WHITBY -- AJAX - Campaign Committee Disbanded By Board WHITBY -- With only BA MGover he top, WHET Nave every BENETTON wpyrT® Sa lier remaining 10 be collected tacontidence that this will he ae-\chards, As an interesting side reach its $900.900 huilding Hind complished within a shart time.iite, the rate af delinquency in objective, the Whithy General. The campaign started early im | pledges is very, very low, well Hospital 'Campaign Committeethe summer of 1006 and is the |pelow the rate generally exper- has been disbanded, The eoi-flitst major financial campaign jenced in such financial cam leation of the balance has heenin the history of the Town. of paigns,"' turned over the the finaneeWhithy, The special financial!) "An gudited financial state cammittee of the hoard of goy-campaign committee drew its ment has now been prepared and ernars, membership from all sections of) wilh outline the whole financial "We ave very vleased withthe town and they proved ta helstory of the campaign," contin: the response to our appeal foran active and enthusiastic group.iued Mr, Richards, "It will show Star funds to build a general Hospi- 'The people of the town andiamong other things, that in tal in Whitby," said Gordon Ri-the distriet agreed with us that including money that was do chards, campaign manager, 'wethere should he @ general hospt: nated prior to the financial cam still have a short way to gotal in the Town of Whithy and! paign, there has been more than ta put the financial campaignthey showed their feelings hy |8690,000 donated for our hospi tal, Ordinary thank-yous do not iseem to be adequate, hut we WHITBY DAY - BY " DAY fo thank every one, Lat's get the finishing touch put on," Whitby Ch No, 248 « itby Uhapter No, pve Whithy Chapter No. 748 Order| held last month, Donations were of the Mastern held ite made to the Rheumatism and j ti in the Maxonid Arthritis Seeiety and also to regular meeting in the Masonic! yo) gonolarship Fund Temple Catering was discussed for the As the summer fall season, and volunteers are VACALION per ind draws near, this was mainly required for supervising a business meeting to finish' A cup of tea and a social half past business and plans forjhour brought the meeting to a the fall All members are re Ways and Means gave a favor-\minded of the Lodge. birthday able report on the card party'party June 24 "Variety Fair' Is Successful Fifth Whithy Cubs and Scouts; Mrs, Edward Finan was the Mother's Auxiliary recently held) |\ueky winner af the doll and a most successful \ crib, Mra, James MeCarroll had Fair'. General Mrs.|(he winning ticket far the hamp William Allan expressed thanksler of groceries to conveners and their as The Mother's Auxiliary are ants also to the phoning com: grateful to Mrs. Allan for acting mittee for a job well done,' |as general convener Potluck Luncheon Held ClObe Variet conyener sist CORD WINNER fi, Mark's United Church,|at St, Mark's United Chureh, Women Unit No, # held its] be Mee William Filllaon | Janet Waddington, daughr last meeting of the present rea The next general meeting will| ter of Mr. and Mrs, Will: son Thursday in the form of * ihe held Sept, 6 at 8 p.m, Next) !am Waddington, Harmony pot luck luncheon at the home| meeting of Unit No Sept, 15) Rd, N., who was presented of Mra. A, A. Smith, 000 Bay lat 2.40 p.m | view Ave. with a good attend Further plans were discussed ance, for "Granny's Old Pashioned! with her All » Raund Card at the mother and daughter Wiliam Craven, Chm tham, is staying at the home of her son and daughter-indew, Mr, and Urs. Dougias Twamiey wha are in Charleston, Weet Virginia on a week's vacation id #. Andrew's Presbylerian Women's Association are halding a pot luck supper #1 6.40 om 'at the Church June @ Cheryl, daughter of Ur. and Mire, Alfred Reed i celebrating her seventh birthday June 14 stiending her a a party are: Debbie Marton, Nyle Carrigan, Anna Herget, Susan fonk, Tina Paterson and Cher y's sister Donne end brother David and Alian Mis, Mary Mitchell is attend ing as delegate the Women's Christian Temperance Provincial, Convention held ai Guelph Conference grounds from June % to 14 Patti-Ann, daughter of Mr, and i\Mre. Cyril Spence is celebret jing her fifth birthday dune 1 [Atlending her birthday party will be: Denise Harrison, Mary Kilen Davies, Mary lau Des chesne, Denise Varquharsen and Patti's sisters Dawn and Trudy Mrs, Williani Wilcox, Wallasey Cheshire, Vngland, has arrived for @ three-month visit with her son and daughter-in-law Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Wilcox, O12 Ray view Ave Mrs, Vrank Grosjean, Colbor is spending the week with her daughter and husband, Mr, and Mrs, Reginald Tweedly, 1025 Wardman Cres Sonya, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, M. D, Bpler will be one year old June , Atlending a dinner party will he grandpar- ents, Mr, and Mrs, A. B. North ey of North Brook Grades 6, 7 and 6 of Bin claiy publie schoal accompanied by Principal William Havens Bruce Ockenden, teacher, Mre Leeder, teacher, Mr. and Mre WHITBY PERSONALS Stanley Fice, Urs. U. Thomp on and Ure Wesiey toured Upper Canada Village on Wednesday, shiclaix Home and School heen ciation held an executive meet ing chaired by President Ure, Westly Bryant were made lor the fartheaming graduation supper lor Grade & sMudents to be held June 27 at the schon Rev. John Vorter of Westmin stor United Church wil! he auest speaker. Grade 7 mothers will he calering for the supper, Field day will be held June 14 gt the schoai Christine, daughter of Ur, and Mrs. leo Belfler will be cele brating her lth birthday June Union Mrs, Krnest Northam attended the Peterborough Civie Hospital Nursing School 7hith anniversary banquet held at Memorial Cen- tre All Baints Anglivan Church Sunday school is holding a pienic on Sunday ot Wells Spring Park tlarting at 2 p.m, An open air service will he held at 7 pm with Rey. Stanley Armstrong of ficialing '*h Goodbye" party was held in haner of Miss Debbie Book who with her family is leaving fav ltandon, Ont., to establish residence, the reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Nal Trottier, 148 Lapin Dr Arrangements were made hy school companions of ft, A, Hut chison school, During the even ing games were played and re freshments served by hosiesses Miss Sharon Hodgson, and Miss Cherie Lowe, A delicious decor can ole insevibed, We will miss you Debbie' was also sery ed and Debbie was presented with a gift Cathy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. ¥. Camphell, 615 Byron St, N., will be celebvating her . m V1 ™~) » 11:00 A.M.ne(at 8, A Speaker; Mr, Jim SUNDAY SERVICES Hutchisen Public School 4 blacks south of Blair Park Plaza) Leader Mrs, Smith opened the \T ea' of Oct.7 at the assembly meeting with a poem entitled! hall | Thank God I'm Alive', The| A short program af contests worship service was in charge of,and games replaced the regular Mrs. Harold Quantrill, assisted|program, Mra, Hdward Breen| by Mrs, Joseph Ashby, thelthanked Mra, Smith for invite} theme was "A Just Man"sling the ladies to meet in her Duty", home | Arrangements were made ta) assist at the Vacation Sehoal The meeting closed with bene: diction Former Pupils Honor Teacher At Pickering PICKERING More than 140, G. MelLean, chairman of} af her former pupils, friends the Publie | and neighbors attended a rec aption Thursday night for Mrs School Roard, pre: | sented Mrs, Hortop with a chaise! Thomas Hortop, Pickering, mar. ounge fram the hoard, In his king her retirement from the address he read a letier from teaching profession J, ©. MeClelland, sehoal inspee The reception was held in the tor for Ontarin No. 4, praising Lincoln Avenue Public School,|her as a teacher and wishing where. Mrs. Hovtop has been|her many years of happy re an the staff for the past 17 years.|tirement.. Last Saturday, the Mrs. Horton, the former Doris! school staff presented Mrs, Hor fee of Cireenwood, began her top with a painting teaching eareer al the Audle Mra, Hortop, in thanking the Publie felon! on the 4ih ean board, traced highlights af her eession, Pickering Township,| teaching career where she taught for four years Thase pouring tea were: Mrs Four more years were spent at|W. G, MeLean, Mra, R. T. Ba Rreoklin Puhlie School, follaw-jhle, wife of the principal; Mrs ed by a few years al home/ser, Mrs, Clifford Rarkey and when she had her family, Re: Mrs, Jack Bryant, assisted hy turning to teaching, she taught the school staff who served at Camilla, Ont. near Grange The reams, in which the re ville, for five years hefare com-\ ception was held, were suitably ing to Pickering Village to teach| decorated hy the Grade & atu at the Lineoln Avenue School.'dents Rebekah Lodge Holds Last Regular Meeting The last regular meeting of, A donation of $500 ta. the Renevolent Rebekah Lodge was Whithy Hospital Fund was sent hy members of Benevolent Re held in the 100 Hall Wednes ee mw nil day, with Vice Grand, § er Kathleen Brough re Sheila Gordon presidin " ported that) members - were ed by Sister Isabel Meier, present far the Memarial Serv PPDP, in the absence of Noble ice held at Unian ( emelery and (jpand, Sister Verna Atiwood. a wreath was placed in memary Memhers wer eased to af late Sisters and Brothers af weloame hack Si Meier who Renevolent Rebekah Lodge was ill duriv t ' arta \t the clase of the meeting the year, Members were sorry refreshments were served, The tq learn thal Sisier Viela Keeler next meeting will be held Sept af Oshawa Rehekah Ladge No. 7, at & pm §, had passed away Iden The meeting of the Paat While atiending the Sessions of Grands Unity Club will be held the Rebekah Assembly in To July @ at the cottage of Sister Denna Martin Panta, GOT A HEART? Here's the Picture for it! Be Sure to See it! happ banquet of the 20th Girl amily Bible Hour - li Annan of Leaside (11% purtnaay fume 4. A party: was held previously with the fal- lowing guests: Debbie Roxher 'ough, Shirley Marie Frase, Lee Bryan"! pond, Biliy Bond, Genes Calins, O09 Billy Reynolds, Brant Layene, Ure, Donne layeoe ond Ure (ladys Vraser. To dose is present season members of Faith Baptia«t AITANZEMEMS Cinnreh Women Missionary See Gardenview UOW jety proposed an evening of miniature got. Untortunately due ia inclement weather this coin nn take place, insterd thy were invited in the home of Ure, Glen Baker where mem VETS ENN EN m RHKIM) Yr. FH group will resume We petivities in September. Many Group Seek Space WHITRY Nine organiza tions, which seek accommoda tion in the Old County Court House, were interviewed this week. by the Whithy Centennial Committee, Three other organi vations have also applied far space The groups interviewed Wed nesday night were the Whithy) Jaycees, Whithy Chapter of the astern Star, Whithy Garden Club, House of Windsor Chap ter, LODE Whithy Cancer Society, Whithy V.ON., Ontar in County Association for Chil dren with Learning Disabilities St. Join Ambulance and the Whithy Theatre Guild Other organizations ave the Oshawa and County General Ra CLUB CALENDAR ' FUE COHUAWA TIES, Eeturdey, June 16, 1966. 5 MONDAY, June night Ist Whithy Scouts Whithy Baptist Chutch Vaplore Whitey Chapter Order of the Pentecostal Church Women's Missionary Couned Blair Park Vista Ratepayers As £00 aTIOR St, Joins Anglican Men's Club Si, Mark's UCW Unit We. § S. Mark's UCW Be. ¢ M Wee Vew wer Blair Park Viele Teen Chu TUVADAY, June FH Whithy Whittlers TOPS Club Ware faniasiog Violets TOPE Chub Whithy Duplicate Bridge Club Red Cross work room The Antique Club Women's (Christian Temper: ance Union Al-Anon Vamily Group Almonds UCW Evening Group WEDNESDAY, June 1% Northern Heights Ratepayers Association Whithy &. John Ambulance Women's Institute All Saints Anglican Church $rd ladies Auxiliary Caap £ res To Individual Requirements THURSDAY, June % Creat Union banking Whithy Baptist Church Cubs St. Mark's United Church ae Salvation Army Women's Home Group ¥YRIDAY, June Pentecostal Church Young Peo ple's Christ Am ' Church pight SATURDAY, June % Salvation Army Young Peaple's Pann SUNDAY, June Teagne * Siaeaaeaead Kaslern Gar Na, "8 Lomo tars ue, hayes Union's track and field team held commanding leads Friday in both the men's and women's competition mt the hall - way sage in an international agains Britein at While Slatinm. in the twaday Fi which winds up today, the sian men ied Wh points ta SO Ie ween aw ew ene FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 Brock Street Marth REY, DELOSS M, SCOTT, MINISTER SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 AM FAITH TIDINGS' RADIO BROADCAST 1356 on your dial INVITATION TO GUR BIBLE = CENTERED BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 AM, MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE "The Pastor Will Preach' 7.00 THE GOSPEL HOUR OF SERMON AND SONG Credit Union tanking GAR ADM WEDNESDAY EVE, B00 PM, . PRAYER, PRAISE AND BIBLE STUDY "There's Always A Welcome at Faith'! STAFFORD BROS, fio Service (ham radio opera tors), the Whithy 4.A, Group LTD, BAPTIST REFORM p the Whithy Raund Dancers Club MO? IUMENTS Hanes Must yf 4 fenue) E Tenders have heen called for 318 DUNDAS EAST yt pablo 403 Rossland Read West the painting of the outside of Mee, WE hammers, ATM Rev, Harold Hesselink the huilding, and the instalation 668-3552 st -- of an adequate heating sysiem 11:00 A.Mo-MORNING 10:30 AM hari casa cceeeeoeee WORSHIP ENGLISH SERVICE AND J 7:00 P.M. GOSPEL SUNDAY SCHOOL Whitby C aang SERVICE 2 0M ' DUTCH SERVICE P t t | ' 9:45 A. Mr-Blible School entecosta WHAT Bible Study and Church sersew 407 BROCK &T, P MEANE TH HIS Preys Wed. at 7:30 PM "ingens WHITBY EMMANUEL 7PM ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED ! WHITBY 9:55 A.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL UN Interesting and Informative nent & Gober, Mh Garner Byron et §, John Mies lia Newlen, Peasone y Mi, J. 4, Beaten, ARC,1, Rev. W, J, & MeClure, BA, 11:00 A.M Mra, P, ON. Spratt, Oreaniet eA ew 4 1) AM =. FATHERS DAY SERVICE inal dt aideodiaeh dad 7:00 P.M, Mr, Thomas Knott, 11:00 A Meo ST, MARK'S ©.7.F, Representative EVANGELISTIC SERVICE ST, ANDREW'S ITED CHURCH |] PRESBYTERIAN A Stane-Smoothed Guide Company, Leaders of the company ave'Mra, G W, Fisher, caplain and Miss Linda Hopkins, lieutenant COME = DURING OUR - GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION ~» Adult Service | Sunday Scheel == Classes fer all ages. | Other Services As Announced For more information phone; 725-0243 er 668-4576 l GO -- WHERE THE ACTION 15! NICOLS MOTOR SALES LTD. HIGHWAY NO, 2 EAST WHITBY - WEST OF THICKSON RD, SEE OUR .. . NEW LOCATION ~ NEW FACILITIES AND THE ALL NEW , , , 1966 RAMBLER NEW STAFF WEN weg | ea HO PROCUN RICARDO MONTAL RAN ABNLS WORE Ad LAL EARL RATHARING RUS» ED) SULLIVAN ate GREER GARSON bo PARA VISION' ang Me FRAP OL OF BROCK Now Playing'--- Evening Programe WHITBY At 7? & 9% Saturday Matinee 1:30 1966 MARLIN by American Motors NICOLS MOTOR SALES LTD,| Yeur American Motors Rambler ~ Sales & Service Dealer HWY. 2 EAST WHITBY - WEST OF THICKSON RD. Infant Care, Nursery, Kinder gartey classes as sual, All ether children will = wership iP with their parents EVERYONE WELCOME Juniar Congregation and Nursery Core Pastor; Rev, Max Case = Asst. Jon King Bvsvsisansingit 4 Bedroom split level home, $19,200, | d P Winter Works Bonus, an 3 Bedroom Bungalow, $17,700, Less $500, Winter Works Bonus, One N.H.A. 644% Mortgage Low Down Payments, We will exeept your present home aa @ trade In, Follow King St, E, to Keewatin St, §, -- Follow Open Nouse signs to Apple Grove, Open from | to 9 p.m, GORDON SBORNE REAL ESTATE Whitb 668-8826 Oshawa PHONE 668-3331 728.5157