_"--_ | 'Slaughter Cattle Trade | sono SONDS | fautiben tecmcehe STOCKS AND FINANCIAL REPORTS seontinevenAtToronto Sace eRe Short - term Government ot | 1%, Canada bonds closed with the, Treasury bills were at 5.02 TORONTO (CP)--Trading onjdate 1966 49,051; to date 1965' 77 1 187 ; |per cent for 91-day bills, and MARKET TODAY BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT car cae was uneven is 4.0; this wee ME 20h ri and 88212 erm for IR-ay il week, Choice weighty steers\choice vealers 35-39 with odd mere y ; crn oes ae 1 were in narrow demand and sales to 42.50; good 30-34; me-| r Hong-lerm Canada and pro- SHUN TUNES Datrbuted Petrotin Tis $il% 11% 11% : j counted prices. Good diums 27-38; commons 22-26; | ; Cin due i ie ew I t St | ag p Pl d por Br hand ; 21, ' \vincial issues were off % on the, Music plays no part in the Piro / § on Pad > 1 © mpor e anne and choice yweight steers | boners eo On offer this week (day. The Government of Can-|typical religious service of or- HE inal ER pare 064 et, 18 819% 19% ie anid an 2 moderate demand at! Hoos - a eee caine 00 $220 27% 'steady prices. Common and me-|7,516; last week 7,856; to date| #4 4%4-per-cent Sept. 1, 1983 is-'thodox Moslems, " tae + Ws! . F I ; O T t l di dium steers and all grades of 1966 201,769; to date 195 223. --------------- M6 Oia m ; | 622: 065 9,229; Grade poe te Gn jas oe oe n ex 1 es r Oo n a ar ee bulls were ac rg hf ale i on Ontario Ri ding Liberal A ssocle tion 0 mm iss 13 188 | ttm tem "Our textiles have the hand- prices in our retail outlet pro-|were lower as were lamb Sheep and lambs 1,350: On of-| Annual nner from previous boerd-lot closing sale. | & 7S po ger Raed Sock Salen High Lew am. ch'ge, © Savings 125 Oak 14% 14% By LINDA CRAWFORD jan agreement will be reached! "We don't want to interfere) Veal calf were unevenly 25.95; stags 17.20-18.20; boars Cy 4799 185 «(153 Cons 510 $15% 15% 19% . ' sei | Bin ay mo 15 15 8 255100 100 100 jdian designers, some critical of. Guality which is so much|tect the Canadian retailer." prices. lfer this week 1,327; last week MINES Chrysler 120 iA Me MA sm 10% -- Ve! ¥) joe ge eS 8 900 108 108 {| MONTREAL (CP) -- Cana-|in the near future. with Canadian retail trade, and|steady to lower, Hog prices $0ld live weight 13.75-14.55. Pdi | Coroy eat" Slt te te 4 yimaterials available in theit|in 'fashion today," says Mrs.| Dr. Tyagi, one of some six) Slaughter cattle 9,300; On of-|/817; to date 1966 25,822; to date! 1 i m0 472 7, ~~: [own country, have become the|Pupul Jayakar, executive di-|persons employed by the COF-irg this week 8,801; last week | 1965 25,199; this week 1965 1,081; | 1) 40 40 ip inewest target in a project -- 7 nen "eg rl eg rot 4" Les nga © \y taan' ae ares See ae | med ese , i 3 looms Corporation o ndia,'sale operation anada | 4 a up to 37.50 according to weig' oe Ge oe tert -- i pig a import of tex |which has its head office in New coming along well. lp gy. ese week 1965 | and quality; sheep 5-18 with' Se Sa ae i tiles from India. Delhi. | "We've had inquiries from | vith sales to 27.30: ri 4 OM 7 so. yearlings selling up to 14. Ge ts | 14 $214 214 2\4--%4 "We now are working ON &, "And even though all of our,across the country and the peo-| 500d 24.00 "A no 70 +9) 190 11% 112 114 4 v Re oe ' # § " 100 290 0 5 10 $3086 wae ine Me plan to offer our Indian textiles'silks, brocades and cottons are ple we have approached have 25.50; Fa gel yond -as.| PRODUCE RY 5 RING HILL PARK 00 ™» 715 $134 13% i 100 " a | i a 6 mM +h) 1 ian designers on a dis- hand-printed and hand-loomed, given us orders. | " 4 tt 1105 leooat bone" says Dr. v, V, §.|our wholesale prices are com-|) noe weer 00 13s, pie Pn 32.93.50; oo '0 (CP) -- Wholesale 19 95 375 y : ativan Wi ident petitive anywhere in the' a ae ; get TORONTO (CF) «= oped atur qa une t 500 14) 140 a ee Tyagi, executive vice-presiden' ; : "So f de mons 18-21; choice fed yearlings e 10-1010 70$150 150 150 4% s Trading C world," she said. So far, we've only made i y 85 to retail carton eggs average) f fA 1 AP Se A of the _ dee ng Corpora- But selling textiles to Cana- business trips in Quebec and 26-28; good 23-26; good cows) weighted prices quoted by the i 400 $18 194 18 $26» 264 26 tion of India here. ;/Ontario, But there's a good 20.50-21.50 with sales to 23; me-|agriculture department as of! 1:30 P.M, El a or ~™ | _Negottations are going on be- ec peg ged d og a imal market on the West Coast and diums 19-20; canners and cut-/June 23; A large 49.6; A me- mn 1 ie Ware toil t e ye' i { 5-18.50; é +) di : ' 33.7, wie i sh 3 198" "I dentnern, ana Mr. Tyo says Ast AML By the Slate rading| ogy Danning & per gna bulls 2303.99 with sals|" egy: Wholesale price 0 @ EVERYONE INVITED - 1 | n - ' . [RRS b $10% 10% lore -- Ye 6 pp be markets Dr. Tyagi explained that Ca-|to 8 Phage and medium) country 'stations fibre cases| 42% 41M 4 P Ss. > la s 18-22. Sc ee ean ae snlbyy me Teamasiin 14 supported vied to eel the Tndlan prod-| Weplocemest cattle: Goodlfrnte trom wholes ege deat] SPRCIAL «WOM, ©. 4. DEINON POMP. 25 5 5 aii The 6 s : ® 'ts on a wholesale level, 'but stockers 27-29; good steerstock ers: Extra-large 46-47; large 45- Y $194 19% 19% + w the first four months of the) The corporation seeks whole- 4 pl a er ox g 4 g $2034 pad 2 : year, rose in May, the Domin- salers across the country in or- they will not be agents. calves 30-31 with sales to 46: medium 36-38; small 27; B GUESTS: ANDREW E. THOMSON M.L.A, toy C or Sate ue Mat i ion Bureau of Statistics reportedider to get Indian products "There won't be more than good 'heifer stock calyes 24-26; 37; C 33. H Bay Co is +' Thursday, May production this ranging from handicrafis and € importer for each line in common and medium stockers putter prices: . Agricultural Races, games, refreshments . . . Bring your own 100 «30 , , a8 { : " ae ' 500 # ; ine year was 821,749 tons compared /fabrics to machine-made con- °@% Province. But if we find 22-27, stabilization board tenderable| Pienic Lunch FUN FOR EVERYONE Ms 6858S + A) ind Accopt $214 21% 21% --~ %| with 754,272 in May last year.'sumer products and foodstuffs, sak one willing to handle a line' Galyes 2,025: On offer this carlots: Buying 40 score 59; ede : ° ' ' " 7 ' ' whoo $47!9 a7e arin $10a) [naar 6 ay ae ' ----------linto Canadian stores. for all of Canada, we would sell week 2,032; last week 2,033; to| buying 39 score 58; selling 59.) 19000 «15st 148 inland Gas 9% % % Slater Sth = 940 12% 1%~%| Sona-Montreal, a textile and '° him and not go to the proy- -- earnest 100 12 (12 2 | Inland G w $6 Sister A wt 600 700 700 | { inces directly." 280 810 610 810 +10) ime 74.4 «74 Steel Can 631 234 2% + ve Handicraft shop located in Mon-! fs 500 415 41S 415 Int Nickel 5964 95% 96 450 596 59% treal's Place Ville Marie sky-| India also is trying to find i} 7% 17% tm + ty) int UH 520% 20% 20% : iS Uai = i scraper, was opened in April to Canadian markets for bulk com- mn a 9) IY Bie tee fea vel tor fan A Ss a function both as a retail outlet/modities such as bicycle bars,| 4 Bo Ay PEs Intor Steel 1 Qs mere | york Fin A 21 me Oe and a showcase for prospective chemicals, scientific in- Intar Stl pr $254 25 25 ga 17 wholesalers. struments and edible items, 5 9000 264m 0 1) Trans Mt oli FAM, J | Inv Grp A $124 12% 1244 % : | eae Te A Ot ine $8 12. 12 Trans PPL 5 - 2 ee Another function of the State) 171 924% 24% 14% . . 350 $78% 784 70% ae $204 206 2 -- ta) nen $27) Wa DIVIDENDS Trading Corporation is finding| 54 settee ee lackey C 4s 48 475 Revel Bri P 144 + " {Indian importers for non - fer-| 1, y Lapatt $7 v 7 L. ; f . e oF 2 ' {Oni Cem mo 40 0 10 | StL Corp 2\% By THE CANADIAN PRESS OUs metals, sulphur, newsprint) 109 88 LO Cem w 100 9 93 92 = 2 | Salada a General Bakeries Lid, 64 49d other Canadian goods) 17800 58S Lakeind w $00 500 $00 Sayvette 2 ents, July 31, record July 15, needed by that country. | 700 #7 Laura Sec $44 144 UA & honed Pag 1 + a cents, July sl, recor duly to. ; ' 20 73 7 Fig 16 4 Oe re cen. ie ie i oe Texaco Canada IAd., 45 cents, + ony A 14% Ve %4| Shell Inv w a5 08s 68s «+10 Aug. 31, record July 31. ' Loeb ' Maciarn A r nm nN +' v $124 124 Maple Leaf Gardens Lid, Boh as ae 44 | MB Lie 'h B+ A 829% 29% 2% -- % 4d. J IF YOU ARE Mass-F 34m 3a : Simpson & 516% 16% 16% + % common 15 cents, July 15, rec- _-- 200 4 4 + 31. et bers p . a | Slater. $124 12% 174-- % ord June 30. THINKING ABOUT e w imp $107 10% 10m ~ te Maison 8 2 (er on $74 23% 23% +. Dominion Electrohome (Ind.) LIFE INSURANCE \ 7000 an " iad 5 pert Sas Prag Texaco 559% Bia 4 Lid., 5%-per-cent pref. $1,4375, $200 134 13/4 19" Mont Trat ] 1 Them Ne sie ine ies elAug. 2, record July 18. 3000 130 127 127 +9) [Heme | Tor Iron A $54 $4 S4 Eastern and Chartered Trust 0 56 85 SS ! | Tars Fin A 510% 10% 10% Buss 0 Mr us Ws 3 rare OF a Hy isin ah ih Co., 35 cents, Oct. 1, record Lorade Mai y Nt Contain s Trans Mt 7. «717, = we Sept, 9. iiss * Marenent Norands 3 : hs Maly so Jo 0 =, _ International Bronze Powders PAD, Martin : . ge ae) i ia Un Carbid } 44 Ltd., 6-per-cent pref, 3744 cents: : | ves Re Un Ges 235.81 + 0 cents, July 15, rec-| Ogilvie common 20 cents, July re / A Mewar" 5000 . Pac Pete aed eer ae! ea ord June 30. : t P ' 113113 | Pow Corp WY Sas B pr oes , } * 1 " : yeeonecemennminnammnne, 300 400 «400 «(400 550 $ii% iM 11% 0 0 # Merrill 3 f3 Price Bros 125 $143 & \e Canadian Foundation Co., 6- . ged QN Gas 14% ' dd ere ' ; h 4b' 46 an Ge ne x per-cent series A pref. 30 cents; | 00 330 Rank Org 923% IA 3 common 5 cents, July 20, record "9 * *e imu" $10% 10% 10% W Pacitig in June 58, 0 190 a4 -- | Rolland $114 114 ihe + we Westfair $33" 33% 33) Standard Radio TAd., common 900 1460. 355 360 Romfieid 125 120 120 +15 | Westen A ite 70% | \g|9 cents, Oct. 7, record Sept. 16, 330 325 320 West Awt yh, al "+" ee Salada r Sales te 11 a.m.: 706,000. ( Sayvelia 200 w= 8! FOREIGN TRADING FORD Why Not Call When it comes to whisky, the Jones'can _ with a flavour you don't have to disguise. Secur Cap s Ye 2 ed ir ton Ve NY 0h -- * : : Shel inv is0 20m 40m tem" | Come $e ee ee afford to please themselves. The sensible price is an extra you get | os eas | ce me RO FEVER TOM FARQUHARSON Yet they don't let price dictate their for having good taste in the first place. Shop Save $124 12% 12% Kerr Add 2 2 Si ie i 1 40 «340 : . tion im ie imal tek 10 aio a0 18 -- Prescription -- taste, They have taste of their own. One other thing: you don't have to be -- - ce An Affordable SUN LIFE Which is why it's not surprising that one of the Jones' to appreciate Bonded ~~ FORD -- so many of the Jones' drink Bonded Stock. All you need is a taste for good eA - ia . Rothman 327% 27% 27% Weston B snnebinete f Grodorkams 4 ' q ' Royal Bnk $744 74 et Va $0 21% 24 21% SL Com A 2 9 2 Zenith 0 20 yo Reg! oes en ee SIL Corp 521% 21% 21% | " SURE CURE FOR / BO 2 i | Stock Assurance Company Call Lander MACDONALD et Cenade Stock, This is a smooth, mellow whisky whisky. BUSINESS: Gooderham's have been distilling fine whisky since 1832, a FORD SALES LTD. RESIDENCE: for your New OSHAWA --- BOWMANVILLE | | 668-4377 725-4563 824% 26% h'A-- 1 6 1 i Oil Furnace ckwn +5 Roman + Sherritt ad Silvrfids 2 _s Slivmeq J +2 $i Stand +5 ple We hove the right size and type Teck Corp 600 to suit your heating needs... . Territory 140 Texmont 9500 Texore 1000 Tribag 700 225 3) and you have the choice of an Anthes or a Lennox... to er joy luxury heating at lowest cost, 1000 600 4 ov 6a) Plan, if you wish. . , telephone Ko ¥ on : 725-3581 for @ free estimate 1500 140 Zenmec 2510 35 OILS, GAS Alm'nex 100 48 as #8 --10 000 214 NN" 244+ 1000 «111 Ww nN 800 425 410 425 495 190 4A lhe Vee 4 2600 260 260. 260 4 550 410 400 410 +5 = 1 5 00 395 «395 «305 FEE "cenme seat ar emtes PM =e enough hot water Int Helium 1300 250 725-3581 gs ; ; to Mill City ie ; NC Oils | aside | ° ay A Numac 1 i Ss Serene 5 Buy on our Five Year Payment ne obligation. Permo Petro! yp 4222 ,,| PLAN NOW TO ATTEND | fii oo quill 'A | float a battleship Scurry Rn ig a a es ; PAr. billed Paddle The Spe ctacular ey an oe . CASCADE 40 gives you all the hot water you're ever likely to INDUSTRIALS re. " ar need at ONE LOW FLAT RATE. Use 40, 80, or 100 gallons a Abitie! mn Ae wer" am ste tes" ad thy : day and your water heating bill will never go up. Ask about 1487 9% pa a + ' en Se ke ie iso | CASCADE 40, Ce" ; , a : - Alumin 2p +3] Angie-e pr 23 "27 ° ' . Anthes A 2 | . " Argus $ 1% she i . : : a Argus ¢ pr 13% 34+ le i : Asbestos 120 $21% 21% 21% + | ' Atl Suger ? » MW =u . Aveo 1 $20 294 3 $ Bark MY} 24 Be pi me LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY Bank NS 2 70% 70% "a Bartece 2 2 18 10 Bathurst 21h 21 21% * Bell Phne 1" 51% SIM+ Bow Viy w Bow-m pr Bright t Se [555] may, sury wt, 196° | OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 CAE Ind Calgary P ? ? ' car Brand 14 1364 1 It's the biggest fun-event of the year! Parades, -- In Co-operation With -- Oe Bet OF wets voll, Boe chic oe tes WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION .... . . . . TELEPHONE 668-5878 $A BA 354 sporting events, displays, tournaments, with loads wn 1B oR »2 || Of room for thousands of spectators at Oshawa AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION ........ . . TELEPHONE 942-0500 ms uo uo +8] Civic Auditorium , . . join the fun on July Ist, re : : | PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ... . . ... TELEPHONE 942-2930 His ie et Everyone's Invited | Fe 10 4h 1% tha