THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, June 28, 1966 [20e--Summer Properties For Sele or Rent PIGEON near PETERBORO L, 18 20-----Real Estete for Sele |20e-- ECHO HOMES $1,98 To One Mortgage Large three bedroom detach- ed homes. Bungolows, split- fevels and ranches. All homes include the following: { Cay BRICK @ STONE S @ STORMS AND SCREENS e STOVE AND OVEN e@ FINISHED | REC ROOM, ~ FLOOR --TO--CEe- ING FIREPLACE @ EXTRA TWO PIECE WASHROOM @ MAHOGANY TRIM ® FURNITURE POLISHFD KIT- CHEN CUPBOARDS e ManY OTHER EXCITING FEATURES. MODELS Wilson Ave 2 blocks north of FLOOD-LIT Open Daily and week-ends L. N. BIRD, Real Estate 321 ACRE HORSE FARM, trout siream eight acres bush, alance workable. Major renovations beifg completed. $21,-| 500 terms. Call Pat Frank Real Estate Lim! % ACRE FARM, 2 mie awa, Eight-room frame barn, highway frontage down. Call Ken Hockin, Frank Real Estate Limited PARKLIKE LAND, 10 to 80 acres with trout stream. Near Hampton. Ask for free Mlustrated folder. J. J. Van Herwer-| den Realtor, 741 King East, Oshawa, 725 447) EXECUTIVE HOME, In Oshawa's pre ferred north west area, located in a quiet| court. Wall to wall broadioom in fiving| room and bedrooms, completely finished recreation room with bar. One of Osh awa's nicest back yards, hedged. some frees. For appointment to see cal! Steve Englert, Guide Realty Ltd. 723-598! CHURCH STREET, BOWMANVILLE five-sulte brick apartment building, with | large ict. Good Income. Must be seen Going at price you can't afford to miss Cal! Joe Barnoski, 623-3393, W. Frank Rea! Estate Lid ANXIOUS TO SELL home. Geod revenue. Substantial down) payment. Owner ieaving town. No tele | phone information 231 Palace St., Whitby | Ont | KING STREET BAST en lot, 110 x 204 ft., 'speculator's buy Call Don Stracdeski, Realtor, | 793-465) POUR-BEDROOM brick bungalow, with | attached gerage. large finished recras | tion room, located on Quebec Street, vey | central te downtown. Asking $19,900. Call) 728-9466, Oshawa Realty, Bond Street! Ltd. mer Properties Sale or | Rent "RETIREMENT COTTAGE" | Pigeon River, within 1 mile of the town of Omemee, com- pletely insuloted frame bun- galow for the couple who wish to enjoy a 'fishing retire ment". Living room, dining area, kitchen, bethroom and 3 bedrooms are all lined and insuloted; hove tile ceilings, with tile and lino floors, Open front and enclosed rear porch- es. Garage for storage, ete. Extras include fridge, stove, hot and cold running woter, duotherm oil spoce heater with fone 250 ~gal-oit tank, T.V. and aerial, 12' fibreglass boot. Completely furnished. H.D. hydro. Situat- ed.on a love? grassed lot 90', frontage by 250' deep. Iliness forces owner to sell Only $9,000 with $4,000 down and vendor will hold mortgage for balance on very good terms For further information, please call Doug Wraight, Peterborough office a 4234 an aa? C mttana + I at LUI aye wil LVI $2, $50 DOWN $47. Monthly PAYMENTS START AUGUST 1966 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION LOT 75'x200' surveyed with family-size cottage, 3 bed- rooms, erected. $2,995 custy or Budget Plan, $50. down, $47 monthly, payments start August, 1966. Limited num- ber. Yeor round activities Practical for retirement. Good roads open" yeor round Hydro, telephone, swimming, excellent fishing, woter ski ing, hooting, hunting, ete Winter Ski-tow nearby. EN JOY Summer, Fall, Winter Spring Bloor @ MEET Reside = Toronto Bank, only benk in Omemee Highway 7 on the Peterboro to Lindsay Highway each day this week-end at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. No eppointment nec essory OPEN HOUSE This weekend ot EMERALD ISLE, BUCKHORN LAKE. only 60 miles from Oshowo, EM ERALD ISLE is on ideo! area featuring cottages, _3-seasor summer homes, year round retirement homes. Choose your own plan. Lot prices range from $1,200 to $4,500 3 bedroom cottages open for inspection, Dir is from Bridgenorth: across Chemong Loke Causeway and follow signs to Emerald Isle. For further details call H. Me Groth B. Howkins 742 4234 Peterborough Dominion OR to Fri spec Phone be Monday aoy appointment Can day iol seer or evening, b only Pitts AND HOMES LTD ONT. COTTAGES COBOURG, 372-9494 LAKE SCUGOG l cottage uxury iving r like setting from Oshawa. Four bedrooms, electric heat, all conveniences, July and August $400. per month. Telephone Agincourt 291-0125 in quiet park only ah 21--Forms | for 'Sele FARM WANTED 150 ecres to 200 acres miles iarge brick Income BEL-AIR. RESORT LAKE BATTISTE FOR RENT insulated housekeeping cottoge. 2 bedrooms, fully equipped, city conveniences screened porches, large clean lakefront, large dock. $65 weekly. Boots and, motors ovoiloble et extra cost Call 728-0208 aeven-room |BANCROFT AREA, $45 weekly, family housekeeping cottages. Linen supplied, hydro, 'goot swimming, paved = road Write Bonny Lee Cottages, L'a Mable, sat -- four-bedroom, brick! Ont, or phone Bancroft 790-5 3 @ lot, close te schools and | ping Price $12,500. with $2,000. COTTAGE FOR RENT, $50. "Sefe" sandy | down. Call Port Perry, 985-7310. heach, good fishing, boat, entertainment, | TEN-ROOM spacious country home, one Golf eourse nearby. Stocco Lake, 728 acre, creek, frees, garage, $12,500. Don | 956 Stra Reeltor, 73-465) os BEAUTIFUL Stoce } $16,900.-- BARGAIN. Off Simcoe North.|Safe. sandy beach, spacious lawn with spen mortgage and low down payment | shade trees, riding, golfing, shopping, Johnson, 728-2548, Keith Peters |cocktall lounges within mile, $2,000 down, $s monthly. Full selling price $6,500 .-|Apply 765 Chesterton Avenue. . -- CLEAN, $1X-ROOM home, in area. Diningroom, fire WELLINGTON (West Lake; ~eottage fer place, garage. Call Andy Keven, 623-3393, rent on lakefront, sleeps six, all eonven-! W. Frank Real Estate 'te. jences, hot and cold water, good fishing. | 345 weekly, Telephone 728-8105 700 -- TOWNLINE SOUTH, four-bi nis ~ ss reom, 1% storay home, with extra ior BANCROFT | Lakefront cottages for Call Andy eves 423-3393, W. Frank Reaj| rent, with boat, Sallmon Trout lake, In: Estate Lid side conveniences, propane cook steve,| 23;900.00 -- Real nice good swimmil fishi | threebedroom | 1004.2 mming, fishing. Call G. Hood ranch bungalow with attached garage on! Law Pree gn kitchen, 'intone rec PRIVATE COTTAGE, roem plus two other finished rooms in|three bedrooms, stone basement, breezeway and lovely back. Vision conveniences. Large frontage, safe| vard, Call Maible Roudreay of Schofield. Sandy beach, boat. $75 weekly. Avall Aker Ltd AS or 723-2765 able August, September. 728-8747 COUNTRY LIVING -- Brick rancher|STURGEON LAKE Pleasant Polnt.| with double garage and one acre int Fiveroom summer home, three-piece One mile west of Broeklin. Asking only hath. Hot and cold water, fully furnish-| $18,000. Call 728-9464, Oshawa Realty, ed. List $8,900. open to offer, Call L, $ Bond Street Ltd Sneigrove Co. Ltd., 43 Park Road South QUIET -- six-room home 723-9810 - residential area, near hospital, park and school. TWO - BEDROOM Bath and half, garage All 'conveniences. No vacancies for last jarge cultivated jot, close to downtown exceptionally two weeks of July, $40 and up. Call eve facilities, $15,700 cash. Private. 725-4678 nings 429-2646 or write Silvererest Cot anaes ae _ tages, Wasaga Beach. RAGLAN -- nix-room ranch bungalow)" : : with breezeway and double, attached oa ate SALE Cabin 10° x 14 furnished, rage. Modern conveniences. Must have hydre in, on 76 foot jake-front sandy Hose downpayment, Brooklin 655-3089 shore on. Bradley Lake, near MeArtnur's| 100 ACRE FARM, 75 workable Mills, Price 500, 725-8288 evenings 9-11 brick house, large hiproof steel INVESTMENT PROPERTY on Simcoe p.m Street South. Excellent income, Spring in pasture. Owner. moved $ monthly yet taxes are only $205.00, Prop-| LAKE SCUG 'ronte. Must sacrifice, Only $13,000 three-bedroom cottage| terms! Lindsay district. 4. Keith erty size Is 87' x 200' zoned commercial. |for sale, Priced to sell with only $§,000. down few minutes4 pletely furnished, just Ajtor. Call Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton, drive from Oshawa. Doug- | 4994. soon Marilyn Fitzgerald, 668-5313 or las J. M Martin, Realtor. PIGEON ied Realtor, 723-1168 & -- three - bedroom col.|22--Letp for Sole FOUR-BEDROOM home in "Whitby, spiit|tage for® sale, completely furnished,! fevel design with two bathrooms. Broad-|down payment considered. Douglas J. M loom, drapes and dryer included. Owner | Bullied Realtor, 723-1168 anxious to move to the country. See this! CROW LAKE, Marmora, cotta ge for rent now and make your offer Call Marilyn beautiful sandy beach, hydro, beat Fitzgerald, 468-5313 or 728-5193 Available July 9 - 16. July 30 -' Sept. 3 Mertin, Realior Telephone 472-541? ATTACHED GARAGE three-bedroom FOR RENT -- {.aketront housekeening sungalow on beautifully landscaped lot| cottages, on Sturgeon Lake, modern con l This comfortable | veniences, sandy beach, reasonable. Bow. home would be the idea! choice for the! manville 423-2242. family with school age children. Asking capdiligiear aniy $21,000. Seen appointment witn| MUSKOKA LAKE - Caribou Lodge walter Miltier, 728-7082 or 728-5103. W. 0.| ¥/0od lake, two, three and four, bedroom tin, Realtor. housekeeping cottages. All modern con | veniences, Write Caribou Lodge Vankoug net Post Office. Phone 725-645-484) FOR RENT -- July, August, September, jog, Caesarea, seventh cottage west lakefront from Reg's Marino Completely furnished, new television, electric stove and refrigerator. Hot water with show Bes! sandy beach on lake Responsible people only. Can be s this weekend BARGAIN -- Cottage and 72 Rugged Lal near Coe Hill Fully ernie €d,>just move in, road to door. Inside con veniences, gas, stove, fridge, pressure system. Secluded and quiet, excellent) fishing and hunting. Beautiful view of jake. Cash winter price $4,500. Contact Mr. E. W. Tout, RR 3, Coe Hill. phone! 4691, Bancroft. Gibson Willoughby Lim ited Realtor HOLIDAY in Hallburton Highlands ern housekeeping cottages, good swim. | ming, fishing with boat included. Dis jcount weeks Ist July and last two in| |August. Book early. Phone or write Sii-| | six-room heme Barn must be in good condi and euitable for beef Cattle h yew tion of or Location within Oshawa. Should be on close te @ paved rood myles NORTH WEST eight-year-old stucco bun-| gelow in very good condition and cen $12,900 terms. P. FE. Gravelle Real @ 423-3341 623-7304. VLA--PIVE ACRES with house. Sr Rast North. For further a ati 71 Contoct MR. L. COND 728-1678 or 668-8558 H. MILLEN Ltd, Ren! FEctate % Bagot YH, Oshowe Lake, 3 bedreoms P. EC ravelle REAL ESTATE 28 Division St Bowmanyi.ia 623-334] 35 ACRE FARM TAUNTON RD Spacious 9 room, 2 storey brick home modern conveniences 90 x 33. runnine water Asking $34,000 -- Terms. RE SOLD . near Kinmount, fireplaces, tele arn in _ MUST cottages on river Coll 623-334] 4 rom barn to To Fasy Real on, Call 728 5-10-25 ACRE PARCELS CLOSE TO OSHAWA SEMI-detached duplex, three bedrooms and two bathrooms each Ready for In spection. No agents. Located west of seeps Centre, 229 and 23) Cabot Str 723-1249 wHitsy Three-room modern apart ment, TV antenna, laundry facilities parking, shared bath, Adults $80 monthly. Telephone 668-6543 1 ACRES with 60 ft take Ontario. Small creek; building home with walk-out, basement 2,000 trees and smali gravel pit. Must be seen. Only S$ miles from Oshawa. Cal Mr. D. Gower, W. Frank Real Estate Limited, 798-1908 or 423-2293 GERRARD ROAD low an 14 acres substantial down One 668-3230 i THREE NEW HOMES on Switzer $20,000 and up. By Michael Zygock! phone 728-888? FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOWN. Only four teen nine. Act wisely, invest In your) future. Call Stan McCormack, 655-3066, | Keith Peters Realty Ltd. Realtor TWO-BEDROOM apartment in new build 5 ng, Intercom, elevator, built-in stove fridge, washer, dryer frde, broadinom in ving room. wall te wall, Many extras Telephone 725-9328 or 728-0123. For further intorination CALL MR. MOORE 725-3568 only n well, overlooking ideal for 10 ACRES WITH STREAM EASY TERMS ! PHONE Bill Millar 725-2557 or 725 Seven-rnom bunga of land. $17,500 with payment. (Private is Mod Drive Tele |ver_ Rirches ~ Resort, Minden, Ont., |526R2 <Q. 1A BEAUTIFUL park-like treed lot. Win terized' electric heated cottage with Sauna and guest cabins, completely fur cy ae cco, tie) WT. LAMSON |FOR RENT Laketront housekeeping | Ltd cottages, on Sturgeon Lake, modern con veniences, sandy beach, reasonable. Bow-| | manville 623-2962. Real Estate TWO. 10-acre lots, five minutes from RIVER panes i, air tie limits, terms. Call 778. 7245. north a "rankiord, in on miles a 40). highway. Road, hydro, beach Price| LAKESHORE COT for sale, inn' $7,000. Telephone Toranto, 787-3 9757 on Pine Lake, Haliburton. Hydrn, dood sucKaauN Char cat rae pal | beach, good road. Port Perry, 985-7494 cottages, Merri, Calne healers aad tuning, RORCAYGIEON AREA -- nicely wooded andy beach, All conveniences, lots on river for sale. Road and hydro dey jities, boats, store, 668-8332. 'reasonable. Call 723-3772 HOUSEKEEPING collages, electric, in-|OSHAWA, central location, four-plex lots side facilities, fishing, skiing and swim For full particulars write Box M79458 ming. Telephone 725-2909 or write Maljac|Osnawa Times cottages, RR J Burks Falls | TEN-ACRE LOT between Oshawa THREE - REDROOM cottage, $50 week-) Bowmanville on 40) highway, south Most conveniences. Safe for children. |0AS® line. Telephone 623-5077 Steenburg Lake, 24 miles north of Madoc.. QRONO -- Wooded double lot on mair hone 623-5195 travelled read, about 15 miles from Osh BELMONT LAKE ae "July | ama. Mrs. Sadie Hamilton RR Ind to July 9th, First cottage sleeps 4./ Two-piece bath, $60 weekly. Second cot tage sleens 4 with three-piece bath. cold 'a aaah NH Want-Ads Don't HASTINGS on Trent, lovely collage, thres|*" Cost- They Pay ' % 150 TO BUY SEL FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES READ AND USE THE MARKET BASKET OR fac 2, Orono tune sedrooms, el! conveniences, well furnish troe fenced lot) cement dock, boat $7200. Must be seer te! 782-6656. house and boat be appreciated ' MASSAU STREET and! 122Lots for Sele |26--Apertments fer Rent 26--Apertments for Rent '26--Apertments for Rent 12 Large L ots 2 miles from city, in attrac- tive area. Some treed lots. Paved street, Close by public school, new high school and ecprigef PRICED TO SELL | Phone 728-5579 23--Real Estate Wented be Sell-ective | and Sell Your Home } GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. 723-8144 SIBBY' Real Estate Ltd 46 King West 728-7576 | | Rankine 728-3682 25-4366 725-5701 125.4362 FOR @ three n the Dr Charlie Tony Zokarow Nick Anthony Siblock Siblock 1 AM LOOKING bedroom bungalow Phillip's School area. East or Simcoe. Genuine buyer wishes in time for fall schoo! term. Please call Walter Mittier, 728-7089 or 728-5103. W. 0. Martin, Realtor or 5 west four j of to locate APAR T MEN 13 A limited nomber of care fully planned ene and twe bedroom suites new evailable for immediate eccupancy,. FEATURING The utmost in modern living at moderate rental, rates OVERLOOKING GREEN PARK Rus Service at Door Within Walking Distonce o» of Shopping Flectrically Heoted Soundproof Controlled Entrances NOW AVAILABLE Grenfell Square THE ULTIMATE IN APART. MENT LIVING IN CEN- TRAL OSHAWA NOW RENTING. COLBORNE APARTMENTS Two Buildings Immediate * Corner ef Colborne Street Possession ond Mary Street, Only 2 min utes wolk from Mary Street end King Street. FEATURES: 1, Apartment eontrotled entrance Piece Private balconies FEATURES room suites, Free Hydro Oshawa's largest suites French Provincial kitchens Double sinks 30\ inch range, fully outomatic Exthe, large Fridge with Freezer sm Linen Drones Walk-in closets in bedrooms 2 ond 3 bed- heating Refrigerator ond stove in each apartment Drapes in each apartment Living room and bedroom TV pre wired Living room and bedroom Specie nies Drapes Supplied Broadioomed ferridors | Mail Delivery te Boch Suite telephone pre wired, Inter com in each apartment Broadloom in halls Extra Two Piece hath in ell 3 bedroom suites All suites equipped with Large balconies Hardwood and vinyl tile in apartment Vanity in bathrooms Sauna Steam Room and Health Club FM muste throughout "eet 08 882? 8 Plus many more modern features TH SIDE POAD LOCATED ON S50U 119 NONOUON 24--Stores, Offices, Storage' STPRE FOR RENT, In south end, 2 one. Telephone 725-0150. STORE FOR RENT at 19 Bond West. Good location. 'Rent $100 per month. Available Call Mrs. Taylor toronto, as STORE FOR RENT month Indus now downtown loca small business 728-8200. any $40 pe Phone TWO-ROOM OFFICE West, unlimited parking, ommercial Hymar STORE or located on King Str $75 per month zoning § Real Estate 728-6286 office, Real 798-R very estate 5 SMALL , 3p iat aver Phone STORE FOR RENT, suitable for or Good location 20 Church Street ama! App Mr, Sherma 25.--Houses for Rent HOUSE FOR RENT Home Month! River side Dri rental $i 75.00. Single family anly Aler of Schotield. Aker Limited 723-2265 ADELAIDE house AVENUE EAST Four I lot, garage monthly 793-0729 room stores with vant TWO ROOM OFFICE located Street West, Unlimited parking, month. Commercial Zoning, call D, Hyman Real Estate, ease, Telephone on 7" FOUR-ROOM home with back yard, two bedrooms, $95. per month: two-year lease Street East. Phone 723-072¢ inide FOUR-ROOM house, $95 monthly any time. 725-2054 THREE BEDROOM, brick @ or nt. Exceptionally clean, would consider down payment willing to buy 70 Kawartha Street, 725-R47) garage, includes stove re small RIVERSIDE DRIVE SOUTH --. four-hed foom, executive type home, lease references required, $200 monthly phone 725-7514 2-REDROOM apartment modern five plex, $195 monthly, stove and refrigera tor included. Adults only. Telephone 72 Tel in FIVE-ROOM. house for Grove area hildren one rent, $78 monthly Maple welcome 7356 two Clean abstainers Telept 623 Street: 694-2945 all Harold Segal at central. | office Close te) two} King | $75. per| Harold 122 Ade bungalow for and if Immediate possession at Oshawa. Call 947-4900; and Space heated, One or Available tor ing time. Please call 728 728-1582, 725-7981 5282, Presenting LA CONTESSA | distinct A ® aportment residence FEATURING ee ee! Electric bedroom suites Heating Individual room heat con Pressurized Hydro and parking kitchen Prestige sal corridors Free Party facilities Saura bath room with Swimming pool Mail delivery to every suite. Closed cit T.V. for your protec Lorge breakfast oreo Convenient schools and Transportation Landscaping ar chitecturally designed Beautiful floor drapes cuit tion in oll kitchens | ta shopping, churches at | door ceiling' to } large | Suites Start at $120.00 per month | Call) MODEL SUITE OPEN DAILY Rental Information 725-1481 140 NONQUON RD. | AVAILABLE JULY Ist - AUG, Ist THREE-BEDROOM furnished house (with dog and cat) available for 6 commencing Sept. 1 for te Box 2974 Oshawa HOUSE FOR RENT three-bedroom semi-duplex children. acceptable. $75.00 Zakarow, 728-7576, Sibby's Ltd Times. Columbus Good month Real Available July five-room bungalow. For information tele phone 725-2198 BRIGHT, apartment including three-piece tric range, fridge, 5216 after 4 TWO-BEDROOM hospital, July 1. 16 Elgin Street East THREE-BEDROOM iow, at 234 separate and plaza One $135 monthly CLEAN three-room separate bath, elec cupboards, ete, 725 apartment, close high schools and shopping block to bus Available July 1. Call 7 ° 2A EIGHT house ROOM HOUSE and for rent, Also store. Immediate Apply 762 Simcoe South NEW SEMI-DETACHED, three bedroom! house for rent, near Shopping Centre,| $140 monthly. Telephone 725-5085 FOUR-ROOM house downtown area. in Oshawa Adults only. Available on July 1 all afte 723-2422 possession 26---Apartments for Rent Modern. Apts. Regency Towers {49 Marland Ave Phone 725-2227 Premier 321 Marland Ave Phone 728-6722 Now corri One and two bedroom available. Broadloom dors f e. Refrigerator Drapes. --.M. Controlled on trance Elevator Intercom Balee and. Laundry #acili- es each floo UPSTAIRS Pr Albert APARTMENT for bedrooms schools and Port Perry rent near all con stores 985-2356 ince three drer two BACHELOR APARTMENT furnished or unfurnished, $75 monthly. Apply 949 Sim coe North, Apt, 103 or telephone 723-9171 ELGIN. EAST near Mary. Three or~four room turnished apartment. New kitchen 'upboards old water Available Ist 725-6304 y July Phone THREE-ROOM private bath! ily Apply 750 Oshawa Boule apartment, entrance. Available hetween 5 and 9? p.m TWO.REDROOM In byiilding, ¢ hydre E8440 atte modern! drapes Nh ity neluded month! months reliable tenants. | Large} yard,| Tony} Estate| 1, furnisheo Couple only. All conveniences| to north General Motors. Available; modern brick bungr Highland Ave., near public, | service) five-room Lorge 2 bedriom suite, stove refrigerntors, dranes, wall, closets hedrooms Walkout balconies Gienfe!! St., Adults Only 723-6944 Between 6-9:30 pm wall-to CENTRALLY LOCATED } 1 and 2° bedroom = apart ments, in one of Oshawn's finest buildings. Balcony and intercom system. No children under 12 CAll. GUIDE | Realty Ltd 723-528) |ONE- "AND TWO - BEDROOM apart jments. Newly decorated throughout. New jrefrigerators, stoves. Heat, hydro and jwater, laundry facilities included, Adults (preferred. 1610 Simcoe North. Telephone 16 to 9, for appointment. 725-8393 FURNISHED three-room apartment Adults only, Apply 63 Drew Street. THREE-ROOM apartment, Private bath jroom, immediate possession, Call 723-2842 7™ BOND EAST Five-room heated apariment, Private entrance. Available. i in please. Telephone 723-5029. LARGE FURNISHED bedroom in & clean and quiet home, for one or two gentle {men, close to north General Motors. Telephone 728-7283. | SPECIAL bachelor apartments in apart jment building, Bed-sitting room, kitchen and 'bathroom, completely private, tur nished and unfurnished, parking. Ideal jfor couple. $90 monthly, 728-9672 |TWO REDROOM apartment, one child | welcome. $85, and hydro, Apply 777 Row: jena Street or telephone 723-8696. |TWO ROOM unfurnished apartment, |private entrance, ground fiver. Apply M5 Oshawa Blvd, South THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnish private' bath. Telephone 723-5900 after 5 p.m. 723-1282 |ONE FURNISHED room, would suit one |gentieman, Telephone 725-0536, at 323 |Athol Street \one" "BEDROOM "apartment in apart ment building at 787 King Street East Laundry room, frig. and stove, TV out let. Phone 723-701) or 725-1551' for ap pointment. Available July 1 BUY A BARGAIN through Ads, Need something? Check Ads now! VERY CENTRAL room apartment, vate bath, parking 1. Telephone 723-5 FOR JULY AND AUGUST only, furnish ed bachelor apartment, $75 monthly. Ap ply 949 Simcoe North, Apt. 103 or phone 723-9371 TWO GENTLEMEN fo share fully fur |nished house with two ether young men Preferably office workers. Located north [of Shopping Centre, 723-1840, | Classified the Want ~ Mary Street, three private entrance,. pri space. Available July 97, | YOUNG d,|phone 723-8267, Sliding patio doors Bachelor, | and 2 bedroom opartments Elevator service to each floor Next door: to North General Motors Plant and office Mail service apartment Swimming Pool Indoor Parking Available Outdoor guest parking RENTAL INFORMATION PHONE 723-511] Agent to each RE SURE OF AN APPOINTMENT PHONE NOW 942-2401 Only bill vou pay phone bill. All other absorbed by owner NOW RENTING WENTWORTH APARTMENTS One of Oshawa's best ment buildings ot very rea sonable 1, 2 and 3 hedroom suites incliide every thing the only bill will be your. phone. Children wel come Model open April 30th represent ative on duty daily at apart 275 Wentworth St 1-9 pm 723-8701 'after hours 723-0362 CAVALIER VISCOUNT AMBASSADOR One ond twa bedroom anart> ments. Stove, refrigerator, drapes, broadioom corridors, intercom, FM. Immediate oc- cupancy. $97 ond up. Apt. 111 340 Marland 728-4283 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS new five plex buildinas with immediate possession ™™ and some August Ist Rents starting ot $119. which includes: walkout bal conies, stoves, refrigerators, electric heat, broadioom and oll utilities. Children wel come, Call § D. Hymon Reol Estate Ltd., Exclusive Oshawa Realty (Bond St.) Limited SHELDIAN MANSIONS Immediate Occupancy tele costs I is your terms for Rent first appli now ond you Locoted 5 min from South Gen Special cants vill save ites walk eral Motors @ One room aport bed rent every ° two and three includes thing __ Swimming Poo! FM * trolled @ Mail door e@ votors @ balconies © model furnished by Wilson Furniture Co suites © m Intercom con ta suite deliveries Rental you 2e large ment from on suite Rental representative on duty Daily 1-9 p.m, at apartment, 885 Oxford St. PHONE 723-826) p ae F Morning and after 723-6255 hours PRINCESS | ANNE Apartments Oversize suites Olde English decor Twin elevators Heated indoor pool Sauna facilities Carpeted sun deck Bus stop at door Controlled entranae Plenty of parking Laundry room each floor Plastic lined kitchen cupboards eese92890908088 In Free hydro for Model Suite Open 2 9PM 1221 SIMCOE NORTH 725-9934 THUR. VERBIRD TERRACE 1, 2 and 3 Bedroom apartments 728-6286 WHITBY | and 2 bedroom apartments, all modern -- conveniences, wimming pool, elevator, wilt in stove, fabric drapes. Free parking, Near schools Telephone 668-5347 SH MOTIF apartment, location cen ontrolled entrances, FM, electric- eated, broadioomed and pressuriz er corriders, automatic range, refriger-| MAN to share modern apart eh i ment with two university students" for its BBP ce July, August. $50 monthly. Centrai, Tele-| TWO-BEDROOM. "apartment, wall to wall phone 728-7837, broadioom throughout, Modern utilities, ONE - BEDROOM apartment, In Whitby, washer, dryer included. Telephone 728-/ refrigerator and stove included. $12 je oer 2 Lats monthly. Call 668-5692 | ADELAIDE "TERRACE, modern two ONE-BEDROOM apartment, third fic ;,|bedroom apartment, broadioom through- stove and refrigerator, private entrance. |OU', refrigerator, stove, TV outlet. ho I water included. Available July. Aduits Adults only. Apply 822 King Street East only. Apply 329 Adelaide West, Apart FURNISHED three-room ment 2. near South General Motors. ze ™ : iences. Suit couple or 2 - THREE unfurnished room apartment,| Apply 268 Malga Road ground floor, private bath. Available now.) _ Two furnished room partments, kitch-| THREE ROOMS, furnished, with bath, | an, bedroom, private bath. Available July! adults only. Apply 238 Dearborn Street. |5. Telephone 723-3598. ONE-BEDROOM apartment, private en-| UNFURNISHED two-bedroom apartment, france and bath, Walking distance from |private bath, heavy duty wiring, central fowntawn, Call after 4p. m. 798-2729, | \y located, Couple only or with ane school TWO-BEDROOM apartment, main Hlaor | jage- child Telephone 725 1829 3 heated, recessed balconies, parking and| AVAILABLE July 1, Gibb Street, three Jaundry facilities, Available July 10./ room apartment with bath, stove and re $112.50 per month. 668-6980. frigerator. Laundry facilities. Rent in NO DAMAGE DEPOSIT to 5 wan | aactae heat and hydro. Adults only. Call you rent at Sheldian Mansions, 8&5 Ox-| ford Stre it, near south General Motors. | \ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments, |some furnished. 1,000 sq. fl. for light in. One and Nags bedroom apartments |dustry on storage... Also. housekeeping ier PY" he let arco, © |rooms. Apply Landlord's Association, 55 ! P.m. oF 723-6255) Bruce Street. : |APARTMENT, _ bedroom, private |Stove and frig. FURNISHED APARTMENT in Bowman ville. Three rooms and bath. Adults only Available July Ist. Phone 623-3591 APARTMENT IN TRIPLEX centrally lo- cated in Whitby. 3 bedrooms, unfurnished Apply 272 Ritson S. Oshawa 725-184) MONTRAVE AVENUE, 285 -- Two - bed room apartment in sixplex, refrigerator, stove and dryer. Possession July 1, One child welcome. For more information apply Apartment 5 or 410 King East. BASEMENT APARTMENT close to South General Motors. Available imme diately. Phone 725-4328 UNFURNISHED one-bedroom apartment, private bath and entrance, Suit working couple, available July Ist. Apply 375 Wind sor Street large modern suites refrigerator, drapes, $115 per month 723-8422 Stove, Starting SPAN tral e ator. apartment All conven 3 gentlemen. | after hours BACHELOR APARTMENT for apartment building, at 787 East. Laundry room, frig Phone 723-7011 or 725-1551 ment. Available July 1. TWO-BEDROOM apartment. Stove, refrig- erator and dryer in four-plex. Playroom for children in basement. Private patio. Available July 1. Telephone 723-6698. THREE - BEDROOM modern apartment, fridge and stove. No damage deposit tc pay. Children welcome. Telephone 728-1855 WHITBY --. Two bedroom apartment in é&-plex, slove and fridge supplied. New building. Telephone 725-5660. TWO-ROOMS, bedsifting room and bright airy kitchen with fridge, stove and sink One lady preferred Telephone 723-1409. FURNISHED apartment, heat and | light supplied. $60 monthly. Telephon 723-1671 REDSITTING ROOM "furnished with kit 1, 2 AND & BEDROOM apartments re chen. Phone 728-1742. Call after 6 p.m. |trigerator and stove, intercom tontrotied livingroom and parking space, 728-5356. kitchen, bath, Available now rent in King Street and stove. for appoint- ) apartmer Newly de-| TWO - REDROOM modern stove retrigerator, drapes etc corated. One child welcome. No damage |deposit' Half month's rent down Avail able from July |. Park Plaza, 170 Park Road South, 725-0460 ent,| WHITBY -- "Three - frances. elevator service, swimming - room self-contained , apariment_in building, frig, and stove|POo!. fenced In plavground., 822 Glen supplisd. Telephone. 448-5970 Recent ln é COMFORTABLE room in sult ons gentleman. Centra' ply 136 Elgin Street Gast. FOUR-ROOM = apartment, children {eer private antrance. Avatiable July '. Call 723-9600 after § p.m. 4 rivate home. | tocated. Ap- |child welcome. Telephone 468-8189. jable | LARGE |NICE CLEAN furnished |keeping |29--Wented To Rent TWO. OR THREE-BEDROOM house re- jeer in Paine a or Whitby by middle-aged coup' age fe chiid | References PoP Write Box M24857 Oshawa Times. THUNDERBIRD TERRACE 2 and 3 Bedr apartments lorge modern suites tefligeiaio:, drapes. $115 per month 423-8422 |HIGH SCHOOL teacher and family re quire small house or apartment to rent, furnished or unfurnished, Whitby area .3t0ve, | preterred, Aug. 1 - Oct, 15. Phone 725- Sorting in 'Apply a 77, GARAGE for dry storage be the city of Oshawa. | Oshawa. | TWO OR THREEbedrcom requ! led by teacher and wife (no children), [August |, 15, Kedron, Columbus ares Preferred, others considered. Reasonable jrent, Write Box 29940 Oshawa Times, 30--Automobiles | for Sale ~~ MORE CASH poid for Good Clean Cars, Trade up or down. Liens paid DODD MOTORS SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-942 GRIER KELLY BI EE TaIvey USED. CARS LTD 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITRY -- 668-5891 Cars bought, and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Alwoys top p quolity ~ DOWN--$30 MO. 59 - 61 models your choice ! BILL BENNETT MOTORS 484 King W, 723-037 | Cars Bought and Sold MORLEY STALKER MOTOR SALES 137 KING STREET W. OSHAWA 723-6322 --- 723-8311 On the spot financing 1961 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, four - door, Standard, excellent condition, 52,008 room apartments, one ues $1,000 cash. Phone 668-6646 after or two persons, $80 monthly, Stove and} 6.30 p.m refrigerator. Four-plece bath. Electric heat and hydra included. 73-5325 after 4 (962 CHEVROLET 'seaan, wi eaulomatc PUT AWAY a tidy sum by renting that| 744. spare room with a Times' Action Want "45 CHEVROLET Ad. Telephone 723-3492 and put one to' 5.000 miles work" for yor jmatic radio, | phone 723-3017 | 1957 DODGE two door hardiop, Va suto- | matic, radio, power steering, $125. Tele. |phone 728-2020. \60 CHEVROLET two-door 4 eviinder | standard. Good mechanically, Very jclean body and paint (no rust) $600 or 'best offer. 725-5555. |1956 PONTIAC Ve | Sutematic blue, , 900d condition. Telephone is | IMPALA, two - door orange Va, 82 PARK RD. N. 728-0671 __ eee er aera ae ee ROOMS or room and board, downtown Io-| 725-8470 cation, central, single or to share, single) "sq METEOR, beds, parking space. Apply 48 Albert jelectronically tuned, 20,000 origina! Street, 728-9643 jInverted rear window, automatic, back- 417 BYRON STREET NORTH, Whitby lp lights, custom radio, washers, Five-room apartment with bath. available! Undercoated annually. Must sell quickly, June 1 ving for U.S, Open te offer. 05. NICELY FURNISHED double and singie g| 725-8233. after 5 ' rooms in quiet home. 78-1832. |1987 DODGE stationwagon, good running BRIGHT spacious bed ais "Foo, Condition, Best offer. Call 728-0R64 modern furniture, In clean home, close |1%5 CHEVROLET convertible. Red wih to shopping centre. Suit gentleman. |black interior, radio, 283, low mileage Apply 346 Fernhill Blvd, 725-7295. |$2695. Telephone 728-3331 ONE FURNISHED room, suitable for| 195 FORD automailc, va, 31 $1,950 « ra r trade one gentleman. Telephone after 4 p.m.,|for compe: « Telephone 723-1 725-0536 or 323 Athol East. VATE 1960 ) Mercury, ay aoe auto- ONE ROOM for single man. Gentleman|Matic, excellent condition, best effer, only, Apply 132 Chureh Street after §:™must sell. Telephone 723-5000 pm |1999 CHEVROLET station wagon, Bel COMPLETELY furnished bedroom and|Air, -- perfect condition, mechanically kitchen, includes refrigerator, range, end) guaranteed. Apply 597 Simcoe Street TV outlet, Suitable for two gentlemen, | South or call 725-9216, Apnly:237 Athol Street Rast. ' | WRECKING '55 Ford a BRIGHT clean housekeeping room, com-|Plete car er parts for sa pletely furnished, close to hospital and | 725-7128 downtown. Suitable f irl, T nag n. Suitable for gir elephone | 190 CHEVROLET convertible, six ¢ cylin- 3-0 jder, automatic, radio, whitewalls. May ROOMS FOR RENT weekly rates. Apply | De. seen at 431 Montrave or 723-3325 Queen's Hotel, 67 Simeoe Street North. | 1966 CHEVROLET, im, convertible, PRIVATE kitchen, bedroom and bath.|Avlomatic, new top. Telephone 725-9528, Avaliable immetfiately, Apply 645 Oxford) i940 DODGE station wagon, & cylinder, _....| Standard, good condition. Consider trade ONE furnished bedroom fer gentleman; |for convertible about same year. Cali jvery private. 74 Oshawa Blvd. South, | 655-4821 Brooklin. |Available immediately, ber 72-0852. | 1962 FORD Galaxie 90 convertible, il. GIRLS! Bright, cheerful cl furnish-|Cence number H83847, 1942 Comet. two- ed room, adjoining ae Reasonable,| door, licence number 14-151, Telephone Bjock north of hospital, close te bus, 455-4640. town. Apply S8 Aberdeen Street, 728-3928. |%57 CHEVROLET station wagon, Va, WHITBY furnished room, sultable for one|avtomatic, power steering, brakes, new lady. Telephone 668-5245. paint, licence X2986. $495. 50° Bloor or East CLEAN AND LARGE room for mature lady. Residential downtown area, near hespital Private entrance. Call 728-9671. WANTED clean gentieman fer room, in clean home, for July, August. Noe other guests. Telephone 728-5734, FURNISHED BEDROOM, wit married couple. No objection te baby, central. Telephone 728-8818. | aa MODERN new mahogany finished room: ae -- ny Privale. antrorion wit Bocelli o hath: ein FORD, licence 8260, V-8, stick room. Close to bus service and ing | shift, full price $222. Nicols Motors Lid. plaza. Apply 507 Wilson Road South or | Highway No. 2, just. west of Thickson call 723-1644. Road, 668-3331. LARGE FURNISHED room for ling? OLDSMOBILE, licence J18075. Full two gentlemen. Private entrance, erly ele? $349. Nicols Motors Lid., Highway 543 Howard St. pe 2, lust west of Thickgdn Road. 448 NEAR HOSPITAL comfortably furnish: bedroom in quiet hi for busines | 259 gentleman, TV, breakfast optional, Phone $2 793-1024 jl ct CLEAN ROOMS for rent, near General Motors and downtown. 289 Arthur Street, 725-9403. SINGLE clean furnished room with without light housekeeping, for quiet|1#58 MERCURY hardtop, licence HA4is6, person. Central, close to hospital, Tele-| all, Power, full Brice $574. Nicols Motors phone 728-5984. Ltd., Highway No. 2, just west of Thick |Son Road, 668-3331, Parisienne, licence | es PONTI ic or, balance of new lear" yeh aatis Nicols Motors Ltd., High- |way No. 2, just west of Thickson Road, 468-3331. ir. @ FOR RENT @ Apts., Rooms, Room & Board Office Hours: Tues. to Fri, 10:30 a.m. te 9 pm. Sat. 'til 3 p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 THREE-ROOM apariment in Oshi trally located. Available June awa. Cen- 1, & GENTLEMAN to share fully furnished house wifh three other young men. Pret. lerably office worker, Located north o e ning centre.-3 AJAX -- Two-bedroom apartments near | schools and shopping. July |. Telephone 942-0190, ' NEWLY DECORATED 3 - room ment, self contained, private, $75 per month Telephone 723-3211 LOVELY | one "hedroom, | unfurnished apartments in duplex, heated, private bathroom and entrance. Central, Spacious | larounds, parking, TV outlet./See to ap | lpreciate, Telephone 725-8106. CHURCH STREET, 178 -- nished bedroom, gentleman, preferred. Apply above address. TWO-BEDROOM "apartment ine home. Completely private. Sultable for reliable couple. Recently remodelled. See! it to appreciate if, $100 monthly, Avall-| July 1. Call 723-6329. two-bedroom apartment, upper duplex, Wall to wall broadioom in every | rocm, Refrigerator, stove, free washer and dryer. Parking for two cars, large garden. Located off Simcoe Stree! North, | near A and P Store, Top residential district. Asking $115. monthly. Immediate possession. Call 728-9521 or if no answer cal 728-8486 OSHAWA BLVD. SOUTH, 74 -- two fur- nished bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom, Private entrance. available July 1, suit) couple. One child accepted. Telephone 728-085? BACHELOR, two apart contrat. Impala, convertible. Light. green, 4 eyiinder aute- white walls. $2,650. Tele a poe for Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m --< beautiful 4dr, sedan, ic. Com- Telephone 1956 CADILLAC "Coupe de Ville, 51,000 51,000 origine!| miles, elean solid fires, Performs exceptionally er fo & cylinder, standard, phone 725-2825. 1960 F PONTIAC, radio, all new fires, good condition. $5: | Or best offer, 728-1578 after 5 . |i CHEVROLET Bel Air, 283 avio- Baller very good condition. Whitby 668- i ONTIAC, good condition. "Full price Nicols Motors Hee J iiiwey a 2 est of Thickson Ri |1958 PONTIAC, licenc Full ue $394. Nicols alors Ltd., ianway lust west ef Thickson Road, 668 North Apply - 3a, room, house facilities... Also 3 room = apart-} ment. Close to south plant, and Telephone 728-7930. LOVELY BERSITTING room ye! peed young girl, laundry done, near bus |south GM. Must be seen. Telephone I | {1966 "CHEVROLET --Imoais, licence H758i demonstrator, 7,000 eriginal trntles, balance of new car warranty. | 4491, | Nicols Motors,, Highway No, 2, just | 28----Room and Board |west of 'Thickson Roady sétasat" FOR GENTLEMAN, home cooked meals, | 1965 FORD Galaxie, licence J2175, two- quiet, clean home, nlp g 43 Garrard) door hardtop. This car must he driven te Road (by K-Mart). 723-2786. be a Nicols Motors Ltd., High- | SINGLE ROOMS mn board. way, Bi , lust west of Thickson. Road, | Division Street. Fe ae BUICK "four - door hardton, Good |ONE-ROOM furnished apartment. "APO coaton. Full price' $377, Nicole. Motors mene Street Sout Ltd., Highway No. 2, just west of Thick FURNISHED, basement, semi-private,|son Road, 668-2331. central, dry, well-heated, television, an- < tenna, modern refrigerator, stove. One or 941 OLDSMOBILE "four been ' two adults, Abstainers. Call 723-3078. er equipped. | Like a A re new. Nicols Motors Ltd., Highway No, 2, TWO ROOM apartment, with kitchen,|ius! west of Thickson Road, 668-333) Private bathroom, in private home. Avail- able July Ist. Apply 152 Elgin Street East. Sone: & cylinders mater in A' con- 68 WAYNE STREET, | 'Apartment 9, four-|phone 725-0186. room apartment for rent. Telephone 725- 1961 CHEVROLET two-door auiomaiie. 3938 eee Excellent condition, Best over $900. 464 WHITBY Large, one-bedroom apart-| Nipigon Street, Oshawa, 728-0145, ment, refrigerator, stove, washer. Avall-| jo... -- se renee able July 1. Call 668-7204, evenings. savin standard, $150. Telephones ROOM AND BOARD in clean, quiet,|j----- oo home for gentlemen, to share, lunches ep SDF. Ne Yor ante, poshracton : 7 , x foon 5 relepnene. ue Tel | phone 668-3472 between 5 and 6 p.m. " gentlemen to 5 ------ tacit A had Central, Lunches ~ packed. Apply 57, 1958 PONTIAC automatic, power steering. Colborne East. Body exceptional. Good mechanical con- si | dition, $425 or best offer, Whitby 668-6319. FULLY FURNISHED In "good "clean home.) --- Private entrance. Close fo bus at 50 Ar-|/é4 CHEVELLE Malibu, 7? hare lingfBi Avenue. 723-0901 days, 728-9147\top, V-8, standard, 22,000 pis Like evenings. Possession now new! Floor shift, tach, 3 deuce manifold GOOD HOME for neat young Progressive linkage extra, Besi offer for day week, Central. Good meals. all, 723-8744 wet a done. 728-3577. 'SR PONTIAC V-A ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman will-|Very good average ing to share, single beds, lunches packed. |Phone 723-2622 F is 7-day week. Apply 237 Nassau Street. |194§ PONTIAC Customs Sport, convert ROOM AND BOARD for young lady, sin-jible, V-8, automatic, power steering, gle room, laundry done, centrally locat-|Power brakes, radio. Whitby 668-3235 ed. Seven-day week. 728-3577, '58 CHEV. sedan, also. 1 ton two-wheel LADY ROOMER. Board optional. trailer, Apply 141 Church Street. private home. Dial 728-6812. Eee bt METEOR, six tylinder, onde - door, ROOM AND BREAKFAST, lunches pack-|Standard, recent paint and bod ed, Two clean quiet gentlemen. Close to) Very good condition. Telephone. 723-6060 south General Motors and shopping centre after 7 p.m. Parking. Apply 81 Park Road South. "Apply "33 bes lady. 7 Laundry Be SES tee hardtop. $450, automatic, car, Cleant Clean |1960 HILLMAN MINX, [and completely rebuilt |$350. Telephone 728-0533 1943 MERCURY Meteor, four-door sedan |Very good condition. Telephone 448-4983 between 5 p.m. and & p.m 1959 OLDSMOBILE, private sale, tion excellent. Telephone 942-2132 1964 CHEVROLET two - color white. ebb g Sted body Asking excellent motor. For RESULTS TIMES Classified ACTION ADS 723-3492 condi. door hardtop. aL automatic, $1,900. Call LIENS PAI® OFF We trade up, down ied from over 60 cars. \No downsay- ments! Sus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375.