Thompson - Conlin St. Gertrude's Roman Cath- olic Church was the setting for the marriage of Susan Michelle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Charles Conlin, to Michael Carleton Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon P. Thompson, all of Oshawa. The Reverend Gerald Mungham officiated. Given father, the bride was wearing a formal gown of French peau de soie, with a large round col- lar of Chantilly lace, and short sleeves, The full attached train) was held by a bow. Her crown: of seed pearl petals held her! shoulder-length veil of nylon) tulle and she carried a cascade of pink roses and white carna-japartment 18, Oshawa. tions. The matron of honor was the in marriage by her were Mrs. Gary Bickle and Miss Jill Thompson, all of Osh- awa. The bridegroom's | brother, Mr. Daniel Thompson, was his best man and those ushering were Mr. David Walker and the bride's brother, Mr. Michael Conlin, all of Oshawa. As the couple left the recep- tion at Adelaide House for a honeymoon in the Southern, 'States, the bride was wearing a blue linen suit with matching lace trim, white hat and acces- 'sories and a corsage of pink carnations. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson will reside at 304 Simcoe street south, Out-of-town guests were pres- ent from Peterborough, To- bride's sister, Mrs. Donald Gal-|nonto, Vancoliver, Detroit, Que-| _Jagher, and the other attendants | bec City, and Blackwater. Johnson - Long Daughter of Mr. and Mrs Zverett J. Long of Oshawa, Miss Pam Amanda Long, RN, of Leadville, Colorado, became the bride of Mr. C. Paul John- son of Frisco, Colorado, in a ceremony in Leadville, recent- ly. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. afid Mrs. Curtis C, John- son of Durango, Colorado. The Reverend Father M. Mc- Dnerney of the Church of the Annunciation officiated and Dr. Floyd' W. Surges of Leadville gave the bride in marriage. She wore a three-piece white lace suit with a white lace matala headdress and carried a bouquet of red roses and pink carnations. Miss Pamela Gale Jones, RN,! of Whitby, was the maid of) honor and Mr. Donald Malberg| of Los Angeles, California, best man The reception Lafitte's, Denver, the honeymoon Sante Fe, New the west, coast Mr. and Mrs. Johnson = will) reside at Climax, Colorado, where both are employed at present was held at Colorado and was spent at Mexico and on THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 27, 1966 17) MR.. AND MRS, MICHAEL C. THOMPSON --Aldsworth Photography make these ranges simple to cook on--easy to clean. barbecdent meat eid poultry just the way you like ow Anda dozen other fea ures of courage to make the big ce, cision to give up_her weekly TV hour, she explained that a show of that magnitude required a habits. I ward health which she backs up,She doesn't care for sweets at with excellent food and exercise'all. Well, that's the protective Her weight is controlled | pattern that builds healthy lean- K Slender To eep total ment, "Until by intelligent eating, not by diet-\ness. Dinah is 5' 6" tall and By IDA JEAN KAIN stopped the TV hour, I didn't\ing. A hearty breakfast is her) weighs 130 pounds. Perfect! . co , jrealize there was any other way/favorite meal . . . and so are! An exercise enthusiast, she lal dg i -- Dinah}, jive." she said candidly lunch and dinner. She enjoys! plays tennis three or four times + ogg food -- lean meat, vegetables, a week. She also shoots golf be- Visit. 10, Dinah is a disciplined person Ss ton for her engagement : ee ; A : ; Washington Rag She has a positive. attitude to-'salads, fruits and skim milk.!cause she enjoys the walking at the Shoreham Hotel. What is} ee hee cae ae aah lity ll hn ll she really like, this singing star guished "awards and who is|i WO | F known to millions of people? 9 Super Bak Sp ial It was instantly struck by her Mi BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN ! Dinah Shore Eats sincerity . . . and it is this quality, plus her natural zest, to gg which an audience responds. Di- nah loves to sing, loves people and gives her all joyously It takes stamina and staying power to have a career and a private life too. What is the se- cret? Part of her energy is fired by her enthusiasm, which 9 is the core of her inner nature But equally important, she has 9 learned not to dissipate that priceless quality. Dinah explained that it took her a long time to realize the value of not depleting herself needlessly. "Staying keyed up burns you out," is the way she expressed it. "I feel wonderfyul most of the time, I really do You cannot simulate vitality but when you crowd every hour you cannot really enjoy living. It is necessary to have a rhythm " in your life,"' she added. LARGE Lemon Filled Delicious PEACH PIE | | LAYER CAKE 59: 87. Two or three tier wedding cakes -- Order One Week Ahead TOOK COURAGE BAKERY ORDERS. PHONE 725-3421 When 1 commented that i; must have taken a special kind Sn ek RE a In Your Own Back Yard et the New SPECIAL, This Week SPECIAL, This Week a SHOWN ABOVE -- MODEL KFG 3A -- with everything you could want in the way of cooking convenience. This deluxe 30" range is avail- able in white, turquoise, ontique copper, or yellow. Come in! Let us go over the features in detail ! WESTINGHOUSE 30" AUTOMATIC RANGE in an economy WESTINGHOUSE 30" DELUXE RANGE Another range that lets you spend a day downtown and still cook a roast for dinner. Variable broil control for per- Se [0 @ No Turn Speed-Broll BP ftten © Self-Basting Rotisserie © Lift-Out Elements @ Fluorescent Light Continental Double. Oven Range Model KEG3A. Also has our new No Turn Speed- Broil, and second oven lets you bake cakes at the same time. Terrace- Top design for con- venient surface cooking, Infinite settings on heat controls. Variable Broil Oven Control. Automatic Timing Centre. Roast- Guard and Rotisserie, * Miracle Seal ovens. Oven heaters and surface elements plug out for easy cleaning. WESTINGHOUSE 24" AUTOMATIC RANGE Automatic SQUARE APARTMENTS « 385 Gibb St. ot Grenfell Enjoy Your Private SUANA AND HEALTH CLUB SWIMMING Seen ke. POOL and @ Handy Oven Window while you're out for the afternoon. SUNNING : » 4 @ 140° Warming Setting @ Handy Oven Window The best of the compacts ! Top flight features timing centre for $198 Interested ? Then look at these too: Automatic timing centre lets you cook a roast range. fully automatie cooking. @ Fluorescent Light @ Lift-off Oven Door PATIO @ ONE BEDROOM SUITES © Lift-Up Elements @ 7-Heat Rotary Switches @ TWO BEDROOM SWITES . . . oescursamtnsctiacero @ FAMILY SUITES @ 3 FLOORS RESERVED FOR ADULTS ONLY! Deluxe Terrace-Top Range Model KTG3B, Step-down design gives convenient two- level cooking. Side mounted heat controls with infinite settings. A Rotisserie. Variable Broil Control. Automatic Timing Centre. Easy to clean plug-out surface elements and oven heaters. Colors are Antique Copper, Turquoise, Yellow, White. Westinghouse (w) TRADE IN! NO "--_ DOWN! EASY BUDGET TERMS! Westinghouse Aut, Defrost BIG 2-DOOR, FROST-FREE REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER eee $309 @ Adjustable Shelves Deluxe 30" Range Model KFG3B. Also hge our new No Turn Step timer automatically cooks oven meat while you're away. Rotisserie, Miracle Seal oven for finest baking results, Plug-out surface elements and over heaters for easy FOR RENTAL petiqes Coppa, wit." Antique Copper, White, WFOR MATION PHONE 723-5111 11 A.M, TO 9 P.M. DAILY Bvetmmes Agents Oshawa Realty (Bend St.) Led. Night Drapes Throughout Ore or Two-Balrony Suites Available @ Second Washroom Sumtes Oshowa's Largest Suites @ Rental Inctuces TY Antenna Service, Parking Spoce ond Additional Locker Space Private Souna and Health Cheb Facilities: Swimming Pool emd Samning Patio. Free Hydro High 'Speed Flevators Softly Carpeted' Corridor. Floors Beautifully Lordscaped Frntrance Ultra-modern Kitchens mclucde 30 inch Electric Renge and New Retrigerator Intercom Connected to Lobby Bathrooms Equipped with Large Mirrors ond Built-in Vanities Double Sinks RESERVE YOUR SUITE NOW Rentals Start At $125.00 " You can be sure if it's Westinghouse Available WESTINGHOUSE APT-SIZE REFRIGERATOR Full-width freezes fre zen 728-9466 "A NEW WORLD of APARTMENT LIVING" freezer @ 119.tb. Frost-Free Freezer @ Frost-Free Food Section ° sll Shelves, ete, vw and food stores 54 lbs @ Big Porcelain Crisper