Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Jun 1966, p. 21

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En eee WELL, NO NEED FOR ME 'TO TAG ALONG, AND "THANKS FOR EVERYTHING, CHUM, AND TE SHOWA TR BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individuel Championship Play) North dealer. North-South vulnerable. BE SURE YOU HAVE TEN COPIES OF IT FOR THE FILES! Tuesday, June 28, 1966 9} perl [SEND A MEMO TO ALL | Fue TROUBLE WITH THIS) | | DEPARTMENT HEADS OUT! THAT PAPER WORK SOWN IN PAPER: dno KEPT TO A MINIMUM! 1] King Fentures 3 ndieate, Ina. 1966°Warld rights reserved. A PLATTER OF il ij COLD CUTG, POTATO SALAD AND ICED TEA MY HEART SET ON MEAT AND POTATOES AND SPAGHETTI , COME, DEAR-- iv'S SO HOT TODAY I FIXED AND Pi A NICE, COOL a eae GUMME eae) iN PINNER 1¢@ Pass 1 King Fasreres Syedionte, tne., 1965. Wedd sights emerved. ® Opening lead -- six of dia- monds, ¥ Most hands involving a close contest between the declarer OU DONT GET A BULLET and the defenders are won or jou MN YOU BY ACCIDENT! 4, lost during the early stages of ¢ a ? pe] This is because the lines of / i caminsseos battle have generally been a 4 , > @\e Jes DO AN\. +] |formed by the time two or oe Ti / AN three ~AND THE LATE.1AN FLEMM SHOULD BE RIGHT HERE/?--RIGHT WHERE | LEFT HIM--- 7 --WHEN 1, PERSONALLY, | % q y SHOT HIM IN THE HEAD?F Pit ??-HOW DID HE. tricks are played. The | subsequent plays merely reflect |the preparations formulated at |the start of the hand. | This deal illusteates the im- |portance of early planning. |West led a diamond and South | was put to the test immediately. Had he played the ten or the three from dummy, he would inevitably have gone down. Thus, had he played low from dummy, East's eight would have forced the queen and es- tablished a tenace over the K-10 which would eventually have proved fatal when West got in with a heart The king of diamonds play on the opening lead does not give South an extra diamond trick, but it has the collateral effect of forcing East to win the trick because otherwise declarer would make two diamond tricks. It furthermore prevents East from returning a diamond be- cause of the ten in dummy. East is thus forced to shift his at- tack elsewhere, 'and let's as- sume he returns a heart. TELEVISION LO rT ge yn THE LONE RANGER TARNATION | DON'T YOU HAVE ANY- yoann, dem, 1966 Woes sighte seeneved © King Femrwree 5: SECRET AGENT X9 finesse, tempting though it may 1:0 AM. be on the bidding. By playing Channel 1--Hamilten 9:39 P.M. Channel 9--Toronte J--Peyton Place | %--Abracadabra 63--Gideon's Way |3-Ernie Lindell Channel Rochester | 4_patticoat Junction' §-- | 7--Dating Game Channel 7--Buffalo 10:00 PM, | 4--Dick Van Dyke Show Channel 6--Toronte l1--The Merv Griffin aseieAlentaninrt ess Channel 4--Buffale Show Ls Pape Bh 8 --The Fugitive ju-- ni co eae is News Special | 9--Toronto Summertime Channe: 2--Buttale 10:30 PLM. +-2--Jeopardy the ace he assures the contract. A heart finesse, it so happens, would bring a diamond return and defeat of the contract. Declarer takes the ace of hearts Rt icons a club. East wins, but the battle is over. £2 News, Magazine sal uncheon Bate ? gg \South is by now sure of nine 4--News and Weather : 4 4 pa \tri "-s. 12:18 Pom. i c Two spades, a heart, a dia- | 4-Speaker of the House . - % s mond and four clubs give him TUESDAY EVE. 700 P.M. 4--The Fred a i Ts MA. N~Femily F hestre N987-6432--News Heal @--Supermen eather an ports} v2 A. 7 . ¢-Polinort Te Aqvertve: ay ak: | P-News: Weathers dL : Py | cight tricks. East is on lead and -Afmichalr Traveller" | 9 tonight show EE act . a | still cannot afford a diamond re- 2--Mike Douglas | &--Viewpoint &-2--Post Office turn. If he returns a heart he | $:30 P.M, 11:20 P.M. $4--Search for Tomorrow builds up South's ninth trick. 4 f &-Dobie Gillis | 4-Late Show 3----Noon-day Report h t d Music Hop 6--Night Metro 12:4@ blihee the ee eee tablishes the heart trick him- 3--Wrestling 1.25PM, 9--Movie . aan 6:00 P.M, ~The Vise | 12:45 PLM, self. 7--Movie 11:90 PM, | ¢4-Guiding Light 138, BUT I SPLIT sani, frat two tricks tell the e. It pays to plan the play. é--Generation | 1:00 P.Me -- int | i a 8-4--News, Sports with Rete show \11--Theatre MY GIRDLE S Healy 1--Movie |8--Dialing For Dollars crm | Stans =e 49-3-2----News; 1:40 PM. |3-6--Luncheon Date Weather; 'Sports -| 9-1 Spy 4--Meet The Millers --Huritley-Brinkiey 6--Nightcap 2-Topper t--Across Canada 12:00 A.M, 1:30 P.M eae EM. N--Untouchables ... ... .| @4--As The World Turns 11--Mike Dougias } 1:00 A.M. | 28--Let's Make @ Deal %--My Mother The Car (news Weather sports | 2:00 P.M. &Men in Crisis | 7--Contidential for Women 4--News; Weather: } WEDNESDAY | &4--Password ; 8:09 A.M. &2--Days of Our Lives rts | Spo 4--Captain Kangaroo 13--Movie 4--Car 54, Where Are | You? Heenan re eee ae oven AED Py BACKWARDS, or WASH FOR THE OATH BIRMINGHA, England (CP) A divorce hearing was held up because a witness insisted on taking a bath before the oath. He is a Moslem, forbidden to touch the Koran when unclean. The judge allowed him 10 min- utes in a washroom before pro- ceeding. : SALLY'S SALLIES | 2:30 P.M. -- 3--Gilligan's Isiand ® Pa a he cguuad 2--Huntley - Brinkley | 7:00 A.M, | bi | pp 1--Morning Musicale | FA Time For Us | ePo! | @ Romper Room | $-Zane Grey Theatre | 7.20 P.M. | F--Disling For Doters | 4--Linkletfer's Party 7--News, Weather, Sports| With Girl Talk } 3:00 P.M. 7.30 PHA paey is /4 Soren | 9--Fractured Phrases . "heater aha @-2--Another World %--Musical Showcase | 2-Boto's Big Top 7--Generat Hospital § 3--My Mother The Car | 9:30 A.M. | 643=To' Tell The Truth 7--Combet ?7--Uncle Bobby } 2.25PM. | 6--Beatl | 8--Smile Time ay Seth | eaties | Love of Lite 3-6--Bonnle' Prudden | ¢--Daktari 2--Jack LaLanne +News | 3--Hogan's Heroes | 10:09 A.M. 3:30 P.M, | 8:00 P.M, People 11--Funny Company N--Movie JSS Ere Suess | 9--41t's Your Move 9--News Ppecial wail me $2--Please Don't Bet | 10:30 A.M. Datsies 11--Hawkeye 4--Edge' of Night #3--Red Skelton Hour | 9--Summer Fun 4:00 P.M, j#2--Concentration } 1 Love Lu 8.30 AM, 9--T.V. University YOUR HEALTH Woman, 40, Has Loss Of Hair By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, M.D. | 28--You Don't Say | 7--Superman Show PETE, MAY I USE 7--Donnd Reed MUGGS.AND SKEETER PLAYING COWB: iOS WITH THE KIDS AND 4 MINUTES 3 wr YOUR HORSE A FEW hea: 4 rg a' ee, Mes, ys x King Features Svadicate, Ine + 88. Skin tumor . IF I WERE A SUSPICIOUS WOMAN TD IMAGINE ALL OF THIS... THIS PERFECTION... WAS ORDERED BY YOU... Je {T WASN'T ORDERED, EXACTLY, | i 3, Points THOUGHTFUL, MR.OTIS/ A LETTER} : Ue EM PONY 2 #--F-Troop 63--Dr. Klidare 7--McHale's Navy 4---Red Skelton 9:00 PLM, 9--Movie $2--Movie 6-3--Dick Van Dyke 7--F Troop ACROSS . Dressed 5, Macaws .Church part 6 Acid fruit . Fragrance 7. . Center . Toward 8. 5, Taste . Stout and 9. others . 18. Terminal 11. 20. Pliers, 16, forceps, 19. » Pincers, etc. 21, Food for invalids 36. Seaweeds 45. Pinch Saloons 37. Roosevelt 47, Large bag: Balance coins abbr. ; 22, Brawl 24. Spigot 23. 25.Fragment 26, 27. Leat 4---The McCoys é}-- | }-Dave Garraway Show ee 11:00 A.M, | 2---Merv Griffin 8-2--Morning Star 4:30 P.M. 11--Secret Squirrei '11--Albert Steed 9--Mr. And Mrs. | 4--Andy Griffiths |3--Ed Allen Time | 7--Supermarket Sweep '4--Movie | 9--Movie .Deplete 28, Barge , Smith or 29. Re- Jolson tall- . Like a ates worn tire 30, Camera . Soap-like plant More painful Provides food Promontory 35. Studied Yesterday's Answer Abyss Tune bug i 41, Turkish &--Woody Woodpecker | 6-3--Razzle Dazzle coin 31, Chum Gyr bd 4 Ys jy? {6 33, Bird of peace 84, Maneuvered 10 in a ring GY 39. Venetian traveler 40, Initials for the boss 42. Neighbor of N, B. 43. Jason's ship 44, Canine skin pase 46. Squads , 48. Iroquoians 49, Music-stand 50, Weakens DOWN 1, Confirmed 2. Card game | woman of. 40 and have a prob- lem of hair loss. A physical checkup shows my condition to »e normal. In view of this what are the possibilities of hair | transplanting?--Mrs, B. E. Transplanting of hair has been done, apparently success-} fully, but it is quite a new tech- nique. It is painstaking and ex- pensive, Obviously it is also dependent on having enough hair on some areas for trans- planting. For those reasons I am not disposed to recommend that people try it without carefully balancing all the factors. There is one further and very important thing for you to do. Have a dermatologist examine your scalp. For example, if there is some skin ailment or infection which is causing hair loss, such loss can continue de- spite the effort and cost of transplanting. There are different reasons for loss of hair. It is not un- usual for women to notice some thinning as they reach 40. Or the loss may be a matter of the hair being brittle and breaking off rather than inability of the follicles to grow hair. COULD BE THYROID Has your thyroid been checked? Low thyroid activity; can be an important factor, and a correctible one. In some instances the use of certain dyes or other materials applied to the hair may be harmful. Here again a dermatol- logist can help trace down and} identify. the trouble. Nervous problems sometimes produce patchy loss of hair, and correction of them brings regrowth, but this t-kes time. | Finally, heredity is a strong force which we cannot change. | thing Ete Mal Gane | Dear Dr. Molner: I am aj Although baldness is many in Cor times more frequent in men than in women, a fair number of women are affected. This does not seem to be commonly known, doubtless because a ( 4 woman with*hat 'trouble promptly and understandably resorts to a wig. Meh are more prone to let their scalps shine. Appealing as the idea of transplanting hair is, it isn't an easy solution to the problem, A skilled and deliberate inyestiga- tion of the type of hair loss is the sensible first step before leaping to the conclusion that transplanting is going to be the answer. I have no doubt that the people who developed the transplanting technique will tell you the same thing. Dear Dr. Molner: Please ex- plain "thyroid stoxm" and its causes in a woman™of 73. She had a prolonged period of emo- tional stress just prior to the episode.--Mrs. S. G. A thyroid storm is a violent flare-up of a toxic thyroid con- dition. Pulse and heart rate are rapid, temperature is elevated and the patient is very ill. Stress could bring on such an attack, provided the underlying thyroid condition already ex- isted. Dear Dr. Molner; Please set- tle an argument. When my neighbor removes leftover food from the refrigerator to warm up for a meal, she always cooks the whole batch, saying that heat kills the germs. My thought isthat only the amount needed for the meal should be warmed. Please straighten us out. --M. M. "ay are cv rec', os. cooking "You 'take my bath for me, Marie, and don't make it too hot." mean getting the food hot enough all the way through to kill germs. In fact, mere warm- ing encourages bacteria, which is why so many people manage to get food poisoning on picnics in hot weather. The food too often sits in the sun, or in the hot trunk of a car for some --" instead of being kept cold. It's better to keep food in the refrigerator until time to warm it up, then use only what is needed. Thorough cooking of the whole batch would get it pretty well dried out if repeated. Note to R. I. D.:. You re- ceived conflicting answers be- cause you asked a question that cannot be answered positively. A Pap smear of the cervix Mhight' show cancer of the womb, either the body of the womb, or the cervix, which is part of it. Dear Dr. Molner: When 1 go to the bathroom, I've noticed a whitish, liquidy substance that follows. I'd like to know if it could be anything serious before I consult my doctor. -- D. S. Your logic baffles me. Go to the doctor to find out! This sounds like mucous colitis, which should receive medical at- tention. Note to Mrs. R. S.: Removal of the Bartholin gland is not a serious undertaking, and is the 4 RID gersz., be warming) usual procedure when the gland s up' doesn't always becomes chronically infected.

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