eit ged Yip np Mine! *, ed Vaan Sees Ys ae Rae | mans, a» " ee Nag FLD AL» Yat @ Key Famteree Sede te An Pat eS eel ~~ feard Reaverbrack T WAR BND, Hie WORLD PUBL Bi ainder ante" | (BEBE RA" pibaiac Piaca. UNVERBITY OF NEW " Rd thd NAMES Hii On THe _ TELEVISION LO +*-Tow Cat 7 Casper Channel 1)--Hamiites Channe) %~Toronto Channel &--Rochester Channel 7--Buttale Channel &-Toronte Channei 4-Buttale | 4-omer Pyle The Wild Wile Weet 9:30 PLM i llePetticoat Junetien | eMr. Roberts % THE DAILY €x! Wit WE, UNTIL, THE DAY BRITAIN M, PREE TRADE A REALIT ree Folk ie "Ui, es Maw ee / Mien ee) AND CHECK. WITH THE RENT~A~ CAMEL AGENT / CURE, BUT THAT CAN BE PONE Y fa YW ACCIDENT) ~ HEAD FOR s THOSE BOULDERS/ nr ome 7) RT th aS RT 8 NY 1 Oa hy ay the 4 THE OSHAWA 'TIMES, Fridey, June 17, 1966 BRIDGE Sy 6. JAY COCKER (Top record-holder in Masters' indrvidual Championship Play) BIDDING QUIZ You are South, neither side + aaa The bidding has West North Cast 19 Dole Fase What would you bid now with fom sees South ?t eet a eda hands? 1, O92 GAM O18 HK 2, OKIE OT OAQS 40632 8. OKT 9KJ92 O71 4078 4 @QN2 Y---- OKINA GAIT 1. One spade. Ii may he ar- gued that this is not a biddable suit, but, since the responder acts under the compulsion of the double, he is not responsible for the texture of the suit he bids. The doubler is supposed to tread delicately over a forced response until such time as responder voluntarily mekes @ forward-going bid It is better to bid one spade than one notrump; The latter response is reserved for hands that contain 7, 8 or 9 high-card points and a stopper in the ad- verse suit 2. Two spades. In responding to a double, care must be taken to distinguish a» good hand from @ poor one, Since the re- sponder may have a worthless hand when he replies to the double, he is under obligation to identify a good one when he has it, This he can do by mak- ing a skip bid in response. If we were te bid one spade "\with this hand, North would TLL DOUBLE IT IF YOU'LL THROW IN THAT MACHINE GUN AND GUARD THE PLANE UNTIL WE RETURN / +-Tom and jerry LETS GET \ YOU MEAN,..... HE AIN! WHY, 0005 HIT HIM NTER/ 1--The Farmer's Daughter Chenn Saserne +The Smothers Bros, Channe 2-Buttalo acetates ont tt PROAY BV wwe 84-U.NC.LE 5:00 POM, 3---Sentimental Agent ly Theatre 7--Court Martiat §--Superman 4--Wayne and Shuster Ton arame é&-The Forest Rangers 11:00 PLM. 2---Mike Douglas OAT bed de Doe NOwe $~Selence Fiction Weather, Sports Wes PM Theatre | BeJohnny Carson 5:0 PLM, #--Debie Gillls 6-Viewpaint ite PM, 4-Movie PM 4--Night Metro Sports with 11:25 PLM. | ee Movie | nie PM | &Johnny Carson | TowMavie Movie 11:40 PLM | 10:00 PLM, lV}eeMery Griffin Nha Hop S~Adventures in Para dise 4:00 0 4--News Chuck Healy 2-3-4--News, Weather 11:30 A.M, lo-Mark Saber &--Skipper Sam 9----Peler Potamus 2---Fury TeMagilla Gorilla | @-Robin Hood 4---Quick Draw MeGraw | 12 NOON 'l-Your Home and Garder 9--Cartoon #--Gumby J--Bugs Bunny Playhouse &--King. Leonarde 4--fky King | SeWestern Jamboree 9--Bachelor Father 2:30 PM leeWhite Hunter Movie JertAliton The Monster 4---Linus Tennessee Tuxede 2--Wells Fargo 1:00 PM |--Hawkeye |have no way of knowing that a 10-point hand containing a singleton and a good five-card suit was facing him, He could pass and miss a game as @ re- sult, In general, the responder makes a jump bid when he has |better than an average hand | 3, Two notrump. It is ex- \tremely likely, once partner |has doubled, that this hand will | produce a game, Since we have 12 points facing at least ar 'opening bid, as represented by ithe double, we must make a ijump bid to identify these | values | The best game contract is |probably in notrump. For this jreason we avoid the jump re- |sponse of three clubs. A three ielub bid would imply distribu- tional values which we lack. | 4. Two hearts, There is no |doubt that this hand will pro- |duce a game opposite a double, |but where the game lies is at \this point uncertain, Instead of itrying to guess which of our \three suits should serve as |trump, we force the choice of a trump suit back to partner by bidding West's suit, We intend to raise any sult partner chooses directly to game, and we have a right to: hope that the combination of the cuebid and the jump raise to game will arouse partner's interest In a slam, SALLY'S SALLIES Sports 6---Huntley Brinkley News | 9-=Thunderbirds | JoeHoppity Hooper 4eoMy Friend Flicka 6-3----Snooker 2--Sting Ray 190 PM | VeeLong John Silver Po Rescue 8 J--American Bandstand 4--Rural Review 2--Sea Hunt 2:00 PM %--International Bewiing 2-8----Baseball 63--Baseball 4--Forest Rangers 2% PM Roger Movie | @nPremiere Theatre News Movie Across Canada 7:00 P.M, HiewHoney West O--The F @--Mr, Roberts 4--News, Weather, Sports 4--People Are Funny 3--Cormbat S--Huntioy-Brinuiey SATURDAY 6:00 A.M 6--Davey and Gollath lit . | 9--Cartoons | 4--Captain Kangaroo a AM | &--Fantasy Island Te~Rocketship 7 | Veiennttae Moves 2--Funny Company | 9:00 AM, | &--Three Stooges 1 FM $----Smothers Brothers TomPlintstones 4+--Addame Farnily Vind Wild Wild West | 4--Pield Trip 24--Camp Runamuck | DeFantasy isiand 8:00 PM %--Patty Duke Show lhe The aia . 6---Movie | 4ePaper Capers 3:00 PLM, 7---Tammy Hercules ~$uperpal Club ¢3--Gel Smart Wrestling d--Hank | 1000 AM. 800 PM +2---Becret Squirrel Ve-Man From UNCLA | TPopeye Go # 'YOUR HEALTH | Breast Removal broken my heart and wrecked | my life, but he messed up my evening." Ramiet my acne, Lately the sight in my right eye seems blurry and is about 20-40, Could this be from the vitamins? If so is there any eure? I go to school and do a lot of reading. -- 8, M, 1 doubt that there is any con. Outdoors Limited 4:00 PM, Professional Wrestling after Four 7--Champlonship Bowling 4--Mighty Mouse Playhouse 10:30 A.M Ii--Hobby Time | 9----Casper |0-Under Doe T-Addams Family 2--Sing Along With Mitch Tommy Hunter Saow 4+--Hogan's Heroes 9:00 PLM, By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD PM. HE COULDPN'T FIND ANY ~| THING WReNné WITH or] Ay (Sis i «AND HE DIPN'T KNOW ANY pny NEW JoKes / +-Friday Movie WHAT DOES SHE LIKE? HOW DO I MAKE HER LAUGH? HER TASTES, HABITS, INTERESTS, T WOULD NOT INVADE THE PRIVACY OF MR, _ TEAGUE'S OFFICE, MISS JONES, IT COULD PROVE MOST EMBARRASSING] | : A FOR EVERYBODY Movie te--Honey West | @--Cousin Bill | denLassio CROSSWORD ACROSS . David's 1 news partner 5. Java tree Carpenter's 8, Concludes tool 4, Golf term . Hickory's 5. Overhead 6 7 DOWN Elegant: slang 2. Skein of yarn gos 26. Hindu title 20. Attend chief. relative h, Pry tains Disem. Measure barked of land bigger Buffalo's &. Voyaged at waterfront 9. Not the . Inquires decorated baker's . Forces 11, Haunta 33. Moits Verb 18. Slope 36, Syco- 17. Girl's name phant's 19, Fleeces word 22, Family $9. South member 23, For » "Lalita," tree for one 25. Tahitian national fi 32. They're American | 7--Beatles an %~Wide World of Sports ' 4----Bat Masterson 80. Arabian [Aly BIA Yeaterday's Answer Sm) acc WESSEL) 40. Firmnese 41, Picasso's bird 42. Ornitholo- gist's concern 45. Mischief 47. Music note . Highways, % ® {7 atreeta, 28 29. Attempt Pacific Island group UY $1. Cargoea 84 Print 2s Cereal grain . Exclamas tion Change . Stun . Swerve . Puahed 46. Mistake 48. Raking chambers 49. Rational 50, Mra. Truman Removal of a breast, neces sary as it is to save lives, often {has an aftermath of _ stiffness jand swelling of the arm. Move ;ment and use of the arm are / necessary to prevent this or cor jrect it Nobody can do it for you. You have to do it yourself, The sad fact is that too many women, jafler such surgery, do not re- jalize even when told how im | portant it is to use the weak jand painful arm, or how much ; good can result | | 'The following letter from' a} jreader will probably do more! |for women than anything a doe: | }tor could say. Her letter Dear Doctor: Seven years ago 1 had my breast removed and found | was. really quite crip: pled. Having four teen - agers, 1 had to work this out. I found I went swimming, concentrating on the back stroke Right months after the opera tion | went back to secretarial work, though I hadn't been em: ployed in many years, I have worked ever since, It is good therapy, No one | work with knows I had this trouble, I was 48 at the time of the operation, Because I did not spare the arm right from the start (though when I was alone and trying | shed many a tear of frustration) [ am not at all incapacitated Wasn't I lucky? It could have been an eye or a leg Dear Dr. Molner: | have been taking Vitamin A for about a year because it seemed to help there are plenty of ways to help oneself -- in fact the only one who can do anything is the pa- lient | First of all when the family left in the morning, and several | times during the day, I went to the basement and put a piece of rope over a pipe, I pulled up and down, forcing my bad arm to pull up and be pulled up Then I strung a clothesline just about out of reach. My daughters wanted to hang the clothes for me, but I did it, and 'found that gradually I could Now the only way to buy WRIGLEY'S SPEARMINT .. popular, modern dime pack raise the line higher | Another: thing: I bought a} heavy pocketbook, Wherever 1) went I carried this hag, swing: | jing it. I carried every package | lat least part of the way home| with my poor arm 3 . As soon as the doctor said | jwas healed enough, | hought a jbathing suit, There are suits! with a tiny sleeve and high! WRIGL neck, sort of like a leotard. And! nection, However, I suggest that you have your eyes tested, Note to F.N.: We can't say that worry and emotional dis- turbances cause stomach ulcers, but it is certain that such ten- sion encourages ulcers in peo ple who are inclined to have pag You get more to enjoy in the convenient Dime Pack of Wriglay's Spearmint... more of that fresh flavour and tively taste! them, @ BUYING! @ SELLING! @ RENTING! - . + Get FAST RESULTS with TIMES CLASSIFIED ACTION ADS DIAL 723-3492