Messe Asean EIRENE RED oe aes .df he makes any attempt to|my father would cheapen our ANN LANDERS Her Impulsive Action Basis For Blackmail Dear Ann Landers: 1 am 19) This friend who knows very well old--old enough to know|what my name is, changes it years better, but I didn't. I thought I/ slightly and thinks she is being was in love with an older man|very amusing. Here is an ex- (32 to be exact) and I did someample of what she does: Say very foolish things. |my name is Mrs) Greenly; she Rex told me I had the mosticalls me Mrs. Greenriver or fantastic figure he had ever|Mrs. Greengrass or Mrs. Green- seen and he wanted to do an oil horn. painting of mein the nude, It Up until now I have managed was necessary to take some a good-natured smile, but I'm snapshots so he could work| getting fed up. from them between sittings, he Should I rise above her bad said. I agreed, although I had) manners and ignore them? Or never seen a canvas he had|should I let her know how I painted and there was no sign of | feel? Vancouver a paint brush or an easel in his| Dear Vancouver: Your friend apartment. jis re. of atrocious bad taste 'Last week Rex took the snap-/and you ought to stop smiling shots. When he showed them to|good-naturedly at her crude at- me yesterday, I got sick to my |tempts to be funny--and your stomach. I must have been in-| expense. sane. This whole picture thing) The next time she makes a has made me realize how un-|joke of your name, tell her the believably stupid I was to be-|humor is wearing might thin lieve a word he had said and if she cannot remember 1 told Rex I had changed my/your name you will be happy mind about sitting for the paint-|to tell her what it is ing and I asked for the snap) Dear Ann Landers: My shots. He refused to give them|mother died a few years ago to me. I want to stop seeing | and my dad has taken out some him but I'm afraid of what he|nice women, which is fine with CWOIL 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridoy, June 24, i966 ys WINS GOLD MEDAL Miss Rossmond Hooker, a senior year. Miss Hooker, @ recent graduate of the On- graduate of O'Neill Collegi- | tario Hospital School of ate, is the daughter of Mr. | might do if I try to end the/me. I know he is lonesome and relationship. He really has the|I can understand his need for is on me and I am at his| female companionship mercy. Please help. -- Body, A few months ago he started Beautiful |to see a tramp, I didn't say any- Dear Body Beautiful: I don't|thing because I figured it was know about your body, but your|his business. But last Friday he brain belongs in Harvard--in a| brought this tramp to our house i with an overnight case--for the bottle. } Stop seeing this man at once.| weekend. I was very hurt that blackmail you, see a lawyer. /house like that. Dear Ann Landers: A friend| 1 am 16 years old (a boy) and) who is supposed to be well-bred| wonder if I have the right to has a habit that is becoming an-| say something to him.--Anony- noying. First I should tell you/ mous that she is about 20 years} Dear A.: You do, and you younger than I am. (J am 65.) should. And if your father sug- My name is uncommon but it/ gests you are out of line, ask fg not difficult to pronounce.! him to write to me, please. Business Women Form Centennial Hostess Committee MONTREAL (CP)--A group|tory, politics, arts and handl- busi-| crafts." of @ bilingual Montreal bus Sixteen of the hostesses have ness women have formed 8), one to France, Italy and Cen- hostess committee to welcome tral Europe to publicie Expo VIPs and official delegates to) and Montreal before various as- this city. goo The women, who call tious.) During the world's fair, the selves Hostesses-Montreal, have proc gene will -- in shifts of a mandate from the provincial eight women a day and will be ent and Mayor Jean identified by a broach bearing eee which permits them to the arms of the City of Montreal and the Chamber of Commerce. Nursing, Kingston, Ontario, and Mrs. Erwin. Frewy, : Masson street. is receiving the gold medal ! was presented by Mrs. E. for the highest standing in Prosser, Director of Nurs- theory and practice in the Pre-N uptial Parties Honor Leanna Bobij, Bride-Elect --_ : ms, bie ge tomor-; Mrs. Douglas Johnson and row to Mr. Dona oy Mac-; Cauley, Miss Leanna Bobij Sth racoagl agi ae = been entertained at a number of| Buk gh agree preauptiel parties and monetary shower at the Mrs Jain Robi. dr scat ot + sober of the former on the bride-to-be and Mrs. John Legare "go Bobij, her grandmother, open- e bridal attendants, Mrs. ed thelr home in Toronto to Joseph MacCauley and Miss friends 'and relatives at a sur-|Jeannle Crowder entertained at prise miscellaneous shower. The|* Su'prise shower at the lat- hostesses were assisted by Mrs.|(¢"' home on Glenforest av- Steve Woloshyn, London, enue, where they were assist- an-| ; other aunt and Miss Dale Bobij|°! 5Y Mrs. D. V. Crowder. Mrs. Armin Gronke and Mrs. a junior bridesmaid. Co-workers of the bride-elect| David McTaggert held a pantry at the Royal Bank, King and|shower at the home of Mrs. Wilson Branch, presented her |Gronke, Stevenson road north, with a surprise kitchen shower., "here Mrs. Albert Harris as- Mrs. Nick Pohribny, Giddon sisted in pouring tea. The bride- avenue, aunt of the future bride|®lect was presented with a and Mrs. Harry Pohribny, her bread box and cake saver from grandmother had a miscellan-|the neighbors. eous shower at which Miss Bobij| After the rehearsal tonight, received a floor polisher and|the bridal party will be enter- many other useful gifts. Mrs.|tained at the home of the pros- Daniel Chawk and Miss Cathy|pective bridegroom's parents, Pohribny, a junior bridesmaid,|Mr. and Mrs. Melville C. Mac- pb ee at ee Their duties include getting in finishes in October, 1967 touch with visitors before their : : arrival, meeting them and ac- They are all members of the| companying them to official re- women's branch of the Montreal| ceptions, restaurants, theatres district Chamber of Commerce} and stores. ' and have been organied by! Introductions and special president Therese Duranceau. | tours will also be arranged by Mrs. Duranceau says they are|the hostesses, who will be re- bilingual, attractive and person-|imbursed for the expenses they able, qualified as tourist guides|incur by the civic or business and "well versed in Canadian|organiation whieh required business, economics, his-itheir services. MARRIED FORTY YEARS --Oshawa Times Photo Bloor Street Couple Honored On Ruby Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. William Andrey,|were present and pinned on a Bloor street west, were the/red rose corsage and bouton- oe ag aca -- : -- on oe Also pres- eld atient were Mrs. Andrey's the Hotel Genosha last Satur-| brother-in-law and sister, day evening, on the occasion of 294 Mrs. Andrew Stark, ag 40th wedding anniversary. | Gon "ig Pd oe Mr. r. and Mrs. Andrey, the|Dennis, Mrs. ennis and former Antoinette Krawchuk, |!!¥: West Hill. were married June 19, 1926, in| Master Robert Martin St. George's Greek Catholic | Grace and Mr Church, Oshawa. They have|Pfoposed a toast to the anniver- four children, three daughters, |S@ry couple. said William Wacko! Olga, Mrs. E. V. Martin, Nata-| Their family and gues' - | lie, Mrs. J. D. Judge and Patri-|sented the pe with " on | ela at home and one son Don-jof money and Mr. Dennis pre-| ald. They have three grand-jsented them with an oil paint- sons, Robert and Richard Mar-|ing from his family. Mrs. Den- tth and Michael Judge nis made and decorated the assisted the hostesses. Cauley. The award | _\party at the Rib Room of the | Tomorrow's Bride, Jillian Coe, Miss Jillian Irene Coe, whose|Boake of Brooklin, Attending), marriage takes Pa tomorrow |the rooms was the matron-of- ee e" be breve? "+799 | honor, Mrs, Paul Besse, and the Church, has been honored atlattendarits, Mrs, Kenneth several showers. |Graves and Miss Susan Samis. A miscellaneous shower was| Others assisting were Mrs. given by Mrs, Jack McFadden | Frank Reid, Mrs. Wilbur Me- and Mrs. Ross Dougan at the/Keen, both of Oshawa, Mrs. home of Mrs. George Leask of|/Alexander Samis, West Hill. |Ernest Skells, both of Canning- Another miscellaneous shower ton. : was held at the home of Mrs.| Following the rehearsal to- Kenneth Graves, one of the night the wedding party will be attendants. lentertained at the home of the y ive bridegroom's par- A cup and saucer shower was | Prospect held at the home of the future/ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred bridegroom's aunt, Mrs, Harold |Hambly, Melrose street. Crawford, assisted by her) daughter, Mrs. Wilbur McKeen. | A presentation was made by} the neighbors of the on Taunton road home of Mrs. Lyle Noble. SUMMER PATIES legiate Institute held a dinner Genosha Hotel and an evening's entertainment in Toronto. A trousseau tea was given by the mother of the future bride at their home on Taunton road east. Pouring tea were Mrs. Harold Crawford, Phair ave- inue and Miss Betty Moffat, Mas-| | son street. In charge of the! ~ and Mrs.| The office staff of the bride-\a topping of cool fresh nectar- \to-be at Dr. F. J. Donevan Col-|ine slices and chopped onion. Marinate ground beef patties) bride-elect|in oil and vinegar dressing be-| east at the|fore broiling them. The cooked) lburgers are delightful hot with guest book was Mrs. George| guest book was "SOCIAL NOTICES | ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William Robert Keel wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Marguerite Edith, to James Leslie Gazdik, son of Mr. and Mrs, John Gazdik, all of Oshawa. Wedding plans will be announced later. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vugts, Oshawa, wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Petronella Marie, to Robert Claud Kuehl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgart Kuehl, Killa- loe, Ontario. The ceremony is to take place on Saturday, July 23, 1966 at 11.00 a.m. in St LIVELY SUMMER Hair Styles SPECIAL! PERMS On Special Men., Tues., Wed. FOR ONLY as PATRICIA'S Beauty Salon Gtegory the Great Roman Cath-/] 682 Hortop 728-9611 olic Church, Oshawa. IT'S FUN-AND-SUN TIME Their two flower girls of 40 tiered anniversary y | Her y cake. rs ago, Mrs. Victor White-| The balance' of the evenin and Mrs. Albert Deaiats, 'was spent dancing. : a FOR ALL THE FAMILY! ZELLER'S The Bare Look is the ees Look FOR THE SURFING SET A -- Junior go-go style in a two- piece suit with pert cotton polka dot top, matching waistband on nylon stretch trunks. Navy, red; 7 to 15. B -- Gingham check and denim both are stretchy tor swim action, Blue/ red, blue/yellow. Sizes 10 to 16. combine in this two-piecer; C -- Gingham check to.teams with whirly gingham-trimmed, pleated "Arnel" and cotton skirt. Navy/ white, red/white. Sizes 32 to 36, | aw mer Calgary Woman Is Master Furrier|< how @ CALGARY (CP)--When Sig-| Wearing it." rid Kohlfuerst marriéd 21 years ago, she plannéd a caréer as a housewife. Then she started helping in husband's fur ahon at Gra. Austria, and became a master furrier, | Her husband Adolf says she is jone of the few master furriers Feted at Trousseau Tea, Showers in.c2"is., He 'sinine insted She concéntrated on nd cutting, finally doing de- signing only. Now she sélls and designs for thé family firm. The Kohifuersts ¢migratéd to Montreal 12 years ago. But she found it trying. "Because J was ja woman ,I had to work as a) |finisher for a while until I could) ibe a cutter." Such discriminatory practices resulted in her becomin tive member of the and Professional Women's Club, she says. Mrs. Kohifuerst and her hus- band. movéd to Calgary five |years ago. She says she most --_----|enjoys helping customers decide |what type of fur will suit their |tastes and needs. nd where she will be design an ac- jusiness Dewntewn timess FLORIST LTD. 728-7386 Free With Purchase of $2.00 worth of boxed annuals REED & SONS Fath "There is a fur for every PECIAL FREE FILM OFFER AFTER FREE ROLL OF FRESH KODAK FILM r~ sts aite Leave your next roll of Film at any Tamblyn Drug Store and get a FREE Roll of Kodak Film - (of the same size) With your Prints ae | aa | a This offer applies te Black & White 120 - 620-127 - 126 Kodacolor 120 - 620 - 127 - 126 and 135 - 20 Exposure Ektachrome 120 - 620 - 127 FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE HIGH QUALITY PRINTS AND FREE KODAK FILM Downtown Oshawa - 723-3143 - 6 King St. E. Oshawa Shopping Centre - 728-5101