NEW FASHION A superb bared shoulder evening gown, styled in Ca- nada in Courtaulds fd ny- lon - the new fashion ny- lon - and printed in multi colored floral design, The straight shirt has an inter: esting bias insert in the side seam for ease in Movement Falling from the shoulder, a full lengthy pane! in apricot fd nylon tricot provides an added touch of glamour This gown is from the fash- ion show collection seen at Couraulds Focus Interna tional Ewhibition held in Montreal Adjust To Special Problems If Moves Are Part Of Marriage Newly married couples foreced into continual migration from city to cily by a company's training program or from one army station to another, have adjustment problems that stay- at-homers never have to face, Particularly, it's the bride whose life may be made diffi- cult by a succession of moves, 'We started our married life in Birmingham, Ala.," says a 20 - year + old wife, 'then after three months the company sent Bill to the factory in Detroit, and sometime later, he'll go to the coast te train at the Region- al sales office there," She's not complaining, be- cause she's a flexible girl who knew before her marriage whai Bill's business life would be in its early stages, And this advance knowledge goes a long way te making the marriage satisfying says Mrs Frances Reatman, executive i rector ef Jewish Family Serv- ice in New York, ) "Before a girl embarks on this kind of life,"' she says, "she must ask herself if she is the kind who can and is willing to lake uprooting, Otherside, it will become a burden "If her attitude is that these moves are part of her job, since they're necessary to her husband's 'career, she can feel satisfaction, If she considers them as a deprivation, that she's being cheated from a normal way of life, she'll be unhappy." Then too, if a girl has her own personal resources, and is not completely dependant on the other person for companion ship and for organization of her own life, she'll not suffer, com menis Mrs. Beatman, Brides who are dependent on a fixed daily routine will find a succession of new homes be wildering, as well as their hus: band's changing working hours, Says the executive, But the flexible gir) will take this kind of life in her stride, eee eS RSE OSS TSE SESS SESS ESSE EEE FESO HEHE OEE SE Oe Oe * eee Oe OS THE OSHAWA sa, : 'Can Be Combined d Useful Way | 'Both Marriage And Career EDMONTON (CP) -- Olga\ sidered studying to be a doc- Kempo's love of a man led her | tor not only into marriage and) in KAmonton, motherhood / after com but inte his career | pleting high school, she worked | at an apprentice pharmacist, a librarian and e secretary be-| fore deciding eventually to study nursing at University of | Alberta, But meeting John Kempo a as well, Join Kempo, a young lawyer about to be admitted to the| Alberta bar when they married in May, 1957, suggested casual- ly during the honeymoon that his bright, attractive bride should become a lawyer, too, at @ nurses dance changed her Mrs. Kempo, despite the often| mind. He and his friends fired conflicting interests of making her interest in law and a few a home and having two ei: | monthe before marriage she dren, took up the suggestion | | heft nursing school to become a | and went to law school, legal stenographer, Now, seven years after her' For a year after marriage marriage, with a» six-year-old| she worked as her husband's son and a four-year-old daugh- | stenographer and then enrolled | ie. Mrs, Kempo, 27, is a gradu-| in law school in the fall of 1956, late lawyer about to complete | She found it difficult being |her ber examination and be-| beth student and housewife at ;come a magistrate, the third | first, particularly when the chil- woman magistrate in Alberta's| dren came, history and the only one in the | aca. | MIRED BABY SITTERS | ut classes took up only ha She grew up as Olga Porayk0 | days and baby sitters filled in |and completed high schoo! at ' | Vegreville, a farming commu- Peden gf Ae away from the | nit les east of Edmont nity 55 miles eas monton, | "5 t got Gecournged tn | INTEREST IN MEDICINE my first year. I was pregnant | Her early interest was in the and started to chicken out a | health field--three sisters are/ little. 1 was tempted to leape."' nurses, a brother is a pharma-| But she persisted with her cist and another is a medical| double duties and 'graduated | student--and for a while con-'from Jaw school in 1963. She a handsome young jaw student' Teestey, | bone 23, 1966 25A eee TE | has been articling with s law | firm and writes her bar exam- | ination in June, | She applied to the govern- iment for a Crown prosecutor's | job but drew the magistrate's | appointment instead. Bhe will | ereside in « emalidebie court. Mrs, Kempo believes her own | story emphasizes the fact that | women, even wives moth- lers, can enter fields formerly dominated by men, "Women can make their lives | fuller if their husbands will * | only encourage them," she says. Both Kempos agree that one area where their mutual en- couragement and co-operation will not extend ig in the new lady magistrate's court, Lawyer John Kempo could conceivabely be called upon to plead a case before Magistrate Olga Kempo. but they intend to avoid that situation, "Somebody might get the wrong idea," says Mr6. Kempo, j USE BEESWAX Beeswax has over 150 uses, ranging from candle production and cosmetics to space fre- search, FALLS DANGEROUS The Canadian Paraplegic As- sociation gays most falls around the home could be avoided by keeping equipment repaired and stairwaye well lit and tree of obstructions, | BLACK'S LADIES WEAR As HONEYMOON FASHIONS Black's invite you to come in and inspect ody always exciting collection of travel ashions for newlyweds, Suits, dresses, ech everything you'll need for your honeymoon is awaiting you at Black's Ladies' Wear, Fashions in the Other Gowns from 49.95 to 199.95 BLACK' 72 SIMCOE NORTH To view our wide selection of Bridal BRIDAL SALON Make Your Appointment Now , . . Phone 725-1912 OPEN TILL 9 FRIDAYS THE AUTUMN BRIDE Let everyone say the bride wos beau- titul, when they behold you in oll elegonce end ro ef your wedding epporel, Consult us soon, te see our enchanting array tor late Sum monce mer ond early Fall illustrated 79,95 privacy of the LADIES' WEAR LTD. "TT