ANNOUNCE WEDDING PLANS Mr. Daniel William MeColl will take as his bride, Miss Ruth Anne Kell in # ceremony to he held in St. John The Kwangelist Raman Catholie Church, Whithy, on July ih. The prospective bridegroom is College Degrees Can't Supplant Experience By ROBERTA ROVSCH A college degree is a priceless gem that can brighten your whole future when it's mounted in a solid setting of practical working experience and therough on-the-job training But until a new girl graduate can place her degree in that set ting, her college training is no guarantee that she can start her business career on the third rung instead of the first one.on the ladder labelled 'Jobs This is something | am forced { | come separate familiar words To Listen With Appreciation Helps Child Starting To Read By GARRY C. MYERS, Pad Suppose your child is hegin- ning to read at school, He may |e s0 pleased with his success, lthat he wants you, dad, big! | brother, and grandpa (eo hear how well he reads. If each lis itens with appreciation as he reads, his future success ot lreading is strongly presaged, | But suppose you or another person at home tells him te come and read ta you, with the implication that he reads poorly and this person is going to help him, He brings his book wn- willingly, reads a few words falters, in "helped" but not very cheerfully each time and fi- nally is allowed to go, not feel- ing he had achieved well, He left an alder person who felt no | pleasure over his reading. sue- cess, Indeed, that person may have hetrayed displeasure over the way the child read Suppose a like experience in reading ty this child goes on day after day at home. If he is your child, protect him from such humiliations, fee that no one tells your child to "come and read to me," unless the person will feel sure the child You should see the jobs \ican read well and enjoy suc have heen offered, They art) cess simply unbelievable, after @ll| inctead after setting an ex the training and preparation } ample yourself, try to induce have had another person to read to this "1 didn't spend four years in| child from a story he will like college to work at a joh as Alto hear, a story with many pie- typist and put in my time On|tures, This story may have | routine chores that anyhody| words, 'many words, far too could do.' hard for the child to read, But 'Keven with two or three room-\if the story captures his inter mates, | couldn't live as J wantiest and imagination he will lis to on the salaries | have heen ten vaptly and want to hear if offered." again or hear more stories as the son of My. and Mrs, M. J. MeColl, Uindsay and his bride-to-be, the daughter of Dr. and Mrs, Clifton 1 Kell, RN 2, Oshawa, is @ graduate of the Vaeulty of Dentistry, Department of Dental Hygiene, University of Torento child ever going? to learn. to read without domg some read ing himself?" Dan's be in a hurry. Keep on reading to him, firet grade or early in the sec very easy reading material which will appeal to him, ma terial different fram his school primer or first reader and less habyish, (DON'T DISCOURAGE CHILD | After you read a bit from it iran «a finger under the words as you read, Your child may | begin to catch on and read | some of it himself, Of course you may think of other good ways, Use your inventive genius to help this child enjoy some success at reading, heing sure he does not grow discouraged over trying to read what is too lhard for him to read | Suppose this child is in Grade 4 or 4 and can't read with suc cess and consequent satistarc tion from his school reader | Don't ask him to read from it | you Go searching for a hook in |which are some interesting sen \tences he can read. Vind him |more materials as easy and in teresting for him to read, Make sure this material has only an occasional word which may give him trouble When your child pauses over a word, quietly, gladly say it \for him. Help him occasionally fo listen to the sounds in thi word, As you vary his mode of attacking a few new words you imay find him willing and eager tio have vou practise him at fur omen's Press even if he is in the middle of the own resources for ways ta help and. Keep on \anking for some\iearn to read, you should keep! @ Our son delights in doing|more desirable 'BEST' NOT KNOUGH appealing Rut you may ask "How is this Announces Awards TORONTO (CP)--The Cana dian Women's Press Club Wed nesday announced the award of medals and $100 prizes to six Canadian women writers in the 1965 memorial awards competi tion tn say at this time every year.) vatter spending my father's as new graduates who are seek: hardearned money, | certainly! ing first jobs pour out their) want to land a good job, Bul feelings about their degrees in! the pest one { have heen offered THE STARS SAY a series of irate statements vet would require me to learn By ESTRELLITA This year is no exception, Litto work in the stockroom for FOR TOMORROW ten to these part of each day, And a college) wing stellar influences should education for stockroom work! make Saturday an enjoyable doesn't make sense to me. . | period, Personal relationships "Why do so many employers) governed by fine aspects since | who say they want college grad-| late yesterday, will continue on Retty Lee of Toronio won first vates expect us to start with) the gonenial side, so that prize in the news rategory for the kind of joh we could havelgroup activities of any kind|® story in The Globe and Mail learned to handle without ever! (especially those of the outdoor on a Chilean earthquake The going to college?" type) should prove pleasurable | features award went to Therese There are several reasons why | ; | Thiboutot of Montreal for an ar employers, whose business in| "OR THE BIRTHDAY Hele in Le Magasin Maclean Smeking a profit, tend to offer| 'f tomorrow is your birthday, Other awards; (Gladys Taylor starting jobs that sometimes) Your chart indicates that, as ofverenio, for a column in. the t HE ac marches into|MOW. your career and financiallToronio Telegram; Helen Da bebe en nat ny new erad-| Outlook is far better than it HAS! pey Wilson, Ottawa, for an ar 0 lige my "4 ot the y ob m.| been for the last two years. ASiticie in Saturday Night maga oi he tthe "act fog of ahout six weeks ago, you nN zine, Lily Tasso, Montreal, for side oe who must spend| (ered an excellent cycle govern:|a women's world feature in La their money well, hire experi-|""8 these interests and YOU! Presse nf Montreal; Sonja Sin enced workers for the jobs new) should see a continuning Wward) clair, Toronto, for a business graduates want ltrend until the end of Septem:|article in the magazine Cana These employers fill lens de-|Det =~ with July, August, andidian Business manding jobs. with inexperi- September outstandingly good Witawabla mentions. ineluded enced workers who can he) On the moneiary eare, I would! Marion George, Alvinston, Ont., trained for better spots while| be well to operate CONKEIVA: Canadian Weekly; and Norma they earn their heginning aal-|'iVely between Oct | and Feb.| pidwell, the Hamilton Spectator, aries by performing specific 1, when you will enter another witht bee el with some of the sounds in) THE COMAWA TIMES, Friday, June 17, 1966 11) snecess---a0 that "thereihas above-average shility, He never is heard a Misconraging| thinks it wili win him more word and the skies are notifriends than being smart in Cloudy «i day." Don't worry|school and you can't convince that you might wse ®# wrong him otherwise, What can we method in your child | de? learn to read. Just trust to your, & 'This sometimes happens own good sense 40 long a* YO! Your son is inclined to he with can find ways to cause him (0 other boys whe are poor stu fents whe in the meanwhile keep read enjoy ing aloud to your child {rem far harder stories he will like ta listen te. If you keep reading enough ta him he will grow more and more eager to read sione--to read ta you aloud or fo read silently a few sentences and tell you in a few words "About Toft" Aun Sommers what they have said choose (0 keep striving and to boleter enjoy siccess and be proud Of up by acting as if himself, fon't ¢ » Your PARENTH QUESTIONS in helping him What | am trying ta get at is that in your search fram your jin mind one thing--that he willlpoor work im school when henot trust in arguments ee - FOR THE LORD OF THE MANOR LIGHTWEIGHT SLACKS Here's 0 gift that combines good looks and practicality a pair of new lightweight slacks for Dod. He'll like the comfort and you'll enjoy the easy core. We hove styles and sizes to fit Fathers of all ages and shapes, Come in so00n and see suggestion Fram 15.95 to 25,00 -- ' SG J OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OPEN TO 9 PLM, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY | FATHER'S DAY IS THIS SUNDAY 1 needs (such as typing and short: excellent cycle for expansion, p _|lasting until April 18, This last tg dnd mac details of row one should spark opportunities | 'for many more gains star-prom CAN GAIN EXPERIENCE ised between then and May Nancy Louise Schrot, re: | Girls who view these. starting | 1968 ceived her Master of Sci. jassignments as added training) Where your eeupational in ence Degree in Hiducation |\that they need can enhancelieresis are concerned, aside from the State University of jtheir value for a second potifrom the aforementioned good New York College al Brock: |because of the working experi-| period, look for further chances port. Mrs. Ottenbrite ree jence and thorough on-the-job-|i9 advance your status in lale ceived her hachelor of arts training -- from the siockroom| October, late November, next! degree from the University (right on upe-that they gained! February and March, Those en | ot Windsor and has attend. (on their first job gaged in artistic and scientific ed Syracuse University and As they do this, they place|enterprises should have an all the State University of New the r college degre in a solid) around excellent year, with| York College 'at Oswego setting that allows them to come/notable periods of accomplish where she .took--graduate inte their own -and-use their ed-} ment and recognition indicated courses in. literature and |ueation to climb up as manyjin early August, late Septem remedial reading. She ia the (rungs as they wish on the job! her, the first and last weeks of Enijo our daughter-in-law of Mr. and /ladder October, next January and joy y Mrs. Joseph Ottenbrite, But before their degree moves| March Private Flizabeth street. Her hus them up many rungs, they have) wy : neve personal matters are hand is a candidate for his SAUNA AND io get their footing by standing | pencerned, romance will be ta Doctorate in chemistry firmly on the starting one first vored in late Nove ! mber, next WEALTH CLUB : | April and May, And, while you GETS DEGREE Mrs, Raphael Martin MOitenbrite, the former ©: a "\ Tey, Swim In Your Own Back Yard at the New LA GRENFELL SQUARE APARTMENTS nm Isometric Exercises Tone Throat Line Ry IDA JEAN KAIN Is there a way to reduce and lonk younger? Let another dieter give you assurance that seare- Her words earry conviction 'Tam hoping will im press upon your readers the im portance of isometric exercises for toning the throat muscles Twice | have taken off 20 pounds only to find | had a sag ging neck thal made me look years alder. | would find myself thinking 'What's the use of look ing slimmer if I look old and haggard?' Then 1 would gain back all the weight This time when | started my diet, | also started isametries Let me tell vou there just ne comparison in the way you look when you follow these ex ercises ta the way you look when you do not exercise. Take it fram me! have had experi ence hoth ways "Although | am five years older than T was the last time I dieted, my neck has remained firm and wrinkle-free. Resides the neck exercises given in your isometrics leaflet, 1 do one other a grinning contraction "Here is the big grin: Grin side-wise, as big and hard as you ean aving the: letter e-e-e-e, Hold the grin, keeping a stiff upper lip and pull up with jaw muscles as hard as you can holding to a siow count of eight." DON'T GET CAUGHT Our veader suggests that you do this several times a day while washing the dishes, ar do ing anything, but do it while no one is watching To take up the the chin tiek aut slant tongue ing to touch tip of nose you is slack vou! under if ty Hold upwards as De not thrust head forward,| may not plan on much travell Keep the line at the back ot) ing during ei next Hy month, : é eh | Short trips taken in September, t } your neck almost straight, avith next January and May should the tip of your chin level prove extremely enjoyable Dieters, another chin-firming| Stimulating social experiences exercise is to rock vigorously injare star-pramised for the hal SWIMMING POOL and SUNNING PATIO 385 Gibb St. at Grenfell @ ONE BEDROOM SUITES @ TWO BEDROOM SUITES on ja rocking chair, This is particn: larly good if the chair hack is not high. As you push with your feel, you can feel the action in your neck museles, Rock the} wrinkles away; restore the! bloom Today's letter, which was, written expressly to help dieters | grow young and beautiful, ended with 'May God bless you and keep you going strong Ah, there is the undergirding | secret of true beauty, Isometric! exercises are fine and toning | and they are de rigueur for diet:| ers who need to restore tone to throat and jaw muscles, But to grow more beautiful as the vears go hy, love must he re! flected--love of the Creator, love for one's fellow man. 'Heaven | reflected in her face,' was the way the poet William Cowper expressed it HOUSEHOLD RINT When making a hed, fold the top sheet well down over the Dlanket. You'll eliminate 'iteh" and the blanket will = stay cleaner longer lance of this month, in late Sep tember, early October,late No vember and hetween Dee, § and Feb, 10; also, next April and May A child born on this day will he endowed with lofty ambi tions and a keenly analytical mind, but will have to curb) tendencies toward extreme rest: lessness and hypersensitivity OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS Available At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251) King 3, 2, Oshawe 8 x 10 --- 1,50 each 5S x 7 --- 1.25 each 20% Discount on Orders ot 3 er More Pictures PHONE 723-511 DAILY Annual oe 7:90 The Burns School of Dancing McLaughlin Collegiate Auditorium (STEVENSON RD. NORTH) SATURDAY, JUNE 18th, 1966 Principal: Rese Marie Reimer, €.D.T.A, Exclusive Agents (Bond St.) Led. Recital . PHONE 728-9466 FOR RENTAL INFORMATION 11 A.M, TO 9 P.M, Oshawa Realty "A NEW WORLD of APARTMENT LIVING" @ FAMILY SUITES @ 3 FLOORS RESERVED FOR ADULTS ONLY! GRENFELL SQUARE features: Night Drapes Throughout One or Two-Baleany Suites Available Second Washroom Suites Available Oshawa's Largest Suites Rental Includes TV Antenna Service, Parking Space and Additional Locker Space Private Seuna and Health Club Facilities: Swimming Poel and Sunning Patie RESERVE YOUR SUITE NOW Rentals Start At $125.00 Free Hydro High Speed Flevators Sottly Carpeted Corrider Floors Renutitully Landscaped Entrance Ultra-modern Kitchens include 30 inch Electric Range and New Refrigerator Intercom Connected to Lobby Rathrooms Equipped with Large Mirrors and Built-in Vanities Double Sinks | "Father's Dey" this Sunday! Treat Ded on his opecial doy, ta tris feverite meal @ hehiomn steak dene ot the CMAWA STEAK HOUSE located at townline, 1626 Simcoe St. M., Oshawa, The specialty of the house" includes a beoutthd wing sack, perfectly seasoned to taste, french tries, chet soled and beverage al for $1.95 per person. This attractive Georgian-style colonial inn sets back on a long, sloping terrace eway from the FOOTT Ms FTN TERRE HOY MEFIERD FTWRETT Snr mriniereery sorrrvemyp "TR Gert errerm phere of candistight and checkered tela coverings, Once you dine here, you will come often, Phone numiver 723-8741, 1 = s WEIDI'S MODERN HAIRSTYLING, of 367 Wilson fd &, in Oshewe, hes proven to be one of the mow up-to-the-minute heouty parlors in town, You may see disployed there all thet's new in natural heir wigs and heir pieces. You can have one creoted into a style arrangement te mat your own taste end per- sontity, in any desired color, Ag for your own hair, Heidi and her well-trained statf con work miracles, if mirecles ere neces- sory, to tronstorm your hair-de into @ glamorous new style, Per- haps only @ few snips of the scissors in the right pleces will do the trick, or a more becoming tint er rinse, Make an appointment by calling 723-5631, and see if you will not be thoroughly de- lighted with the results x 2 = OSHAWA YACHTHAYVEN, the mariners dream, provides every thing essential to boating. Located on it's own little island off Harbor Road in south Oshawa, you welcome the cool breezes from the lake on a hot summer's day while browsing through their complete assortment of boats, trailers, motors, and merine equipment, Trade-ins are accepted toward the purchase ef 4 new Johnson er Evinrude motor. Boat moorings are availeble for crunsers in their "seofe harbor', and the service department tatt are fully qualified te repair outboard motors, as well as inboards on boots up to 25 tons. Phone 723-8186 * * * One of many fine homes listed with W, FRANK REAL ESTATE, 21 King %&. W., Bowmanvile, is a stately 15.r00om brick mension surrounded by an acre of beautifully landscaped lewns end terraced gardens. The interior of this fine old home ie taste- fully decorated in an ultra modern manner, from the well-chosen wall paner to the luxurious wall-to-wall furtabrie breadioom throughout the main Hor (included with purchase). The original large corniage house in the rear mow serves a8 garages and stor- age space, with a five-room apartment everhead, Anyone in- terested in @ spacious home fer truly luxurious family living, or tor some worthy business enterprise, an exclusive school or institution should really see this one te appreciate Hs possibilities, Call Bowmanville 728-7518 for an appointment todey, * * * The place you eall "home" deserves the best in home furnish- ings. And the basis ef your furnishings begin with your floor coverings. Be it tile, linoleum, rugs er breadioom, an excellent selection can be made ot ANGUS-GRAYDON CARPET COMP- ANY, 282 King St. W., Oshawa, Stop in at your earliest con. venience and see the myriads of samples uniquely displayed on slide panels for easy viewing, If you are building @ new home or redoing the old, you will find something here te sult your own individual requirements in any eoler, design, er quality you wish, Talk ever any ef your decorating problems with Mr Angus or Graydon Parsons and with their vast knowledge and experience in this line they will prove most helpful in thelr suggestions, Any Inquiries may be made by phoning 728-6254 * * * If you're looking fer ene particular item of furniture or enough to completely furnish @ mew home, deo visit the ALCAN FURNI- TURE AND APPLIANCE store at 452 Simcoe St. §,, Oshawa Here you may ehoose from among their smart collection of modern furniture just whet you have been looking for, et @ price to suit you, Te complete or emphasize your room's eolor scheme, you may wish te add en attractive wall pleque, en original oil painting, @ tell lamp for your end teble, or @ gay planter urn, And for the kitehen you are sure te find the right fridge er range to suite your requirements, T.V.'s ere avell- able te rent er buy, and an efficient service ataff will reper your present washer, dryer, renge, ete. For further inquiries eall 723.001), * * * Ai the JOHN BROUWER GARDEN CENTRE, located two miles wast ef Whitby on Highway 2, }diseoverad a fire variety: of evergreans, flowering trees and shrubs, as well es rose bushes and perrenials, to beautify your home surroundings, Se choose yours while they lest. If you happen tobe an apartment dweller, attractive plastic rubber and concrete planters fer geraniuma, petunias, ete,, will provide attractive baleony er window gardens. And be sure to select the most important aids to successful gordening insecticides, fungicides ond fertilizers, Phone number, 668-3396, & * ¥ Now, as we enter inte that wonderful season celled 'summer', we are getting inte our light-weight togs and packing all the heavier clothing away for @ while, But it is @ well-known feet that articles ef elothing should never be packed away unless thoroughly cleaned, and protected from dust and moths, All fabrics must be laundered or dry @eaned and placed in garment bogs, ceder-lined chests or closets, or in boxes contoining moth repellents, For thereugh, but gentle cleaning and laundering, you can be assured of the finest service from the OSHAWA LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING, ot 50 Mill St, Oshawa Phone for fast pick-up serviee 723-8166 * * * If you'd like something original and differant in jewellery, try the Princess" line, Handmade and imported from Germany, this jewelry is sold exclusively in Canada by Walter Devenish of THE W, D, SALES, 272 College Ave., Oshawa, Finely spun wire in delicate gold and silver form petal leaf and flower designs, ac: cented with rhinestones or pearls, They are light in weight and comfortable to wear, Whether @ charming spray to eccent the neck line, @ pair of earrings to enhance the "bared ear' look, or a necklace and earring set for any eccasion, you will be de- lighted with your choice, Mr, Devenish will be pleased te call on you in the convenience of your home by phoning 725-5596 for an appointment * x * What is your most relaxing pastime? Have you even considered howling? It's great fun and geod clean apert. In Oshawa's east end, on Highwoy 2, the EASTWAY TEN PIN LANES offers modern bowling facilties well suited te group or individuel playing, with certified instructors upen request, For adults, the alleys are apen evenings from 7 te 12, and Wednesday from | p.m, NH midnight, You can rent a locker for "sate-keeping'" of your personal effects, while a snack bar offers refreshments for that special "eotfee break' time. Bowling shoes may be rented for your game, or you can purchase a new pair along with @ personal bowling ball and bag. Summer rates are 40 per game, and reservations are taken. in advance for club grouns or other organizations by calling 723-3485, * * * Hove you ever visited the "FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR MOTEL?" It's located on Highwoy 401 at the turn-off to Bow manville, and very well worth a stop-over for anything from a snack to a full course meal, The food is delicious and the etmesphere most pleasing amid red leather and brown furnish ings. They are onen daily from 7 a.m, till 12 midnight. Speciot banquet rooms accommodate private party, club or wedding groups with the seme pleasant, efficient service an al! occasions Far overnight accommodations, single or double motels ore specious and reatful in their modern decor, with T.V. and broad- loom in every room, For reservations, col! 623-3373 :