Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Jun 1966, p. 11

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cAMNCAKES WITH HAM sift together the flour, baking! FILLING powder, sugar and salt. Com bine the beaten egg, milk and 5 targe pancakes. Stack these,:20-25 minutes. : THE OSHAWA TIM@S, Seturdey, June 18, 1966. 99 THE STARS SAY 'CHILD GUIDANCE # tides, "THE PERIPATETIC SUIT You're liable to wear this suit for travel, commuting, and in town, for wherever it goes it will fit the scene very, very nicely as shown, or teamed up with a smart shel) blowse. Designed by David Kidd for Arthur. Jablow's Summer collec- tion, the fabric in this at- Travel Agent's Taught In Some Courses By ROBERTA ROVSCH Dear Roberta Roesch Is it possible to take a course that would train me to open a travel agency? If so, where can I find such a school?---Mrs, M.G, Dear Mrs, M. G.: In many areas, you can lo cate a training course for travel agents by contacting schools that offer studies in real estate, insurance or other business sub fects, Many of. these schools are adding this new course because travel is such big business to day. You will find the names of the schools in your area in vlassified telephone directories and the 'education' section of Four newspapers You may also he able to lo eate courses for travel agents by writing to some of the major home study schools, since sev eral of these schools offer this training by correspondence. If you need additional leads, you can write do your provincial |it in the spirt in which it education department and ask' probably given; for the names of schools in your area where you can take this particular course Dear Roberta Roesch: Our company recently was reorganized, and now | work for a new boss, who criticizes how I handle some of my work and suggests other ways to do it English, French Ottawa Women Help In Operation Clean-Up Ry MARILYN ARGUE OTTAWA (CP)---Face «+ lifts are traditionally a feminine pre- occupation. A group of Ottawa woman have been talking in two languages, about taking the plunge, not for their own sakes but for their city's, They are the members of the Centennial Commiltee for the Beautification of Otlawa, spon- sored jointly hy the predomi hantly English-speaking Local Council of Women and the French-speaking Federation des Femmes Canadiennes Fran eaises The committee, organized last November, has already per- auaded the city government to send out clean-up leaflets with all water bills. The leaflets, urging citizens to "be a busy hee" and '"'metiev-vous a la tache,"' tell what home improve ments can be made without raising property taxes Committee chairman is Mrs H. C, L, Ransom, a past-presi- dent of the local council, She says about 50 of the Ottawa council's 90 member organiza tions are supporting the drive, and .individual participation is also encouraged "No matter what they do, no matter how little or how large we can't lose" The French-speaking federa tion joined the committee in its " gecond month, after some coun cH representatives who were also federation members took up the cause, A national 7,000. member organization, the feder- ation has 30 of its 67 sections in the Ottawa area AIDS UNDERSTANDING National President Mrs, R. A Sauve-Roult of neighboring Hull, Que, says the project will help promote gond relations between the two cultures We don't like division. We are happy to prove that we can help them and do our share too." The committee has dispatched members to seek out and report areas of the capital that could do with some changing. These | with spatula to cook both sides R. W. BILSKY, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR 100 KING ST. &, 728-5156 By VSTRELLATA | FOR TOMORROW Sunday's steliar influences | Warn against carelessness in | domestic matters. Be especially careful where details are con- comet. in the 9m, Sapecs Oy GARRY C. MYERS, PRD | ws yy BA anpnccarsir dp -stod ve Most children are taught at especially favor social funetions oe fa Pn pes dh ar eee 'first and second readers with FOR THE BIRTHDAY only a few hundred short words | If tomorrow is your birthday, in them The assumption is that your horoscope indicates that, by repeating these words often as of the first week in May, you |enough, the child will remem- entered an excellent five-month ber them at sight planetary cycle governing both Gradually a few new words aceupationa! and financial af- are mixed in among these fa fairs and that, by the end of| miliar words and the child is) September, your rewards will! supposed to figure out what they accrue from past good efforts, say or mean, from the content |good will and good judgment. or from the likeness in shape After all, the Geminian hasn't and height of these new words |had much going for him for the to the "old" ones, This prevail- fast two years but, as you have ing method of teaching children been advised over that period, to read is referred to as 'the lif you refused to become dis-| word method" or thie "look-and- . \eouraged and continued to put say" method forth best efforts in spite of dis- arost books from which par appointments, they are now IM onts are supposed to read aloud the process of hearing fruit. . to their children from three to) During this good period, your seven are written within limited hest months for making notable' word ists. If you ever read tol gains on the fiscal score wit | your tot from the first few books oceur in July, August and Sep-\ of most basal readers, you must tember -- provided you do not have been hored with their dul! speculate in August. Beginning | noge with Oct. 1, and continuing Publishers 'ccs Waal i ary cei ' ae be oney matters con plementary readers replete with aeons "Ther an 100 beautiful pictures in color, But servatt ' f s ie a ys forward (o another excellent these supplementar readers ave | le, heen written 80 bias-yoked, longer length governing monetary inter png ghd etd fag: jacket. The % length ests, beginning Feb. 1 and last cde Gok alceady oructisan "a F id th gt This one re sleeves are set in and the ing through April 15. This i tha Bosal venders, West of them eased skirt has twin slash will prove a springboard to still ue aesltcd areat goons 10) 4 ft vancement ter in "dy 5 om oorten os tigen vill md - children because these poems he t " bo and July 35 would don't fit into the controlled word og sasetieas ering for mak-| ist It is to the eredit of m few : yt 5 (0 ex vit on both the school book publishers that this financial and job fronts for the| rule of omitting poetry is being en slowly next two years, In career mat-| Proken ters, besides the aforementioned pypLoORnes DULLNESS good period, you can look for = phyilis McGinley has al ses excellent opportunities for A4- | eral times expressed her dismay 1 am finding this difficult 10 yancement and recognition in| yer the verbal dullness of pri take, especially since my Old jgie October, late November,' mary school readers which boss had said nothing about MY next February and March bring to children 'no glory to procedures from the time | he Where your personal life na' seeder er quickening to gan until the day he left the poncerned, planetary influences | their bilson," in ber Tocent beck company are also generous, Social activ-|giynence in Her Shoe, she re-| I don't want to leave my ities, with opportunities of mak-| minds us, as any parent. knows present job, so I would like to jing many new friends are that ciliicen love te hear and have some suggestions for deal- promised for the balance of this! yead new words, long words ing with the unnecessary criti-\ month, in late September, early she adds that if she had the cism I am forced to face each October, late November and the time and courage, she'd write a day, Should I close my ears \neriod between Dec. 5 and Feb.| children's hook with "jawbreak and forget it-V, 8, 10; also next April and May,lers"' ysing such words as "eg Dear V, 8,; Not all criticism Rest periods for romance: Jatelregious," "ubiquitous," or "su is necessary and sound. Nor is November, next April and May; | pernumerars " all ~asary | " a it all unnecessary and unsound | for travel (though you may id eal et Aioe Abaiintade Belore we. close our ear? t0/only be Jaclined. to_take _ short plores the fact that there pre the criticism that is directed toltrips during the next 12 vails "as gospel the rule that | : , | ; our working habits, we ought to'months): September, January qaqa words, long words, inierest ee lee es ery olen and May ing words grown up words criticism from those in a posi A child born on this day will mist be as precisely sifted out Hon to give i ls much more ibe endowed with @ fine mind, | trom 3 book for, say, five-year the than we would like to unusual talents along creative gids ag chaff from gwheat," admit lines and a gift for making) Many gmart parents are wak The smarest way to deal with friends easily, criticism is; (1) Assume that it could be sound; (2) Pay. atten-| FOR MONDAY . tion to it: (3) analyze it; (4)| Promises of help from others try to profit from it; (5) accept|are likely to he undependable is} On Monday, #0 plan to "go it (6) be grateful| alone," Make no rash promises to the person who takes the Yourself, either, and make no time from his or her work to\commitments which may in-| say something instead of noth-| Volve future expenditures which ing about what you do could eventually drain your if you are willing 10 listen budget and you try to jearn from those FOR THE BIRTHDAY who comment constructively If Monday is your birthday about your work, your severest your horoscope indicates that, critic can very often he your not only the next year, but the benefactor in disguise following one, should be highly) gratifying-not only from a financial standpoint, but be cause of the many good oppor tunities to make headway in| your ehosen career, In the |at- | ter connection, an uptrend) should already have been noted fact-finders are instructed to Since stars have been generous pinpoint spots where more trees 0" this point for well over six are needed and houses and busi-| Weeks. Next good periods for . nesses that could wear a better Occupational progress arly face August, late October, late No The women arén't all out for Yember, next February and change. They want some his- March. Best periods on the fis toric city houses to look just as peti Pips Bose sr ar they did decades ago and the end of September; in We have nee beautiful Carly 1967; the weeks between buildings of the 1860s and Feb, 1 and April 15, but gains| 1870s." Mrs. Ransom says, Made during both of these cy "We'd like to make them alive, "les, If propertly managed, If we lose them, we lose our Should spark still further ones history." during the following 12 months, Rut whether they are recom, Best periods for romance mending more trash bins or a Late November, next April and erabapple tree on every lawn, May; best for travel: Septem \* the women find they are gain. her, next January and May 0 ing a better understanding of /00k for enlivening social activ 2 " peeve CinamaScare Terrer- CO. O8 by OF LUNE both French and English cul. ities throughout this month, in | NO ONE ADMITTED ALONE | on of tractive two-piece suil is an imported cotton in cocoa brown and white hounds- tooth check. The lowered mandarin collar is set on a you evele Tracy Adrian Training is SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE OLD TIME and MODERN Dance to RUDY VELTRI AND HIS RED BARN NEW TORNADOS Toronto's Most Versatile Group STARTS TOMORROW "We between Dec, 5 and Feb, 10 before." anys Mrs. Ransom. A child born on this day will "Now we find we have very b@ endowed with fine principles many things in common." jand journalistic ability, but will have to curb tendencies toward procrastination and restless ness had no communication tures late November and the weeks pout signing © waiver in eur lobby! PLUS SCRAMBLED EGGS and COTTAGE CHEESE To make an egg go further to add a new taste to a break fast, brunch or meatless meal 4 eggs Vy teas, salt Dash of pepper 1 thi, butter lg cup Cottage Cheese Whip together 4 eggs, ! spoon salt, dash of pepper 1 tablespoon butter in pan, Pour in eges, Lift AN ADULT MOTION PICTURE ies ens MOLESTERS THE STRANGE AND EVIL SIDE RESTRICTED GALA SUMMER SHINDIG WED,, JUNE 22 Oshawa Civic AUDITORIUM featuring RITCHIE KNIGHT MID-KNIGHTS Last Times Today 7 WOMEN ADULT eMTERTAINMENT & Mardy's Leughing 20's tea Heat frying eges 3 Leurel DOORS OPEN 1:30 PHONE 725-5833 Fold in cottage cheese. Serve onplatter with parsley garnish Serves 4 to 6 Verbal Dullness Of Readers Is Drawback To Children ing up to the deadly duliness of most basal primers, first and second readers used at school Ther protest wilt eventuary pe registered in the heads of pub- 5 lishers and authers of school) readers, There will come im provement in the future. ft is} already approaching here and there If you think the reading hooks of your young child at school are dull, supplement them with richer and more interesting hooks As Mrs. MeGinley would ad vise, read to your child at home from Kipling, Dickens, Thack eray and Mark Twain, Read to him The Wind in the Willows Alice's Adventures in Wonder land, The Jungle Book, The King of the Golden River, Mary} Poppins, The Prince' and the Pauper and Robinson Cruse: and poems from the great po etic masters Read from such books while your child in the primary) grades, Read from them to your! child before he enters school Choose those. as far advanced as he will enjoy listening to Most children read to at home from the age of two or three will, by the they enter school, enjoy hearing you read from stories with a vocabulary of a Grade 3. 4 or 5 school reacer PARENTS' QUESTIONS au child Still THE GREATEST HIGH ADVENTURE EVER FILMED! LA 6 aaa? is time our at your re | DAVID NIVEN | ANTHONY QUAN 1 seus THE GUNS OF NAVARONE sty COLOR and CINEWASCOPE] Cro mnie | OF BAY RIDGES ee ad PUCARING ROP 347) + WHITEY O68 2008 CHILDREN UNDER 12 YRS FREE | mre More op LPO, ihe 9 18 FREE GIFT FOR DAD ON FATHER'S DAY from Foster's & Scott's Chicken Villas with ever purchose of @ Ror Saunders KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN It's finger lickin' qoodt Family Rucket or Party rel of Colonel Sunday, June 19th Only FOSTER'S & SCOTT'S CHICKEN VILLAS (Rhythm and blues sound) DANCING 8 te 12 Midnite DRESS: Your choice Advance Tickets At The Door @ ADVANCE PICKERING Coffee Shop AJAX Aiox Drugs PORT PERRY -- Steinten's Drugs WHITBY ----- Whithy Centre BOWMANVILLE = Brys Smoke Shop OSHAWA Centre Handy Bar Ritson Ra 8 Colonial Restaurant Civie Auditorium Buses leave Simeone and Bond at 7. 7:20. 8 PLM, return after the dance CKLA's BOR TAYLOR will give out FREE PRIZES LIVE ENTERTAINMENT ALL EVENING Record Crowd of Over 3,008 Expected! LIVELY SUMMER Hair Styles SPECIAL! PERMS On Special Mon, Tues, Wed FOR ONLY = SS 6:35 PATRICIA'S Beauty Salon 'hee Mortop 720-411 1,00 2,00 AGENCIES » DYE Dise Shop, Shopping Let us put new a fraction of the st of reploc loom right in your home or plac toom's chesterfields or Motels, ete ok ' 555 KING ST. EAST CUSTOM Carpet & Upholstery fe in those drab choirs the low ¢ serving Oshawa, Whithy and surrounding districts. Give us a call for a FREE ESTIMATE, CALL 728-5387 Rainbow Color Re-Nu © ING faded, and sniled colors ot ng. We do wall to wall. broad e of business, Brighten up any ost way, used by Hotels, Ajax Bowmanville OSHAWA 1 cup finely-chopped cooked ham cup commercial sour cream 1 teaspoon dried onion flakes Pancakes: 1% cups pre-sifted all-purpose flour OR 1% eups pre-sifted pastry flour (éaspoons baking powner tablespoon sugar feaspaon salt 1 heaten egg 1 24 cups milk vegetable oil or melted shorten- soreading ham filling between ing. Make a well in centre of the the foyer Cut into wolene and dry ingredients, Add the liquids! serve at once. all at once and heat only until | combined, CALIFORNIA CORN To bake the pancakes, heats Method: Husk corn and re heavy grill or frying pan to 386 move silk. Piace in double thick-| degrees, If necessary, grease ness of heavy duty foil and) it lightly with unsalted fat. Use| spread with melted mixture of 4) woot A sae of Batter far each! melted butter ar marearine and pancake and bake them until! % peanut butter, Wrap tightly goiden brown, turning once, and place over hot coals, Turn Spread each hot pancake with frequently and cook until dene,' about 3 tablespoons of the ham St area ee 3 It's the dash of peanut ter that makes this recipe ferent Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 BEPI'S SURainaasataaieeeeed 3 eo filling. Fold over and serve im- 4 { fT 3 tablespoons 'vegriable Of) | aisiss, Makes shout 18 RD or melted shortening STARTING SUNDAY! ed pancakes. Note: If preferred, bake 4 or For the filling, combine the finely-chopped cooked ham, commercial sour cream and dried onion flakes, Set aside until needed For the pancakes, blend "] From Young Couples A-Courtin' Te Anniversary Cavertin'. Ws your Assurance of @ Perfect Evening. PB JERRY REIDT Reservations 729-2143 ---~ 728-1348 quest, often bought things for you at the nearby stores, how could you remove from him temptation to spend secretly some of the money you gave him for sweets and the like A. | would count with him the money he started off with and the when he returned, eh inst the receipted bi ht back from the "3 sto Ammann : a MORSE | WINTERS OUMTRY MUSIC 0 30 GREAT CTARG! ANJANETTE COMER ROD STEIGER o- -m- sorsoy Saherwoed trewet Tony Ruchartone wae Che sagher Yomtaret iq bein Calley sat Hester! Wesler Dinca Radrows. ikon erie Sunes Cobars Soh Ciigeh eset oo se soe iy Lealye Was gh Srrmrepiey iy Terry Sauiberm y, TODAY ONLY: "HOLD ON" & "SON OF A GUNFIGHTER" Now Playing enamel THIS WEEK - AS USUAL Featuring: "THE ESQUIRES" 50c Members * 75¢ Non-Members DRESS ---- Shirt ond Tie TWENTY FIP TH ANNIVERSARY VIN@T-CINQUIEME ANNIVERSAIRG ) 1966 SHOW TIMES: 2:00 - 4;30 - 7:00 - 9:25 1941 ( Wa Suggest The Matinee er 7 P.M, Show end Avoid Line Ups GALA PREMIERE B01n Contury Fox Aasenereeseeeesesene Ne, of boots, O18... Totes, ' ital choles dey and date) «, # Alternate. MONE serverery ( EXCLUSIVE ONTARIO SHOWING! ) »PLAN ATRIP TO TORONTO TO SEE ~ RESERVE SEATS NOW BY MAIL a teed oe UNITED ARTISTS WED. JUNE 22nd Pee eee eeseeasenase: oo M0) ve Uy Fd A ' POeeeeeeneenaneeroneer ra rsneeneneene g ' 7 Meme os H honey ' acy er Ae Hi Mall Self Addressed, Stam $ _ Outeaf-town orders MUST Seseasnnasssenneeenns MATINGES 2 P.M. Wed, Sat, Som, & Mel, aise Sun,$ PLM, EVENINGS 8:90 FM, Sun, thew Thurs, GVENINGS 0:90 PLM, Fri, Sat, & Hel, COLOR BY DE Line CINEMASCOPE, ped Ervelone @ Mahe Cheques Glendate Theatre _S PERFORMANCES SUNDAYS ONLY ot 2,5 & 8.30pm CVERNOS 91.59 ' include bank H 4 Ses eseesesaseensene! rch, Loges SPECIAL we 1.0 MATIWEES 9148 ase $1.50 We Now Playing GLENDALE ae 1661 AVENVE ROAD, TORONTO THEATRE ONE WEEK ONLY! JUNE 20 TO JUNE 25 THE SUPREMES EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION RED BUTTONS WITH THE TEMPTATIONS Evenings 8:30 P.M, Matinees Friday & Saturday 2 P.M. Mon.-Thurs, FricSet, Wed, Mat, Set, Mat, $3.50 $2.75 $2.00 $1.50 eh I R. Orch, ¢ Middie Ba Rear Balcor OSHAWA DRIVE 3rd BIG YE at the ' Beach House Club (Oshawa Exclusive 'In' Crowd Atmosphere) FIRST TIME 'IN A D FEATURING Soul Inspired Rhythm & Blues By The Fantastie JOQUERS EVERY SUNDAY NITE 8:30 - 11:30 P.M. BE A SWINGER! DRESS CASUAL my , YODR al ONE SHOWING ONLY AT LIVERPORL RD NAT aD) 942.125, DRIVE TONIGHT RIVE-IN THEATRE' DIRECT FROM ITS PREMIERE SHOWINGS. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT AT SPECIAL PRICES. NO RESERVED NOW EVERYONE CAN SEE THE MOST. LOVERLY MOTION PICTURE OF ALL TIME! R LADY Academy Awards including Best Picture, EY HEPBURN -REX HARRIS TECHNICOLOR" 9, SUPER PAKAION'7 FROM WARRER BR, 9:20 TE PEE -IN

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