EATON'S in OSHAWA 49 DAY PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY DOTTON-AND-RAYON TRICOT SLEEPWEAR Vr Price! Reg, 2.98! @ Wide range of styles including baby dolls, and sleep coats, @ Asorted sizes and colours, but not every size 1 49 * in each colour or style, Special, each bye <n EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 909 SEAMLESS MESH NYLONS | Specially Low Priced | @ Fine quolity dress sheers in attractive beige tones, @ Classic length, sizes 9 to 11 in the group 4 1 49 Special, ...++5. poirs ** FATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 901 CLEARANCE OF MEN'S TIES - Reg, 3,60! @ Handsome silk ties in assorted patterns included in the group are neats, fancys, stripes, allovers and underknots, @ Predominant shades of blue, grey, brown and black, Special, each . 5 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 228 VY Price Clearance ! WOMEN'S SLIPPERS - Reg. 2.98! 2 @ Comfortable moccasin or mule styles, @ Sizes § to 10, assorted 1 49 = colours and fabrics in the group, Special, pair . fATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 258 VY Price Clearance | LITTLE GIRLS' DRESS SHOES - Reg, 2,99! @ Simulated patent leather and leather uppers in numerous attractive little styles. @ Sizes 5 to 3, medium width, Colours of white, 1 49 pink, red or blue in the group, Special, pair EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 938 BROMO-SELTZER - Reg. 1,09! @ To help settle upset stomach, calm edgy nerves and relieve headaches, -- §,25-0z, size oe 2? a 1,49 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 212 SCORE HAIR DRESSING - Reg, 1.09! @ To help keep your hair neatly in place, @ Approx, 4.5-0z, tube, Special, EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 312 BATHING CAPS - Reg. .98! @ Stretchy rubber to fit all head sizes and to help keep your hdir dry while swimming 1 49 @ Assorted colours. Special, for oe EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 312 MOROCCO LEATHER CLUTCH PURSE Y% Price . . . Reg, 2,98! 4 @ Choose black or brown leather, @ Complete with change purse, corm partment for checks, bills, tickets and identification, 1 49 @ Shop early , . , limited quantity, Special, each ........ BATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 217 RUBBER DRAIN TRAY Much Below Usual Price ! @ Sturdy rubber construction. @ Colours of white, vellow or 1 49 turquoise, Special, each wie .) BATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 254 22" LINEN TEA TOWELLING @ Fine quality toweling in @ qay Checked pattern to make you oan tea towels, @ Lunmou toweling to leave yor 3 orm 1M8 FATOMS UPPER LEVEL, DEFT, 996 Paovonare Gd shvernare wating Spaciat PRINTED TERRY BATH TOWELS "SECONDS OF HIGHER PRICED LIMES @ big, big sevings on these soft, corbert cotton ferry towels, @ Screen printed on white background, @ Sight wvestartirns udvirl, srmdd pot oftect deability 1 Dppeca, raw ow EATOWS UPPER LEVEL, DEFT, 9i6 EMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES @ Fine cotton with dainty embroidery trim, @ Choose from a wide ronge of assorted potierns, @ Approx 149 21" x 32", Special, Vow FATOMS UPPER LEVEL, DEFT, 996 STRIPED TERRY BATH TOWELS @ Seve on these soft, absornent cotton terrycloth towels, @ Keep their fresh new look through washing efter washing @ Colours of blue, yellow, qreen ond pink on white, Special, pair FATOWS UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 996 PLUMP FOAM RUBBER PILLOWS @ "Sanitized' core and cover, @ White cotton broadcloth cover is "Santorized' for ghrink-resistance 1 49 Special, each ' FATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEFT. G76 LINEN TEA TOWELS @ Bie, red, or green borders on white background. @ De signed to serve you well, these linen tea towels are pleasant ly priced for economy 6 1 49 seiner for Ee FATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 996 PLASTIC PLACE MATS @ In discontinued patterns, attractive kitchen designs ' psa soil algeds 6 for 1,49 EATOM'S UPPER LEVEL, DEFT, 936 PLASTIC TABLECLOTHS @ Attractive florn| patern. @ Available in pink, green or blue. @ Approx, size 54" = 72", 1 g Special, each FATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 996 CHILDREN'S COTTON KNIT POLO PYJAMAS @ Comfortable pull-on top with long sleeves and bell trou sers. @ Colours of blue and red 1 49 @ Sizes 4 to 6x, Special, each vibe ' FATONW'S UPPER LEVEL, DEFY, 910 INFANTS' DRESSES @ Sheer nylons, cottons, and Terylenes for warm Summer days, @ Sizes 6, 12, and 18 months, @ White, pink, blue, and yellow in the group 1 Special, each r FATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 910 36" WAPORTED COTTON HOMESPUN TWEED @ Love the tweedy tertue lock, Here i¢ one in cotton Creasn-vesistom cad hand washable, @ Two tones ed in one. @ Predominate shades of equa, pirk, ond green, Limited quantity, thop early for best selection. Special, yard tATOMS UPPER LEVEL, DEFT, 299 26" IMPORTED PRINTED TERRY CLOTH @ tasy-core cotton terry tor beach wear, howe coats, ond sbi dren's wen, @ Gay Horale ond cok aquatic prints, So merrrervmee cqeecerrnery, erin wry lon wr selection! Special, yard . 1 EATOMS UPPER LEVEL, DEFT. 298 CLEARANCE OF WOMEN'S SHOES MAUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE! r Choose from an excellent selection of colours and wyles @ Sizes 5 to 10, AA and B widths in the ron SPECIAL, pair EATOMS MALL LEVEL, DEFT, 258 50" PLAIN AND PRINTED TERYLENE BATISTE @ Stays fresh and fair al Summer long, Hand weshable ond Drip Dry, @ Se right for your Summer Brides, or boulfant fittle-girl dresses, @ Sott shades of turquoise, 1 pole blue, beige, pink and white. Special, yard EATOMS UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 295 44" COTTON MADRAS PLAIDS @ Hand washable cotton madras plaids for cool Summer separates and sportswear, @ Choose predominam colours oft blue, red, of green, @ Limited quantity, shop e@ariy for hest selectior Special, yard EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 298 45" IMPORTED COTTON SEERSUCKER @ Pretty and practical for cool Summer wear, especially when it comes to children, @ Stripes of pink, blue, ton, novy and black with white Special, yord LATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 238 36" LESLIE COTTON BROADCLOTH @ A fobric with uses too numerous to mention. @ Colours of navy, reyal, medium blue, light bive, orange, yellow, coral, mint, green, white and black, 3 1 49 Special yards Fe EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 238 38" PRINTED COTTON PERCALE @ iHond washable percale in almost every print imaginahle; stripes, dots, paisleys, florals and geometrics in a wide variety of shades 3 1 49 Special yords Fe FATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 998 va DECORATOR COTTON PRINTS Washable linen-like fabric for your home decor; @ Geo metric, scenic, florals, and children's designs! Predomin« ating 'shades of red, blue, tan, ma) rum, gold-colour, rose, But not every colour in every 1 49 design, Special, yords TATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 399 VARIETY FAIR CHOCOLATES @ Toasty chocolate morsels with assorted delicious centres, @ Boxed for gift-giving, Special, 2 th, box HATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 214 LITTLE GIRLS' TERYLENE SKIRTS @ A-line style, with two pockets and elastic at back of waistband, @ Colours of pink or blue g Sizes 4-to 6; Special; eaeh ave BATONS UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, O10 PEAK FREANS' BISCUITS @ Assorted tasty creams excellent to have on hand et the cottage or at home, Approx, |-lb, 4-02, tin, @ Boxed for convenient storage 1 48 Special, tin pero re L HATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 579 INFANTS' SLEEPERS @ Soft, comfortable cotton knit, 2-plece style with plastic soles on feet, @ Yellow and white, or turquoise and white, @ Sizes 6 months, |, 2, 3 and 4 1 49 in the group, Special, each ee ' BATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 910 GIRLS' STRETCH NYLON T-SHIRTS @ Sleeveless style turtle neck with @ zippered neck that helps keep its shape. @ Choose from colours of white, pink, powder or yellow and some without in 1 49 Special, each ; ' EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 911 GIRLS' COTTON SHIFTS @ Summery plains and stripes to choose from, @ Some styled with sleeves and some without in 1 49 the group, Special, each i EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, O11 CLEARANCE OF GIRLS' SPORTSWEAR @ Arne! and cotton skirts. @ Cotten print blouses and leone @Sizes 8 to 14 in the group "149 Special, each a5 \ EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 01) CLEARANCE OF GIRLS' BLOUSES @ Cotton stripes, plains and prints in the group in a wide range of colours, @ Sizes 7? to 14 1 49 Special, each ' ' TATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 211 WOMEN'S CONTOURED BRAS Specially Low Priced @ White cotton with contoured Fibrefill cups, @ C cup sizes 32 to 38 | 49 Special, each ; r) TATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 408 44" ARNEL AND COTTON DENIM @ Tweed-like fabric, is crease-resistant and Drip Dry, @ for sportswear, dresses, tworpiecers, and children's cloth ing. Needs little er na ironing, @ In green, red, blue charcoal grey, and gold-colour Special, yard SATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 233 Edelweiss Camembut and Brie Cheese @ Imported from Europe, @ A tasty treat with your meals or making hers d'ouvres 1 @ Approx, 44-02, tin, Special fer ' BATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 579. MEN'S BOXER SHORTS MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE! @ Fine quality cotten broadcloth in assorted patterns, @ styled with comfortable elasticized waist, @ Sizes small, medium, large and extra large 'in the group, Special, each ee ' EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 228 MEN'S BRIEFS AND JERSEYS Specially Priced! @ Rib-knit cotton in white only, @ Jerseys are the regular athletic style; briefs are styled with banded legs and elasticized waist, @ Sizes small, 3 1 49 medium er large in the group, Special, tor \) EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 928 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SHORT SLEEVED DRESS SHIRTS @ Fine quality white cotton shirts styled with regular short point collars, @ Sizes 1416 to 16% in the group, Special, each TATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, O28 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S STRIPED DRESS SHIRTS @ Fine quality cotton shirts styled with cool short sleeves and regular shart point collars, @ Colours of blue, brown and grey on white, Sizes 1414 to 1644 in the group, Special, each ; EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 928 MEN'S NYLON STRETCH SOCKS @ Good fitting nylon stretch socks styled with @ neat side pattern, @ Colours of black or brown, One size fits hii ids mA 2 peire 1,49 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, O28 MEN'S SHORT SLEEVED POLO SHIRTS @ Lightweight, cool cotton knits for summer leisure wear, @ Twobutton placquet neck opening, Plain shades of gold-colour, blue, green and red, @ Sizes amall, med ium and large in the group Special, each ... ere ee. «J SATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 926 ghey on e py he yt in omented prints , - phue, grey ond wire. © wed with PermaStay olor and one teas praket. Se Sen, nee 14 ond Sarge in the group, tpesial, each } EATOWS MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 978 MEN'S RUNMING SHOES Speciatly Low Priced © Sturdy boot she with conves uppers ond ritloer whes, @ Sizes 7 to 11, tél wrest width, Black only, Special, pais FATOWS MALL LEVEL, DEFT. 997 TEEN'S CANVAS RUNNING SHOES @ Stutdy carves uppers with comfortable natoer soles, @ Colours of black, white blue ond red in the group @ Sizes 6 to 11, narrow width in the lot. EATOM'S WALL LEVEL, DEFT, 996 PERKINS DELUXE SERVIETTES © Sturdy 3-ply dinner size napkins. @ Plain shodes of pink or yellow @ 36 in each package 4 1 Special pkgs. EATOWS MALL LEVEL, DEFT, 208 BALLPOINT PEN AND PENCIL SET @ Attractive pen and mechonical led pencil, @ Pen takes standard refill. @ Colours of blue, black, red or green with gold-colour trim and ettrective cose, Speciol, set EATOW/G MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 2068 BOXED STATIONERY MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE! @ Fine quolity writing paper with matching envelopes. @ 20 sheets of paper and 20 envelopes 4 1 Species boxes EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 208 LIMMITS DIETARY BISCUITS MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE! @ Tasty biscuits with cream fillings @ Choose vinilla orange, chocolate or cheese, 6 biscuits in each box, Special boxes Fe FATOW'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 212 MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SUN GLASSES @ Choose from a wide range of styles 2 1 49 for men and women, Special, for Fe EATOW'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 212 FASHION QUICK HOME PERMANENT MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE! @ Choose requlor, super or gentile holding type, @ Come plete with solutions and instructions, Special, each , ATOMS MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 218 4-PLY GLEN KNITTING WOOL Specially Low Priced @ Suitable for sweaters, shells ond sportswear, @ Colours of white, red, pink, aqua, brown, beige mix, grey mix, powder blue, green, novy, yellow er sky blue, @ Approx, Enc i ye es 6 for 1,49 FATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 224 CLEARANCE OF DECORATOR CUSHIONS MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE! @ Attractive rayon covers in light, medium and dark shades of green, blue, red, gold-colour er brown, @ Approx, 134" squore with knife edge and zippered cover, @ Kapok filling, @ Choose twe or three to blend with your decor, Special, each FATON'S MALL uve, DEPT, 224 COSMETIC TRAVEL BAG--Reg, 1,08 ! @ Attractive rayon satin floral bag with clear plastic cover end-plastic_interiortining,_@ Approx, 1044" long end 7" deep, Complete with zipper closing, . plastic aaa holder, bottle and soap dish, @ Flaral potiern . . . choose red on pink, green on ivery er blueoen white background, Special, each GATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 228 END-OF-LINE CLEARANCE | HIGH-BALL GLASSES MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE! @ Clear glas with black end gold-colour pattern @ Ap» prox, 12-02, size, 9 Special, .. ' ey fer fe EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 282 CLEARANCE OF JUICE GLASSES Specially Low Priced 12 1,48 @ Clear glass with white etchings, EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 252 @ Approx, 6-02, size, Special, CLUTCH PURSE--'/, Price--Reg, 2,08 | @ Choose attractive blue plaid pattern or corduray in shades of red, brown or green, @ Complete with selections for change, bills, tickets and Identifreation, Special, each eee rrrepeegy Of TATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 217 MOROCCO LEATHER BILLFOLD--Reg, 2,95! @ Fine quality leather wallet with tab closing, @ Complete with change purse, secret pocket for bills and eard hold- er, @ Colours of black, brown or red Special, each veseny Of EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 217 VEGETABLE CHOPPER--Specially Priced! @ Sturdy meta! construction for chopping vegetables and cooked meats, @ Bright silver-colour finish, 49 Special, each ee 8 FATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 254 MEAT OR CANDY THERMOMETERS Specially Low Priced @ To assist you in cooking candy and meat 1 49 to a turn, Special, each tees . SATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 254 "MOTHER GOOSE" PULL TOY MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE! The just-learning-ta-walk set love her swinging tail and neck and the "honk-honk' she makes when they pull her, Voice mechanism is 'way inside so they can't get at it, Approx, |i}a" high Special, each ore ik sees Of SATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEFY, 227 Please see Back of This Page for other EATON Store News