap- Only 2 Left house in Mrs. living room, wall to wall. Many extras Telephone 725-9328 er 728-0123, WRITE -- Mrs, Ruth |. P (BOND ST.) LTD. or CALL COLLECT -- 705- 769-3371. 10 ACRES WITH STREAM EASY TERMS PHONE Bill Millar 725-2557 or 725-1186 bedr ° basement, area. $11,500 1 PAYMENT | AWA S 1X, @ is all that is required for this three bedroom bungolow located right in the city. Full! BIGGEST FULL PRICE . | day af QUIET DISTRICT N.H.A. X. @ But with all conveniences! ar 'e | 'a |. = close to schools,' bus and| | MORTGAGES | shopping centre. Large, beauti-| AVAILABLE brick building is in excellent] condition and has many extras} ke rec. room, poved driveway T.V, tower and aerial, garage! LOT 50' x 134' ae : CLOSE TO KING ST, E | VIEW MODELS. WILSON X!l.'@ We will not sell this lot e oF 9 io but will build @ good home ac-| AVE. 2 BLOCKS NORTH cording to your specifications) ond arrange o convenient mort-|} OF BLOOR | goge. It is located in a good FUL : PRICE residential district surrounded t LARGER LOTS oo by modern buildings. Call for! further porticulars | JUST LISTED '@ LARGER XH. @ This three bedroom brick | bungalow is the ultimate in lux-| urious living at a moderate! HOMES price. Many found | in every home include built-in and oven, storms ond) @ door chimes and built | MORE In bookcases, If you would like owner plus 2 room apt. on comfortable h Marl! Fit 1 to see this home in a preferred FEATURES 3rd floor now rented. Handy [ates ne 103 W ©. Martin, faaitor ad tg cella ae residential area, call us fonight.} to achicols. buses and wee '|A FAMILY with children will appreciate| good terms | ping. This home will sell fast. [this spacious, over 1,200 square foot| For further information Call Doug Trivett, 728-1656. | bungalow Close to J. F. Kennedy school id e SUPERIOR JExtra large kitchen, 3 bedrooms. Nicely you oe Doug Wroight, | jkset vegetable garden. FOR FURTHER eterborough offic NHA RESALE letra poem, Soe coer a, aoe, Beautiful 3 bedroom bunga- [7083 or 728-5103 W. 0. Martin, Realtor. Hina sedi STYLING low in absolutely immaculate | PRIVATE -- no agents. Three-year-old, s condition. The full price $17,- three-bedreom brick bungalow. Well land JUNE GOLF SPECIAL 5 c 000. Good east end location. [kitchen with builtin oven. Fresnly aeee| CHE BALDWINS e | Why not toke a peek? Call rated throughout. Asking $18,900. with a Windermere, Muskéka LOW RI | Charlie Rickson, 728-1656. eel al down payment. Telephone PICKEREL FISHING ee RESET PE PRIVATE TROUT PONDS TWO-BEDROOM 0 iid oe Oe ing, intercom, elevatar, builtin. steve,| HEATED SWIMMING POOL erences. : Triple Seal Heating TOTAL VALUE fridge, washer, dryer free, broadioom in| Hi ; Fo a to caster, ng Street West, Oshawa i ' ' 5 si ridoy if staying one week or '. i st $ or Val @ Oversize Rooms he yh eee WORM PICKERS, needed immediately, gsecibbual eto © Family Planned Kitchens In ERIC ES more. must be over 17 years, plece work. $5 Val Dilead 11 -- IN QUALITY Dahawa Titnes per thousand. All summer employment e@ Unusual Value... Pricec | o- IN TERMS ~ Apply Oshawa 'lve Bait, 859 Nelson! BUILT @ BACKED d SOLE Completely Low | 'i MacDONALD Street and Wolfe $1. East | ' sok . © 3 ond 4 bedrooms Swe Se ee) || = DIRECT -- King Sttoat Rest over. Herta) LO MOLIT fario county. with RawaGh Promor, Hill, past flosher light turn || OPEN DAILY To You By right at 2nd Street (Athabaske) | AND WEEK-ENDS 2 BEDROOM BRICK North east orea, this home, clean as a pin, five room bun- golow, hos a separate dining 219 King East | up full time, Write Rawieigh, Dept REQUIRED F-310-336, 4005 Richelieu, St. Henry, Mont Must be experienced in brush real CARPENTERS WANTED, rough and fn zi ished, rate $3.30 per hour. Apply ond spray $2.50 per {Atbert Street, Oshawa Bowmanville and up ---- 623- kel | SINGLE MAN for feed maki ng "Bperation| 2 = Upton's Painting [eon ear "Be rae. Tele H OM ES |: . Rien pe 5 3454 | phone 263-20: 2038 evenings ee = apes Manitius 728:2754 MIDDLE-AGED 723-2977 |20--Real Estate for Sale ped y tt iat 44h MAN 7.000 DOWN 723-8201 Art Jehoson 723-8738 $ | cee 4923 = pect OM | BOLAHOOD | Sererct tii BUILDER caine tu vn jock Greham Brand new 3 or 4 bedroom 5581 El, Ann Thompson 7 SPECIAL : brick bungalows; natural stone -1121 5-99.47 George $2,000.00 down, $16,900 front, attached garage, 2 Pa 5 room brick bun to Labrador Drive Model Home GUIDE REALTY LIMITED | i for full particulars} to 9 p.m.} Call 723-5281 Open Daily from 9 a.m work : BIRD Real Estate COMPOS!ITOR LUDLOW OPERATOR Required immediately @ Fo in one of Oshowa's most progressive Men's Clothing Stores soles Apply ist is 'a OVERLOOKING Tihe town of Bowman-|!imits, terms. Call 728-7248. /ville and Lake Ontario. Very large ravine }BEAUTIFUL Stoco" Lake, lot, with a view, You have to see to ap-|safe, sandy beach, spacious lawn with preciate. Asking $5,000.00 and terms can|shade trees, riding, golfing, shopping, be arranged. Call Mr. Gower 728-1005 W.jcocktail lounges within mile. $2,000 down, Frank Real Estate 623-3393. |$50 monthly. Full selling price $4,500. jApply 765 Chesterton Avenue Bowman- | access t>| COTTAGE, 728-|pine treed point, 725-0226. in person to Atlas Tag Co. OF CANADA LTD. pas j ie washrooms, fully ssa salary plus AJAX, ONT and londscoped Immediate | spe OUTBOARD MOTOR mechanic, exper sheesh enced repairs to outboards, power TELEPHONE mowars, chain sews. atc. | Appiicants| 723-6541 lpmust be 2) years or over, preferably full time, 728-5565. Mr, Davia, after 6, 4 3 bedrooms, @ Must hove some soles ex- perience, preferably in the clothing business Call Mr, Gower 728-1005 W. Frank Reai| -- Estate 623-9393. |TWO 10-acre lots, five minutes. trom citys, ing, loaded with extras. Ask- ing $21,900. Call 728-9466 Nymeyer -4731 Lloyd Corson full price 424] decorated ' up" Lucas Peacock 723-2537 723-112) $500 Winter galow. Vaca Can be ir Dick Young 72 7183 644% NHA Mortgage Works Bonus © Attractive on 's-acre lakefront lot with ted orivtime North n Madoc srea. Phone location. Call Roy Yeo at Oshawa Realty 725-2217 101 Simeoe Street North weenge 0.D.R.E.B, 29839 Times Apply Box Oshawa (Continued on sie 16) ~ $1290 d : you qualify Highway No, 2, 401. Excellent buy GUIDE REALTY | _ 728-9466 | antenna, laundry facilities | | 68 ACRES between Oshawa - West : 9464. Bond Street Lid LIMITED REALTORS 723-0575 NEED HELP IN A HURRY? Place alperking, shared beth, "Aduiig only. $90 OPEN 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M: lville. Two railway sidings down, if |WHITBY -- Three-room modern apart:| "ee Wanted ad now by dialing 723-3492." monthly, Telephone 668.4543,