commen tf Gitte i): EET aE GARDEN EL liaise : ies ssi saad GUIDE Egyptian Lotus Lily Will Grow In Pond (Or Tub) In Backyard By A. RB. BUCKLEY Plant Research Institute The sacred lily of the Nile or the Egyptian lotus -- suggests an exotie region far removed from our backyard pools. Yet if we look carefully into this plant's background we find that the gap is not so wide after all, This lotus belongs to a very small groun of aquatic plants of which another no less lovable member is our own Nelumbo lutea, native in southern 'On- tario and to which the less ven- erable but equally romantic common name of the water chinkapin is given. Both plants are similar, with large umbrel- lalike leaves and with flowers that are raised well above the water, The so-called Egyptian lotus lily is not really a native of Egypt as might be supposed but it has been grown there since ancient times. In fact, this com- mon name rightly belongs to Nymphaea lotus, an aquatic plant, sacred to the goddess Isis and one which was depict- ed on many old Egyptian coins, The lily we are concerned with, and the one commonly called the sacred lily of the Nile, is really a native of India where it has taken its place in the folklore of the country and of Syria and Iran as well, To the ancient Hindu the blooms represented their country and the leaves the surrounding countries and culture, To the Buddhists it symbolized the most exalted representation of man with his head held high, pure and undefiled in the sun with his feet rooted in the world of experience, This water plant differs from the comimon kind because of its bluish-green leaves, which are held high above the water from two feet in our climate to eight feet in the lush tropics. These leaves are shaped like shallow bowls and will hold rain water for several hours after a show- er, The leaves and long stems look like umbrellas, and where they are abundant, are often used as such by small. children, HUGE SHOWY BLOOMS The huge and showy blooms, like giant, fully opened roses are sometimes 10 to 12 Inches across standing high above the foliage, Like water lilies they partly open for a few hours the first day and then for a longer period the second day. On the third day they unfold complete- ly and the petals begin to drop. Another interesting part of the plant is its big funnel- shaped pods, Ai first downy and yellow, they later dry and be- come very hard and woody, The seeds are loose in hollow chambers so the pods are quite useful as children's rattles, These fruits serve another and much more useful purpose, for after they have dried and are severed from the plant they float on the tropical rivers for miles until caught in the muddy banks where they finally dis- perse their seeds, Fruits of both the native and cultivated plants are often used in dried flower arrangements, This beautiful plant is as easy to grow as a water lily. As a matter of fact it is easier, for it can be grown in tubs or half- barrels provided the soil is kept constantly moist by the recep- tacle being filled with pvater every two or three days, The best time for planting the sacred lily is very late spring when the weather is warm enough to plant tropical lilies in your area, usually from mid- June to the end of the month. sur should be planted in a sol! made up of three parts good garden loam to one part of well- rotted cow manure. If manure is unavailable, substitute peat moss or good compost with an added handful of complete fer- tilizer for each cubic foot of soil, The lotus rootstock resembles a thin elongated banana, 12 to 18 inches long, with a tapered | end which is the growing point, If this point is broken or bruised the root becomes worthless, To plant, make a depression six inches deep in the filled tub, half-barrel or other planter, Place the root in this depres- sion and cover with an inch or so of earth, but allow the grow- ing points to protrude for an inch, Cover with sand but avoid touching the very tender shoots, Set the receptacle in the pool so that the tip of the lotus is covered with three or four inches of water, These sacred lilies will not, of course, withstand the winters in most sreas of Canada, To carry them over from one year to an- other, take them inside after you drain your pool in late October or before severe frosts occur. Keep them in the coolest part of the basement and keep the soil moist by watering occa- sionally, In the spring move them out once again to the pool, but wait until the weather warms 80 that they can get off to a good start, Every second year re- move the roots, fill the recep- tacle with fresh soil and fertil- izer and plant one healthy new section of rootstock broken from the parent plant. There should be a lot of root sections left over for increasing your stock or for giving to your friends, Overweight? Watch It, One of the best Father's Day gifts you can get is one you must give yourself, What is it? Less of you, and perhaps, better health, too, For if you - like more than half of all the adult Americans - have a few moré inches around your waistline than you'd pre- fer, you may have more than just an appearance problem, According to medical author- ities and insurance company statistics, overweight can be a complicating factor in many serious illnesses, Diabetes, cir- rhosis of the liver and cardio- vascular diseases, for example, occur much more frequently among those carrying extra poundage than those of desir- able weight, The higher mor- tality rate of overweight per- sons, however, can be lowered if they bring their weight back to normal, And, you'll look better -- and probably somewhat younger. Extra fat on the face has a way of aging a man before his time, In just a few weeks you should notice a difference in the way your clothes fit, too. Thanks to the advances of nutritional science, you'll be able to lose without sticking to dainty salads and other "'ladies' luncheon" fare, If you join that growing group -- the Metrecal- for-lunch-bunch -- you'll be able to eat a normal dinner of mod: erate amounts, and still lose SACRED LILY IN BACKYARD POOL Gardener Should Know Nature Of Weed Before Doing Battle Control measures for weeds will vary with different weed types. It is important to know the nature of the weed you are fighting, its growth habits, and means of reproduction, Horti- culturists with the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture and Food offer several suggestions on weed control, Annual weeds, such as crab- grass, ragweed, and common chickweed, will germinate, pro- duce seed, and die in one grow- ing season, If they are not de- stroyed before seeds are pro- duced, next year's weed crop is already assured, Weeding early, before the weeds are one inch high, will keep seed pro- duction to a minimum and save considerable laborious hand weeding later, The problem is more difficult with perennial weeds such as couch grass and sow thistle, The entire root must be re- IN THE HOME ome ol PATTERN EASY TO MOVE, light and graceful these chairs with matching table. are just the thing for outdoors or a recrea- tion room, They are made from stock sizes of. lumber and con- struction is simple, Patterns $48 and 349, which give actual- size guides and directions, are 50 cents each. They are in 'the Garden Furniture Packet No, 60 with two other patterns -- all for $1.75. Address orders to The Home Workshoh Editor, The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont, moved when digging, as any piece of remaining root is cap- able of producing a new plant, A sharp hoe will still give the best results in controlling weeds, but additional measures will ease the job, Be sure your soil contains the necessary nuirition for plant growth, Well- fertilized soil will help your plants to squeeze out weed growth, When adding additional soil to the garden, try to ob- tain a good weed-free soil, A one- to two-inch mulch of peat moss, sawdust, or compost ma- terial over the soil will reduce weed growth, Any weeds which do grow through the mulch can easily be pulled by hand, Chemical herbicides are best not used on garden beds after planting, as most garden plants are susceptible to the 'weed killers, The best and safest means of weed control are still good growing practices and regular hoeing. WORKSHOP THIS RUGGED BOAT may be carried on top of a car, Use it with oars or outboard motor on lake or stream, Pattern 220, which gives a complete bill of materials and illustrated step- by-step directions for making the boat, is §0 cents, This pat- tern also is in The Sports. men's Packet No, 24 which con- tains a variety of full-size pat- terns for hunting and fishing aids --- all for $1.75. Address orders to The Home Workshop Editor, The Oshawa Times, Osh- awa, Ont. Time To Guard Against Aphids The various species of aphids (plant lice) will rapidly mul tiply and mature with warm summer temperatures, This ine sect pest can cause. considers able Gamage io iwwerm sau vegetables, so it is important to inspect your plants for in festation, A list of plants attacks ed would be endiess, and onl a few are mentioned her Beans, cabbage, peas, chrysanr themums, snowball, rose, w ing willow, and Norway map are all susceptible, Entomolos gists with the Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture and Fi advise on how to recognize a control aphids, Many aphids are soft-hodied and greenish in color, Howe ever, different aphid species may have different coloration; bean aphids are black, potatoe aphids pink and green, cabbage aphids grayish-white, The ine sects may be either win or winged, They are suckin insects, and can quickly stun a plant as they drain the sap, The insect will frequently trange mit virus diseases. A weakens ed plant will have stunte growth with poor flower an fruit development, Aphid control in the hom garden can be achieved by une of either 50 per cent malathi emulsion or 40 per cent nicott sulfate sprays, Several othe home garden mixtures will ook give good results, Use thes chemicals carefully and accute ately, as directed on the con tainer, MIL JELINEK AWNINGS AND CANVAS GOODS VENETIAN BLINDS Vertical & Horizonte! BAMBOO DRAPES COLORS AND SIV\KS $19 PLEASE % Quality Workmanship w Free Estimetes * Commercial w® Residential 728-1993 (Evening Celle Weleomed) SPECIAL Driveway Gravel @ %" Stone @ 2" Crushed Gravel @ Coarse Pit-Run Gravel SPECIAL TOP SOIL Sandy Loom OSHAWA SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY 725-0232 877 King &, 8, 10 Yeore Experience in ANTENNAS & TOWERS Meater Systems For Apts, ete. 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