Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jun 1966, p. 16

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Specialist Prescribes For Hearing Problem Dear 40a Landers: Why 40) recommensing keep hear ig ids for everyone who has & problem? Wowd you mend glasses for every: sight problem? aid Eo about #6) i g 3 as giasses would bt be shout 96 per I tried a hearing} ago, It did abso: . | now m , y whenever in your column Lam nagged) tidren and > R : 5 B3 S <8 gus . of # it f =f. # _ € again. Please set the record straight, Unless, of course, you own @| hearing aid company, Thank you, D, Dear Ri, D.; I received hun- dreds of letters from irate read: ers who expressed the same) point of view and I do want to) set the record straight, You complainers are right, | am enthusiastic about hearing aids perhaps too enthusiastic--he- cause | have known several peo- le whose lives have heen ightened up considerably by a hearing aid, I tend to forget there are folks who cannot use them at all, From now on I'm =3 = those with hearing probleme Lat him tell them what to do Dear Ann Landers: | am 17-year-old kid who thought it would be smart to use @ phony LD, eard, I don't think that way! any more, | I bought a phony LD, eard for five bucks from a@ creepy) | should have known better than | for the near oF) | oe trouble, and the man whe owns the tavern. The cop said they to serve me liquor heequse the card looked like a clunker and I didn't look like | was of age I = rg mf sage and m 't speaking me di ae Please tell ali kids everywhere that it isn't worth it, y i Dear : You told them--| and well, traffie in phony, LD, cards has been « | problem to authorities who are) trying to keep teen-agers out of trouble, You can do society a big) favor by co-operating with the authorities and telling them ali | you can about the ereep who sold you the ecard, Kveryone will be hetter off if he (and other such erumbs) is put where he can't prey on kids like you, | Dear Ann Landers: At first thought | was imagining things | but now I'm sure my brother's wife is too darned interested in |my husband The girl is 28 and oozes sex appeal from every pore, She calls my husband 'Big Daddy" and he eats it up, Last night six of us went to dinner and she manoeuvred it so she could | FeCOM" | «it on my husband's lap, When! mending an ear specialist [0r\ we arrived at the restaurant he! | didn't want to get out of the car My husband has never been |e woman chaser byt it's awfully * flattering for a 4h-year-old man to be fussed over by # 24-year: old siren, How does a smart wife handle such a problem?---No Venus Dear No: You are in a posi MR, AND MR&, Take Honors At The Royal York Hotel, To| ronio, was the setting recent- ly for the Ontario Tops Tenth Annual Provincial Recognition Banquet of TOPS Clubs, Mrs, Pauline Shaw, leader of Oshawa's Losin' Lassies and laren captain was chairman for the evening, Grace was given by Myre, iMarilyn Nash also of Losin' Lassies and 1964 Ontario Pro- ivineial oe | Mre, Nash crowned the new Ontario een, Mrs, Carole \MacDonald who lost 82 pounds) from Toe Touching Tops of) Pembroke, Ontario, Oshawa's Vaden Weigh Tops jtook third piace in the display award, | /t) 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuasdey, June 21, 1966 'Oshawa 'TOPS' Clubs JOHN J, CROBBMAN o-Mary's Studio Candle-Making Albany Street Pair Honored Is Fast Becoming At Reception And Dance By ROBERTA ROKSCH Ever since colonial women poured hayherry wax over wicks, flickering candlelight has had an aesthetic and practical appeal to the ladies, And even after Thomas Edison went to all the trouble to invent the incan descent lamp, men have let looking character who hangs\tion to give Big Daddy a lot themselves be led to the table around the hamburger joint, I)more attention than your sexy|where they stah at their food won't go into detail but did get myself into a peck of|takes # page out of the siren's\ner companions really| sister « in » law. A smart wife|in semi-darkness while fair din glow in the trouble, But it didn't end there,| book, Fuss over him, Keep him! glow of candlelight, I also got the bartender into happy--and tired SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Telephone 725 « 4°4 for Women's Depariment Fashion show committee members of the Evening Chap- ter, Women's Hospital Auxiliary recently at McLaughlin all, Mrs. A, F, Richar , eneral convener of 'Flight Into jon" announced that Mrs, Roy Beckett will be the ticket convener and Mrs, R, J, Mur- phy will be in charge of stage design, Members of the com mittee attending were Mrs, R, ¥, Richardson, Mrs, Roy Beck Mrs, C, A, Hewett, Mre a, Murphy, Mrs, D, D, Cle mons, Mrs, D, G, Hart, Mra, J, H, Perry and Mra, D, E Gager, Among those pouring tea at the recently held er fund tea in St Andrew's United Chureh were the flower convener Mrs, E, Elliott, past presidents Mrs, Dy I, Macleod and Mrs, Lioyd Perg and Mrs, W, G, Watt and Mrs, 6, J, Phillips, Those serv- ing in the tea room were Mrs.| Denald Stroud, Mrs. W, D Birns, Mrs, J, C, Bentley, Mrs Ray Melnnis, Mrs, Thomas Greer, Miss Marie Shantz, Mrs, Ralph Schofield, Mrs, L, M, Mes Murtry, Mrs, Ross Mackie, Mra, f. H, Fayle, Mra, W. F. Man: wel, Mra, C. D, Russell, Assist ing in the kitchen were Mrs, a, H, Hunter, Mrs, K, Hart, Mrs, Laurie French, Mra, F, F. Cuthbertson, Mrs, Matthew Ley den, Mrs, A, B, Woods, Mra Walter Famme, The floral ar- rangements on the tea table were donated by Mra, Neil Felt Guests from out-of-town at- tending the anniversary cele. brations for Mr, and Mra, John J, Crossman were Mr, and Mrs, Leo Stremble, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Carter, and Mr, and Mrs, Walter Anonychuk all of Hamilton; Mr, and Mrs, John Hudson, Mr, and Mra, Joseph Cybruch, Mr, and Mrs, Max Homenuk, Mr, and Mrs, J, O'Donnell, Mr, and Mrs, John Yurkin, Mrs, John Wishart, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Sacks, Mr. and Mra, Leo Levine, Mrs, Jo geph Ryk and Mr, and Mra, Myron Regubko, all of Toronto; | FORTHCOMING of Scarborough; Mrs, Fred Gal livan, Ajax, and Mrs, Michael Craig, Atherly Prior to her marriage recent ly to Mr, Raymond Felix Mar tel, Miss Bonnie Gai MeDiar:| mid was honored at a neighbor:| hood miscellaneous shower held) at the home of Mrs, Kenneth! Mossey, College avenue, attend.| ed by about 50 neighbors and friends of the bride-elect, 'Dr, Donald Peter MeGibbon, Toronto, eon of the late Judge John A. MeGibbon, former Crown Attorney in Oshawa and later a judge in Lindsay, re ceived his Doctor's degree. in Psychiatry from the University of Toronto, lest Wednesday. His aunt, Miss Greta Ellis, Centre street, attended the graduation ceremonies, SOCIAL NOTICE MARRIAGE) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grant Oshawa, wish to announce the fortheoming marriage of their daughter, Linda Margaret, to Bruce David Johnston, aon of Mrs, David Johnston, Oshawa, and the late Mr, Johnston, The ceremony will take place on Saturday, July 40, 1048 at 12 o'clock noon.in Holy Cross Ro man Catholic Church SUMMER LUNCH fons to a spreading consistency Top ecrosseut slices of erisp western iceberg lettuce with think layer of mixture, Crest these summery luncheon salads with rows of marinated sliced cucumbers and beets, Surround: ed with California avocado cres cents aprinkled with lemon juice and seasoned salt and season ed pepper, SUNNY SUNDAE Toss lightly sugared slices of sunshine - bright fresh nectar: Mr, and Mrs, James McKellar, Mr, and Mra, Alex Danko, all ines with flaked coconut and serve over ice cream, St, Gregory's Council CWL Holds Communion Breakfast The members of Gregory The Great Counell of, the Catholic Women's League received corporate communion at the nine o'clock Mass re cently, following which a com> munion breakfast was held in the Piccadilly Ream at the Gen: osha Hotel. The Piccadilly Room was colorfully decorated! with bouquets of tulips, Mrs, William Clarke opened the meeting, The guest speak: er, the Reverend Frank Sulli va, of Toronto asked the blessing Mrs. J, P. Mangan introduced Father Sullivan, who has been a dife-long friend of hers, She expressed thanks to Father Sullivan for being able to speak td, the women, Father Sullivan gave an in- sptring talk on 'The Symbals Of Faith' and stressed that the I @ should absorb and read all. that was available about their religion, Father Sullivan cammen that wie ROngrege: ------ the Masa very The &t.| Miss Theresa Coyne thanked Father Sullivan on behalf of The Council and commented that the Counell would try to do aa he had asked in his sermon Miss Coyne presented Father Sullivan with a token ef appre-| ciation on behalf of the Council Miss Coyne introduced = the guests at the head table, they were the Reverend Frank Sulli: van, Mrs, William Clarke, pres ident; Mrs, Kelly De Gray, president of the southregional CWL; Mrs, A, Clove, second vice-president; Mrs, P. Man gan, past program convener) Miss Kate Connolly, correspond: ing secretary; and Miss Theresa Coyne, spiritual con vener Mrs, Clarke thanked Father Sullivan, Mrs, Mangan and Miss Connolly for their help, She read the correspondence and thanked everyone an the good turnout for the breakfast This is the last meeting af the season and husiness will re laume in Septemper, ime," Mix softened cream cheese,| milk and chopped enektail on.) Today that glow is most often made possible by machine made molding processes, But in recent years, many people have turned their kitchens or hese ments into candlemaking work shops for both pleasure and profil, My mail indicates a re newed interest in this old fashioned craft Here's a typleal letter: 'Beautifully decorated dies have, always intrigued writes a reader, "| would like fo learn how to make and Can: jsell them for Christmas "Rut | need some information to get my idea off the ground," MANY METHODS There ave several ways to begin this hobby and build a \fire under your idea As a start investigate adult schools or hobhy workshops in| your area to see if any offer instruction in this craft, You can also investigate correspond enee courses bul, as always, | check first. Contact students who have taken the course to make sure you select a good one In addition, one of your loeal librarians can lead you to ref. erence books on the subject and| help you locate magazines that! have articles on the eraft will be told where to get your supplies, Otherwise, check the! classified telephone directories for the names of companies that make candlemakers' or manu facturers' molds, wicks and! All-Round Cord The highlight of the annual mother and daughter banquet of the 10th Guide Company came when Guide Kay Mac Donald was presented with her All Round Cerd, Miss Mae Donald is the first guide in the iMth company to attain this award, The head table, tastefully decorated, was centered with a eake suitably inscribed for the eceasion, Head table guests in troduced by the Guide Captain, |Mra, Donald MeKachern, were as follows; Miss Mildred Mac: |Donald, Mrs, John MePhee, Mrs, Charles Langfield; Mra | William Thorne, Tawny Owl; iMrs, Patrick O'Conner, Brown /Owl; Mrs. Thomas Tipton, Ade laide District Commisaianer; Major and Mrs. Gordon Holmes, |Miss Esther Rellingham, Mra |Harold DP, Rowley, Whitby, launt of Miss MacDonald; Miss Mary Lee, @ great-aunt; Mra, Willlam G, Wilsen, Miss Mae {Donald's grandmother; Miss Kay MacDonald and her moth: er, Mra, Jack C, MacDonald, Mrs, Holmes made a apecia presentation te Miss Ma /Donald for being the first Sal- vation Army Guide to earn the award presented a gift on behalf of the guides and Mrs, MacDonald Placed the cord on her daugh ter's arm Mrs, Tipton presented badges to the girls earning them, Mrs O'Connor presented Mildred MacDonald with a gift as sho will be leaving the Guide Com: pany this fall, Qn behalf of the Parent Committee, Mra, Lang: field presented both Kay and Mildred MacDonald with gifts Mrs. Langfield presented a gift to Mrs, Donald McEachern, Lieutenant, who is resigning Mrs, Holmes thanked the committee for planning the eve ning and thanked the leaders for their. keen interest in young jpeople, Mra, Holmes based her Guide Christine Cooper | Profitable Hobby The complete wedding party.all the tables and of 2h years ago and many the head table was centered with a tiered Oshawa's Motor City Stream: liner Tops placed 9h out of 4 in the banner parade Mins Elizabeth Devenish with ja loss of 1% Hinds was! lerowned as Ontario's Tiny Tops |Princess Runner-up. Vlizabeth lrepresented the Motor City Streamliner Tops Club of Osh- awa, Mrs, Joan Leipsig of Osh awe's Losin' Lassies was lerowned as Ontario Stork Queen friends and relatives attended anniversary cake baked by the (the class for expectant moth the reception held recent) St, George's Ukrainian Catholic Parish Hall for Mr, and Mrs John J, Crossman to mark their 2th wedding anniversary Mrs, Crossman is the former Jean Muzik, daughter of Mre, Muzik; the Reverend John C, represented by Chapter Queen's Margaret Poirier, 62 pounds, of Mr, and graduating Kops (holding| Motor City Streamliners; Mrs, Anthony | desired weight for three months! joyvee Anderson of Losin' Las George Muzik, Oshawa, and the late Mr, Muzik. Mr, Crossman and decorated by Mrs, R, A, Kirk, heated at the head table with the bride and bridegroom were Mr, Crossmas and Mrs, George best Mrs Pereyma; the John Kalynko; man at bride's sister, Mrs, Jack Kiapow ers) with a loss of 4244 pounds, Mrs, Joyce Anderson also of Losin' Lassies placed 2nd in di vision 4, with a loss of #2 pounds Oshawa and district was well was horn in Montreal, the son Jamroz, the maid of honor; Mr, and then keeping it off) of Mr, Stephen Crossmas and the late Mrs came to Oshawa when he was about nine years of age Mr, and Mrs married in &t, George's Ukrain- have heen members of that church ever. aince Joseph Muzik, the bride's bro ago; Mrs, Joseph Muzik who was a bridesmaid; Mra Joseph Cybruch Jr,, master of ceremonies, Vollowing the dinner prepar:| Clara Powell of Whithy's Shrink: | costume parade, on the Friday, Chapter Queen's were Mary Crossmas and ther, who was an usher 25 years torruzey of Happy Gang Tops pounds from Whithy Whittlers, with a loss of 4744 pounds; y rs, red Mys, Margaret Poirier of Motor|International Convention Crossman were Gallivan, the flower girl; Mrs, city Streamiiners with a loss ofiheld at Royal York Hotel and ' another §2 pounds; Mrs, Shirley Sher-\at the Queen Elizabeth Building, jan Catholic Church by the Rev-| bridesmaid; and Mr. John Mur! met of the Fade-A Weighs with alToronte, Delegates' Day was erend J, Charney in 1041 and|zik, the bride's brother and!jogg of 454% pounds; Mrs, Joyce|held on the Thursday and Osh- Anderson of Losin' Lassies with) Mrs, Crossman received wear: ed by the women of the parish|ing Violets with a loss of 4814 ing an aqua silk dress with @\the couple was presented with| pounds; Mrs, Lamjki Rottine of| Mrs lace top, matching sccessor jes and a corsage of pink and white carnations Bouquets of red roses graced other equipment these firma directly Once you have mastered can diemaking and have your own candles to display, visli poten lial customers with your sam! ples In most cases, this customer list will include buyers for the art and- giftware department of retail stores; gift and novelty shops; antique shops; flower shops; hospital shops; hotels; restaurants; nightelubs; beauty salons that sell gifts; and in terior designers who have show: rooms. You can also take orders from friends and neighbors and home Usually the beat way to ad vertise your business is through If you are able to enroll in|Word-of-mouth and samples of| la course or a workshop you|your work which you contribute to lecal bazaars and fund-rais ing projects A good way to establish your price list is to see how much decorated candles cost in the stores where they are sold "10th Guide Company Awards For First Time KAY MacDONALD jtalk an 'Faith', telling a story jof a young shepherd lost in the , | Righlands of Seotland a bouquet of white chrysanthe- mums and red roses from a ne phew Timmy Nichols; a silver/Nonald of Bowmanville Bells|Kops Panel discussion and Sat: and white floral money tree with 25 silver dollars by John, nephews and niece of the bride Other gifts received were a set of hone china from the family, a purse of money and ailver- ware from friends Many cards and greetings jwere received including eon: jgratulations from the Honorable |Michael Starr and Mrs, Starr |who attended the celebrations; ja message from a sister, Mre Roy Moates and family, Holly wood, Florida; and flowers from Mr, and Mrs, Martin Bul kowski and family The evening was spent dane ing to Bill Blackwell's orches- tra with Mr, and Mrs, Cross | jeustomers who come to your) man leading off with the Anni: \versary Walts SOCIAL NOTICES. AT HOME Mr, and Mrs, Beverly Heard will be pleased to receive their relatives, friends and neighbors }at thelr home, 264 Gibb atreet, Oshawa, on Saturday, June 28, 1966, from 2.00 p.m, to 5.00 p.m on the occasion of thelr @ith wedding anniversary FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr, and Mra, Leon Davey, Oshawa, wish to announce the fortheaming marriage of their daughter, Sharon Leona, to Mr, Reginald F, Cooksey, son af Mr, and Mra, Perey Cooksey, Creemore, Ontario. The wed ding |s to take place on Satur: day, July 14, 1006 at 9,00 p.m, in St, Matthew's Anglican Church, Oshawa, HOUSEHOLD HINT Tuck unwrapped bars of toilet isgap in dresser drawers, linen closets, ete, Everything smells fresher, clea | Whitby Whittlers with a loss of| 58% pounds; and Mrs, Joan M with a loss of 4544 pounds Chapter Kops who graduated, | | Then contact, Martin and Jacqueline Muzik,|are: representing Osh awa's\Dr, Barbara A, McLaren M8, Fade-na-Weighs, Mrs, Merna Brown, Mrs, Jacqueline Mack ey, Mra, Brenda Chernick, Mra By ELEANOR ROSS { Everything's coming up shiny, glossy vinyl these days This goes for yard goods as well as for coats and dresses, not to mention handbags, shoes and visor hats, The favorite of the moment thought, isn't transparent viny! but patent vinyl, plastic-coated cotton, It comes in a variety of checks, stripes and dots as well as solids. And we've buy ing it up as fast as the stores can atock it We can remember a day nol so long ago when this was used mainly as a kitchen table cover: ing now! One line can be co-ordinated with matching cotton poplins or cotton sheers, and there |s a tremendous variety of these co: ordinates from which to select SLEEVES TRICKY The pattern book instructors and the sewing.machine experts have taken cognizance of what appears to be more of a solid success than a passing fad, They tell us to remember that pin marks ahow and that patent vinyl! ahould never be pressed, The pattern people tell us that | a raglan aleeve is easier to) manage than the aetin variety, | WORLD OF Beauty. AWAITS YOU HERE! Remove superfluous hair per manentiy from face, arms, legs "ELECTROLYSIS Kree imperial Deluxe, gentle fast by Electrolysis Mane Will be in Qshewe at the Genoshe Hotel June 20, 21, PHONE 723.4641 eo : ~ VISIT OUR L "FUN IN THE SHOPPING C DOWNTOWN STOR ZELLER'S FOR CAMPING OR FOR ALL YOUR SUN" NEEDS ENTRE AND E, SIMCOE STREET 'Glossy Vinyl Takes Over In Glamorous Clothes But how that haa changed) h f | | Members Convention Barbara Kernohan, Mrs. Mar- garet Sawyer, Mrs, Shirley Sher-| met, Ure, Bea Colvin, Mrs, Anne Leavens, Mrs, Jerry Spencer, Mrs, Galdys Robert and Mre, Diane Omelanchuk, Representing Inch Pinchers was Urs, Mariene Scribner with a 2% pound loss; representing Happy Gang TOPS were Mrs, Joan Vickers, 4% pounds; Mrs, Madge Parfitt 25 pounds; Motor Nad een cess Mee, ig 4 Magee, + Mre, Em- ily Keetch, i pounds and Mrs, Judy Reinkoesier, 44% pounds; Whithy's Shrinking Vio- lets, Mrs, Clara Powell, 48% pounds, Whithy Whittlers, Mrs, Mary Hewlett, 35 pounds; Mrs, Margaret Devolen, 1 4s and Mrs, Lorraine Willits, 92 pounds, Past Kops recognized were Mre, Lillian Linton of Stream: liners, 1444; and Mre, Marilyn Nash, 101% pounds lost and medallion winner, 1064, Recognition ribbons were pre- sented to the following; 40 Ib, ribbons (o Mrs, Mary Horruzey and Mre, Joan Vickers of the Happy Gang; Mrs; Judy Rein- koester of Motor City Stream: liners, Mrs, Clara Powell, Whit- by's Shrinking Violets; Mrs, d- na Moody, 42 pounds, and Mrs, lois Suddard, 41 pounds of Whitby Whittlers; and Mrs, Joan MacDonald of Bowman: ville Bells 60 Ih Ribbons went to Mra sies, 00 ib ribbons to Mrs, Lam- jki Mottine with a loss of 04 Preceding Ontario Night, Tops} was awa Vade-a-Weighs entered the Recognition Day was held and Pauline Shaw, leader of Tops Losin' Lassies represent: ed Oshawa on the Tops and urday was graduation day for United States and Canada with Ph.D., University. of Toronte, quet held recentiy, | 21st Oshawa Guides Honor Mothers At Annual Banquet House was the set-| The toast to he Linda Morrison; District Com | The Guide fing for the Tist Brownlie and missioner for Parkwood Distriet Guide mother and daughter ban- Urs. James Maclean, District Guider and Brown Owl, Mrs, | Guide Linda Morrison per- Kenneth Ridge, Brownie formed the duties of mistress of ther Bickle, Tawny Owl, | CRT OMOMIES, Hea- Mrs, Henry wickie, browme Jenner was proposed Guide Bickle, Brownie, Barbara Fitnt- fendy Dionne, The roast beet dinner was served i oy oe mothers of the Retarded "hildren's Association. Brownie Joan Weir extended a welcome to the mothers present The head table guests were in- troduced by Linda Morrison as follows: Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Bin- clair, Guide Leader, Mins Caro- line Foley; Brownie Janis Tay- lor; president of the Parent Commitee, Mrs. Jack Taylor: mistress of ceremonies, Guide Council of Women Pleads For Safety At Swimming Poo SAINT JOUN, NB. (CP)-- Provineial governments have! been reluctant to carry out any measures regarding safety regulations at publie swimming places, the Canadian Council of Women was told iMonday The council epened its 74rd) annual meeting Monday night with about 140 delegates pres- ent, The eouncil has branches in all provinces except New foundiand and Prince Kdward Island, Mrs, H. H, Steen of Vaneou- ver, national president of the council, was named a vice-pres- ident of the board of the Inter: national Counell of Women, the council was told, The interna: tlonal conference of the council was held May 14-26 in Tehran, Tran, The council was told that @ resolution calling for manda- tory use of approved life-jack- ets in small boats met with some success, ADOPT TAFE BELT The Manitoba council said a ; that province after study by the federal government and appro- val by the Red Cross, The council was told of action on two resolutions submitted to Parliament, A federal committee had been set up to study divorce laws in Canada and there now was verend off; ID. RR, Sinclair said grace. A George life belt had been edopied in} Brownie Assistant Mrs, Viintott; Brownte, Georgia Viintoff, Mr, Sinclair spoke on the wees tee girls' email donations have heen put to in the work of MH, Ike's Presbyterian Church. Mrs, Lloyd Pigden thanked Mr, Sinclair for coming, Mrs, Vdward Shreves paid a warm tribute to the leaders for their time and effort, Mrs, Mae- Lean gave a short talk on the history of Guide House and its contribution to Guiding in the Oshawa aren, Brownie Janis Taylor present: eded Mré, Maclean with the head table flowers, Mre, Jack Taylor introduced her new executive and thanked the various brownies and guides who (ook part in the program. Shie turned the evening over to ih Ridge and Miss Caroline le A number of tweenies were enrolled and three Brownies flew up to Guides, Miss Foley had a presentation of badges and two girls were honored by re- ceiving their All Round Corda, They were Miss Susan Simpkin and Miss Caroline Flewell, The evening ended with 'Taps', GRADUATE a good possibility the Canada Medal, approved in 1049 but never presented, might be awarded in 1967, | Resolutions passed during guest apeaker, followed by the graduation plenie } When it comes to the actual stitching, select a fine thread, The stich gauge should be lengthened, Tissue paper should be placed hetween the vinyl and the machine-stitehing plate, All seams should he top-atitehed so that they will lie flat, Zippers or toggles are recom: mended for fastenings, Those who are timid about tackling the material may buy an extra half yard or so for a trial run, Onee seamatresses are proficient, running up those up-te-theminute hats, coats totes, raincoats, akirts, topa and dresses should be a einch, Youngsters love to wear em t Monday's sessions included re questa that a citizenship form be provided in which the appli eant could. m his loyalty if his principles prevented him from «wearing an oath, that sections of the Bladen report on| university financing and stu dent ald be implemented and that the federal government nominate women for posts on the secretariate of the United! Nations, Other council! business Mon- day dealt with a resolution from last year urging all councils to ensure that features to assist the handicapped are inecorpor: ated in plane for new public buildings. NECTARING BOWL A bow! of fresh California nectarines makes a colorful summer table centrepiece, For dessert, just let everyone help himaelf to a.nectarine and an assortment of cheese and crack. Miss Diane Crowder, daughter of Mr, and Mra, D, V, Crowder, graduated last Wednesday from Peters borough Civie Hospital School of Nursing and plans to continue on ite staff, Miss Crowder is @ grade uate of Mclaughlin Collegl ate and Vocational Inwtl ute, Eas Lake Vista BEAUTY SALON Under New Management Joyce Marshall OPENING BPECIAL Shampoo end set 2.25, 1,78 Hair Cut 1,50 1,00 we ant SPECIALIZED on wien =PERMS --srvuina Now wow 7,00 6,00, 12.00 ,. 9.80 18.00. 12.00 18,00, 14,00 20.00 , 18.00 1198 Wesker Diive,, Oshawe 728-0422 ase 10.480 ers, eens TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SPECIAL "FREE EDGAR' (The Do-It-Yourself Store) 34 King St. West UART" OFFER DECOR CENTRE Oshawa PHONE 723-7351

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