ime DANCING , ! Club Annrene peeling the shirt off Mr. Jns-when he got back to Winnipeg ities Alfred Monnin of the Man- Centennial Commission John | toba Supreme Court and stick Visher accented the fact that ing @ symbol to his back After: &t. Paul alone is paying the way} ia hile in the sun, everything for most of its projects. fs tanned except the area cov- It increased sane water rate ered by the paper cut-out, monthly to help finance the im- Mr. Justice Mornin, a confer pressive $200500 comma- titan 12 THE GOHAWA TIMES, Hider, June 17, 1966 -- 'Albertans Set For Big Centennial About a month ago Nancy Foerter of Peoria started feeding a baby robin and baby starling dog food from a spoon, Now the birds come to the house several times daily for their ration of dog food, The family By GERARD MeNEIL ST. PAUL, Alfa. (CP)--This | centennial « evary, six - elevator t farm town in northeastern Al- |herta strutted its stuff Thursday | before community leaders from across the country A visit to St. Paul was the | climax to = national centennial : | offer F } conference that saw just phat the West and North have to in strange and striking sights. SNe CONIETENce veReN wureey with business at Victoria, moved by charter flight <0 Whitehorse, YT, and to Yellow. knife, NWT. One side light was a $10-a- member charter flight from Yellowknife that took delegates | gum fro * places like Prince award! Island and Newfoundland inside | the Arctic Cirele to see the mid- | dog Tink doesn't seem to mind the faet they even sit on his head at times to eat from a spoon Medical Association Quiet On Experiment Charges BOSTON (AP)----The question of ethics in performng medical experiments on humans without their consent has been raised by a Harvard medical school professor. Guthrie Show Under Wraps OTTAWA (CP)---Sir Tyrone Guthrie says he doesn't think it's the least bit unnatural that Canadians are wunenthusiastic about the 1967 centennial year just now, Chatting with reporters on Parliament Hill Thursd , Tyrone, who will produce tennial musical extravaganza front of the Parliament Bulld- ings next summer, said "Nobody can be expected to get excited about something that is atill one year away. What do you expect? The whole Canadian population jumping up and down and saying goody- good-gumdrops for centennial year?" Bir Tyrone, the director who atarted Canada's Stratford Fes tival in 1053, is keeping the plans for his big centennial show closely shrouded in fe erecy, The reason; The cabinet has not yet given final approval to the script and he doesn't want te commit himself until it does But it will involve large num bers of Canadian school chil- dren, be full of big musical pro duction numbers and take about 90 minutes a performance The firm date for opening has not yet been decided upon but it will be 'about mid-summer" in 10947 The big show is to take place on the front steps of the Parlia ment Bulldings, and stands are to be erected to hold from 6,000 to 10,000 spectators, It will prob- ably run for about two weeks The acript, written by Robert- son Davies with music by Louis Applebaum, will remain a #@ cret until the federal cabinet looks it over. Adventist Head Resigns DETROIT (AP)--A_ nominal committee is making plans pn to name a successor to nly F, Figuhr, who has re signed as world president of the 1,400,000 » member Seventh Day Adventist Church Two men. have been men tioned as possible successors Robert H, Pierson, president of the church's transafrica divi sion, based in Salisbury, Rho desia, and Neal ©, Wilson, of Takoma Park, Md Wilson is president of the chureh's Columbia Union Con ference. which encompasses seven east central states and the District of Columbia Figuhr, 70, announced his res ignation immediately after de livering the keynote address to 11,000 delegates and visitors at the chureh's 50th quadrennial! conference here He has been president of the church since 1954, Twenty-seven of his 44 years in the chureh were apent working with over: seas missions In The Philippines and South America 'ithe men ; ment And the American Medical Association, while declining di rect comment Thursday on the charges of Dr, Henry K, Bee cher, indicated its support of a World Medical Association dec -\laration whieh would limit hu |man experiments to patients who give informed consent Dr. Beecher, chairman of a Harvard faculty committee studying ethics in human ex periments, said more than 1,000 persons unknowingly have heen subjects of scientific tests in some 50 cases He charged in one instance that investigators withheld peni cillin and other antibiotics from 500 air force men without their knowledge or consent, He said were suffering strep throat infections which can jead to rheumatic fever, About five per cent contracted rheumatic fever, Dr, Beecher said Writing in the New England Journal of Medicine, Dr, Bee- cher cited. examples he said were from leading medical schools, hospitals iniversity private and veterans adminis tration--and government mill- tary departments Dr. Beecher, in his said 'it is evident that, ., the investigators have ked the health or life of their subjects and unethical or question ably ethical procedures are not uncommon Among examples cited by Dr Beecher were 408 charity pa tients of whom some 150 were denied chloramphenical, a drug effective against typhoid fever, Of those who received the drug 7,97 per cent died, Dr, Beecher wrote, and of those who did not 22.9 per cent died He also wrote that during heart surgery, 11 patients be tween 314 months and 18 years had the thymus gland in thelr necks removed to check the giand's effect on immunity, article Peace Tower To Be Dwarted By New Ottawa 'Pentagon OTTAWA (CP)--Now it's offl- cial---the main tower of the pro posed $30,000,000-plus defence headquarters will top the Peace Tower of the Parliament Build ings by 67 feet Stanley Knowles (NDP--Win nipeg North Centre) has heen checking building heights and ground elevations ever since the $8.-storey structure waa an nounced, His concern was. that the Peace Tower would be over shadowed, He released his comparison of heights during a Commons ad- journment debate Thursday night and found the official pub lic works heights comparison is identical to his own Student Loans Said 'Deterrent' TORONTO (CP) Govern loans are a deterrent 'rather than an incentive' for students in lower income groups, the legislature was ,told Thursday A brief from the committee of presidents of provincially as sisted universities opposed the heavy dependence on student loans and called for greater emphasis on grants "Heavy dependence on loans forces some students away from long undergraduate courses and ff away from graduate studies," the brief said Hugh Armstrong, president of the Ontario region of CUS, said in an interview that loans can not equalize educational oppor tunity "Any student awards pro gram should be based on bursaries, not loans,' he said The committee's report eriti cized scholarships being de ducted from the bursaries for! which a student has qualified As the plan now stands, the jstudents whose parents are comfortably off and who win a merit scholarship can keep the whole amount, whereas the eco nomically - disadvantaged stu dent who wins a scholarship and needs still more assistance loses the benefit of his scholarship and is forced into debt,' 725-6553 RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH 5.00 PER DAY 725-655 BUTHERFORD' CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE 14 ALBERT ST, Oshewa The tallest central tower of the defence hullding would be 460 feet compared to the 296- foot Peace Tower, The defence structure is on lower ground but all factors considered it would still be taller "There is a net difference in the air of 67 feet SHOULD DOMINATE The Peace Tower should dominate the Ottawa skyline, he said, There was symbolism in- volved and the "tower of civil- jan authority should rise above the tower of military au- thority," He urged the defence Join B, Stewart, parliamen- tary secretary to Works Minisé ter Mcllraith, said the two tows ers would be about a mile apart, The Peace Tower's flag: staff would reduce the height difference Government estimates of the cost of the planned defence headquarters have ranged 80 far from $30,000,000 to possibly $40,000,000 or $50,000,000. But have reports that these were the estimates before the three-tower concept was ar- rived at and that ultimate cost could be about $10,000,000 Site of the building is to be flat land along the Ottawa River west of Parliament Hill DANCING - a From Young Couples A-Courtin' Te Anniversary Celebrants | Cayortin', It's your Assurance | of @ Perfect Evening PB JERRY REIOT Reservations 723.2143 725.1948 il SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE OLD TIME and MODERN Dance to RUDY VELTRI AND HIS RED BARN NEW TORNADOS Toronto's Moat Versatile Group reconsideration -of building there been night sun, All the provinces and terri- tories are represented in the (federal advisory board of shout ence member and 6 members They are being asked to beat the drums in the next six months for the 1967 celebra-| tions | In St. Paul, they didn't just listen, discuss and suggest, their major functions in seven gath- erings in the last three years,| they also got involved Hospitable westerners here fed the visitors prime rib roast, then save them <i aban Saimery vee la run down on the 57 ceniennial projects the town has come up with Most fome hardly nanced at all, are financed loc a need to like the ube competition that Mayor ick Fowler of St. Albert near EAmonton has walked off wit, Or the plan to advertise cen- tennial symbols through sun tans, This was demonstrated by Mental-Physical Pain Link EDMONTON (CP) Per haps because physical iliness is more acceptable in our society than mental illness, 'psychologi- cal problems sometimes show up in people as physical pain a psychiatrist said Thursday, Dr. Loran ¥, Pilling, a Cana- dian who studied at the Univer- sity of Alberta and now works at the Mayo Clinic in Roches- ter, Minn., told a press confer ence at the annual convention of the Canadian Medical Asso ciation that 'our society fosters physical symptoms," 'People who would hesitate to go to a psychiatrist have no hesitation about their medical doctor," Dr. Pilling said a Mayo Clinic study of 562 patients with symp toms for which doctors could find no physical cause showed that less sophisticated people in particular have a tendency to have pain as a symptom of a psychological disorder The most common pains found in the study, Dr, Pilling said, were headaches and lower back pain He said physical distress in psychiatric patients may be fostered to some extent by the unending stream of advertise- ments on television and else where for remedies for ilinesses such as headaches and back pains NEED CLOSER WORK He said the findings illustrate the need for doctors and psychi- atrists to work together closely and have some understanding of one another's fields Dr. Jules Maasserman of Chi cago, professor of psychiatry at) Northwestern University, also said doctors need to treat pa- tients' psychological and philo- sophical difficulties as well as medical problems He said that in b® exper: lence, most medical doctors presented with psychiatric prob- lems are intelligent and senal-| tive enough to conduct the es sential psychotherapy involved, The CMA executive commit tee decided Thursday to refer to provincial (MA divisions a recommendation from a special IN FLIGHT songbirds utter their characteristic song only while' on the wing, or while perched on an elevated object, IZZA Phone 723-0241 or 728.0192 seeing SING Almost all ee ; PY Outlined By Psychiatrist THESE BIRDS HAVE GONE TO THE DOGS | committee .on mental health calling for more liaison be- tween psychiatry and medicine, The committee said it is con- vinced that "one of the major needs" at present is for fuller integration of psychiatry with medicine Dr, Julius Guild, an Edmon- ton psychiazrist speaking on a parie|, said fatigue has psycho logical as well as physical origins and is increasingly prev- alent He said one problem is that there is more emphasis on ma- terial gain in society Ca Nd ES poesanls GREGORY PECK DAVID NIVEN ANTHONY QUINN ous THE GUNS | OF NAVARONE site | COLOR 904 CINEWASCOPE fovea mem ia ae 12 «YRS PuanING BY 3671 * CHILDREN UNDER pres | - TODAY - Love~Lust and Courage oon dag " nA fm ne. PRODUCTION r _Panaviston Metreteler DOOMS OPEN 6:30 THE ODEON BILTMORE PHONE 725-5833 "GET'"' THIS WEEK - Featuring: AS USUAL "THE ESQUIRES" 50¢ Members e 75¢ Non-Members DRESS --- Shirt and Tie CODEAY with his boiste EDWARDS with his guita Return Engagement THE BLUE HORSE LOUNGE The Entertaining CHEF ADAMS CHEF will be supported once again by YYONNE TERRY, the lovely singer; Slap-Happy "SLIM" and RAY rous humor; r, at the -- HOTEL LANCASTER "The Friendly Spot" said he thought he might try it} ate " Thursday. COUNTRY MUSIC OF 30 GREAT CTARS Now Playing PMR TWEATY FIFTH AMMIVERDARY VINGT- CIN GUIEIE AMNMIVERGAINE ) 1966 SHOW TIMES; -- 2:00 - 4:30 - 7:00 - 9:25 194 We Suggest The Motines or 7 P.M. Show and Avoid Line Ups 9007 Cortory Fon prevents good sport, night centre phere the visitors OM SCUGOG ILAMD -- Courty of Omeorie's mont modem EVERY SAT. NITE Ladies --~ No Slacks, Gents --~ in shirt & tie, BAST OF PORT PERRY OM TA --~ TURM os -- mmeee. aetna uu. © POUR Pe oe eres s merree reer eo [neerg WITH ADAM WEST STAR OF BATMAN----FREE AUTOGRAPH OF FERLIN HUSKY ROUTH OF Tre ORM AWA CE AON ORE 799-A@7 OSHAWA DRIVE-IN TONIGHT FIRST TIME 'IN A DRIVE-IN THEATRE' DIRECT FROM ITS PREMIERE SHOWINGS, SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT AT SPECIAL PRICES, NO RESERVED SEATS, NOW EVERYONE CAN SEE THE MOST LOVERLY MOTION PICTURE OF ALL TIME! My FAR Lapy Winner of 8 \y Academy Awards including Best Picture, AUDREY HEPBURN REX HAR in TECHNICOLOR® £3, SUPER PANAVISION®70° FROM WARNER BROS, ONE SHOWING ONLY AT 9:20 TE PEE DRIVE-IN LIVERPOOL, RO, WAT 40) 942-1250 PLAYING AT THE GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL THE DON STEELE TRIO FEATURING ARLENE GILES NIGHTLY IN THE Vintage Room MOTOR HOTEL Thornton Rd, South and Champlain Ave. Phone -- 723-4693 SMORGASBORD 12 Noon te 2:30 DINNER 5:00 -- 9:00 Sundey ---~ 5 p.m, SMORGASBORD TODAY and SATURDAY ONLY ! snnanion eens the baa, 1), Way Way Y OUT! the bikini have one hullabaloo a ofa rend HETRO GOLDMAN MAYER prapans as Nit TE) HAR HEAR, / gPP asad H NON foe hit onthe in COOH BA NOCHE AA Poa IN PANAVISION*AND M@TROCOLOR, TWO COLOR HITS FLU Ea = Minas METRO-GOLOWYN-MAYER presents A LESTER WELCH Production . > SONOFA Z a> GINTATER CONTINUOUS FROM 1:30 P.M, In CINEMASCOPE & METROCOLOR GRAND CAPITAL SHOWS AT THE KINSMEN STADIUM Behind Ontario Motor Sales Oshawa OPEN SAT. 10 A.M. to MIDNIGHT FERRIS WHEEL TILT-A-WHIRL ROLO-PLANE | FLYING SCOOTER MERRY MIXER FLYING COASTER MERRY-GO-ROUND KIDDIE LAND FUN HOUSE @ SIDE SHOWS @ GAMES ¢ BINGO FREE ADMISSION FREE PARKING Sponsored by the Central Council of Neighborhood Association Tool ot gaa BRE PR AE AOE RET TT