agp a asi Ng : Peer wow a a Lik nkeaiik i Lame Tp 19--Male and Femele 20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Reol Estate for.Sale ;20--Real Estate for Sale 20---Reol Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 28, 1966 7 Help Wanted J War Oe Weg ge Caer tg ge MPDAPOR BONE: : ee Ye BBE EO: aeons, Be Glee He eine ee - 17--Femole Help Wonted 18--Mole Help Wanted _ 20--Reai Estate for Sale NEW CANADIAN COMPANY WANTS FEMALE HELP Earn extra money evenings showing women's fashions on Party Vien Basis. Somples supplied, CALL ( athens AANaAgas WIV Teme WEL* WANTED -- Se for, wor, furniture fre, gre, iar ay for er giving exper- toes " ~ 4 'tn 2994, "osnawe Times. TELEPHONE "SOLICITORS, three wani- office. For information 7 LaPHOnE $6 HONE SOLICITORS, required for for wo =H to @ tor light deliv a 3 car and RAGES work, Must have Hs a ated. Oshawa, Ajax Streets. per excellent girl with fad beauty sa mission, 725- Call iT _opportunit clientele fo manage small Suararvent wage plus com: BEAUTY COUNSELORS fas or ns organizal- fonal and sales openi poriuniiy, Fur of part 9442, lent = Poe Pl, WANTED -- Reliable lady or girl to o help with housework, Vicinity. Whitby. children, Write Oshawa Times, nity, vs Box No, 2464) CHECKROOM GIRL for club, Saturdays only, Telephone 724-06\3 between 5 5-6 business "LADY needs Kind, m. reliable mother to look after six-year-old girl dure ing scheol holldays and for a fr each day during school term ust live in the vicinity of Or, Cannon "We Cedar Street, and 'a mother with other) be} . childepn attending above school would referred, Girl will be délivered and col- dected Monday Friday, Please 7 after 6 p.mM., {HAIRDRESSER -- Experienced for wnanent position in Alax Plaza. condition. Phone Oshawa 723-5117 phone Good BABY SITTER -- to look after 2 children ty the children's home shift work af telephone office. week, Near south plant. 1 902. 1 WIDDLE-AGED WOMAN to care three children in Harmony area, live mother working, Start July ¢ out, $ Telephone 728-4067, No teen agers, Dlease 118--Mal 'Help Wanted | MIDDLE-AGED | MAN le For sales work in one of Oshowa's most progressive Men"s Clothing Stores Must hove some soles ex- perience, preferobly in the clothing business. Attractive solary plus com- mission, Apply Box 29839 Oshawa Times Mother works Five-day! Telephone 723- "Yor 4, SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT @ Experienced Only. @ Good Salary. Meade's Sunoco 588 King East | 725-8161 THE ONTARIO RIEG. R.C.A.C. SEVEIRAL VACANCIES exist for sivitable High School stu- dents in the 1966 STUDENT MILIIFIA COURSE, starting July, Full pay and allowances. Apply immediotely the Arm- ories, Simcoe St., Oshawa. ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN Flor Sales In Men's; Clothing Store @ Here: is an opportunity for © young man over 18 to get «shead. Must' be willing to work and accept responsibility ins neturn for attractive solaryr and commission. Ap ply Box 29872 Clshowa Times SA\LESMEN WANTED We Have Two Openings For Aimbitious Men Unlimited op portunities for right man wonting @ future. Cor essential. Laberal draw against commissiors. Box. 35181 Oshawa Times PAINTERS REQUIRED Must be exgierienced in brush ond sprdy work, $2.50 per hour and up. Upton's Painting 723--2977 WELDER wanted. Apply Harmac indus tries, Charles Street South, Whitby. aot) 668. EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE seies- man and sales sup erviser wanted imme- Ciately, for # dow.etewn office, where every deal. would not just be a sum ber, but where eviwry deal would' get personalized service, All interviews con- 4 fidentia!. Call for appointment. | Perry Real Estate, 723-8123. MATURE COUPLE, part-time, ber were ice and cook, for locity! private club, Sal ary and schedule to be with references to Oshawa. erranged. Apply Post Office Box {51,/ WAITERS for bevere ge room. One steady job, one summer ic. Must have good character = reference: s. Hotel Lancaster, 27 King Street V SICKNESS makes wwwiiadie good service, tinue because res autems dent, Write at once. R ewieigh Deol. 6310 Interested n tuture." 720-269 MONEY TALK: Classified Aas) SP SA, 4005 Richelieu S11. Montrea Apply Manager. SUPERVISORY TRAINEE We have on immediate open- ing, for @ mature young man, in our Quality ond Waste Control Department. The se- wEIeO BPPIKUTH ture completed grode 13, and moy have one or more yeors of college. He will be approxi- mately 21 years old,-and will preferably have hed some re- loted industrial experience, This position affords an un- usual opportunity for person- ol growth, to supervisory re- sponsibilities within on ex- panding, multi-plant orgoni- zation. We offer an attrac- tive starting salary, exce'lent working conditions and the usuol range of employee benefits, For further detoils please con- tact: MR. R. ANDERSON BATHURST CONTAINERS LIMITED WHITBY, ONTARIO 668-3371 MAJOR OIL COMPANY REQUIRES TANK TRUCK DRIVERS Age 25 - 35 MINIMUM EDUCATION --- GRADE 12 This is @ permanent position offering on opportunity for advancement. All company benefits 'includ- ing medical, pension and sav- ings plans available. Applicant must be experienc ed in the operation of a tank truck or troctor. troiler, Apply in own hand writing to: P.O, BOX 158 PORT HOPE, ONT, STEINBERG'S LIMITED Meat Cutters PART TIME For our modern super market 600 King St. East. Apply To Store Manager STEINBERG'S LIMITED 600 King St. E. Oshawa Requires eration. We ore looking for a young mon to train and develop in the plant marketing operation of: our organization, Manag- erial potentiol is a prere- quisite for o successful candi- date. QUALIFICATIONS: Senior motriculetion, business serene Training age 2 Written application to BOX M35108 OSHAWA TIMES FURNITURE SALESMAN REQUIRED Must be over 21 years. For well established store in Whit- by, Apply in own handwriting to Box 29932 Oshawa Times CARPENTERS WANTED TOP WAGES PAID. HOUSE FRAMING 725-8213 Experienced Painters Wanted Must. be nect competent workers, Union shop, Apply 34 King St Ww. income, quired --heiptul Enjoy the many advanta ganized smalier office confidence, W. ©. Martin, Realtor Apply Queen's Hotel, North, RUG LAYER with fools, Ottawa charges "experience, 633-232-070. lore 7 p.m necessary Rawieigh, Dept ict | St.. Henry, Montreal. in Townships Whitby 'East and Darlington. bs Good opportunity to continue established Previous de: der unable - hoo pero ti oth grade. haly store all dene Ap SIMPLE HELP WANTED -- siiesman for larger|sel! thi , furniture store. Reply giving exper: 'oe ings you don't need for @tc., to: Box 29949, Cishawe Times. yo Dial 723-3472 fer an sbarter Shell-Canada Ltd. candidate for career in marketing op- in person to N. H. EDGAR & SON LTD. THE "SELLING of Real Estate attords @ challenging opportunity fer the ambitiow man to make a better than average provided he receives the re supervision which we know that we are well equipped to offer s Of a well or lease phone our Sales manager at 728-5103 or after hours 7083 ali inquiries treated in strictest EXPERIENCED WAITER full time work. 67 Simcoe Street own Reverse MAN REQUIRED fer cleaning offices at night. Retired man preferred. Phone 728 BE A RAWLEIGH DEALER in Oshawa jand Ontario county. Good year around earnings. No capital Write G-310-870, 4005 Richelieu, JUNIOR GROCERY CLERK, age i820 For fast growing jmust be over 17 years, |per thousand. All summer employment. | SEE ST. LUKE 6:3] For Your Qualifications. THE Averoge Canadian Home- moker spends over $50,000 an Eande Rent Them flavorite S$. $. Cook- ware AND let these home- makers judge the oenefits themselves. NO TRAVELLING---WORK LOCALLY IN ONTARIO OR reece or Remain Curious VOLUME pond gear 883 HAMILTON RD., LONDON "BOYS AND GIRLS WANTED for Delivery of GLOBE and MAIL Throughout Summer If you are ambitious and want to éorn money over the holidays, Phone 725-4473 TAX! DRIVERS Port or full time Minimum age 25 MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 BOOKKEEPER required for general of fice work, able to use typewriter, Cedar | dale Scrap iron and Metals Ltd, 735) Albert Street. | ONE SALESMAN -- ff Interested in mak | ing $25 per day, and being paid daily, | reply immediately. Telephone sales ex-| perience heipfil. or will train. Box 21858, Oshawa Times. EXPERIENCED PERSON to operate din-| ing thom, in smal! hotel. Apply Box M35127, Oshawa Times. WAITER for beverage room. ployment. Must have good references. Apply Manager, caster, 27 King Street West, WORM PICKERS, needed immediately,| piece work, $5| Steady em: character | Hotel Lan) Oshawa. | Bait, East Appiy Oshawa Live 659 Street and Wolfe St 20---Real Estate for Sale BAY RIDGES $2,800 DOWN Nelson | Modern 3 Bedroom Bungalow living and dining. room broad- loomed, Newly decorated throughout. Walk-out patio leading to spacious backyard, Paved drive Ready To Move In! Coll Bill Millar 725-2557 or 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON Real Estate. Ltd. PAUL RISTOW LTD. REALTOR 1728-9474 WHITBY -- QUIET STREET Sparkling brick bungalow with matching garage has been the owners pride and joy. Now he has been transferred and re- luctantly offers his home for $19,800 with N.H.A. finon- cing. Be the first to inspect and you'll be rewarded, FAMILY SPECIAL Brand new 3. bedroom home in Oshawa's north area. Con- venient to. schools and shop- ping. Priced at $15,400 with N.H.A, mortgage Paul Ristow Ltd. REALTOR 187 King St. E. 728-9474 After Hours Call Vern Morton 723-8327 Tom Huzor 728-5422 | TRADE! TRADE ! TRADE ! We specialize in trading your present home. Take the fuss and worry out of buying a new home J. B. McMullan REALTOR 725-3557 -- 668-6201 STONE HOUSE 40 MILE VIEW 100 rolling ocres 7 miles north of Oshawa, paved road. Magnificent view, see U.S.A, and Toronto lights, Antique stone house, 4 pc, bath, furn- ace, in excellent condition, good 38' x 110° barn. Beau- tiful' spring-fed pond with wild duck families, beautiful grounds, wild flowers, 10 acres hardwood bush. Long hundred. would moke excel- lent 10 acre lots, Priced at $60,000, terms. Contact John Worsley, Cameron, Ont., tele- phone 17 collect PRIVATE Builder's Clearance Only 2 Left $500 Winter Works Bonus. 6% % N.H.A Mortgage. $1290 down, if you qualify 723-0575 KEITH PETERS REALTY LTD.. 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST REALTOR $1500.00 DOWN And toke possession. of this brick home, extra room jand half bath in McCormack at 655-3066, STEVENSON ROAD NORTH AREA Here is a 3 bedroom brick bungalow in A-1 condition, large kitchen and living room, extra room in basement fin- ished beautifully. Owner anx- ious ,to sell, transferred out or Town. rd Art Donaia- son 725-9 ALUMINUM SIDING Taunton Rood East -- Five rooms, two bedrooms, dining room, all large rooms, extra large property 70 x 333, bus et door, close to school, hedge around front of prop- erty. A well kept property in @ fast growing area, Phone Bill Ratcliffe 655-4457, WHITBY Large lot 60 x 320, possi- bility of more. Reasonoble price, Coll John Kuipers 725- 590 PRICE REDUCED Owner anxious to sell, try on offer on this lovely country home on lot 176 x 213, lo cated north of Whitby on No. 12. highway, circular paved drive, two car garage, stove, fireplace, broadloom, walkout basement with extra toilet, master bedroom 17 ft, 6 inches with two extra large closets. large lot. could be sold south of the cd Call Earle Allen 725-77 .._ | EXECUTIVE TYPE *4HOME | 4 bedroom split level home with dining room and beauti- ful kitchen, paved drive, fin- ished. patio, walkout base- ment, natural fireplace, large lot. This is a one owner home and in spotless condition Call Bob Johnson 728-2548 for appointment to see E SITES We hove several good build ing locations within. easy commuting distance from Oshowo. Price ranges from nineteen hundred to thirty one hundred, Call Stan Mc- Cormack 655-3066 (no toll) DREW STREET SOUTH Nine rooms good for two separate families, two baths and two kitchens, separate privote entrance for each, hot woter heating, private drive ond garage. Owner al- ready purchased another home and very anxious to sell. Phone Bill Ratcliffe 655- $17,950.00 Three bedroom clay brick bungolow, One N.H.A. mort- gage, close to shopping centre crea, completely decoroted, plastered walls, stone planter at entrance, hood and fan, storms and screens, aluminum doors, mahogony tirm and cupboards, handy to French ond Separate Schools, Call Earle Allen 725-7782 ENJOY THE LAKE BREEZE Ranch bungalow, one owner home in spotless condition, 4 bedrooms, 18 ft. living room, large family kicthen, beauti- fully finished family room, separate laundry room, fin- ished patio, enclosed yard, drapes and broadloom to stoy Owner selling because of health. Well worth the price being asked. For appoint- ment to see call Bob Johnson 728-2548 H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD $1,695 DOWN Brand new!! 3 bedrooms Vanity bathroom Living room 20' x 13', Ultramodern kitchen 13' x 12' with Col- umbia kitchen cabinets. Only $14,995, Call 728-1656. $2,499 DOWN Brand new!! 3 bedroom clay brick bungalows. !mmed- iate possession, Call 728- 1656 $17,000 FULL PRICE Lovely ranch style brick bung: alow. 3 bedrooms. lL.arge liv- ing room, Modern kitchen, Truly immaculate thru-out, Good east end location, Call Charlie Rickson 728-1656 NEW ARRIVAL to Oshawa? Let us show you the house of our choice. New 3 bedroom split level. Lots of room in this house. Only $19,- 900. Mony other priced os low as $1,500. down. Call Bill Hubbell 728-1656. EAST END SPECIAL Attractive home on quiet res- idential east end street. Close to schools. Large living room and dining room with Landy kitchen hoving built-in stove and oven. 3 bedrooms and den or 4th bedroom. Carport and fenced-in patio areo, Call today and ask for Doug Trivett 728-1656 SAVE! $500 SAVE! Down payments from $12 6%4% N.H.A. Mortgages. Last of the Winter Works 3-4 bedroom bungalows, 2 Storey Ranch and Split-Level homes in beautiful 'Rolling Hills Estates', featuririg Pic- ture Book bathrooms, Holly- wood kitchens, built-in range end ovens, storms and screens, wolk-odt basement, family rooms, sliding patio doors. PLUS!" PLUS! PLUS! See ond Save the Griffin Way. Phone John Kosteniuk todoy, Griffin Real Estate Ltd, 155 Simcoe St. South, 723-8144, JOHN F. DEWITH REALTOR TA Evant ce 623-3950 DUPLEX Portly mew, with all plumbing, wiring etc. Cen- rally located. Yearly rent $2,280. Excellent investment, BOWMANVILLE MAIN STREET Brick home with large store- room and modern living quer- ters. Double goroge. Very centrol, Priced to sell, 4 BEDROOMS in this 8 roomed home with all modern conveniences. Nice part of Town. Asking $12.000. Terms arranged. LARGE RANCH STYLE BUNGALOW For the executive Brick, new, with ettached garage Over "% acre partly wooded lot. Mahogeny cupboards, doors etc, Underground wir- ing. Broadioom floor cover- ing. Many extras. FINISHED REC. ROOM 5 Roomed, almost new brick bungalow in the best section of Bowmanville. Many extras Financed with 6% N.HA. mortgage. Priced to sell BRAND NEW 5 Roomed brick bungalow with all modern conveniences and brick garage hoice lo. cation Asking $18,300. Terms ORONO MAIN STREET 5 Roomed home with all new plumbing, modern kitchen, colored bathroom. Beautiful shade: trees, Very anxious to sell new NEAT AS A PIN 5 Roomed almsot brick bung alow on nicely treed lot Alum, storms and screens all around, Asking $14,500 Terms, RICE LAKE 5 Roomed bungalow in Bewd- ley with 3-pc. bathroom, Asking only $500 down. 10 ACRES Located north of Bowmanville with beautiful trout stream, Asking only $1,000 down List with Us, Exclusive ir Photo M.L.S. GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD 155 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-8144 A HOME $88.00 MONTHLY Brick bungalow, heats for $100.00 a year. Home comes complete with aluminum storms, and screens, fixed drapery tracks, sparkling hardwood floors. Get in your own home for as little os $1,500. Call Margaret Lee QUIET RETREAT $4,000 down --- 6 acres with spring fed fish pond within two miles of Oshawa. 5 room insulated bungalow ond gar- age on the property, For com- plete details call Dick Pocock, SELLING? WANT ACTION? CALL GRIFFIN (and start packing) HOSPITAL AREA $2,000 down for this roomy, solid brick 2 storey home, suitable for everyone but most practical for a _ beginning couple. Inspect to-day and judge for yourself, Call Vince Jarvis for appointment to in- spect JUST LISTED Choice North-east location, N.H.A. resale, 3 bedroom brick bungalow with "Sun- ken" living room, broadloom in living room, paved drive, patio, Only $17,400, Call Pouline Beal for further de- tails WE LIST AND SELL Motes Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m MEMBER OF 0.D.R.E.B. BOLAHOOD. BROTHERS LIMITED NORTH WEST VACANT Attractive 5 room brick bung- alow, paved drive, hollywood kitchen, 3 bedrooms. Owner wants home sold this week Only $16,900 with $2,000 down. Immediate possession Can be seen anytime. Call Roy Yeo at 725-2217 RITSON ROAD NORTH 6 room brick, garage, newly decorated, well located. Only $13,900. Corries $75 month. See this now. Call Jack Apple- by at 723-3398 101 Simcoe Street North Member of O0.D.R.E.B $2,000 DOWN DIRECT FROM BUILDER Brand new 3 or 4 bedroom brick bungalows; notural stone front, attothed garage, 2 washrooms, fully decorated and landscaped, Immediate possession TELEPHONE 723-6541 ORDON OSBORNE NY JYWwN INI REALTOR Watch for the Signs That Sell and Call"'The Hot Line" 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BYRON ST. S., WHITBY -- $14,000 1% storey, 6 room home near Town pork with deep lot, clean decoration. Extras here Too while it josts at is price, 6) % . interest on mortgage. Inspect and make your offer. QUEBEC ST., 3 BEDROOM, OSHAWA Home with fenced yard, gorage and low taxes, This 1% storey home has clean decoration in all six rooms. Asking price $13,900, Make your offer OSHAWA 21% STOREY FURNISHED Brick home with garage. Nine rooms in all plus extra basement room would make good income property. Nothing to buy here with all furniture included for one price of $20,500, Make offer to- doy and enjoy the extra living space with income, NOTHING LIKE IT IN WHITBY OR OSHAWA Is what you will say after inspecting this 6 room, 2 storey brick with 73' x 145° lot. Builder has reduced his price by 20% to sell this distinctly different family home on Byron St. S., Whitby Includes 1% baths, 3 large bedrooms, family room, open fire- place, modern kitchen with pantry, walkout balcony from up- stairs living room and all completely decorated and landscaped. Whot a deal someone will make here if they act quickly and toke advantage of the reduced price of $19,900 COLLEGE AVE., OSHAWA, REDUCED $11,500 1% storey home with part stone front, deep garden lot, trim landscaping, Taxes are low here and economy minded owner had tight fitting aluminum doors and windows for extra saving. Awnings keep heat away in summer too, Must see this to-night. LOG COTTAGE, 1% ACRES, HALIBURTON 5 room rustic summer cottafge 28 x 30 ft., on quiet. lake with bass ond speckled trout fishing. Also included in this deal is 2 bedroom mobile home 10 x 35 ft., with all convenience and furnishings. Toxes are low here too, Full price $10,500, with about $3,000 down ANOTHER ANNES ST. BRICK WITH GARAGE, $18, 900 This Whitby home is quite attractive with the popular white brick exterior and the inside natural trim. Decoration is sharp in this 3 bedroom home and extras include built-in range and oven, valance lights, shower doors, vanity and bay window, Compore this. one. for value APARTMENTS AND STORE NEAR MOTORS $45,000 2 storey brick building in good solid repair. Divided into store and apartments. Neor G.M. Mary St. plant. Wonderful opportun- ity to have rooming house with restaurant for jumbo income. Inspect by appointment before it is too late | | BUY NOW ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY -- COMMERCIAL 7 room, 2 storey home and 112' k 176' lot near busy Thickson Rd, Live here and have your own service business in one of the finest locations between Oshawa and Whitby. Reasonable taxes, close proximity to other thriving businesses, Asking $35,000, with terms BETWEEN OSHAWA AND BOWMANVILLE-- $13,500 Highway frontage near Maple Grove with three bedroom clap- board bungalow and attached goroge. Clean decoration, low toxes, fenced yard. Buy here for future gain. FRENCH ST., OSHAWA -- $9,700 1a storey, 3 bedroom home with low taxes in central City lo- cation. Forced air oil heating, panelled bedrooms, family' size kitchen, 4 pice both. Etxars include fenced yard, storms and screens, Make offer with your down payment quickly. WHITBY BUILDING LOT -- $4,500 All services available here on this 50' frontage lot. Inspect to- day and build your own home. Several locations to choose from. OSHAWA LOT EAST END 50' lot in fine location your own home. Asking price $6,300. Inspect and make your offer today WHITBY, 3 BEDROOM TWIN HOME -- $13,250 Near shopping plaza with family size kitchen, decorative wood panelling in living room, sharp decoration, extra high basement and finished landscaping. See and make your offer for this fully dressed model 300 ACRES -- 2 HOUSES -- $50,000 With good milk quota, Highway frontage on No, 7 could be potential for future building lots. Modernized four bedroom home and three bedroom home. Main barn 60' by 42', new cement silo and other equipment, Don't pass this one up. [109 ACRE DAIRY FARM, 9 ROOM STUCCO, $25,000 Stucco home, 53' by 55' born, creek, bush, ond pastures. Milk contract, Township of Thorah. $13, 000 down, balance at 542%. 100 ACRE DAIRY FARM -- 8 ROOM HOME 40 miles north of 'Whitby, School bus at door. Milk contract, 1 mile from town. Drilled well, garage, extra house with electric heat, Good workable land. Asking $40,000. with $12,000, down. 3 ACRES WITH HOME IN BROOKLIN If you with to live in fine family-home in beautiful Brooklin and wait for your three acres to spurt oil this could be just 't. Don't soy | wished | had, but dig in and buy while the opportunity is here. The price is right ot $19,'500 BEAVERTON FARM -- 50 ACRES AND HOME $14,90 4 bedroom brick home with clean decoration, built-in stove and oven in kitchen, hydro in barn, 2. good wells, 4 piece bath, school bus at door for Public and High School. ; BROCK ST., WHITBY -- BUNGALOW $15,900 3 bedroom brick with recreation room and extra room used as office. Immaculate condition. Walkout basement, fenced yard, paved drive, Owner bought farm, needs quick sale. Don't delay on this one $2,900 DOWN -- 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW on Apple Grove just off Keewatin South in Oshawa. Fine loc- ation, clay brick, double windows, colored fixtures and low 642% interest on mortgage. Drive out Highway No. 2 past Harmony Rd. to. Keewatin, South to Apple Grove. Watch for our signs (218 Dundas St. E., Whitby Dial 668-8826 \48 Simcoe St. S., 'Oshawa Dial 728-5157 20--Reoal Estate for Sale OSHAWA'S BIGGEST Bargain Ever Before You Buy See... SARICK HOMES 18,995 FULL PRICE No other Oshawa Builder can duplicate our fontostic value. LY¥s DOWN TO ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE The amount of the N.H.A. mortgage is proof of, our Superior Value. MODELS ON ADELAIDE AVE. E.| | --AT CENTRAL PARK BLVD. Our own trained personnel ore on the site to assist you. Browse in comfort -- no obligation -- no sales pressure BUILT @ BACKED and SOLD => DIRECT =< To You Buy SARICK HOMES | 723-8201 } WE CENTRAL ONTARIO IRUST H. KEITH Ltd. Realtor 181 Eglinton Ave. E. Toronto 12 BORED BY YOUR JOB, SCARED THE AX MAY FALL Get peace of mind with a small down payment on the nicest, 10 unit, brick, motel with living quarters in the Oshawa district. Completely furnished, tremendous pos- sibilities. Your house as down payment? WHITBY Custom built brick, 4 bed- rooms, L shaped living room, separate dining room, dream kitchen, recreation room, un- heard of value for below re- placement cost. BOWMANVILLE POSSESSION TOMORROW 3 bedroom. brick bungalow with stone front, lovely fenc- ed lot. Only 6 years old, fully furnished for the ridiculous price of $13,900. SANDY BEACH One of Lake Ontario's nicest cottages fully furnished. Clean sandy: beach, on large treed lot. Only 9 short miles from Oshawa. Small down payment buys. H. KEITH Ltd. Realtor Call. Doug Carmichael at 723-7463 OSHAWA REALTY (BOND ST.) LTD. A OSHAWA ON THE HILL WITH VIEW You will be delighted with this 2 bedroom home with separate dining room. 75' x 200' lot, divided basement and garage. Economical hot water heating, open fireplace and picture windows that show off a view unexcelled in Oshawa, Must sell this beauty today. Call for appointment, Asking $18,000 ACREAGE WITH CREEK NEAR OSHAWA Out of town owner must sell this 28 acre bush and creek property. Plan to build your retreat home on this fine parcel of real estate and commute to_ Whitby or Oshawa daily BROOKLIN BEAUTY, $22,500. Situated on 86' frontage lot is this 6 room brick and stone split level design with low carrying charges, delighttully large kitchen, sunken living room with broadioom, corlon and oak floors, electric heat, walkout basement with recreation room and. cupboards galore. Only a few minutes drive to Oshawa and Whitby so why be congested in the city. $4,000. down with one mortgage. GARAGE HERE TOO --- ONLY $8,500 For this 2 bedroom home with family size kitchen and limited conveniences, Some commercial possibilities here ith C2 zoning Inspect and make_your offer while it lasts. BYRON ST. S., WHITBY, HOME AND APARTMENT $21,500. --- 6 room brick bungalow with basement apartment or extra recreation room space. Spacious. 74' x 146' lot. Hot water heating, 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms, extra large bedrooms, Retired, active person would appreciate large work shop aot rear of property. Attached garage here too CENTRE ST., WHITBY --. $14,750 Need a three bedroom home? This could be yours with broadloom in living room, ceramic tile bath, enough material to finish recreation room and a 6% interest mortgage. School handy here too, First showing on Thursday so be on hand early. NINE-PLEX PARK RD. N. Location, all extras included. 8 -- 2 bedroom suites, | Bachelor. Shows excellent re- turn, 728-9466. V.L.A. RANCHER On | acre lot, close to Brook- lin, this 3 bedroom brick with double garage should be seen to be appreciated. Has large trees in back yard. 728-9466. OPEN 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. 728-9466 ~ OSHAWA REALTY Investment Properties Resales -- New Homes Free Valuations 728-9466 OSHAWA REALTY (Bond St.) LTD. 25 Bond West RALPH SCHOFIELD SUPERVISOR REAL ESTATE DEPT BARGAIN---3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW Reduced $1,000 for quick sole, Owner transferred from City 'and must sell quickly. Loceted close to Public and Seporate schoois and new Eastdale Collegiate in North East Oshowa. Any reasonable down payment will be consid- red» ACT Tost or ints one! PARK ROAD NORTH Soundly built older home. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Single ond double driveway. Very roomy for larger family, A bargain investment for buy- er with good cash payment. Phone now for details. DUPLEX -- CENTRAL LOCATION Attractive owner's two bed- room suite on ground floor, plus small suite on second floor which will carry two- thirds of your, mortgoge pey- ment. This is an excellent in- vestment location because the lot is large and located where values ore rapidly increasing in central Oshawa. INCOME HOME -- REDUCED TO $23,900 Steps away from Simcoe North, Enjoy living in a grac- ious home while at the same time having the advantage of $95. per month from the up- stairs apartment. Apt. has completely separate entrance. 2 car garage and beautifully . .. treed lot. Call at once for ap- pointment, INCOME HOME -- CENTRAL LOCATION 3 bedroom apartment on main floor rents for $135. per months ond upstairs rooms provide $175. per month. In excellent condition. Could easily be converted to a 4- plex, 18 ACRE HOME SITE Within 10 minutes drive from Oshawa, we will help you to arrange construction of your new home on a beautiful acre- age which includes both high land for the home and roll- ing land for natural beauty. On the property is a large pond ond stream, bird sanct- uary with Mallards, Heron, Pheasants and Grouse: Per- fect for Riding and Skiing: This is a truly beautiful prop- erty which we'll be happy to show you as words cannot describe it. The price is rea- sonable. There are few re maining near Oshawa which can compare so don't delay ---- call to-day. THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE OF CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST WILL HELP YOU SELL OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL TRUST PHONE 723-5221 AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Tom Houston 668-4416 Charles Choytor 722-7996 Ralph Schofield 728.3376 another first by Armstrong Homes FOREST GLEN HEIGHTS (Harmony Rd. North Oshawa) (Y% mile North of King St.) Check some of the featufes @ 17 exciting new models @ 73 choice fully serviced N.H.A, lots Schools nearby:-- Vincent Massey Public School Eastdale Collegiate and Vocational Institute @ Clay brick : Alcan Aluminum siding Built-in range and oven "PLUS -- PLUS -- PLUS (Harmony Rd. North of King St.) Presented by GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. Exclusive Agents Call this office for full information (723-8144 'SIBBY'S. REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-7576 $800.00 DOWN -- Attrac- tive white frame 2 bedroom cottage, 9 miles from Oshawa, bathroom, easily winterized, Large lot. Full price only $3,- 700.00. Why pay rent? Call Charlie Rankine tonight. CENTRAL: -- Large 2 storey home. well -built in A-1 con- dition with garage, close to schools and transportation, Full' price $15,900. Try your down payment Anxious To Sell Large brick income home, good revenue, substantial down payment. Owner leaving town. No telephone informa- tion, 231 Palace St., Whitby. ve PER MONTH The cost of this ad, daily for one year, Too smal? 0 be noticed? A odie reading, i 18)