Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jun 1966, p. 2

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{ | Rinse well and let dry thor-+and pane without leaving loughiy before proceeding with *0@DY fim ing glossy paints which give j be paperine. new coat a better ¢ PAINTED SURFACES tablespoons of the 9 the . con. Sallon of warm. water cleans, Gossip Monger Squeals Ms complete change a Sen )S0 double the amoun duis lery gives you @ yen 10 PADEF Blin. curtace Rinse well and let em 4 H : fore tg ledener son| wa ary aust completely norere On Secretaries Habits : lis needed. Wash walls thorough- ee ser wielding the paint ly with a warm solution of pot dual ie 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, June 17, 1966 soda concentrated, six table he said: "I don't want her ey, SR ee ee ~" " |i en cal then : sagt cess he said: 't wan * * inse well and when dry, coe j i ' schine cherries cubes nom, 'hes cated mee Parties, Presentations Honor ithe thin give size. wien this soking, crores nie her again." 1 almost went! fae a F | Repainting « pall also calls Oe through the floor. I Rride-elect. Marv Wasiluke for @ preliminary 960, § \\0* quae Several secretaries, I am told, I told my pamene -_ partes 3 ; a iuieimante oUEn ERNE, MOVE. PR ey eai their junch at their desks very ere lor gettiog §s-| in ~ 0 Miss Mary Wasliluke, whose in the Parts and fervice De-\ Cleaning, your nie mn Ol and then go out for what they (a le's aftairs, ; : marriage takes place tomorrow| partment of General Motors heid paint may chip, pe ; 'they some-\volved in other peop i p ; ter, This is because the pores of call 8 lunch hour. they | The woman has been calling) Mi LY ; Va \to Mr, Carl Linkletter has been|a dinner party at the Southend) Qo' |e ay filled times return a8 late a5 3 p.m to ask why she hasn't heard j honored at several showers and! Restaurant where the future ar Plas poe Pg , cen po - ag fog Mig a Plag of pd from Jim, 1 don't know what to parties, a bride wae presented with many| oo" at the fred: poe can't! 4 er that ' The matron nonor and large gifts, j tor, the dentist, oF shepOme: iim ayn gina with her es bridesmaids entertained at @| Mrs, William Ferguson held yom and sores & Hee ae The men and the women in|) (a0 bring myself to tell her : Jack and Jill party et the home.@ personal shower in her ap- A rie Be 7 « . eves dirt} the office call each other "Doll, |ne pas guddeniy changed his ie AVA of Mrs. Edward Homes, which|artment on Gibb Street where Cenirated, for i+ removes 1" iim -- - Baby, Honey, Dear" and other) ving She will think I am nuts, HUl| was attended by seventy people,|the future bride was presented moc eens si sma pet names, They kiss On€ AN-|" Diosse give me some advice, ih i Ala |A buffet supper was served by,with items, of lingerie, the other when they meet on the) cusiq for Last Time the hostess assisted by Mis sihostess was assisted by Miss street or a party, or any place) pear Cupid; It's always & ee: ey Sharon Siblock, Miss Mary Sib-|Gloria and Miss Vicki Wolose- at all, If they are so friendly 1D | mistake to try to glue together . # lock, Mrs, Arthur Preston and wich, publie what do you think 895 | sre broken romances of friends, Miss Bunny Lowe A miscellaneous neighborhood on in private?--Just # Dumb ii they can't put the pieces : A surprise kitchen and cup! shower was held by Mrs, Nich- Housewife together, forget it, Doll. i & , e and saucer shower was held olas Siblock and Mrs, Alex Dear Dumb Housewife: Prob- Teli the woman the truth. | ! a : by Mrs. John Shearer and Mrs, Wasiluke at the former's home, ably nothing--or they'd be more she won't think you're nuts,| p we g 74 \Peter Yaknovets at the former's where Miss Wasiluke received reserved in the presence Of She'll think he's nuts, Figg eee is i home, |many items of home-made em- others. ; % " Co-workers of the bride - elect broidered cut-work, | ) J ! i I suspect the bearer of all Dear Ann Landers: | am a 14- s j 5 : i eG Hiway Low Rentol Retes by these giad tidings, who happily year-old girl who would like the Month or Year | Expert Meat processing | reports the goings on at the\some suggestions on what to| ant ra ho ge ea | ' Ke ' c ; New Materials Take Drudgery ee cae piePy "thelr es be 1 pe gi , a : ve a Out Ot R ed ec or atin g H ome a | and Custom Cutting office, is a bit of a trouble- talk about when J am dancing 1 shopping or banking and. see|stupid, Thanks for our elp-| KTINETTES PREPARE FOR STRAWBERRY BRIDGE wn on Wholesale Lp their lunch hours, because it's) Dear Without: Good dancers Mrs. Douglas Lowe, left, | Kinsmen Community Centre, to be awarded. Highlight of By In Quantity « mse tae ovmlone: Then = see ge BE ng lhmwand co - convener of the Osh- is assisted by Mrs, Donald pe mn, Mg nl ing That's when you're most - ae E oer ng of s ry shorte: F #0: ' all Dear Ann Landers: A friend ing madly on the dance floor) awa Kinette Club's annual Lake, president, and Mrs, This year's event is on June aware of weary-looking Ww of my husband's has spent the|it's a safe bet that at least one) strawberry bridge held in Lloyd Pigden convener, as 29nd at 6.00 p.m pare ae EL as, last two months erying on my of them is @ very poor dancer. june each year at the they wrap some of the prizes Oshawa Times Photo ot ieee meterials and sim (108 peel the papen off from neck over a woman he had : Wienien Shtele plified procedures, major reju-| te top downwards with an occa loved and lost, He begged me| Confidential to Viewing | sional nudge from # wide-bladed " | the Ontario group, were among | yenating jobs become less and to help bim get her back and 1|Years Of Marriage Through A ; awe ollee fg agg ---- . | Shiver: A woman who has al- eight persons presenting @ brief less awesome, So collect your Any remaining seraps of LOCKER STORAGE Cast a critical eye at thel washer detergent and an equal house when you're spring cle@| amount of sal soda concentrat- ed, When sprayed on the wall Hh Hill | Complete Locker Service } in a fine mist, it rapidly pene trates and paper loosens, Then : ney * onert "ourage and plunge, To add a ' 1 didn't realize 1 had such lowed a man to belt her around Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor to Attorney - General Arthur ay ll gh tee er te semelnaner, @ dry glue can be persuasive powers bul after a/for more than a quarter of a i piety a as Wishart on the government's / rp vty | Serubbed off while the wall is 2% + minute conversation she|century must like it Every Telephone 723 - 34°4 for Women's Department proposed legislation to set up @ of the meet lng _-- * | till damp with a stiff-bristled said: "You are right, Jim is alexpert with whom I have con consumers' protection bureau\"ere are & few p.inters, brush dipped in hot water and 81 William St. West wonderful person, I shouldn't|sulted tells me that in the m@ (1.1 o¢town guests attending|Star; » message of congratula-/and provide other measures t0\7o RE-PAPER WALIS sprinkled with dry sal soda Fam y+ og My Bynes Bog Pipl Tag dew the Shackelton-Dieh! wedding re-|tions from the Honorable Mich-| protect the consumer, When it comes to repapering PHONE 723-3012 wise a Starr and Mrs, Starr and| In the brief, the association walls, if there are three or less we'll pi up w Ww marri oth m w - cently in Kedron United Chu ael § ; ; ay woud tetansiel ad tases anes Ree ee Se brides or hse pe tha trees greetings from Vancouver, and|commends the government for|previous thicknesses of paper LIVEL off," , - wer Mrs. Eri ynolds, Vv Y | iadic Vernon, British Columbia; St.) consumer legislation but notes| and the final Jayer is in good When 1 told Jim of my sue-'work periodically, __|Mr, and Mrs, Albert Rock, and) thomas, Richmond Hill, Toron-| "that the emphasis of this Jeg-|condition, just add the new on SUMMER "ee LOE ALLE Miss Rosemary Steinbeck, a!l Of to, Aurora and Cobourg, Mrs,|islation is mainly on consumer|top of the old, but do it on Mitchell; Mr, and Mrs, Jack Wesley Norsworthy was assisted! credit and the difficulties there-| warm, dry ¢2y and apply only) s Hulley ant Mr, and Mrs, Stan-'in serving tea by her sister,| in." as much paste as is absolutely alr ly es ley Broughton, all of Monkton,|Mrs Aubrey Hurst, Mrs, Har-| The brief calls also for estab: necessary, for the moisture FiOntario; Mr, and Mrs, Thomas " old Sills and her sister-indaw,| lishment of an information cen-|from excess paste can soften Beg Rabange m an vc Mrs, Bud Cain, tre which will provide special-\the old paste, loosening the old SPECIAL! ma a ames Se00es, Mt rer Vi ' ized and expert information| paper oe, a? of agg ro My, and hag Cuasies Gibbs posited upon » wide range of topics" of| co down to the bare plaster if PERMS rs, arvey Gibson, Jrange a ie closing meeting OF The! interest to consumers there are already more . than On Special Mon, ville; the bridegroom's grand-| St. George's Women's Auxillary, ee ne at al Gane a Tats weds p remem ere an r, Mr, John Shackelte Afternoon Branch, Reports were 4 wee jay , rng Mrs Elwood Bhackel' given aaiaee th baie {ol HOUSEHOLD HINT easiest way to get there is with "| 95 mM + ton, Mr. and Mrs, Keith Shackel lowed by a chicken supper, It Use oleomargarine for baking. the garden sprayer, Fill it yi! oe 6: ton and Mr, and Mrs, Morris|was announced that the next|O" sale, It's erenge hes, shor- wit: a --_-- = tug r Prout, all of Bowmanville meeting would be September 13, tening and comes almost pre-| water combin - |measured tablespoons of sudless automatic PATRICIA"S The committee in charge of arrangements for the 2st an Consumers Assoc. PPP PAP ADD DADA DADAAAALD AAPL AAALAC Beuuty talon nual Police Ball being held to morrow evening ine Cie Asks Government $ Golden Spindle Textiles i tom Teen liam (Bill) Hayes, chairman Offers you @ large selection of D th di ted Fabri and ticket convener; Constable| F OF Separate Dept. at LOW LOW PRICES, eo eee John Reard Constable Ger- fd ald Ouellette, Constable. Jonn| TORONTO (CP) -- There! LOOK AHEAD TO SUMMER WITH THESE f a Ogee : ' i Shepherd, Constable Ed Wils should be a separate govern 3 ' vas poe goat William Mone - ment department to deal with BUDGET-PRICED FABRICS NOW! GRADUATES RECEIVE SCHOLARSHIPS . wx, 1 iano tection of the Connumers) § ae Biggest Choice of rs, Lillle Norsworthy, who) tario section of the Consumers' ond 4 4 " ¢ 2 iggest Choice o celebrated her 90th birthday,| Association of Canada, ins a WTRAW WAT" LINEN 45" v4. 86 s ONE OF the class of 92 MISS HELEN Nancy Mc- | Tuesday, greeted many visitors) Mrs, Dorothy Askew of Lon-| | ' aioe eet 168 FATHER'S DAY nurses who received diplo- Knight, daughter of Mr. at a reception given in her|don, chairman of the provincial) (2 ° 4 : mas in the 76th annual wr . es McKnight, |0n0r by her son and daughter |body's special committee on ; HONDID KNITS -- ALL ggg FAVORITES graduation exercises of the an hale dive 8" Jindaw, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley|consumers' affairs,said in an SeLeuns, " "4. a rub Hamilton Civic Hospital Dovedale drive, Whitby, re- (Norsworthy, Roxborough ave-|interview Wednesday "the con- x j tolestions ef School of Nursing was Jo- ceived her bachelor of arts poor = coperas many cares sumer is neglected person / y SILKS corTONs + RAYONS anne Slessor, daughter of degree with second class (8nd gifts including a bouquet of|in our socie Pid ji Mr. and Mrs, Max Slessor . long stemmed red roses from) "When governments draw up) BUDGET PRICES of Burlington, Joanne. was her neighbors, a large basket of policies there is no one there} - 5 the winner of the Hamilton and literature from Trinity 'fruit from Rebekah Lodge, No.|to present the consumer's point WE GARRY HIRE QUALITY MERSHANEITE OREY Civic Hospital scholarship, College, University of To- (3; greetings and gifts from! of view." 32 King 3, W, at Cor, Prince &, Phone 723-8271 an_award.of $1,000. which ronto at its recent convoca- |members of Sunbeam Chapter) Mrs. Askew and Mrs, Gwen| §U. provides for one year's tion and was awarded the (of the Order of the Eastern| Pemberton, a past president of! PLL LL mans APPL LLIL LLL LSA study at university, She for- 'Province of Ontario Gradu- sabi ta 5 merly attended O'Neill Col- ate Fellowship, She is a legiate in Oshawa and Nel- graduate of Anderson High ee feet in Marines Tete deel Cis of 18 RUNDLE'S FATHER'S SOCIAL NOTICES Garden Centre FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE RECEPTION Mr, and Mrs. Frank Sugden, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Corbett | Whitby. announce the forthcom- Livingstone will be happy to re- ing marriage of their daughter, ceive their friends at the home of Mr, and Mrs, William Sik- Barbara Jean, to Mr. John Ed-| gay, 724 Glencairn street, Osh- we o ¥ j NEW Gift Set.,,Body Tals ward Piatt! Jr., son of Mr, and awa, Sunday, June 26, 1966 ; a eum, Stick Deodorant in travel . i, Os _jfrom 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m, on 'a ignt piastic, iraveisise Arter i a pin Bec Pgyrsod | occasion of thelr * golden c Shave Lotion. 5.00 sure-fire favorites for Li / |wedding anniversary, on Saturday, July 16, 1966 at Other handaome gift sets,.,1,.50 Father's Da dun 3.00 p.m, in All Saints' Anglican) FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE | to 11,50 " o 19h Church, Whitby Pacis and Mrs, Jock Minacs,| Give Him Garden Equipment and snhawa, announce e ortne | \ f FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE |coming| marriage of _ their| f Tools from Rundle's Garden Centre Dr. and Mrs, Clifton L, Kell, |daughter, Angela Deanna, to RR 2, Oshawa, wish to an-|EtTol James Lawson, son of ¥ THE BEST IN GARDENING TOOLS After Siiave A handsome, comfortable shirt and Mr, and Mrs, Norman Lawson ae Lotion. nounce the forthcoming mar|pjmmins. The : y weddin. will : YY ae , ' riage of their eldest daughter,|take place in Hart "wouse ' : BY; pod ea cer | a couple of smart new ties, That's the Ruth Anne, to Daniel William|Chapel, Toronto. True Temper Tools i ins honors in English language ee es tao tried and true never - fail way to } » ton of Mr, '8:| FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE : ' : M. J, McColl, Lindsay, The) wr, and Mrs, George Fred Wilkinson Sword Tools please him, He'll appreciate the ceremony is to take place Onlerick Hurst wish to announce T i : Saturday, July 16, 1966 at 12:30|the forthcoming marriage of Rody Taleum fashion and quality you choose heman Catholie. Church, eeyeeaget. hares Elaine TRADE-IN YOUR OLD LAWN MOWER er ae here. After all, they're his own year staining, Red Whitby. of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Bar , H fr, an i. . plastic con: x FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE |!0ski, all of Oshawa, The cere- : OR A NEW: ri 1.95 round favorites, mony is to take place on Satur. ig wilt he taunaane ke teen ats July 9, 1908, at 4.00 p.m. ' & LAWN BOY @ TORO ing marriage of their daughter, |.Srace Jatheran Church. cram avons, 0 Mt Jolt) wousenorn mvt | WAY ff @ WHEEL HORSE Protieates.s (oi EREE ot and Mrs, John C, Nailor, all of Smear the metal fixtures on for electric BOXES Oshawa, The wedding is to doors and windows with pet: ) Rundle's Only Sell Top Name Brand Equipment shavers, = 1,25 take place on Saturday, Julyjroleum jelly before painting. 23, 1966, at 3.00 p.m, in West-|Mistakes and dribbies wipe right mount United Church, Oshawa. | off after paint dries, HERE Is A GREAT SUMMER BUY ! --=-- = <_< = = = << so "1 D Vv al * Reg. 895,00 each hel tae Away Reged and, Seiad colere in Y SNOWMOBILE $825.00 Mad aay ; WALL TO WALL BROADLOOM ,| 'S . UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE FOR ALL YOUR GARDENING NEEDS AR 2 LOCATIONS | COLORFAST 2 pc, Chesterfield Only $49.00 K N | RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE osHaw D DOWNTOWN SHAWA | RAINBOW COLOR RE-NU | 2 King Bt eras senate ws sss ohn pale 1015 KING ST, EAST 725-6551 Phone 723-4621 J

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