Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Jun 1966, p. 19

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14--Automebile Repetr (98 --Loming Events i ' : TRED STONE ---- IN MEMORIAM | Armbro Sicckiin Phone 656-3653 | OC UNITY CEP a org mareery Dr Third thetton Paty, ane COMM ITY CENTRE ae fons (ene Ops 4 Ftinter Gatemsia 4 * pe PRIVATELY ae my, seni PHILADELPHIA, Pa. (OP) A somatic T Onin be many teres to ware wth yous §=©6 CanaMan-owned Arimbre Flight Cre hed yo bene lett te suttered her third loss of the ra CAESON OFG YG Every 6ay 1 some sea ' 6 Ken Kiet season to All Aflame ¥ridas MON, JUNE © Rewer Ge y ie awit ALS Mak: ah t ad r * t on s riage ysiged ay me Woh Gene Ader wn ticket gives you tll gy cua Mose se os, Owned by Utgin, Ted ana mower tte ond os Prune FRITH tree Chante On AAA Dr rRe SAGE rane anieien tasnethe aa Charlies Armee ORE, af Kramp- = 4 S tao a re . = #8 ACMA {ACU DAT MrannTRgter Kary OG, OF re.5 POR THRIVERH § PPETFD IR PERE oer 'age! SPs Twn ane Tre sar echoed f Pdi svt Ay cate Meaty Mis ed entzied in the SINAGAR realize: gts rary enti yet gd ie ort haber winnie Nos Ft 56 ae pe gf aca i A Gu On at Roosevelt Aune 25 anh wmmetiatey, Na 4 Pay . kal salad Whendee CONSOLATION BP Hhagie Bt nti ga fener toe te Aneel Garhen City Raceway F : in St. Catharines July 1 ta qual FOR SALE mart, Call Strulty C44 6 tithe je > ; done ain $2 Ts remember my weele We thrmgh D944 atte: 6 6 é Bee ee ae aot ne SWERREE #7 mr, torevs ily ae Canada's entry in the 4 DAF La 4 treneura "ha irage ak + \ ' s ad renee aq $1 50. IACKPOT hiweys rememtered oy) whe hee we S100 004 Ransevell international MAKE OFFER S 7 Dacor" te Hemeten. UA? bs , temy a racethal brings together the 2 jeeps with wow | ' Form, 5 1, Revere $20 « Horizontal Line FULLING® -- in fond memory of Ree top trotters of the world July" "J tru - 106 Sar G4 Bartt Laban tot Mee $50 Fi hf Card 4 gy \G, Wil PRORA RWRY @ row " vith ota? 6 Oh Oe Fe bey , cedi, (61 MG. convert, 6 4 ney cre WO i ie ae ) 6. On less Ever remembares oy €xe, Orve Moble Victory, owned by # Pontiag VB au 57 Cos ; dosed at $30 Per Corey ae Rey 6 yndicate which includes YU. J vert. CMAOPIRG 5G | PUT AWAY # tay eum ey renting Snel 7 thes. on be LS didddlidleied h irioyte of Jove te Webster of Brantlord, was third , a Dear Setar and hurt, Marcy Y. ar ' yt 'ys " alse Gute GCLES. © a care rine wih a times petan War GAMES ot $20 wiman whe passed wey june th, 4. 10 Al Aflame, S.-cwned colt r ; a « gocties he eR a T2202 ood pe ne fe couler aomes paw daddle iv & tet the warns, they are tel (en, and Armibra FI af , wink ton yeu i § the galden mamery of ¥% fn 7 OC's f ch tower on leat may wither The $3,790 earned by Armbre 36---Leaal t non Pr everng wn many set Fight Friday brings the four hearie a thee whe tore Yay year-old mare's lifetime ear 5g £ i r " Te ye " 728-778 TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY er : jake; eter aad tai gS (0 1499907; ast closing on Soced and © 0 CHEVROLET, Bel ' ne é ° ' ' as s/n of 0 den the Fichest horse ever owned by 'aan: th Cartons tows, renee | ~6 CENTENNIAL RED BARN fa, tat, neg, Cane 'who # Canadian, P Taylor's re LIENS PAID OFF 4 oT. Van ; . 4 he het yi Pree tired thoroughbred atailian trae WOR ret btw ' ay PROJECT dren 4 sad ry paeyiar ; rt at haw sro " pear, y pod 4g Dancer, which earned ot OY ea " s mt in nese wt sri 548 Bh Mh POMTIAL Par os two-door ba Tender nougnis oh bien 'are ainnys Pen "i foe Yi some 2 yee ; M " : 7 yt bas 2 gph ind by Bhd ¥ Ror lene ae tne Ts Park Washroom, MONDAY tne, ie soon he woven, =| Le aky Roof Ends '4 CHEVROLET A Buildings 82:00 P.M hiweys remembered oy the tarnily cat shitt, radia +f A or te Maat sith cage, ml v sores memory t ew Dow Wee Contest ' i Tend arn / oy Lang, Whe passed raivare jie BINGO ; : ' ; 9 pda dah aemead ' 3 a. , Re oF aoe " 4 leaky root halted an exhib condition, Bes , yer $ Ca Tox ery © wat ¥ fa an nee wee lacrosse game he is . ST, GERTRUDE'S | tant soes We, tween Oshawa Green Gels and WT CHEVROLET ation 906 " ? ond iy oi seen Garrard Road Laseo Steelers at a lg Tal eon by veg A UDITORIUM soci, ee tem Brooklin / ONT IA. $, aviome 4 Pop an as tak a gelligis j s 6 on th r, Can ime re, sions , Bn rammarnber en HY 4 f e leaky root, forced cz sod mechanically ana ' ' nar ni & Phe . ; » j ' ) the: game shortly ives Ford V4, 189 wt ; { FF Ef " Ye after Lascos had 'broken a 22 A hd de atta m) Willow' Pork eee ADMISSION " f r hack, whe passed avey duneitia in the third period H-19007 : ; a ' ") Prigyidee : Third period goals by Pau pif as ee 'bony oa f me ene sadit' one FREE Mr ad # eaaad Bw Holliday, Jim Heaslip and Johr INSTANT ISTORY ON DISPLAY Bowmenyvilie 672-54 / yned Vays remer k lay fe Watson proved the difference ' REAL SHARP 195 k inv r , f a neg. * re! Oe fp i as pl ig ow" Potter Gaels had built up a 24 | yare Halherthal irs huilding 4 scale pest but eonstruction did i¢ microscopitally accurate vergie Ai power 6:/\ppee fer $190.in § pig : : jead on goals by Peter Brady and yj Ruzette esti nodel of the Halylemple not hegin until the cou le but is as authentic as thor 4) POUTIAL one owner, blac © v2Ny 10 Plus $10 aoe , of fir jing mamary oa a ther anaiand Ricky Wooden pate they have spent 16 f lem, Dr,father moved to Montreal in 1992 ough research can: make it, door sedan, pertedt tition es Regular Jackpot $100 grandiather Thames Desmond, wha pas thal hegan his reareh in They do not claim theis ger, renie v edad # vest : 55 Nos. $20, Co OF Fenruery 17, 1766 637 when he live '| fiuda work, on @ scale of 1 to 70 OP Photo Ir FoR feats yall | N, SHARE THE WEA TH Sg ly i. pan WOODBINE RESULTS eae rg four fagr, automa . Ye Ov SOE Neve Oe Lh » ' power steering and , , REEY : vingly r / dauahie fi riday's We iL. wt 2097. 112) Dundas Street East, Whit - '4 » claiming. theiden't P morn A A 1962 MERCURY ele stander AIM fal Tickets Available at SALMERS f sil , tor fier oe f 4 r Door 4 4 4 a hole MUNICIP 1GS The Fight hergeamt Eugen ' oream Peeper | 1 280 29 Fit 6 9 and syenralde . BROOKLIN, OF 7 Extra Bus Service clion June it fe ohinsan) b) 44h lone py yarns 4is che q way " ri Oe ir (Tureotte) aL f e Mel Of ne + 1 30 & ' a e 31.--Compact Cars for Sale ae Na Children Please Are a pl v4 wh come wer in Canada We ' Tiger, Cara Min, Quick Bid, | Jolly. Mone Fitzsimn " ' f P d died belay " aht Eche eceeda, ' ? fi ¢ ZOLTAN AND NICK'S ik ftp Metso gg A nage 'i i Mid ap) nay Caen vm, Deni f A ne! 4 ' Lon ANGELES (AP) The Mere and inore society is . : ' nd brother, Ores me Je ' y aes : yan's body lay on the seat ofilooking at suicide less ag it Your Authorized Datsun NM TING ENGINEERS Welre ona bratne Pman v0 fit g a sin ar a Fiat Deale ® Pundes Kireet LNee SU 1N YSIDE PARK SALWAERS loving memory ef) : -- : ren a 'dousatin ' " P @his car, The car, engine run-\or erime and more as an unfor- kswagen , ate ' MONT HLY MEETING Eugene be mare woe wae Kintes if AENOM | warms led | § furlongs shiers se baciety, elniming, P T., ning, was parked in his garage./tunate event-a consequence of ce nd f sit his waver net & thon 4 "mie f The garage door was closed,' mental iliness + A ' te the end of tin dave. {Hyper fie (Walsh) ml tim Ge eve , i ie ° ' ith ; , Mone lay June 20, 4 ° ' Linke (Grith » itu 4 Suicide, said police The coroner's office, hows ras 0091 y ¥ } B o'clock pn eS SORT. PY mcshmuckie Role, fee a b, v1 Patios q ; But was it suicide? No, saidjever, is left with the residual g } » OCIO f behind ; Lele Banle, Power Ce ' 6tatt { ear, Real Rune | p bg: A a unique group of men, who| func Hon of society's disapproval sly remembered by the SABYAN | yi hye . Everyone come out to and childre alse FA ne had Bram oA a deputized: by the Los Angeles |of suicide, The coroner's office, , . i ae 0 y : ty coroner, Theodore Cur-\in essence, finds the pe MOTOR SALES LTD | ae : SALMERE ving memory of Dally double: $33.9 county person at Ae sad see pik we | : discuss the opening dear brothe 1 une Sergeant Eu x ys : ; ' 4 phey, performed what they'vel guilty ~ OF not guilty =» of ule New and Used aad 1) ued P ie Ge ee Bohaved (itttach) 940 6.4) 4.60 ; come to call a 'psychological| cide," New and Used Ca ; 5 } _ « i J . * 10. furlong 9 / 44 At " Ae dirs " SATURDAY, |utvemetse.nacen (Recto Minow elias 28 oa . fe lati 723-346) CONCRETE / in aur tonely t hinkir of Agtion (Fitesimmens) Tin This is what they learned; jautopsies are a judgment, but Arnmart, Machevolne, Reveliing dl Open Evenings CONTRACTORS | JUNE 95 ive gots pin ie Welds y natin Request, Take Lib-|Wally Wallace, Hall The King, Vielorie Eo ee The man, married, liked to| "ey may be en exoneration, children if Tolike, Ganacle, RomanyiGarden also Far jstay out late once @ month,| 'It hurts a lot of people emo t% VOLVO & PEUGOT ONTARIO HOSPITAL WATT = A Father's Day Tribute Me eee eee eae eel mightheurse Shae eisiming. Four Church Meérator |arinking with friends, His wife|tionally, but it also has value te MERCEDES BENZ WHITBY | Iaving memory of my dear father, Rob-|rq year-oins and upward, foaled In Cant) Pov | Hea Johnston |fdn't like it, To avoid her an-)economically, as we're the oni | ft Rennie Wall, who passed away Apr v f , General Repair and i RB | N G 0 We set mee Te RI pecs eee SES cinta, bin, one hd Wiis bal af Seanh (is the (20? he often parked his car injagency that ean certify dent Auto-Elects erviee SEALED TENDERS will be re membered by his daughter Belly sn ee eters. Se nn y Sede AA 10 40) O Brantford ' 1 lithe garage and went to sleep,| was accidental, clearing the way eived, until 3:00 p.m, (ED, KINSMEN CENTRE a TAPOROENY <= In loving memory of + Shuswap Gai (Harris) 99.70 9.50 §.201M } 6) new moderatod the Pres: |The night he died it was bit-\for payment of insurance or ) on L { - ; op Barroby) a9 4 Tiny } a , 4 r 1 n THURSDAY, JULY |dear wile and mother, Olga Zadoroany| APIA, (Barroby) Time: Vidh laymend fy Mit Auto| byterian ( huren Canada, |terly cold and, investigators) workmen's compensation, 449 Ritson Rd. South Ith, 19 y \ 1, 1966 for the reconstruc : ae io passed away June 19, 196 : y ' " H Oshowa 728-092 t (Nl TUESDAY 7 45 nee took your hand, we had to part,| Times 106 a4 Royal Gwiv, Bonnie Renith ale FA) poy Johnstowas: elected reasoned, he was running the "And we never do a psycho 4e jon of concrete sidewalks ef la eased pur pair hi broke oui . P 196) VOLKSWAGEN DE LUKE, perk) the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, Karly Bird Game hear's odd ie sic by acclamat) at the |CPF engine to keep warm, not|logical autopsy if the family green, Al condition, 4608" Peiephere| Ontario . a Gam | SMG we uate 'one maonianvaivis " | generate a lethal amount ot| doen not want one, We respect wri WA JOTE: AS OF JANUARY lon " Re yp) 35 Lovinely remembered' nd. baal WOODBINE EN T RIES churhe's genjl assembly carbon monoxide, They declared| their wishes," LL. Cresta, tin 1 . , * pipers - T J " cance Pel i Mariton's yf Yas 4 99 Ist, 1966, ALL FEDERAL | Children under 16 not allowed by husband. Stephen, children Banden In Toronto Injre : ath sceicental and Dr, Cur) whe hardest cases to decide, (CP Photo) |Phey agreed, Litman says, are those involye Cordova Road, 725-510) AND PROVINCIAL SALES Special 7:30 bus from Natalia, Mary and son-in-law Waller MONDAY JUNE " CLEAR AWD FAST) Furlonge (10 rs 6 \ . sic ' . - 7 RACE $7,000 claiming| Nall if Down, Grubb BXxI09 B, Li ee ; 7 by Lm mae, were: OF eet ; vee bert ve an? |g | 4 Corners A LASTING TRIBUTE |"s,000) Malden Iwo gi old filles 5 Wr] Bark Hel M, werry X14 { "| The guicide prevention em ing both drugs and alcohol, It's v7 ORS . | - ? |longs (90) VIRAKIN: Ne BOY a ; is concerned with saving Hves|hard to say whether the perso: Wie TUNSEAM Top, S1U7F or Bait alia.) CLUDED IN THEIR TENDERS, 39--Notices For Permanence and dignity | fury Jen, Gordan \17, pane ot Ganseny, Ke Bey 119 _PTACER [INJURED | litvough counselling = emer *|took aleohol hig a ao - : ' ender Pecuments may be obra ROMBRY, auctioneer, & fleven:| We Suagest Amber River, Walsh 11? Well To fo, Seve KIN REGINA (f-Bob Ptacek,|gency and routine, Since mem:|to take drugs in a suleide ate e., tained from Room 6630, Dee MOUNT LAW? : Betis Wittcimmans 1963 HALF TON Fleeiside Chevrolll.| partment a Publ Works ons Road Nevin Wa sale foe mall Pi ey (yi We puny ate | nie eT te Ate all + star defsive back with|bers learn more about sulcide|tempt, or whether the person Fnane Laie Whitney Block, Parliament BRONZE MEMORIALS Windane Mecobm BNP morning' Mernin, Mecambe 116 Saskatchewapoughriders, hag|PY Working with the coroner, got drunk first, then depressed 1057 POR a, gon ndition Hi) : a & Play Maid, MAKWEL x) incle Blué 9 Bo 08 , ger Senaition, fF Buildings, Torente 2, Ontaria BIRTHS Four courteous edvice please: |mine Orleans. No Boy. V1? A-Bill Beasley Entry suffered a Jenjury which has they do it at no cost to the|then took drugs in an irrational Jake and Bill's Garage | § Telephone 728-8287, Tenders will not be consider visit the Park Off Queen's Velvet, Ferro 107 county, state ies CHEVY Wi allan Wigan O wale : MISTING GES bal 16@ pert be " € ry 300. Claim sideline: i excellent condition. Telephone) 7 Unless made on forms sup 723-2633 PASSERO'S Babe No Boy 11? IFT RAGE = ure, ot PF put him on ¢ sidelines for the) About the easiest, sald Cure ou, Tr Ear ere reynareen sunday Crus, Steve x10? erohall Yur? Course' (a 1960 seasonfid may end his} NEW ATTITUDE phey, are gunshot cases, eapee ENVOY '61 tiation wage ery gond co he ny tender net to announce the birth of thelr Geunhie?, | Dancing Rhvihm Fitzsionons 119 Royalcote, Dittfach 117 | football ear/ Placek anapped| Chief psychiatrist at the een cially vietims of Russian roue dition, Oppartunity fer gnd tamily car / Melody Jayne, @ |bs. 7 ots, an Thurs CARD OF THANKS «: Also Bligible Baby Blue, Ne Boy, A-ll2|8ilver Run, Gordon A'j\é tre is Dr. Robert Litman, alsollette « a ame with death in 435 Fairlawn Street Ao day, June 16, 1966, 12:09 pam. at the Delightful Gem Ditiiach V8 Nallord, Harrie lie lan achillesfdon in a leg Jast\|" ey : g ey 14 AUSTIN" A004, Molar, body, Vives Millar Oshawe General Hoapiial, Many hanks Ariitiera, Rell Milt \ Geer Tee him AI |e 0 iffered an identieay NOmnal captain of the sulelde|which the player inserts & bule brakes and interior, excellent transmis Deputy Minister fo Or, Ross and fourth floor siaff POGAL | would like ta hank my |Mmriner's Ben Harrie 8 f im ne season anc team, This is the wav he ex-|let in one of the eix chambers Nor repalr 10 9 lv v nd neighhe ne| BOpTemner Hal's, : " ' . . M Sor Gees oye, ten) Seen oF oe | SKELTON = John and Colleen (nen ice ucnt cfrenat and nelannors for ine ee Wolchock and H. Kate entry bra 109 sentry Huey to yother leg In Cleve jplains the need for final resolu-|of a revolver, apins the cylinder, tion. Best cash offer. Appiy 46 § TENDERS Pelashax are happy to annnunce the er | Whithy O68 ABC, Group, Dr, Grant B. MP Lawson and §& Desnoyere entr ral arma, ind Bhommner \ land rece¥ tion af equivocal deaths and pulls the trigger, Nerth rival af @ son, Donald Gregory, 6 Ibs. \andg Dr, Stocks, and the nurses of SF oh 4 oF on Friday June i7th, 1966 tlfer thei f tHentic SECOND RACE Pree $2,200 Claiming : l Wel DUSTIN WGALY Sprig, grey 'illage of Pickerin the Oshawa General Hospital, First grand:| Me' Rnd altertion Fogal, |(4:000). Four year elds and up | 114" SIXTH RACE m=» Purse $10,000 Added ganaition Clean, five: new tires, Phon lage f 9g ehiid for Mr. and Mrs, Harry Peleshok miles (Mia? Plate Tri take Three Moa sent | MUS-913) after 4 p.m and third grandchild for Mr, and Mrs Royal Autumn, Gordon 110 foaled in Canada, One and ene-sixieen WH VAUMWALL, $45. In running condi:| GARBAGE ¢ OL | ECTION iR. J, Skelton, Thanks fo Of, Halam-| Field Trial, LeBlane Mile tlon, Call 728-1839 wer Nat Nar be Oe ae | Andras and 4th floor staff. I've paid the OBITUARIES Line Me UP, Marcie 'x108 Burning 'Luke, Parrott 196 | Jet Dr Dakola, Gomez 118 Bye and Near, MeComb 126 1941 MGA good condition, $400, Telephone Tender | t ft s, No Boy 126 ' : r s will be received by at' N Bid No Boy B:li8 Donlands, No Bay 185-46} SOBCEAK = Lary , Q ' ve, Potts 126 \ 4 y and Marion (nee 7 } mI ) Scrivener, No. Boy 8-118 J CONVERTIBLE % Carva Monza the under ed until 5:00 | Muserenchan) are happy te announce the ARTHUR EDWARD HOWARD |; » Haeh, Hale 118 polls, K rnblum. 196 tadio, tomatic, biack, red interior.) PM. Thursd june 20th birth of their son, Craig Thomas, weight Arthur Edward Howard of 168) Cipiiner, Tureatte 118 ella a Bes! mabie offer, Hampton = 4 pounds, 4 ounces, June 17, 1946 af » Ave . Secrel Star, MeComb 118 Echo arra je ~eHEVY ld 1946, for the collection and am. at Ottawa Civic Hospital, Brether Montrave Ave , died at the Osh | Povas Chom, Kornblum ¥110 ali aw \ axwell i a i cc mOr mide Maneard it gals bride b |for Sharon and Chris awa General Hospital, today.|Lady zenith Paratt 119 Dav We Sail, 1 196 | YAM relies, Reasmnanly pricea,| (vay @ femenne gerpege | |The death occured after a short) Rea! Black, Worry MI eiscimmon | SEVENTH RACE Purse $10,000 ideal far commuting student seoond| in the Village ef Pickering liliness Reval fore Gove xito Added. 'Plate Trial Stakes', Three Gar, Call M4134 alter $90 p.m Tender forms and informa DEATHS Born Sept, 1, 1897 in Birming:|Silver_ Beav, Ferro X15 yearcaldsy foaled in Canada One and ane VOY CORVAIR, Monza. four-door, white \ \ ham England, his ts were | Miss, Blackhawk: No Boy 110 sixteenth Miles (9) Hed IMerlor, Fold down rear seat, radin tien are available at the AM ENBIANG, MS PATON WEE) Hoss! § Pick, Harris AriI® Place Vicloiias No Boy 194 tires, low mileage, avtamatic, $700 \ a GRAY, George the late Mr, and Mrs, Arthur || IRE RATED Walsh V18 The Hangman, No Bay Vs Phone 728-8450 i Entered inte in the Toronta Ger we '\Rdward Howard RS A G Smithers anaNatural farms Radiant aor', Ne bey HY j ae | The lowest or any tender will June \ath, "I & King and Faleon Stable Entry righ anareh [ Had BEAUMONT veneer 0 ®, 8 dare a \ roe Gray beloved husband of aunt ¢| He was married May 12, 1920)" | Titled Hera, Gomer 124 Ge a HS ey. engine: 18000 miles) not necessarily he accepted; | Grant, and father of Mrs. Herman RODIN'lin Nananee, and has heen in|THIRD RACH w Purse $2,000 claiming) Arctic Traops, Ditech 186 wren: Venepnene son, (June), Mrs, Gerald Hickey (Dare ¥ (3,000) Dour year olds and up @ furlongs ek llage of Pickering thy), Mrs. James Claus (Gloria), all of Canada for 61 years, He livedipiay the game, No Boy |! | BIGHTH RACE Purse $2,400, Mor! 32----Trucks for Sale ' lQshawa in his 7ind year. Resting at ihelin Toronto for a short while and Baden Baden No By 122 rishurg" Allowances, Three: and four Hagarth, Clerk Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, For Kilkarr Kornblum 104 jrishurg" Allowances, Three: and four 1988 FARGO hailion, A dition, $474 1 Licence 149158. Marijan's Garage, 20 190 further particulars phone 79e-al?s for the past 42 years has Pé-|Great Promise, Gordon 114 vearsalds, foaled in Canada, About Cordova: Road uewsnn Bs sided in Oshawa hy Hat, Na fy 4 iy Mile an turf courae w. 1" ry M ARG dJarris. Arab Prince, Gritto ig, Ontaria iw » Arthur Bdwar . ad. Ch 42 INTERNATIONAL, hail ton. large box Eniered Into res! in the Oshawa General; ti: Howard was employed by| o's vingel, Griffa xtl4 |Baranat, Leblang Ala feavy duly equiament silent) "cand 1, Eugene Joseph Swelling, 474 Albert|Mospital, on Saturday June 1 1966 Ar} General Motors of Canada Lid |White Wheels, No Boy 113 val Embassy, Werry X18 tien. Call Bowman e é 4 Street, Oshawa will of be responsibie/thur Edward Noward, beleved husband) f a9 . 8 ti ) f ay Var No Boy 1 ndian Queen, Ditttaeh A-ll4 awine 623-548 or vo years, reuring Jan, 27 o ' th Fer Kia " for any debts contracied in my namelot Elda McFarlane, father of Mra, Marry Ballaode Filzsimmans V1 y Catharin erro j we DODGE oneton, toureapeed, heavy|on or after this date, June 17, 1944 py/Bircham (Winnitred), af Windsor Bari| this yeal Morrisiea, Turcotte Via berlarama, Harris: 10? ; Any Sianeneien very good coandition.| anyene, without my written consent jand Allan Howard of Qshawa, in his] wy active member o House Boy, Turcotte 11? Arctic Canuck, No Bay 118 1060, Phone 725-4495 afer 6 p.m ' Eugene Joseph Swelling 691) year, Resting at the Armatrang F ss Av ive member of the Flippin Floyd, Gomez V4 Na: Reasoning, No Boy 114 4 MERCURY \y Ion truck $250, Exce Bearga" William' Harris ah 14s Varadan (mera! Mame Oshawa, with funeral 'serv First Baptist Church, and a fore) also Eligible cairnaretic, Robillard 11) |A-=Windfields Entry ent shape, many extras. good body andiaaad. Oshawa, will nal be vaanenatiia | {lee n the chapel Monday June th atimer member of the UAWA, he|Pallw Way, No Boy 122 x sibs AAC phe n page ' m, interment Oshawa Unien Ceme 5 4 | & ? ibs ¢ meena aL am gaee ' for any denis caniracied in my name hy Me mony ener ms served averseas during the First) pourri RACH Purse $2,000. Claim! XXxxX---10 Ibs AA Me. ou anyone on ar after this date, June 18 World War nq (3000), Thraevearolds and up. 6 Post Sime PRM WE GME handy van, 12.000 miles. Gall) 19 withaut my writ nnen! YOUNGMAN, Edward FF, P. He ' Mason ri pm Signed G. W. Harritisuageniy at ht 1) a le is survived hy his wife 'a THYERNAP ONAL ton state, slickiqy June 18 1966, Ed Youngman at 72 Brown| the former Ef ida MeFarlane, one good condition. Telenhane 728-9188 Auctions | vee? yA aA ie Oe Rigs § aot re jdaughter, Mrs. Harry Rircham) a yHevact ey Maton pick ldear father ot Arthur. af Tyrone, Mra.|(Winnifred) of Windsor, and two ' sin iT autamal ranamissio "hea ' f. Tha (Helen) af Gourtic Mrs. | Ps } P \RSY. RA ~ | Mile (Pace), Purse; }Lee Croft, Carmichael Hiring A\ tandition oP un "ce AU CTION SALE G: Themaren (Molen) af Gourilee, Meti gana, Karl and Allan of Oshawa, |gsoq ia Alcea Bearteds Citwater Meest site| none 729-6413 Fred of Ponivpoal, Gerdon of Calgary.) SUIViVing also are, a Sisler,|-Armnra Giidtr, Mekily 9.40 298 240/W, Laird "MoNam Lord Yates, Mea / YE WORD truck, "Hall ton. inekcaTiont ve received instructions |Brnest a Bethany and Ranert of Ken Mrs, Nellie Woods of Windsor {Apaiene, Grattan. ae we an Reon i iephe r . wilin fi arthe cT mith} 4 \ ¥ iJ See TeRPNENS Teeny ater Frank Brawn te |twnara Monte tunttat cerive aw orneriand two brothers, Frank, who!" also Started: Billie V Todd, Red Rex,| SIXTH RACH The €hipnaway' by public OUEHON OF Monday afternoon, interment Bowman:/is in Cuba and Bernard of Sar: |Anita Dillon, Mite's Stoney, and Duke af) Mile (Trot), Junior inv, Hee ig & CHEVROLET, n fur 22 + F pm. his [vill cemetery, (Kindly amid flowers) Anim $3,000 Good condition. Baro ' ' nla PPr'te Drleda, Crowe 19.40 aut) TASOss \ @ and Nit | SPENCER, Bana May Six grandchildren are surviv: S®C@ND RACE 1 Mile (Pace), 4 Betsy Herbert, Herbert i : ee and 9.8 acres Al the ©: a General Hospital on Sahl ing Purse $1,200 (4) $Panny Sona Galbraith Hy 33---Automobiles Wanted with trout stream -flewing |urdey Ji ita, Edna May Dowson, (US Angia United, Widell 3.80 260 9.40) Also Started: 4 K inten oad | * > beloved wite of Sidney Spencer, in he (he funeral service will he/sBrave Filiar 290 240 Ardee, MacDult's Lass | | @ (4000 unicipal Office af pro 9th year Restin the Robinson Fu:iheld at the Armstrong Funeral lnvineibie Pick, Ailliphant 250) EXAGTOR, 3 AND a PAID 498 j pe sior ' eaakiin tala "A Also Started: Keniand Lass, Meadaw A Coupled, White Stable Entry CARS WANT ED ) : peel, wena Ure sevice iHome, Monday, June 20 at 2! kay, and Tarpart Maid ip nee f ne 2ist at e i Buying A New Ca : ment Groveside Cemetery Areokiin. p.m., Rev, N. Ff, Swackhammer OAILY BQUALE, 7 AND % PAID $91.90.) SEVENTH RACE 1 Mite Gels Sell vo ' ; { ique 1 of First Baptist Church will con) ratee race 1 Ale (Treat). Purse ky i 400 18 60) Talk Cast t ' , b e pert LOCKE'S FLORIST duct the service. Interment wil] $900 (4 ; eee . boa F] aile iti ks Hea y : Black Satin e a 1m 140 2 1 } Vireet dawke Car Dealer « at t me of sole, balance Funeral arrangements and follow in Oshawa Union Ceme: jpopiar Flash, Smith 1 10 Also Started acu eal Kavarif | ' ave ( AMP N TORS ; ust be a cert arrangements for all tery whey % Nee att ' M We Y amen ye i 23.4494 PR \ ; M so Star Willnw . ' 'fl Way ' ¢ i i) casions Sparty 7? Van's Pr eo Nant . ; a FUNERAL O} Porty: Tae: vent we : | ter wren eure & PARTS mW no n OSHAWA SHOPPING MRS. VIOLA KEELER Cammoans. and Tecumseth BiaHTH RACE Canam ba 3 : parts ' nes W ( eh i A\le (Pace) for three yvearaldgurse! W179 Nelton Street: Telephone hapa GENT . The funeral of Mrs. Viadal FOURTH Race ' Race) |45.000 (4 | CANEMMOWE "AUTO Week W 723-05 24 HO R\ Neslar, 49) Marland Ave.. whalwasime.@ ; Malley a0 j » 80 | cara for wrecking Highest pals " 28.4 ' x V V 4 ¥ Ser i 92 \40/3-Boy Pick rede 4m} MO Went Bast ' died at Toranta General Hospi ' e F 5a oni} nt ve. MeKiniey 416 , LGlendaie ine. Var 40; Alsa Started: Skipny's Pride, fe Ton SHAW AUTO WRECKIN a ; . . P . ' tal Wednesday, was held from) aise st Man ted iyo praas, M i Tenn. Nelda's Gald. OW cate hb Her: | tat suas cen eames] RO, wisatash ""° [Gera "Funeral Chapel atta! a8 WS Be TODAY'S TREASURE YESTERDAY'S JUNK WANTED ' rn : ' E : " be \, Gisqualitied and NINTH RACE - 1 Mie (tre ent charge far tow Robert ' ' Ga RROW the wife of Donald Keeler, Pall placed for @ lapped on break at! $1,000 Archeologist Walter Ken eavated fram the site of thorities say the fragmenta he Wire +Armbra s7i40 2% asad Cla ae f UNERAI ¢ HAPEL La ie were: M Robier, G Are Sue » nitia. kee van of the Roval Ontario the Rurlinaten Glass Works will yield important infors FOR A REAL S8ilLen - { Ls sa rie are Warr a Victorie 1. Smith, G Barton! fiery nace -- 1 wile as Benaen 1%) Museum Toranta, exam near Hamilten which oper mation about Canada's 19th Wied Adsi To sell ANYTHIS 23.1 ATR Freeman, B. Sims. Interment ?'4%° Aisa Started Reckless | Ludwig . f glass ted f 909. rent glaaa industry ah " ; 728 ; 2Wird PoKa-Bout. Pd 12.40 5.00 400/M. HR ha, ines.@ fragment M glass ex» ated fram 1875 to.1909, Au century g1aai bahade 362 now for an adw 7 Telemhone 728-6226 = 'was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. 'dsimwinge teraute? T BRO S30/ MA LRM: acs Johnnie 4 whe 1a, : \ CP Photo

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