City Apartment Building Establishes High Mark An apartment building boom | growing population areas -- 4 which started in Oshawa i#05 Das skKyrocKkeled me num- ber of units to more than 3,000. Since the boom began, more than 2,000 suites have been con- siructed. G. A. Wandless, city planning director, says that pnor to 1963 single family dwelling starts exceeded apartment unit starts by a ratio of 2-1o-1 and greater. In 1964 the ratio was 1-to-1 and in 1965 the ratio was. almost 2-to-1 in starts. A scarcity of mortgage money in 1966 has slowed the boom to some degree but the demand for and the construction of new buildings will undoubiedly con- tinue, In 1965 all records were de- molished as 1,082 apartment units were constructed. About 1,000 apariment suites are located in this "'apartment village" in the Gibb-Grenfell Sis. area of the city, southeast of the Oshawa Shopping Centre. The apariment development in this area has been carried on for about the Jast five years and indicates the iremendous apartment building boom dur- ing the 1960's. Im 1963, building penmits were issued by the city for 526 apart- ment units (duplexes and up); in 1964, permits for 698 mul- tiple-family units were and in 1965 permits for a whop- ping 1,193 units were issued. "The value of year amounted to approximate- ly $7.5 million of which a tax yield of some $250,000 can be expected,' said Mr. Wandless. The planning director said 672 single family dwellings; 102 du- plex and dual dwellings; and 1,082 apariment units (28 apart- ment buildings) were construct- ed in Oshawa during 1965. The total number of dwelling wnits constructed, 1,856, re- quired a total of 202 acres of land of which the apartment units required 26 acres. Three apartment buildings containing a total of about 270 suites are located in the Oxford St. - Malaga'Rd. area, east of the General Motors Lid. south plant. Construction of the apart- ment complex started about two years ago and more is to come. Two, 10-storey apariment buildings containing an addi- tional 250 suites will be built in the immediate area. Oshawa now has 2,370 apart- ment house suites; 16,302 single family dwellings; 194 semi-de- tached units; 60 duplex suites; 135 triplex suites; 696 moulti- family suites; 573 commercial property suites; and 29 sum- mer cottages -- for a total of 21,508 residential units. New apariments with pro- truding balconies are located in one of the Merchandising Lab Successful | EDMONTON (CP) -- The goods move briskly across the counters and the cash register handles real money. But the sign On the door says Mer- ehandising Laboratory. Every day before classes start and during lunch hour, the siudent-run enterprise sells sup- plies, textbooks, dance tickets and a variety of other articles at Victoria Vocational School. J. E.. Campbell, the teacher- Manager, oversees ihe opera- tion and orders textbooks. Everything else is handled by retail merchandising siudents-- selling, ordering, accounts, dis- play of goods, even advertising. Vive-student teams take over operation of the store in week- long shifts on a monthly rota- tion. Students act as personnel manager, chief accountant and assistant store manager. The three student executives mark the .staff for appearance and in| Nonquon road east of Simcoe street. With Oshawa's popula- tion expected to continue on the upgrade for several years there will be a eonstant need for many such buildings in the fu- ture. ment on Rossland Road at Stevenson is typical of the new apartment construction that has taken place within the City of Oshawa in recent months to meet the hie demand for this type of accommodation, Such buildings help to solve the prob- lem for those who don't want to live in houses. New high ~ rise apartments such as the one on Nonquon Road dot the panoramic land scape of Oshawa these days as 'boom time" for builders cone tinues af am accoleratca' pace. favor of apartment issued | eonstruction for apartment development last | CANADIAN WILTON city's fastest CELANESE BARRY MORE ACRILAN ALL MANUFACTURED BROADLOOMS AVAILABLE. BROADLOOM OOMS -- ALL-TO-WALL FIRST FREE .. TRANSISTOR RADIO TO THE FIRST 50 CALLS FOR FREE ESTIMATES BEFORE 5 P.M. WED. JUNE ist C.H.S APPROVED SIZES UP TO A FULL 3815 SQ. FT, CASH OR BUDGET NO MONEY NOW! YOUR ist PAYMENT JULY '66 Then $1.98 Weekly COMPLETELY INSTALLED wm UNDERPAD DON'T DELAY! 723-6791 METRO TORONTO AREA PHONE CALL COLLECT WITHIN 100 MILES USE OUR SPECIAL TELEPHONE SERVICE AT NO COST TO YOU QUALITY NAME FREE SAMPLES MAIL THIS COUPON TO CANADIAN BROADLOOM MILLS 1570 KINGSTON RD, ADDRESS DAYS-NIGHTS 24 HOUR ANSWERING SERVICE Call Long Distance and Ask for Zenith 9-8220 (No Toll Charge) lf You Live in Any of These Areas ADIAN'S 1570 KINGSTON RD. HAMILTON, James St. N. OAKVILLE, Sheddon Ave. @ Niagara Falls @ Peterborough @ Lindsay @ Belleville @ Cobourg @ Barrie @ Brantford @ Galt @ Guelph @ Kitchener @ Waterloo and Woodstock 522-5544 OSHAWA, Bond St. 723-6751 845-8522 ST. CATHARINES 684-1224 JINI1TOdOdd A1Od MIN -- LSIML GUVH TOOM-100M NISUIA %O00I~LOS LNOdNGa 5/BROADLOOM PHONE 694-3361 REPEAT OF SENSATIONAL NEW BROADLOOM OFFER oaa8 ee we SPORE C EERE TE CR OPE ERE SESE CSRS e EP EEE e eee eee ee eee