SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA [Soe See RIM RRR needs the personal attention they deserve! Call us today at... i | CANADA'S largest insurance company will give your insurance OSHAWA SALEMKA TRIO Here are three talented members of the Salemka Dancers of Oshawa who will be seen in this year's Osh- awa Folk Festival. Andy Charkas" 16, of 140 Banting ave. is supported by Natalie Salmers, 12 (on left and Stephanie Salmers, both of 159 Simcoe st., south. Whitehall Studio, Toronto CONSTITUTION OF FESTIVAL Here is a copy of the Oshawa Folk Festival's constitution as drawn up in February, 1965: The name of the organiza- tion shall be the Oshawa Folk Festival. The purpose of this orgai- ization shall be to bring toe gether in a festival the var- ious ethnic cultures and to promote civic pride; to en- courage such projects that have as their purpose the pro- motion of better understand- ing and goodwill among all the people of the community. Membership shall be open to any member of the com- munity. All organizations shall be encouraged to par- ticipate. The government of this or- ganization shall be vested in an executive committee con- sisting of five members. The officers shall be elect- ed at an annual meeting and shall hold office one year or until" their successors are elected. There shall be an advisory committee of not less than seven appointed by the execu- tive. The immediate past presi- dent shall be an_ ex-officio member of the executive committee. He shall have no vote but should participate in an advisory capacity. This constitution. may be amended by a two-third vote of the executive present at any regular or special meet- ing, provided that written no- tice of the proposed amend- ment or amendments have been mailed to the last known address of each member at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting. The advisory committee will be encouraged to make recommendations to the exec- utive. They will have no power to act. The executive shall have full control and management of the property and manage- ment of the organization. Funds of the organization shall be withdrawn from the SROFPING 729- 4563 | CENTRE Big Program Of Sports. Listed For Festival A specia] sperts program has been arranged for this year's Oshawa Folk Festival. Highlights of the program will consist of a judo display, tug-of- _| wars and a special playground presentation. Leo Hannsberger, holder of a third-degree black belt (and a part-time employee of the Oshawa Recreation Department for special judo instructions at Harman Neighborhood Associa- tion clubhouse) will participate. He will present a number of students in judo displays be- tween 2 and 3 p.m. te acquaint observers with the vyarious forms of judo (Nage-No-Kato) through demonstrations in throws, holdovers, armlocks, strangleholds and the art of | self-defence. Alex Ragatinsky, holder of a junior brown belt, will also per- form. The 15-year-old is current |AAU champion; also on hand | to- demonstrate will be Eddy Varga, Southern Ontario cham- pion for the 10-and-under class. Four tug-of-war teams from as many Oshawa organizations will compete in a special von- test to illustrate this exciting sport. The four will represent | the Air Cadets, the Oshawa Boy Scout Association, the Oshawa Boys' Club and the Oshawa Sea Cadets. The winner will be de- clared on the best two-of-three falls basis and will receive the Oshawa Folk Festival tug-of- |. war trophy. It is expected that the interest and rivalry will be keen for this event. Eight qualified playground leaders employed by the CRA during July and August will be on hand between 1 and 5 p.m. to provide children -- 12 and under -- with an interesting and varied program on such sub- jects as painting, drawing, reading, singing, tin-can crick- ; and horseshoes, to name a ew. AMBULANCE BRIGADE SERVES Watch for the St. John Am- bulance Brigade at this year's Oshawa Folk Festival. This is the St. John Ambu- lance division Ne. 435 spon- sored by General Motors of Canada. Douglas. Bryant is superin- tendent and the unit will have two. shifts on duty (five or six workers each), plus two nurses from the No. 274 Nurs- ing division, Oshawa. Mrs. Marion Manser is superinten- dent. The St. John Ambulance unit will be at the rear of the parade -- at the Auditorium phase of the festival, the brigade will take care of IN A MOST USEFUL MANNER everything from cut fingers te fainting cases' (to quote one executive). Division Ne. ized in the fall' of 1964 with 18 members as compared with the present enroliment of 31. It has three instructors for its public First Aid classes. Peter Beeching is assistant superintendent to Mr. Bryant. The brigade is a volunteer unit and serves at such pub- lic functions without . re- muneration. The public should be grate- ful for the brigade's presence at such major events as the annual Folk Festival. was organ- Sacrifices Of Many Led To The Birth Of Canada More than 1,000 participants were counted in the fourth an- nual Oshawa Folk Festival July 1, 1964. The contribution made by the people of many lands to the Canada of today was empha- sized by Hon. J. Keiller Mac- Kay in his opening address. The former Lieutenant-gover- bank or banks with which they are on deposit by the joint signature of the presi- dent and business manager. Members of the executive will be confirmed or replaced at the recommendation of the advisory committee. The president as chief exee- utive officer of the organiza- tien, shall supervise and co- ordinate the organization's af- fairs and activities. nor of Ontarie spoke at the opening ceremonies which fol- lowed a parade from the Osh- awa Shopping Centre to Alex- andra Park festival grounds. The -colgrful parade was made up of more than 1,000 marchers, bands, floats and colorfully dressed participants --the Oshawa Armories was used as the saluting base. The lieutenant - governor said it was a joy to be in Oshawa on such an auspicious day. "This is both the 40th birthday of Oshawa as a city and the 97th birthday of our country." BIRTH OF CANADA He added: "The birth of Canada was brought about by the sacrifice of many and has become fruit- ful after many years which. JOHN DE HART THANKS GIVEN John DeHart, general co- chairman of the Oshawa folk Festival, today thanked the many people who have al- ready worked on the 1966 shew scheduled for presenta- tion July 1. "This has been my first year to serve on the Festival executive," said Mr. DeHart. "It has been most gratifying te work with the various chairmen, "I am proud te be asso- ciated with the various Eth- nic groups whe retain: their identity and customs -- at the same time these people are proud of their Canadian citi- zenship. "The festival is truly a dis- play of Canadianism working at its best. "Having been active in var- ious organizations throughout the city, I fully realize the amount of planning and pre- paration that goes into any organization te make it a suc- cess," Mr. DeHart concluded. have seen both peaceful times and the scourges of war." Hon. MacKay praised the city of Oshawa, the progressive at- titude maintained by the civic leaders and the splendid spirit shown by Oshawa's citizens. The speaker said that both French and British had brought Canada into being as a nation and that the country had been strengthened by the settlers of other lands. "The contributions made by the people of Europe, and of other lands," he stated, "'have formed the genius of Canadian life." Hon. MacKay was introduced by Judge Alex C. Hall who de- scribed him as "one of the noblest Canadians of all time". Thanks was extended by Michael Starr, MP, who said the Hon. MacKay prized the unity of Canada as our most ZELLER'S OPEN DOMINION DAY Oshawa Shopping Centre Don't Miss These 2 Big Days of Bargains Galore, Fun and Excitement for Everyone ... 1.25 BUYS UP TO 100.00 AT FRIDAY JULY Ist ee@eeeepeeeeeeeeepeeoese ee © e'8 eo @ 4 ZELLER'S important asset. "ee eee reeeenre eee ree ee meee