AME te NR WRT SA Mg Ti ENT 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 28, 1966 "Summertime Items Sell Quickly Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. dhe 1 Antiethedinin din eaiatined at Low Cost BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY 'SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Plumbing and Heating _ Accountants Building Trades ___. [Gardening and Supplies AL HOSMAR, Chartered Accoun- ; : feted bree are, tw + OME] Recidentig| // i ip PMADLE AND Sr.c"ane| Commercial e Industrial ce tario, Hi Beadle, CAi E. Lukow, Repoirs ~~ Alterations KING BUG KILLERS YACE, FRI canbe AND Ou! Additions --- Remodelling Atox fees |i hsckrupte ME "Eno "ree! For all your Construction Rose Dust North, Oshawa, aE ee Needs -- Garden Dust goncen fk "Bane cared sd General c Diasinon Oshawa Shop- ALL DDT. § ping centre, hese JAMES ALLEN & SONS Pensiaen Diit > sprey GOB CLANCY'S Accounting § 725-6126 Fruit Sprays Complete bookkeeping servic EEEaR eA Br sec hn SOE ita oe South. 725-0997, Res. 723-7605, Gardenall JosePH GUTMANN oF Sa re QUALITY CARPENTRY an oa ee Killer 1, Licensed Trustee, 'i Bent, 'Yetepnone 723-4633 hs GENERAL REPAIRS one m er all your home improve- ' Barristers ment problems, call us first, Fungicide Spray Weed Killers dames MACDONALD, bigttey er 725-8576 Tank - Sprayers Barrister and Solicitor an G ub ; Hand Spravers liding, 286 King) Then have o talk with our t West, Ganawar" Onis rg client parking! customers. j Dust Guns Ontario. r 7: eS 720-8292, ; JONES, LLB, PRED R. licitor; temporarily 130 King St 8 5-035), 723-8537, Residence 72: ANTHONY BDWARD y LASKOWSKY, ' rister and Solicitor, 73 Centre BCL, Barris sceaire Street, Office hours: 9 am, - 5 Evening appointment, Dial 7 ip ited" column in The Times' Classified Section. Whether you're ANGAN, "Golicitor, Office, 14% King Street Barrister and YCHYN and HILCMAN, | Pi places, masonry. Gord May, Whi 774, Garden Hose and Tools CARPENTRY -- New and repairs, block ' and cement work. Free estimates, 726-7680 Lown Sookers YOUR LOCAL chimney cleaner. Chim Melnor Sprinklers neys built, repaired, gas linings installed; RX15 roots repaired, Free estimates, 723-2997 Fertilizers ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, shingles, Lawn Seed repairs, large and small jobs. L, and H Roofing and Construction, 715-6937, Peat Moss ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS -- OPEN ALL DAY roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire " 1by,|. MONDAY -- SATURDAY ment, Call Pickering 942-6117, 2 King Street | ---- si istipahaslicecieinin iicliosials DAILY DELIVERY E ra Saints hed umpnrey, QC; | ROOFING, chimne: il types of cement G. S. Boychyn, QC) BA, LLB. Office|werk Sidewalks, 'slabs, stoops. Frank 725-1177; Residence: 725-4604; Whitby,| McCann, RR 3, Oshawa, 655-3061 | PER SMITH 468-2761) 728-4326; = 725-5133, ater 48") ROOPING, chimneys, all types of cement say , @ther. first mortgage funds avaliable. | work. Sidewalks, is, Stoops, Frank y Solici:| McCann, RR 3, Oshawa 655-3061 CO... tors, etc., Dial FOR ALL YOUR home improvements, Bf Fagg vane dy abo general construction int guaranteed 16 Celina Ct 725-3368 "| workmanship, Call 668-21 P ome Jermyn, BA, LLB. i : nsteat, Feee ee eee ieee [ATLANTIC PAVING ond cohcrele, Gei| 723-2312 7280\ 199 fennel ~----vonweneeeeenorner |Your driveway paved by experts, 22 cents Est, 1909 Jos SWITCHES om =) and 4 square foot, All work guaranteed, 723-028) The average man between SPECIALIZING in ceramics and bath-|--~ ven fits any ses eer stange' will be| fom renovations. Call. 723-6438 |Instruction fo a totally NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, ' . And the piace | to yg for the best jobs| and factery, mechanical repairs to equip the "Hi Wan' NEW PLASTERING and reairs, stucco, unemployed Ing i {obs | sidewalks, remodeling, rec-rooms, Free TIME chack "Help Wanted" new! st Wood, 728-3420 or 728 IN SPARE 4n7, Low monthly payments in- nbd RATES Carpentry clude text books and hei WORD A io f Cash -- Piinsertion of 24 words, $1.08; A FINISHING CARPENTER, does kil tlons. nrepares you hig achieve additional words, 4'ac. ¢achi chen cabinets, vanities, bar cabinets in| Ontario Diploma by means secutive imsertions of 24 a $2.88) irecreation room and trimmings. Tele-| of Provincia! examination, additional words 2c. exch e560; phone 723-1991, Joe Kozak, 723-4145, Hive. Wrmeriiene, Ot ere eee acl CARPENTRY, new and repairs,| For FREE information--write, jones i A house renovations, carports and so forth.|. "American School, Dept. 8, eS Box 784, Oshawa, Ontario id witnin © days. i Dentistry Sans x Method of Counting -- Less than 24 ---- ---- at Otte teeeee AGO see counts @s 24 words; each word, CAREFOOT, DR, JOHN M Dental initial, figure or abbreviation. counts as|Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa.) Address veeeeeereeens one word; phone number counts two For ppointment, 728-5171, | 4 eet a Social Novices fas per Insertion with 28 cents addl- tional charge If not paid within @ days. IN MEMORIAMS $2.25 for the first 35 words and each thereafter plus 12c. per fine of verse; ae additional charge if not paid within 8 days, CARD OF THANKS the first 35 words and Sc. @ Tarecier with -. additional cue i not peid within 8 days. EVENTS gee $1.75 for e Inch (display); CTION SALES in PER INCH PER INSERTION. DEADLINES WORD ADS S p.m. DAY PREVIOUS iT AND FOUND eh DAY OF PUBLICATION pists AND DEAT a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION IN _MEMORIAMS and CARDS OF THANKS Spm. DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous; 2 col umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous. CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECT ? am. Any advertisement cancelled before pub fleatlon will be charged on day's insert lon. ay "oF PUBLICATION BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 While every endeavor will be made to rd replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible, we ac cept no liability in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such re plies, however caused whether by negli- gence or otherwise. The Times will not be responsible for repiles uncalled for In 20 days. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsibie for errors in advertisements submitted otherwise than in writing not for more than one insertion of any advertisemen' nor ond the price charge for @ single Insertion in which error occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its proper classification. In the cases of display advertisements The Times will not be held responsible for more space than that which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavor to reproduce al! advertising matter cor rectly, bu? assume no liability of adver- tisement if any inaccuracies in any form are contained therein. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 1--Women's Column 2--Personal 3--Sportsman's Column 4--Motorcycies S--Trailers 6--Marine Equipment @--Articies for 9--Market Basket 10--Farmer's Column li--Pets and Livestock 12----Articies Wanted 13Articies for Rent 14--Business Opportunities 15---Employment wanted Ve--Agents Wanted Female Help Wanted Help Wanted or Female Help Wanted | Estate For Sale 2a----Summer Properties 1--Farms for Sale a--Lots for Sale 23--Real Estate Wanted 4---Stores Offices and Storage 25--Houses for Rent %--Apariments for Rent 7--Rooms for Rent 2%--Room and Board Wanted to Rent %---Automobiies for Sale 3i--Compact Cars for Sale 32--Trucks for Sale 33--Autemobies Wanted 34--Automodile Repair 5c. | Dressmaking DRESS: alterations, wp cove Speciality, Mrs, Toms, 'Whitby MAKING -- Suita Bnei dresses, Fitting @ '» 668-2372, Janitor Service bial wear and alterations, 723-1799. ar, gi Bridal wear. rH Gardening 'and 1 Supplic ae MAPLE LEAF For Sodding, Seeding, Top soil, Cedar. Hedges, Patios, Plantings and Complete Land: scaping Service. 725-0611 June Special ! POTTED ROSE BUSHES 5% OFF RUNDLE Garden Centre Ltd SEE THE EXPERTS SPRING CLEAN-UP @ Top Soil @ Evergreens ing @ Fertilizers. sq. yd, Free Estimates BETHANY LANDSCAPING 623-7594 SMITH'S TREE FARM @ Cedars for Hedges @ Cedar posts -- poles @ Fencing and supplies @ For Farm or town @ Foncy Workmanship Call Collect Newtonville 786-22 GARDEN ano lawn maintenance. tilling, landscaping, patios, ploughing cultivating. Call 655-4936 after 6 TOP SOIL, sandy loam, driveway gra sand fill, Sand and Gravel. 728-287) NURSERY S00. Now curling. quelity Kentucky 81 on any amount, FOR COMPLETE LANDSCAPING garden maintenance, residential and Gustrial, Expert work. reasonable ra Telephone 263-2934 or 728-6082. TREE TO TRIM? Cail Stim. them down. Free estimates. 728-0610. 725-5118 North, Pickering ed. Church Street telephone 942-2085. CHAIN LINK FENCES, highest qua of materials and workmanship prices, Free estimates, 723-5377 NEED LIVING QUARTERS? aS--Lost and Found --Legal 37--Auctions %--Coming Events W--Notices "rent" ada in Classified now! PERIENCED Dressmaking -of ladies DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, |-- alterations, siip covers, drapes, Fitting a specialty. Mrs, Toms, Whitby, heeutehahoal LANDSCAPING & GARDEN SERVICE @ Planting @ Sodding @ Seeding @ @ Grading @ @ Marion and Kentucky Blue- grass @ Complete landscap- Roto excavating and grading. Dutch Choice Prompr delivery Phone' after 6. 668-4965° Or iii NURSERY $0D soid in fields or deliver. Lowest ARMSTRONG LOAM AND' FILL. Dial 725-5864. Read Also wick "TAKE AWAY discardabies | glass, etc. Money to Loan ployed and have good credit. 723-4601, Mortgages MARIJAN'S GARAGE 1960 CHEVROLET, Impala, 2 door hardtop. Lic. J2964 = A-1 condition, Black with red and white interior bs 1959 METEOR 6 cylinder ou tomatic. Lic. H88389 new paint job, good body motor and tires 1958 FARGO, % ton truck Lic, 14915B, A-1 condition, 1959 CHEVROLET, 2 door automatic, Lic H80794 290 Cordova Rd, 725-5101 MORTGAGE LOANS 1015 King St. E. 725-655) @ Nursery Stock @ Power Moneys. available for first Equipment Sales and Service and second mortgages, Open @Toro @ Lawnboy mortgages. No bonus, First mortgages, second mortgages and agreements for sale pur- chased M. F. SWARTZ 262 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 020 "FIRST ond SECOND HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING Bloor St. East are - . - josses No, ] Field Sod =~ City, Rural, Vacation -- Under 200 sq. yds, 22¢ de _ SUMMERLAND livered. 200 sq. yds. and up SECURITIES MITER 20c¢ delivered, Sod laid 35c 112 Simcoe St 725-3568 fall mortgages. Mortgages and agree. ments of sale purchased. Creighton, ~| Orynan, judo and Victor, (See 'Bar risters" First An "GECOND merigages avail able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock Street North, Whitby 668. +9338. First AND "SECOND "mortgages, agreements purchased and sold. Hennick and Hennick, Barristers, 3) King Street |East, 723-7232 |Rug, Upholstery Service RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Establish years. Workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses re. built, furniture refinished. Oshawa Up holstering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-031) 83 and vel, " styled Free estimate. § S00 -- Tan ually, tna anrariey AH, hres alma. te srs mea s. rom i) 325 or 723910 et Sellvery. 72 \order Dalton Upholstering, 75. Charles _| Street, 723-7212 THEY'RE UNIQUE! Want Ads work for you around the clock, Dial 723-3492 for jan ad-writer now and i |Optometrist F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 134 Simcoe ry} Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa, Telephone or | zal Painting and Decorating N. BARON "Painting @ and "Decorating anc and Papering. Estimates tree Phone 723. 5376. HAVE YOUR PAINTING done now, In. terior, exterior, all work guaranteed. Free estimates. Liovd Simpson, 128-9876 | or Hity PUT AWAY a flay sum by renting that}- Spare room with a Times' Action Want Ad. Telephone an and pul ene to work fer you, HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME JANITOR SERVICE -- Clean back yards, yards, Also scrap taken away, 723- free, such a8 old appliances, furniture, metal, 623 7aN6. auntued |, "LOAN you up to $5,000 ae reasonable rate of interest to consolidate ~|your bills or for any other worthwhile purpose providing you are steadily em- Telephone PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for "gale CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re plies, Telephone / Stark Lid., Plumbing, Heatin, eering, 255 Simcoe Street ALC PLUMBING Ane HEATING "wus sup: 25-3521, Harold HH. ind Engin- Sales and 'Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS Expert repairs to all makes of washers, dryers, ranges, etc, @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ ALCAN FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe $, --. Oshawa Telephone 723-0011 Rent A Piano SEE HEINTZMAN & Company Ltd, | 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa | Telephone 728- 292) | GUARANTEED REPAIRE to ail wringe washers and ranges 728-1742 oF 723-001) ting. Reascnable rates. Phone 723-226) SEWING MACHINES, repairs to & makes, werk guaranteed, For home serv lee phone 725-3286. Septic Service SEPTIC TANK mpl servic West, Whitby, 668-256 Surveyors DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Onjari Land Surveyor, Commercial bive 1) Ontario Street, 725-5632. Surveyors, 112 Eigin Street East, 725-608), TV--Radio Repairs HELP | Mister TV Towers Is Overstocked Boss says move material for rock bottom TOWER instal- lations Summer Prices Call MR. TV TOWERS 378 King St. W 723-9525 Mister TV TOWERS Oshawa, LTD, Summer Prices ONLY Sructor t Heed' 49,00 Smucter2 sen 59.00 Srucior THeeg, 09.00 Structor2 Nests 69.00 50'-- 1%" 74.50 Heavy Duty Deluxe Tower Structor ROTORS Add Additional to Tower Price 'Manual! .-.., 50.00 Automatic 60.00 FAST SERVICE SURVEY NO OBLIGATION MISTER T.V, TOWERS 378 KING ST, WEST 723-9525 Service Call Only $2.50 FAST T.V, SERVICE DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9 am O*. i SERVICE 723-4373 to 9 pm ~COLORT. V. All work guarantéed Black and White Telephone T.R.1.0. Television 728-5143 T. V. TOWERS Rust Proof COLOURED T. V. or Black & White -- 24-Hour Servi 723-0065 or 668-5830 Rae's Radio & TY TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS jsity TV TOWERS, antennas, pairs, All work guaranteed, Aveniie, Telephone 725-050" also re Si) Dean NEED GUY WIRES replaced? CALL J Joe's Antenna installation and twoway radio, 78-4, Free estimates, Call ARC and ACETYLENE Welding and cul 509 Bloor East ii ™ rompl | ¢ on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street 723-8] 3] 3. prins.| . 24 HOUR SERVICE H, FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Phone "i camping equipment, BS By R. J. SCOTT Anis GOD FRIGHENS AWAY EN Me SUPERST NOUS PEOPLE, MARRIED WOMEN FAYORA CURIOUS Ps HEADDRESS HOw MANY WICH 15 TIMES WILLA DUCK INCREASE' 115 WEIGHT 1M AWE FIRS AWEive, i) A FULLER AND ROUNDER |6---Marine Equipment WY B---Articles tor Sale OIE S Cer Use Want Ads" 7--Market a 2 WEEKS. VACATION ? Why not moke it the whole summer? Forget that costly 2 weeks and invest in lasting fun... A BOAT from your Evinrude & Crestliner Dealer . OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD Harbor. Rd, off Simcoe St. S, 723-8186 GOOD BUY 15% Grennell_ 75 Johnson motor, Explorer trailer, quick sale, Tele- phone ) 046, BOAT i5-Foot La Tele, steeri wens peat loahaltions Call 725- 6495 after 5 pm, % FOOT "lr, a Mild Ee vingva Bowmanville 624/559, 0 HP MERCURY and boa. condition, Telephone aN iw iat, MOU Wood, wig ie ond steering Bag Wraler Call 668 Very good 160 Pe a HOARD, 6 and trailer, 100 HP, Telephone 726-9443, 72! 14FOOT MOLDED pi HP Johnson motor, oulboard "Shepherd" elient condition. od Funabout, 25 Telephone 28 76 096, 7--Swap and Barter CABINETS with sinx or vanity bas TELEVISION -- RADIO HOLMES ELECTRONICS FOR PROMPT SERVICE CALL _Whitby-668-5679 HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS ARE BEST WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! T.R.1.O. TELEVISION Corner Bond and -Division 728-5) 43 Well 'Drilling, Digging WELL DIGGING by machine specializ- Ing in 30-inch tile, W, Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668 256) or - 3809. 2--Personal Removal of superfluous hoir Marie Murduff will be in Oshawo, July 11th, 12th and 13th, Phone Genosha Hotel on these days for appoint- ment ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 CAR LEAVING for Regina Room for two or three persons, phone 725-1623, IF THE LADY and gentleman who paid for the ad, to cut four acres of hay and bale and take away does not start it by next Tuesday, 26th, they will forfelt the money that they paid me, 723-374) June 29. Tele 3--Sportsman's Column WANTED -- Members tor trout club, $125 for season. Write DB. Muller, RR No. 2 Millorook, Ont. 4--Motorcycles CATI @ TRIUMPH Pirelli tires, aoaggles, jackets, gloves, Buco helmets. Repairs and service, AB's Motorcycle SHOP 114 STEVENSON RD, SOUTH 728-7780 DU @ BSA Accessories, SUZUKI MOTORCYCLES All modis on display Z NEW --= USED \ ONTARIO CYCLE 140 King W,, 728-1422 OPEN EVENINGS 1965 HONDA, 90 Cub, motor in A:l con dition, £295, Telephone 723-2692 '65 BSA LIGHTNING, immaculate condi tion, 650. C.C,, high performance, Tele phone 723-6401 5~--Trailers RAMSDEN TAG-A-LONG : ------|SUBWAY TRAILER PARK ME SHAPE AS WEEKS OF 1G LIFE, Laundry tubs, bath tubs, tollets, p MA eke AWE YEARS OF ? sure syoteme, flushometics, septic tonks, AYEAR, 1 EAS KUMEROUS WER WEDDED , pipe and fittings. boats motors, trailers, Ric 64.0% LIFE INCREASE. 50, garden tractors, H Chinn, corner Hillside IMJURIOUS INSECT, Avery and Park South, 723-7086 bites caronmasecatees puanid yal cara: 4) CHEVROLET '4 ton excalient moter for alr conditioner car or what have |you??? 726-0558 | ; |8----Articles for Sale TV--Radio Repairs _|5--Trailers | a --~-- NOW ! SIX Enjoy your holidoys TV: TOWERS -- biey. your earn' SERVICE BAYS ECONOMY AND ! For Auto Service D XE KAMPING UNLIMITED ° : . ELU TENT TRAILER SALE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Priced. to suit your budget Four Models to Choose From plage pode, pare Ply- Al 319,00 mouth, Pontiac @ correct TERMS ARRANGED Wactuks ay 00 wheel alignment, inspect and OSHAWA TV Leckie: $369.00 correct castor and camber, | only -- sli shtl Used Tent aligh toe-in and toe-out to SUPPLY LIMITED TroHer leomolete with Lie correct condition 6,88 TAUNTON RD, E, cence) $265,00 ' pene ant ; : R Everything in camping tents, " Just Rage at: itso Coleman Products, etc extra, SALES ---- RENTALS Townline Rd North 1 Mile North of King St.' , Tom Kirk 728-9760 Frank King 728-9942 OSHAWA GOLDEN FALCON ORBIT CORSAIR TRAVEL TRAILERS | AND SALES 1010 DUNDAS ST, E WHITBY Parts and Accessories TRAILER RENTALS SALES Authorized service Astra:, Therm, Coleman, Equipment. MILLER 9 Tudor St., Ajax -'942-3491 BOAT AND MOTOR, like new, 1965, 16V foot Mason, 1964, 85 horsepower, Mercury plus many extras, Telephone 623-5187 or 623-2750 after 6 p.m. 6--Marine Equipment : Domestic, Bowen, Coleman, Duo International, . ete. Primus Camping BOAT BARGAIN BONANZA Clearing to the walls, hun-- dreds of boats, Many of last year's brand name models Several 1965, 50 horsepower Chrysler motors, clearing $650 each, Also beautiful 19' crusier with 1963, 75 horse- power motor, Many extras, a steal at $1,495. 12° alu- minum car top boots from $159. 900, 20" windshields, suitable for convertible tops, $80, clearing $29.95 each. Life jackets and paddies, buy one, get one free, Marine paint ot a price, Scratched and dented camper trailers, from $249, 20 new motorcycles, clearing at $275 each, ' ALLWEATHER MARINE 733 BIRCHMOUNT RD, Scarboro, just south of Eglin- ton Avenue, 751-7766 regular to 4FOOT SHEPHERD with motor, ex e BRAKE SPECIAL (most popular cars), First Quality Royaline 4-wheels 14.88 * WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per tie each 1,95 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES DOMINION TIRE STORE 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH TELEPHONE 725-6511 We hove just bought o large bankrupt stock of name brand tractor tires, All sizes. Fully guoranteed for a good price call 728-9432, (No dealers please.) Attersley Tire Service Ltd. 227 Toronto St., Oshawa condition. Apply 309 Adelaide West, Apartment 11 VACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses, brushes, etc, Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213 Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, Pickering TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- «foot tower structure, all-channel antenna instailed, $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton Road East, lust east of Ritson and appliances, One location only, Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723 3271, BABY BARGAINS. Carriages $29.95, strollers $7.88, mattresses lay pens $9. chrome Wilson's Furniture, 20 BUYING OR SELLING furniture or pliances, Call Eimer, Hampton 263-2 Or 263-2695, NEW, USED -- vacuums, | pairs fo all makes, Jack -Lees, 728-6956, FULLER BRUSH Products, Bowman: ville, Newcastle, Oreno, Courtice all Our- ham County residents. Telephone Elsie Willits, daytime 723-0444, TYPEWRITERS, adders, cash registers, desks, chairs, file cabinets, Terms, trades, New, used, rentals service, Bili Hamilton, Raglan, GUARANTEED used wringer wash television, refrigerator, etc,, $34.50 and uj Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 Sim: coe South, 723-0011, PLAYER PIANO with relis, In condition, Aslo $4 bed, complet 144 inches, Telephone Bay Ridges 839-3223 or 87? Ontario Street, 40" RANGE and power lawn ay In good condition, T: 7795, REFR IGERATORS, t m stoves, $24.95) wie $10.95; TV's, Hi 95; space savers, $54.95; dressers, chrome sets, radios. Guns, new and used, Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West, 720-440), USED AUTO PARTS, ba motors, We buy scrap radiaotrs, $4) gens., Starters, 6V, 50 ¢ 2V 9c; batteries, $1.50, 725-2162, Ws. Nelson Street, WE BUY, sell and exchange used turni- ture or anything you have, The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671 TYPEWRITER, standard, $20; portable $35., adding machine $25., electric 18M typewriter, $55, electric itemizer cash) ' register, $75, 723-4434 pollah 4%, Re- New hoses. Phone ry good Drapes zis mower, lephone 728+ trim,.-920, Pair table lamps, gold shades, $10, Coffee table, $10, Chest of drawers, $30, Call 723-2866, FRIGIDAIRE retrigerator, 6169 after 6 p.m. TWIN CARRIAGE, "Gendron," navy, ENGLISH BABY CARRIAGE, excellent gi BUY AND SELL -- Good used turniture| | THISTLE BABY CARRIAGE, bive, grey $25, OrnLs CLOTHING, sizes 10-12, includes Telephone 668-80: POOL CLOTH, like new, very reason- able, at 524 Simcoe Street 2 HP. ELGIN OUTBOARD, ten HP John hoch cure'. Good condition, Telephone 723-90. n Me 'ecein motor, 12° 60" beam pl wood boat, Power mower, electric Butee __. THISTLE, turquoise baby carriage, @ CHROME KITCHEN suite, grey with red) lent condition, Telephone 728-6718, Diack with /R@NOBR STEEL GUITAR, se and cart (left), Telephon 8.6 cubic 'eat t condition, in excellent condition, $80, Telephone 668: 720-9220. ONE PRACTICALLY NeW slide projec- t-Kit drum set, wed- SF OAL HOLIDAY SPECIAL 50' 1%" HEAVY tame DUT YY TOWED Ade STRUCTURE DOUBLE STACKED (2 heads) ALL CHANNEL ANTENNA $70.00 LIMITED TIME ONLY TR ANTENNA LTD, COR, BOND & DIVISION 728-5143 DON'T DELAY: CALL TODAY ' HOW MUCH DID YOU PAY FOR YOUR MEAT THIS WEEK? 49c |b, Shop the Kleer-Pak way and you can. Steak, Roasts, Loin Pork Chops, Bocon, Chickens, Pork Sausage, Wieners, Beef Pot- ties, Cooked Meots, etc, No Money Down No Membership Fee BUDGET TERMS call pong KLEER-PAK FOODS LTD. Oshawa 725-8863 (all items guaranteed) fl ae pi baggy ligg New, useo masa Centre, 204 Bond beds $16, ""Tiridges $30, table and chair sets $19, dressers $10., cribs $10, stoves $19, washers $15, 16 Bond Sf West, 25 Bond Street ast, Valley crete 720-440), Special structure, intenna, $50, TRIO Television 728-5143, FISH EXPERTLY MOUNTED, reason- able prices, Cash for yeed ns, Paul's Sports, 589 Albert Street, 7: SET of World iRateren yclopedia, set medical encyclo) also set World Natures Library. 723-7268, ie, hone good condition, Te THISTLE CARRIAG! tlon, ou ) 720-3615, MOVIE OUTFIT "Beil and Howell" cam- era and light bar projector, screen and cor wo 39" rd }, three knotty pine coffee tables ), three photo camer: it attachments, Phone 728-5806, FREE, clean brick rubbie af Holy Cross Church, Oshawa, only $299, ing room, Pay only $3 weekly. le Barons' Home Puraishings 424 ATE -- Need the room, must soll aquaria, all fully equipped. Telephone 655-3107 ls ONE RECONDITION Inch and a quarter tower structure with double 8-21-3 aerial, $39.95, Telephone 723-8131. OUT OF BUSINGSS. 6: rane, big savings on furniture, a co | soon, Monest Cal's Limi ned," wi) King Street West, WEDDING GOWN -- floor. "length, \ Vell and ee | place: ied 11, unaltered, never hone 725-02, yi a "good condition, 68-4654, 16FT, MOULDED plywood boat, steer: Ing wheel, with windshield and cover. ny offer or will swap, Telephone 723- 1 Parades beta simost new, $20, Newcastle fore | | p.m, and evenings, UMBRELLA, 9 x 9, never used, Telephone 668-2714, ean dresses, coats, summer wear, ang ™ one 723-2 for Pek 'and veil, $80, South, wo bicycles, Apply 476 Cromwell Avenve, Xcel at ind grade, Mell tw gh Mac's, hoe a Algome Orchards rig hickson Road FRESH DAILY Y = sirewber ries tole townline Hor, in mies ragh gt King Street East FRaSH PICKED siravberie siraberries tor 'ale, ' Anderson Street, % mile way 2. Whitby 668-3842, SH STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE, eR oALE, td Te! REDCOAT strawberries yd orders for freezers, for saie, Telephone a FRESH roast Large capons, 10 or more, Phone "thickens, "os ree per pound. Deliver. on 7-529), 10--Fa mers Column FRESH CUT baled | hay. Pick cm p tram fields or we will deliver. Telepho 8003, CHEVROLET TRUCK, '54, thre won, with re-built motor, Apply 173 Albert Street, or telephone 728-4169. PICK YOUR OWN strawberries -- day, Wednesday and Friday, At onal Farm, from 9.30 am, + 4 p.m. or appointment, Bring containers, No dren under 14, Phone 668-4606. pple A Thee ACRES of hay to be cor and a token away. at once by ram tor yey Mr, Bradford, 9 Gorrerd ami, 11--Pets and | Livestock okie FURS, white min t, regisl- ercd, Excellent breeding. Must sell, Whit. by 668-2490, " REGISTERED German Shepherd ~ pup: pies, black and tan, 8 weeks old, ae be seen at 724 Cortez Avenue, Bay Ridges, lephone 839-3; UTIFUL baby i puogles, ready for "hgh eign Strain, Apply Mr. s 7, BEAUTIFUL young si, | a Nouse- broken, Gentle with chilaren Excelient show prospect, Papers. included, $0. one TUG, Ld good home tor "large, black, year od male dog, Suitable for farm, 623 from 8 » 10 5 p.m. BM. ieVER. i Regisierad, le One 'oronto 3325 between 10 am. to 2 p, m. og WANTED ~-- Good homes for three 00d month-old kittens, One black, others 7 by. Call 725-2016 . OLD AND WHITE) Tri reolor co ie} ples, Scotch Border ack Box A aia $35 to $50 deli Niered. port Perry KITTENS, Pure while and black hor! Show Stock. $10 nt ¥_ 905-2645 erage PINTO mare, vis hands, $300, » Orono 3 aw, 32 SAN for horse avaliable te a rent at RR line South. Telephi 28-0916. SADDLE HORSE, well marked, broken fo English or Western, excellent edy'e mount. 828 R Road North, 12--Articles Wanted 6005 seo D FURNITURE, What hee Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street war REPAIRS to fishing rods ai all Coleman products tamer Cor ner, 103 bby weed of four corn BOAT THAT eR Tor for 16 eal boat, el -|tunare te are tauren pound supa le winch, ti Hampton 263-207: 6. isis siete on WANTED set of carpenter tools. Tele pols at p Tools. Tele Sportaman's cor nn white thy (block west "|13--Articles for Rent RENTALS OF ALL KINDS | SANDING MACHINES Oscillating sanders, dise sand« ers, belt sanders, floor, sand- ers, PLUMBER'S TOOLS Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger, PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT Stepladders, aluminum ex- tension ladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding, compres- sors; spray guns, 'wallpaper steamers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propane torches. WELDING EQUIPMENT Acetylene welding outfits, 200 amp. electric welders BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT Cement mixers, finishing trowels, wheel barrows, elec- tric virator, air compressor, jack hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electrie generator, ramset, power roll. ers, electric hammers, mason- ary saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saws elec- tric plane, torpaulins, 14° band sow, 4" joiner, sand blaster, power tamper, power post hole auger, STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD, 233 King St, West, Oshawa PHONE 723-3224 elt clubs, 723-6607. ORGE "trldge, reasonably | -- Per- After 6 pm, te Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, : cellent condition, many extras. 94 Rowe used eight months, excellent condition, ain ona vba a 1, SARGEANT'S RENTALS bag eta kL iid near cauitiin Port Perry 985-2376 08, e ry 436 Ritson Rd, S. 725-3338 ook in: iow ¥ ll ed, Al e ts ea oe Dein Tok i : latin ee. ee ee Tele. |VOIT, TWIN $0 cu. ft, scuba tanks, re- phone_? PV 12, _..| CHATRS, card and banquet tables, church mere phone 728-1801 Serve valve, new condition. Consider) GOOD USED FURNITURE, frigs anc|aisle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, ai? JACKSON TRAILER i i ~con--|trade on single 72 cu. tt, Telephone 728-|stoves, etc, Reasonable, MacNell's Fur-| Simcoe Street North. Call 729-2614. SALES AND: RENTALS |avinuae' true. Gen ceoninas orale "iad ean rE Dunn East Whify. 64541: ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one nundro@ weekends. Morin Storage and. supply| PRIVATE SALE of furniture and con-| j95§, FORD. TRACTOR with front loader|people? Oshawa Tennis Club for 1487 Simcoe St, N Litd., Brooklin, 655-3641 '}tents of seven-room house, Plano, auto-lang back hoe. Reasonable, Brooklin|quets, partl weddings. "Bar, xltehens 728-026) or 728-3748 cares ect -- ie ee ag matic washer, Sopatorett. ieee, 0 Barking. 725-2140 mornings. - = r 4 r , board 'Seles and Service. Twoyear 'unc|fieve. "eat, "towing erachiens *ttogtt'| CHESTERBIELD WAROAING cloarance|LIENS PAID OFF We trade up, dows TRAILER PARKING Conditional warranty, 3% HP to world'simower, etc. 33 Quebec Street (enter/of tlocr models, 2 pc. suites with toam|Choose from over 60 cars. No downpat and Marine, SSS King Street East, 726 For the Summer, 20 minutes $565, ° VIKING electric range, pa - $150, Almost new, Telephone 723-9989 tie ery a Commute to . |i GAY CRUISER, 30 Johnson electriclatier 6 pm. = work, All facilities plus swim- New Canadian Explorer tilt tralier, All PS ~ ROPANE stove and fridge, tike new, ming pool, Phone Waltona |secessorles Included, $900, Telephone | Te eohone 725-0150 ee | Park, Newcastle, 987-4432 FOR SALE -- Piywood boat, Mark a5/PREE! Furnace eiana adjusted free motor, Tee-Nee trailer, tion, Telephone® 728-2992 | \6\a-FT. FLYING BRIDGE cabin cruiser TENT TRAILER for rent, sleeps 6 Ap ply 2% Keewatin South, 246-FOOT HOUSE TRAILER, for sale, Condition, Reasonable, Call 668-651? after § p.m, ¢ TRAILER HITCHES made and install ed, also all types of welding done, por-/HP moter, electric start with controls, (Simmonds Buckhorn 657-8513 after 6:00 table equipment for rent, 723-6840. paddies, water skis and tow rope. Excel-| p.m. TENT. pore! hy 6 heavy, 1 oe, Ay : x? TENT TRAILER FOR RENT. Sieeps| cn! condilion, $950, traler Included. | sin@aie, tuily automatic; used sewing|eicenm area, $60, Telephone 723-4452, sixe Apply 29 Keewatin Street South, Phone 668 machine, guaranteed excetient condition. =" FOOT NYOROPLANE ge ~~. a $7 monthly, Calt 72 COMPARTMENTED TRAILER, $150] motor. tT ._ Telephone er capacity 2,000 pounds, area Fi bd height 44, wheels under ja tires and wheel, five leaf ita direc: tlonals. Camper's bargain! Call 725-6685 UTILITY TRAILER, especially built tor|© one year old, $) Telephone 728-9736 T ALUMINUM ROLITE TRAILER Deluxe, Collapsible to 46 inches, Sleeps tour, Elec: tric breaks, Completely equipped. Dishes most powerful 105 HP, United Rent-All duty trailer 143 SCOTT 14° Tibregiass boat, ie) 45 BOAT -- Wa toot 'iene with | eer seat, convertible top, 18 horsepower John: son and Tee-Nee trailer, $1050. Apply 636 40./\6FOOT CEDAR STRIP hard top boat, HP Evinrude repairs, 725-437? dhe HP Bleciric, long shatt, | excellent condi 40 HP motor, heavy with convertible We i nog Ting Imcoe Street South or Ws all 725-3794, havcer Apt, 25, ee Nee trailér, in good condition, 25 lectric start motor, needs Guaranteed trouble-free winter If you pur- chase trom Western Oil Co, 725-1212 electric stove $50 and refr' PETERBORO cedar skiffs 14 foot a ued 1s09 each. Oi! heated hot water ta 12 MERCURY, | shift 4.2 HP CHAMPION" outboard" motor, good condition, Stove, four-burner, Mof fat, 23°; clock, ti) automatic . ¢y warming closet, timer, 725-1628. Coleman products. from Simcoe) 00.00 each, Oll space heaters, good shai tike new $0.00 each, boat, Best offer will be considered. Apply!Day tank, $90. P.O. Box |, Peterborough, telephone J. hardly Le horesnowers 3 with controls, propeller, gas tank, Like pew, $595. Also 5 HP Johnson, $65, FISHING ROOS and reels repaired, all Sportsman's Corner, pe trailer mirrors tree, ly on itch, $65, weekly, Telephone vavalte twe months, secrifiest" Telephone] four cor $158. deluxe model, Wilson's Furnit WESTINGHOUSE new, $80. Telephone m2 PIANO, upright DRESSER, large, ivory. Feige 006? after five, international sail JOHNSON, 10 HP eter wit CruiseA. WARDWARE = Good location, 'ow rash Seneironer) ghave plan, Time: i--inplgnank Wanted _ LAWNS CUT, Cellars and yards cleaned, ¥ cu. Lat freezer, "Town and Country", uvawanted junk heulea aray, also 2 y lor' | moving and hauling jobs. 4030 or 7! short phone 725-2016, 2882, sectionals trom 3 pc. ADMIRAL FRIDGE, $50. 7 ohne ee wa |14--Business Opportuniti CEARN professtonal alse | merchandising 167, Whitby, after $ p.m. with bench, § $75, ne 723- Telephone after S | P.M, 723-8677 ou $125, Call nis ; You are one of Thousands whe read The Times Want 88. WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, {reducing machines, sick room {Ald Rentals, 10S Beatrice, 725-1644, classes, Special rae. for 'ov Call now cBliect 534-845) Pe write about ATOR, 's malt site. Cool] DRIVE i 4 728-1 your summer drinks on pat Can finance, private, Call 728-1203. Dial 722-2390. hance. RELIABLE WOMAN | ell do Ironing in he ow area, EXPERIENCED stenographer hg office worker, would like work to do naevent from $138, Modern 4 seater setsj/ments! Gus Brown Motors Utd,, 728 7378, alkers, supplies, meat. at Day it of towners, 1166 r home study courses, Dundas West, Toronto 3, Ontario. Write Box 29794, Oshawa ew halt ton pickup truck, $35.Jwants delivery work, city or long dis Telephone 725-0393. he Te! ephone Ty 4390" anne $30 Pam, and gen: 103 Byron South, Whitby (Block west of mers), Ads Daily. home, mainty typing, Write Box 29948 Oshawa Times,