THE OSHAWA THAES, Tuosdoy, June 21, 1966 7A Let An Electric Dishwasher Free You Forever From The Drudgery Of Dishwashing be a DISHWASHER BUY ONE! LOOK INTO ELECTRIC LIVING , And a whole world of com- fort and convenience opens up to you, You'll enjoy a wonderful world of modern comfort, convenience and cleanliness in your home when you use low cost electric- ity for -- home heating and cooling, water heating, cooking, laundry and_ lighting. For ideas to help you live better electrically -~-- ideas for the home in which you live or the one you are planning to buy -- call your Public Utilites Commission 723-4624 and receive prompt courteous attention, Your dreams come true with... ELECTRICITY -- the safe, dependable service for your home. se Snaw dc u i¢ Utilities Commission H. F. BALDWIN, Chairman E. F. ARMSTRONG, P. Eng., Vice Chairman R, J, FLEMING, F. N. MeCALLUM, LYMAN A. GIFFORD, Meyer.