Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Jun 1966, p. 20

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g Soe eo ame ABB pe 2Q- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, June 24, 1966 120--Real Estate for Sale 20---Real Estate for Sale | ; GORDON OSBORNE REALTOR TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU . 48 SIMCOE ST. S. Opposite Oshawa Post Office Dial 728-5157 218 DUNDAS ST. E. 2 Doors East Of Post Office 1W--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale _ JOHN F. --_|SCHOFIELD-AKER DEWITH _ ,u® mena ere 723-2265 KEAL IU Over A Quarter Bowmanville Century of Service 14 Frank Street, phone 623-3950 OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to9 P.M, COMMERCIAL HOME FOR THE EXECUTIVE Desirable location on busy 6 Roomed, new, brick ranch WHITBY King St., West in Oshawa. Four bedroom older home on style bungalow with attached double garage on over 12 Dial 668-8826 30' x 139' lot. Good lots in this nie ore scarce. vey rea seated tealeg wooded bly priced at only " F a gtd ssomrcog Under 900. Call now for further de- Small insul brick home. on loom ground wiring. Alum. storms, screens. Ceramic tiles in kit- -- EXCELLENT Fora cotaleaty Preset Siem sedan, "rox | utgelowvin ote and wa | fer pertoer with ow fe a an 87 900. dow yd wee fated rear yord oe -- sf Belek tacit SRORO MA A STRERY: | hone, Aer ete 17, $105 3 modern kitchen. Oil heated. 0 and taxes. Asking only $16, FOR $13,25 A Pc. coloured bathroom. All 900 In Whitby. Owner had worked . hard to make this home most new plumbing. Nice treed lot. AGNES STREET attractive with sharp decora- Very anxious to sell INCOME tion, extra nice kitchen cup- FAMILY HOME 2 -- thres room self we hage boards, Armstrong kitchen com oom ed apartments consisting o flooring and portiol recrea- ie b im a eg pone living room, one bedroom, kit- tion room. Some wood pan- pheeoy gi best part of chen with lots of cupboards elling and other extras. -- ill ? P "digg only and seporate bathrooms. Pric- Flowers, shrubbery and trim ' 000, Te me . ed to sell at $16,900. with hedges plus "encing on this ae TICE AREA terms. Call now and arrange conveniently located property wr ind h th for an inspection neor Shopping. Try $1500. 6 Roome ric ome wi . si all modern conveniences. On SUMMER nh Mecod down here ; 2 Acre lot. Double garage This almost new, sade e 4 BEDROOM BRICK Smoll bam. Price reduced to | {ree Pedrow sid running | JN WHITBY $18,700. $16,900. Terms bic os is situated among big This property is in North end BRAND NEW BRICK trees on the shores of beauti- of Whitby on medium size BUNGALOW ful East Lake, Holiburton lot built for owner about 6 With attached garage. Very Just in time to get o 'ull years ago with attached gor- 1! constructed. In the best seasons enjoyment for you and age. All in top repair with i tion of Bowmanville. Oil your family. Asking only clean decoration, 4 piece Eoted Ask $18 300 $7,000 with terms. vanity bash EV. Tower Wc. -- sail é ; COUNTRY LIVING Owner purchased business EVANGELINE DRIVE, Comfortable nine room frome OSHAWA 5. Roomed, almost new brick needs quick sale home with good kitchen, bath- ELIZABETH CRESCENT room, second washroom and & stone bungalow. Nicely located Alum. storms & OSHAWA SUBURBS oil furnace. Situated on a On 75' by 200' lot. Angel good full acre lot. close to 5 > vy. 4 sereens on all doors and win- ty Poe modern. Has to be school, church and. shopping, stone front on this Brick 3 FINISHED RECREATION ond within easy commuting negrod m home ail ready for the first owner with cozy open asia of Osowe'and Bows fireploce for the cooler days Stites ahead. You must see this well HORSES ANYONE? planned home for the sensible ROOM We have just listed « good price of $18,000. If you have Almost new, 5 Roomed brick 34 acre parcel of vacant difficulty finding o populor bungalow. Extra plumbing in land with some bush ond priced home with @ dining beserment. All modern conven- springs, balonce in hay ond iia Wk suey he ahah Vo iences. Nice location of Bow- groin. This would be a lovely are looking for manville. Hos to be sold secon. spot to build a country home, 2 STOREY EXECUTIVE rsvetathge Bp 4 raise your fomily, keep ponies, | iN WHITBY. $27,000 ONLY $14,500 or just pienie, Within 15 miles a ein Ba thig eats a ae eS oF Pahawe: and' the. Gtk cious 21% car garage home roomed, brick bungalow. price is only $10,000.00 with Gectrna |" & Aluminum storms & screens terms for every window and door Nicely treed lot. Very well built home. Has to be seen to be appreciated on popular large family will SHOW FARM WITH Whitby. & 10 ACRE LOTS | enjoy the 2% bath and the TROUT POND 196 Acres, having excellent We have several good 10 ensible 11 by 1414! kitchen acre parcels of land, some space. Has built stove, "modern buildings. 2 Streams 1 Acre Pond. stocked with with woods ond creek. These ond separate dining lots are within easy commut. room, fireplace ond a cozy trout. Overtlowing cement dom. To be sold fe close Oshawa end den. You must see this beauty estate. build up and appreciate its setting on " Taxes ore List with us Photo M.L.S. or Exclusive. in oven ing distance of just the place your own little terms. to ranch 133' frontage lot to home miss write don't OPEN HOUSE of Oriole and Apple Grove Oshawa from 1 P.M. to 9 P.M. daily. Drop by this week-end and see these 3 and 4 bedroom homes. Drive east | GO-GO-GO _ ||paty cron homes. Bi | lo. Highw t pewa- AFTERNOON | tn, turn can S hale ra 1:30 TILL 4:30 and watch for our signs rmstron i ae Sg A at g | EVENING BUILDING LOT. 6:30 TILL 9:00 | |ON PALACE. ST. WHITBY|~ 69' frontage lot with sewer WEEKEND ond water not too far from | 1:00 p.m. till 5:00 p.m. BEAU VALLEY gain at $4000. If you ore thinking building your home in Whitby see this one WE ARE PRESENTLY BUILDING 21 DIFFERENT hefore making this importont SCHOOLTEACHER MODELS homes something obout here so Corner FOR quality -- comfort. -- convenience of 3° & 4. bedroom detached featuring: fireplace, built-in oven and range, aluminum storms and screens, carefree j "ALCAN" sluminum siding dec SPECIAL $19,500. This roomy split level home with den makes on_ ideal home for the school- teacher with a need for.an extra room. You will be de- lighted with the larger than average bedrooms, sepoarote dining room and built in kit- chen facilities including stove Mony extras here neat property. Coll it moy be gone to- Down payments from $1,750 N.H A. Finoncing Available SOUTHWOOD PARK Abeane from $24,000 ond up own ment from 4,000 AJAX be ; you qualify) GRIFFIN TRADES ACCEPTED Real Estate Ltd A FEW CHOICE LOTS 942-3310 ~--H. MILLEN ~ have your own plan bu 3 bedroom i your next move nile best | | REAL ESTATE LTD. $999 DOWN Close to Oshawa Shopping Centre, and Civic Auditorium. If you're tired of paying rent and want. to get started in a brand new 3 bedroom home of this is it! Priced Call 728- These stages of construction are in vorious and oven too in this tonight, morrow a can bungalow with carport on paved street with 614% mortgage, extra clean property needs new owner. An eye pleaser too with the Brick and Stone front and finished landscaping Full $17,500. with about $4009. down and one mort- goge TOWN LINE N. OSHAWA SUBURBAN 3 bedroom home with 11% acres with trees, extra stor- age room, good well. Taxes are flower out here and much upkeep to preserved older nu like to be away crowded city ond close enough for convenience this could be dish for only $12,500 510,900.--BARGAIN, Off Simcoe North open mortgage and low down payment. Bob Johnson, 728-2548, Keith Realty. 915,900. -- CLEAN, six) ROOM home, |good Oshawa area. Dini ngroom, Place, garage. Call Andy Keyes, 623-3393 W. Frank Real Estate Lid |$17900 -- TOWNLINE SOUTH, four-bed room, 12 storey home, with extra lot Call Andy Keyes, 623-3393, W Estate Lid $23,900.00 -- rane [Law Street. Nice kitchen, finished |room plus two other finished basement, breezeway and BUY IN BEAU VALLEY BUILT AND GUARANTEED BY KASSINGER TRADES ACCEPTED price For Full Particulars Call 723-2265 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Bill Johnston 728-1066 Irene Brown 725-3867 Mel Dale 623-5638 George Koornneef 723-2859 Irwin Cruikshonks 728-5205 Ed Drumn 725-9345 Maible Boudreou 728-2233 Marg Holl 723-1358 Wn. Yasmanicki 728-2349 Mike Belmonte 725-8300 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Member of the Oshawo and District Real Estate Board WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND M.L.S. MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St. West Free, easy, safe porking NORTH WEST eight i © w:|9alow in very pred "tandiiion gad Fe. laid jtral, $12,900 terms. P. E. Gravelle Real 394 DIVISION ST. Frank Res 3 Estate 623-334) or 424-7904 intr 5 ACRE FARM, 20 mies trom Osh Swe. Bigtiroen. frame heves, amelie. Trike two bathrooms, bern, highway frontage, $15,000. $5,000) jno" room aparim ° down. Call Ken Hockin, 623-3393, W:)Pa Prank Real Estate 1 imited. BARKLIKE LAND, 10 to 80 acres with| rout stream. Near oie Ask short veneer ve Hustrated folder. J. J. Van Herwer 74) King East, 2 your own from $14,995. 1656. CARRIES $98 P.I.T. there isn't this home frorn wel If yc > hedge around property for i the $2,200 down. Complete with storms and screens. Sun porch ot the front. Call Chorlie Rickson 728-1656 $13,900 FULL PRICE Spotless! Must be seen. Suit- oble for older couple. Older home on auiet street neor Oshawa golf course. Taxes n'y $227. All new aluminum siding. Call Bill Hubbell 728- 1656 WANTED. in Hampton or Columbus area. your | Clean compact bungalow with = | { t | Small bungalow Real nice three-bedroom en - | rooms ir trout stream. acres workabl: Malor renovations being completed 500 terms. Call Pat Yeo 623-3393. Frank Real Estate Limited Ltd 3 or 723-2265. Owner featuring two lovely bed y decorated livingroom 0 and cosy diningroom This home has another finished room in the basement with an extra 2-piece bath reom which brings in additional income. seven-room|Private drive, garage' and well land For further | scapes Geo. Twaites, at 723-1133, 008, Carl Olsen Realtor, owner, Sileep Good income will hold mort roomers. Partly furnished. Owner gage. 725-8645. ACRES with jh jouse. Courtice Road North Jintormation call 725-747 |PICKERING VILLAGE . |2, brick, centre hati, house, on THREE-BEDROOM, brick * in r f EXECUTIVE HOME, Tocated in 8 aneigADProx mately 2 acres of jand, including. extra insulation, heat $90. yearly. Owner court. Wall to wall broadioom in. living 2 extra jots, Coach house and extra build bought farm, must sell! Try your offer room end bedrooms, completely finished}! 30 minutes trom downtown Toronto;|Perry Real Estate 773-8123. bee An ia minutes to Oshawa. $10,000 down. Own. . recreation room with bar. One of Osh- will hold mortgage for balance. Can|MOWARD STREET five-room awa's nicest back yards, hedged. some te Ad gag alance. al furnace, newly frees. For appointment to see call Steve| " new wiring. Try Ergiert, Guide Realty Ltd. 723-5781 PRINCE ALBERT Perry Real Estate, eHURCH STREET, BOWMANVILLE house on lores: tet, five-suite & irge Good income ng at price ysu Cail Joe Barnoski, Rest Estate Ltd. all Realtor Oshawa y On Highway!" *Y >!ree 10-room bungalow bungatow, new Mielied kitcher re four-bedroom, bri close to schools 1 offer here. 73 siti town Call Port Pe, on ¢ Must be seen.) 70 Fo! er 78 can't afford to miss 623-3393, INTRY LIVING an hk |TEN-ROOM spacious country home, one One nm ' rooklin. As ni W. Frank' acre, creek, trees, garage, $12,500. Don|$18,000. Cali 728-466, Oshawe Recit, Stradeski, Realter, 773-465) Bond Street Ltd, Gibson 149 DNVYLNR ovYUIM WHITBY 668-5823 | LOTS! LOTS! | $1,400 Level building lot 90 x 191° clote to highway. | | FOR RENT CORNER Bush lot 150 x 528' on good road, forge frontage. Terms ovailable. For more today ! UXBRIDGE FARM 16,900. with terms available, 50 acres 42 bush with large creek ond 2 workable. 5 room bungalow unfinished. RETIRED COUPLE information call you. Close to centre of town but not on a main street Hondy to buses. Well kept older 2 bedroom bungalow with gos heating, large kitch- en with separate work orea ond dining space. $4,500. down will handle. After Hours Call 668-4949 655-4525 723-3334 655-4737 Mrs. Lee Mrs. Woodward Horry Cockburn E. H. Coates KING STREET on jot, 110 x 204 ft., Call Don Stradeski, Realtor, ELIZABETH CRESCENT -- year-old, ranch bungalow, fireplace bull and oven, attached garage, tion. Perry Real Estate, 723-8122 FOUR-BEDROOM brick bungalow, attached garage, large finished rec tion room, located on Quebec Street central to downtown. 728-9466, Oshawa Reni Ltd 773-465) "large Str 20a--Summer Properties _ For Sale or Rent "RETIREMENT COTTAGE"' Pigeon River, within 1 mile of the of Omemee, pletely insulated frame bun- galow for the couple who wish to enjoy a "fishing retire- ment'. Living room, dining area, kitchen, bathroom and 3 bedrooms are all lined ond insulated; have tile ceilings, with tile and lino floors. Open front and enclosed reor p es for storage, etc Extras include fridge, stove, hot and cold running water. duotherm oil space heater fan and 250 T.V. and oerial, 12' fibreglass boat. Completely furnished. H.D, hydro ed on a lovely grassed lot 90' frontage by 250' deep. Illness forces owner to sell Only $9,000 with $4,000 down and vendor will hold mortgage for balance on very good terms For further information, please call Doug Wraight, Peterborough office 742-4234 "BEL-AIR RESORT LAKE BATTISTE town com- } \- Garage with gal, oi tonk, Situat- New insulated housekeeping cottage. 2 bedrooms, fully equipped, city conveniences, screened porches, large clean lakefront, large dock. $65 weekly. Boats and motors | available ot extra cost Frank Real All conveniences. lovely back-\with sunken patio, Call Maible Boudreau of Schofield-| awa X | LAKE SCUGOG your CROW LAKE, Marmora Call 728-0208 | BANCROFT AREA, $45 weekly, housekeeping cottages. Linen suppil hydro, good') swimming, paved Write Bonny Lee Cottages, Ont., or phone Bancroft 790 J 3 Bowman Or smoll family? Perfect for EAST -- six-room home! speculator's bu sy. | two-| three-bedroom brick tg stone Ca eet | | | | | 20c--Summer P. rties For Sale or Rent PIGEON near PETERBORO Cottage with Lot }Q' | area, fam. ied, | COTTAGE FOR RENT, $50. Sate sandy beach, golf 056 good fishing, boat, course nearby. Stocco Lake, LAKEFRONT COTTAGE, Scugog 5 rooms. and sunroom, insulated, ed, garage, 85 foot frontage. Large 37,000, terms, H, Keith, Realtor Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton, 986-4894, safe, shade lawn shoppi sandy beach, trees, riding, spacious golfing, cocktall lounges within mile. $2,000 down selling price $6,500. | $50 monthly, Ful [Apply 765 Chesterton Avenue. |LAKEFRONT COTTAGE for sale, |Lindsay, three bedrooms, kitchen, large tiving room, electrically heat sandy beach, furnished, Could be wint entertainment 728 Lake, furnish lot NEED A HOME IN AJAX |@gauTirut stoco Lake, 3 bedrooms, ng near! led, er ized. Many extras, $6900. Phone 224-2087 Area Code 705 WELLINGTON (West Lakes cottage for | room, etig rent on lences $45 kefront, sleeps six, hot and cold water, weekly, Telephone 728-8105. BANCROFT Lakefront cottages rent, with boat, Salimon Trout lake, Side conveniences, Propane cook good swimming, fishing. Call G. 668-4444 HALIBURTON, large also cottage 6192 Toronto Oshawa Times PRIVATE COTTAGE, near Kinmow three hedroor stone fireplaces, vision convenieaes Large frontage, Sandy beach, boat. $75 weekly able August, September. 728-8747 FOR RENT -- Three - swimming and good Fenelon Falls all conv lake lots for Reasonable. Private evenings or Box M28 fishing, north Peters 6929. --~ | STURGEON LAKE in| Five-room fire- bath -- Pleasant summer home, Hot and cold water, ed, List $8,900. open to offer. Call L. Sneigrove Co, Ltd., 43 Park Road Sou 723-9810 TWO - BEDROOM cottages on ris No vacancies for | two weeks of July,.$40 and up. Call & nings 429-2646 or 200 foot, private, lake in the Trent Canal -system. 48 miles boat electric refrigerator and stove, s beach, running water, boat 725-4360 FOR SALE -- Cabin i0' hydra in, on 76 foot shore on Bradley Lake, Mills, Price $2,500. pm x 14 lake-front near sar -- three-bedroom sale, completely furnished few minutes' drive trom Oshawa las J. M. Bullied Realtor, 723-1168 PIGEON LAKE -- three tage for sale, for just Dor completely frame down. payment considered. Dovgias J Bullied Realtor, 723-1168. cottage for beautitul sandy hydro, Available July 9 y 30 Telephone 472-5412 FOR RENT Lakefront housekeepi cottages, on Sturgeon Lake, modern c beach, 16. 30 Sept manville 623-2262, bedroom cottage, ve write Silvercrest Cot ungalow with attached garage on|'@9es, Wasaga Beach rec' nished. frontage Lovely law from Osh The perfect piace to dock a lar Asking $8,000. Pickering 942-6257 leaving the COTTAGE for rent, y an ne must dis spose of this S-room,! awa, 73 miles fram Osh Telephone furnish McArthur's 725-8288 evenings 9-1 collage + bedroom cot furnished, B large cultivated |fac Wasi iv $50 DOWN $47 Monthly PAYMENTS START AUGUST 1966 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ! LOT 75'x200' surveyed with family-size cottage, 3 bed- rooms, erected. $2,995 cash or Budget Plan, $50. down, $47 monthly, payments stort August, 1966. Limited num- ber. Year round activities. Practical for retirement. Good roads open year _ round, Hydro, telephone, swimming, excellent fishing, woter ski- ing, booting, hunting, ete. Winter Ski-tow nearby. EN- JOY Summer, Fall, Winter Spring. @ MEET @ Beside Toronto Dominion Bank, only bank in Omemee. Highway 7. on the Peterboro to Lindsay Highway each day this week-end at 1 p.m. and 3. p.m. No appointment nec- essary ot ae Can day ial be seen Monday to Fri- day or evening, by spec- appointment only. Phone =| Pitts HOMES AND COTTAGES LTD. COBOURG, ONT. 372-9494 OPEN HOUSE weekend at EMERALD ISLE, BUCKHORN LAKE only 60 miles from Oshawa, EM- ERALD ISLE is on ideal area featuring cottages, 3 season summer homes, yeor round retirement homes Choose your plan. Lot prices range from $1,200 to $4,500. 3 bedroom cottages open for Directions from across Chemong and follow Emerald Isle. For details call H. Me- or B, Howkins 742- 4234 Peterborough This own inspection Bridqenortt Lake Causeway LAKE SCUGOG ina only Luxury living quiet pork like setting, 20 miles from Oshowa. Four bedrooms, electric heat, all conveniénces, July ond August $400. per month. Telephone Agincourt 291-0125. cottoge PINE TREE LODGE AND HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES, on Pigeon Lake. Modern cot- tages, good fishing and swim- ming. Boats and motors in store. 90 minutes from Osh- owa. Apply Buckhorn OL 7-8541 or Hampton 263- 2365 UIET -- six-room home near hospital, park and half, garage, lot, $15, 700 cash, Pri ivate 725- 4678 and school ath itles, exceptionally. close to downtown 21--Farms for Sele '25----Houses for Rent '26--Apartments for Rent |26--Aportments for Rent | TWO 10-acre lots, LAKESHORE LOT jor sale, on Pine Lake, beach, good 100 ACRE FARM, brick house, spring in p ronto. Must sacrifice. Only $13,000. Easy terms! tor 4894. P: Cravelle REAL ESTATE 28 Division St. . ncit the oowmiaivi ta 623-3341 35. ACRE FARM TAUNTON RD. -- Spacious 9 room, 2 storey brick home modern conveniences, barn 90 x 33, running water. Asking $34,000 --- Terms. MUST BE SOLD Call 623-3341 1s workab large hiproof steel ture. Owner moved to To Keith Real. 986-) Lindsay district. H Call Marvin Nesbitt, Nestieton, 22--Lots for Sale ACRE PARCELS CLOSE TO OSHAWA For CALL MR. MOORE 725-3568 further information 10 ACRES WITH STREAM EASY TERMS PHONE Bill Millar 725-2557 or 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Ltd. 12 Large L ots 2 miles from city, in attrac- tive area. Some treed lots. Paved street, Close by public school, new high school ond bus lines. PRICED TO SELL Phone 728-5579 mits, terms. Ca 100" x Haliburton. 'Hydro, Port Perry, i80'| road 985-7496. 4 room) bern, 00d | | BOBCAYGEON "AREA -- nicely wooded| on | casenebla Call 723-3772. river for sale. Road and hydro, BRIGHT, apartment, Couple only. including three-piece separate bath, elec- tric 5216 after 6. TWO-BEDROOM close | hospital, north General Meters: Seatlebie July 1. eS NEW, three-bedroom. electrically heated house in North end. Rent $150 monthly |includes upkeep of snow clearance THRLE-BEDROOM home, centrally locat- ed, age. and additional shower wnit in basement Telephone 728-5282. THREE-BEDROOM modern brick bunge |low, at 234 Highland Ave., near public, | separate and high schools and shopping | plaza, bus |$135 monthly, Available July 1, | 2499. EIGHT ROOM HOUSE and fiveroom| house for | possession. NEW SEMI-DETACHED, three bedroom | house }$140 monthly. |FOUR-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT Seven Room Home on River- side Drive $. Monthly rental $175.00. Single family only. Call Reg. Aker of Schofield- Aker Limited. 723-2265 CLEAN three-room furnishec All. conven! 725- range, fridge, cupboards, etc. apartmen 16 Elgin Street East. lawn, gardens and Telephone 773-8065. attached gar. Four-piece bath excellent condition, Enclosed garden. One biock to service rent. Also store. Immediete Apply 762 Simcoe South rent, near Shopping Centre, Telephone 725- 5085. for Call 728-| i } . house downtown ares in Oshawa. Adults only. Avatiable on July 1) Cali after 5. 723-2422. 26--Apartments for Rent | ROYAL five minutes from Ny 778-7248 |osnawa, central iocation, four-plex iots.| jFor full_particulars write Box }Oshawa Times. | TEN-ACRE LOT between Bowmanville on 40! base line. in residential | | BARGAIN -- Cottage and 72 acres on Rugged Lake near Coe Hill. Fully furnish lust move in, road to door. Inside con pressure excellent) view of Price $4,500. Contact phone Bancroft. Gibson Willoughby Lim- ed, veniences, system. road. |fishing and L'a Mable, janes HOLIDAY in Haliburton Highlands. ern ming, fishing count weeks A as Secluded hunting stove, fridge, and, quiet, Beautiful Cash winter Mr. E, W. Tout, 4691, ited Realtor RR 3, Coe Hill, housekeeping swim with boat Ist July and last cottages, good ugust. ver Birches Resort, Minden, | 526R2 A BEAUTIFUL park-like treed lot terized With) Sauna _and guest cabins, F cottages, on Sturgeon Lak |veniences, sandy beach, | manville 623-2262, and|RIVER FRONTAGE for sale, two miles| Simcoe. Genuine buyer wishes to locate) north of Frankford, Ten miles offjin time for fall school term. Please cai! 40) highway $2,000. en: good fishing for |side facilities, stove, | sale 485 412 nt, tele. Sale| BELMONT LAKE - 2nd to | Two-piece bath, $460 weekly Avail Hi Win electric heated cottage completely fur- "housekeeping OR RENT -- Laketront Ont. Telephone Toronto, 787- 7-3757. UCKHORN LAKE cottages, | 1-2-3 bed camping, trailers, good fishing, | beach, All conveniences, lau y facilities, boats, Store. 668-8332. OUSEKEEPING cottages, , electric, Ir fishing, in-| Mod- Included. Dis- two in Book early. Phone or write $il- Ont., Road, hydro, beach. Price) with modern con-| sonable. BOW" | bea | Phillip's School | is] Oshawa highway, south Telephone 623-5077, RONO Wooded doubie lot on mair travelled road, about 15 miles from Osh: awe TR16. 23--Real. Estate Wanted _ Mrs. Sadie Hamilton RR 2, Orono. be Sell-ective and Sell Your Home thru GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. 723-8144 SIBBY'S Real Estate Ltd 46 King West 728-7576 728-3682 725-4366 Charlie Rankine Tony Zakarow Nick Siblock 725-5701 Anthony Siblock 725-4362 AM LOOKING FOR a three- or four- edroom bungalow in the Dr, 8. J @rea, East or west of and of Waiter Mittler, 728-7083 or 728-5103. W. 0./ Martin, Realtor. ;/24--Stores, Offices, Storage, STORE FOR RENT, In south end, indus- trial zone. skiing and swim-|STORE FOR RE Telephone 725-0150, "at 19 Bond "Street | | ming. Telephone 725-2909 or write Maljac| West. Good location. Rent $100 per month. | Available now, Call Mrs, Taylor 694- 2945) Toronto, evenings | Cottages, Hood THREE - BEDROOM cottage, $50 week- M Sate for children. |STORE FOR RENT -- downtown foca-| business. | t ly P an able for two families. RR 3 Burks Falls, st conveniences feenburg LaKe 24 miles north of Madoc. | hone 623-5195. wd cold water, safe sandy beach. Suit- Canoe and boat. Bowmanville 623-2445. ta } Two cottages July July 9th. First cottage sleeps 6. Second cot ge sleeps 6 with three-piece bath, cold of) @nd hot running water. $75 weekly, Phone th oe ate ed ndy A ug M rent boat ng| 'on-| ity, | veniences, sandy beach, reasonable, Bow-! For information call 723. | 725-9400. | HASTINGS on Trent, lovely cottage, three three-piece | ed, fully furnish | house and boat, $.|be appreciated "Boint |bedrooms, all conveniences, well furnish. large fenced lot, cement dock, boat $12,000. Must be seen to 782-6656, TIMES Classified ACTION ADS for RESULTS Telephone, 123-3492 for all other departments 723-3474 Open Monday - Friday. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m, Saturday 8:00 a.m, to 12:00 p.m. | tien Suitable for any small 60 per month, Phone 728-8200, LAKE MUSKOKA cottage for rent, hot) |TWO-ROOM OFFICE located on King Str West, unlimited parking, $75 per month Seugh! toning. Call Harold Segal at) Hyman Real Estate 728-4286. | | } lsat STORE or office, very central.| 6! 2 Prince Sfreet, Real estate office over 25 years, Phone 728-8175. 2 ADELAIDE AVENUE EAST room house, large lot, stores, year lease, TWO ROOM OFFICE Street West. month, Segal, 5----Houses for Rent -- Four garage. Close to $100 monthly with two lephone 3 0729, "located Ing Unlimited parking, $75. eek Commercial. Zoning, call Harold at &. D, Hyman Real Estate, 728 scho 6286. FOUR-ROOM home with garage, large back yard, two bedrooms, includes stove, $95, per month; FOUR-ROOM house, two-year lease. 122 Ade Phone 723-0729. $95 monthly. ide Street East, Call any time. 725-2054 THREE-BEDROOM, sale or wouvid consider w brick, bungalow for Exceptionally clean, and smali down payment if! Immediate possession at rent ling to buy 70 Kawartha Street, Oshawa, Cali 942-6300 or RIVERSIDE room, references required, 725-847) DRIVE SOUTH -- four-bed executive type home, lease and $200 monthly. Tele Phone 725-7514 stove and refrigera Telephone 72 $105 monthly, 5581 FIVE-ROOM house for rent, $75 monthly M aple Grove area, Space heated. One or two children welcome, Clean abstainers. Telephone 623-7356. THREE-BEDROOM furnished house (with dog and cat) Commencing Sept th children acceptable Zekarow, Ltd, available for 6 months 1 for reliable tenants. Rox 2974 Oshawa Time ~USE FOR RENT Co.umbus. Larg ree-hedroom semi-duplex, Good yard, $75.00 month, Ton Sibby's Real Estate 728-7576, M29 458 | ONE- AND TWO - ments, refrigerators, water, preferred 6 to 9, FURNISHED APARTMENTS A limited mumber of care- fully planned one ard two bedroom suites now available for immediate occupancy. FEATURING The utmost in modern living at moderate rental rates. OVERLOOKING GREEN PARK Bus Service at Door Within Wolking Distance of Shopping Electrically Heated Soundproof Controlled. Entrances Spacious Balconies Dropes Supplied Broadloomed Corridors FM musie throughout Plus many more modern features _ LOCATED ON SOUTH SIDE CENTRALLY LOCATED 119 NONQUON POAD Available for viewing ony- time, Please call 728- 5282, 728-1582, 725-798). Modern Apts. Regency Towers 349 Marland Ave. Phone 725-2227 Mail Delivery.to Eoch Suite | Premier 321 Marland Ave. Now corri- One ond two bedroom, available. Broadloom dors. Stove. Refrigerator. Dropes. F.M. Controlled er trance. Elevator. Intercom | Balconies and Laundry fecili- | ties on each floor, AVAILABLE ' JULY Ist - AUG. Ist Large 2 bedriom suite, stove, refrigerators, drapes, wall-to- wall, closets in bedrooms. Walkout balconies, Grenfell St., Adults Only, 723-6455 Between 6-9:30 p.m. a 1 and 2 bedroom § apart- ments, in one of Oshawa's finest buildings. Balcony and intercom system. No children under 12. | CALL | monthty. Call GUIDE Realty Ltd, 723-5281 /FURNISHED near South General Motors. All conven.| washer, lences, 3 gentiemen, 5004 after 5 p.m. Apply 268 Maiga Road. New| THREE ROOMS, hydro. and) adults only, Apply 238 Dearborn Street. Apply 0 Dundes $f. ONE-BEDROOM apartment, private en- ioe trance and bath, Walking distance from| ADELAIDE TERRACE, bedroom apartment, out, refrigerator, lwater included. Available July. BEDROOM apart- Newly decorated throughcut. Stoves. Heat, laundry facilities included. Adults; 1610 Simcoe North. Telephone for appointment. 725-8393, three-room Adults only. Apply 63 Drew Street. THREE-ROOM apartment, room, ATTRACTIVELY }room | bathroom, jmonthly. apartment, kitchen, central, for one lady, Apply 63 Ritson Rd. South : entrance. Telephone 723-5029. Private LARGE FURNISHED bedroom in a clean and quiet home, men, close to Telephone 728-7283. SPECIAL bachelor apartments in apart.| north General | Phone 728-6722 | | | refrigerator | downtown, apartment. | |TWO-BEDROOM apartment, main floor,| | heated, recessed balconies, parking and private bath-|laundry immediate possession. Call 723-3842) | $112.50 per month, 668-6980. furnished bed- sitting| SELF CONTAINED, upper "duplex, Sim-| livingroom, Coe - Bloor area. Available July Ist. Ap- $65|Ply_Box Z |NO DAMAGE "DEPOSIT to. "pay, when |5. Telephone 723-3598. TWO-BEDROOM apartment with heat and|you rent at Sheldian Mansions, electricity. included, Available July 1, ply 835 Oxford Street. ': 74 BOND EAST apartment : | 2 BEDROOM apartment in modern five |NO children please. plex, tor included. Adults only for one or two gentle-| apartment building, Motors. | East ;Phone 723-7011 ment. NOW AVAILABLE Grenfell Square THE ULTIMATE IN APART- MENT LIVING IN CEN- TRAL OSHAWA Two Buildings Immediate Possession FEATURES 1, 2 and 3 bed- room suites. @ Free Hydro Oshawo's largest suites French Provinciol kitchens Double sinks 30 inch range, fully outomatic Extra lorge Fridge with Freezer Linen Drapes Walk-in closets in bedrooms Extra Two Piece bath in ol! 3 bedroom suites All suites equipped with Large balconies Souna Steam Room and Health Club Swimming Pool Indoor Parking Available @ Outdoor guest parking RENTAL INFORMATION PHONE 723-5111 Exclusive Agent Oshawa Realty __ (Bond St.) t.) Limited SHELDIAN MANSIONS Immediate Occupancy Special terms for first appli- cants --- Rent now and you will save, Located -- 5 min- utes walk from South Gen- eral Motors. © One, two and three bed- room «suites includes every- thing @ Swimming Pool e@ FM music @ Intercom con- trolled @ Mail deliveries to you door @ 2 elevators @ large balconies © model suite furnished by Wilson Furniture Co Rental representative on duty Daily 1-9 p.m, at apartment, 885 Oxford St. PHONE 723-8261 Morning ond after hours 723-6255 10, PRINCESS ANNE Apartments Oversize suites Olde English decor Twin elevators Heated indoor pool Sauna facilities Carpeted sun deck Bus stop at door Controlled entrance Plenty of parking Laundry room each floor Plastic lined kitchen cupboards Free hydro Model Suite a --9P 1221 SIMCOE NORTH 725-9934 THUNDERBIRD TERRACE 1, 2 and 3. Bedroom apartments large modern suites, refrigerator, drapes, $115 per month. 723-8422 @ FOR RENT @ Apts., Rooms, Room & Board Office Hours: Tues. to Fri, 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 'til 3 p.m, LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 Stove, Starting {YOUNG } MAN to share modern apart-| iment with two university students f | Julys August | Bhone 728-7837, $50 monthly. Central and stove included. 668-5692. $a three-room Suit couple or 2 - furnished, Call after 4 p.m. 728-2722. facilities, Available July 10.! 28631, hawa Times. 885 Ox- Ap-|ford Street, near south General Motors. One and Five-room heated| available for we Available. |Phone 723-8261, 1 jafter hours. BACHELOR APARTMENT two bedroom for rent i at room, . frig. or 7251551 Available ut Laundry and stove for appoint- 15, | | | | | 1, 13. Bachelor, 14,. NOW RENTING. OLBORINE APARTM MENTS Corner of Colborne Street ond Mary Street. Only 2 min- utes walk from Mary Street ond King Street. FEATURES: Apartment controlled entrance . Electric heating . Private balconies. Refrigerator and stove In eoch oportment. Dropes in each opartment Living room and bedroom TV pre wired Living room and bedroom telephone pre wired. Inter com in each apartment. 9. Broadioom in halls. Hardwood and vinyl tile in apartment. Vanity in bathrooms. 12. Sliding patio doors 1 ond 2 bedroom apartments, Elevotor service to euch floor, Next door to North General Motors Plant and office. 6. Mail service to each apartment, 2 N AA Reno BE SURE OF AN APPOINTMENT PHONE NOW 942-2401 Only bill you pay is your tele- phone bill. All other costs- absorbed by owner. NOW RENTING WENTWORTH APARTMENTS One of Oshawo's best epart- ment buildings at very reo- sonable rent. 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites include every- thing -- the only bill will be your phone. Children wel- come. Model suite open April 30th. Rental represent- ative on duty daily at aport. ment on 275 Wentworth St. from 1-9 p.m. 723-8701 after hours 723-0362 CAVALIER VISCOUNT AMBASSADOR One and two bedroom apart. ments. Stove, refrigerator, drapes, broadioom corridors, intercom, FM. Immediate oc- cupancy. $97 ond up, Apt. 1 a 340 Marland 728-4283 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS In mew five plex buildings with immediate possession and some for August Ist. Rents starting at $119, which includes: walkout bal- conies, stoves, refrigerators, electric heat, broadioom and oll utilities. Children wel- come. Call §. D. Hyman Real Estote Ltd, 728-6286. WHITBY 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, all modern conveniences, swimming pool, elevator, built in stove, fabric drapes, Free porking. Near schools, Telephone 668- 8-53.47 Immediate Occupancy One bedroom apartment, Grenfell St. Fridge, stove, drapes, walk-out balcony, Ample parking. Adults only; 6 P.M. to 9:30 P.M, Phone 723-6455 | SPANISH MOTIF apartment, location cen- {trat, controlled entrances, FM, electric- ally heated, broadioomed and pressuriz- ed corridors, automatic range, refriger- ator. lor TWO-BEDROOM apartment Tei lone child welcome |$100, ONE - BEDROOM apartment, in Whitby, Realtor, 668-3338 | ONE. BEDROOM " jhome, ground floor, ONE-BEDROOM | aparinient, 'third "floor, South General Motors. jstove and refrigerator, private entrance. $80. monthly. 725-2915. Adults only. Apply 822 King Street East. tWwo-BEDROOM apartment, apartment, |broadioom Apply 330 Gibb Street. in" Whitby. possession. Schatzmann, July 1 monthly, Call W, in. private close to Included, apartment parking, Hydro "wall to wall throughout, modern ufilities, dryer included, Telephone 728- FOR RENT in Whitby. Three-room apart- 'with bath, ment. AL lena uround floor, Two Elderly couple or one adult only, W., er telephone modern two- broadioom through: TV outlet, hot Aduits Apart- stove, bigd 329 Adelaide West, 'unfurnished room apartment, private bath. Available now, furnished room partments, on, bedroom, private bath, Availab! ONE-BEDROOM apartment, young couple or bachelor. apartments | apartment le occupancy. Tele- | Telephone 723-5482. P.m. or 723-6255/ WNFURNISHED two-bedroom apartment, suitable tor In basement of building, Available July 1, Private bath, heavy duty wiring, central in|ly located. Couple only or with one school 787 King Streetj|age child, Telephone 725-1829 AVAILABLE July 1, Gibb Street, ihree- room apartment with bath, stove and re- frigerator. Laundry facilities. Rent _in- ment building. Bed-sitting room, kitchen] TWO-BEDROOM "apartment. "Stove, refrig- cludes -heat and hydro. Adults only. Call and bathroom, nished and unfurnished, for couple. $90 monthly. 728-9672 THREE . TWO-BEDROOM building, hydro completely private, paraing. ROOM modern apartment sive, AV 28-1880 erator anc outlet, § Telephone apartment, in modern) fridge, stove, heat, included, $118, monthly. after 1 p.m. |Available July 1. re THREE - ridge pay. | 728-1855 drapes, | WHITBY - Whitby|@plex, stove and fridge supplied. New buliding.' Telephone 725-5660, Telephone 723-66' and stove. Children weicome. No damage deposi Telephone Two bedracm apartment in fur-jerator and dryer in four-plex. Playroom 728-3344. Ideal for children in basement, Private Bie. \ONE | AND TWO bedroom apartments, |some furnished, BEDROOM modern apartment [dustry rooms |$128 TWO-BEDROOM apartment, |stove, refrigerator, drapes, trons Susan 1,000 sq. ft. for light in- on Storage. Also housekeeping Apply Landiord's Association, 58 sire Includes balcony and ene possession, .Tele-

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