ANNUAL PUBLIC SCHOOL MEET BRINGS OUT BEST FLERS IN THE HOME STRETCH on-competitors give support to runners She Oshawa Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1966 aaa S. J. Phillips School wee Retains Meet Title By DON McKINNON awa's monster track and field|26 points; Cedardale, 24 point Times Sports Reporter meet set a new high for the|South Simcoe, 18% points "Phillips, Phillips, rah, rah, success and popularity of this) Group 'C' Adelaide Me rah.' roared a crowd of sey. annual AM Laughlin, 59 points; Gertrude eval hundred, And 'Phillips, rah) The city's public schools are'Colpus, 49 points: Harmony rah, rah," it 9 divided into five groups for'49\) points; Ritson, 99 points; Dr, §. J, Phillips Publie School|the annual track and field day,|Queen Elizabeth, 35 points walked away with the colors|based on size of school, num-| Group "D' Woodcrest, 64 ind the coveted Kiwanis Rose| ber of classes and ages, etc points; Westmount, 584 points; Bowl, symbol of overall champ-|The new group hi tAKES |'Atbert, 51 points; Duke of Edin ions, in the annual school gam-|in_ the senior schools burgh, 49 points; Mary, 8 es held at Alexandra Park, Fri- College Hill school won the points day Kinsmen Rose Bowl, title : It's the second year-in a row|trophy for the "B" group, with Group E Ridgeway, Ly "gle s ' points; King, 55% points; T, R. that Dr, 8, J, Phillips school@ total of 65 points SioMcen. An f has won the trophy. This year, Adelaide McLaughlin won the|*Chwen, 2) points, RUSLAN BAHNIUK, LE ERTRUDE COLPUS, GOES ALL-OUT ., other competitors leave ground in hid to catch heat winner *y Schoo! point-totals were ac LAST-MINUTE ADVICE FROM COACH WAYNE STUBBS they amassed a total! of 91% points to take, not only the A Group Championship, but also the overall championship ofthe publie schools of Oshawa As the sun finally broke over lexandra Park, it enabled the 2nd, annual school games to et underway, A grand parade of all the contestants, followed by the lighting of the Olympic Torch by Nita Mathews, official opening ceremonies conducted by 8. E. Lovell, chairman of the board of education and the reciting of the Olympie oath, led by Mr, L. Savery, principal of Dr, §. J, Phillips Publie School, touched-off the games, | Lion's Rose Bowl, for the sec-| i ond time in as many years,|auired on a basis of five points with a total of 59 points, in for a first in any event, four Group "C"" competition points for second, three for Woodcrest won for the second|thitd, two for fourth and one 3 | . spas time in a row in Group "D", point for fifth place with a total of 64 points While contributing to their Ridgeway won the first West |school's {otal was the main mount Kiwanis Rose Bow! in|objective of the striving young the new 'Ei 'roup with a athletes, those who finished in total of 58 points the top five in each of the 0 7. "a8 competitions received ribbons, "mee civ ttt Pa 'y|a8 a reward for the work Phillips vil points; Dr ¢ F| - ver eon of our rye ' mr oer "+ * land staff,' Mr, Savery said af- Cannon, 77 points unset) Te) . ! jter the meet, 'It's a team ef- Heights, 39 points; FH, A, Lovell, : ghts, 4 prt eachers F 36 points; Coronation, 20 points ror of all our teache " that Group 3" College Hill makes this win possible, i | 45 points; Vincent Massey, 6214! CARRYING THE TORCH +++ Nila Mathews, Albert School, opened games photos by Bruce Jones, Times Photographer, ++ Dr, 8S. J, Phillips relayers, above left, John Taylor, Richard Mazar, Lee Morris, coach Stubbs and John Matthews, Favored. with ideal weather, | points; Hillsdale, 49 points; the 1966 presentation of Owh-|Conant, 35 points; Grandview, on < heis scones some te COME ON, GIVE IT HERE +++ Relayer gets big jump on opponents . ' eee ae, we re HOPE I WASN'T OVER BOARD ON THIS ¢ +++ Ritson Road long jumper strives for distance ao : SHOULD DO IT HAVE TO GO HIGHER NEXT TIME! +++ Eric LeBreton, E, A, Lovell, checks starting blocks