Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jun 1966, p. 17

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(7 COAW A Time, Tuetey, hme TI, 1966 T7 "Summertime Items Sell Quickly ... at Low Cost... Use Want Ads Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday=8 to 12. aes DIRECTORY |" Ras _NOW ! 5/ [Building Trodes [Rug-Upholstery Service | ASPHALT me! DRIVEWAYS pmalgtar on styled. Free estimate, See cur materia for (ecuver Sie covers pra wearing, Parking \nts, gas station, ete Order now ond wave HO ing. oder §=6Onion We will grade, one and | Mrest, 172-7712. | REUPHOLSTERY by experts, Esinolion . pave, Complete job for only 20c per oa. ft, Five years years. Workmanship quarantess. Free\ actinates, Credit tars, shativesses ra) lovilt, furniture retinignad. Oshawa Up-\ written guaranties 12 Years of Experience availanie As rates 2 and Livestock a, er gp oO erro maanires, 'Hin Pony, Aahoarn a SABLE OLB caddie mare lern Complete, 9776 WAS Lees [PETS -- One purehred Siermese cat, % lore Palaming cocker opanie, Vb part Siamese Wittens, Free. VIS) or TR oe sparse ene ony WH) re peor Ty far hatte bows' tom RELIABLE FIPAO ROE YORE excelent (Marences Ine tang lene 4 Ganehe heeslaed We San fi att eR, Phone 7 17--Female "has Weald OFFICE HELP Married women for clerical position Experienced im handling cad, working knowledge of machines and bookka desirable, Me phone calle USUAL STORE HOURS Apply in person atiernoons only | te & pm, MRS, BOWMAN CHERNEY BROS, LIMITED By RJ, SCOTT breakin "hurry . ern SAmnopent { YA4ERL Chey , mouth, Pontiac wheel alignment, inspect and correct castor and camber, align toein. and tari to correct condition 448 @ Parts, extra if required @ Torsion bar adjustment extra. aa BRAKE SPECIAL popular cars), First Quality Reyaline A-wheels 14 88 a ALIGMPAEMNT SPECIAL Dodge Vaiihomt Ford, Ply om oe We correct 10 VA. DIA BT WER OF Doyet rue PRY AER GG PGC VESSELS i? BALE V4RCKRES, 184 Lowy FLAOGRI OE 'puppies Telephone TH-40 6 FORTAIL 8 prolamin "your barn? Seray with Lorn Wh 06 resiaue carry ore, For custom Pereution app ation |<at Kan Pawel, be W774 [NEW TEALAND white ratte. bisa wire Lasasid Labrador three-year: ion loner' Telephone one thu atiar 4 om fe tdty 4 Fs yg SALE, part Corg | phone tthe BEAGLE pe 'we yene oe "Pars Ps and tar, Puremred. Phone 7786s. REGISTERED LABRADOR § frtriey WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL wes, 14 weeks an, yelow and wha Including weights per wheel (Telephone /-7/% dening and Supplies "BUCS" KING BUG KILLERS Ann Rose Prst Garden Ovuat wate to 16 Charles (mont Vole fay hed Telephone YENI, , it"es PRICHARD BLACK, OB, Vik Birncen | Diarinon D.0.7, Sprey | ree North, Suite 4, Ochaws. Teephene' Pamogreen Drsst 'Painting "ond Decorating Fruit Sproye Garheness WAVE TOUR PTI done ven, we evierior, wi work €. tuhon, Ch MiNi, BEADLE "es. ise raph Semi 4% each 1.95 (REGISTERED GERMAN shepherd SHIOCKS, MUFFLERS, Oy, 14 wears od, A fom per, OM Worl hand oeees | tow hn H 10% FRONT-END WORK AY | Prone 17308 : Sf Ant and Grub Killer At WALA GHGLE | Consins Bey Terms low as | Reistering, 987 Dean Avenua, 17-0) Please Optometrist free coll us estimates $2 per week anytime tor and advice 723-038) Slug Bait Cygon 26 Fungicide Spray Weed Killers Tank Serayers Hand Sproyers Nust Gur wet Gun lf rea estin Liev4 Simpson, Ww BARON Painting and Decorating ane | Papering, Estimates tree. Phone 17-8276 | Plumbing ond Heoting ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING plie Velopnene (649, Harel dd Vidal '4 4 "Hanting and Engin-| FREWELD PL Ane THING 9H POON PROPULE OME | POtAcans 4o4w MER, 7 SS i NA te WESGUT By MEAG £0,000 OF A BAND ROUT LP. FOPLPEEAD | h gh ,: | BOWLS WERE O.06K5 Fon FP TI bMS 8,006 Tt heh wp AGO: aH a ee el COMPARABLE PRICES DOMINION TIRE STORE |OUR WESK-OLE pups for emia Par |pnone Mh 1M) Germ Shepherd ana pert hound. | 12--Articles Wanted wanvee Teles shane sen mouse trailer to th feet long 9 he dns G64 COpaitior Tele 89 King Street East " CLERK-TYPIST -- Experienced typist required for the Office of the Business GOOD USED FURNITURE, What have you? Valley Creek, '6 Bond Sireet West ing, 166 "'lmces Sales ond Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS all dryers, Hose and ' * rem south, } 17 PARK ROAD SOUT EPHOME 725-651) Tish WT, Weeds, heavy canvas, 9 « 16,/REPAIRG fe fishing rede and fr feanea porch, 6 # & with taps, 9 « 9 al ferman products sleeping aren. $64. Telephone 174-4457 ner, 103 Byron South, SACRIFICE -~ Piang accordion, 20 hase,\% "eur earners) weil equipped, orchestral model, Ideal tor' REFRIGERATORE, advanced student, 600, #2 Oshawa Bivd. new smasth top $ South after 6 pir oves, VIA95, crite, G10496) TV's, $2945; Spare savers, 54496; dressers, chrome 4 by pt pul AO cs inten rete is fis, sett, radios, Gunt, new and weed, Valley oan 'Welt 9 960; watieries, | ©feeh, 16 Bond Sirent Wasi, 77-44 0. 116-21\072, 1176 Welson Street U5ED POWER LAWN mowers, engines and bicycles wanted. Wi 7 OB i Oth, \up 19 $5, Phone Wh-225) or 798-7909 723.8186 sie, Orginal price $970. Wii WILL PAY $2.40 each for 26-ceni bills opt 9700 ar best offer, Minolta 6 m.m.| (eninplasters) site wanted aid Can\ makes MOTOR camers. Equipped with zoom lens\adian paper money, Phone 176-6628 after | make " mowers, rie drive, Automatic and man: five | and delivery ost 6150. Wilk accapl $100, of best #91142 Telepnene 1984666 Hor Soturany\MOAT TRAILER lor \é toot boal, elghl é fest hundred to ene thousand pound eapacity Ware, 204 Chestnut VINRUDE ® WP motor ° complete with wineh, signal, teil lights 668-2563 OF 668 WO. Used Iwo mantis one Hamplon 163-9075 maining harness ded. Phone 778-030 | 96 CABIN CRUISER, Y-8 inboara motor | god condition. Phone 778-9986 Pin Tee FOOT 1P fj Administrator, Shorthand @s- sential. Age 20 ta 30 Apply, in writing, stating age, qualilications and experience 14 Garden Se vrs Sprinklers Residential Commercial Industrial Repairs Alterations Additions Remodelling For all your Construction Needs j MACDONALD, A, LLB, LL IS and Saictor end Netary ase He, The Commercial Building, king West, Oshaws Hh? Cian parking available, TUATIA af 12%47'7 anaes V, Barristers, Selick fort, RL Sree East, Dial! Rasinence j " ore: Meco y Kelly, ; 4 themes H, Jermyn, BA, LLB) # 6, Solicitor | Ks lg og king Sires! nn Melnor RKIS Fertilizers Lawn Seed Peat Mors OPEM ALL DAY MONDAY SATURDAY DAILY DELIVERY COOPER-SMITH co 14 Celina Ct 123 1909 No, | Field Sod Under 200 sa. yde. 22¢ de livered. 200 6a. yes. and up 20 delivered. Sod \nid 35e a. yd, Free Estimotes BETHANY LANDSCAPING 423.7594 SMITH'S TREE FARM @ Cedars for Medoes Cedar posts poles Fencing and supplies For Farm or town Fancy Workmanship iCall Collect Newtonville 786 228 | |WORSERY" Goo, Wow" culling, Choice | 79 Simcoe St, N., Oshawa - quality Kentueky Rive, Prempi delivery! A airs, black |on any amount, Phone after 6, s6e-s9as Telephone 728-2921 BTM) TREE TO TRIE Call Bil, Or Vil ei) GUARANTEED REPAIRS J 4 Geijthem down, Free estimates 725-8118 only, sand ranges, Free estimates | 798-0610 78-1749 or 123-0011 | ARC and ACETVLENE watiding anil | iting, Reasonable rates, 509 Bloor Mast, | | Phone 725-928) | SEWING MACHINGS, repairs fo all makes, work guaranteed, For heme serv | jee phone 726-9286. Septic Service |SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt service on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chesinut Bireet West, Whitby, 668-2863 and | Sportsman's Cor Whitby (plack west TV.-Radio Repairs COLOR T.V guaranteed 6~---Marine Equipment 2 WEEKS VACATION ? Why not it the. whole summer? that costly lasting frorr BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR BOARD ef EDUCATION 555 Rossland Road West Oshawa WAN; = hens, ma ° mattresses All work Forget Black and Whit Telephone T.RILO. Television 728-5143 Well Drilling----Digging WELL DIGHING by ng in Wnch tile, W Sreat West, Whithy. to mokes ranges, 2 weeks and invest in fur A BOAT Evinrude & Crest OSHAWA YAL earl Rd, off Simeoe St. 5, {if nea 8 Tew Fxpert of washers etc @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE repairs your iner Dealer HTHAVEN LTD CALL ALLEN & 725-6126 QUALITY CARPENTRY & GENERAL REPAIRS For all your home improve ment problern call us first 725-8576 Then hove a with customers rie JAMES val c £ SONS Ps ALCAN TURE and APPLIANCES Simeone § Oshawa 723-0011 DOC'S SPEED & CUSTOM iced air TU, Wariister and rrarpor My Ie King W. ca 72 wTWoNY arenes CaskOwsKy, A) ie Barrister ane aghlaitor, of) Conire | Sree. Office hours: 9 # 6 om Rvening appointment pial tsa hae! | PAAW HUMPHREYS, ROYCHYN on WILE icitort, lt King Street Barristers, jo) "0 9 hae ise, , OC) BA, LAB, Office) Ud esidence nce: 128-46bds Why are) me ma; 55103, NHA ane ther fir mortgage funds aveilanie WithtT" WAY to order "Wi L) surer eats faction tar Yo Yon at you aan iwnys! eancall "oul" Lisinadall nee, CLERK-TYPIST REQUIRED Business experience preferred et not essential, repairs, outboards, a garden tractors Guaranteed FURN awe 452 Telephone work | Dunhartor 'aites call machine specializ electric start Yenr WATFANNY CONTINENTAL and COMNTONS I! posturepedic, 1139 TTT a all finest quality factory outlet posturpedic, ees factory elit! 13m Articles for Rent Repairs a 'mates, cxle Contre, "hs ond| RENTALS OF ALL KINDS Street East, 726-644 COTTAGE SPECIALS SANDING = MACHINES Oscillating sanders, dise sand fridges $40, table and sets Hacker dressers $10., eribe 610 ove ars, belt sanders, floor sand ers Fst 2---~Personal Apply D, REES SUPERIOR FINANCE 17 Simene $t. North Oshawa talk our Removal of superf! a hale Marie Murdulf » Oshawa, June 20th, 2 22nd. Phone these days ment ELECTROLYSIS 723-464] RAINBOW COLOR RE nbd pets, upholstery, (wall home or place of b males. Proven process 18-5587 speed equipment, chrome ace, fen der skirts, grille, dises, slike, | parts | 24 towing icensed | mechanic. Open 7 days 10, 1600 King 1, E 728-778) Red Sale on pre rig ns siectric start erfec! condition Laketiela Portable oe " sTOM WELDING @ Industrial @ Contracting @ Farm Equipment fost 24 hr, ser Call 728.4043 NEW PLASTERING and repairs sidewalks, ra-modeliing, reeroomes estimates A € Woods 198-9490 wane ar words Me, eneh Tie 7 no 0 rer cent additional ATO ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling! § ie oie witnin 14) © dove and used materials. Reasonable the Estimates tree, 778-\191, J, Foley fn ete iy | morass eneh word, PLASTERING, new and reprir work initial 6 oF abbreviation counts a6 |succe and cement walks, work guaran one wor phone number counte two/'hed, A6hbI8) werds | CARPENTRY - My Tht RAT Ht orice gy 'heertlon wih it at Roig if not paid wi iN MEMOR! AN the Mi, words ad a eater pie Vie, er, verse) 4 iaaivien nal ene within days, CARD OF THANKS fi a me, fre M8 wards and #40 rooting ir in Phe, additional eharge |! ob bi ale viinn a dave, © ieee 4 CUPBOARDS AND PICNIC TABLES, eying VENTE niny)) 01.78. far theleenerete footings, sidewalks, all carpen.| H words and be, even thereafter try and repair work, Call 195-9480 } | | st and ' tote) nt fee Complete $660 'Hh POWER cruiser design, twin Chrysiers, sineps son Mebhahon, 90 College Street PL ARERAPY™ ye motor weekends Mari Ld nee beds bib, sna f $9) appr Geno for nae | an steel hull, $19.) six, Will washers $16, 16 Bond Sire Wart, Kingston.| Bond Street Bast, Yaiiey Creek, 726 44 hoais, TY TOWERS Special @H, sirueture,| and |All channel antenna, 6, TRIO Televisior 778-4144 FISH EXPERTLY MOUNTED, able prices, Cash for used guns Sports, 589 Albert Street, 725-5798 MODERN kitchen cupboards, upper and lower, sink, adjustable shelves, new con dition, $175, 4" bed (complete and bench a) Arborite kitchen ' and 6 cha $35. Dpiece green sectional onestertieia "100 Call after 4 oF noor nour, 124-9794 hour it CLASSIFIED RATES ok tien af uM warns inner a wane oe) 5 ot 14 words, , orn 4 Grew Open Slorage ba Traveller evenings and supply! ce WORD saan a} a nari id PLUMBER'S TOOLS Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger PAINTER'S tepladders tension ladders, steel scaffolding, compres 601s, spray guns, wallpaper steamers, tarpaulins, blow forches, propane torches WELDING EQUIPMENT WAITRESSES REQUIRED ll om 7 am, APPLY IN PERSON to MR, CAMPBELL GENOSHA HOTEL _ HAIRDRESSER, excellent girl with own clientele to m heayty salon. Guaranteed wa mission, 7263046: BEAUTY COUNSELORS has "organ Acetylene welding outfits, [ional and sales openings, Vrestien 200 amp. electric welders periunily, Full or part time, 725-9449, | | 9442 BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT | Lo be ger: Q peated | WOMAN, eapable of takin emen Niners, intsning chen, onoking ete, Alsa his f trowels, wheel barrows, elec delivery, Apply Modern tric virator, aif compressor, Rend South jock hammers, hand trowels, |WANTED Refined middle-aged women at portable heat for light housekeeping duties, in quiet ers, steel scaffolding, electric Protestant heme. Roem and beard, plus reasonable income, For further informe@e hy generator, ramset, power roll Buy AND SEL t Good used furniture cord, Two 3 continental headboards) ers, electric hammers, mason YCLES And appliances. One Incation aniy, Pretty three knotty pine coffer. taples| ition eall 728:3694 [DISHWASHER and kitchen Mya "Ala vitur 5 haw / A buildir acks und a He, 444 Simene South, 729-3271 |inew), three phote cameras with flash) OY AW, wilding | ' mortar mixers, mortar boxes, | hort order cook, Day werk, Ne Southend Restaurant, & Bloor Street Bast, new qual-|allachments, Phone 728-5806 | WAITRESS lounge work, fully poll | us J complele| FISHING RODS and reels repaired, alli chain hoist, sows elec hye at ae fee Southend 'Tavern: 9 enser Coleman products, Sportsman's Corner plane, tarpaulins, 14 : ' sali i repinaatante | 103 Byron South, Whithy (Block west ef] hand saw, 4' joiner, sand $180 WEEKLY salary, guaranteed by cone UEATONINGS, 424) tour corners) blaster, power tamper, power j!ract. The waman we need is looking. + po f 7 DESPERATE Pe ge peat hele uae |fer @ permanent and dignified ea $94) \ cei) aquaria, all sizes, fully Bly | Telephone 655-3107 after § p.m Cc 4 STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. 233 King St, West, Oshawa fy he must be between 21-40, awn an aule |PETERBORO cedar skiffs 14 font used PHONE 723.3224 sucea ree or nit ef Sc ond Barter sel ee or words, Rent A. Piano StF HEINTZMAN & Company Ltd CABINETS with sink " vanity basin 699. tube bath tube jollets, pres yttems, flushomatics, septic tanks boats motors, trailers H Chinn, corner Hillside 123-7088 EQUIPMENT aluminum ex ladder jacks, sure pipe garden and fittings tre and Park 3~-Sportsman's Column WANTED $125 for sensor 4, Millpreok, Ont ors South 8..-Articles for Sale We have just bought « large ban for trout elub Muller, RR No Members write BD. WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni fure or anything yeu have. The City! Trading Post Store, 446 Simene Streel | South, 799-1671 TYPEWRITER standard 625; Portable 635 Adding machine $26; electric typewriter | $100; $20; cash regi $76 14As4 COMPLETE 4----Motoreycles | all of name brand All sizes, Fully guaranteed for a good price | 728-9432, (No dealers lea rupt stock tractor |ATCANTIC™ PAVING and concrete canta addi) l your driveway paved by experts, 72 cents thin 6 days, square foot, All work guaranteed. 125-026! YOUR LOCAL" chimney cleaner. Chim neys bulll, repaired, gas linings Installed; | foots repaired, Free estimates, 794-2907 ine = 4 not paid| ROOFING, hol tar and gravel, shingles | } | DUCATI @ BSA @ TRIUMPH | Accessories, Pirelli tires, | aeaggies, jackets, gloves, Buco |! helmets, Repairs and service | Atiersiey Tire © AB's Motorcycle SHOP na7 Ve 114 STVENSON RD, SOUTH TV TOWERS SPECIAL 728°7780 all-channe! 460, Oshawa TY Road Bast Fs charge of i schon 348 Ritson Instruction FINISH HIGH SCHOOL study prepares you ta Ontario provincial ex for reengnized certificate, Grades 6-13. All hooks and supplies low monthly payments, income tax cana ' deductable, Fer full informa hy lvy fg pe ppl al di 'min | tion write 1) Ontario Street, 726-5499 CANADIAN ACADEMY |ty."gadio Repairs 40 Main Street West Hamilton, Ontario IHIGH SCHOOL AT HOMI ECONOMY AND IN SPARE TIME DELUXE Surgeon | 119 Simeone Street North, For Priced to suit your budget | Appointment, 7285042 or Res, 728844) Low monthly payments in TERMS ARRANGE CAREFOOY, DR. JOHN M,, Denial! clude text books and instruc § enh 172 King Street ast, Osnawa.| tions, Prepares you to achieve OSHAWA TV surgenn For appointinent: 728-171 Ontario Diploma by means P of Provincial examination SUPPLY LIMITED TAUNTON RD, E Just East of Ritson 123-813] SeT of World "Welerence | Encyclopedia, set medical encyclopedia,| Lid also set World Natures Library, Phone Oshawa 94-1968 | | ONE RECONDITIONED 40-foot, inch and) A-foot tower! y quavier inwer structure with double antenna installed) 8.21.9 aerial, $90.95, Telephone 723813) supply Limited, Taunton js} east of Ritson Road MOVIE OUTFIT "Rall and Howell' cam) ra and light par projector, screen and and ie e) ervice rill, repairs, large and amall iobs. L. and Rooting 40097 TYPES BUILDING REPAIRG pavestroughing Gord May, Whithy ronto St and Construction MelUre pumps himneys fire:| masonry Home write aminations Surveyors HW, FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario | ann) Surveyors, |}? Elgin Street Bast Phone} 176-088) SUZUKI | MOTOR( modis on display NEW USED ONTARIO CYCLE 140 King W 728.1422 OPEN FVENINGS |ARIDG Tone motorcycles (Daylona Epeens champs), and Service| pens high eb $10 Unit envall and ve, King | Wilsor 2 Church Street [Rast maha [BUYING OR BELLING furniture or ap:| t 11949, 198 6G VESTA seooler, Bx tr alpliance All FURNITURE ty furniture, only $799, Ine jhedreem, living room, kitehen | bles Pay only 63 weekly Barons' Home (Ward Ads) | ROOFING, chimneys, three rooms, eYION SALES |work, Sidewalks, siahs, stoons AU |MeCann, RR 3, Oshawa, 685-308) PER INSERTION, 0.4 FER INCH PR | ROOFING, chimneys, all lypes of coment) DEADLINES All typen of rement t Frank miter trie jvaluet [Simcoe |BARY BARGAINS, troliers $7.08 $9.88, chrome Furniture, |work, Sidewalks, slabs, stoops, Frank! | MeCann RR 3, Oshawa 655-506) room, must Carriages . equipped matiresses ORD ADS Yorn Bay ramoue a Aue FOUN yen AY OF ' AND DEATH ; rH a oP ait ICATION in MORIAMS and ¢ Mt OF THANKS m, BAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 ealume 4 pm, day previnus urns or larger 10 a.m, day previous NE AND CANCELLATIONS Dressmaking 9 am. BAY OF PUBLICATION 'MODERN DRESSMAKING" Any advertisement oanesiled before PUM Street, Now OPEN! Ladies! eaten will be charged on day's Insert measure suits, dresses, skirts tomers' materials, expert Po Sonable prices, 728-431) BOX NUMBER RENTAL 9) DRESSMAKING -- Suiin While avery endeaver will he made alterations, slip covers, drapes, Fitting al forward replies tn box Pil th bi We specialty Mra. Toms, Whithy, asapir? | BRON AN PASS ¥ Set amily in respect of lost ar EXPERIENCED Dressmaking of ladies! damage alleged ta arise through either) wear girls wear and alterations, Also TUITION In_Latin, Preneh and Math by felnure ar delay in forwarding such re |Aridal wear, 729.1729 i, kA, S18 Byron Street Seuth . hawever caused whether hy neq! | ~ Telephone 468. \8hd ne ar otherwise, The Tires will on "| Gardening and Supplies in 0 days = diinating |. MAPLE LEAR LAN DSCAPING |i #4, ald anpliancen, furniture GARDEN SERVICE Money te tee WILL L@AN you up | aaentite fate of inte lyeur bills or for any Purpose providing you a ployed and have good | 23-463) Carpentry INISHING CARPENTER, coe cabinets, Vanities, bar eabin recreation roam and trimmings phone 723/199), Joe Karak, 725-4148 passion and sinaerily The above woman }will be trained for @ semi-protessiqnab cerliticale in otometry and wilt be awards ed the above salary after a short trains ing period. Our next class begins Julyedr Apply Reltone, the Colannade, 13) Blean Stree! West, Taronte, Monday to Friday from 2 pm 5 pm, EXPERIENCED short Rl q clerk, Urgently needed, thy person, Willing te work ecg Apply 205 Bond Street West or 1915-3779 RELIABLE LaDy age child and one daily, Monday to area. Call 798-1007 HOUSEKEEPER for eeyl famil Vv." Good home to ri party, Privatet |home, Telephone BA . EXPERIENCED GIRL for tolien" bak and variety store, § p.m, 1} pam, ant Apply a7 Simeone Stree south a ell 98-3939 18.-Male Help Wanted Maintenance Sales ~~ Toronto --« We desire solesmen between ** 26-45 years of age, married, own ear and can qualify, We |, Nationally knewn line 2, Protected territery 3, No collection or delivery Excellent training program High commission on re peat orders 4; A company with a future You will sell to industrial, in+ stitutions and business esta. blishments mobile and possess the qualities ef cerw 0.00 each, Oll apace healers, good shape un teATION Call Elmer, Hampton gevaeee | (0? each: Oll heated hot water tanks , bead like new 86.00 each, International sail { Mhone 725 |apenanerien,, goed ean Neon, Phone lathe boat, Best offer will be considered, Apply ane Bn |NEW, USED = vacuums, fie-|P.0, Box |, Peterborough, telephone J | NEARLY NEW Honda's, 80 C.C, and 5|pa sto all makes. New Phene|Simmends Buckhorn 657-0519 alter 4:00 1¢.¢ Excellent condition, fave only 7 Jack Lees, 778-6086 Tam. imiles an them, Telephone 7953426 FULLER BRUSH Products \a000 USED FURNITURE, frigs ane 1963 SCOOTER Vespa HSi ville, Neweastie, Orono, Courtice all Dur |stoves, ete, Reasonable, MaeNell's Fur Nipigan Sireel, Oshawa ham County residents, Telephone daytime! niture, 215 Dundas Bast, Whitby, sa-Safl 11965 JAWA 195 CO motorbike, black. Good ale CHEST FREEZER -- Large dryer, condition, Price $250, Telephone 795126) THREE ROOME of furniture, livingroam, | jtric slave, washing machine, tubs latter § am kil bedroom sets, 629 tie |drapes, Telephone 725-7044 | mont? 7 | A 4 WEDDING DRESS and jacket, 815) ye! |S----Trailers TYPEWRITERS, adders, cash registers,|\ow bridesmaid dress, $12, Large eri KAMPING desks chairs: file cabinets, erms,/and mattress, $10. Telephane 725-4000 ade, New used, rentals serview, Billl jeg BORD TRACTOR, with front londer| Unlimited van A WHOLE BARN FULL OF Aican F Mamilion, Raglan jand back hoe, Reasonable, Arooklin! SVARANTARDS used wringer washers, | 455-4546 Ie TELEVISION RADIO TENTS FOR SALE OR RENT me Soult 24 HOUR SERVICE Tourist Tents 9 x8 (inside oF polishers hoses Dentistry BIALEK, OR, &, P., Dental Dish Coffee Bridal White Chairs, Linens, es, Cutlery, Glasses, Urns, Punch Bowls, ee Wear, Men's Formals, and} Fox Furs, Mink Stoles SARGEANT'S RENTALS 436 Ritson Rd, §, 725-3338 CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, ehureh alsie runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Simeone Street North, Call 725-2014 ENTERTAINING? Filly to ene hundred Tables, order Bowman A Top condition time: phona, fo mind one schowle prevsehool ehild, May Friday, Northoweel. For FREE information---write, American School, Dept,. &, Box 784, Oshawa, Ontarie rH Princel made to ele, Cus services, Rea! in Name ey eee Age enats, dreanes, reniture TI CEDAR stove plant ing Iwo kilehen jana dishes } VACUUM Address attachments repairs, all gic, Plckeup, Vacuum Service, makes delivery Main hoses 942-0018 Street, \Janitor Service JANITOR SERVICE . basements hie | 7 Clean back yards : Also serap taken away, 795 kering REGULATIONS | The Gshawa Timea will not he resnans sipie| for errors in advertinements submitted | eiherwise than in writing nat far more! insertion af any advertisement) ae tora single) ecours as without WILL TAKE AWAY. discardabies ' a offer for metal! | } you Fleeiwood radio, screen Maving insertion in whieh error § hours The Oanawa Times reserves the right to! elaasity vertising according to its proper ifleation in the cases of display advertisements The Times will net be held responsible for more apace than that which the actual) error The publish a | te repraduce all advertising matier cor) reetiy, Bul assume fe tlability af adver tisement if any inaccuracies in any form are contained the: 11'S BASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Claasitied Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS teWomen's Calumen 2Personel S--Spertaman's Column +--Motoreycies Stale ine Equipment ae A and Barter S-Articien for Sale SeMarkel Raskel WeeFarmer'a Column \iePate and Livestoot \d-Articln Wanted VheArticinn for Rent \é~Rusiness Opportunities \S--Emplayment wanted \e~Agents Warten lhe Female Hela Wanted Wanled mpaie Hein For Sele 4 te $5,000 at *| back 5 to consolidate worthwhile sleadily em-| chair, te Singer Bill For Sodding Cedar Top Patios Plantings and Complete Land scoping Service 125-0611 June Seeding hedges 4 cylinder with Orne! and power & ! ypec ial condition POTTED ROSE BUSHES 25% OFF Al RUNDLE Garden Centre Lid 1018 King St FE 725.4581 @ Nursery Stock @ Power Equipment Sales and Service @Tore @ Lawnboy SEE THE EXPERTS Moneys available first and second mortgages Open mortgages. Noa bonus. First mortgages, second mortgages and agreements for sale pur. chased M, F. SWARTZ 24\4 King St. Fost Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 FIRST and SECOND MORTGAGES All Classes Rural, Vacaric | SUMMERL AND. | stC URITIES LIMITED ry N.-? 28.9848 FIRST AND SECOND 723.9020 apie, W. Sehatemapn Realtor, |i4 Arack { é~ Del Street Narth, WAithy 4684338. OF LANDSCAPING PRIVATE AND CORPORATE moniea lov Rio t. East a mortgages. Marigages and agree ments of sale purchased. raianian tenance. Rote Drynan, Murdoeh and Victor. (See Ra: Movenhing and! risters".) 4 ttl [FIRST AND SHEOND" mor) snare, Agreements PLFChAsEd and se and Hennick, Barristers, 3) Bast, Ph. WANT ADS }*4 Prmanects PR jot the wast sata fy for freezer, Fresh = roasting DUNDAS WHITRY ST. 4 plan; as condition, Sam and four-barrel hack today Parts and Acce TRAILER RENTALS SALES sOTies Motor autepati for appoint with N° 10--Farmers' Column | GOOD QUALITY HAY, In Colurndua area Westinghouse! for sale, standing in the field, Telephone Both in ex: | A890 NouseHOlT) FOUR ACRES of hay to be cul, baled jana taken away by paying for this ad chrome, with orev | Telephone 729.374) chrome, with era gallon hot Wael |} om=Pets and Livestock -- Both like new, Tele [REGISTERED German camper jpies, Black and tan rock Sh [shen al Pd Cortes | Telephone £99179) $7, BERNARD pups, registered, excel fent pets and waten dog, Alaa boarding Rrooklin ai5.4?a0 BEAUTIFUL baby budgies training, talking strain Broad, 114 Elgin Bast nest a one ather Aaa fi i 44,90 and people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban ru Nana Ane Fh 4st Birh [CONTINENTAL RED 4 pu. 4 Wit Alrlquets, parties, weddings, Bar, kitchen, 0011 [foam mattress, good conditions 940,! parking, 723-2140 mornings none 7 ? CHEST, finn lisher, trie| WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital herds, walkers tide trea) washing machines" velrignrator | TWIN BED, complete, $95, Excellent Cor lreducing machines, sick room supplies utsie am Brella" Tourist 7 x 7 and mativess, homemade quills, (GARDEN TRACTOR with HOLMES Bustle Beck Tauris 9 x 12 chairss ne diningroom tanie| Telephone 723-16 : 14.-Business Opportuniti Hacienda' Hi Wall 9 x 15 Cail 1900076 CHESTERFIELD BARGAIN clenrance of tlpor models, 9 pe, suites with team , aK f ELECTRONICS edt brushes cushions from $198, Modern 4 seater sets NEED $3 ». to $45 | Fleming from $)58. 3 pe, sectionala from $188 ? | { , iP Wilson's Furniture, 20 Chureh Street PER WEEK ¢ ' with flaps (ean he used PART TIME. BUSINESS FOR PROMPT SERVICE tent also) also 9x 9 A Py | INES flans }Candition, Aste 4 hed, complete, Orapes|big savings on furniture, appliances th hest way te. start CAL aria rp ne l\44 Felaphone Ray Ridges #39-3923|Clasing soon, Honest Cal's Limited, 424 R shed Ml Rose'! vilets tents up terits oa Ontario King Street Weat eing your own " Whitby 668. 5679 Fent Trailer Soles & Rentals |aeauripur combination TV,|30 GE DELUXE stove, GE refrigerator REQUIREMENTS Frank King 228-9942 iphone, AMF four months old.) complete steel bed, rangette, five * 792.07 Like new, Bin New price §550,| piece wood kilchen set, with imoprite top Tom Kirk 28-9760 I8a spare per week Townline Rd, North § WAUNG RG, arth TY, IN GOOD CONDITION, walnut For-|COTTAGE Iyeniture, chestertield steady employment oO h of K 3 ne mile ner of King at mica table, extends to 72) wilh seven|lamps, end tables, lawn roller, ground ore chairs, Red maple bedroom suite, con] scope, single bed, mattress, rug Good credit standing < i ) - ARE BEST f . : sisting of 39° Iw beds or bunk beds,/ sewing machine, Excellent candilian rah arene ¥ ¢ er GOLDEN FALCON complete. with springs and mattresses,|Hamiltor Raglan 905-7140, Be prepared to invest $1, | WhY SETTLE FOR LESS! and chest, Nearl $366 990 for stock and equip | om arly few 16) GE WRINGER washer, $20, Call 725-9908 | |Mertgages T R 0 ORBIT [new SAW planer attached, elght:/between 4 pm, 7 am ment which can be finane | Ww" elreular | Call collect etNate . ¢ » |PRIGIDAIRE DRYER, ventions, ane|$40, Telephone 72 ecceptoble applicants per CORSAIR i, $150, ar Deal otter phone | ts \ ea ' l, MeNamara THE BUSINESS 5 RT AGE D k : '9----Market Basket Servicing beverage dispen . - ( Bond and Division TRAVEL TRAILERS |40" RANGE lawn mower. | h profit lo J | HOLCOMB 5143 Both in goad Telephone a |APPLES tnd grade, Metninsh, oan sera on our high profit loca . : | irolied almosphere, $1.50 per bus, Also tions, A silent salesman that M f c lal grade Mac's, Bring awn containers garra 'meney fer yeu every anu acturing 0, T Vv TOWERS aeeren sreneney: | Ye years. alt, 9100, | North Whithy. aay Your amall investment RU 21 132 , eb AND SALES a ORDERS SOUTE « rae Rust Proof Oe NOUR, WANN aiieenine Goo | Nickens, 4? cents per pound, Deliver] pays off in big dividends ROUTE SALESMAN C OLOURED + V, 1010 | wew raOMaEAIC i en 10 oF more. Telephone 728-490) as it will for you, if you meet In rapidly expanding company, or Black & While oo Sdciauy [NEW: AUNGBAM, sleciric lawn mawerlARALGS, second grade Meinieth eon'|' qur requirements § ir \ 100-faat ¢ 0. Telephan trolled atinoapher $1.90 per bus, Alaa ROX M2791 tive Must be over 25 ervice Me : 4000 B.T.U, good 4100, Tele: |Algoma Orehards Ltd, Thieksan Road) Write stating name and possess @ willing to het» 'K > of 668-583 @ Rae's Radio & T.V P22-99N9 ater | North Whitby ereund end tel, ne ter himself adie REBUILT VA a STATION, 7 Call 723-0441 franamisaion SERVICE STA y TOR. | ment , Telephone a2a4058 = TV SE RVICE Authotived service. De WASHING aaeuida ONE SALESMAN w= TF Interested ty male Ast wen, Coleman ' grocery store and attach ing 885 per day, and being paid sally, T ' at 72R-S2R6 inerm, | ng 'at * J gallant "eonaltion Alvo perience Nelms or will train BOX RUA" 40-22 Celema rimus 9 | articles Telepnane Equipme KITCHEN SUITE OSHAWA p, Chale ¢ ELECTRONICS Sery $2.50 FAST T.V. SERVICE DOMINION TELEVISION tahies, %4. hed, new deuble by | See Telephone 7290914 Ald Rentals, 108 Beatrice, 725-1644 Terrace Dining Shelters 9 x | PLAYER PIANO with rolls, in very good GOING OUT OF BUSINESS, Bargains Must have 3 te HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED acriticn $410 98798 | Telephone 725-3152 $00, Telephone 725-7510 [ENGINE from 1959 Dodas, ed $500 deposit for a | 08 LOANS ' SUBWAY TRAILER PARK | STOVE, Mottali Mineh, two years $4) Algoma Orchards Lid, Thieksan Road has proven to others that it Excellent salary, plus incense AIR-CONDITIONER, Electrohome {first grade Mac's, Bring own container aco; modern restaurant, >» ) a, B Duo DAY OR EVENING e es Age 1 dee ward reply immediately, Telephone sales 728.8184 2 am ed modern 2 bedroom Oshawa Times ingalow, with new 2> bung ' EXPERIENCED WAITER car garage, Located in |anply queen's Hotel, a? prime tourist area on busy twa Hwy. 35, 10 miles north cnlan SC Raverene Peer ne ployment, Must have goed character at | indsay Parking area references, Apply Manager, Hotel Lam tor 50 cars, Terms at oaster, 27 King Street Weat, Ganawa JANITOR Wanted for hotel, Steady nights, ranged or will accept Analy Box 39901 Oshawa Times, . 410,400 ANNUAL" SALARY" guaranteed small farm or house as by contract, The man we need ia ianle down payment, Private Owner S, Hussell, RR2 Camp jill time work, Simene Street MILLER uel Ajax . 942 TRAILER FOR RENT -- (i OPPs 4. PrApane slave. | part ally equipped, electric wr week, Prone na8K TRAILER WITCHES made and alse all types af welding done able, Portable equipment tor | shag SPRING CLEAN.| @. Planting @ Sodd 9 @ Ten Sel @ Seedi @ tverg ea @ Marion and Kentu grass @ Complete ing @ Fertilizers Pp 97 e City e Stead sl Shepherd pup # weeks olf, May be Avenue, Bay Ridges Wanted cabin trail) o nox, FOR SALE Ry! week end ens ft West, OQahawa eens ading ky Blue andacap One aluminum Appiy #8 sam e Call Only Adu atter vetatied, | RITCHEN SUITE, O24 reason | $20) pair lable lamps, ent, PRA /EI0. Call Mpadaes [GAS RANGE nM, Pranane ar canditio three years old. Aner S Am, call PAPA. COTTAGE SUPPLIES, used" Plumbing | NATIONAL WORSE jtixtures, off tank, apace heater and win |) weekly Radtagse ' dows, Telephone O44)2), 290 Mackenzie TO8* Shows, Aur Avenue, Alan [racing, breeding and homes COTTAGE ale 2--Farms. ter Late tar § t--Real Estate Wanted MewStores Offices and Slorege Ae--Hayaes far Rent Me Apartments to: ~Roema tar Rent Roam and Board Rent wene St chest $0. of drawers mortgages ava cottee table. ready = fw Apply Mia, T MHL patina $50 afer a permanent and dignified career He must be bewleen 2), own an aube moniie and be af a fivetigure ineame calibre, yet most possess fhe qualities of compassion and sincerity, The abave yman wil be trained for 2 seminrotes meat cutting andi sional certificate in atemetry and will be and ever "19 0) awarded the above salary afier @ shart mt of towers training paring. Our next class begins Call naw eniient OF write about) july 4 Apply Beltre, the Colonnade, home story 18h Doneaal ia: Biony Sires? West, Toranta, Mandey to Friday fram 2am » i om (Continued on Page 18), \6---Marine Equipment \eFOOT MOLDED piywond ronanout hal joa'a | HP inthnson moter, Telephone /28-0804 WAlelAntenna. Installation and two ie x Hennich |Pea.desa way ratio 'agen Buy! ding Street | ' Johnann moter, Explorer trailer, au CITY TV TOWER "aniennas. sine ye laaie. Telepnone Aaa pairs, All werk guaranteed Dean Www. Aven Felannane 724.0900 ea poke st haa O) "ys ® a? GARDEN and lawn main ' nm Hiting, landscaping, patios witivating Call aMs-a'ha TOP SOIL, sandy inam sand 1, exeavaling a Sand and Gravel 2a DRIVEWAY GRAVEL JOURNAL, features news Pony clubs, pola CHASNIG @AFE, eQUAtrY ® Canada, Send a4 tor 40) ite 1812, 1) Galdtineh Court, Wil an few on » Cameron, Ont DB GUY WIRES repinced? CAL) LEARN fessional profess' rehandising sses. Special r 1h" Grennell anal tek riveway gravel Mem Automoniie Repaty arading. Palen Wonrs w V9] inswes. Sy Merk oat and Paond % Ripper |inweiale | me WHITE POODLE puppies, Toys and Min atures. Regiah fram goad Ena) warantead traudle-free winter if vou purl reading, $90, and up Make lovely pets erase from Western Ol Ca, 724.1218 Pinan. ' TENT " " ' » We rrvetniws ata excel jron. Sees 4 Exrelient 'Y PREE) Furnace cleaned, adjusted yaroa ane ards and Ppnane sae h thousands OF Interest ry May. Take advantage a" aenes Dy telephoning 79S lneen rent m Weaat oO BUY "PROPERTY cheek "he estate marketpinge, Classified Ada, . ip * isin ty sales foe er LIVING @UARTERAY Reaal| Tal ode in Classified now wa JORNTIOW sulboara, BWP slacinie Phane Ptea8))

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