Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jun 1966, p. 19

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20--Reol Estote for Sole |20--Reel Estate for Sele |D--Raal Letare for Sle '20--Rael Eetate for Sele |23--Real Estate Wonted _|26--Apertments for Rent (26---~Apertments for Rent _| ee ee en ae i lata PRIVATE SALE | OPEN GRIFFIN i Mate hungolow, cane LS B R S : ------ for Rent Pomhpwomente for Rent ? REAL. ESTATE LIE tral location, breadioom, firer Modern Apts HOUSES | ca ee | Ba et | RENTING REALTY LTD. , ) 723-8144 | @wnings Many extras mm 46 Kin ier e ROYALE Regency Towers | apres ' ARE YOU A : i measiare, Chartia Rankine 728-3682 i 16 Simcoe St, S, ee | PARTICULAR BUYER Phone 723-7323 | Tom Zekerow 725-4366 | CONTESSA COLBORNE APARTMENTS 349 Marland Ave, if so this immaculately eon | --« = = + | Mick Sibleck 7 7 Phone 725-2227 793-528 | i | 3 pedroom brick home stu 406--3uMmmer ri ries Aninany onit 7 ee ; aaa ArAR TIVE Lo J r i AREAS | ated on @ lore ne For Sale or Rent i ne s & Believe anor fully planned one and two P .* ae PORTUNITY | | pandas idl A Bos a, | im | CAN yOu HELP ME sitet e hedroom wites now evalloble remier BUSINESS OPPORTU GRANDVIEW | tied casa youn with BEL-AIR RESORT t need a 4 nel B gate 108 sites bis a ie ta for immediate eccupeney. 921 : @ A terrific buy wrt) OWDALE built-in bar, comer stone fire LAKE BATTISTE + pala cota yt SEATURING Con Ab Con -- Epona | Marland Ava, bar end gas station ' if and WILL place, wmuilt-in stove and FOR REI sT rs Fagg" ee plage 8 ory % FEATURING Phone 728-6722 ii om on A ty 4 utes wal from Mary Street down payment wit mane ¥ « on over ws «Others. inepect ie , ' - ; the proud owner of this beautir| King H, E, to Grandview $ tak sae 46) yourself, Phone New insulated housekeeping ae cows phyment 4 & 2 bedroom and King Street 4 " 7 p99 4 / 2 2 2 ful enack-bar =~ GAs punp Cm Grendview to Willowdale cofldee, & bedroom, tu Y garages please call Electric Heating The eomniet i maneen 009 One and two bedroom, Mew Hepler right on the busy 7A equipped, city conveniences, | 4 » v. hey " Aividuel room hee ft FEATURES evoilahie, Broadcom earri- ' -- A op or screenad porches, large clean Real Estate Limited ad trol, Pressurized corridors dors, Stove. Retrigarotor Highway Vit an output 6 SAVE C { ; i o 7 ne tk sf 4 it conteall 4 , proximately 120,000 gallons of COLLEGE HILL lakefront, act dock. $65 | 6286 or 728-65 Free Hydro ond parking }, Apartment controlled OVERLOOKING Bienes, FM. Cae is will 2 ick bunasiow in | 'oot : ee | Party room with kitchen entrance ges last year, the owner is w $500 5 som brick bungalow in |. weekly, Boots and Ww j y Trappe Electric heating GREEN PARK bee Sinha anu today and ack for Vinee jare tor st rmmncuiate conditior Near | ailable et extra cost PRIVATE Acreage of small farm on facilities, Swimm ing to hold a mortgage. jw u aveilable @ st, crenee oF rn on é / . mt You can't lose Someone | Bilingual scheel, handy ta C all 728 0208 peves reed, Pv f i, f wre oF neve Seura hath Mai delivery Private balconies | Balconies and Laundry facile > , , , ' ¢ HAA F 6M 6 going to buy this opportunity WINTER WORKS BONUS bus service and shopping eth neh cash or more, Medel to every suite , tinf ow Cont 7 -) ' T for your protec it might as well be you, Coll us Handles for $75.00 monthly BARGAIN = College art 1D Me THREE OR FOUR-BEDROOM Vornish cuit TY r prone igges |. ; eoch apartment - ? A\ tonight ond get all the particu HARMONY Asi. for Margaret Lee tee ele tne read to eae: Iheide comled heme. paeded lor Aacsor an tammy tion, Large breakfast area Drapes in each apartment Within Walking Distance AVAILABLE JULY es ; { : ', one pressure|inomadiately, ¢ Perry Reel Estate in all kitchens, Ca ' 'i lars, there is no obligation, VILLA SELLING? wyuem 9h He Maat sreneive| imamnesiatety, Ge Y Hs op ip d " Living roem and hedream of Shopping One : Mer Ye oomnen, . : " ; eu ' fining ena Hit view of OKIMG for i rbd ' : ith TV pre wired pepe soe vente) ot Fridge, stove, CLOSE TO EVERYTHIP iG on tlarmony Rd. to Olive WANT ACTION? lave "cosh winter Contadt Poses sda. ding owls we ts ', oles f : , j i Liy fa eaten unk talvenme Electrically Heated | > drapes, walk-out balcony, " ' Soundproof Ample parking. Adults only. W. on Olive, |} block ta Elm : EW tout phone col pres, east 6 west af Gimmene + di ridge / CALL GRIFFIN WW: Bancran, Gieson Wilughby 'im-| Pere Arek, east or weet of | hitecturally desi ¢ telephone pra wired 1 | 6 PA, 10 9.40 PM, Phone Controlled Entrances 723-6455 fed Realtor 'or fai school term, Please Oa Beautify nter com in each Spacious Balconies need cit Refrigerator and stove Wn Rus Service at Door | fies on eath Hor if. @ Two bedroom bungalow ir And Start Packina) choice North West location 4 Shopping, schons and bus ony BALSAM LAKE -- Auguel, three > bad: \//ittier, TIR-TORY oF TIRAIO, W, 0 pryjotes apertment { room cottage for rent, he Aditin, Realte " wwe blacks, Lange fenced nck! Al Sf, LOVE THOSE CHILDREN |/fom,,"atese tor cent net, Wenn, Om : Broadioom in halls yard, Wrixite siding never ne o vou cari stand ot.the | Hiit.a Ournt River: 1 7 24.-Stores, Offices, Storage Hardwood and vinyl tile any maintenance, Frivole Ove Did A MORTGAGES y é iii ig tN LAKEFRONT, ge tor sale j tg apartment é tong f and watch them ' Aluminum awnings. Co 7 , a water for an oppointment to inspect. | ATHOL miar schoo), 3 Iredroom, 4 |) mare conveniences" Boal ana melorl NOW LEASING 00 per mont 11. Vanity in bathreeme w 'a ""Telephane 728 ding petio Anne BAKERY BUSIN ST, EAST ved driv oi : COTTAGE FOR RENT, Wiiiam's Poin MIDTOWN PLAZA MOD uy : ah spay WITH A plo ows, 2 stoves 4 4 , , ee) fey retrigerstor sai! . ) m opartments ' aU ; rt water "phone OPEN DA Ewer pie Bally vs FM music throughout oll between 5 and 7 p.m iif, @ Large store with three z ae , P fr at og \ ey Sa ae es 82 PARK RD, N, aporiments over, complete with oo. ran R A PE i i housekeep 0. § Se a hia ns a eg Nh : oO Lane wnat =| CON PAYMENTS i HerReen ental I ---- 728-867 27--Rooms for Rent Drapes Supplied ~~ Mail Delivery to Each Suite ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM vailobla in private home. Breadioomed Corridors m ;. : General Motors Plant tation Oven, Large turney FROM J , , job : ; ; 725-1481 and office BRIGHT clean corner room, furnished Well established is é'" 4] . 4 y / P te ' Mail service to each LOCATED ON SOUTH GIDE far light housekeeping. Central, Close to te busy tersectior 179 arr ) ) A / ' yy. 0 40 NONOQLION RD 'on o amelie POAD hospital, 728-4984 ° usd ala anartey 1 - 'down will handie, Owner retire) MONTHLY PAYMI » one condition or j ' Foor and Brewer's af r 119 NONQUON POAD [FURNISHED bedroom, very tantra) on ¢ ¢ ad ; | Gentleman anly, All conveniences, Phone ing. Full details te "e ber FROM ears new, f s: ; aarisly a dilie 1 ' eady leased RE OF AM APPOINTMENT 19-4444 ously interested $] 14 wed arive mh , ; misakeeping soliages, g thoy ecb gt i PHONE NOW Available for viewing ony: | eHuRcH STREET -- 117 Bingle furnlah REASONABLE PER MO. P pers J é nil f th peat included ' / . time, Please coll 728-5282, #4 bedroom, ansteiner, gentiaman preter 7 Ta 0 pF N 6 A IL' tier OON§ r f '4 v ' A By y : eased Cc 942 9401 728.1582, 725-798) fd Apply above address a iV. @ Full price is only $1) ) 4 heyy a Mg 4 Ls f » 1oee ) | ROOME oF room end hoard, downlown Te ne j 'TIL DARK stance y 1B a retail store or . 7 be lcation, central, single or to sha 900, for this two bedroom / : $16,995. ¢ ley r ich wih Ont ou pay is your te lbeds, parking space, Apply home with @ private drive and | JOSEPH ings iting Mar be 779, SPHNEL | BEAUTIFUL Since Lake, bearnomne ' , yt MANSIONS phone bill, All other enste-@)™™ | Mirae, 799608 good sized gorage, Key loca sacrifice For irther pa tHe, andy beac! wa ' a : Vv absorbed by owner [417 BYRON STRERT NORTH, tier close to shopping or helma MeMu nage sng: f r call e sive NOW AVAILABLE hie room apariment with bath, Ay i ' y e, $24 ' oS ' Motors south plant HOSPITAL AREA bel Genera J atl hé whitey Oneroom, furnished, sulle leveul rick jiside in 7 H ; eonditien inside, We invite your ; / 00) 0 ¢ 4 i LAKEFRONT COTTAGE ' i : { ) Yl ) M | | ( Al f peel ' Y f f NOW RENTING Grenfell Square lane itt mere ih 10 ha inapection of this home family heme. Geed incon arge y f Setate Limited save. Located ' 7 \k ing lady nysterred, clon area, For further foe' tae o / j walk from South Ger | a}, Telepnene $12,000 FULL PRICE are for ty ther detolls sd, Many iv GS Mb f sil out WENTWORTH THE ULTIMATE IN APART. [ONE FURNIGHED" BEDROOM" Th Pr. feel . vate home. Good tocailty, Gent V, @ For this neot ¢ bunge ~ $19,500 HANDY MAN'S ope Or nity : ee tal MENT LIVING IN CEN. preterred, tive minute walk te bus low containing @ three piece LTD WE at ; Ualiniehed four-bedroom bongs . APARTMENTS TRAL OSHAWA phone 728-4706 bathroom, threa good sized bed REALTOR W 1§ ) Fy f of murs o HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for clean gan- rooms, sunny living room, mod-| ( . 3 , ) MI Iee son : aS a | tleman, Goad distriet, near hespital, Het am Kitchen and @ separate gar-| 18] Eglinton Ave, E MEMBER OF 0. mihi. a WAREHOUSE | [Mme 's > | ment buldinos at verre | Two Buildings |i "ataon' itm eae Cali tonight to inspect this Toronto 12 F 6685: y \ 500 sa ; { ' sonable rent. |, 2 and 3 g | FURNISHED bright reom for jsealloraah ome TOR GRAC URGENTLY REQUIRED OR REW akelront housekeaping ddd j D edrne uites ineli j in private heme, Central. Apply 28 By OR GRACIOUS LIVING 7] % F t 7 f j b m suites include y . ed FOR GRA J 4 FOR CARH aUWeRt im RED eazetren, heuumney ; ete tha eal CHL wih Immediate Hie Avenue of telephone 7281178 NORTH WEST LOC A truly charming residence / ) JT ERO ', 84 each, reatonat ft ed terr 4 /ELGIN 6TREEY BAST, ii, furnlihad vil f ' ? » uv phone, Children wel ' waterfront 5' x 500 " and 3 bed bung s y 216 J i rf room for gentleman, neveekocging oy eve ore ore ee swee ew j $15,000.00 te $20,600.00 RIVER FRONTAGE t f j f r 4 Mode suite «open ossession jeges, close to downtown, Apply this three bedroom brick bunga } , to nat miles "i ) ' pril 30th, Rental represent om ms, lore ing and d nice rar 60 incor ro FS add Sho 474 1-832 6 low located in this preferred) [0 fe eiy pk pe Py eal a mene Pre" 14h highway, Road, nydra, be ' ative on duty daily at apart Starting at $125 and up | WichLY WURNIGHED double and a area of the city, This home has| [10 area, kilcner Egon on Corte, 5 me me 91,008.. Telephane_ 1 A ment on 275 Wentworth & rooms In quis! heme, Taepnene 736 mony extros such os bulitir ' . "ib 2 idence tite Lad i j BE wd 1-9 pm BRIGHT spacious bed «+ sifting reem, china fi 4 al oped. Redu a A | fo shopping centre Sull f Mileman, trim throughout the spacious! PRESOU'ILE BAY Reali @ facilities g, skiing and swi|SYORE FOR RENT downlown lnca:| after one gentleman, Telephone alter 4 p.m. Realtor the Bay side, Oi! heat, boat 123-1133 evenings 72 AUCKHORN LAKE ) xford eabinet, plersen hye cruiser, Profession 0387 ror nping Woe STORE FOR RENT at 19 Bond Stree! . " FEATURES 1, 2 and 3 bede |medern furniture, In clean home, close Hach he ed from ' , : ¥ Rent §100 per month. | PHONT oh room suites 1 windows, door chime $24.500. to $19,000 | ( ARI Ol Cc fF N f e now. Call Mrs, Taylor 694-294 a4 On 723-870) | ) 4 Apply 36 Fernhill Bivd, 726-7205, stove and even and manegony a bs nd be HOUSRKERPING ollages eri § 723 O24 6 | hours @ free bHydre ONE FURNISHED room, suilab we rooms, Monthly payments ef| Summer retreat, sand beach, ah an, init ning, Taleane ne) 15-1909 oF ie Malla i : } ) M i etias ta 729% 0362 Oshowa's large suites 125-0536 or 373 Athol Bast, ihe $113, principal, interest and) young trees, 2 bedroom ingul- +4 FA 1h : Franch Provineial kitchens |TWO GENTLEMEN to share fully fur FURNISHED COTTAGES and lols lor Sale| Ywo.ROOM OFFICE da . E incated ¢ Hished hovee with two ether young men, taxes. Must be seen to be ap ated cottage, furnished, plus $22 750 m Moira Lake, Phone Carman Mullett, West, unlimited park are Fag 723 6 rh 4: ) Double sinks Preferably office workers. Lesat north preciated, Call us tonight for an) boat, Asking $6,700. Contact °F Gade) 1 acid ' 4 mme all Harold § SA ii nk fully of Shopping Centre, 125-1840 eppointment to inspect Edward Barrick, Carrying Four bedroor 1'@ SOFOY | THREE + BEDROOM collage, 680 werk », Hyman Real Estate 2 CAVALIER automatic LARGE housekeeping room an Main Place, 992-7113 frame and stone shrubs Most conveniences, Sale for cf |APPROKIMATELY 0 square. fe PRINC ESS . floor, with retrigerater, stove, shower. ° ~~ .* r - pe | closed in patio, tence Sivenburg bake, 24 miles north of A downtown, heated, vacant, R vab Extra large Fridge with Sullable for middie-nge gentiaman, Apply $3,000 DOWN CAMPING RESORT | near, f ped n patie, te shy Phone 614-519 Howntown, "Nenled, vacant, Reasonable cir I . " iii (Madea i Vil, @ Beoutiful three bedroom | ow y i Immaculately clean, topnotch d vive. weahreer lavas LAKE MUSKOKA cottage for rent, hot Brothers Lid. } ¥WO ROOME, orivale entrance Sha GaTk" brick bungalow situated on al 2 waterfronts, large | ° 'ip i pi re Any epi water, sure seney Benen. Full 25 ANNE | Linen Drapes Retrigeralor, heavy duty_ steve, partly f . ° quiet residential street, close f j Baregs, PAERC Crive, aXce abie for two families, Canee and Boel Houses for Rent Walk-in elosets In bedrooms jfurnished, Ne children, Telephane 798 i if , ns, showers eeallon, | ari cupbear Bowmanville @23-24 } achools ar 1 shop ing area Or ' n 4 ° f ' Teh ti ag a be i Mhindt By anche po per : jg, ADELAIDE AVENUE BAST Four Extra Two Pi bath in all |. , a WHA nchaeanny se acted. catat itm ff . i} iad Nama tae " furni og r ips electricity a we Abat crag! mi) Ue te te | Aj dal lt nel its AMBASSADOR 3 bedroom suites Near Math' oenarel en" sn one this pleasant family t Lined cottage, snack bar, | granged ete Ab ce ar lense, Telephone 723-0779, @ All suites equipped with 1 Flahdeliltate WF Weeniy: 'TeMepnene TR row o thie home can be electric eutlets, Reem for ox W Prank Reel Estate BANCROFT Jetetront, cottages } TWO ROOM OFF ice lncaled "an Kin Ove i : Large balconies ONE ROOM lar single Wan' s, by duly |, 196 pansior 623-3393 or 723-7843 _ |senveniences Gook stove: goad | aici, "corimartinl fontngy Tall Maret Olde | One ond two bedroom apart Soune Steam Room and jeniv, Apply 11 Ghureh Brae DELIGHTFUL WELLERS BAY mming y. Call G 4 § D, Hyman Real Estate, 728 Twin ¢ f ' ments tove, refrigerater, | Health Club Bm Heated inde f drapes, broedioem cerriders, LARGE housekeeping ream, back yard, two bedrooms, Includes steve BETHANY AREA - Must be sold, two BELMONT LAKE f U I : Waterfront t, abou \ { 4 1 ' NEIGHBOURHOOD bs tor 8 4 t 2% ey | xegiient dond nd to duly 9 : eps FOUR-ROOM home will rage, large aun facilitie intercom, FM, Immediate oc Swimming Poel ed bedroom for Iwo or thr pale ; . / Close to North General Moters, the Vill. @ for the children, brick veatrietions, Beautiful sunsets anaes furr nximate ¢ sleeps 4 Fak TR My re : arpeted su ancy, $97 and up Incieor Parking Available 0 » Gener rs fers, Avail i | 4 4 cr p c clos : ! t $74 Pivar ie § ' > 794.029 tt flop ot door ie 4 bungalow-with living reem,. din: | $3,600 acres fertile soil on good road e i¢ . ot Ba 0299 " # jguaeonnn 340. Marl Outaoor guest parking COMPLETELY furnished" bedfaorh ing raem and hall breadioomed.| Contact Mari, § Cope, Carry phene Torente 464-0403 FOUR-ROOM. house, $98 monthly, Ca FONG a arland kitchen, Includes refrigerator, range, a HASTINGS on Trent, lovely collage, three } 4-905 Plenty of parking WY TV outlet, Suitable for two gentiemen, 'oom each Apply 237 Athol @ sparkling kitchen, Finished) Ho KEITH LTD. REALTOR bedroom, brick, ranch: style bungalow alt:|ed, lar ' nent dock, ba THREE BEDROOM, brick, bungalow. toy Laundry room each floor Apt RENTAL pply hol Street Basi, ci Gutiak tania ated anita Weer jaled on ® large jandscaned tot | h 06h ' ent, Except Plastic lined kitchen ! SINGLE large cool furnished room | e ' , wimming and f FULL PRICE $13,900 | ote q $ a) ee ! ' j ') | FURNI D, light housekeeping #oam, : p 1 sii 5 , ive ake Gall AY through week. Telept OLDER HOUSE for rent, & rooms, sult | Mode! Suite { pen Two BEL ROOM | PHONE 723-5) ] ] fuitable for young lady, anly it week ix e thractive 5 (Stk f 1 Re lee LAKE Taras kas able ¢ arge family, Needs decorating, | ) 9PM APARTMENTS v, very central, Brock. Street Tele , age, for rent, good f 1 §W | n new five plex buildings Completely equipped | THREE NEW HOMES on Switrer Drive L ve ae fo p bial Pie) ical P tile t ighout, gas heat, $30,000 and up. By Michael Zygockl, Tele: (00. fll eM 4 Felanhone| RIVERSIDE DRIVE SOUTH ieurcber'| 1221 ACK ) Immediate. possession Exclusive Agent Plelely furnished, «€ to hos and ur fF | phone 4 ARE ayy roo executive type heme, lease and} 1 some for August Jet jowniown, Sullable for girl, Wreaate ' / wen i en |BUY A BARGAIN 1} Clas ; 7 upstoirs resent ee Aci wisely, invest. In your! @ ' t includes: walkeut bal (Bond St ) Limited ROOM for one, hurnished, near bul slow Apply 739 Gifford Street ater. 4am | cre close to stores, Nea spring water P all conve piece t f abie now, Telephone 798-7 good fishing; Onl WEN ad SCNOOTS, Asking Brice $14,400 a. Three nice sized bedrooms and ng Pince 392-7350 THIS very altractive, well kep! 3/ bedroory i ¢ furnish. | Ld ' bi , ' 4 i c al Ww j ¥4 gentieman, in private home, Parkin aren rom or nth Wt ea a 728-4283) |NFORMATION [ft ta" dena $14 500 9 y ae ed RiCe LAKE ages N 0 Kawartha Street, Oshawa 2-490 Free Wy Avenue home f excellent mdi in , hardwood ' nm" » A able entre acated ABS. 725-0459 q. sma ow boa , | BRIGHT clean how: meeping room, eam. bedrooms WO @x f geline Drive FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOWN, Oniy lon ' ' equired, $9 ' IVE 99 starting at $119, Oshawa Realty 793.0734 ' m Ads, Need somelh rented n | ing $3000 DOWN 0 Ca Mecarmack, é5s-a06e, |AQs: Need fe hulu , : Ads now TWO-BEDROOM house, newly decorate " room and 41 down Belin Peters Realty td, Realtor . garage, large back lot, Tele) FOR RENT : ly ada [BUSINESS GIRL with. two wh 26 : Two BEDROOM apartment n new build Hie nie OR REN 'eat, broadioom an | furnished apariment, wishes te ohare betty -- stairs, Many other features 6% NHA. MORTGAGE BROOM apartment, wilt 22--nLots for Sale NEW SANOROGH wand" Wn * Percilittea Chatter ace. ( Uraiined fnertimenty wishes Room and Board LOT 5¢ 134 | Iridge, washer, arya ire. breadiga ( AC R od ea ° Mfhice ; | f Coll §, DB. Hyman {su FIVE ROOM apariment, de leon AND BOARD in Christian. home 10 x ' | Te! 798-8348 ving. toon At nie ) / CO ant, Weuld like tenant to care ter J Estate Ltd., 728-6286, [Mage deposil sacrificed to new tenani.;near General Motors north plant, Abe CLOSE TO. KING ST elepnone 2 ephor or 619 ' allable afier June 96, Tele iChildren weleame, immediate possession. |slalners only, Telephone 725-7945 : CLAPBOARD three-bedroom bungalow WI TH Cc RF AM f é i v; ONE AND TWO bedroom apariments, (Enquire @38 Oxtord aparimen! 407, | | WHITBY o» Central ication, Accomm: x @ We will not sell this " main east west artery with garage ond Pee | i. GE DROOM anariment modern tive ome furnished, 1,000 sq. ff, for light in| se pgivTiINe ROOM" furnished with kit-i@ation for yeung gentleman te share. but we will build sod NEAR CIVIC AUDITORIUM Well land) ver irive on large 40 ¥ 186 fag siove and retrigera LANDL fusiry of storage, Also housekeeping chen, Phane 7281742, Call afler 4 p.m. |Parking, TV, lunches packed, Te ° scaned tt bedroom bungale Rec phone Dolores Ross 728-1944 © . - " "| dulls eleph a. Ory Apply Landlord's Association, §§ 9 home according te r speci! ser wilt ri At ene ' Wioee Lead 128-5103 W. Q, Martin, Rea f ASY | b RMS | . Telepnend: £4 55 Bruce St 28.1070 bruce sires! OSE ASIST # | WHITBY o Three » roam seltcantained al wana cations ond we will ¢ geied with extra ' only 921,90 a) ATTENTION DUTCHMEN! 1 ' | L apariment_ in building, frig, and atove| FOR GENTLEMAN, home cooked meals, . sha Reait oe BRIGHT, CLEAN ee m fure FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT for rent, Pri TWO ROOM unfurnished apartment Whole Telephone 648-4270. quiet, clean home, parking, 43 Garrard convenient mortgage lo 36 Naas ; a es t ame you have beet wailing AH anariment ale only, All eonvenien ale ball all al Apartment 9 68 Wayr vate entrance, ground fleer, Apply} Road (by K-Mart) 729-2706, tated in @ good re ytie Jig NTY L District ust be sold ® f y bung y 4 1 5 Oshawa Sou FOUR ROOM spariment to share wilh ; : am turntsned home |vel Ch choot large nicely. I 2 Bees penarete. Bay bi re Igentieman, Telephone' 7236508 SINGLE ROOMS and board, Apply a trict surrounded plus thre veitages: with 'con. iscaped. lot, lavely kitchen with Bill Millar aie, fridge cuph 2 /SUBLET large onebadroom Apartment (THREEROOM apariment, unturnished,| Division Street buildings Call for furth one its ' pak big ht : yy Mattal stove and even. Don't delay 194 ' fi modern building, Apply 430 Gibb Street, private ain Telephone 729-8900 after § wea alk one aniteneer bulteicy ONE-ROOM hurnlanea "avai 4 you. may Ww HE - \. ) 23-1186 TWO-BEDROOM = apartment | nj) Apt, | Mm, faalae | . ticulars ans ani Welle Cie feet at Schofield-Aker Limit . {couple available July lat, Apply 378 Wing: |44@ Simcoe Street Sout KING STREET WEST = Close to Shop ONE FURNISHED room, would sult @ | FURNISHED, Srietionle" semi-private, - ' na Cent three m aparimer gentler Telepn } 4 eR eT SSMS Reet ATTRACTIVE NORTH WEST; 2 slorey by 10 i ' # Threeroom apartment, trig) genilenman, Telephone FAROE, at Toom In privale homme, |centeal, dry, wellsheated: television, an good condilion and very cent riced | TOWNLING = Souin, ft verre i 26----Apartments fer Rent Mm SONG: BABY Werearye Feu at wit one gentleman, Centrally located, Ap-|fenna, modern refrigerator, stove, One or ts anliy lave how eal $14,500, Sibby's Real Eatete sungalaw, full basemen ' Pp ? » en anytime ep TWO-BEDROOM apartment in simplex, on! ly 186 Elgin Street Bast two aduils, Abstainers, Call 722.3078 f e 47500 D 4ow Perry ] 5 Aontrave Avenue, Retrigerater, stove and e 7WO" ROOM i a uy " east e are ' SEMI -ielachod corr gee mremrarerer | PE Re . Estate td MALLY. LOCATED [BACHELOR twore i ee er, For more information apply 40) t¢ 2 AND 2 @ ' bela} Sparirnenis {% aie Seirreeetariments. | With Kiteriene dition , " wit? " bi Ae BEFORE You mak , <isian two persons, $80 m Sinve »i King Street Bast trigerator and stove, intercam controle: \ a va bal M Ready tor in ake : / a wor service, swimming! able July let, Apply 142 Bigin Stree goed dinir : t;!apection, Ne agents ocated wes) of see t brick bunga n 5 | ie m apart + bate Our-pieee A Le * THREE OOM furnished apartment, | peal playground, @22 Glen chin 2 ? ; hai eritre, 229 and 93) Cabal Street, Mead area,. close J | 2 | arge L ots ' = Oshawa's ang vere i - gentlemen preterred, single & Avail Wreet or call 723 ne bd Ayn raat Avarirneny ye anenortatio ' owas |WHITAY = Tiree Foe SaerA ARATT: [able New. Telephone Jaa? ater. five TWO BEDROOM furnished" wo Tear" or ier si ' t fit r par ws ¥ ' ¥ ane ! TV antenn e Thies ort Mader apart - ¥ ahi : ALIA A ' FOR JULY ANB AUGUST only, fueniahe| ariment, Livingroom, scininergom, broad: |wHithy Large, ane-badraam apart andy . nt ba PRD ae Simcoe North AM Te, ar | oat. on Firat Teor, Phone 725-304 ment, refrigerator, stove, washer, Avalir SELF CONTAINED. / : 'a e St tale eahabh i hs Base NT APARTMENT in new bung able July |, Call 668-204 evenings. ' P : 1: pper duplex " r tow, Clean and dry. 3 reams, Prival®ipaam AND Boa i! i . veur UID slg oF id Weeki tles b »THREE-ROOM, Unturniahed" apartment.|matnionm. Suitable tor couple ar. iwalnace ge A Rg WF Including 5. Yo cn Th CE GUIDE Orhawa with sinks cupboards and heavy duly Wit:lgentiomen, Clase te Houdaille ar SOU i packed. § day week' Telephone nein niadiy arranged hy ¥ \ A . . ty P } " NO PAMAGE DEPOSIT fo pay, when in. Also stave and refrigerator sum /piant. Phane 798-7090 Phone 460-8313 7 », Nv j hene 728 79 Realty Lid rent at Sheldian Mans BAS Ov. (plied, Call P2R02N9 between So pm, > & -_ ROOM, BOARD, geniiemen te share. * ion " 0 Reail 79 9 eel, near aputh General Motors. P.M FOUR-ROOM apartment, nn childreniceniral, Lunches packed, Apply 4 ear ad slat " ' 3.528) . , acenpted, private entrance, Avaliable Julyicainarne Bas! h ae oA Y 7 th f TWO \Oacre five minutes fram elt 4 . ae t eat " ' a. arte vale TWO- BEDROOM banetent., haneeewne! | Call 723-4000 after § pm FULLY PORNIENED Wy ' teac ¢ mils, terme Ca ear mmeriat fupancy rive, triplex. tneludes baleen aver - in good clean PIONEER STONE woute S matin y : ' - ; = ap iAR er ) SPM. OF 7296285) parking. heal ng launary feellities tive i] OOM anariment in Oshawa, COM! Privale entrance, Close A bus at $0 Ar kh Sona 5 skh ealaw ans te LAKESHORE LOT for sae « 18 5 } ae i te. Available July \. lirally ineated, Available June tf. One) \ingian Avenu 723-000) ue) ADTNK a e alla uly ele ate ue, 72 | de mala? ate ae vy MAS . ares Pe an Pine Lake, Halinurton, Myer. gan ' 794.40" jenild wale Telephone ¢6n-aler Pp re ' + Pe a BEDROOM modern anariment. Phone 7246 evenings easession now ' ' ; ' - * Ne 7 baa ely ker eneiat ' tr , " 1m b n neviiiaiiaa wi : 41900. For ¢ palit RORCAVOEON AREA -- nicely wonind TERRACE No damage deposit sound BLOM, ONE» ARPROOM anariment in ener | GENTLEMAN lo share filly Himniahed| Gaon HOME lor heal young laa? TRIPLEX pearly new, maern WIN) Waiter Minnie art) bbb mead bid hoe 5 Available July $110, Apply (Park ment puilding at 28? King Street Eaat,;Nouse Wilh three qther young men, Pret | day week Central, Good meals, Laundry iniivywoad kitehen. elect nea "| Martin Realte aa OF eee a on '1 2 and 3 Bedroam Plaga Apariments, 190 Park Road Sou'h.'\ sundry ream, frig. and steve, TV. aut as Ome), OED Lenee north at! ldane, PRRas? Andscaped in a aasived northeast enanle, Call 233772 ' dl eh Phone 7R1-01T or PTH far ap: SNORRING € |ROOM } arod hone a rt lan rent Fa ; AD vents . AND BOARD, ntie * no 00194 ate 1] me Bown ,nalence. on rer WF LOT WITH town water apartment QASEMENT aparirnan ecirie heal, pointment, Available July | FURNISHED or Unturnished, Threnroam mar Ane GANG, gentlemen Sailh GAa lamanee nod Hel rainhe es. Went] tt cree Cement. aor ' 7 tes. Stove Young clean couple \ FOAMS GLADSTONE Apartments, three roama,/Apartment, stove, refrigerator, Apply Slag" Very central, Apply 28 King West 0.000 FULL PRICE, for § NPM Batate, 290-2400 How To GET it) It : . ' ienas Stavsine Private balhras ArKING narh, stove and frig. Central te dawn: | Sine St E.. Oshawa Jacrass from Speedy Muller King [DANES TE BOF RUR, OF TRIE Ie ON eee iw lem yeu Want iy mw [Spees, Sno 807 ; ' * town and shopping entre, Adults only.) we APARTMENTS. Immadiate DoMer NICE DOURLE roam, hreaklaat and Laat Arihue Welnbavacl Meniiberec Greek, eke nateea, AIST Een Waniee' aa and { > per ny BACHELOR "APARTMENT e Telephone 728-4906 sion! Privat eivieally @QUIP'| Kumches It Wesited,. Two clean, quiet gem Sivagesk!, Rea rw nw j ~~ Bpariment buliding * ' THREE-REOROOM Apariment, private Ped. Sul or two DUS! liemen, Parking. Clase to South General " PERFECTLY LEVEL b 723 842? East. Laundry N entrance. completely selhcontained, Avail: |e ladies, F ring 'walle PRONM@ Motors and Shenping Centre, a) Park POUR-BEDROOM pill ievel iirepi , ' Phone Fea} or 1 t IN able July |. Telephane 725-0084 ey Hime naa) : once | ROAM South Y , ' er sbalbiy Nene t FURNISHED basement sew private, | (en! wt AJAM o- Twobedroam apartments near! r ' e MA 2 ¥ NN FOU Oo rt ' ne fh my ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman will agne parang " R ee ' . a 4 weil haa tele "an 2? WESTMOUNT, ' sth beh ws oA Page lig hy bh Poth acheals and shapping, July |. Telephone va th share, single Can M4 packed en : Rea " a . miraie Srna, manera: reirigarater, slave: Gngiod anariment. are . Telephone F2R9274 ar 48a Dunkirk Ave, Meet Pday week, Apply 937 Nassau Street : , Wanee. $20 inchides OUR-ROOM Seicw. with RING STREGT Gasy ONE. AND TWO. BEDROOM apa OWNER says ve @ and down "te \ ed sy " ONE APARTMENT wilh one bedroom al [NEWLY DECORATED 3 = roam apart RogM AND BOARD lar young ladys ale basement . i; ape ' ' A110 rrante And. one twerhedraom (ents sett contained, private, eenlraligie ranmy laundry done, centrally iecats ; alt Bon Siradeski, Real wily Gecorated } TWO- ROOM APARTMENT ' ' vnarimen: ) monthly, New buliding | j474 per manth, Telephone 723,191 ed. Sevencay week, PRAMS)? VLASRIVE ACRES p ve 23----Real Estate Wanted ' i gt gee A a ag schone - sin} Lelephone 72h i660, __|THREEROOM apariment with frig and) ROOM AND BOARD fr gentleman, Clase 48, Courticn Road -Nort ferred, 1610 Simone N ' Siveet Ea "| HOWNTOWN clean ane hedraam apary /steve Private bath and entrance, Tele: li, North General Motors. Telephone /2s : H 7 . WUE RERRAER ert. $90 monthly, Telephane ?astage (Phone 723-284? | 2008 TRIPLEX ' e be BACHELOR apart " erat . . THREE nturnished roam. apartment, COVELY ane bediaam.e unhirniahed | LADY ROOMER, Aaard entional. Clean . sivinavat € b Pets de ."1 : ' , , mind ¢ private bath. Avaliable naw.(apartments in quplex, heated, Private! orivaie home. Gal P2a-4al? YOu art e nae. Bast ea. te paral ait dell-ective . ' anh 1 \ 4 Shed" Fear partments, kiten. PAathraAmM and entrance Contra Apacions ® with . : ' . ' . . . 7 an, belrenm, neue yn. Avaliable July /@rounm', parking, TY gutiet, See to ap] is -- . P THREE . BEDROOM fern t ale ' " ag \ Ne wuty preciate, Te jennane PRAAIOG 29- Wanted Te Rent ' " . a ior twat we nROOM ' f pal, an 19¢ t : Lib ma f vil peice " TWO.BEDROON veal : i ne SUX UNFURNISHED Faoma en maln Hoar PMRNIGHED. around level Ieee roam | ; TWO OR THREE-BEDROOM house re Ewe Sell Your t lome : ' stove, drapes et hala ; duplex, 495 menthiy, One er two chi DaReMent apartment, Private entrancelquired in Oshawa: Alax or WhitDY By Non . C " ' 2 OV be i ' en weiceme. Avaliable July |. Tele. (ahd bath, Avaiianle July |, Telennone) miagieaged couple with achoohage ehild $ . ' ob ONE AND b » se Tab add iReferences supplied. Write Box Maes? 3 natiov A ark Read to ql " Timea pour. GON Sparimen! far rent Oshawa whitey Large, one Redraam apart ; see THREE.ROOM apart ate bal? me ef wth stove, washer ale n ot Avaliable July) Phone ne| THREE-BEDROOM modern house with THRes. aaDROOM Duingalow, "ox ar ,? aire ' SPANIAW' MOTIF apartment: locaiion een an Ipasement, tor family at four, References 4 a entrance varag driveway ' luly |. Call @68 2004 evenings ale) . : be Bae a viralied entrances, FM, elect VT LS Vinal, Wi | tupplied, Telepnane 723.414) SRIFF IN Stepnens ener 4.9 eat naction a8 BEDROOM apariiment, living CHUREH" STREET, ner ha aiceat, Gan. Sakon te C FURNISHED nant ie lpia eat . \. kitehen, Rath. yaturalgnea, Privgig (RWNGE DRSramM. gentleman, abatalner belek BEDRGON hanne" reaulred W nt i py, 7 s! } Real Estate Lt : on * Aa ' b eaket Sivenh aher') 0 on preferred. Apply abave address Young business emule. Qne 18 ' . : s ear old child. References. 424475 THREE. ROOM heelen a pata TWO BERROOM ap ba LARGE FURNISHED bedraom in a clean EMPLOYERS ano empcovers * mover © and frites, separate entrance. $20 Newly decorate : here foe one two pentia: ALICE are heined trough Want Ags! /YOUNG LADY requires an apartnan 3.38 | 44 ath Part af Avera, Telemhane after i paasessian. Analy tha . men, € te aerth General Asters Toa @ @ get @ int, prone 723-4499 te: preferanty furnianed, in Whitby, dy July bepaate aDar tine co. € a | 723 Prone PLAIN, \ os! y 7 ay tom ID or aye. ne 228-7283. aay. 1, Please telepnene MIA? after 4.18

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